
Post on 03-Aug-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Q6.) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Through the entirety of this production process, I have gained greater understanding of certain technologies that must be implemented in the production of any film.Throughout the production process of our filming of the opening sequence, I have understood the editing software e.g. Adobe Premier Elements and Windows Movie Maker. My understanding has greatly improved through experience because they were necessary to further improve our footage to a higher standard. Before editing ‘The Shadows That Guide Us’, I had no experience of editing programmes but learnt fast in order to make our footage to a higher standard. At first, I found the editing programmes difficult to use, especially Adobe Premier Elements. However, we swapped our footage from Adobe Premier Elements over to Windows Movie Maker which I found was a great idea because Movie Maker is an easier software to understand and use. By using Movie Maker, we were able to achieve higher standard effects because we found it the best software to use for the effects which we were aiming to achieve.

I have similarly learned how to be more effective in our usage and handling of a camera, enabling it to be easier and more effectively in the shots and angles used for our opening

film sequence, utilising a tripod to ensure the smoothness of each shot and camera movement and to combat for the highly windy weather required for our scene. Because the camera was high tech, we were able to view our shots immediately after filming them so we knew if we had to re-shoot anything if necessary. This was the first time that I had used film recording equipment at a professional standard before.

Furthermore, we had to use YouTube to get our opening film sequence onto the blog. We also used YouTube for research into existing films of the same or similar genre to our film opening. By using YouTube for research, we were able to explore a wider range of researching because amateurs can upload videos onto it.

Our understanding of YouTube has drastically expanded since the beginning of our production process. Its use was very important in order to exhibit our production to the audience and ensure its availability on our blog for the audience to view with easy access. Similarly, Slide Share was important in exhibiting our planning process for 'The Shadows That Guide Us'. We made a plethora of Power Points in order to show the audience our planning process and our thought process. In order to put the Power Points on our blog, which shows the entire process which we went through to create 'The Shadows That Guide Us', we had to use Slide Share which is a public site meaning that our opening film sequence will get more views from more audiences.

By using a wide range of different media platforms to present our researching, planning, final cuts, and evaluation for ‘The Shadows That Guide Us’, made the blog look professional and also organised.

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