q. who was the first temporary chairman of the...

Post on 20-Mar-2018






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Q. Who was the first temporary chairman of the Constituent


1) B R Ambedkar / बी आर अम्बेडकर

2) Jawahar Lal Nehru / जवाहर लाल नेहरू

3) Rajendra Prasad / राजेंद्र प्रसाद

4) Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha / डा। सच्चिदानंद च्सन्हा


1) Andhra Pradesh / आंध्र प्रदेश

2) Arunachal Pradesh / अरुणािल प्रदेश

3) West Bengal / पच्िम बंगाल

4) Goa / गोवा


Konkani is an Indo-Aryan language belonging

to the Indo-European family of languages and

is spoken along the South western coast of

India. It is one of the 22 scheduled languages

mentioned in the 8th schedule of the Indian

Constitution and the official language of the

Indian state of Goa.

1) Uttarakhand / उत्तराखंड

2) Uttar Pradesh / उत्तर प्रदेश

3) Tripura / च्िपुरा

4) Arunachal Pradesh / अरुणािल प्रदेश


Q. Triton is the moon of which planet?

1) Neptune / नेप्चचयून

2) Uranus / यूरेनस

3) Saturn / शच्न

4) Venus / शुक्र


Q. International Date line passes through middle of -------------------


1) Arctic / आकक च्िक

2) Indian / इचं्डयन

3) Atlantic / अिलांच्िक

4) Pacific / प्रशांत


Q. What is the capital of Turkey?

1) Jerusalem / जेरूसलम

2) Canberra / कैनबरा

3) Wellington / वेच्लंगिन

4) Ankara / अंकारा


Q. Who has served maximum time as the Prime Minister of India?

1) Jawaharlal Nehru / जवाहरलाल नेहरू

2) Indira Gandhi / इचं्दरा गांधी

3) Manmohan Singh / मनमोहन च्सहं

4) Lal Bahadur Shastri / लाल बहादुर शास्त्री


Q. Periyar Tiger Reserve is in which state?

1) Telangana / तेलंगाना

2) Tamil Nadu / तच्मलनाडु

3) Kerala / केरल

4) Uttarakhand / उत्तराखंड


Q. The Razmnama is a Persian translation of the .

1) Mahabharata / महाभारत

2) Ramayana / रामायण

3) Vedas / वेदों

4) Upanishads / उपच्नषद


The Razmnāma (Book of War) )is a Persian translation of the Mahabharata. In Persian, “Razm” means “war” and "nama" means “tale” or “epic”; the name Razmnamah, therefore, means a tale of war. In 1574 Akbar started a Maktab Khana or a house of translation works in Fatehpur Sikri. He endorsed the work to a few officials to make translations of the Sanskrit books Rajatarangini, Ramayana and Mahabharata into the Persian language

Q. Ajatashatru was the son of

1) Brahmadatta / ब्रह्मात्ताट्ट

2) Bindusara / च्बन्दुसारा

3) Bimbisara / च्बंच्बसारा

4) Chetaka / िेतक


Q. Article 31C of the Indian Constitution "Saving of laws giving effect to

certain directive principles" deals with?

1) the fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen / भारतीय नागररकों के मौच्लक अच्धकार

2) the State Government / राज्य सरकार

3) the Union Government / कें द्र सरकार

4) the directive principles of state policy / राज्य नीच्त के च्नदेश च्सद्ांतों


Q. Chhatrapati Sambhaji (1680–1688 AD) was the ruler of which


1) Maratha / मराठा

2) Nanda / नंद

3) Haryanka / हयंक

4) Maurya / मौयक


Q. What is the direction of torque?

1) Perpendicular to the direction of applied force / लागू बल की च्दशा में लंबवत

2) Same as the direction of applied force / लागू बल की च्दशा के समान

3) Opposite to the direction of applied force / लागू बल की च्दशा के च्वपरीत

4) Parallel to the radius / च्िज्या के समानांतर


Q. In which year, RBI was nationalized?

1) 1935

2) 1949

3) 1959

4) 1969


Q. In which part of the cell are proteins made?

1) Reticulum / रेच्िकुलम

2) Golgi apparatus / गॉल्जी उपकरण

3) Ribosomes / राइबोसोम

4) Lysosome / च्लयोसोम


Q. The decision to effect the Partition of Bengal was announced in 1905


1) Lord William Bentinck / लॉडक च्वच्लयम बेंच्िंक

2) Lord Mountbatten / लॉडक माउंिबेिन

3) Warren Hastings / वॉरेन हेच््िंग्स

4) Lord Curzon / लॉडक कजकन


Q. Parliament conducts ..................sessions each year.

1) 1

2) 2

3) 3

4) 4


Q. What is the minimum age to become the Prime Minister of India if he or

she is a member of Rajya Sabha?

यच्द वह राज्यसभा का सद्य है तो भारत के प्रधान मंिी बनने की न्यूनतम उम्र क्या है?

1) 18

2) 25

3) 30

4) 35 3

Q. The outer white part of the eye that protects the inner structures is


1) Iris / आईररस

2) Sclera / ्क्लेरा

3) Retina / रेच्िना

4) Cornea / कॉच्नकया


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