puppet module reusability - what i learned from shipping to the forge

Post on 10-May-2015






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A simple search for "puppet-apache" on GitHub returns 70 separate repositories. An awful lot of people are busy reinventing the same configuration wheel. Configuration management tools promise write once, run anywhere code; but writing code that can be used by anyone looks like a lot of work. This presentation aims to show anyone familiar with Puppet how to write reusable modules and importantly how to make them compatible with already shared modules released on the Forge or elsewhere. We'll look at when and why testing a declarative language is actually useful, examples of good and bad modules and how to re-factor puppet code for re-usability. We'll also talk about potential improvements to Puppet that would make reuse easier. Gareth Rushgrove Technical Architect, Government Digital Service Gareth Rushgrove is now a technical architect at the Government Digital Service, part of the UK Government. He is mainly interested in configuration management, infrastructure and platform as a service, deployment and monitoring tooling and the whole devops community. He thinks when used well together these allow you to move really fast, even in tightly controlled environments like Government. When not working, Gareth can be found blogging over on morethanseven.net or uploading code to GitHub. He also curates the Devops Weekly newsletter and occasionally organises community events.


Puppet Module ReusabilityLearning from shipping to the Forge

Gareth Rushgrove

Who(Who is this person?)


UK Government Digital Service

Last codeI wrote

7. Gareth Rushgrove

Last puppet module I wrote

The Problem(Sharing modules is hard)

Not invented here syndrome


A search for puppet-apache

145Gareth Rushgrove

145Gareth Rushgrove


67 contributors

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

281Gareth Rushgrove

Vendor everything pattern


Not publishing to the Forge


Puppet Forge

Undocumented modules


Official docs guidelines

(Too) opinionated configuration


Sometimes I just want to write nginx configuration

Gareth Rushgrove

Duplicate resources6

Package { 'build-essential’: ensure => installed,}

Gareth Rushgrove

Stdlib(Start here)

Standard Library from Puppetlabs

Fail fast

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

Useful error messages

Gareth Rushgrove

fail("${::operatingsystem} not supported")

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

<Puppet::Error: true is not a string.

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

Gareth Rushgrove



Gareth Rushgrove

Avoid duplicate resources

Gareth Rushgrove

Package { 'build-essential’: ensure => installed,}

Gareth Rushgrove

include 'gcc'

Gareth Rushgrove

package{[ 'python-pip', 'python-ldap',]: ensure => installed}

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

ensure_packages([ 'python-pip', 'python-ldap',])

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

Nicer interfaces

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

And much more

Gareth Rushgrove

Dependency management is


NPM, Bundler, Pip, Mix, Leiningen

Gareth Rushgrove

Librarian Puppet


echo 'modules' >> .gitignore

Gareth Rushgrove

dependency 'puppetlabs/stdlib'dependency 'garethr/erlang'dependency 'maestrodev/wget'

Gareth Rushgrove

forge "http://forge.puppetlabs.com"

mod 'puppetlabs/ruby'mod 'puppetlabs/ntp'mod 'puppetlabs/git'mod 'puppetlabs/vcsrepo'mod 'puppetlabs/apt'mod 'puppetlabs/gcc'

Gareth Rushgrove

librarian-puppet install

Gareth Rushgrove

A Nice Module Pattern(Structuring modules for reuse)


install, config, service, params

Gareth Rushgrove

manifests!"" config.pp!"" init.pp!"" install.pp!"" params.pp#"" service.pp

Gareth Rushgrove

class sample () inherits sample::params {

class { 'sample::install': } -> class { 'sample::config': } ~> class { 'sample::service': } -> Class['sample']}

Gareth Rushgrove

anchor { 'sample::begin': } ->class { 'sample::install': } ->class { 'sample::config': }class { 'sample::service': } ->anchor { 'sample::end': }

Gareth Rushgrove

Anchor['sample::begin'] ~> Class['sample::service']

Class['sample::install'] ~> Class['sample::service']

Class['sample::config'] ~> Class['sample::service']

Gareth Rushgrove

Puppet module tool

Gareth Rushgrove

puppet module generate name

Gareth Rushgrove

Default module skeleton

Gareth Rushgrove

In puppet source code

!"" manifests!"" spec!"" tests!"" Modulefile!"" .gitignore#"" README

Gareth Rushgrove

Creating your own module skeleton

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

puppet module skeleton

!"" manifests!"" spec!"" tests!"" templates!"" files!"" lib!"" Gemfile

Gareth Rushgrove

!"" Rakefile!"" .nodeset.yml!"" .fixtures.yml!"" .travis.yml!"" Modulefile!"" .gitignore#"" README.md

Gareth Rushgrove

Creates install, config, service, params classes

Gareth Rushgrove

Dependency management with Bundler

Gareth Rushgrove

Better unit testing setup using rspec-puppet-helper

Gareth Rushgrove

Adds syntax and lint checking

Gareth Rushgrove

Adds Travis CI configuration

Gareth Rushgrove

Adds integration tests with rspec-system

Gareth Rushgrove

Adds module management with maestrodev blacksmith

Gareth Rushgrove

Focus on the interface

Gareth Rushgrove

Minimize number of entry points

Gareth Rushgrove

Allow overriding provided templates

Gareth Rushgrove

Multi-OS Support(Where to abstract the differences)

Vary default parameters

Gareth Rushgrove

Keep logic in one place

Gareth Rushgrove

case $::osfamily { 'Debian': {  }  'RedHat', 'Amazon': { } default: { fail("${::operatingsystem} not su}

Gareth Rushgrove

ARM-9 Data in Modules


0.0.x supported Ubuntu only

Gareth Rushgrove

0.1.x supports Ubuntu, Debian, Redhat, Suse

Gareth Rushgrove

Gareth Rushgrove

Pull requests to the rescue

Insist on tests with open source contributions

Gareth Rushgrove

Module Testing(Code should have tests)

Why test a declarative language?

Gareth Rushgrove

Modules increasingly contain logic

Gareth Rushgrove

Modules increasingly take arguments

Gareth Rushgrove

Modules increasingly have interfaces with other modules

Gareth Rushgrove

Modules increasingly used in many Ruby and Puppet version combinations

Gareth Rushgrove

Good news. The tools got better

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

Puppetstyle guide

Availableas a gem

puppet-lint --with-filename /etc/puppet/modulesfoo/manifests/bar.pp: trailing whitespace found on line 1apache/manifests/server.pp: variable not enclosed in {} on line 56

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

Validate Puppet and ERB syntax

require 'puppet-syntax/tasks/puppet-syntax'

Gareth Rushgrove

bundle exec rake syntax---> syntax:manifests---> syntax:templates

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

Unit testing for Puppet

context "epel enabled" do let(:params) {{ :epel_enable => true }} it { should contain_class('epel') }end

Gareth Rushgrove

context "epel disabled" do let(:params) {{ :epel_enable => false }} it { should_not contain_class('epel') }end

Gareth Rushgrove

Fixtures, matchers

Test the interface not the implementation

Gareth Rushgrove

All of the above

Gareth Rushgrove

task :test => [ :syntax, :lint, :spec,]

Gareth Rushgrove

bundle exec rake test

Gareth Rushgrove

Gareth Rushgrove

Nice continuous integration

Test pull request branches too

---language: rubybefore_install: rm Gemfile.lock || truervm: - 1.8.7 - 1.9.3script: bundle exec rake testenv: matrix: - PUPPET_VERSION="~> 2.7.0" - PUPPET_VERSION="~> 3.1.0" - PUPPET_VERSION="~> 3.2.0"

Gareth Rushgrove

A matrix of possibilities

Gareth Rushgrove


Gareth Rushgrove

Integration test against real systems

Puppet helpers for rspec-system

Vagrant driver

VSphere provider

Test that Puppet runs without errors

Gareth Rushgrove

it 'should run without errors' do pp = "class { 'sample': }"

puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should == 2 endend

Gareth Rushgrove

Test runs are idempotent

Gareth Rushgrove

it 'should run without errors' do pp = "class { 'sample': }"

puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should == 2 r.refresh r.exit_code.should be_zero endend

Gareth Rushgrove

Test that the module installs relevant binaries

Gareth Rushgrove

it 'should install the erl binary' do shell 'which erl' do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /\/usr\/bin\/e r.stderr.should be_empty r.exit_code.should be_zero endend

Gareth Rushgrove

Test against different operating systems

Gareth Rushgrove

default_set: 'centos-64-x64'sets: 'centos-64-x64': nodes: "main.foo.vm": prefab: 'centos-64-x64' 'fedora-18-x64': nodes: "main.foo.vm": prefab: 'fedora-18-x64' 'debian-607-x64': nodes: "main.foo.vm":

Gareth Rushgrove

Room for improvements

(Making reuse easier in Puppet)

Run your own Forge1

A more secure Forge2

Bless a dependency management tool


Optional dependencies


dependency 'puppetlabs/stdlib'

optional_dependency 'puppetlabs/apache'

Gareth Rushgrove

Private classes5

private class elixir::install {

Gareth Rushgrove

Parameter naming conventions



Interfaces in Puppet7

interface packageandservice { $version $enable $package_name $template}

Gareth Rushgrove

class diamond ( $version,

$enable, $package_name, $template,) { implements packageandservice

Gareth Rushgrove

Questions?(And thanks for listening)

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