pupil premium strategy statement 2019-2020€¦ · total number of pupils 210 number of pp pupils...

Post on 22-Jul-2020






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Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2019-2020

2. Current attainment

Pupils eligible for PP funding 2017-18

Pupils eligible for PP funding 2018-19

Non-Disadvantaged National Gap to National

KS2 ARE Reading 33% 59% 73% -14%

KS2 ARE Writing 56% 47% 78% -31%

KS2 ARE Maths 67% 65% 79% -14%

KS2 ARE GPaS 44% 71% 78% -7%

KS2 Greater Depth Reading 11% 6% 27% -21%

KS2 Greater Depth Writing 0% 0% 27% -27%

KS2 Greater Depth Maths 11% 0% 36% -36%

KS2 Greater Depth GPaS 0% 0% 20% -20%

KS2 RWM Combined 17% 35% 71% -30%

KS2 RWM GDS Combined 0% 0% 13% -11%

KS1 ARE Reading 46% 40% 73% -33%

KS1 ARE Writing 39% 20% 78% -58%

KS1 ARE Maths 39% 20% 79% -59%

KS1 Greater Depth Reading 8% 10% 27% -17%

KS1 Greater Depth Writing 8% 0% 20% -20%

KS1 Greater Depth Maths 8% 0% 27% -27%

Year 1 Phonics Screening 69% 50% 82% -32%

Early Years GLD 58% 46% 72% -26%

Overall Attendance 93% 91% 96% -5%

1. Summary Information

Academic Year 2019-2020 Total PP funding received £118,800 Date of most recent external review

November 2017

Total number of pupils 210 Number of PP pupils 91 Date for internal review of strategy statement

June 2020

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2019-2020

3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP)

In-school barriers

A Within phonics, disadvantaged pupil’s outcomes are well below the national attainment levels, and are part of a three-year declining trend. This was due to inconsistency in the teaching of phonics as a result of staff turbulence. Disadvantaged pupils were not confident in blending and segmenting a range of phonemes. The teaching of phonics is a key improvement priority for 2019-20.

B At the end of Key Stage 1, only 40% of pupil premium children achieved the expected standard within reading. Progress between the end of EYFS and end of KS1 was slow.

C At the end of Key Stage 2, 59% of pupil premium children achieved the expected standard within reading.

D At the end of Early Years, 56% achieved the reading ELG and 50% achieved the writing ELG.

E Attendance for disadvantaged pupils was 91% in 2018-19. There was a rate of 29% persistent absence (missed at least 10% of school sessions). This continues to be a focus to ensure that all disadvantaged pupils attend school regularly.

External barriers

- Heathlands is situated in an area of deprivation, where unemployment is common. - Aspirations of pupils is low. - Parental involvement with outside agencies is limited.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2019-2020

4. Outcomes

Desired outcomes and how they will be measured Success Criteria

A To increase the percentage of disadvantaged children reaching the expected standard in the phonic screening test in Year 1 and 2.

90% of disadvantaged pupils to reach the expected standard by the end of Year 1. 100% of disadvantaged pupils to reach the expected standard by the end of Year 2

B To increase the percentage of disadvantaged children reaching the expected standard by the end of KS1 so that it better matches national outcomes.

62% of disadvantaged pupils to reach the expected standard in reading, writing and maths by the end of KS1.

C To increase the percentage of disadvantaged children reaching the expected standard by the end of KS2.

70% of disadvantaged pupils to reach the expected standard in reading, writing and maths by the end of KS2.

D To increase the percentage of disadvantaged children reaching the expected standard in reading (ELG) at the end of Early Years.

90% of disadvantaged pupils to be secure in phase 1, 2 and 3 (and accessing phase 4) by the end of Early Years. 75% of disadvantaged pupils to reach the ELG in reading.

E To improve the attendance of disadvantaged pupils. To significantly reduce the levels of persistent absence for disadvantaged pupils.

Attendance of pupils eligible for PP funding is 96% by the end of the year. The persistent absence figure is in line with national.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2019-2020

5. Planned Expenditure

Academic year: 2019-2020

i. Quality of teaching for all

Desired outcome

Chosen action/ approach

What is the evidence & rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well?

Staff lead

When will you review implementation?


A, B, C, D Individual pupils have been identified in each year group to make the progress necessary, in order to reach the expected standard or above. Interventions are put in place for all pupils. End of Key stage targets have been set for each child using FFT.

Effective self-evaluation, and the actions that flow from it, should deliver educational improvement for all pupils. Self-evaluation is an integral part of the school development planning process. The data will support planning for improvement at pupil, class, year group, key stage and whole-school level.

Targeted pupils will have their progress monitored by SLT and governing body. All school monitoring will focus around targeted groups of pupils.


On-going monitoring activities. Termly data points and assessments.

End of KS1 Outcomes:

As of March 2020:

The spring term maths teacher assessments were moderated by the Partnership and some children were moved to below due to a lack of evidence, but with a prediction of reaching ARE by the end of the summer term. This was also the case for writing.

End of KS2 Outcomes:

A, B, C, D A rigorous CPD and monitoring schedule will allow SLT to evaluate quality of teaching and provide staff with the skills and knowledge needed to raise pupil outcomes.

There is evidence that suggests that school-led CPD (using school data and tools for themselves in their own settings) can improve teaching practice and allow practitioners to increase their knowledge, skills and understanding.

Monitoring will be closely linked to the SIDP. Outcomes of monitoring will inform action planning, which will be shared with governors.


Half-termly management schedule completed and reviewed. Half-termly formal monitoring of CPD application.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2019-2020

As of March 2020:

Total budgeted cost £37,501

ii. Targeted support

Desired outcome

Chosen action/ approach

What is the evidence & rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well?

Staff lead

When will you review implementation?


A, B, C, D Use of standard improvement teachers in each Key Stage of the school, with a focus on reading.

Phonics approaches have been consistently found to be effective in supporting younger readers to master the basics of reading. Research suggests that phonics is particularly beneficial for young learners as they begin to read. On average, reading comprehension approaches deliver an additional six months’ progress. Successful reading comprehension approaches allow activities to be carefully tailored to pupils’ reading capabilities.

Whole class action plans identify all interventions and quality first teaching opportunities. Individual plans and specific pupil targets will be regularly reviewed. Monitoring of pupil data.

CM Each half term Y1 phonics as of March 2020: Whole cohort = 57% on track to pass phonics screen PP = 58% on track to pass phonics screen Non-PP = 55% on track to pass phonics screen Y2 phonics as of March 2020: 8 PP children did not pass the phonics screen in Y1 6 Non-PP did not pass the phonics screen in Y1 3 Non-PP have no Y1 phonics screen data 88% PP re-sits on track to pass phonics screen

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2019-2020

A, B, C, D Teachers will carry out pupil conferencing with disadvantaged pupils. Targeted feedback (staff CPD and marking policy).

Feedback studies tend to show very high effects on learning. Feedback redirects or refocuses either the teacher’s or the learner’s actions to achieve a goal, by aligning effort and activity with an outcome.

Each teacher will be provided with cover to carry out pupil conferencing. This will be monitored by SLT through book scrutiny, lesson observations and standardised scores.


Each half term 83% Non-PP re-sits on track to pass phonics screen Whole school reading outcomes as of March 2020:

Reception Outcomes as of March 2020:

A, B, C, D Class and individual

personalised learning plans. Use of year group and class data to identify barriers to learning. Targets and actions set for all disadvantaged pupils.

Early years and pre-school interventions have a positive impact, delivering an average of around five additional months' progress. The approach appears to be particularly beneficial for children from low income families.

1.1 meetings with class teachers on a termly basis to ensure accuracy of individual targets set. Book scrutinies with SLT and subject leaders. Accountability meetings with governors.

RB On-going Termly Year 5 Progress:

Year 1 Progress:

Year 2 Progress:

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2019-2020

Year 6 Progress:

Year 3 Progress:

Year 4 Progress:

Total budgeted cost £44,968

iii. Other approaches

Provision Map bought and used to set individual targets –

these are reviewed termly by teachers.

Development of class and individual personalised learning

plans is an area that needs to be embedded next

academic year. There will be a focus on responsive

teaching and feedback within the SIDP.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2019-2020

Desired outcome Chosen action/ approach

What is the evidence & rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well?

Staff lead

When will you review implementation?


E Increase parental engagement through communication, workshops and meetings. School monitoring of attendance (layered-approach). Attendance meetings scheduled with FSW (TS).

The school’s attendance for PP eligible and FSM pupils was below 96% in 2018-19; by increasing attendance, attainment will improve. The association between parental engagement and a child’s academic success is well established. Parents’ aspirations also appear to be important for pupil outcomes.

Monthly monitoring of attendance. Office staff/SENCO/CP to work with RB to identify families for the FSW to work with on a half-termly basis. Attendance reported to governors.


Monthly/Half Termly

Attendance: TS has worked with the office and SLT to create an attendance action plan, with a focus on PP children. Reading at home engagement levels have drastically increased this year. Parental engagement at workshops has not been as successful. Parental engagement will continue to be a part of the PP strategy and SIDP from September 2020.

Total budgeted cost £17,563

Access to additional provision (clubs etc.) Pastoral, ELSA etc.

£10,000 £13,182

Total £123,214

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