punctuality policy - woodlands...

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Punctuality Policy

Updated June 2014

Approved by Governors June 2014

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Contents ................................................................................................................................. 2

Policy Statement ..................................................................................................................... 3

Appendices/Speciment Letters ....................................................................................... 6 - 12

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Policy Statement

Good punctuality to both lessons and to school leads to higher levels of achievement within the


We know that employers set great store by punctuality and attendance and it is something we have

to comment on when writing references for your child when they leave school. We have a duty to

ensure that every pupil in our school understands the importance of punctuality. If a pupil is 5

minutes late 3 times a week, this equates to 10 hours of education missed in a year, 50 hours over a

school lifetime.

We recognise that parents / carers play a vital role, and have a legal responsibility to ensure good

punctuality and we aim to identify, investigate and work in partnership with parents / carers,

children and other agencies to resolve punctuality problems.

Aims The aim of Woodlands school’s punctuality policy is to offer parents, pupils and school staff a set of

guidelines that, when adhered to, support and promote both higher personal standards and higher

levels of achievement within the classroom.

The school believes that all members of our community should arrive on time at school and at

lessons. This is to ensure that pupils:

• gain the full benefit of their education

• avoid disrupting the learning of others

• develop good habits which will be expected by employers and others in later life.

Key Points

• Pupils are to be on school site by 8.40am each morning

• Pupils are to be on time and remain in the class for all of their five lessons

• Tutors will take the register as a first priority.

• Students are required to be at lessons on time.

• Tutors should record lateness in their electronic register

• Persistent lateness will lead to a meeting with the Head Teacher and possibly exclusion from

school. It can also involve referral to Education Welfare Officer. (see Appendix A,B,C,D)

Summary of Responsibilities and Procedures for Punctuality


• Are to ensure that their child is appropriately prepared and organised for each school day

• Are to ensure that their child leaves the family home in suitable time in order to arrive on

school by 8.40am each morning

• Are to ensure that their child has suitable means to arrive on school site (e.g. bus pass)

• To provide a note of explanation and / or inform the attendance officer of any lateness for

their child

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• are to be on school site by 8.40am each morning

• are to be waiting in an orderly manner outside of the tutor room by 8.50am each morning

• are to be on time and remain in the class for all of their five lessons

• are to be waiting in an orderly manner outside of the tutor room / assembly hall at 3.15pm

each afternoon and remain there with their form tutor / HOY until 3.00pm

• if arriving late to school before 9.00am, sign in with a member of the attendance team present

at the school gate

• if arriving late to school after 9.00am, sign in with a member of the staff in the student services


• If needing to leave school site then once receiving signed permission from the HOY then signs

out with a member of the staff in the student services office.

Office Staff - Attendance Officer, Student Services, Pastoral Assistant, Punctuality


• Attendance Officer, Pastoral Assistant, to supervise the school entrances from 8.40am to

9.00am welcoming pupils who are on time and questioning pupils who are late. The names and

tutor groups of all late pupils are recorded and same day 15 minute detention slips are issued

(see Appendix E)

• Student Services are to sign all pupils who are late after 9.00am. The names and tutor groups

of all late pupils are recorded and same day 15 minute detention slips are issued

• Attendance Officer is to monitor the late arrivals to period 1 & 2 via lesson monitor 8, Pupils

who have arrived late to these lessons but have not signed in with either student services or

staff supervising the school entrances are recorded and same day 15 minute detention slips

are issued

• Punctuality coordinator is to prepare and present punctuality to the attendance officer and

assistant Headteacher

• Punctuality coordinator is to prepare Weekly late statistics produced to enable SLT to evaluate

the strategies in place

• The Attendance Officer will send letters to parents of persistent offenders weekly with a copy

of student lateness report

Tutors and Subject Teachers

• Are required to mark the register accurately every tutor session, assembly and lesson via

lesson monitor 8, any lateness is to be recorded

• If a student is not in the room, mark the electronic register with “N”. If a student arrives late,

change the mark on the electronic register from “N” to “L” and enter the number of minutes.

• Are required to highlight any patterns of poor punctuality to their HOY or the attendance


• Are encouraged to discuss poor punctuality with a pupils and make contact with their parents /


• Will comment on punctuality with subject and form tutor reports

Head of Year / Assistant Head of Year

• The HOY will review punctuality data with line manager and agree intervention strategies

• The year team will monitor pupils punctuality via report card (See Appendix F)

• If lateness persists, the year team will contact parents and invite them into school for a


• The year team will make arrangements for all missed school to be made up by the pupil

• Will comment on punctuality with HOY reports

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Senior Leadership Team

• To review and discuss punctuality data, procedures and intervention strategies weekly within

SLT meeting

• To review and discuss punctuality data, procedures and intervention strategies weekly within

line management meetings with HOY

• To ensure all electronic registers are accurately taken and pupil punctuality is recorded

• To ensure 1 hour SLT detentions are carried out for those pupils whom failed to attend the

Punctuality Officers detention

• To place pupils in inclusion who fail to attend the SLT detention

• To prepare punctuality data and reports for school governors

• To deliver whole school training on matters relating to punctuality


• Tutors should be verbally praising students for punctuality as should subject staff. All

colleagues need to give punctuality a high profile, and verbally and visibly show that it is value

and non-negotiable.

• Tutors need to help students to work towards gaining a 100% punctuality certificate.

• Punctuality Officer, Attendance Officer Form Tutor and Head of Year is to praise good or

improving punctuality using the pastoral praise text messaging

• Pupils with an excellent annual punctuality record will publicly receive the certification at end

of year assemblies.

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Appendix A

Specimen Letter (Initial)


Looking through the register has been late on the following occasions

It is important that students arrive on time to enable our registers to be completed accurately.

If there are any problems preventing arriving at school, please do not hesitate to contact

the school.

Yours sincerely

Attendance Officer

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Appendix B

Specimen Letter (Concern)



It has come to my attention that your child is frequently late arriving to school.

I am sure that you will appreciate that from the point of view of school staff, ‘s late arrival causes

administrative problems. In addition, it disrupts the class when arrives at school after lessons have


I therefore look for to your co-operation in this matter so that a better record of regular and

punctual attendance is maintained.

If you would like to discuss this further, please contact me on 01268 – 282146.

Yours sincerely

Jill Simmons

Attendance Officer

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Appendix C

Specimen Letter (Concern)



I have written to you previously as there have been concerns over ‘s

punctuality. I note from the registration certificate that there has been very little improvement in

this and over the last school year has been late on occasions.

As I have previously mentioned late arrival into classes causes much disruption and is

frequently missing out on valuable lessons.

I will be monitoring ‘s attendance and would ask for your co-operation so that a better

record of punctual attendance is maintained.

Should continue to be late I may ask you to attend a meeting with myself and the Education

Welfare Officer in order to discuss this matt further.

If you would like to discuss this issue further please do not hesitate to contact me on 01268-282146.

Yours sincerely

Jill Simmons

Attendance Officer

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Appendix D

Specimen Letter (Concern)


RE: School Attendance


I am writing in respect of irregular attendance & punctuality to school. During this academic year

has been late 20 times. Lateness is not an option at school and should be addressed by the student

and parent. Lateness and absence together can be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.

Arriving late to school can be disruptive to other class members who have already started to work.

As you will see has an attendance rate of % since 2013. The government expectation for

secondary school is 95% which means that ’s attendance falls significantly below this level.

I look forward to seeing an immediate improvement in school attendance & punctuality. Please be

aware that I will be monitoring attendance over the next 3 weeks, if attendance & lateness does not

improve to a satisfactory level and you have not informed us of any mitigating circumstances that

would justify regular absence or lateness, you may be invited to attend a meeting in school to

discuss why there has not been an improvement.

A copy of this letter has been sent to the Education Welfare Officer attached to the school.

Yours sincerely

Jill Simmons

Attendance Officer

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Appendix E

Late detention slip


You have arrived late for school and missed Tutor.

TODAY you will attend a detention in the East Hall canteen from


Failure to attend will result in a 30 minute detention.

Mr S Amran

Assistant Head Teacher



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Appendix F

Specimen Letter (Concern)

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