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JUNE 2013

An overview …The academic year 2013-

2014 began with a lot ofenthusiasm and hope. We havejust completed two months of theacademic year with a bunch ofactivities, both academic as well asco-curricular - taking us to theshore of Formative Assessment I.

A few weeks more to closethe school for the summervacation.

Its great to reminiscent our pastmemorable endeavors, and to lookforward to a more challengingshore ahead.

SYLLABUS FOR JUNE 2013 No Subject Topics

1 Chemistry Physical & Chemical Change

2 Biology Nutrition & Animals

3 Physics Heat

4 Hindi Letter & Paragraph Writing, Grammar

5 Maths Rational Numbers, Powers and Exponents

6 Arabic The Aviation

7 English Grammar:- Active & Passive Voice, Degrees of Comparison, Biography WritingLiterature:- Somebody’s Mother and Helping Hand

8 Social Science

Changing Faces of the Earth – 2The Turkish InvasionThe State GovernmentThe Atmosphere and Its Temperature



• Assembly on Sports– Grade7C

• Students of grade 7Cconducted the assembly onthe theme “Importance ofsports “ Students confidentlyspoke about the importanceof sports. They alsopresented various facts onsports besides conducting aquiz on Sports.


Talent Show - I’ am Special:• In the words of Larry bird, “a

winner is someone whorecognizes his god given talent,works his tail off to develop theminto skills, and uses these skills toaccomplish his goals”.

• Students exhibited their talentsunder various categories such assinging- cinematic, western andclassical, instrumental- keyboard,guitar, violin and drum, dancing.


Field trip to Iceland and Dream land

• “All works and no play makeJack a dull boy” – a maxim.To give students a welcomebreak from their rigorousacademic schedule, theschool organised two picnics-one for the girls to Iceland inRas Al Khaimah, and for theboys to Dream land in UmmAl Quwain.

• Students came back fullyrecharged and totallyenergised.

13.05.2013Mothers Week Assembly

• The Class assembly by grade7 D was conducted on the13th of May 2013 depictingthe theme MOTHERHOOD.Speech, skits etc.,highlighting the divinity ofmotherhood were presentedby the students. Theyreiterated the fact that forevery success they enjoy intheir lives, mothers’ supportis pivotal.


13.05.2013Mom and Me Day

• On the 13th May the corridors ofgrades 6 and 7 classrooms wereteaming with enthusiasticmothers with bags filled withingredients for the mouthwatering things they were tomake. The mothers with theirrespective child prepared eithera salad or a desert in their child’sclassroom. The children workedin tandem with their mothers tomake the event a great success.

14.05.2013Demo Class

• Demo class by the students ofgrade 4 was conducted.

• Learning is a continuousprocess. It never stops as wegrow. We learn from everyone,young or old. Hence, thestudents of grade 4 conducteda DEMO Class for the studentsof grade 7 in the auditorium.

• It was indeed a learningexperience for the students ofgrade 7.


18.05.2013The Annual Prize Day

• The 2nd Annual Prize distributionto the students was organizedat the school auditorium toencourage the students tocontinue to tread towardsExcellence.

• Indeed it was a memorableevent in the life of all who hadwitnessed and participated.

• The principal in her addressencouraged the students tocontinue to excel not only instudies but also in all of theirendeavors.

20.05.2013Class Assembly.

• The Class assembly by grade 6Awas conducted on 20.05.13depicting the theme Safety.Speech, skits etc. were organizedbased on the theme ‘Safety’.

• The assembly shared a lot ofinformation on different safetymeasurements. Overall, all thestudents put in their very best-being natural on the stage- andperformed very confidentlyexhibiting lots of enthusiasm.



26.05.2013Pen and Paper Assessment for

FA IThe pen and the paperassessment for FA I commencedfor all the classes with a lot ofexpectation to prove on recordthe impact of the past hardclass room academic days.The assessment is beingconducted during the 2nd periodon all days.

30.05.2013Inter - House Pick & Act

CompetitionThe inter-house pick and actcompetition was held at theschool auditorium toencourage the budding actorsof the school to exhibit theirhidden talents before theaudience.The students took keeninterest in the competition.

Picture Gallery

A few Reminders-1. Kindly Check your child’s

School diary everyday for HW and other important communication.

2.Check the School Website and your Email box daily for School updates

3. Use LMS daily to update the work-sheets and resources.

Please go through your child's diary everyday without fail even if there is nothing new.

The circulars sent might be in the form of print out or as a mail to your mail id. Please check every day.

Please label all the child’s belongings including uniforms and swimming accessories to avoid confusion

Home assignments will be sent at regular intervals during this term. It will be based on the concepts taught at school. Your child should be able to do them on their own with less parents involvement. In case the child has any difficulty please inform the class teacher through mail. Your feedback is valuable in the learning process.

Kindly read Pg. No. 15 of school diary for Birthday Policy.

Please go through our school website -www.jsspsdubai.com on regular basis for all updates.

Please note: Change in any contact details (Phone number, email, P O box number, residential address) should be informed to the admission department at admission@jsspsdubai.com.

Field tripTo sharjahIslamic museum

Open house

Wackly wednesday

Quirat competition

Dad & me week/ fathers day

Health and safety weekClass party


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