ptg feb 2011 - · ten ugliest and goofiest...

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Pretty T Girls The Magazine for the most beautiful girls in the world

February 2011


In This Issue Page An Apology to Trisha Leigh 3 Editorial - Police Abuse 4 Dec 1, 1952 Ex GI Becomes Blonde Beauty 5 The 5 Toughest Laundry Stains Solved 7 Top 10 Most Common Makeup Mistakes 8 11 Mistakes Women Make in Middle Age 9 The Female of the Species 13 Women and Shoes—A Love Story 14 10 Winter Skin Care Tips 15 Real Women Don’t Dress Like That 17 The Bat The Bird The Beast Revisited 19 Hate Violence—Increasing Your Safety 20 The Exploits of Barbara Marie 22 Humor 28 Angels in the Centerfold-Covergirl Contestants 29 TG Tips by Mellissa 32 The Birth of Femville, Chapter 11 (final chapter) 37 Should Children be Introduced to the Concept of Transgenderism? 41 Three Feminine Movement Mistakes to Avoid 43 Should Parents Worry if Sons Likes to dress as Girls? 44 The Gossip Fence—Transgendered in the News 46 Shop Till You Drop—Advertisers 58 February Calendar 65


An Apology to Trisha Leigh Well it seems that this old gal has screwed up big time. While comprising the list of cover girls for the 2011 cover girl contest, it seems I put Tiffany Davis as being the cover girl for April 2010 when it fact it was Miss Trisha Leigh, an error the cheated her out of the chance of being voted Miss 2011. I make no excuse for this mistake, only to say that the fault did lie with me and me only. Barbara Jean


Police Abuse an Editorial by: Barbara Jean Do police have the right to abuse us, to treat us like dirt, well looking at various articles that come down the net it seems that they do. In Memphis officer Bridges McRae beat Duanna Johnson in the jail booking room because she would not respond to being called by the F word. Another officer held her down as he beat her with his handcuffs. OK, bad enough, but nothing was done by the police department until someone leaked the video to one of the TV news stations. Now it’s C.Y.A., the investigation is into who leaked the video to the news. Were it not for a public outcry nothing would have been done against officer McRae or his partner. Assault charges were being placed against Miss Johnson because she tried to protect herself from the beating that Officer McRae was giving her. Again the story comes down, this time in Washington D.C. (see article in this months Gossip Fence) Chloe Moore has a man hurl transphobic remarks at her and then pushes her. In de-fense she pepper sprayed the guy. As she ran to get away from him he ran and tackled her to the ground and then flashes a badge at her identifying himself as Officer Raphael Radon of the DC Police Department. Radon and his friends have their own version of the story, of course, but Moore’s is backed up by an uninvolved witness. The two police officers who responded to the scene determined Ra-don started the altercation and may have committed a bias-related assault. But supervisor Captain Michelle Williams overrode their recommendation and had Moore charged and arrested. Officer Radon has not been charged with anything. Officer Radon never identified himself as being a police officer until AFTER Miss Moore tried to defend herself and he then tackled her and pinned her to the ground.. So now it seems that we cannot even defend ourselves when attacked. The stories above are really not uncommon. Time and time again a news story comes down where a member of our community is mistreated by those who are suppose to protect and to serve us. Public officials who seem to feel that the badge allows them to ignore any laws when it comes to members of the LGBT community. Misconduct in the line of duty by a police officer is investigated by what is called an internal affairs division. But I question can we trust them to be impartial? Are they all still part of that good ole boy network that seems so prevalent? It is my hope at this time that Miss Moore will obtain the services of a lawyer and that a civil suit is placed against both the officer that attacked her and his supervisor. While the stories we receive concern abuse to members of the LGBT community, we do have to


remember that it is not limited to our community. Even yet today people are being abused by the police due to their race, or religion, and a host of other reasons. Anyone who is in a minor-ity seems to be subject to discrimination. Police officers are no different that common citizens when it comes to likes and dislikes, but they are an authority figure and are not suppose to exer-cise their personal feeling in dealing with the public. Some advocate educating the police officers, but just as they say you can lead a horse to water you cannot make him drink, so too you can teach someone, but you cannot make them follow instructions. A quality police force is something all communities desire. I am not sure there is any way to insure that only the truly best and qualified are hired. We can only hope that incidents such as the above will help to weed out the bad apples.

Photos: This 1975 triptych shows Christine Jorgensen when she was known as George in 1943, in 1952 immediately after her historic sex change, and in 1975 when she was nearing age 50. The center photo is the one she sent her parents in 1952, in a letter explaining the transforma-tion. Jorgensen died in 1989. Bettmann/Corbis

Dec. 1, 1952: Ex-GI Becomes Blonde Beauty 1952: It’s front-page news when George Jorgensen Jr. is reborn as Christine Jorgensen, gaining international celebrity and notoriety as the first widely known person to undergo a successful sex-change operation.


Jorgensen, who grew up in the Bronx, in her words, a “frail, tow-headed, introverted little boy who ran from fistfights and rough-and-tumble games,” was drafted into the Army just after World War II. Military service only reinforced Jorgensen’s belief that she was, in fact, a woman trapped in a man’s body. After receiving her discharge, Jorgensen returned home and first heard about “sex-reassignment surgery,” which was being performed only in Sweden. (It was illegal almost everywhere else, including the United States.) Encouraged, Jorgensen began taking female hormones on her own, then headed for Sweden. She never made it. Stopping in Denmark to visit relatives in Copenhagen, Jorgensen was intro-duced to Christian Hamburger, a Danish surgeon who specialized in the kind of surgery she was seeking. He agreed to take the case and put his patient on hormone-replacement therapy as they prepared for surgery. Several surgeries were required, the first one consisting of castration, which was only carried out after permission was obtained from the Danish minister of justice. At the time of Jorgensen’s transformation, Hamburger did not give her an artificial vagina, so she remained “anatomically incorrect” for several years before undergoing a vaginoplasty in the United States. The hormone therapy resulted in profound changes to Jorgensen’s body. Fat was redistributed, and she began to take on the contours of a woman. Subsequent surgeries completed the process until she was ready to step into the spotlight. Jorgensen’s sex change, which may have been leaked to the press by Jorgensen herself, hit the headlines Dec. 1, creating an international sensation. “Ex GI Becomes Blonde Beauty” screamed the banner of Jorgensen’s hometown New York Daily News. In fact, Jorgensen was not the first person to undergo sex-reassignment surgery. During the rol-licking Weimar period, German doctors performed the surgery on at least two patients. The dif-ference, in Jorgensen’s case, was that she underwent hormone-replacement therapy in conjunc-tion with the surgery. The earlier surgeries were strictly cut-and-paste. Although Jorgensen complained frequently about the jackals of the press, she did become something of a publicity hound and took most of the tasteless remarks with good grace, laugh-ing off jokes such as, “Christine Jorgensen went abroad and came back a broad.” She turned to acting and became a nightclub singer as well, performing, predictably, “I Enjoy Being a Girl.” But Christine Jorgensen’s world was not an enlightened one, particularly when it came to transgenderism. She paid the cost for this lack of sophistication. A first announced engagement fell through, and a second one failed as well, when the state of New York refused to issue the couple a marriage license. Her intended husband also lost his job when the marriage plans be-came known. She later traveled the lecture circuit, talking about her experiences and advocating for the nas-cent transgender cause. Jorgensen died of cancer in 1989, a few weeks short of age 63.


The 5 Toughest Laundry Stains Solved You don't have to be a fashionista to be a laundry maven. Proctor & Gamble once estimated Americans do 35 billion loads of laundry a year -- about 100 million tons annually. Considering that was 14 years ago (the report is from 1996), chances are the numbers are up even higher these days. So what has changed in this economy? We need to get the most out of our clothes to keep our costs down -- and that means stained clothes need to turn out bright and shiny. There's no need to throw them in the waste bin anymore: 1. Grease. You can go all-natural with talcum powder or embrace the MacGyver in you with WD-40. Any of these four options should do the trick to save your favorite tee. 2. Blood. Take a page out of the nurse's handbook and grab the peroxide 3. Grass. Soak your stain in water, then hit it with a sponge soaked in alcohol. Don't rub hard or you'll set the stain! Follow it up by pouring a bit of your favorite liquid detergent on the spot and gently rubbing the fabric together. 4. Red Wine . Forget club soda! Hit the medicine cabinet for the shaving cream to save your dress. 5. Deodorant Stains . Attack them as soon as the shirt is removed with some vinegar and water, then launder as usual.


Top 10 Most Common Makeup Mistakes from Yahoo Style

Ever spot a serious makeup mistake and think, "I wonder if she knows?" Chances are she does-n't, and she'll walk in to her next corporate meeting or parent/teacher conference totally oblivi-ous to her makeup faux pas. Don't let that blurred vision of beauty become you! Review the top ten ugliest and goofiest makeup mistakes women make and give yourself an honest grade. Then share your new found information and make the world a prettier place. Concealer/Foundation Confusion Cruise the Internet long enough and you will come across all sorts of advice on this subject; concealer and foundation application. Never before have so many women got such bad advice and it shows. The real key to good concealer and foundation coverage is to start with a moistur-ized face. Then dab yellow concealer sparingly on brown or red spots. Don't worry about blend-ing it in; it's concealer. Then apply your foundation. Do not put concealer over mineral powder or cream to powder makeup—it won't blend! You'll end up with an obvious patch job. Ugh! Wrong Foundation Shade Okay "summer girl" let go of the dark foundation. Your tan is gone and there is no sense in pre-tending. Let go of your summer foundation shade and embrace a paler, prettier you. Something to remember when shopping for foundation shades—color match to your jawbone, not your hand. Your hand skin is always darker than your facial skin. Excessive Concealer I hate watching my favorite all chick talk shows and seeing the show host wearing obvious white circles under her eyes. Girlfriend! Lay off the excessive under eye concealer or at least invest in one that does a little better job matching your skin tone. White is alright but too much of it will give you the reverse raccoon look. Heavy Handed Eyeliner I (sadly) am old enough to remember burning the tip of kohl black eyeliner before applying it to the inner rim of my eyelid. In the eighties, we liked our hair big and our eyeliner dark. Fortu-nately, style-wise, those days are over. Don't ring your eyes excessively, instead focus on using attractive colors in a flattering way. Over Frosted Eye Shadow Some may disagree with me but too much frosted eye shadow looks well... cheap. A bit of shimmer under the brows, a touch on the lid, these are pretty effects. However covering your eyelid from top to bottom with unblended, globbed on eyeshadow is unattractive. Go easy on the frosting!


Dry Face No matter how much makeup you apply, you can't hide a dry face. After your morning cleanse, moisturize your skin. This will make your makeup application smooth and silky looking. With-out moisture, makeup looks cracked and unflattering. Wacky Eyebrows Your eyebrows matter! Over penciled or super thin eyebrows are a mistake. At the opposite end of the spectrum, you'll find the gal who has never used a tweezer in her life. I hope you fall in neither category. Visit a professional stylist who can give you a good base waxing. He or she will shape those brows and give you a great template to maintain. Dark Lip Liner For a brief time in the nineties dark lip liner over light lipstick may have been fashionable. If it was, the fad is now over. Please toss away the black lip liner and use a more flattering color. Blending Your Makeup Sometimes we get a flawless finish but forget to blend. This common mistake will leave you looking like you are wearing a mask. Buy a cosmetic sponge and blend, blend, blend! Mascara Marks Occasional mascara marks are expected, we all get in a hurry. However, chronic mascara prints may have your friends and coworkers snickering. The problem may result from trying to apply mascara without your glasses. If that's you, the solution is simple. Buy a tabletop magnification mirror. You won't need your glasses to get perfect mascara.

11 mistakes women make in middle age By Ashley Macha Let’s not kid ourselves. Getting older is a drag, and middle age is particularly fraught with tension. Do the sexy clothes you wore in the past now seem just plain wrong? Will smoky eye makeup that looks great on 19-year-olds make you appear just plain crazy? Part of the problem is that aging often requires change, but most women don’t want to move to a frumpy town called Middle Age, where sensible shoes and boring clothes are de rigueur. Here are the 11 most common mistakes aging women make—and how to avoid them. Not realizing you need to change The biggest mistake women make is not doing anything at all. Hair, makeup, and clothing that made you look fantastic in your younger years, often won’t cut it as you grow older.


If you want to age gracefully, you’ll need to make some changes. “Many women keep doing the same things they’ve been doing for decades, which very often no longer works and may not be as flattering for a woman over 50,” says Barbara Grufferman, au-thor of The Best of Everything After 50: The Experts’ Guide to Style, Sex, Health, Money, and More. “They often don’t even realize they are making mistakes, so it’s all about finding what those mistakes are before they can happen.” Not spending enough on your clothes Remember the good old days, when you could snag a bikini off the sale rack and look like hot stuff on the beach? Unfortunately, those days are gone. (Unless you’re Madonna, Helen Mirren, or happen to look like them.) The rest of us need to invest in clothing that’s a bit more, well, constructed. Think Lycra panels, butt-boosting jeans, and Spanx. It’s a challenge to find flattering clothes at any age, but it’s even harder in middle age. You’ll probably need to fork over more dough for body-squeezing swimsuits and well- fitted business clothes that do the trick. Comparing yourself to you in your 20s Have your kids ever asked, “Who’s that pretty lady in your photo album?” You’re not alone. Few people look as attractive in middle age as they did in their younger years. So take a walk down memory lane if you must, but don’t get depressed if you run into your younger self. The goal is to look as good as you can—and be as healthy as you can—not recreate the body and face you had decades ago. Skipping exercise Tempted to stop working out as you get older? (Or use it as another excuse not to start?) Sorry, that won’t cut it. You’ll have to exercise despite the aches and pains of middle age—the bum knee, tricky back, or it-just-makes-me-feel- like-hell feeling. Exercising can actually relieve pain, and stave off health problems in coming years, such as creeping weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, or dementia. If you can manage a marathon, great. If not, now is the time to check out the gym pool, start taking yoga, or fall in love with power walking.


Not getting enough sleep Gone are the days when you could stay up all night and still make it to work with a glowing complexion and a spring in your step. The fact is, you may have heard a “you look tired” comment even after a good night’s sleep. (It’s OK to grit your teeth on that one.) While it may be tempting to shortchange sleep, particularly if you’re juggling parent- and child-care duties, this may be one more thing you need to change. Fewer hours of sleep are more likely to show up on your face, true. But it’s also linked to a greater risk of diabetes and other health problems, which become even more important as you age. Ignoring your teeth You may be focusing on your wrinkles or thinning hair, but don’t forget to smile at yourself in the mirror. One thing that can make you appear older is yellowing teeth, but it is about more than just looks. Dental health is closely linked with overall health, and gum disease—which gets more common as you age—has been associated with a higher risk of heart problems. So don’t skip those visits to the dentist. Overdoing anti-aging efforts This is a common mistake made by celebrities and real women alike. No one likes crow’s-feet or laugh lines, but a frozen Botox face or scary lip plumping isn’t a great look either. The right skin products (such as those containing retinol) can help diminish fine lines and wrinkles. If you’re not happy with the result, then explore other alternatives—but don’t aim to look like a teen again. “No wrinkles can be unrealistic and unnatural,” says Grufferman. Thinking there are hair “rules” Do you have to cut your tresses short or above the shoulders once you’re 50? No, because there aren’t really any hair “rules” for middle-aged women, says Grufferman. “It depends on a woman’s height, shape, lifestyle, and the condition of her hair.” The fact is that your hair will probably get more gray and thin as you age, and the texture may get coarser as well.


Choose a cut and color that’s flattering, keeping in mind that it probably won’t be the cut and color that worked for you in your 20s and 30s. Using the wrong makeup The makeup colors and brands you’ve been wearing for years probably don’t reflect what’s best for your skin anymore. And resist the urge to slather on heavy-duty powders and concealers to cover up wrinkles and under-eye circles as caked-on or dark makeup can make you seem even older. For a more natu-ral look, Grufferman suggests using a magnifying mirror and having a “lighter touch” when ap-plying. Keep your cosmetic bag current—replace foundations, powders, and concealers every 6 months to a year, and steer clear of dated makeup styles too. Settling for a boring sex life Our culture tends to sell the message that young equals sexy, but you don’t have to buy into it. You should have the confidence and freedom to dress and feel as sexy as you want to, and ex-plore your sexual needs as well. “Women over 50 can have the best sex of their lives,” Grufferman says. “For many women, it’s the first time they are having sex for fun and enjoyment, not for a result (children)." Wearing the wrong bra It’s inevitable—gravity has an impact on our bodies. But while you might be saggy where you were once perky, that doesn’t mean you have to stay that way. “Many women continue to wear the same size and brand they’ve always worn, without consid-ering that our bodies change as we age,” says Grufferman. The right underwear can help lift and slim your body, so re-evaluate your undergarments and invest in some new pieces. Most large department stores and lingerie shops offer free bra-fitting services.

Sunday, April 3 thru Friday, April 8, 2011

"A Vacation, not a Convention"

General registration opens mid-February.


The Female of the Species Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) WHEN the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride, He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside. But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail. For the female of the species is more deadly than the male. When Nagged the basking cobra hears the careless foot of man, He will sometimes wriggle sideways and avoid it if he can. But his mate makes no such motion where she camps beside the trail. For the female of the species is more deadly than the male. When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws, They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws. 'Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale. For the female of the species is more deadly than the male. Man's timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say, For the Woman that God gave him isn't his to give away; But when hunter meets with husbands, each confirms the other's tale— The female of the species is more deadly than the male. Man, a bear in most relations—worm and savage otherwise,— Man propounds negotiations, Man accepts the compromise. Very rarely will he squarely push the logic of a fact To its ultimate conclusion in unmitigated act. Fear, or foolishness, impels him, ere he lay the wicked low, To concede some form of trial even to his fiercest foe. Mirth obscene diverts his anger—Doubt and Pity oft perplex Him in dealing with an issue—to the scandal of The Sex! But the Woman that God gave him, every fibre of her frame Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed and engined for the same; And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail, The female of the species must be deadlier than the male. She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast May not deal in doubt or pity—must not swerve for fact or jest. These be purely male diversions—not in these her honor dwells— She the Other Law we live by, is that Law and nothing else. She can bring no more to living than the powers that make her great As the Mother of the Infant and the Mistress of the Mate.


And when Babe and Man are lacking and she strides unclaimed to claim Her right as femme (and baron), her equipment is the same. She is wedded to convictions—in default of grosser ties; Her contentions are her children, Heaven help him who denies!— He will meet no suave discussion, but the instant, white-hot, wild, Wakened female of the species warring as for spouse and child. Unprovoked and awful charges—even so the she-bear fights, Speech that drips, corrodes, and poisons—even so the cobra bites, Scientific vivisection of one nerve till it is raw And the victim writhes in anguish—like the Jesuit with the squaw! So it comes that Man, the coward, when he gathers to confer With his fellow-braves in council, dare not leave a place for her Where, at war with Life and Conscience, he uplifts his erring hands To some God of Abstract Justice—which no woman understands. And Man knows it! Knows, moreover, that the Woman that God gave him Must command but may not govern—shall enthral but not enslave him. And She knows, because She warns him, and Her instincts never fail, That the Female of Her Species is more deadly than the Male.

Women and Shoes: A Love Story First there was Cinderella, then there was Carrie Bradshaw. We explain the fascinating reasons why footwear is seducing our imaginations — and emptying our wallets — more than ever. Long before spiked heels with exotic names (Louboutin, anyone?) be-came objects of desire, chicks have been shoe-crazy. But recently, we got proof of exactly how crazy: While sales of most things have plum-meted thanks to the recession, footwear sales have gone up compared to the same period last year. Yes, buying a pair of shoes has always had near-supernatural effects — like instantly updating an outfit from

last year or just making you feel hotter than hell — but that doesn't fully explain how footwear is beating the odds in sales. Trust science to have the answer: Turns out, we've always been wired for shoe lust, even when the going gets tough. Happy Feet First of all, there's some serious mood-boosting going on when you try on any kind of apparel. "The neurotransmitter dopamine is released, providing a feel-good high, similar to taking a drug," says Martin Lindstrom, a branding expert for Fortune 100 companies and author of Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy. "The dopamine increases until you swipe your debit card." Usually, the high then flatlines, and guilt starts creeping in...except, that is, when the item you're purchasing is a pair of shoes. "Shoppers rationalize shoes as a practical buy — something they can wear multiple times a week — so they hold on to that pleasurable feeling longer," says Lindstrom.


But it's not just dopamine at work. Shoes' mood-altering traits also come from another brain re-action, says Lindstrom. Buying new footwear stimulates an area of the brain's prefrontal cortex termed the collecting spot. "Shoes are a collector's item, whether women realize they perceive them that way or not," says Suzanne Ferriss, PhD, editor of Footnotes: On Shoes. Just think of how they're often stored artfully on shoe trees and shelves. "They're like sculptures," says Fer-riss. As a result, collecting each type provides a mini-adrenaline rush similar to the satisfaction a stamp collector gets when he acquires a rare find. A Higher Power All those wonderful feelings are intensified when you choose high heels...but again, it's biology, not Jimmy Choo, at work. "Like most animals, we're wired to associate height with power," says Helen Fisher, PhD, professor of anthropology at Rutgers University. "High heels can liter-ally raise your status because you're taller when you wear them." Heels carry historical significance as well, adding to their appeal. In previous centuries, only the wealthy wore high heels — everyone else had practical footwear to do manual labor. "Shoes were a measure of class," says Fisher, "and we still have a bit of that mind-set ingrained in us." Sexual Heeling Now go even higher — to stilettos — and another element rears its head: sex. Stilettos are un-doubtedly foxy, but why, exactly? "When a woman wears them, she assumes a primal mating pose called lordosis," says Fisher. "Her butt lifts, and her back arches." But there's more to it than how hot your ass looks. According to Daniel Amen, MD, author of The Brain in Love, our minds are structured in a way that may associate feet with sex. "The area of the brain that communicates with the genitals is right next to the area that deals with the feet," says Dr. Amen. "These regions share neural crosstalk, which may be why shoes can be erotic." And we thought it was just our lust for high style talking.

10 winter skincare tips by: Joanna Douglas Shine Staff We may sweat more, shave more, and soak up more sun in warmer months, but with the winter comes a whole new tricky set of beauty issues we must contend with. Slathering on head-to-toe moisturizer may seem like the solution, but dried out flaky skin involves a little more work. Ava Shambam, a Santa Monica, California based dermatologist, has provided 10 simple tips to ward off low-temperatures, gusty winds, and dry heat. Follow these basic rules and you’ll stay silky smooth all over till spring. 1. Opt for oil-based moisturizers

“Dr. Shamban says the main switch in your winter skin care regimen should be selecting an oil-based moisturizer, so look for one that contains avocado or almond oil. These “will lock the moisture in your skin and build a protective layer on the top surface,” says Dr. Shamban. “Water based moisturizers can be damaging to your skin, especially during cold climate, because the water freezes in your skin.” Apply liberally whenever your skin feels dry.


2. Don’t forget your sunscreen Just because it’s cold out doesn’t mean the sun isn’t strong, especially when it can reflect off snow. Dr. Shamban suggests applying an SPF 15-30 to your face (and hands if they’re exposed) about 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply if you’re spending the day out-side. 3. Use a humidifier Heat can dry out more than just your sinuses. With added moisture in the air, your skin won’t be as flaky. 4. Avoid very hot water It may feel good, but Dr. Shamban says you should never shower, bathe, or wash your face with extremely hot water. “It can not only break the capillaries in the face, but also break down the lipid barriers in the skin, which will lead to a loss of moisture.” She says adding a few drops of Jojoba or almond oil to a bath can nourish and hydrate dry skin. 5. Hydrate skin while it's damp Applying moisturizer immediately after taking a shower or washing your face will help lock-in moisture. 6. Never ever lick your lips Stash soothing lip balms in your purse, car, and desk to keep lips from chapping. Dr. Sham-ban says you can also apply few drops of olive oil mixed with few drops of honey to your lips for few minutes to hydrate. 7. Swap your liquid foundation for a cream formula Liquid foundation can actually freeze! “One of the benefits of using cream is that it will give your skin an extra protective layer and help keep the moisture in your skin,” says Dr. Shamban. 8. Don’t ever leave the house with wet hair Have you ever had your hair freeze in the cold? This will cause damage to your scalp and hair can actually break off, so it may be better to shower in the evening. Since hair can get dry and damaged just like our skin, protect it by conditioning more in the winter and blow dry hair on a cooler setting. 9. Wear a hat to prevent a dry scalp Besides keeping you warm, a hat will hold in moisture and protect your scalp from dry air and flaking. Make sure your hat is not too tight and made of breathable material. 10. Give your hands extra love “The skin on our hands are extremely thin, which means they already have a limited amount of moisture,” says Dr. Shamban. Apply moisturizer frequently, especially after washing your hands, and avoid cotton gloves, which absorb moisture and stay wet.


(ed. Note: On another board a post was made where a member was told that real women do not dress like that. Below is one of the responses to that post.) "Real women don't dress like that!" by: saintsuelle So far, I've not gotten this response, but something quite close, it usually is more related to how I might dress anachronistically (wrong era), but I do so defiantly because in the previous cen-tury (20th), it may have been a time where everyone followed others on fashion, and it was only the few that led. Now that we are in the 21st century, I'd hope 'all styles' both old and novel are 'okay', and all of us appreciate the old for its best, and seek the new when it is also pleasing. I would prefer to lead, rather than follow... prefer to empower, rather than fell dictated, as to how I dressed or looked. Agree... some women simply don't understand that they are undermining their own assertion by making references to either themselves or others who don't dress, or look, or act, the way we do, when we are not interested in dressing, looking, or acting those specific ways that they are themselves doing. Often women who have gotten into their 'groove' in life as to when to dress-up, doll-up, etc and when not to, have already settled into a comfort zone of when they will feel the necessity to do so, and when to remain 'dressed down' for the rest of the time. So when they see us 'dressed up' in moments which they think inappropriate because it mismatches their life-time of 'wisdom' of when to or not, overlooking the fact we are going through the process of 'making up' for a lifetime we missed in which they already have already dispensed with, and we have just barely begun in terms of exploring our gender expression via our dress and make-up, via our appearance of how we present ourselves. We do so thinking that if not today, tomorrow may not come, and thus every day we don't try out dressing 'en femme' is a day wasted and may risk 'never' experiencing exploratory self expression if we were to meet an untimely end the very next day. I want to be able to 'live for now' and hopefully make each and every day count just in case if I forgo with it today, tomorrow doesn't arrive, and it will be a life lived less ful-filled, as our time is much shorter, a 'fraction' of that of women who had a full lifetime of ma-turing into their womanhood from girlhood. What I more often come across is this: "Look, I'm a woman, see, and I don't dress like that nor put on make up or have long finger-nails!" My response usually is, I know, but I am not interested in dressing or looking like you, but rather just wanting to be me at my own pace in my ways. If I happen to 'look like I am dressing up like a woman', that simply means she is implying it is unacceptable for me NOT to look like her which is my intent in the first place!!! We live in peculiar times, where the "man's world" meant in being 'included' meant falling in line with the 'rest of the guys', act like men, dress like men, look uniform, don't look 'pretty' or have colorful feminine 'flourished' look (fancy?). Thus we have needed to empower our wives, sisters, and daughters to 'be more like equals with men', and often it meant taking the femininity which is 'forbidden' in the arena where 'men work


and play' out of our women or girls. Yes, it means we had finally made our men's world more 'reasonably inclusive' but at a price of masculinizing our females. It is, however, great that feminists who also fought hard for equality early on, also later, tried to re-empower femininity back for themselves too. That it is okay to be rough and tough like the men, yet still have the flexibility to be soft and 'pretty' (dolled up option). This gives them a broader range of self-expression in life than having to toss out a part of what they can be so naturally, naturally feminine both in dress, expression, look, or actions. Also there is the battle of course of the artificially impossible push in the media of having eve-ryone getting to look like the 'ideal gorgeous female'; and it can be disempowering and discour-aging that ALL of us can never look so 'perfect'. But this 'perfection' is contrived so it can drive us to self-examine ourselves whether we measure up or not. Nothing wrong with doing our best to be presentable, neat, groomed, clean, etc so we can look our individual best. But it becomes ridiculous when we start trying to look all like that 'perfect media beauty'. On the other hand, we as CDers or TG/TS presenting ourselves 'en femme' at the little time we think we have left to do so, is a way of recognizing our physical limitations, and know we can still feel and look beautiful without any comparison to those 'media idealizations of beauty'. And it is also a form of wishing that the crazy "Man's world" that we allowed to de-feminize our females had gone over-done to the point of wiping out all the things we love about the fe-male's options for more full unguarded, unrestrained feminine self-expression (dress, look, act-ing, expression, etc) It is our way of defiantly giving our females a reason to see that it is okay to look 'girly' and not feel good enough to look as a 'beautiful woman', that all woman are beau-tiful, and never too 'homely' to not look quite beautiful if simply dolled up. I always feel good when I dress supposed at the 'wrong times', yet it empowers younger girls (especially GG's who still struggle with self- image) that, hey, they can look 'dolled up' anytime, and not have their mothers or peers pressure them that they cannot 'doll up' whenever they like... (we do! and if it helps them to do too, all the more power to all!) Nowadays, I always appreciate any female who makes effort to look dolled up even if it seems like the 'wrong time' to do so, and I have no interest in conforming to those who think only 'sometimes' one can dress up or doll up. As I am already fed up with being surrounded by women who 'dress down' because they either think they aren't good enough for it 'whenever they like' or they think they must 'fit in' so avoid dressing up and being 'stand offish'. Women have to take control BACK to empowering themselves NOT to conform to 'when-can' and 'when-cannot' to dress up by others, society, or their peers. As WE as CDers, or TG/TS dressing up also on our OWN TERMS, the world 'be damned' if they don't like it, because in fact WE HAVE dictated we are dressing up with zero interest in approval of others. That when we show we are 'masters' of what we do, and when we do it, it lends itself to 'born females' to do like-wise. For them to be just as defiantly non-conformist and allow themselves, their self-expression to rule rather than to be dictated.


When many of us as CDers, TS/TGs who dressup know full well we are no 'beauty hot gor-geous chick models' have no qualms to 'doll up' to look 'pretty' in spite of our considerably 'testosteronized' starting point, it actually empowers all women who may think they are 'too homely' (read: ugly) to not give up on doing what we do... dress up... and ignore what others think about how or when to do it. All girls can do and be whatever they want, no expressions forbidden, no dressing up schedules to confine it, etc. Put the femininity back into the women with power. Emancipation from all boundaries that are negative, don't do this, don't do that, don't be this or that, 'real women' don't do what??? (conform to boundaries???) RATHER... REAL WOMEN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT WHENEVER!!! And if WE can help lead all women to such freedom of self-expression, all the better we have the company of 'natale women' indistinguishable from us, as we both can be empowered to the full range of self-expression rather than a partial range only restricted by limits imposed by oth-ers.

"The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts" Revisited by: Bobbie Kee

The original version of the fable is posted at the end. The Trans-Folk, the Ladies, and the Men The Great Battle of the Sexes was about to come off between the Ladies and the Men. When the two armies were collected together the Trans-Folk hesitated to join either side. The Ladies that passed by the the Trans-Folk's haunts said: “Come with us”; but they said: “We are men.” Later on, some Men who were passing by them said: “Come with us”; but the Trans-Folk's said: “We are Ladies.” Luckily at the last moment peace was made, and no battle took place, so the Trans-Folk came to the Ladies and wished to join in the rejoicings, but they all turned against them and the Trans-Folk had to leave. They then went to the men, but soon had to beat a retreat, or else they would have torn them to pieces. “Ah,” said the Trans-Folk, “I see now, “THEY THAT ARE NEITHER ONE THING NOR THE OTHER HAVE NO FRIENDS.” ---------------------- We all need to identify as Ladies, Men, or solidly some place on the Gender Spec-trum... I think it is important for us that are M2F or F2M and can identify solidly as male or female also accept that we are still part of the transgender commu-nity... I am female, my mind will not let me be male, but I also have a common iden-titify as part of the transgender community... If we draw our lines two thin we all become strangers to each other... ----------------------


The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts A GREAT conflict was about to come off between the Birds and the Beasts. When the two armies were collected together the Bat hesitated which to join. The Birds that passed his perch said: “Come with us”; but he said: “I am a Beast.” Later on, some Beasts who were passing underneath him looked up and said: “Come with us”; but he said: “I am a Bird.” Luckily at the last moment peace was made, and no bat-tle took place, so the Bat came to the Birds and wished to join in the rejoicings, but they all turned against him and he had to fly away. He then went to the Beasts, but soon had to beat a retreat, or else they would have torn him to pieces. “Ah,” said the Bat, “I see now, “HE THAT IS NEITHER ONE THING NOR THE OTHER HAS NO FRIENDS.”

Hate Violence: Increasing Your Safety By: Colorado Anti-Violence Program CAVP Offers Support & Resources Many folks in the LGBTQ community have expressed safety concerns given recent publicized reports of anti-LGBTQ attacks in Denver. Details are in the news links below. Acts of homophobic or transphobic violence increase our sense of fear and vulnerability often leaving us feeling powerless. It's im-portant to remember that we are not to blame for harassment or violence others target us with. There are no right or wrong answers. Only you can choose which response is best for you given your options at the time. You can increase our safety by being aware of common offender tac-tics and options to protect ourselves should you be targeted. Options to Increase Your Safety Remember to BREATHE. Breathing helps overcome the fight, flight or freeze response, enabling us to think actively about how we want to respond. Trust your intuition and act on it. If your gut is telling you something "just isn't right," whether it's a situation or person bringing up those feel-ings, it's important to give yourself the benefit of the doubt. This can be dif-ficult since we often cannot logically explain what is causing this response, but survivors of violence often report a sense that they were in danger prior to an attack. Be aware of your surroundings and maintain confident body lan-


guage. Stand tall, keep your head up, make eye contact, notice who's around you, and maintain a safe distance. Offenders are more likely to tar-get people they perceive to be unaware, vulnerable or weak. People per-ceived as or identifying as LGBTQ, may be targeted because they are less likely to report to police and face additional barriers such as fear of being outed to family or employers should they seek help. Use your voice as a first line of defense. Offenders often have a "script" in mind or an idea on how we will respond to their harassment or violence. Using an assertive and confident response breaks the "script," sur-prising the offender and placing doubt in their mind about whether they will be successful in the attack or not. It's important to send the same confident message with your words, voice, eye contact and body language. Some ef-fective strategies include:

• Name the behavior and state clear commands or boundaries such as "Leave now."

• Avoid insults, threats or other verbal attacks which are likely to esca-late the situation.

• Enlisting the help of others (Ex. tell someone, "Call 911 now!") • Making a scene • Use the broken record • Maintaining a non-threatening stance with hands visible (45 degree

angle is read as neutral) Report and reach out for help or support from trusted friends, family or community organizations. If you are an immediate danger, contact 911. CAVP has advocates on call 24 hours a day that can be reached at 1-888-557-4441. We can provide additional advocacy, counseling referrals, or support in filing a police report if you choose to do so. In Denver, we rec-ommend contacting the hotline directly at 720-913-6458. Trends in Violence National and local trends continue to show spikes in anti-LGBTQ violence when visibility of our community and issues increases. Last October, when President Obama signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act into law, the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Pro-grams documented a a spike in homophobic and transphobic violence. We must consider what impact recent elections had on hate violence attacks in Colorado and across the country. From the highly publicized homophobic statements by use of anti-LGBTQ slurs on Facebook, LGBTQ people were under attack once again.


MY TRIP TO VIETNAM PART 2 BY BARBARA DAVIDSON It is now Sunday (I think) and we have a trip planned to Can Thu, which is about 50 minutes away. It will just be Dao, her uncle, her cousin and yours truly with motorbikes as transportation; you have not lived until you have done 65 km riding second seat. After a good night’s sleep and a cold bath, we left for Can Thu. We did some shopping before stopping for a break. We had a large bowl of snails and 4 glasses of cane juice. Total cost in us dollars was $4.00. From there, we went to a tailor shop for me to get measured for a dress so we would know how much material to buy.

For most Vietnamese women, it takes less than 2 yards of material to make the formal two-piece outfit. In my case, as it is with most non-Vietnamese, it will take a little over 2 ½ yards. We went to sev-eral linen shops looking for material where I found out that most of the mate-rial is precut in 2-yard lengths. Thus, my choice of materials were limited. I picked a blue shear fabric with pink de-signs. It will be for the dress part while the pants will be made of gold material. Before returning to the tailor shop, we stopped for lunch. Of course it was noo-dle soup with a drink. For the 4 of us, it

was $7.00 US. In the states, one bowl of soup and a drink would have been $7.00. After lunch, we returned to the tailor shop. The outfits will be ready in about 8 to 10 days for us to try on and to be picked up several days later. Total cost will be just under $45.00 US. Before going home, we went to the “Mart” which was their answer to “Wally World”. There I was able to find 2 traditional day wear outfits for ladies and 3 sets of PJ’s for night and evening wear. It was about 6:30 pm when we got home. After a good night’s sleep and a cold bath, I put on one of the new outfits, as I was ready for a relaxing day. As I was walking down the road to the house I got a lot of stares. When I got to the house, I gave the ladies a good laugh with my floral designed 2-piece outfit. However, the outfit was light weigh and quite comfortable. After the uproar died down, I started wiping down banana leaves that would be used later to make banana rice cakes. It


took 4 of us ladies about 3 hours to clean the banana leaves then we cut and trimmed the leaves (yes Martha Stewart and Paula Deen, everything here is made by hand without all of the modern devices found in the American kitchens). The women seem to do most, if not all, of the kitchen duties. Occasionally one of the guys will “lend a hand”.

I have lost track of time so it is ei-ther the 29th or the 30th of Novem-ber. I was up by 4:30 am and was at “Uncle Tu’s” home by 6. I was wearing another of my new “Vietnamese” 2 piece outfits. It was blue with black and white flowers. When I got there, the ladies were in full swing hand making the banana rice cakes. The rice is spread on the banana leaf and 3 or 4 slices of ba-nana were then placed in the middle and the leaf rolled up. A strip of ba-nana leaf was then placed at each end. The whole thing is then tied

with one strip of reed until some of the other ladies could actually tie it up with a series of reed strips. (There were 2 ladies making the rolls and 4 doing the tying.) Each roll was exactly the same, about 7 inches long, and about the diameter of a small orange. Each one was also tied exactly the same way. Your truly’s duties was to tie two of the rolls together. About 110 rolls later (55 pairs), they were placed in a large pot of boiling water and cooked for 4 hours. They were then hung on a rack to cool and to dry. When this was done, I cored something that looked like a rough cucumber, but it was a veggie. It was then stuffed with “ground” pork and boiled. We had it in a fish soup along with caramel-ized pork and fried fish for lunch. The next day was the third anniversary of the death of the head of the household and a big family celebration was planned. After lunch was the big event of the day. In the US, if you want a duck or a chicken, you go to the grocery store and buy one already prepared. In Vietnam, if you want one you buy it live and “dress it” your self. Nothing is thrown out. That afternoon 15 ducks and 2 chickens had their throats cut. The blood was drained into a bowl with rice and spices and allowed to congeal. Later it was placed in boiling water and became a blood pudding (it was good). The birds were then dipped in boiling water and defeathered (your truly defeathered her first duck). The feathers were placed in a bag and sold to a guy who will use them to make feather dusters. The “giblets” were saved and used later either in a soup or sautéed and eaten on the side. After supper, when I got back to the motel, I had a mask applied followed by a facial and a back massage. It was a whopping $3.00 US including tip for the 30 minutes. I am seeing and experiencing things that the average tourist to Vietnam will never see or do. The next day was the celebration and women’s work is never done. There was still shred-ding, chopping and cooking to be done. By 10 am the “guest” and family were beginning


to arrive. Lunch was served at 11:30 to about 30 people. It consisted of duck, chicken, sausage, fish, soup, green veggies, rice and a whole roasted pig. After din-ner, the food that was left was divided up into “doggie bags” and given to the guests as they left. In the days I have been here, I have seen and experienced so much. It was fantastic to be apart of a family over here although there was the language barrier. Dao was my translator although I was beginning to be able to communicate in other ways. When I was making plans to come over here, I made sure I was prepared for everything possible. However, I missed one very important one, which later would become my downfall, Constipation. I made several visit to the “doctor” who

probably had a little bit of medical knowledge. One tells them their symp-toms, and they not only make a diag-nosis, but also prescribe and dispense the medications. I had several types of stool softeners and laxatives, with no results. I even tried some “herbal teas” with only a slight result. It is December 2nd here. It has been so hot and humid that to do a full make up job is not worth the trouble. By 10 or 11 am, it has “melted off your face, thus it was a lot of moisturizer, some eye shadow, a little lipstick and go. As I mentioned earlier, nothing is thrown

away in the way of food. Left overs become the next meal. The blood pudding was cut into strips and fried till it was crispy and served with the meal; the same for a congealed ba-nana “pudding”. Both were good. The duck feet and heads that were cooked down the evening of the celebration were served as the meat for the next meal. Yours truly ate her first duck head and it was no different than eating duck meat from other parts of the duck. If fact I ate 3 that afternoon along with some duck feet. It is all “mind over matter”. That afternoon was a trip to the country with a picnic. We went to the family “cemetery” which was a beautiful marble and tile mausoleum. The ladies cleaned the place up then there was a short service paying homage to the deceased. After which we had a picnic


We went to the family “cemetery” which was a beautiful marble and tile mausoleum. The ladies cleaned the place up then there was a short service paying homage to the deceased. After which we had a picnic complete with beer, wine and some coconut water. As per usual, although I looked female, I was sitting with the guys. Since we were not far from

Dao’s grandfathers home we went there for a visit and had yet another meal of eel, duck and fish although yours truly only nibbled a little bit. I visited the neighbors next door and had Fiddler crabs and dried fish along with “several” shots of home made wine. When we got home that eve-ning, there was still another meal of eel and fish soup waiting for us. Again, I only nibbled, as I was afraid of eating to much and getting sick. After supper I was treated to another head and neck massage at the motel. This girl was tired. It is Dec 3rd (I think) and it has been 10

days now since I first notice my touch of constipation. So we made another field trip to the Diagnostic center (hospital) in Can Thu where I see a doctor (I think) who ordered an ul-trasound of my abdomen. The technician was a little confused when the paper work said male and in walked a female. After a quick explanation by Dao, I had my ultra sound, which according to the technician was normal with a little fluid. The “doctor” read the report and wrote me a prescription for still another laxative. The whole thing with the ultra sound and the meds were about $10.00 US. All I really needed was a bottle of Magne-sium Citrate and I would have been fine and would not have cut my trip short. After leaving the clinic, we went by an ENT clinic as Dao was having some nasal problems, which she got taken care of. Since Dao was planning to stay in Can Thu for the night with a cousin, we vis-ited the waterfront before I re-turned to the motel. Given my medical background as a nurse, this was quite a day. I believe it is the 4th now and I watched this young man tote on his shoulder 50 bags of fer-tilizer (one at a time) weighing 50 KG each down 2 steps and neatly stacking them. This girl would have been “dead” after one or two of them. The people here are hard workers when they work. The rest of the day was a do nothing day as I read a book by Pat Conroy


called the “The Boo” which was about one of the tact officers at the Citadel in Charleston, S.C. In my other life, back in 1961 to 1963 I was a cadet in the Band Company as I played the bagpipes and they have a pipe band there. During my two years spent at the Citadel, I never walked a tour or served a confinement. The following day was another series of new experiences for this girl. I helped clean a bucket of snails by cutting off the apron on the front part and then cutting the back part of the shell so the when they were steamed the would slide out of their shells. I also de-feathered a bird that looked something like a quail but was not. Lunch consisted of fresh duck, the birds, fish and eel along with soup. By now I was drinking the soup and eating a few pieces of meat for the protein. One thing that I noticed, that I failed to mention earlier was the fact that for each meal, there was an extra plate fixed for the departed family member to utilize during their heavenly travels. Reminded me of the Jewish tradition with Elijah’s cup It is now December the 6th and still nothing. Dao kept telling me wait. Well one can imag-ine what was going through my head by now and I was getting upset. Here I was in a strange land with the one person who spoke English for miles and miles around telling me wait. I finally made a decision to cut my trip short and come home for a check up. I managed to get a flight out the evening of the 7th. I went shopping for real jade with 14 ct gold and dia-monds. When I was done, I had spent $650.00 US for nine pieces. The lot included 2 pair of earrings, one gold chain and, and 5 pennants. I also rented a van and driver for the day (the 7th) to take myself and some others to Saigon for the day. It was $100.00 US for the day. I needed to be at the airport by 9 pm as my plane left at 11:30 pm on the 7th and arrived in Atlanta the morning of the 8th at 10 am. The morning of the 7th we left for Saigon and 6:30 am and arrived in Saigon about 11:30. We went first to have our eyebrows touched up. When we left there we stopped for some last minute shopping then had something to eat. Then a little more shopping and finished the day at a theme park, much like Disney World only with an oriental theme. When the park closed, we headed to the airport. This last day, I cried like a baby because I really wanted to stay, as I did not want to leave. I even cried several times during the flight home. It actually took me 2 days before I could look at the pictures I took with out crying. We flew from Saigon to Seoul and then from Seoul to Atlanta. At 38,000 feet, after we left


Korea, things began to breakup and move. Maybe I should have taken Dao’s advice and waited it out, but I had made my decision and it was too late to back out. When we ar-rived back in Atlanta, I had no problems passing through all of the security and check-points including customs. As before, I got a lot of double takes and smiles, but no hassles. My brother picked me up at the airport and took me to my car. I talked to my doctor at home and made an appointment for the following Monday. In the mean time I actually went from the constipation phase to the loose stool phase. As to my trip, it was quite an experience traveling en femme and experiencing the real life drama of Vietnam and its people. I would do it again in a heartbeat if I was given the opportunity.

At my Doctor appointment every thing with her exam appeared normal. However, given my age and the fact it had been almost 8 years since my last colon exam, I have one sched-uled for the middle of January. Word of advice from an experienced Endo nurse: if you are 50 years of age, you should have a screening colonoscopy to insure that there are no polyps or early cancer growths in your colon. Most cancers are picked up in the early stages about age 50. If you have a family history of colon cancer, you should have a scope done at 45 years of age. Just some sound advice from me to all of my sisters and their families wherever you are. I worked in Endoscopy for 14 years and have seen it all. The youngest patient I saw with a colon cancer was 27 years of age. But remember it can strike at any age. With this advice, I will end this article and wish every one a Happy Valen-tines Day.

Barbara Marie Davidson

Less than 7 weeks until the Keystone Conference! We are excited and looking forward to another fun, educational and inspiring conference! With 60 workshops, 4 nights of fun, 9 receptions, over a dozen different in-house activities & outings, 2 dozen vendors & organi-zations (and counting), a men's program, a youth program, 4 make-over artists, a spouse-only sanctuary, and of course, Saturday's Keystone Gala Dinner & Dance, how can you afford not to join us? AND, if you haven't checked out our attendee packages yet, this is the most affordable Gender Conference in the country! Visit "http://www.Keystone" for more information.


Humor Coffee An Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand pulling a male buffalo with the other. He says to the waiter, "Want coffee." The waiter says, "Sure chief, coming right up." He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee. The Indian drinks the coffee down in one gulp, turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun, causing parts of the animal to splatter every where, then just walks out. The next morning the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one hand pulling another male buffalo with the other. He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter, "Want coffee." The waiter says, "Whoa, Tonto! We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday. What was all that about, anyway?" The Indian smiles and proudly says, "Training for upper management position: Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull, leave mess for others to clean up, disappear for rest of day.

Be-All 2011 May 31st to

June 5th, 2011 (Tuesday to Sunday)

Everyone's welcome at Be-All!

Crossdressers, Transexuals, M2F and F2M, Wives, Partners & Friends

The Be-All Conference is one of the premier Transgender events of the year. In the Chicago area, Spring is blooming. It is truly a wonderful time to visit this great city and spend time with great friends. For the most up-to-date information or questions, join our Yahoo group at


Angels In The Centerfold

Bobbie Vance

Connie Linn


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Mellissalynn’s Tips & Tricks So it's winter, but soon it'll be spring, and then summer. I'm in the midst of a resolution to drop some poundage and see if I can get a bit more curvy in the right places and much less so in the wrong ones. It's tough, but I've already made some headway (I actually started this last fall). So far, I've lost almost 30 pounds just from eating less and stepping up my physical activity. One thing I've done recently is to take one of the least flattering pictures of myself I can find and have it taped to the inside front of the food diary I'm using. Next to that is the picture of the swimsuit I'm hoping I can get into by June or July. So, if you all see pictures of me in a swim-suit this summer in the magazine, you'll know I've reached my goal. Wish me luck! This month's column is the usual hodge-podge of tips & tricks. If you have some to contribute, the address to send to is; my inbox is always ready for your mail. On with the column!


@@@@@ Age and genetics can cause your pores to look like moon craters. You can counter this by using a facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid. The cleanser will exfoliate your skin and remove the dirt and oil that can clog pores, create blackheads, and cause them to appear even larger. Follow this with a moisturizer that contains retinol. Retinol will boost your skin's collagen pro-duction; this will plump up your skin and causes your pores to appear smaller. @@@@@ Do you think your face looks a bit saggy? Here's a quick fix for those of us who can't afford a facelift. Sweep a matte bronzer across your jawline. This creates a shadow that will make your face look a bit slimmer and firmer. For a more permanent fix, use a facial cream containing beech-tree extract. This will help rebuild your skin's underlying structure and will naturally lift your jawline. @@@@@ Quick tip: smaller hands are flattered more by rounded nails; larger hands are better squared off. If you aren't sure, try the ‘squoval’ look (square nails with rounded edges). This works for everyone. @@@@@ Here's a use for your mascara wands from otherwise-dead product. Wash them well and let it dry. The wand will work well to shape brows or to un-clump mascara without spreading more. @@@@@ It's cold and flu season, ladies! Please, please, please remember to wash your hands, en femme or en homme. Lather up and scrub your hands for 10 seconds; that kills more than 90% of the nasty bugs. Here's an interesting tidbit about washing in a public restroom; the dirtiest place is the faucet itself. Once you've washed, you should use a paper towel to turn off the faucet. @@@@@ Here's a way to get long- lasting blush color. Using the palm of your hand, apply a few swipes of a rosy lipstick and mix with some moisturizing face serum. Apply this to your cheeks and let it dry. Instant all-day color! @@@@@ Here are a few illusionary tricks you can use to help flatter your figure. - Wear a pindot top or skirt! The eye is tricked by the dots into seeing more than is actually there. This is a great way to create the illusion of fuller hips or a bigger bust.


- Alternately, if you want to draw attention away from an area, use a print pattern to draw at-tention to where you want it to be. - Bell sleeves will create the illusion of a smaller lower half of your body. The extra fabric in the sleeves tricks the eye into seeing less of everything else. @@@@@ Here's another recent piece of knowledge I gleaned, from a conversation I overheard at my job, of all places. You should only use a white washcloth for cleaning your face. Colored cloths have dyes that can come off on your skin and can be absorbed. Who knew? @@@@@ A wet eyeshadow brush will apply more shadow to your eyes then a dry brush. If you want in-tense, vibrant eye color, try this. Conversely, if you only want a hint of color, use a dry bush and swipe the back of your hand two or three times before applying. This will leave just a hint of color on your eyes. @@@@@ Does your skin seem to be a little sallow right now? Apply a citrus toner that contains vitamin C. This increases the circulation close to the surface of your skin and brings some rosiness to your face. @@@@@ I want to share a small shopping tip for those of you who aren't able to or aren't comfortable going out en femme to go shopping. One of the best places to you to shop for makeup is at Wal-Mart. Why? Most Wal-Marts are open all day and all night. The all night portion of that statement is the most important; if you go into a Wal-Mart to look for makeup at 2am on a weeknight (not Friday or Saturday, the place is still hopping!), the only people you'll encounter are those who work there, and they aren't really worried about you. So shop and have fun! @@@@@ I recently discovered that grapeseed oil works very well as an eye makeup remover. It's fairly inexpensive and is good for the skin. You'll also find that with repeated use, it will condition your lashes! @@@@@ Remember to moisturize before putting on perfume when you go out. Dry skin doesn't hold your favorite scent as well as hydrated skin. @@@@@


Did you know that the way you sleep can cause your face to sag? I read this recently in an old issue of Allure magazine. The article says that if you sleep on your back, your face will look amazing, even if it's only for part of the night. I'm trying to do this now, but it's hard; I have an ingrained aversion to sleeping that way. Sacrifices for beauty...I'll update you all if this works.

@@@@@ Would you like to have fuller lips that have that special pouty look? Try this professional makeup trick. Spotlight lip gloss right in the center of your mouth. @@@@@ If you have any dark spots on your skin, or just want to brighten you skin tone in general, try using fresh lemon juice. Dilute it with water to cut the harshness on your skin. Take a reusable bottle and mix in a quarter-cup of lemon juice, three tablespoons of witch hazel, and two tablespoons of distilled water. Apply this mix to your skin with a cotton ball and wait for the results! @@@@@ Here's a nifty trick for combating under-eye puffiness: try a highlighting pen! There are light-reflecting particles in the highlighter that will cause the darkness under your eyes to dis-appear. Apply it just underneath the puffy area and pat it in. The darkness fades away! @@@@@ If you pluck your brows, remember that you should only grab

one hair at a time; otherwise, you can create bald patches that are a pain to cover. Also, pluck with the grain; that is, pluck in the direction of the hair's growth. This will encourage the hair to grow in the right direction when it returns. If you aren't certain whether a hair should stay or go, take a white or flesh-colored pencil and 'draw it out'; if it looks good with the hair gone, pluck it! @@@@@ This is a great way to pamper your hands in a short time. Heat some olive oil in a dish and soak your fingers for a few minutes. This will soften your cuticles and strengthen your nails. Save oil for step two:


@@@@@ Here's a little recipe for a good facial! Try this honey and almond mixture, AFTER making sure that you have no allergies to any of the ingredients! Take 1/2 small jar of cold cream, a tablespoon of honey, and two tablespoons of slivered al-monds. Whirl the slivered almonds in a blender, then pour them into a small jar. Mix in the cold cream and honey. Smooth the cream onto your face in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes, then rinse off. I tried this, it feels SO good! @@@@@ And that wraps the column for this month, ladies! I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day this month, hopefully with plenty of feminine fun in-volved. As always, ideas and tips and hints and everything else is welcome at I hope to hear from you!


THE BIRTH OF FEMVILLE CHAPTER 11 Are we Still a Resort Town?

It was spring and work was starting on the construction of both the food proc-essing plant about 10 miles south of Femville and on the dairy in Sequoia. The hope was for the processing plant and the dairy to both be ready in the fall. The company wanted to get the new plant in operation in time for harvest. Jeanette was now off to business school and would be gone for six months. While I did have an office set up at home, I found it necessary to still come in to the shop quite frequently. With Jeanette gone and all the additional business involved I had to once again hire someone to help out with the installation of the phone lines and computer wiring. Tonya was one who lived in Femville and was the sister of Lena, a MtF who worked for Lucy. Her and Lena shared a place together. I put Nora in charge of training her. Troxel, Sequoia, and Femville all were starting to grow again the result of the food processing plant and the Dairy. Other companies were starting to look into our area also. Because agriculture was the big thing in the area, most of the companies looking to our area were agriculture related, but there were a couple of others. As a result of it all a building boom had started in all three of the towns. While Femville would a lot of growth, The biggest growth turned out to be to Sequoia and Troxel. Between Troxel and Sequoia there was a rather large forest area and developers were looking to buy some of this undeveloped land. Logging companies were starting to come in to cut down the timber and clear much of this land for new development. The railroad had re-opened the line to Troxel and also built a spur to the food processing plant. Another spur was being built that would go to a sawmill just north of Troxel. Some of the older residents of Femville were starting to show concerns over all this new construction and growth. We built up on the idea of being a resort for the trans-gendered, but now we were starting to turn into being another town. Oh we were still going to be a crossdressers resort, but now we would also be a town just like any other town. Many new businesses had come to Femville, and most of them were not intended for the crossdresser, but businesses that one would find in most towns or cities. In the short time since Clear Creek had become Femville, the town had grown to a size past what it was back in the 20’s and 30’s. The cable company had started running the main line to Femville and now I would have to start with the work of connecting the main line to various homes and busi-nesses. As a result of taking on the contract to do cable installation, I found a need to once again expand my own business. I would be in need of additional help. One of those I hired was a guy by the name of Mike who was a Female to Male transsexual. Mike was about 5'7" and in his mid 30's. Like most FtM's mike had undergone a com-plete mastectomy and a complete hysterectomy but did not have any penile construc-tion since it was a rather difficult and expensive surgery, and results were usually not


all that good. Mike did have a wife and two children, a boy by the name of Andrew who was 5 and a girl by the name of Gloria who was 7. I also hired a second man by the name of Steven who was not transgendered, but was accepting of the transgen-dered people. These two became my cable crew. One day and Mike and Nora both got in my old truck and we drove to Jackson, a good two hour drive. I was going to an auto dealer to get some new trucks. The old truck had seen better days and with all the new work I was going to be in need of more trucks. One that I got was a special truck with a man lift on it for Mike and Steve to do the cable work from. Troxel, Sequoia, and Femville all were starting to grow again the result of the food processing plant and the Dairy. Other companies were starting to look into our area also. Most of the companies looking to our area were agriculture related, but there were a couple of others. As a result of it all a building boom had started in all three of the towns. While Femville would see some growth, The biggest growth would be to Sequoia and Troxel. Between Troxel and Sequoia there was a rather large forest area and developers were looking to buy some of this undeveloped land. Logging compa-nies were starting to come in to cut down the timber and clear much of this land for new development. The railroad had re-opened the line to Troxel and also built a spur to the food processing plant. Another spur was being built that would go to a sawmill just north of Troxel. Some of the older residents of Femville were starting to show concerns over all this new construction and growth. We built up on the idea of being a resort for the trans-gendered, but now we were starting to turn into being another town. Oh we were still going to be a crossdressers resort, but now we would also be a town just like any other town. With all the construction going on in the area, a big box hardware store opened up in Sequoia and this gave Debbie a lot of concern. What was going to happen to Hender-son Hardware? Would she once again have to look to going out of business? Debbie came to my shop one day when I was there doing some paperwork and the two of us sat to have coffee. She talked to me a lot about her concerns. I told her that I did not think she would have to worry much. One of the things that both I and many of the others who had businesses in Clear Creek learned is that we simply had to make changes in our business. Even myself I learned this, for my business in TV repair had gone down due to low prices on the products, and there was not much in sales anymore of TV's for me, I had the contract with the cable company and I had a lot of work doing commercial sound. I was also doing installation of phone systems and wiring for computers, something I did not do when we were Clear Creek. Others like Millie learned that they simply had to change the type of business they were in, and then there were those like Mary who found that carrying a specialty line of merchandise was all that was needed.


Somehow that tornado that destroyed our town was turning into a blessing that none of us ever perceived. Many of the construction people were here only during the season when there was work for them and then returned home during the off season. They talked to their friends and families about our town and we started to see guest that were not transgendered. Oh we had a few hecklers, but Alicia and her officers did a good job of putting them in their place, but the majority were coming to see the shows at Brenda's dinner theater, to ride Tom's carriage, to ride in Tony's limos. While the town was built as a resort for the crossdresser and always would be a resort for them, we had to try and find new ways to entertain the general populous. It was now early June and we decided that this year and every year thereafter we would have a parade on July 4th, the nations birthday. Brenda decided to hold a prom for the crossdressers, both those who were residents of Femville and guest. The one who was elected as prom queen would get to ride in Tony’s limo in the parade as the Queen. A couple of the bands from the high schools in Jackson were going to be in the parade, and we discovered that there were quite a few residents of Femville itself that had been in bands in their high school and college days and so we formed one of our own. There were a few residents of Femville who were of Scottish decent, with one who actually played the bagpipes and his two girls were well versed in doing some jigs. As a result we decided to give the band a sort of Scottish look with kilts as a part of the band uniform. Thus the Femville Highlanders was born. Both men and women would dress in the traditional Scottish look for the parade. Tom’s carriage would also be in the parade, along with some floats that the companies building the food process-ing plant and the dairy had provided for the parade. Seven crossdressers who were former military would each wear a ladies uniform for one of the services and would carry all the flags leading the parade. For Labor Day, the company for the food processing plant decided to hold a big corn roast and provided a whole semi truck full of corn for roasting and the dairy people pro-vided some 500 gallons of ice tea and a good 100 gallons of ice cream free of charge for everybody. Both Lucy and Brenda cooked up a huge amount of ribs that they sold and a beer company brought in a beer cooler wagon and sold beer at the picnic. Between people from Femville, Troxel, and Sequoia and all the construction workers this picnic had to have a good couple thousand in attendance. With the help of Brenda, Mary, Millie, and Carla, a Fashion show with crossdressers modeling some of the new looks was also held. Plans were now being made for the second Femville Festival. But because Femville was now not simply a resort for crossdressers anymore, but a regular town in addition to being a crossdressers resort, the festival would be a lot different than what the first one was. A contract was made with a carnival company that would come in with various carnival rides and a few games. The businesses would hold a sidewalk fair and sale. Oh we would still have the special events for the crossdressers, the seminars, the shopping trips, and the special entertainment for them, but there would be so much more. By


the time the planning was done, the festival became more like a county fair. There would be a stage for bands and singers, and there was even a band that was made up completely of crossdressers that would be there. There were to be square dance com-petitions, along with some other dancing, and of course of course there was to be a beauty contest for the crossdressers where one would become queen and would receive a tiara and roses. The Festival was to be held in early August and in late July we saw the carnival people come in ready to set things up. There were rides and games, but there were no side show things. The carnival has set themselves up on Donna Drive, so a three block section of that street was closed off, and then a company from Jackson came and set up a large stage at one end of Barbara Lane and we had to close off four blocks of that street. This of course did pose a bit of a traffic problem for about two weeks. The day before the festival was to start many of the businesses started to set them-selves up on the sidewalk along the street. Both Brenda and Lucy had ordered much more than the usual amount of food and there were a few other food vendors that came for the festival. Some of the seminars for the crossdressers were going to be held at Brenda’s Dinner Theater, while some others would be held in the fellowship hall of the church. Lucy had set up additional tables and chairs for her sidewalk cafe. The day of the festival came and for a kickoff there was a parade with a couple of bands, Tom’s carriage, Walt’s sleigh, and the three limo’s of Tony’s. The festival queen and king were riding in Walt’s sleigh and all the others had people in them also. Everyday on the stage there were shows, square dancing, Brenda’s can can dancers, and even some contest. At night the chairs in front of the stage were taken down and put under the stage and then a band would set up on the stage and people began dancing in the street. While there were many people who came from Troxel and Sequoia for the festival, there were also a lot of crossdressers from out of town who came. Louise’s hotel was booked solid along with the Femville Hollywood Motel. Mary, Carla, Kathy, and Marie all did some really booming business with the crossdressers selling dresses, shoes, giving makeovers, taking photos and selling some really pretty stationary. Lucy and Brenda also were very busy with dinners and other meals for the people. Of a big surprise to us was that there were once again TV camera’s in the town, but they were not for any news program. They were from the travel channel and were do-ing some segments on the dinning in Femville along with another show about the crossdressing resort town of Femville. On Sunday there were just too many people for the church to hold and so Sharon held services right from the stage. She did get a lesbian singer/songwriter to do a special performance and then there was an all transgendered gospel choir that performed.


On the final day of the festival a man got up to the microphone on the stage to make an announcement. He was the CEO of a auto manufacture and came to announce that they were going to be building a new plant in Hanford a town that was about 20 Miles to the east of Femville. While Femville was no longer simply a resort town for the crossdresser, it was still a resort town for crossdressers, in addition to being a regular town. More importantly the people of Femville, even the new residents still had the love that was shown to one an-other when Clear Creek was turned into Femville. There just could not be a better town for anyone to live in. As I went to bed with Paula that night I had to wonder what hand Femville had in the Food Processing Plant, the Dairy and the Auto Plant coming to the area. For not only was Clear Creek restored as the town of Femville, but the whole area was once again restored. The End

Should We Introduce Children to the Concept of Transgender People? Should we introduce children to the concept of transgender people? The answer is yes accord-ing to an article published in the December 2010 issue of the peer-reviewed Graduate Journal of Social Science. The article by Natacha Kennedy and Mark Hellen, entitled “Transgendered Children: More Than a Theoretical Challenge.” was developed from a paper presented at the November 2009 conference "Transgender Studies & Theories: Building Up the Field in a Nordic Context" held at Linkoping University in Sweden. Critics will cry that introducing all children to the concept of transgender people will cause chil-dren to "become transgender." But the authors found that schooling has little impact on gender identity development in children. In fact, children who develop a transgender identity seem to do so in spite of often unwitting but nevertheless pervasive efforts by schools to enforce gender conformity. Kennedy and Hellen believe that school efforts do have a consequence, however. Transgender children learn very quickly that being transgender is "not acceptable," and so they conceal their identity, even from family members, to avoid suffering socially. As a result of fearfully sup-pressing their identity for such a long period, "many of these children achieve well below their abilities at school, leave school early, are more likely to self-harm or attempt suicide, and more likely to suffer from mental health issues in early adulthood." By having schools introduce the concept of transgender people to all children, the authors as-


sert, transgender children will "feel they are not alone and that their gender identity is as valid as any other." This will, in turn, greatly diminish the damaging consequences currently ob-served as these children mature. Most studies have been based on direct observations of transgender children. In this case, the researchers instead surveyed transgender adults about their childhoods and then correlated their results with other research. One of the interesting results is a conclusion that there are many more children who conceal their non-conforming gender identities through childhood -- so-called "non-apparent" children -- than those who clearly identify as transgender as children. Children themselves were not queried for the study because "there are ethical difficulties asso-ciated with obtaining data from children who may not be 'out' to their parents." Additionally, the authors felt asking children to participate in any study could result in an unrepresentative sample skewed toward "apparent" transgender children. The authors found that roughly three-quarters of transgender people were aware of being trans-gender before leaving elementary school, and there was "an average delay of 7.5 years between becoming aware of one's transgender or gender variant nature, and learning any words with which to describe it." This means "many transgender children go through most, if not all, of their time in compulsory education knowing their gender identity is different from that expected of them." On the strength of this finding, the authors argue:

If a school system tried to coerce any other group of individuals to become people they are not, to regard an inner core of their identities as illegitimate, and prevent them from expressing their identities freely, particularly from a very young age, it would be characterized as barbaric. ... The [resulting] internalization of self-hatred, guilt, self-doubt and low self-esteem in childhood affects transgender people throughout their lives. Any education system, or indeed society, which allows this state of affairs to continue is neither fully inclusive nor fully humane.

That's harsh criticism certain to draw the attention of educators. Also likely to speak up are mental health professionals, who have traditionally landed on the side of "it's usually just a phase" in their work regarding transgender children. Regardless, the article opens a new chapter in the dialogue about transgender children, one that is certain to lead to greater progress for all transgender people.


Three Feminine Movement Mistakes To Avoid ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Lucille Sorella is a GG (genetic girl) who teaches crossdressers, transsexuals, and transgender females how to look, act, and feel like real women. Her goal is to help T-women express their inner and outer femininity and increase their confidence as women. She has a professional background in fash-ion, beauty, dance, and natural healing and has been working with the transgender community for the past 12 years. Her website is loaded with useful information and is located at . By Lucille Sorella

What’s the secret to being a super hot woman? It’s not your hair, face, or even body shape. It’s all about your movements! Maybe you’ve seen it yourself – the plain Jane woman whose sexy walk turns heads vs. the beautiful girl whose dude-like swagger is a major turnoff. How feminine are YOUR movements? Do you still walk like a guy or have you gone overboard into drag queen territory? Here are 3 feminine movement mistakes you need to avoid: 1. Over-exaggerating your hip movements Everybody knows that women sway their hips when they walk, but the biggest amateur tip-off amateur is over-exaggerated hip movements. Don’t swing your hips around – instead, put on a pair of high heels. Heels cause your hips to sway without you having to force the movement. The key is to relax your body and go with the flow. 2. Being too stiff Genetic males naturally have tenser bodies than women do. If your body is tense, your movements are going to look stiff and masculine. The secret to fluid, feminine move-ments is to relax your body. Be careful not to tense your shoulders or lower back when you are “en femme.” It’s also super helpful to stretch and get massages to release built up tension. 3. Sticking your chest out Arching your back and sticking your chest out might look sexy, but real women don’t walk around like that. Instead, keep your back straight and pull your shoulders down and back. This makes you look confident and feminine, without looking ridiculous.


Should parents worry if sons like to dress as girls? By KRISTEN HOWERTON TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT: Advice for moms FOR THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER Dear Kristen, As a therapist, what do you think about little boys dressing up as girls? Sometimes my 5-year-old son wants to dress in my daughter's princess costumes and it really bothers my husband. Should we be worried? - Stacy Children dressing up as the opposite gender is very common (almost as common, in fact, as par-ents who are worried about this behavior.) But rest assured, it is perfectly normal. Dressing up and playing pretend is the activity of choice for children of this age. In fact, pretend play is considered to be a sign of healthy development. Children of this age should engage in a wide variety of fantasy play, and pretending to be a different gender is just one variation. Kids are exploring who they are, but at this age they are also very clearly de-lineating the gender differences between girls and boys. It is natural that they might want to ex-periment with being a different gender, just as they might want to pretend to be a puppy. (Which I doubt would leave an adult paralyzed in fear that their child may grow up to want to be a dog). Case in point: when my son Jafta was in preschool, he was particularly fond of the Snow White costume in the pretend play area. At the end of the year, the preschool sent home a photo album of the children and there were numerous photos of my son in that dress. Now, as a 6-year-old, he is obsessed with his Spiderman costume, and would probably die of mortification if I showed him the pictures of his princess phase. (Not that there is anything wrong with it). Our society seems to have some discomfort in boys dressing up as girls, and a part of this has to do with fears relating to gender identity and sexual orientation. These are two separate factors of a person's identity, but dressing up as the opposite gender as a child is not likely to have any affect on either, nor is it likely to be a predictor of either. I will briefly mention Gender Identity Disorder because it can be very troublesome for some children. This disorder is marked by a persistent desire to be the opposite gender – not by a de-sire to occasionally dress as the opposite gender. If a parent has a child who consistently ex-presses a wish to be another gender, it would be good for them to see a therapist specializing in this disorder. HOWEVER, I feel compelled to point out that Gen-der Identity Disorder affects under 1% of the population, whereas temporary cross-dressing likely affects every child at some point. (Cue you, telling your husband to relax).


The best reaction to a boy dressing as a girl is to not make a big deal about it – one way or the other. How would you act if your child dressed up as a fireman? Because that's about the same level of interest that cross-dressing should inspire. Recoiling in horror or lavishing your child with praise will just send a message that something is wrong. The only consideration I would make, as a parent, is to help your child make informed deci-sions when you leave the house. Kids can be cruel, and you may want to leave the princess dress at home if you know you are going to an environment where teasing would be likely. Currently, my four-year-old really likes to wear his sister’s princess shoes. His preferred dress-up outfit is to don a Jedi Knight costume with pink heels. I suspect he enjoys the clomping noise of the shoes, but who knows? Maybe he just likes that they are sparkly. Nevertheless, when we are going to pick up his older brother from school I do remind him that if he wears the shoes, he might have kids make fun of him. He usually opts to change. The best thing we can do to promote a healthy gender identity in our children is to help them feel that they can choose from a wide variety of interests without gender confusion. We should be helping our boys understand that being sensitive, nurturing, or artistic does not compromise their masculinity. We should be helping our daughters feel free to be athletic or ambitious with-out threatening their femininity. And we should be talking ourselves off the ledge when our boys want to dress up as girls, because's no big deal. Take It or Leave It is an advice column by Kristen Howerton, family therapist, mother of four, and author of Rage Against the Minivan . Kristen lives in Costa Mesa, where she spends her days strategizing how to keep her family of six happy, healthy, and chaos-free. She is rarely successful on that last one, but she is enjoying the journey. Here, she shares her best parenting hacks and invites readers for their input into common parenting concerns.

The Empire Conference, May 4 to 7, 2011, in Albany, NY, is going to be one of the most exciting conferences that TEUSA has produced. With 53 workshops, three luncheom speakers, two plenary speakers, professional entertainment and a lot more.

Been-there-done-that? Look at Broadway On-The-Town. It is loaded with off hotel property events, exciting venues and special luncheons, plus access to all of the regu-lar conference activites. This is limited to the first 23 people that register for the pro-gram. Registration is now OPEN.

"". We are looking forward to seeing you in Albany during the tulip time festival.


The Gossip Fence Transgendered in the News Transgender woman arrested for being assaulted by a cop On December 1st Chloe Moore, a transgender woman living in DC, pepper sprayed a man who hurled tran-sphobic slurs at her and pushed her. The man then chased Moore, threw her to the ground, pinned her down, and pulled out a badge identifying himself as Officer Raphael Radon of the DC Police Department. Radon and his friends have their own version of the story, of course, but Moore’s is backed up by an uninvolved witness that the two police officers who responded to the scene determined Radon started the altercation and may have committed a bias-related assault. But supervisor Captain Michelle Williams overrode their recommendation and had Moore charged and ar-rested. Officer Radon has not been charged with anything. “What’s especially disturbing about this case is that it features several flagrant violations of MPD’s general order on dealing with trans people,” said Alison Gill, “Medical attention was apparently not provided promptly, and the use of degrading, transphobic language is expressly forbidden.” DC does have some good civil rights laws on the books, and there are many officers on the force who have been willingly trained by the DC Trans Coalition and its allies in cultural com-petency. Gill’s statement continues, What this incident shows us is that training self-selected volunteers is only a small step toward ensuring that MPD officers fully comply with DC’s human rights law. We want to see a swift rejection of this kind of behavior from the highest levels within MPD, along with a real plan for making sure that every law enforcement officer knows and follows the law, including mandatory training for the entire force.” Teenage boy to swap gender A SCHOOLBOY has been granted approval to begin treatment for a sex change - on the pro-viso he has his sperm frozen in case he decides he wants children. Family Court judge Justice Linda Dessau acceded to an emergency application by the 16-year-old's parents, so he can begin drug treatment before puberty fully takes hold. Justice Dessau said that the boy, "O", who suffers mild Asperger's syndrome, was mature enough to know what he wanted and was backed by his parents, six specialists, and the boy's


independent lawyer. Six years ago, the court sparked outrage when it allowed 13-year-old girl "Alex", from a trou-bled family, to begin hormone treatment to become a man. Last year Alex, then 17, was given permission to have a double mastectomy. In another case a girl, 12, was also allowed to take hormones to live life as a man." Names Equality Utah 'Gay Rights Hero of 2010' Activist Web site named Equality Utah as one of their top ten "Gay Rights Heroes of 2010" for their work in getting ten Utah municipalities to pass non-discrimination ordinances in housing and employment that include gay and transgender people. Equality Utah: When 2010 started, Equality Utah put forward a bold statement: In 12 months time, they would work like hell to make sure that 10 Utah cities/towns/municipalities enacted non-discrimination ordinances that included protections on the basis of sexual orientation. Sure enough, they put their money where their mouth was and got it done. In December, Grand County became the tenth Utah area to enact an inclusive non-discrimination ordinance. And Equality Utah's work isn't done yet. Together with other LGBT activists in the state, they have their eyes on Ogden, hoping that the city will become the elev-enth in the state to enact sweeping anti-discrimination protections. is an online activism platform for social change that raises awareness about impor-tant causes and connects people to opportunities for powerful action. They work with more than 1000 of the largest nonprofits in the world, have a team of hundreds of journalists and organiz-ers that span the globe, and empower millions of people each month to make a difference. Civil partnerships come into force in Ireland Civil partnerships were legalised in Ireland amid some criticism from gay groups – but the first ceremony will not take place until April as three months’ notice is needed to register for the union. Irish justice minister Dermot Ahern signed the commencement order in December to allow the Civil Partnership Act to come into force, and gay couples are now free to apply to become joined in a civil union. Despite the Civil Partnership Act being welcomed by many gay rights groups, others believe the legislation neglects to deal with some key issues. LGBT Noise criticised the legislation’s failure to provide parental rights for gay couples, urging the need for same-sex marriage. “Parents will be taxed as a couple but denied their parental rights as a couple,” spokesman Max Krzyzanowski told the Irish Times. “Noise believes that even if partnership offered all the bene-fits of marriage it would still be discrimination, as a separate system for gay people cannot be called equality.”


The legislation also allows civil partnerships that were carried out in 27 other countries to be recognised in Ireland, but gay marriages from other countries will not be acknowledged. For Transgendered, 10 Reasons Why 2010 Was a Watershed Year Dr. Sherman Leis, founder of the Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery, lists the reasons why he believes that 2010 was a watershed year for the transgender community. 1) A growing number of female-to-male (FTM) transitions. 2) Growing acceptance of Gender Identity Disorder (GID) as a credible medical condition, in-stead of mistaking it to be a psychological disorder or perversion. 3) More conventional healthcare insurance policies are including transgender surgery and health needs in coverage, regardless of whether Obamacare is implemented or not. 4) The transgender community is gaining momentum to stand on its own and getting out from under the umbrella of the gay and lesbian community, except when it comes to fighting for human rights and dignity. 5) The U.S. is becoming a world center for transgender surgery as more trans patients from around the world are coming here for surgery. Although Asia and Europe still perform more trans surgeries overall, the growth trend is in favor of the United States. 6) More seniors are having transgender surgery. As society becomes more accepting, more seniors are making the commitment to realize their lifelong dream, including this one, the "world’s oldest transgender." 7) The most commonly performed surgical procedure for Male-To-Female transgender patients continues to be genital reassignment, although facial feminization procedures are a close second. 8) The most commonly performed surgical procedure for Female-To-Male transgender patients is breast removal and masculinization of the chest. 9) New medical innovations, such as micro surgery, the harmonic scalpel, radio-wave surgery, improved flap techniques, and new bio-medical materials like cellular dermal matrix products, will continue to make transgender surgery safer, with more realistic and functional results. 10) Trans people are becoming more accepted into pop culture, ads, TV shows, music, politics etc. Transgender Man Denied A Marriage License in Oakland County: A battle is brewing in Michigan over a transgender man who said he was denied a marriage license because he was born a female. Jordan Swan said he was told that because he did not have a male sex organ, he could not get married to his bride. Attorney Charlie Langton believes the law is on Swan’s side — even though Michigan does not recognize same-sex marriage. “You don’t need a penis to become a man,” he told the Fox affiliate in Detroit.


Trans hospital protections go into effect RALEIGH — Equality North Carolina, a statewide LGBT advocacy organization, is praising new changes in North Carolina’s Hospital Patient’s Bill of Rights. The change, which took effect Jan. 1, prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity. The group had previously won changes to secure anti-discrimination measures on the basis of sexual orientation and visitation for same-sex couples. “The updated non-discrimination rule in the Patient’s Bill of Rights will help ensure that trans-gender patients know their rights and health care providers know they must provide the same level of care to all patients regardless of their gender identity,” Ian Palmquist, Equality North Carolina’s executive director, said in a release. Equality NC’s Transgender Policy Task Force has identified healthcare discrimination as a top priority for transgender North Carolinians. The updated anti-discrimination rules also replaced the outdated term “sexual preference” with “sexual orientation.” More Employers To Cover Transgender Surgery, But New Hurdles Expected One year from now, more employers than ever before will cover transgender surgery as part of their health insurance plan. While this is much-needed progress for transgender people, implementation issues will unfortunately create new hurdles to living in one's true gender. This change will impact all transgender people even though many do not need or want surgery. That's because insurance company exclusions of transgender surgery, and in some cases any transgender care, have tended to make medical care providers regard anything transgender-related as frivolous. It's unclear if all 337 employers who scored 100 percent in the 2011 CEI survey will be able to arrange for the new coverage in time. The chief diversity officer of one employer told me that adding the coverage is his number one priority in 2011. Yet I'm guessing the change is big enough that some companies will fall from 100 percent in 2012. While 85 of those employers already cover transgender surgery in some way, the challenge for all employers will be that the 2012 CEI requires coverage of surgery deemed medically necessary by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Genderplayful Marketplace Raises Startup Funds in Only Two Weeks The Genderplayful Marketplace, a community-sponsored plan for a website that will let people sell clothing to one another, surpassed its fundraising goal of $5,000 over the holiday season. This project seeks to meet the needs of people who are unable to shop comfortably in traditional department stores, either due to body shape, gender presentation, or style preferences. Full pro-ject details are available at "". The Genderplayful Marketplace celebrates diversity in gender presentation and body type. Em-phasizing custom solutions in all shapes and sizes for unisex, masculine, feminine, and gender-


nonconforming clothing, it will host a large community that finds and creates those solutions together. Vendors will include everyone from independent designers to people re-selling items from local thrift stores and their own closets. Community members will interact and collaborate on what they’re excited about, and vendors will have opportunities to meet unique, individual requests. Clothing styles will range from the conservative and traditional to the fun and obscure. About the Genderplayful Marketplace The Genderplayful Marketplace is a plan for an online clothing marketplace that celebrates di-versity in gender presentation and body types. This website will allow community members to buy and sell, encouraging special support for androgynous, unisex, butch, femme, transgender, and gender-nonconforming clothing solutions. It will also encourage sizing and fit for all kinds of bodies. Genderplayful is founded by Sarah Dopp, an independent web technologist in San Francisco. For more information about the Genderplayful Marketplace please contact Sarah Dopp at "/mc/compose?". Four new state laws will benefit LGBT residents Four new laws that took effect Jan. 1 will benefit lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender resi-dents of California, according to Jim Carroll, managing director of Equality California. -- Senate Bill 543, will allow LGBT youth to access mental health services without their parents' consent. -- Assembly Bill 2199, repeals the requirement that California seek the "causes and cures of homosexuality." -- Assembly Bill 2700, will allow same-sex couples who are both domestic partners and married to dissolve their partnership and their marriage with the same process if they choose to separate. -- Assembly Bill 2055, will grant same-sex couples who are about to enter into a domestic partnership the same unemployment benefits as opposite-sex couples who are about to wed. Carroll said Equality California is sponsoring a bill in the new legislative session, authored by Leno, which will "ensure all students learn about the contributions of LGBT people and the movement for LGBT rights in their social science classes," and sponsoring a bill to strengthen anti-bullying laws. Sky Atlantic has commissioned a new drama from Shameless creator Paul Abbott. Hit And Miss focuses on Chloe, a transgender woman who has not yet had a sex change operation. Chloe is working as a contract killer but her life is turned upside down when she receives a letter from her ex Wendy, who is dying from cancer, which reveals that Chloe has a son called Ryan. Chloe travels to Yorkshire to meet her 10-year-old son and soon finds out about the rest


of Wendy's family. Sky's acting head of drama Huw Kennair-Jones said: "We're delighted to have secured Paul for the first original scripted drama on Sky Atlantic HD, especially with a project as sensational as Hit And Miss. We are already in talks with a host of other well-known on- and off-screen British talent to follow Paul's lead for future projects." The six-part drama is expected to air on Sky Atlantic later this year. SF ordinance calls for faster DNA testing The San Francisco Board of Supervisors recently passed an ordinance calling for DNA from sexual assault cases to be tested within two weeks of collection. San Francisco Police Commissioner Jim Hammer said he raised the issue with Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier, inspired by the case of Rudy "Ruby" Ordenana, a transgender woman who was found dead in 2007. He helped Alioto-Pier write the legislation, of which Supervisor Carmen Chu eventually became a co-sponsor. DNA that had been recovered in the Ordenana case hadn't been processed until nearly two years later. The evidence was matched with Donzell Francis, 42, whom law enforcement officials suspect went on to assault three transgender women after allegedly killing Ordenana. Ordenana's case is just one example, and in recent years there "have been a number of cases where DNA evidence in sexual assault cases has not been tested in a timely matter." Bill Barnes, an aide to Alioto-Pier, said her intent was to "prevent future assaults, and get justice for victims." The ordinance requires that by March 1, Police Chief George Gascón establish a goal of collect-ing a DNA rape kit from a health care provider within three days of notification and testing DNA evidence obtained from a health care provider within two weeks of receiving it, among other provisions. Christie Signs Tougher Law on Bullying in Schools New Jersey on Thursday enacted the nation’s toughest law against bullying and harassment in schools, three and a half months after the suicide of a Rutgers University student drew national attention to the issue. The law spells out a long list of requirements, including the appointment of specific people in each school and district to run antibullying programs; the investigation of any episodes starting within a day after they occur; and training for teachers, administrators and school board members. Superintendents must make public reports twice a year detailing any episodes in each school, and each school will receive a letter grade to be posted on its Web site. The law, which goes into effect at the start of the next school year, lists harassment, intimida-tion or bullying as grounds for suspension or even expulsion from school. It applies to public


schools, and portions of it apply to public colleges. Center hosts playgroup for gender-variant kids Life is often hard on children who don’t fit neatly into the category of ‘boy’ or ‘girl,’ especially when it comes to making friends. But thanks to a group at the Utah Pride Center, this aspect of growing up gender variant may be a little less difficult. Kids Like Me is a playgroup for children that the Center calls “gender exceptional,” and for children whose parents identify as transgender, genderqueer, gender variant or any gender iden-tity that falls outside of mainstream definitions of masculinity and femininity. Its purpose, the Center said, is not to shoehorn children into any particular gender label or identity, but to help them find friendship and feel less alone. Kids Like Me will hold an open house on Feb. 12 from 12–1:30 p.m. This will allow parents, guardians and caregivers to inquire about the program before enrolling their children. The group itself meets from 5—6:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month in the Utah Pride Center’s Middle Meeting Room, 361 N. 300 West (the open house will be held in the same location). For more information about the play group or to make inquiries about the open house contact Rose Ellen Epstein, the Utah Pride Center’s transgender youth programs coordinator, at 801-539-8800, ex.17 or "/mc/compose?". Calling all queens Following a very successful and fully packed debut pageant last year, the Ms Gay and Ms TS Australia contest returns next month to showcase the best of Australia’s pageant queens, trans-sexuals and cross dressers. It will be held from 8pm on Saturday, February 5 at Melbourne’s Yarraville Club, 135 Stephen St, Yarraville. In an event that’s part fashion parade and part beauty pageant, 20 or more candi-dates will battle for the crowns and titles with their stunning costumes, talent, fierce attitude, wit and cheeky humour. During the intermission, you can dance the night away, be entertained by local singers, dancers and performers. Food and drinks available at the venue. Info: Tickets are $18/20 from "", and the competition is still open to candidates. To enter, visit "" or call Gayzha on 0407 073 350 "Transgender" Now an Official Sex in Nepal The Nepalese government just announced that when " This is an extremely progressive move (the United States is among the many countries that do not allow for self- identification outside the binary categories of "male" and "female").


I'm sure that it's just as challenging (if not more so) to identify as transgender in Nepal, but it's heartening to see that the government is so committed to recognizing and protecting LGBT civil rights. According to the AFP article, India will also be including "transgender" as a category in their 2011 census. All of this is making the United States look pretty backwards - but could it push us toward more inclusive gender categories in the 2020 census? SF gay history museum finds home, identity Long recognized as "one of the great ground zeroes of queer liberation," the Castro becomes the site of the nation's first lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history museum today. "Our letters were burned, our names blotted out, our books censored, our love declared un-speakable, our very existence denied," spell out words from a 1979 San Francisco Gay History Project flyer inscribed along one of the museum's walls. With two exhibits and hundreds of articles, the GLBT History Museum is the world's second museum dedicated solely to gay and lesbian archives and materials, museum officials said. The only other one is in Germany. San Francisco "should have had one long before this, given that it's known as a mecca for LGBT people," said Karen Sundheim, program manager of the Main Library's James C. Hor-mel Gay and Lesbian Center. The museum's opening was the top priority for the Merchants of Upper Market and Castro, the association President Stephen Adams said, because it will draw more tourists and locals alike and "really help with the economic vitality of the neighborhood." Township Commissioners Pass Anti-Discrimination Ordinance During a storm of heavy criticisms from both supporters and opponents of a proposed anti-discrimination ordinance, the Haverford Township commissioners passed the ordinance at Monday night’s meeting. The ordinance will bar discrimination against people based on age, race, color, religious back-ground, sex, sexual orientation or disability. Cambridge to plan for gender-neutral bathrooms Cambridge — The Cambridge City Council Monday night asked city staff to work with the GLBT Commission to create a citywide ordinance on gender-neutral bathrooms. The text of the order claimed that gender-neutral restrooms lessened the threat of harassment and violence toward transgender individuals. But at Monday night’s meeting councilor Denise Simmons, who sponsored the order with Sam Seidel, Leland Cheung and Craig Kelley, said that gender-neutral bathrooms would also help others — for example, an adult woman who is supervising a young boy.


Council's Action Bans Discrimination In Housing And Employment HARTFORD — — The city council has passed two ordinances that ban discrimination based on gender identity and expression. The ordinances prohibit discrimination on those grounds in housing and employment, and in-clude gender identity and gender expression as a protected class in Hartford's affirmative action laws. They also ban discrimination by companies or individuals who contract with the city. The ordinances define gender identity and expression as "a person's actual or perceived gender, including a person's self- image, appearance, expression or behavior" — whether or not it is dif-ferent from the person's sex at birth. Bill ammendment protects transgendered from hate crimes A Canadian law has been amended to protect transgendered people from hate crimes. In Section 318 of Bill C-389 in the Criminal Code, subsection four protects people from hate crimes directed towards them based on their color, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orien-tation. C-389 adds “gender identity,” defined as the gender persons identify with regardless of physical gender, and “gender expression,” referring to the way an individual chooses to portray their gender, be it clothing, mannerisms, presentation and/or roles, to the section’s list of speci-fications. This bill protects the people who are targeted based on looking like the gender they identify with, or physically are. “It would also protect trans people who don’t ‘look like’ the gender that they identify with.” Three Missourians honored by children's book awards Another prize, the Stonewall Children's and Young Adult Literature Award, went to Brian Katcher who was born in St. Louis and now lives in mid-Missouri with his wife and daughter. (Katcher is a school librarian in Moberly.) "Almost Perfect" won the Stonewall award for "exceptional merit relating to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered experience." Set in a small Missouri town, the novel features a high school guy who becomes interested in a new female student. He eventually learns some secrets, including that her sexuality isn't exactly what he thinks it is. Berkeley set to offer sex-change employee benefit While other cities are slashing employee benefits, Berkeley is slated to add one more: paying for sex-change operations.


The City Council is poised to vote tonight to set aside $20,000 annually for city workers' gen-der-reassignment surgery. The procedure is not covered by the city's two health insurance pro-viders, Kaiser and Health Net. The benefit would allow employees to collect the money before the operation. To receive the payout, employees would have to have lived as the opposite sex for at least one year and under-gone hormone therapy. They also would have to have worked for the city at least a year. Sacramento State to Offer Feminine Voice Clinic The feminine voice clinic is being offered again this spring. It is provided through the Maryjane Rees Language, Speech and Hearing Center Clinic at California State University, Sacramento (Sac State). It begins on February 7 and ends on May 4. Each session will go from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm on Monday and Wednesday evenings. It is highly encouraged to come to both sessions every week, but you are still encouraged to enroll if you are only able to attend one clinic each week. Each session will consist of some group work with everyone together then will break out into much smaller groups with one to three clients working with a student clinician under the supervision of Anne Blanton PhD. The attendees last semester found the individual sessions to be very helpful. The cost of the clinic for the semester is $200.00 with a process in place to pay much less if an individual isn't able to pay the full tuition. The lowest cost for the clinic is $50.00 for the semes-ter. The class is normally $400 a semester if you schedule it yourself through the clinic. To sign up for the transgender voice clinic, please contact the Speech Pathology and Audiology Department at (916) 278-6601 and you will be given information on what you need to do to en-roll. Parking passes will be provided. There is a parking lot across the street from Shasta Hall which is the location of the clinic on campus. You can attend the class en femme or in drab, and some attended both ways at different times during the previous clinic. The CSUS staff and students were great, and very welcoming, sup-portive and friendly. Annie is a delight and everyone who attended the last class loved her. She and her husband attended the Christmas social also. In other words, this clinic is a very trans-gender friendly and safe environment. . This type of clinic is not available in most cities and locations. Don't let this rare opportunity pass you by. .

Lady Gaga to cast transsexuals in her new video Pop star Lady Gaga is rumoured to be working with transsexuals in her new video Born This Way.


'Sources attending a transsexual party hosted by Alannah Starr this weekend in NYC have re-ported that Lady Gaga's people were present, and casting trans ladies for the pop star's upcom-ing music video, said to preparing for a shoot next week,' She is expected to premiere Born This Way at the Grammy awards Feb 13, while the album of the same name is scheduled for a May 23 release. Official oppression earns ex-cop a year behind bars A former San Antonio police officer accused of raping a transsexual prostitute while on duty was ordered Tuesday to spend a year in jail. Prosecutors sought the maximum one-year sentence for the official oppression charge, which is a Class A misdemeanor. Nash was arrested last February after the victim — currently serving time in a male state jail facility for prostitution — reported that she had just been held captive and raped by the officer. She had been picked up by Nash at Guadalupe and Zarzamora streets early that morning and handcuffed in the back of the patrol car, she told police. She then was then told to lie down as Nash drove to an unknown location, where she was forced to commit multiple sex acts, she re-ported. DNA taken from a rape kit later linked Nash to the complainant, according to court records. The woman picked Nash out in a police lineup and GPS tracking of his patrol unit was consis-tent with what she said, documents state. HRC to train trans job-seekers in Boston The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) announced Jan. 18 that the LGBT rights organization will sponsor a training program for transgender job-seekers in Boston next month. The free inaugural event of HRC’s Back to Work project will take place on Feb. 26 and 27. At-tendees will be provided with essential skills needed to make the most of the job market, and find a career that matches their expertise and experience. The Massachusetts Transgender Po-litical Coalition (MTPC), the Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth (BAGLY), the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts (AAC), and MassEquality are cosponsors of the event, which will be hosted by the AAC. Attendance to the event is free and open to transgender people who are unemployed or under-employed. The first 30 registrants for the seminar will receive, also free of cost, a suite of indi-vidualized, open-ended services after the seminar from a credentialed, experienced career coach to help them navigate their own job search. To register, and for more information, please visit "" <""> .


Shop till You Drop Advertisements and OpportunitiesAdvertisements and Opportunities Want to advertise your TGWant to advertise your TG--friendly store, service, club, friendly store, service, club, group, or your own personal items here? There is NO charge group, or your own personal items here? There is NO charge for this … just email the editor bjasen@yahoo.comfor this … just email the editor

EnFemme Boutique is a VERY CD and GLBT friendly Ebay store. Nan is the wife of a Transgendered person, and understands how difficult it can be for some to purchase items. She started this store for CD, TV, TS and TG’s that do not go shopping in public, need help with sizing, or finding certain items. It is a place where you can find items at reasonable prices and ask questions without worry. All listing are PRIVATE listings, so no one will see what you have purchased. Most are NEW With Tags and are 70 –90% OFF Retail Prices. This is Nan’s way of supporting her spouse Amy and the T-Community.




The Glamour BoutiqueThe Glamour Boutique is a terrific TG store. The original retail location is in Auburn, MA is a terrific TG store. The original retail location is in Auburn, MA and now has a Las Vegas retail locations! You can also order online. Can’t say enough about and now has a Las Vegas retail locations! You can also order online. Can’t say enough about this lovely store! A discount is available to Pretty TGirls members and to visitors of my per-this lovely store! A discount is available to Pretty TGirls members and to visitors of my per-sonal website!sonal website!

We're a transgender (GLBT, TG) friendly boutique. Our store is located in Las Vegas, NV, USA, where Amy and her staff provide products and personalized services to help you be-come "The Person You Always Wanted To Be". The Just You Family have years of experience transform-ing men into beautiful women.

Amy: Amy was the manager of GB2 and is now the owner. She is a GG and a wonderful supporter of TG girls of all varieties. She has a wealth of experience with amateurs and professionals and is a tre-mendous talent with makeup. She is one those special angels sent to help us.


I carry a large selection of Sexy Shoes & Boots, Costume Footwear, Lingerie, Hosiery, Leather for Men & Women, & more! Your 1 stop shop for all your Favorite things!! I have Storewide FREE! combined Shipping! Save @ Crazy Daizys! Dont see what you are looking for? Contact me! I am still in the process of stocking my store. Thank you for your patience!

and run and run Hide and SleekHide and Sleek is a wonderful online shop with 2 physical store locations in Scotland as is a wonderful online shop with 2 physical store locations in Scotland as well. Owned by Loraine (a gg) and also sponsors the Miss TV Scotland pageant every year.well. Owned by Loraine (a gg) and also sponsors the Miss TV Scotland pageant every year.


Crazy 4 CliponsCrazy 4 Clipons is a terrific online place to discreetly buy clip on earrings at a very reasonable is a terrific online place to discreetly buy clip on earrings at a very reasonable price. They have a large variety to choose from and love to have TG customers! A discount is price. They have a large variety to choose from and love to have TG customers! A discount is available to Pretty TGirls members and to visitors of my personal website!available to Pretty TGirls members and to visitors of my personal website!

Welcome to crazydaizys


Austin’s Angels … by Jamie AustinAustin’s Angels … by Jamie Austin

I can’t say enough really terrific things about Jamie. Simply put, he works wonders. Careful I can’t say enough really terrific things about Jamie. Simply put, he works wonders. Careful though, he has done such a wonderful job that several girls have seen how wonderfully beauti-though, he has done such a wonderful job that several girls have seen how wonderfully beauti-ful they can be that they have become full time girls! Jamie offers several different makeover ful they can be that they have become full time girls! Jamie offers several different makeover packages … well worth every penny girls !packages … well worth every penny girls !


http://www. countessascloset.comhttp://www.

This is a fabulous place for GG’s and TGirls alike. Countessa is a GG, former model, and a This is a fabulous place for GG’s and TGirls alike. Countessa is a GG, former model, and a terrific supporter of the Transgendered Community ! There is an online store and a physical terrific supporter of the Transgendered Community ! There is an online store and a physical location in Studio City, California. More to follow about this great Lady and her offerings.location in Studio City, California. More to follow about this great Lady and her offerings.

http://www.FemmeFever.com FemmeFeverFemmeFever : Karen has developed a wonderful site and TG resource! Along with coordinat- : Karen has developed a wonderful site and TG resource! Along with coordinat-ing many TG events in the lower NY area, she has a store full of shopping opportunities ing many TG events in the lower NY area, she has a store full of shopping opportunities





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