proposal for the consolidation of the … victoria final report from the statute law revision...

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Ordered by the Legislative Cow1cil to be printed, 9/h Septemi:Jer, 1958.


ll. No. 1.-7002/58.


TlJr~SDAY, 8TH J"GLY, 195H.

13. 8TA'l'U1'E LAW REV1SIOr.< CoMMITT&E.---The Houorable Sir Arthur Warner moved, bv leave, That ih€' Honorables P. T. Byrnes, \c. 0. Dickie, \Y. 0. Fultou, T. H. Grigg, W. Slater, and A~ Todd !Je members of the Statute Law Revision Committee.

Question~put· and rE>soh·ed in th\' attinuntinc>.


TUB8DA Y, 8TH .JULY, 1\)58.

HI. fh.c~Tt:'L'E LAw .Rr:vr"IO-' Cmtl\HTTEr:. .'\lotion made, hv leave, and qne~tim1--That '!\:h., :\h. Lo,·egrove, Mr. :\ianson, Mr. :Hitchell, :\fr. Button, and Mr. Wilcox he appointed member;; of the Rtatute Law ReYi;;ion Committee (Jfr. Bolle)--pnt and arzreecl to.


THE STATUTE LAW REVISION CoMMITTEE, appointed pursuant to the ·provisions of The Constitution Act Amendment Act 1956, has the honour to report as follows :-

1. The Committee in the exercise of the function conferred upon it by Section 344 of The Constitution Act Amendment Act 1956 has continued the examination commenced by the previous Committee into the proposal for the general consolidation of the laws. The previous Committee presented to Parliament a Progress Report on the proposed general consolidation (Victorian Parliamentary Paper D. No. 24 of Session 1956-58) which dealt with 61 draft Bills forming a part of the general consolidation.

2. This Committee has considered the transcript of evidence given to the previous Committee but not presented to Parliament, and which was referred to this Committee by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly dated the 8th July, 1958. The Committee has also examined the 38 draft Bills brought before the previous Committee by the Director of Statutory Consolidation but not dealt with by that Committee in its Progress Report.

3. The evidence of the following persons who appeared before the Committee is appended to this Report:-

Mr. R. C. Normand, Director of Statutory ConBolidation; Mr. M. C. Boniwell ; Mr. K. Anderson, of Counsel ; Mr. S. Hutchinson, Solicitor; Mr. W. M. Houston, Government Printer; and Mr. C. Free, Printing Overseer, Government Printing Office.

4. This Committee endorsed and has followed the procedure outlined by the previous Committee in paragraph 4 of its Report upon a proposed consolidation of the law relating to the amendment of the Constitution (Victorian Parliamentary Paper D. No. 12 Session 1955-56), which reads :-

" 4. Each draft Bill presented to the Committee will be the result of the work of the Director of Statutory Consolidation in assembling, arranging and incorporating the existing operative legislation in one document. Before a draft Bill is submitted to the Committee it will have been referred to Government Departments concerned for examination and comments.

The Director of Statutory Consolidation will certify to the Committee that the draft he presents is a statement of the present law with necessary verbal alterations and either that there are or are not any alterations of substance proposed. If there are alterations of substance it is the duty of the Director to point them out to the Committee.

The Committee will thereupon enquire from the Director as to whether any alteration of substance in the draft is such as may properly be included in a proposal for conBolidation of the statutes. The Committee will in each case report its findings to Parliament."

5. For the convenience of Honorable Members, the titles of all of the draft Bills examined by this and the previous Committee are set out in Appendix "A" to this Report together with references to-(a) the transcript of evidence appended to this Report; (b) the evidence appended to the Progress Report of the previous Committee; (c) the paragraphs of the Progress Report of the previous Committee; and (d) the paragraphs of this Report. 799!1/GS.-2


An asterisk appears in Appendix " A " beside the titles of those draft Bills which have been examined by this or the previous Committee and found to be merely statements of the existing operative law with purely verbal alterations or re-arrangements of subject-matter. Each of these draft Bills is commended to Honorable Members as a true consolidation.

In all other cases special mention has been made in this Report or the Progress Report of the matters to which the Committee desires the attention of Honorable Members to be drawn. Also appended to this report is one complete set of the draft Bills examined by this and the previous Committee, numbered according to the number appearing beside the title of the Bill in Appendix " A ".

Acts Enumeration and Revision.

6. The Committee heard evidence from the Director relating to a draft of the proposed Acts Enumeration and Revision BilL The draft is not part of the proposed general consolidation, but is a necessary companion measure. The draft, the accompanying explanatory paper, and the Director's evidence are appended to this Report and together contain a sufficient explanation of the function of the proposed Bill. The Committee commends the measure.

Acts Interpretation.

7. The Director drew the attention of the Committee to the fact that since the previous Committee reported on the draft Acts Interpretation Bill in its Progress Report it has become necessary to amend the draft by including the provisions of the Acts Interpretation Act 1958 which was passed after the date of the Progress Report. This Committee commends the draft Bill in its amended form.

Boilers Inspection.

8. The Director drew the attention of the Committee to clauses 10 and 26 of the draft Bill.

For reasons adequately explained by the Director in his evidence the Committee agrees that the provisions of clause 10 (1) of the measure are now unnecessary as being of no further operative effect. The Committee accordingly recommends their omission from the draft Bill before presentation to Parliament.

By virtue of section 28 of the Boilers Inspection Act 1928 it is an offence to use a boiler for which a certificate has not been issued. However, that section exempts from its requirements boilers in use prior to 1907. The Committee has been informed that as far as possible the present practice is to require all boilers in use to be certificated.

The draft Bill as submitted to this Committee has omitted the exception thereby conforming the law to the existing practice. The Committee agrees with the Director that the exemption should now be reinstated in the draft Bill by the insertion of the words " if it was not in use before the 1st day of March 1907 " after the words " to use such boiler" in clause 26 (1) (a) of the draft Bill. However desirable the intended amendment may have been, the Committee considers that it would effect an alteration to the law such as may not properly be made in a consolidating measure.

Coal Mines.

9. For the reasons adequately explained in the comparative table attached to the draft Bill, this measure does not Embody the State Coal Mine Industrial Tribunal Act 1932. This enactment has been included in the list of unrepealed and unconsolidated enactments in the draft of the Acts Enumeration and Revision Bill which is to be introduced in conjunction with the various consolidating Bills.


Country Roads. 10. The Committee, on the suggestion of the Director, considers it advisable to

amend the draft Bill with respect to the provisions concerning by-pass roads. It is recommended that clause 101 be amended by omitting the cross reference to Part VIII. of the Bill and that clauses 113 and 114 be amended by specifically including "by-pass roads" in those provisions. The amendment suggested to clauses 113 and 114 will remove the necessity for the cross-reference in clause 101, and will render the measure more intelligible.


11. The Director drew the attention of the Committee to the om1sswn of the existing provisions of sections 63 and 67 of the Explosives Act 1928 from the draft measure. The Committee is satisfied that these provisions are inconsistent with certain other existing laws. As explained in the Explanatory Memorandum, their omission from the measure is desirable and will effect no alteration of significance to the law.

Gas and Fuel Corporation.

12. The draft Bill before the Committee does not include the prov1s10ns of the Gas and Puel Corporation (Bendigo Undertaking) Act 1958, which was passed during the last session of Parliament, and after the preparation of the draft. However, the Director assures the Committee that the necesflary addition will be made to the draft before its introduction to Parliament.


13. This measure contains certain material, particularly the 1945 Commonwealth and States Agreement, which is now practically spent in operation, having been superseded by subsequent agreements. However the Committee agrees with the Director as to the wisdom of including this materia] for reference purposes.


14. The Committee concurs with the action of the Director, adequately explained in his evidence to the Committee, in induding in the draft Bill certain provisions of doubtful validity. There is doubt as to the precise extent to which Commonwealth legislation has over-ridden some of these provisions and it is therefore proper in the consolidating measure to retain them.


15. The Director drew the attention of the Committee to the fact that a large portion of the Licensing (Amendment) Act 1953 amended the licensing law by means of substantive propositions and that many necessary amendments consequential upon those propositions were not then effected. Mr. Normand drafted the consolidating Bill to give effect to the amendments which were, in his opinion, consequential upon the 1953 amendments and referred the draft to Mr. Kevin Anderson of Counsel for his opinion. The Committee heard both Mr. Normand and Mr. Anderson on this matter and accepts their assurance that the draft is a true consolidation of existing law.

Local Government.

16. The attention of the Coimmttee was drawn to sub-clause (9) of clause 197 of this draft Bill. Sub-section (9) of section 197 of the Local Government Act 1946 (which corresponds to clause 197 (9) of the draft) is divided into two paragraphs, one of which provides that approval of the Governor in Council must be given before certain by-laws are made and the other requires, in respect of certain other by-laws, such approval after the by-laws are made and before they beccme operative. The Director agreed to a suggestion made to him that the clause should provide for the same procedure to apply to all by-laws under that section which come up for approval of the Governor in Council and, of the two alternatives, chose the one which conforms with present practice, i.e., that the approval of the Governor in Council should be sought after the by-laws are made and before they become operative. ·


The Committee agrees with the action of the Director in this matter, believing the alteration to be merely minor and procedural in nature and therefore one which may quite properly be made in connexion with a consolidation.

Markets. 17. The draft Bill is certified by the Director to be a true consolidation. He

advised the Committee that grave doubt exists as to whether the present Markets Act has been used but that, as the legislation is on the Statute Book and could be called into operation, it has been included in the general consolidation.

Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. 18. The Director brought several matters in relation to this draft Bill to the

attention of the Committee. Two of the matters raised should, in the opinion of the Committee, be corrected by alteration of the draft before presentation to Parliament.

Clauses 185 and 219 appear to be inconsistent and the Committee, at the suggestion of the Director, recommends, that clause 185 be altered to provide that that clause is to be read subject to the provisions of clause 219. The apparent inconsistency will then be removed.

In Part VI. of the draft Bill (which contains the provisions of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1956) there is a reference to " this Act " which should be altered to read " this Part ".

The Committee desires to bring to the notice of Honorable Members the several further proposals for amendment to the draft which were received by the Director and are outlined in his evidence and which, in the opinion of the Committee, were quite properly rejected by him. The matters raised may, upon investigation, point to the need for amending legislation.

Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways. 19. The Committee accepts the Director's assurance that the changes made in

clauses 42, 43, and 44 and in the schedules to this draft have been made in order to bring the legislation up to date. The schedules will now contain details of the whole of the tramways system as it exists now and the controlling clauses have been amended consequentially.

Mental Deficiency. 20. The draft Bill consolidates the existing law which is to be found in seven

enactments passed from 1939 onwards. As explained in the Explanatory Paper these various Acts have not, as yet, been proclaimed.

Milk Board. 21. The draft examined by the Committee does not include the provisions of the

Milk Board (Members) Act ] 958, but the Director assured the Committee that the draft to be presented to Parliament will contain that legislation.

Money Lenders. 22. This draft is a true consolidation of existing law. However, the Director

drew the attention of the Committee to a drafting device used in sub-clause (3) of clause 3 by which what would otherwise be dozens of references to dates throughout the draft are brought together in one clause.

The Committee commends this simplification of the form of the legislation.

Motor Car. 23. The Director certified that in this draft he had consolidated the existing law

without alteration. Clause 31 (1) (d) appears to require amendment by means of subsequent legislation as it contains reference to regulations made under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the repealed Road Traffic Act 1935. The Committee invites the attention of Honorable Members to the Director's evidence on this point wherein he advised the Committee that in his opinion the intention of the law is in doubt but that as consolidator he felt unable to alter the law to what he thought may have been intended.


Process Servers and Inquiry Agents.

24. A small verbal alteration to the draft presented to the Committee may be necessary before the Bill is presented to Parliament. The present Victorian legislation refers to "peace officers" and clause 4 (1) of the draft refers to "any member of the police force . . . . . . . . . of the Commonwealth ". The clause was so drafted in anticipation of the coming into operation of Commonwealth legislation abolishing peace officers and setting up a Commonwealth police force.

The Commonwealth Act has not yet been proclaimed and, if it has not been proclaimed by the time the consolidation comes into operation, it may be necessary to change the reference in Clause 4 back to " peace officers ".

State Savings Bank.

25. The Committee heard both the Director and Mr. Stuart Hutchison (formerly solicitor to the State Savings Bank) on this draft. Both certified that the draft is a true consolidation of the existing law and effects no changes. The form of the law 1s changed in certain respects, mainly because some of the existing law is out of date.

Survey Co-ordination.

26. The Director pointed out that he had not reproduced in the draft a section of the existing Act which required the proper officer of every department or public authority, within twelve months after the commencement of the Act, to cause to be compiled a list of all plans in possession of the department or authority and to forward a certified copy to the Surveyor-General.

He advised the Committee that he believed that this requirement had not been complied with in all cases and that he had rejected a suggestion that the clause be included in the consolidation because the effect of its inclusion would be to extend the time for compliance and thus amend the existing law.

The Committee agrees with this view and commends the draft.


27. The Director advised the Committee that the draft Bill is an accurate though unsatisfactory consolidation. He stated that the legislation contains a great deal of repetition which could be shortened considerably and that, to produce a satisfactory consolidation, it would be necessary to completely re-write the whole of the legislation.


28. The Committee heard both the Director and the Government Printer on the problems associated with printing both the consolidating Bills and, subsequently, the Acts so that the Acts will be quickly available to the public after the passage of the Bills.

The Committee commends the way in which the Director and the Government Printer have co-operated and have overcome the many problems associated with the printing. It is believed that the major problems have now been overcome and that both the Bills and the Acts will be available in time to meet the Government's projected programme.

29. Honorable Members are doubtless aware of the great value to Victoria of this proposed consolidation and the Committee desires to express its satisfaction that at an early date the complete consolidation will be presented to Parliament. The difficulty experienced in recent years by all persons who have had reason to discover the state of the law in some of the much amended Acts is well known. The skill with which the consolidation has been drafted and compiled will remove much of that past difficulty.


30. It is envisaged that wholesale consolidations such as this one will not be necessary in future. The present system of drafting amendments is to be replaced by one which closely follows that used by the Commonwealth ; so that as amendments are made to Acts forming part of the consolidation the Government Printer will be authorised to print from time-to-time up-to-date Act copies which will so far as possible incorporate the amendments. Thus for the most part it ·will be necessary to refer to one document only to discover the state of the Statute Law on a particular topic.

31. The Committee desires to commend highly the work of Mr. Normand as Director of Statutory Consolidation. The task has been prodigious and now seems certain to be brought to a successful conclusion. In the opinion of the Committee, this is in a great measure due to the capacity and energy which Mr. Normand brought to the work of preparing the consolidation.

The Committee expresses the hope that Parliament will see fit to recognise the work of Mr. Normand by calling him to the Bar of one of the Houses so that the thanks of Parliament can be formally conveyed to him.

Committee Room,

19th August, 1958.



Where an asterisk appears, the draft has been certified by this or the previous Committee to be one which truly consolidates the law and makes no changes which should be brought to the notice of Honorable Members.

Transcript Transcript I

Paragraph I Paragrap

Number. 'I'itle. Page Page Number Nnmber

Progress This Progress ThJs Repurc. Repurt. Report. Repurt.


1 Acts Enumeration and Revision . . . . .. . . 108 . . 6 2 Acts Interpretation . . . . . . .. 20 49 . . 7 3* Aborigines . . . . . . . . .. 14 . . . . . . 4 Administration and Probate . . . . .. 36-7 . . 6 . . 5* Adoption of Children . . . . . . .. 20 . . . . . . 6* Agent-General's . . . . . . . . 14 .. . . . . 7* Agricultural Colleges . . . . . . . . 37 .. . . . . 8* Agricultural Education . . . . . . . . .. 57 . . . . 9* Agricultural Lime . . . . . . . . 15 .. . . . .

10* Air Navigation .. . . . . .. . . 15 . . . . . . 11* Anzac Day . . . . . . . . .. 20 . . . . . . 12* Apprenticeship . . . . . . . . . . 15 .. . . . . 13* Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . 15 .. . . . . 14* Architects . . . . . . . . . .

I 37 .. . . . .

15* Auction Sales . . . . . . . . .. 16 . . . . . . 16* Audit . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 . . . . . . 17 Bakers and Millers . . . . . . .. 21-2 . . 7 . . 18* Bank Holidays .. . . . . . . . . .. 42 . . . . 19* Barley Marketing . . . . . . .. 37-9 . . . . . . 20* Bees .. . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . 21* Benefit Associations . . . . . . . . 23 .. . . . . 22 Boilers Inspection . . . . . . . . .. 43 . . 8 23* Building Societies . . . . . . .. 24 . . . . . . 24* Business Investigations . . . . . . .. 23 . . . . . . 25* Business Names . . . . . . .. 24 . . . . . . 26* Cancer .. . . . . . . . . 26-7 . . . . . . 27* Carriers and Innkeepers . . . . .. 24 . . . . . . 28* Cattle Breeding .. . . . . . . .. 27 . . . . . . 29* Cattle Compensation . . . . . . . . 27 .. . . . . 30* Cemeteries .. . . . . . . . . i 39 . . . . . . 31* Children's Court . . . . .. 27 . . . . . . 32* Children's Welfare . . . . . . .. 27 . . . . . . 33* Clean Air .. . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . 34 Coal Mines . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 . . 9 35 Commercial Goods Vehicles . . . . .. 24-5 . . 8-11 . . 36* Commonwealth Arrangements .. . . . . 27--8 . . . . . . 37* The Constitution Act Amendment . . . . .. 57 . . . . 38* Co-operation .. . . . . . . . . 28 . . . . . . 39* Co-operative Housing Societies . . . . .. 28 . . . . . . 40* Coroners . . . . . . . . .. 39 . . . . . . 41* Country Fire Authority .. . . . . . . .. 44 . . . . 42 Country Roads . . . . . . . . .. 57 . . 10 43* County Court . . . . . . .. . . 28 . . . . . . 44* Crimes .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 58 . . . . 45* Crown Proceedings . . . . . . .. 28 . . . . . . 46* Dairy Products . . . . .. . . 39 . . . . . . 47* Developmental Railways .. . . . . 28-30 . . . . . . 48* Dietitians Registration .. . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . 49* Dog . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 . . . . . . 50* Drainage Areas .. . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . 51* Drainage of Land . . . . .. . . 39 . . . . . . 52* Dried Fruits .. . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . 53* Education .. . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . 54* Electric Light and Power . . .. . . . . 59 . . . . 55* Employers and Employes .. . . . . 30 . . . . . . 56* Entertainments Tax .. . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . 5~* Essential Services .. . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . 58* Estate Agents .. . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . 59* Evidence .. . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . 60 Explosives . . . . . . .. . . . . 44 . . 11 61* Farm Produce Agents .. . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . 62* Fences . . . . . . .. . . . . 44 . . . . 63* Fertilizers . . . . . . .. . . . . 44 . . . . 64* Firearms . . . . . . . . .. . . 59 . . . .



Paragraph l Transcript Tranacrlpt Paragraph Number. Title. Page Page Number Number

Progress Tbis Progress This Report. Report. Report. Report.

65* Fisheries 40 66* Footwear Regulation 30 67* Forests 59 68* Friendly Societies 41 69* Fruit and Vegetables 41 70* Fungicides 44 71* Game .. 59 72* Gaols .. 60 73 Gas and Fuel Corporation 44 12 74* Gas Regulation 45 75* Geelong Harbor Trust .. 45 76* Geelong Waterworks and Sewerage 60 77* Gold Buyers 41 78* Goods .. 60 79* Grain Elevators 45 80* Hairdressers Registration 50 81* Harbor Boards .. 60 82* Hawkers and Pedlers 41 83* Health .. 45 84* Home Finance .. 45 85* Horse Breeding 46 86* Hospital Benefits 46 87* Hospitals and Charities 46 88 Housing 60 13 89* Imprisonment of Fraudulent Debtors 50 90* Industrial and Provident Societies 46 91* Inebriates 46 92 Instruments 60 14 93* Judicial Proceedings Reports 51 94* Juries .. 51 95* Justices 62 96* Labour and Industry 62 97* Land .. 62 98* Landlord and Tenant 96 99* Lands Compensation 62

100* Land Settlement 63 101* Land Surveyors 63 102* Land Tax 51 103* Latrobe Valley .. 63 104* Legal Profession Practice 51 105* Libraries 46 106 Licensing 54-6, 15

63, 78-83

107* Lifts Regulation 41 108* Limitation of Actions 46 109* Liquified Petroleum Gas .. 63 110* Livery and Agistment .. 41 111* Local Authorities Superannuation 52 112 Local Government 93 16 113* Maintenance 63 114* Margarine 52 115* Marine .. 94 116* Marine Stores and Old Metals 64 117* Marketing of Primary Products 52 118 Markets 64 17 119* Marriage 94 120* Masseurs 64 121* Master and Apprentice 47 122* Medical 69 123 Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works 64-5, 18

92-3 124 Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways 68 19 125* Melbourne Harbor Trust 96-7 126 Mental Deficiency 52 20 127* Mental Hygiene 69 128* Metropolitan Fire Brigades 70 129* Mildura Irrigation and Water Trusts 70 130* Milk and Dairy Supervision 70-1 131 Milk Board 70 21 132* :1\'Iilk Pasteurization 47


Transcript Tran:,eril·!r_ 11:\ t'agraph Paragmrllt

;..:!unlwr. Tit!<'. Page Pag<' ~umber Number Progress Thi.< Proarr:-:~ This Report. Hq1ol'i. HC')\{1!'*. Repnrt.


13.3* Minctl 71 J:w~ Mining Development 71 l:l5* Ministry of Transport !""12 13()':' Mint 47 l:n Money Lender~ 712 22 1 :)1' Moto; Car 7:l! 2:) 13\l* National Parks 71 1 ,tQ* Newmarh•t Sheep Sal eM ;-);j

Hl* Nurses 7:1 112'" Opticians RP~stration 7f} 143* J>artnership T:, Hi* Patriotic FundR 7:\ H5* Pawnhrokcrf< T1 146* Penalties 1'1 l·H"' Petroleum 71. T! 148* Petrol Pumps :,3 H9"' Poison~ HI ].:)0* Polire Oifrncefi .. 7r, l 31 * Police Regulation :}1 ~

]:)2* Poor Person;.: Legal AsRi,;tancP ~~

Fi3* Portland Hnrhor Trn~t .. 7:-l 154* Ponn(b 7() 155':' Prinh•rs antl N(•wspapers 7ti 15(1 Proec,;c;;.; SeJTrn~ and Imp1iry Agi'Ht~~ 7ii 21 157* Proprrty Law .. 71) 7 1!".8* . Pnhlic Ar.count 77 15\l* Pnblie :\nthoriti('" '\-Iarb 77 ] 60* Pnl>lic Contract;-; 11 1 1\ !"' Public Rafetv f'n·>~erva tion 77 1 t\2':' Public ReiTiC<' 77 JG:1* Public TrnHtPP .. 77 lf14* Pnhlie Works 77 llifi* Puhlie Worb l'nmmitt.e(' 77 l (\f\':' Racing 77 l f\T' Railway Land~ Aeqni~itio!l B:i l6W' Hailwav;.; H7 ]69* Rep:iAtl;a.tion of Births Death:; and MarriagP~ ~n ]70':' Rrligious Suecessorv and Charitable Trnst~ k:-> 171* Rinr I mprovem(•Jlt 84 1/:t':' Road 'l'raflie t-\,1 17:v:· Hnml Financr Corporation 8,1 liP Hale of Allotment~ of Land Kl 175* ScamenK f\:i l7fi* SPeond-haml Dealer!4 8.) 177* Seeds .. 8;) 178* Senate Elections sr, 179':'

; Servants' Registry Officer-; Hfl

180* 8\'ttled Land H~J

JKF 8e\vera.gP Di;;tricts !l!J 1~2* Shearer~ Aceommodation l'C 183~' Sheep Dippinp: .. P,;-,

1M* Sheep Owners Protection 8,,-)

1R5':' Soil Conservation and Land Utiliza.tiou q-j,,)

186':' Soldier Rettlmnent M:-) 187* Soliei tor-G E' 1wral w. I RH"' Stmnp:-< !l,-l

Ji-ID* Stat1• ] )rvelopnwnt ~-'.)

l!lO ~tale El(•ctririt.y Commission I 14. 1:! 19 3·t-:.

EH* State Relief Committ"r l:{;~;

]1)2 State Savings Bank l<li 7 2C'l ] ()3* Sta.tistics l,l'"':' ,,, l\'i4':' Stock and Share Brokers ~,7

195* Stoek Diseases .. ~7 r !i6':' Stock Foods K~

< I

197* Stock 1\f edicincli 1'7 198* Street Trading .. Kt 199* Superannuation L 14 200'' Supreme Court .. 87 p. 201 Survey Co-ordination 8H 2() 202* Rwinr. '. ~~


:!.03* 204:* 205* 206* 207* 208* 209* 210* 21P:' 212* :H3* 214:* 215* 216* 217* 218* 219* 220* 221* 222* 223* 224:* 225* 226 227* 228* 229* 230* 231* 232* 233* 234*



Tattersall Consultation" Teaching Service Temperance Halls Theatres Tobacco ~ellt·r;-Tourist Town and Cotmtry Planning Trade Union!-> Tramways (')\)

Transfer of ]J~md }1;, Transport Regulation 1:19 Trustee tiH Trustee Companies 8l! Unauthorized Documt>ntH Em Unclaimed Moneys 1:1\l Univt'rsity 1:\H Gnlawful Assemblies and Processions \I(J Vegetation and Vin(' Disem;es !JO Venereal Disease~ 90 Vermin and Noxious Weeds 90 Veterinary Rurgeons 90, 107 Victorian Inland lVIeat Authority .. HO \V :uehoust'men 's Lien~ HO Watt·r .. H7 \Veights and :VIeasures 90 Wild FlowerR and Native Plants Protection HO Wills .. 90 Win· Netting 90 Women·s Qualification 91 Workers Compensation 9l Wrongs 91 Youth Or~anisations A l'lsistance HI

By Authority: W. M. HoUSTON, Government Printer, Melbourne.

l'nragraJ)h Number ProgresM Report. Numlw1·

Thb Rt'fll)rt.


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