proper internet etiquettte-4sos

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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By: Jannel Mendeee CallejaAllyanna Cher SantillanAllieya Mae HabalKrisha V. Nobora

Be nice

The first rule of Internet etiquette is to be nice. Never flame or rant in a public forum. Show respect for the opinions of others, even if you don’t agree, and refrain from name-calling. Avoid saying anything negative about others.

Learn Acronyms

As communication on the Internet explodes, so does the use of acronyms. Learn what they mean so you won’t misunderstand messages and comments.

Keep messages and post brief

Most people use the Internet to save time, so honor that and keep all messages as brief as possible. If you have more to say, try breaking it up into smaller topics. This will force you to be more organized and enable the reader to digest the information in a more orderly manner.

Don’t shout!

Avoid using all caps in any email or post. Some people think that keeping the caps lock button on for the entire message will make it easier to read, while it actually does the opposite. It is not only difficult to read, it comes across as shouting, which is rude.

Use discretion

Whether you are sending email, instant messaging, commenting on Facebook, or posting a message to your blog, you need to remember that anything you put on the Internet can be there forever. Even if you remove the material, someone may have copied or saved it.

Protect your personal info.

Since anything you post on the Internet is out there for all to see, avoid adding anything personal. This includes your address, phone number, social security number, and driver’s license information. You don’t want to make things easy for identity thieves, burglars, and predators.

Obey copyright laws

Never copy someone else’s work and post it as your own. It is against copyright law because it is considered stealing. It is always a good idea to ask permission before quoting anyone, but that isn’t always possible.

Before you click “send”

It is always a good idea to reread anything you type before clicking the “send” button. If you have time, step away for a few minutes and come back to it with fresh eyes. If not, at least check your spelling, grammar, and tone of the message.

Help others

If you see that someone has posted something inappropriate, let him or her know privately. Never do anything to publicly embarrass anyone you know online

Use appropriate emoticons

Use "smiley's" or punctuation such as :-) to convey emotions.

No spam

Don't contribute to worthless information on the Internet by sending or responding to mass postings of chain letters, rumors, etc.

Use appropriate language

Avoid coarse, rough, or rude language.

Observe good grammar and spelling.


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