promoting purpose

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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In this issue we have Men and Women from all walks of life. Both Nationally and Internationally, find out what there doing to walk in their purpose and how there being a blessing to others!






















Sherrell Valdezloqui

Felix Valdezloqui


Carlet Horne


Rachel Moore


Damon Moore


Tiff‟s Editing Café


Dr. Inecir Mathis

Daniel Duval

Devin Coleman

Carlet Horne

Rachel Moore

Tiffany Rivera

Adrienna Turner

Coach Linda Hillman


J.C Stevenson


Wanda Adams- Marketing Ministry


Jackie Hicks



Dear Lord,

I want to thank you for allowing us to make it another

year, another year meaning another chance to be able to

walk our purpose and be a blessing to those you have

placed among us on this journey. Lord strengthen our faith

and endurance, for we know and understand the more we

worship and get closer to you and do your great works, the

more the world will try to persecute us for it. Prepare us Lord, so that

we will not just be working for the Kingdom but working in the

Kingdom this year and the years to come of our existence. Our hearts’

desire above all things is to make it into the kingdom of heaven when

our time comes, so therefore Lord we ask that you protect our souls

as we work in the kingdom. Speak to us and give us direction. Send

those into our lives that will encourage us and minister to us the food

that is needed for our survival.

Lord this year is going to be the year of elevation in which you make

us international, for we know that your work is not just done in the

United States, but worldwide. We know that there are others that are

struggling and fighting to keep and live the gospel in their countries.

We are here to fight with them by encouraging them and letting

them know that we will keep them in our prayers and present their

ministry to others making them aware of their existence. Lord, right

now we come against the strongholds that are placing minds in

prison, and that are putting fear in the hearts of people because of

their past. Lord we know that, “He who the son sets free, is free

indeed,” and that the strong holds are nothing more than irritations

and intimidations, but can do no more than that because your Son

has paid the price. The only way they can do any more than that is if

we choose to let them.

Lord we ask that the articles, testimonies and features in this

magazine speak to the lives that are reading it, and we ask that those

who are reading it will spread the word. Peace and Blessings to all in

Jesus name Amen.



Pastor Samuel Prasad is from

Viakhatnam, India and is currently over

50 churches in counting along with 45

Pastors/Ministers under him. Pastor

Prasad has converted from Hindu to

Christianity. What made this man of God

convert from such a dominate religion of

Hindu in his country to Christianity is

mind blowing. Pastor Samuel Prasad

visits the United States once a year

sharing the gospel and the life of being a

part of only 2% of the Christians in

India out of 98% of the population.

Pastor Prasad shares how it’s not easy

being a part of 2% but he will continue

to teach the word of God because he

knows it will heal and set many free and

that is his purpose.



Dr. Irene M. Campbell will be turning

75 years old on January 12, 2012. She

was married to the late Mr. Cleatis

Campbell Sr. for 51 years. Pastor

Irene M. Campbell is the mother of 4

children; (1 deceased); CoPastor Anita

C. Spaulding, Cleatis Campbell, Jr.,

and Carolyn Hawkins.

She was under the leadership of the

late founder Bishop Mother Hattie Q.

Southgate and for 35 years Dr. Irene

M. Campbell has been the Senior

Overseer & Pastor of the Rescue

House of Prayer, in South Plainfield,

New Jersey.

The ministry consists of the RHP

Recovery Ministry, Bread/Street

Ministry; the award winning Youth

Orchestra, a mass choir and youth

choir, children's choir, and an active

prison and recovery ministry.

Additionally, Dr. Campbell established

a church in Felton, Delaware;

Deliverance Temple of the Rescue

House of Prayer; a mission

in Willingboro, NJ; and Georgia.

Furthermore, Pastor Campbell is a very

active member of the Ecumenical

Council of South Plainfield and the

Urban Clergy Association of Plainfield.

In 1998 awarded an Honorary Doctorate

degree from Metropolitan Theological

Seminary in NY.

In 1999 she was awarded the Pastor of

the Year from Soul Brothers Production.

She can be seen preaching the gospel on

Comcast Channel 96 on Sundays @

9:00 p.m. -


By: Daniel Duval

If you‟ve never heard about

a woman named Corrie Ten

Boom, then it‟s time you

did! She has an incredible

story of forgiveness, which

is the topic of discussion

this week. The fact of the

matter is that unity among

the body of Christ requires

forgiveness. We are all

human, and even the most

spiritual among us do things

that can be offensive or

hurtful to others. If we

refuse to forgive offenses,

we effectively refuse God‟s

ability to work forgiveness

in our midst.

Corrie Ten Boom

was a World War II

Holocaust survivor. She was

taken to a concentration

camp for hiding Jews in her

house during the Nazi

occupation of Holland. I

need not go into the details

of all that she faced while

she was there.

Her whole family was

imprisoned, but both she and

her sister were sent to the

notorious Ravensbrück

concentration camp. Corrie

survived while her sister did

not. She became a preacher

after receiving a miraculous

deliverance from the

concentration camp. After

some time had passed, her

preaching took her back to

war torn Germany. On one

occasion she was speaking in

Munich on the topic closest to

her heart—forgiveness. After

she finished, a man made his

way to the front to talk with

her. It was none other than

one of the most abusive

guards from Ravensbrück.

This was a man she was

forced to stand before naked,

shamed, and starved. The

flood of memories caused

Corrie‟s blood to stand still.

Although he did not

remember her, she

remembered him.

Nonetheless, he asked to hear

it from her mouth that he was

forgiven for the sins he had

committed as a guard. She

did..Her testimony is so

powerful because it shows the

limitless power of

forgiveness. Some of us have

a hard time forgiving

the driver that cuts us off in

traffic. Yet the power of

forgiveness is as infinite as

God Himself. There is no

offence that is beyond

forgiveness, and Corrie

Ten Boom is an incredible

illustration of this fact.

How can one forgive

another human being that

showed only abuse,

torment, and utter

disregard for their

humanity? The answer is

only through the power of

Christ. As Christians, we

can never get away from

the fact that Jesus came so

that we could be forgiven.

Sure He came to heal us, to

set the captives free, to

give sight to the blind, and

so forth. However, all of

these other works are

meaningless apart from our

forgiveness and

reconciliation to God.

According to Mark‟s

gospel, Jesus even

explained that he healed

the paralytic so that men

would know that He had

power on earth to forgive



“But that ye may know that

the Son of man hath power on earth

to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick

of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise,

and take up thy bed, and go thy way

into thine house” (Mark 2:10-11)

It is ever so clear from this account

that the purpose for healing the

paralytic was to prove that Jesus had

the power to forgive sins. He came

to forgive us. How often do you go

out of your way to forgive someone

else for all the offenses they have

committed against you? The ultimate

call of Christians is to be lovers of

God and men. However, this rests

entirely upon our ability to forgive

like God forgives. Quite frankly, it is

impossible to allow the love of God

to flow through us towards someone

we refuse to forgive. The un-

forgiveness not only blocks God‟s

love flowing out of us, it puts us in

bondage as well. Furthermore, we

have a clear warning in scripture.

“For if ye forgive men their

trespasses, your heavenly Father will

also forgive you: But if ye forgive

not men their trespasses, neither

will your Father forgive your

trespasses.” (Matthew 6:14-15)

Forgiveness isn‟t an option for Christians.

It is a requirement. Furthermore, it will lead

to greater degrees of unity. It doesn‟t matter

what‟s been done to us or how horrific the

abuse has been. Corrie Ten Boom proves to

us that nothing is beyond God‟s ability.

With His power at work in us, forgiveness

is possible in any situation. With Christ you

can forgive the friend that turned their back

on you. You can forgive the employer who

treated you unfairly and unjustly fired you.

You can forgive the mother that didn‟t

protect you. You can forgive the partner

who walked out on you, who abused you,

who cheated on you, or who blamed you

for every problem they have. You can

forgive the person who molested, or even

worse, who raped you. With Christ, all

things are possible.

“I can do all things through Christ which

strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:13)

By: Daniel Duval

Purposeful Living Restoring Your Faith!

Grab your copy today for only $8.24 by going to

Purposeful Living Restoring Your Faith is a compilation of

Inspirational, Encouraging and Ministering Articles from

PPM most anointed articles in 2011 compiled in a book

format from writers Dr. Inecir Matthis, Rachel Moore and

CEO Sherrell Valdezloui .



“Your current condition

is nothing more than a

catalyst that is being

used to create a fire, a

conflagration in your

soul that if you allow,

CAN push you right

into your purpose.”


“Your current condition is nothing

more than a catalyst that is being

used to create a fire, a

conflagration in your soul that if

you allow, CAN push you right into

your purpose.” This is just one of

the many powerful entries you will

discover in P. Irene Jones’ latest

book entitled, The Inspired

Vocabulary: Scholastic Edition. .

A lifelong lover of language and

learning, P. Irene uses a unique

approach to help her readers easily

understand the pronunciation and

definition of vocabulary words. .

As an author, facilitator and

education advocate, P. Irene has

effectively combined her passion

for literacy and enthusiasm for

empowering others with her broad

knowledge of vocabulary words.

In addition to being an Author and

writing her “Inspired Vocabulary” series

of books, P. Irene is also the

President/Founder/CEO and Chair of the

Board of Foster Care Shines, Inc.. A not-

for-profit organization that is on a

mission to bring national focus,

compassion and support to children

growing up in and aging out of the foster

care system. Her organization does this

by providing boot camp-style life skills

training to children in foster care. What

causes P. Irene to have such a passion for

helping young people in foster care is

because she spent the first 12 years of her

life living the life of a foster care child.

While her mother never gave up

permanent parental rights over her, she

did, however, give up guardianship rights

over her to several people so that every

year, or every other year in some

instances, P. Irene was living in the home

of someone new. Despite the challenges

of growing up in these circumstances, she

used her education and knowledge to

make decisions that positively impacted

her life.

Born and raised in Washington, DC and

educated in the DC public school system,

P. Irene‟s creative zeal for words really

took root in 1999, when she inspired

others with her “word of the day” daily

emails. When people complimented her

for taking the initiative to share this

knowledge, she knew she had hit a nerve.


P. Irene realized the importance and

popularity of vocabulary-building

skills and later established her

company, The Inspired Vocabulary

Literacy Revolution, LLC. This

need has become even more

apparent to her as she provides

vocabulary-building workshops to

inner-city children at a local public

high school in Washington, DC.

P. Irene started her college career at

Howard University and then later

graduated from the University of Maryland

with both a Bachelor of Science degree and

a Master of Science degree. Currently, she

is focusing on expanding her not-for-profit

business Foster Care Shines, Inc.,

regionally and nationally. P. Irene is single

and remains a resident of Washington, DC.

Her fourth book, The Inspired Vocabulary:

African American Edition will be released

in the summer of 2012.

Get Your Copy Today!

P. Irene Jones, Author, Facilitator,

Education Advocate

The Inspired Vocabulary Literacy

Revolution, LLC Phone: (240) 413-9300



Get your copy of "The Inspired

Vocabulary: A Vocabulary-Building

Devotional" TODAY!,









From humble beginnings, Elder Michael G Carr

was born in Newark NJ one of 4 siblings. Elder

Carr comes from a highly gifted and talented

family and is destine to make a positive

contribution in this world. The Lord knew at

what point and time Michael would answer the

Call. He is a loving husband to Kawana Lyons-

Carr and father of two children Diamond &

Michael II. Pastor Carr is a highly anointed man

of God, chosen by God to Teach and Preach

the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

He is the Shepherd of Holy Renaissance

Ministries UCOG "A Church with God's

Purpose" – who Presiding Prelate of the United

Church of God Inc., is Bishop Claude Campbell.

The humility spirit Pastor Carr possesses is rare

and genuine.

Pastor Carr has served profusely for various

businesses & organizations such as a board

member for Seed Time Ministries, which

focuses on educational development and

rehabilitation, Media Coordinator for Harvest

Radio Family Covenant Partnership Advisory

Board (1070-AM WKMB), now known as World

Harvest Communications to name a few, NJ

Rainbow Push who’s president & founder is the

Rev. Jessie Jackson, Bishop T. D. Jakes

appointed Regional Director of Churches United

World Wide Coalition, the American Association

of Blacks in Energy –NJ Chapter. Pastor Carr

serves as the Spiritual Advisor for the

prestigious and long standing cultural

organizations in the state of NJ known as “The

African American Heritage Parade Committee”

aka AAHPC and the recipient of the 2009

“JOHN A THOMAS founder of the SELFLESS



One would think that with all these

accomplishments and accolades, one

would not have time for anything else.

Fortunately such is not the case for Pastor

Carr. After helping so many others in

jump starting their careers such as Lady

Lakesha Corbitt, formerly “Simply

Lakesha”, A’capella Sensation, IN-A-

WAY, Dale Ciceron & Optimistic 4 Christ

aka O4C, Recording Artist Julius Petty of

Feel So Good Entertainment to name a

few, Pastor founded Diamike

Management Ministries LLC aka DMM.

This management company seeks to help

anointed artists spread the gospel in

songs, spoken word, street ministry, etc.

Pastor Carr joined alliance with his brother

Carl Carr of C el Entertainment, serving

as VP of Gospel Division. Pastor Carr is

responsible for several successful projects

and presently engaged with a major stage

production that he was inspired to write &


and so many others.

To say Pastor Carr is driven is an

understatement. Recently after seeing

such a need to further unite and

encourage entrepreneurs, Carr birthed a

subsidiary brilliantly named “INITIALS”

which is becoming an conglomerate

affiliating itself with entities that will surely

bring phenomenal talent to the forefront!

Pastor Carr has just launched a unique

father & daughter show “SPEAK OUT”

and is currently working on another

smashing stage production to premiere

May 2012! For additional information on

related ministries, visit .

Through all God has given and continues to

give, Pastor Carr, he remains humble & down

to earth. However, you’re likely to find him at

home trying to be a “Bill Cosby” climbing the

roof with his Stacey Adams! Seriously, Pastor

Carr is a True Man of God always looking to

see how he can best make a difference in this

world. INITIALS is currently accepting letters

of recommendation to honor someone in your

community that is impacting lives – helping to

bring about positive change as they salute

them in their “LIVING THE DREAM” 2012

coming this February! Submit your

recommendations to


As Pastor Carr will always say "TO GOD BE



No stranger to the Quartet world of

Gospel Music, GTP has been a quiet

storm in this industry over 25 years of

experience letting the Ministry speak for

itself. God, hard work, dedication, and

endurance give us the strength to keep

going. We commit to our artists,

business experiences, publication,

tracking(Radio) promotions, booking

engagements, bios, concerts, e-blast,

advertisements, visibility, support and

loyal to the ministry. In our upcoming

segments GTP will introduce you to the

best in the business, spotlights, Artist‟s,

Pastors, DJ‟s, Program Director,

Promoters, updates, Radio Stations, GTP

upcoming concerts, our artists and more.



Testimony by Fredric Almond

There I was in the church sitting in the

pew. My hands start to sweat as I was very

fidgety. I couldn‟t stop looking at others as

they stood up with their hands lifted up

toward God giving Him praise. Not only

that, it felt like there was a beam of light

shining right on my forehead. I hesitated

for a while and then I stood up and ended

up in the middle isle, heading toward the

altar to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior.

The preacher spoke and asks me to repeat

the words of repentance, forgiveness, and

acceptance. And then I was saved. Until

then, my cousin was the only one that I

knew was saved in the family. I was so

excited and knew Jesus was living inside

me. That week seemed to be different and

was looking up. I was now more prepared

to face life.

The following week, Mom had prepared

Labor Day celebration all week long

coordinating with family about food,

entertainment and games. This was the

best time of the summer before school

started back. We would really have a good

time and stay up late in the celebration.

Once it was over, it was time to go back to

school. This was my first year in Junior High

School. I lay in bed giggling and cheesing

about the time we had. I also thought about

the first day at school of who I would meet,

classes I would attend, and how much fun I

would have. Eventually I fell asleep with a

smile on my face.

Suddenly, I heard my mother screaming. I

jumped up and ran in her room and seen a

man of slender build, towering over my

mother in the dark with a knife in his hand.

Immediately, I said, “Jesus!” and he turned

around and started chasing after me with his

knife. My mother then tried to fight him off of

me from behind. He then turned around and

went back stabbing my mother. Everything

was happening so fast. I ran away and ended

up in the closet. I didn‟t know too much about

prayer but I began to talk to Him. I said,

“Jesus, help me, Jesus, help me, I want to live,

I don‟t want to die.” I said this continuously

for at least five to ten minutes while hearing

my mother scream and fighting off this

attacker. After the prayer I received enough

peace to now get help. By this time my mother

was in the dining room fighting off the

burglar. I began to sneak down the hallway to

see what was going on. I noticed the phone on

the floor at the end of the hallway. So I picked

it up and tried and tried to dial for help but

there was no dial tone.


Eventually the burglar noticed me and he

charged at me with his knife and started stabbing

me with all his might and power. He stabbed me

approximately thirty-nine times in the face,

back, neck, arm and foot. My mother getting up

from her injuries ran after him to get him away

from me. He threw her off and went back and

forth stabbing my mother and me until there was

no movement and it was quiet.

There I was lying on the floor in my own pool of

blood looking at my mother from across the

living room. I had my eyes open the whole time

as if I were dead. My mother stopped moving

and all you could hear were the sounds of the

knife going in and out of my mother‟s body over

and over again. Even though she was dead, he

stabbed a few more times just to ensure it was

over. There was nothing else I could do but just

lay there and watch. It seemed so unreal as if it

was a movie or a bad dream; but this was the

reality of my life being a new believer. I was so

close to death that no one believed I was going

to overcome the physical, mental and spiritual

scar it caused. Even though I was eleven years

old as a Christian, the devil attempted to destroy

my very existence of living life. Since he

couldn‟t kill me, he tried to kill my spirit. Other

family and friends could only do and believe so

much for me to live but I had to believe and trust

in God that I would live even though I had been

scarred. I had to fight and push even when I

wanted to quit. After the hospital experience, I

battled within myself and felt like God had

forsaken me. I had a lot of bitterness and un-

forgiveness and didn‟t realize it until situations

that dealt with my scarred areas of hurt and pain


At times I would be very insecure and scared

to be at home by myself, always looking out

the window late at night making sure no one

was there. At school kids would ridicule me

because of my scars. They would put me

down. It began to build a wall of hurt and

pain that I wouldn‟t let anyone in to help.

When I was sixteen I was tired of life and

was ready to run away, give up and go

somewhere away from everybody. So I went

to school and got into a fight. Faculty

discussed sending me to juvenile detention

and expelling me from the school district. I

was mentally having a nervous breakdown

and didn‟t know how to explain it. My Aunt

was scared for me and knew I needed to get

away. She decided that I needed to go visit

my big brother who was in the US Army.

Once I visited, my Aunt felt that it was better

that I stay with him. Because of that decision,

it changed my outlook on life. I began to go

to church again and I accepted Jesus Christ

back into my heart. Since then, God began to

heal, deliver, and put me back together again.

I cannot take the credit. I know for a fact it

was God! I can now say, “I forgive the man

that killed my mother and stabbed me.” My

scars have produced a conviction to live with

purpose. For this reason I am determined to

empower, encourage and inspire others that

they too can overcome and make something

out of their lives. Eventually I wrote my first

book entitled, “Scarred for Life: Stabbed

thirsty-nine times and forgave

(” Yet it may be difficult,

as long as we believe and trust in God, all

things are possible!


Good Fight of Faith is a ten track

testimonial of how

there will always be

fights, some you will

overcome and some

may overcome you,

but you will always

come out victorious

if you let go and let

God lead you. “This

whole album is just

based around life in

general”, explains

Fred. “In the process

of doing this

album, I

dedicated my

time and my life to just getting before Him, talking to the

Lord, and praying. “ The result was my testament about

being a Christian, a young Christian, a family man, a

husband, a son, a friend, and trying to be true to God.”

Matt 19:26 KJV “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, „With men this is impossible; but

with God all things are possible.‟”

My goal is to reach as many people that have been scarred one way or another to let them know

if I can overcome my tragedy, they can too. So whatever it takes to get the word out, I am

willing to do it through speaking, writing books, etc.. I am grateful to be alive and I must allow

my mother‟s life to live within me. God bless you and don‟t let anything stop you from

fulfilling your purpose in Christ Jesus!


Born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware, Fred Reed was

the youngest of 13 children. He always had a passion for

music, and spent a lot his free time singing around the house

and watching his favorite music videos. Being raised

primarily by his mother in a struggling environment, Fred

wanted to help his family and provide a better life for them.

He found that opportunity in music.

With 19 years in the music business, Fred Reed is gospel

singer, writer, and producer. In 2011, he had embarked on

the journey of releasing his highly anticipated debut solo

album, Good Fight of Faith.

The debut single, Take Up Ya Cross is powerful and high

energy lead revved with electric guitars, drums sets, and

Fred Reed declaring that it‟s time to step up, take up your

cross, and do your best to live in Jesus‟s image. “No man is

perfect, but we can try to be humble and focused like he

was. He obeyed his father, didn‟t compromise, and always

stood fast and stayed on his word. It‟s a tough task, but we

all have to strive for it.” But striving to be perfect is only

beneficial when you are doing it to please God. On the song

Human, Fred talked about his past struggles with trying to

please and be perfect for everyone else. “On the song

Human, I talk about of lot of things that I experienced, some

of the rejections, and trying to be perfect to please

everybody when first I should have been trying to please

God. On the track Who Do Men Say That I Am, Fred

explores the question of what God means to you. “I ask that

question personally to every person who listens to the

album. I don‟t just want people of God to listen to this

album. I want people who don‟t believe and hopefully they

will learn something from the album and hear something

that will grab a hold of them and get to the God that I

serve.” For more information on Fred Reed visit his website

at also visit PPM Online

Magazine to view an exclusive interview with Fred Reed!


Veronica Morgan

Glory in the Rainbow

…A powerful CD that shares the

testimony of Evangelist

Veronica Morgan’s journey with

Breast Cancer. PPM gives this


If you have doubts of rather

there is truly a God or

whether or not God is a

healer, we recommend you

listen to Glory in the Rainbow.

The beginning of the CD starts

off with Impending News, which puts you into the setting of what

the song is ministering to you about. Throughout the whole CD you

could feel the anointing in Veronica’s voice as she takes you on a

journey of trials, tribulation and the results of praying and

believing that God is truly a healer. One of our favorite songs if we

had to choose would be “He Touched Me” Veronica puts her all

into this song as she does with the rest. But there is just something

about hearing someone share how God has touched them that

make the hairs on your arms stand and taking you back to the time

when you had to go through trials and tribulations. But because

you trusted and held on God delivered you.

Other songs that are on the CD are, Glory In The Rainbow, Faith

of A Child, Hold on to Your Joy, War Cry, No RSVP, Power of

Prayer and more… PPM is definitely looking forward to hearing

more songs from Evangelist Veronica knowing that whatever the

Lord lays upon her heart to sing next, he will get the glory out of it.

You can purchase Glory in the Rainbow by Veronica Morgan at

CD Baby, iTunes, ReverbNation, and


Chyna Alex-xus McMillan

Hi my name is Chyna and I‟m going to

share with you a little about myself and

how my dreams of becoming a singer all

started. I was told by my parents that I

began singing at the age of three. They

said I always singed around the house and

when traveling anywhere, I‟d ask to turn

the radio up or request to put my favorite

song in the CD player.

One thing is for sure MUSIC IS MY

PASSION and it‟s what definitely drives

and motivates me. I feel as though GOD

created me with this great tool for a

reason. (Singing) But it‟s up to me to

make sure it doesn‟t rust out or be

overlooked. In order to ensure this

doesn‟t happen, I keep myself very busy.

I‟ve been blessed to have worked

with several vocal coaches as well as

being a member of the Snyder Music


One teacher in particular I recall was

my elementary school music teacher

who saw something in me at an early

age. She along with my parents,

worked with me and pushed me to

my fullest potential. I remember

being in elementary school and how

important music class was to me, not

that my other studies weren‟t

important but there was something

about music class. I would make sure

to sign up for all the special events

and programs held, no matter when,

where, or what time. It was

something about being on stage and

in front of a crowd of people. I love

the confidence, excitement and rush it

gives me. Music also became a stress

reliever for me as I entered into and

during my junior high years. It

allowed me to be who and where I

wanted to be in life and not who or

what someone else wanted me to be.

At church, I am a part of the

children‟s choir. We perform and

assist in running the order of services

on the 5th Sundays of every month.

For me, when it comes to speaking or

singing in front of a crowd of people,

I‟m definitely always up for the



Currently, I am 14 years old and a

high school freshmen at 71st High

School. As a result of being a part of

the chorus, I have had an opportunity

to perform and travel various places,

but one place in particular was the

2010 and 2011 Cumberland County

School All County Chorus Concert.

This is where all county‟s chorused

consisting of different ages and grade

levels ranging from elementary to high

school come together to perform a

variety of hymns and songs. We work

long and hard with producers and

musicians from all counties and

regions. We also worked with a

Recording Label called Design

Recording, who professionally

recorded the entire concert live. I can‟t

begin to tell you how exciting that was

for me.

I have since, then kept busy doing

voice over online and on You-Tube

and some traveling to recording

studios. This past year 2010, I was

invited to come to a well-known studio

to record my first DEMO. It was

awesome but a lot of hard work,

dedication, time, patience and listening

skills were required of me.

I am truly blessed to have this voice

that God gave me. I‟m never confused

about what is expected of me. I don‟t

take my job lightly.

I first and foremost, thank God for

this gift he has given me, along with

placing supportive parents by my

side, that make it all possible for me

through GOD to be able to do what I

do, stay focused and remain confident

and assured.

Just this past Christmas, my parents

surprised me with my OWN personal

recording studio. They want me to be

able to practice, record and

concentrate on my music whenever it

hits me and as much as possible. So,

MOM and DAD; Thanks and I love

you so much.

So, if I could encourage or offer any

advised to someone out there, it

would be to first find your NITCH in

life as early as possible, because it‟s

there. Then tap into it and believe in

it and in yourself. Also claim it and

work hard at it. Don‟t be afraid to

stand out.





When you look in the mirror, what do you

see? Do you see your past or your future?

Take a close look. What do you really

see? Let us examine this for a few

minutes. In the Bible it states in 2

Corinthians 5:17; “Therefore if any man

be in Christ, he is a new creature: old

things are passed away; behold, all things

are become new.” Do we truly believe


Let us say that you have made some

wrong choices in your life so you feel a

little inadequate attempting to accomplish

the destiny that God has spoken for you.

You decide that you will not even try to

get the things promised to you. However,

something on the inside of you keeps

pushing you to try. Let me introduce you

to the NEW you trying to break out of the

old system of life you were accustomed to

living. This part of you wants to live the

dream. Everything promised. The new

you, is not aware that you should not

receive it. In actuality, the new you does

not even acknowledge the old life you

had. Therefore, feels the sky is the limit.

Then you have to remind yourself what

you have done in the past that makes you

unworthy. The new you start to see the

dream slowly fading; however, it is still

not willing to settle for defeat.

So it starts fighting against the fear

you are operating in, causing you to

hope for better. Does this struggle

sound like you? Maybe your struggle

is a bit more complex. In any event,

here is the real deal. If you are in

Christ, you do not have to struggle.

Just let go and start moving in the

direction of your dream.

With all the mistakes, near misses,

struggles you have had in life, there is

still a destiny spoken over your life.

When you decided to line yourself

with Christ and move toward purpose

and fulfillment, you chose to unleash

the new you. Now it is time to be

transformed. Not just the outward you

but the inner you too; the worst enemy

you have now is you. No one can keep

you from living the life you were

created to live but you.

The battle of your mind begins and

you have the best weapon, a fresh

start. So once again, if you are in

Christ you are a new creature, you

have not been in this place before,

your habits are new, your thoughts are

new, and your ways are new. Old

things are passed away. Furthermore,

stop trying to do the same things as

before, they will not work because you

are a new person.

Take a look in that mirror once again,

Smile and say, “Hello.”


By: Paulette Harper-Johnson

“And the king loved Esther more than

all the women, and she obtained grace

and favor in his sight more than all the

maidens, so that he set the royal crown

on her head and made her queen

instead of Vashti”. Esther 2:17 AMP

“For if you keep silent at this time,

relief and deliverance shall arise for the

Jews from elsewhere, but you and your

father's house will perish. And who

knows but that you have come to the

kingdom for such a time as this and for

this very occasion?” Esther 4:14 AMP

Have you ever asked these questions:

Why am I here? What exactly am I

supposed to be doing?

I believe we have all asked these

questions at one point in our lives.

What is destiny? Destiny entails those

things that are inevitable, those things

that will happen. Purpose is something

one intends to get or do; the object for

which one exists. In this wonderful

story of deliverance and restitution,

Queen Ester finds herself for a moment

forgetting about why she was put in

this office. Although she was beautiful

and obtained the King‟s heart, her purpose for being chosen was not just

to please the king. It was to bring

deliverance for her and her people, the


Do you realize that God has put

something wonderful in you? You are

gifted and talented to do something

that no one else has the qualification

to do. There is greatness, success, and

potential waiting to immerge out of

you. Like Queen Esther, who did not

approach the King until she was fully

prepared for him, you will finally be

revealed once God has finished

working in you. God has been

preparing you for one of the greatest

moments of your life. Are you ready?

You must understand that only you

can know what your destiny and

purpose are. Once you discover why

you exist, you will begin to move,

occupy, and possess that which has

been waiting for your arrival.


What is your passion? Is it writing, singing, becoming a president of a company,

getting your degree? Whatever it is, you cannot allow distractions to come to deter

you and get you off course.

I clearly understand why God allowed me to go through all that I experienced.

Sometimes while going through difficulties, disappointments, and trials, we tend to

lose our focus and vision. What I did discover was something most amazing. There

were books in me that I did not know existed. God not only restored my life and

made me whole, He anointed me to write. Just like Esther was prepared for her

assignment, God has been doing the same thing for you. As you meditate and

reflect, remember you are just like Queen Esther, women of purpose and destiny,

regardless of all the pitfalls, stumbles, and disappointments that come your way.


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