programme living water towards a water-secure world

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Programme Living Water Towards a Water-Secure World



    Dear friend,

    It is our pleasure to invite you to the event:

    Living Water:Towards a Water-secure World

    The event will be held as preparation for theMulti-Stakeholder Dialogue on Water in thePost-2015 Agenda - hosted by the Dutch gov-

    ernment in the International Peace Palace onMarch 21st - and the International Celebrationof World Water Day on March 22nd.

    We invite you to take part in a unique inter-active dialogue on water collaboration, thatwill bring together international leaders fromthe field of religion, youth organizations, civ-il society and business.

    The conference will be hosted by Rabbi Aw-raham Soetendorp and Huib Klamer (VNO-NCW). It will take place in two parts and twolocations in The Hague. In the afternoon from15.0018.30 hrs at VNO-NCW, and in the even-ing from 19-22 hrs in the Synagogue of the

    Liberal Jewish community (see detailed pro-

    gram on the next page). This way, also sym-bolically, the too often separated worlds willbe connected.

    The aim of the event is to share, inform, in-spire and celebrate the occasion to frame anambitious new international target on waterand forge new partnerships for providing uni-versal access to clean water by 2030.

    We very much hope that you will join us.

    Please RSVP before Friday the 15th of Marchand let us know whether you would like toparticipate in both parts of the event or justone of them, by contacting: Jan Spaans, or +31 70 3654744.

    Warm regards,

    Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, Presidentand Founder Jacob Soetendorp Institutefor Human Values

    Brigitte van Baren, Director Inner Sense

    Alide Roerink, Co-chair Earth CharterInternational

  • 7/29/2019 Programme Living Water Towards a Water-Secure World


    Programme March 20, 2013

    Part I:AfternoonLocation: VNO-NCW, Bezuidenhoutseweg 12in The HagueParticipants:Spiritual leaders, youth leaders,representatives civil society & business

    14.30 Registration

    15.00 Welcome & introduction to themes

    15:30 Keynotes by Anneke Sipkens (Deloitte,

    t.b.c.), Pauline Tangiora (Maori Elder), BartDevos (World Youth Parliament for Water)

    16:15 Panel interviews: The role of organiza-tions in improving access to water with a.o.Dr. Husna Ahmad (Faith Regen Foundation)

    16:45 Short break

    17:00 Panel interviews: Faith-based organiza-tions role in water education with a.o. Swami

    Chitananda Saraswati (Ganga Action Parivar),Rabbi Michael Schwartz (Friends of the EarthMiddle East), Dinesh Suna (World Council ofChurches - Ecumenical Water Network)

    17:50 Concluding recommendations

    18:00 Drinks and Sandwiches

    18:30Walk to the Liberal Jewish Synagogue

    Part II:EveningLocation:Liberal Jewish Synagogue Beth Je-huda, Prinsessegracht 26 in The HagueParticipants: Participants of the conferenceand wider public

    19.00 Prayers and meditation

    19.15 Welcome by Rabbi Soetendorp

    19:30Reflections by Imam Ilyasi, Chief Imam

    of India19:40 Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis (Archdeaconof the Ecumenical Throne, Orthodox Church,t.b.c.): The role of religion in shaping a newinternational target on water

    19.50 Presentation Wings for Water Wake UpCall and Commitments of Faith Communities

    20:00 Reflections by youth representative

    20.10 Dialogue

    20:30 Intergenerational Ceremony: Visions ofthe young and wisdom of the elders

    21:00 Walking Dinner (buffet)

    We look forward towelcoming you in The Hague.

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