process essay

Post on 15-Sep-2015






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Nowadays, most of you try to learn English- the most common language for the international business in the world. However, it is hard to know how to study it well. This essay will provide you with three important tips to become a good English learner.

Firstly, you should practice English freely and regularly. Do not be afraid to make mistakes when using English. If you do not commit errors, you would learn nothing. However, the most important thing is what you learn from that mistake. Moreover, you should spend two hours or more per day listening to English news or programs on TV or radio such as BBC news and National Geographic, and reading English news and articles. This will help you build up your vocabulary, idioms, English structures, and use them as well. Especially, you can also improve your pronunciation when being exposed to standard English on TV..

Secondly, you have to determine which kind of learning styles suitable for yourself. If you are a visual learner preferring to study by reading and watching demonstrations, you should watch movies with English subtitles or associate the word with their imagines. If you are an auditory learner who likes listening and discussing, you should listen to English as many songs as possible or make conversations with native speakers. In case, you seem to be a kinesthetic learner who enjoys being physically involved, such as by doing something, handling and manipulating things, you could experiment on your own in the real situation. For example, from an article, you clip out the new words, and then you make up a story by these words.

Finally, you should create English learning environment effectively. For instance, you stick notes with new words everywhere in your house from the living room to the bathroom. After learning them by heart, you can change others. By this way, you are able to learn seven or ten words every day. In addition, you should take full advantage of time to practice listening, speaking, and reading English everywhere.

In brief, these above tips discussed are important and useful when you study English. To my point of view, while learning English, you should immerse yourself in the language.

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