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  • 5/27/2018 Pro Report Manual



    OPERATORMANUAL Page -1 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

  • 5/27/2018 Pro Report Manual


    2002-2004 Position Technology Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications may changewithout prior notice. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Centaur, Pro-Report and Tracker are trademarks or registered trademarks of PositionTechnology Inc. or its affiliates in Canada, the United States and/or other countries. Page 0 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

  • 5/27/2018 Pro Report Manual




    Installation ................................................................... 8

    Introduction to Pro-Report.............................................. 9Operator Computer Requirements......................................... 9Operating System Requirements........................................... 9Installation ........................................................................ 9Registering Pro-Report ...................................................... 10Starting Pro-Report........................................................... 10Technical Support............................................................. 11

    General Overview ....................................................... 12

    Conventions and Overview............................................. 13The Pro-Report Environment .............................................. 13

    Menu Bar Options......................................................... 13File Menu ........................................................................ 14View Menu....................................................................... 14Report Menu .................................................................... 15Options MenuGeneral Preferences .................................... 15Options MenuTracker Preferences .................................... 16Management Menu ........................................................... 16Help Menu ....................................................................... 18

    Report Types ............................................................... 18

    Report Formats ............................................................ 19Quick Reports .................................................................. 19Pre-Defined Reports.......................................................... 19Scheduled Reports............................................................ 20

    System Event Reports................................................. 22

    What is a System Event Report?..................................... 23Generating Quick System Event Reports .............................. 23Setting Up Pre-Defined System Event Reports ...................... 24Setting Up Scheduled System Event Reports ........................ 24

    System Event Report Options ............................................. 25Available Events Selection ................................................. 25Type Event Selection ........................................................ 26 Page 1 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Compressed and Ledger Report Layouts .............................. 27Sub-sorting Option .......................................................... 27

    System Configuration Reports..................................... 29

    What is a System Configuration Report? ......................... 30Generating Quick System Configuration Reports ................... 30Setting Up Pre-Defined System Configuration Reports ........... 30Setting Up Scheduled System Configuration Reports ............. 31Report Styles ................................................................... 31

    Access Reports............................................................ 32

    What is an Access Report? ............................................ 33

    Generating Quick Access Reports........................................ 33Setting Up Pre-Defined Access Reports................................ 33Setting Up Scheduled Access Reports.................................. 34Report Style Definitions..................................................... 35

    Input Counting Reports............................................... 36

    What is an Input Counting Report?................................. 37Input Counting Report Options........................................... 37Generating Quick Input Counting Reports ............................ 37Setting Up Pre-Defined Input Counting Reports .................... 38Setting Up Scheduled Input Counting Reports ...................... 38

    Available Inputs Selection.................................................. 39Count ............................................................................. 40Report Range................................................................... 40Average .......................................................................... 41Month............................................................................. 41

    Custom Card Reports .................................................. 43

    What is a Custom Card Report? ..................................... 44Generating Quick Custom Card Reports............................... 44Setting Up Pre-Defined Custom Card Reports ....................... 44

    Setting Up Scheduled Custom Card Reports ......................... 45Available Fields Selection................................................... 45Card Location Selection ..................................................... 46 Page 2 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Time and Attendance Reports ..................................... 47

    What is a Time and Attendance Report?........................... 48Generating Quick Time and Attendance Reports.................... 48Setting Up Pre-Defined Time and Attendance Reports ............ 48Setting Up Scheduled Time and Attendance Reports .............. 49Punch Entry Management .................................................. 49

    Absence Reports ......................................................... 52

    What is an Absence Report?........................................... 53Generating Quick Absence Reports...................................... 53Setting Up Pre-Defined Absence Reports.............................. 53Setting Up Scheduled Absence Reports ................................ 53

    Operator Action Reports ............................................. 55

    What is an Operator Action Report? ................................ 56Generating Quick Operator Action Reports ........................... 56Setting Up Pre-Defined Operator Action Reports ................... 56Setting Up Scheduled Operator Action Reports ..................... 57Available Operators Selection ............................................. 57

    Card Usage Reports .................................................... 59

    What is a Card Usage Report? ........................................ 60

    Generating Quick Card Usage Reports ................................. 60Setting Up Pre-Defined Card Usage Reports ......................... 60Setting Up Scheduled Card Usage Reports ........................... 60Available Items Selection................................................... 61

    Report Options............................................................ 62

    The Report Wizard........................................................ 63Choosing a Site ................................................................ 63Who Can Generate a Report............................................... 65Available Cards Selection................................................... 65

    Available Cards and Groups Selection .................................. 66Grouping ......................................................................... 67Sorting............................................................................ 68Times and Dates for Scheduled Reports............................... 69 Page 3 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Blank Names ................................................................... 70

    Output Formats ........................................................... 71

    To View a Report on Screen............................................... 71Crystal Report Options ...................................................... 72Printing a Report .............................................................. 73Saving a Report ............................................................... 74

    Generation Options ...................................................... 75Time Selection Options...................................................... 75Editing Punch Entries ........................................................ 78Report Styles ................................................................... 78Report Display Options...................................................... 78

    Tracker time and attendance ...................................... 79

    Tracker Preferences ..................................................... 80

    Shift Settings .............................................................. 81Name ............................................................................. 81Available Shifts ................................................................ 81Shift Types ...................................................................... 82Using First to Last Punch Calculations.................................. 83In/Out Settings ................................................................ 83Valid Punch Zones (In/Out) ............................................... 86Deductions for Breaks, Lunch, and Supper........................... 87

    Overtime Calculations ....................................................... 88Round Off Punches ........................................................... 88

    Card Holders............................................................... 91Available Cardholders/Groups ............................................ 91Add Groups ..................................................................... 92Shift Settings................................................................... 92Group Assignment ............................................................ 94

    Door Selection ............................................................ 95Enabling Doors for Time & Attendance in Centaur ................. 96Door Types...................................................................... 96Selected Access Doors ...................................................... 97

    Selected Entry/Exit Doors.................................................. 97

    Custom ASCII Export Formats ....................................... 98Export Templates ............................................................. 98 Page 4 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Export Format Area .......................................................... 99Export Options ............................................................... 100

    Missing Punch Times ................................................... 101 Page 5 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Report TypesPro-Report allows you to generate nine types of reports. The following offers a briefoverview of the Report Types. For more detailed information, refer to the chaptersspecific to the type of report you wish to generate or set up.

    Icon Name FunctionExplained In


    System EventReport

    Provides a list of defined groups of eventsthat occurred during a specified period of

    time. They are compiled into a listdisplaying details of the event, the eventtime, and the events name.

    Refer to "SystemEvent Reports" on

    page 22.



    Provides a list of all devices of one type withdetails on how they are programmed.

    Generate reports from any of thesedevices: sites, cards, schedules, holidays,access levels, operators, controllers, doors,relays, outputs, inputs, or CCTV commands.

    Refer to "SystemConfiguration

    Reports" on page29.


    Provides a list of the accesses that haveoccurred within a specific span of time. The

    Access Report can list the FirstAccessorLastAccessevent, all access events, orthe Late In Onlyevents of selected


    Refer to "AccessReports" on page



    Provides a list of the number of alarms thatoccur on one or more inputs in a site duringa specific period of time.

    Refer to "InputCounting Reports"on page 36.

    Custom Card


    Provides a list of pre-determined

    information about a card and its cardholder(i.e. Name, Access Level, etc.). In addition,you can generate a report for the card (and

    cardholder) based on all locations, unknownlocations, and whether a card is registeredas in or out.

    Refer to "Custom

    Card Reports" onpage 43.

    Time andAttendanceReport

    Provides a list of accumulated workinghours, overtime, late arrivals or earlydepartures, and other punctualityparameters.

    Refer to "Timeand AttendanceReports" on page47.



    Provides a list of the absence of employee

    activity. This can be a result of a personsholiday, personal day, or sick day.

    Refer to "Absence

    Reports" on page52. Page 6 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    N/A OperatorAction Report

    Provides a list of punch entries that havebeen modified by active operators. Thisenables you to keep track of who modified,added, or deleted punch entries and thedetails of these actions.

    Refer to "OperatorAction Reports"on page 55.

    Card Usage


    Provides a list of cardholders who have

    access to a specific door or who possess aspecific level of access.

    Refer to "Card

    Usage Reports" onpage 59. Page 7 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Introduction to Pro-Report. Operator Computer Requirements. Operating System Requirements. Installation.

    Pro-Report is an intuitive and user-friendly report generationprogram. Set up custom templates, schedule auto-reportgeneration, and create single-use reports locally or on anetwork. The following chapter will guide you through theinstallation of the software. Page 8 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Introduction to Pro-ReportPro-Report is available free of charge and can be run locally or used on a networked

    workstation. For more information speak to your local Position Technology distributoror visit our Web site at

    Operator Computer RequirementsThe Pro-Report Report Generation Software is designed to operate on PC compatible

    computers and a MicrosoftWindowsoperating system as detailed in the OperatingSystem Requirements below.

    Pentium 800MHz or higher

    256MB RAM 300MB free disk space Super VGA monitor

    Network card for connection

    Due to database synchronization upon startup, Pro-Report may take severalminutes to initialize on a large size database.

    Operating System RequirementsThe Pro-Report Report Generation Software has been tested on the followingoperating system platforms and languages:

    Windows98 (English Second Edition)

    Windows98 (French Second Edition)

    Windows2000 (English)

    Windows2000 (French)

    WindowsXP Pro (English) WindowsXP Pro (French)

    If the operating system platform or language you are using to run Pro-Report isnot listed above, please contact Position Technology for further details.

    Installation1) Insert the Pro-Report CD into the computers CD-ROM drive.

    2) If the Auto Run feature is enabled, go to step 4 or click Run from the Startmenu.

    3) Type the appropriate drive indicator (X:\) followed by the path containing the

    PRSetup.exe file or click Browseto search for the file and click OK.

    4) Click Pro-Report 3.1 Installation.

    5) Click the desired language.

    6) Follow the on-screen instructions. During the course of the installation you will berequired to enter a serial number (e.g. PTPR-123456-1234-1234-1234). The serialnumber can be found on the CD-ROM package. Page 9 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    7) You will be prompted to browse for a Destination Folderin which to installPro-Report. Unless specified otherwise, select the installation default location.

    8) When the installation is complete, the software will restart your computer.

    Registering Pro-ReportWe highly recommend that you register the Pro-Report software. If you do notregister the software, you will not have access to technical support or any availableupgrade information. Go to www.postech.cato register your software.

    Starting Pro-Report1) Make sure the SQL Server Service

    Manager is running. The MSSQLServer icon can be found on thelower right-hand portion of your

    screen . If it is not running, click

    StartProgramsMSDEServiceManager. The SQL Server ServiceManager window will appear (figure1-1). Click Start/Continue. Whenthe server is running you can closethe SQL Server Service Managerwindow.

    2) Make sure that the Centaur Server Manager is running . Click

    StartProgramsPosition TechnologyCentaur 3.0Centaur ServerManager. Then click the Start/Continue button.

    3) Click StartProgramsPosition TechnologyCentaur 3.0Pro-Report3.1Pro-Report 3.1.

    4) From the Pro-Report Logon window(figure 1-2), type the appropriate Logon IDand Password. Pro-Report uses the sameLogon IDs and Passwords that are used forthe Centaur software.

    5) To logon locally, type Local in theComputerbox. If you are trying to logon toan access control server that is on anetwork, type the computers network namein the Computerbox.

    6) From the language drop-down list, selectthe language you wish to use.

    7) Check the Use time and attendance featuresbox if you intend to use the

    Tracker Preferences option (refer to "Tracker Preferences" on page 80).8) Click OK.

    For more information on creating Logon IDs and Passwords, refer to the sectionon Operators in the Centaur Access Control Software Reference Manual.

    Figure 1-1:SQL Server Service Manager

    Figure 1-2: Logon Dialog Box Page 10 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Technical SupportFor any difficulty during installation or while using the software, contact our technicalsupport team at 1-800-996-9244 or logon to our Web site at Youcan also review the release .txtfile on the CD-ROM. Page 11 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Conventions and Overview. Menu Bar Options. Report Types. Report Formats.

    Pro-Report produces up to nine types of reports that can begenerated using any of the three report formats: Quick,Pre-Defined, and Scheduled. This chapter describes thereport formats, the options in common between all thereports, and how to set up, modify, rename, and delete the

    reports. Options that are specific to the type of report areexplained in the reports chapter. Page 12 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Conventions and OverviewText used in this manual conforms to the following conventions:

    The Pro-Report EnvironmentThe Pro-Report environment features a menu/toolbar and two panes in which you canview existing Pre-Defined and Scheduled reports.

    Figure 2-1:Pro-Report Environment

    Menu Bar OptionsPro-Report features a menu bar with several options (figure 2-2). Some of theseinclude report generating functions, setting general preferences, accessing theTracker Preferences option, and restoring the database.

    Figure 2-2:Pro-Report Menu Bar

    :denotes a reminder or note.

    :denotes a warning.

    :denotes an example.

    Boldface :denotes an element of the user interface, dialog box, button, ormenu command.

    Italics :denotes a term, text, or reference defined in another document.

    :denotes menu commands. FileOpen, for example, would indicatethat you should click Fileon the menu bar, then click Openon thedrop-down menu. Page 13 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    File MenuUse this menu to set up reports, import settings, and exit Pro-Report.

    New Report

    Click New Report, then click on the type of report you wish to generate or set up.The Report Wizard will guide you through a step-by-step process in which you canset up one of nine types of reports (refer to "Report Types" on page 18).

    Import Settings

    Click Import Settingsto import older Pro-Report or Tracker database files (refer to"Tracker Preferences" on page 80) into Pro-Report 3.1. This enables you to importprevious Pre-Defined Reports, Scheduled Reports, and Tracker Preferences settingswithout having to recreate them. These files are identified by the .mdb extension.Once settings are imported, they will be stored within Pro-Reports databasewithout affecting the integrity of any existing information.

    Pro-Report can retrieve settings from the following versions: Pro-Report V3.0 build 255 and up Tracker V3.0 build 164 and up


    If you quit Pro-Report, Scheduled Reports will not be generated.

    View MenuUse this menu to view or hide the toolbar and adjust the size of Pro-Reports twopanes.

    ToolbarClick Toolbarto remove or include the Report Generation toolbar within thePro-Report environment.

    How Do I Import Previous Settings?

    1. ClickFileImport Settings.2. Select the source of the settings (either Tracker or Pro-Report).3. Click the desired .mdbfile.4. Click Opento import the file. The imported setting(s) will appear in the

    Pro-Report environment.

    How Do I Exit?

    1. ClickFileExit.2. Under Options, click Shutdown Pro-Report.3. Click OK. Page 14 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Click Splitto activate the separation border. Move the separation border left orright as desired and click where you want it to be.

    Report MenuUse this menu to generate an existingPre-Defined report. To do so, select anexisting report in the left pane. ClickReportGenerate Report. This willdisplay the Generation Options dialog box.

    You can then configure the output of thereport as outlined in "Generation Options"on page 75.

    Options MenuGeneral PreferencesThe preferences window enables you to set certain options that will apply to allreports. ClickOptionsGeneral Preferences. Modify the settings listed in thesubsections below, then click Apply.

    Name Order Display

    You can specify whether you want the cardholders names that appear in the ReportWizard and on the reports to be listed alphabetically by first or last names. Thisformatting option allows you to list names showing first names first or last namesfirst.

    Event Report Limit

    You can limit the number of events displayed in a report. You can set the event limit

    to 1000, 5000, 10 000, 15 000, 20 000 or no limit (more time-consuming whengenerating the report). Use the Event Limitspin box to select the event limitnumber.

    Report Font

    You can select the font you wish displayed in a report with the Report Fontfeature.Click the button under Font, then select the format that Pro-Report will use inits reports.

    Report Logo

    By default, the Position Technology logo will be displayed in the upper right cornerof every report. The Report Logo feature allows you to select what logo or image willbe displayed in every report. The image must be in .bmpformat. Click the

    button under File Nameto browse for the .bmpimage, then select the desired.bmpimage and click Open.

    Regardless of the size of the image, Pro-Report resizes the image to375x40 pixels.

    Figure 2-3:Generating Reports Page 15 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Options MenuTracker PreferencesFor information regarding the Tracker Preferences option, refer to "TrackerPreferences" on page 80.

    Management MenuUse this menu to manipulate and transfer information to and from the Pro-Report andTracker databases (refer to "Tracker Preferences" on page 80). To use these options,you must be logged in as an active operator in Centaur, with permissions set to All(figure 2-4). Click the Managementmenu in order to back up or restore databaseinformation, synchronize Tracker events, and truncate the Tracker database.

    Figure 2-4:Operator Permissions in Centaur

    Backup Databases

    Use this option to save and compress all information in the Pro-Report or Trackerdatabase(s) into a file with a .prb extension (for Pro-Report) or a .trbextension(for Tracker). These files can later be restored to the SQL Server application usedby Tracker and Pro-Report. Click Backup Databases and select which databaseyou wish to back up. You can then choose the location in which to save your


    We highly recommend that you back up your databases regularly and that these

    backup files are saved on a form of removable media (i.e. tape backup, zip disk,etc.) as well as on your computers hard drive. This safety precaution is animportant part of keeping your data safe. If for any reason a database becomescorrupt, you will be able to restore a backup file.

    Permissions set to All Page 16 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Restore Databases

    Use this option to restore all information saved in a backup database file (.prbor.trb) so it can be used with Pro-Report or Tracker. This option will decompress thebackup file and re-attach the file(s) to the SQL Server application. It will overwrite

    any databases currently attached. Click Restore Databases and select whichdatabase you wish to restore. You will be asked to confirm the action. You can thenchoose the location of the backup file you wish to restore.

    If you are having problems with a database, if you have experienced a loss of data,or if your database is corrupt due to a computer hardware failure, you can restoreany database that you have backed up. Note that you will have to add anyprogramming changes that were done since the last backup was created. Also, allevents that have occurred since the last backup will be lost.

    Synchronize Tracker Events

    Use this option to synchronize access events in the Tracker database with data from

    the Centaur database. When Pro-Report synchronizes these events, it copiesinformation from the Centaur database and integrates it with the information in theTracker database. Click Synchronize Tracker Events. Once this is done, you can

    edit the Tracker database (which includes the Centaur events) without affecting theintegrity of the Centaur database. For more information on editing access events,refer to "Punch Entry Management" on page 49.

    Once the databases are synchronized, new access events that occur in the Centaurdatabase will be updated to the Tracker database automatically.

    Figure 2-5:Synchronizing Tracker Events

    Truncate Tracker Database

    Use this option to delete all Tracker Punch In and Punch Out information in theTracker database.

    This option will also delete all manual punches.

    Centaur database Access events can be edited. Refer to "PunchEntry Management" on page 49.

    Tracker database

    Tracker copies data from theCentaur database. Page 17 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Help MenuUse this menu to display the software version, build, and pertinent PositionTechnology information (technical support, Web site, and copyright infringements).Click About Pro-Reportto view the information.

    Report Types

    Icon Name FunctionExplained In


    System EventReport

    Provides a list of defined groups ofevents that occurred during a specified

    period of time. They are compiled intoa list displaying details of the event,the event time, and the events name.

    Refer to "SystemEvent Reports" on

    page 22.


    Provides a list of all devices of one typewith details on how they areprogrammed. Generate reports fromany of these devices: sites, cards,schedules, holidays, access levels,operators, controllers, doors, relays,outputs, inputs, and CCTV commands.

    Refer to "SystemConfigurationReports" on page29.

    Access Report Provides a list of the accesses that

    have occurred within a specific span oftime. The Access Report can list theFirstAccessor LastAccessevent,list all the access events, or list theLate In Onlyevents of selected

    cardholders during the time periodprogrammed.

    Refer to "Access

    Reports" on page32.


    Provides a list of the number of alarmsthat occur on one or more inputs in asite during a specific period of time.

    Refer to "InputCounting Reports"on page 36.

    Custom CardReport

    Provides a list of pre-determinedinformation about a card and itscardholder (i.e. Name, Access Level,etc.). In addition, you can generate areport for the card (and cardholder)based on all locations, unknownlocations, and whether a card isregistered as in or out.

    Refer to "CustomCard Reports" onpage 43.

    Time andAttendanceReport

    Provides a list of accumulated workinghours, overtime, late arrivals or earlydepartures, and other punctuality


    Refer to "Time andAttendanceReports" on page

    47. Page 18 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Report FormatsReports can be set up using one of three formats. These are: Quick Reports,Pre-Defined Reports, and Scheduled Reports. A Report Wizard guides you step-by-step through the entire process of creating each report format.

    Quick ReportsQuick Reports allow you to immediately generate a report that can be viewedon-screen and printed. To create a Quick Report, refer to the chapter correspondingto the type of report you require as detailed in "Report Types" on page 18.

    Since you must re-define the parameters every time you generate (run) thisformat, the Quick Report is useful for single use or for reports that are not

    generated regularly.

    Pre-Defined ReportsPre-Defined Reports allow you to generate reports from a template without having tore-enter the parameters. You can create up to 125 Pre-Defined Reports. To set up aPre-Defined Report, refer to the chapter corresponding to the type of report yourequire as detailed in "Report Types" on page 18.

    This report format can be viewed on-screen, printed, and saved. The followingsubsections detail the steps required to generate (run) a Pre-Defined Report

    once it has been set up.


    Provides a list of the absence ofemployee activity. This can be a resultof a persons holiday, personal day, orsick day.

    Refer to "AbsenceReports" on page52.

    N/A OperatorAction Report

    Provides a list of punch entries thathave been modified by active

    operators. This enables you to keeptrack of who modified, added, ordeleted punch entries and the details ofthese actions.

    Refer to "OperatorAction Reports" on

    page 55.

    Card UsageReport

    Provides a list of cardholders who haveaccess to a specific door or whopossess a specific level of access.

    Refer to "CardUsage Reports" onpage 59. Page 19 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Generating a Pre-Defined Report

    Once the Pre-Defined Report is set up as detailed in the appropriate chapter (referto "Report Types" on page 18), it can be used as many times as required.

    Modifying a Pre-Defined Report

    Once a Pre-Defined Report is set up, you can modify its parameters.

    Renaming a Pre-Defined Report

    Pre-Defined Reports can be renamed without affecting their parameters.

    Deleting a Pre-Defined ReportTo delete a Pre-Defined Report, right-click on a report in the left pane, then click

    DeleteReport from the menu. You will be asked to confirm the action.

    Scheduled ReportsScheduled Reports allow you to generate (run) reports according to a specified timeand date. You can create up to 50 Scheduled Reports. To set up a Scheduled Report,refer to the chapter corresponding to the type of report you require as detailed in

    "Report Types" on page 18. The Pro-Report software must be running in order forreports to generate.

    All the data since the last time the Scheduled Report was generated will appear

    in the report according to the parameters set in the Report Wizard.

    If a Scheduled Report is set up to generate on the same day of theweek it is created, it will only start running the following week.

    How Do I Generate a Pre-Defined Report?

    1. Right-click on a Pre-Defined Report in the left pane, then click GenerateReport.

    2. Configure any required parameters as outlined in "Generation Options" onpage 75.

    3. Click OK.

    How Do I Modify a Pre-Defined Reports Parameters?

    1. Right-click on a Pre-Defined Report in the left pane, then click Modify Report.

    2. Follow the Report Wizards step-by-step instructions to modify the desiredparameters. Refer to "Report Types" on page 18.

    3. Click OK.

    How Do I Rename a Pre-Defined Report?

    1. Right-click on a Pre-Defined Report in the left pane, then click RenameReport.

    2. Type the new name.3. Press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard. Page 20 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Modifying a Scheduled Report

    Once a Scheduled Report is set up, you can modify its Time Settings and ReportSettings. Right-click on a Scheduled Report in the right pane, then click ModifyTime Settings. Follow the Report Wizards step-by-step instructions to modify the

    desired parameters.

    Deactivating a Scheduled Report

    Right-click on a Scheduled Report in the right pane, then click Deactivate Report.

    It can be deactivated without having to delete it.

    Reactivating a Scheduled Report

    Right-click on Scheduled Report in the right pane, then click Activate Report.

    Renaming a Scheduled Report

    Right-click on a Scheduled Report in the right pane, then click Rename Report.Scheduled Reports can be renamed without affecting their parameters.

    Deleting a Scheduled Report

    Right-click on a Scheduled Report in the right pane, then click Delete Report. Youwill be asked to confirm the action.

    How Do I Modify a Scheduled Reports Time Settings?

    1. Right-click on a Scheduled Report in the right pane, then click Modify TimeSettings. The Scheduled Report Settings dialog box will appear.

    2. Select the day(s) on which the report will be generated.3. Use the spin box to set the time at which the report will be generated.4. Select how Pro-Report will display the report. Refer to "Output Formats" on

    page 71.5. Click OK.

    How Do I Modify a Scheduled Reports Report Settings?

    1. Right-click on a Scheduled Report in the right pane, then click Modify ReportSettings.

    2. Follow the Report Wizards step-by-step instructions to modify the desiredparameters, as detailed by the appropriate chapter in "Report Types" on page18.

    3. Click OK. Page 21 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is a System Event Report? System Event Report Options. Using the System Event Report Wizard.

    A System Event Report displays the event time, eventdescription, and details of a defined group of events thatoccurred during a specified period of time. This chapterdetails how to generate System Event Reports using the

    Quick Report format and how to set up templates using thePre-Defined and Scheduled Report formats. Page 22 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is a System Event Report?A System Event Report is a defined group of events that occurred during a specified

    period of time. Events are compiled into a list detailing the type of event, the eventtime, and the event name. In addition, the cardholders and operators identity will be

    included (if applicable).

    Since Pro-Report can only report on the events stored in the database (MSDE),events to be included in reports must be assigned a schedule to be saved in thedatabase (refer to Events in the Centaur Access Control Software ReferenceManual).

    Generating Quick System Event Reports

    How Do I Generate a Quick System Event Report?

    1. Click File

    New Report

    System Event.2. Select Quick Report, then click Next.3. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.4. Select the type of events, then click Next. Refer to "Type Event Selection" on

    page 26.5. Expand the list of Available Events. Click on the event(s) you wish to report on,

    click the Add> button to move the event(s) into the right column, then clickNext. Refer to "Available Events Selection" on page 25.

    6. Depending on which event(s) you have selected, another list may appear. Ifanother list appears, repeat step 5.

    7. Click a Sort by item, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.

    8. Click a Sub sort byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Sub-sorting Option" on page27.

    9. Under Time Selection Options, select a range for the report, then click Next.

    Refer to "Time Selection Options" on page 75.10. Select the layout of the report, then click Next. Refer to "Compressed and Ledger

    Report Layouts" on page 27.11. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "Output

    Formats" on page 71. Page 23 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Setting Up Pre-Defined System Event Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Pre-Defined System Event Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportSystem Event.2. Select Pre-Defined Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Select the type of events, then click Next. Refer to "Type Event Selection" on

    page 26.6. Expand the list of Available Events. Click on the event(s) you wish to report on,

    click the Add> button to move the event(s) into the right column, then clickNext. Refer to "Available Events Selection" on page 25.

    7. Depending on which events you have selected, another list may appear. Ifanother list appears, repeat step 6.

    8. Click a Sort by item, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.9. Click a Sub sort byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Sub-sorting Option" on page


    10. Select the layout of the report, then click Next. Refer to "Compressed and LedgerReport Layouts" on page 27.

    11. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "Output

    Formats" on page 71.12. To run this report, refer to "Generating a Pre-Defined Report" on page 20.

    Setting Up Scheduled System Event Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Scheduled System Event Report?

    1. Click File

    New Report

    SystemEvent.2. Select Scheduled Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,then click Next.

    3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generatea Report" on page 65.

    4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Select the type of events, then click Next. Refer to "Type Event Selection" on

    page 26.6. Expand the list of Available Events. Click on the event(s) you wish to report on,

    click the Add> button to move the event(s) into the right column, then clickNext. Refer to "Available Events Selection" on page 25.

    7. Depending on which events you have selected, another list may appear. If

    another list appears, repeat step 6.8. Click a Sort by item, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.

    9. Click a Sub sort byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Sub-sorting Option" on page27.

    10. UnderSelect days, select the check boxes corresponding to the days you wantthe report generated. Under Time to generate report, type a value or use thespin box, then click Next. Refer to "Times and Dates for Scheduled Reports" on Page 24 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    page 69.11. Select the layout of the report, then click Next. Refer to "Compressed and Ledger

    Report Layouts" on page 27.

    12. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    The report will be generated at the time specified in step 10. Pro-Report must berunning at the specified day(s) and time. Refer to "Scheduled Reports" on page20.

    System Event Report OptionsThe following options will appear in the Report Wizard when generating or setting upa System Event Report.

    Available Events SelectionUse this option to specify which events to include in the report. These events areextracted from the Centaur database when you set up a report with the Report

    Wizard (figure 3-1).

    The available events are displayed in the left pane. Click the plus sign (+)to expandthe list of Available Events. Double-click the event or click the Add>button toplace the event in the report list. Only events that appear in the right pane will becompiled into a report. To remove a selection from the report list, select the event inthe right pane and click the

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    Type Event SelectionUse this option to specify whichtype of events will be displayed inthe report (figure 3-2). There are

    two types:

    Regular Events:These are

    events that have not been set upto trigger an alarm in Centaur.

    Acknowledged alarms only:These are events that have beenset up to trigger an alarm inCentaur.

    Acknowledged alarms are first set up in Centaur. In Centaur, right-click on the desired

    event, then click Propertiesto access the events dialog box (figure 3-3). Foradditional details on how to set up events as alarms, refer to the Centaur AccessControl Software Reference Manual.

    Figure 3-3:Setting Events as Alarms in Centaur

    Figure 3-2:Event Type Selection

    In Centaur, click the Alarmstab from theevents dialog box, then select the Requiresacknowledgementcheck box.Select a schedule from the Scheduledrop-down list. The NeverSchedule is set by default.


    view ofthe eventlist Page 26 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Compressed and Ledger Report LayoutsUse this option to specify the layout of the report. You can choose one of two layouts:Compressed or Ledger (figure 3-4). Compressed layouts will list each event on aseparate line and display their details horizontally. Ledger layouts will list several lines

    per event and will display their details vertically.

    Figure 3-4:Report Layouts

    Sub-sorting OptionWhen you set up a System Event Report, you will be prompted to sort items tospecify the order in which they will be displayed in the report (refer to "Sorting" onpage 68). Once the items are sorted, you must sub-sort the already sorted items inthe Sub sort by window (figure 3-5 on page 28). For instance, if you choose to sortyour items by Door Name, the report will display the events which occurred at Door001:001, followed by the events which occurred at Door 001:02. If you then sub-sortby event time, the events which occurred at Door 001:01 will be displayed

    chronologically, followed by a chronological display of events which occurred at Door001:02.

    Compressed Layout Ledger Layout Page 27 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Figure 3-5:Sub-sorting Option

    Compressed Layout Report showing eventssorted by Door Name (third column) andsub-sorted by Event Time (first column).

    Sorted bySub-sorted by

    Event Time Door Name Page 28 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is a System Configuration Report?

    System Configuration Report Options. Using the System Configuration Report Wizard.

    A System Configuration Report provides a complete list of allthe devices of one type (cards, schedules, doors, etc.) in thesystem with details concerning how they are programmed.This chapter details how to generate System Event Reportsusing the Quick Report format, how to set up templates usingthe Pre-Defined and Scheduled Report formats, and how toset up and generate Summary and Detailed Reports. Page 29 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is a System Configuration Report?A System Configuration Report provides a defined list of all devices of one type with

    details on how they are configured. Reports can include programming details aboutcards, doors, cardholders, etc.

    Generating Quick System Configuration Reports

    How Do I Generate a Quick System Configuration Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportSystem Configuration.2. Select Quick Report, then click Next.

    3. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.4. Select the style of the report, then click Next. Refer to "Report Styles" on page

    31.5. Select the subject of the report, then click Next.

    6. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.7. Click on a Sort by item (for Summary Reports only), then click Next. Refer to"Sorting" on page 68.

    8. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    Setting Up Pre-Defined System Configuration ReportsHow Do I Set Up a Pre-Defined System Configuration Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportSystem Configuration.2. Select Pre-Defined Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.

    4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Select the style of the report, then click Next. Refer to "Report Styles" on page


    6. Select the subject of the report, then click Next.7. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.8. Click on a Sort by item (for Summary Reports only), then click Next. Refer to

    "Sorting" on page 68.9. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "Output

    Formats" on page 71.10. To run this report, refer to "Generating a Pre-Defined Report" on page 20. Page 30 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Setting Up Scheduled System Configuration Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Scheduled System Configuration Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportSystem Configuration.2. Select Scheduled Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Select the style of the report, then click Next. Refer to "Report Styles" on page

    31.6. Select the subject of the report, then click Next.7. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.8. Click on a Sort by item (for Summary Reports only), then click Next. Refer to

    "Sorting" on page 68.9. UnderSelect days, select the check boxes corresponding to the days you want

    the report generated. Under Time to generate report, type a value or use thespin box, then click Next. Refer to "Times and Dates for Scheduled Reports" onpage 69.

    10. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    The report will be generated at the time specified in step 9. Pro-Report must berunning at the specified day(s) and time. Refer to "Scheduled Reports" on page20.

    Report StylesWhen you set up a report, the Report Wizard will prompt you to choose one of the

    following report styles:

    Summary Report

    According to the parameters set inthe Report Wizard, the report listsone type of device and its basicprogramming, but groups thedevices by the option selected anddisplays them on separate pages.For example, the report could listactive schedules on one page andinactive schedules on a separate


    Detailed ReportAccording to the parameters set in the Report Wizard, the report lists one type ofdevice and its complete programming. For example, the report could list onseparate pages each schedule with its start and end times, days, and holidays. Page 31 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is an Access Report? Access Report Options. Using the Access Report Wizard.

    The Access Report provides information on all of the accessevents received by the selected cardholders during theprogrammed time period. This chapter details how togenerate Access Reports using the Quick Report format and

    how to set up templates using the Pre-Defined and ScheduledReport formats. Page 32 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is an Access Report?An Access Report provides information on a defined group of cardholder access

    periods. These groups provide a record of the cardholders access into and out of thesystem. Four types of reports can be generated with the Access Report Wizard: First

    access only,Last access only,Card tracking (all access events), andLate inonly.

    The First access only reportlists the first Access Granted event received by theselected cardholders during the programmed time period (refer to "First AccessOnly Reports" on page 35).

    The Last access onlyreport is similar to the First Access Only Report except that itlists the last Access Granted event (refer to "Last Access Only Reports" on page 35).

    The Card tracking (all access events)report produces a report detailing all theaccess events received by the selected cardholders during the programmed time

    period (refer to "Card Tracking (All Access Events) Reports" on page 35).

    TheLate in onlyreport lists all selected cardholders that access the system after a

    scheduled late-in time (refer to "Late in Only Reports" on page 35).

    Generating Quick Access Reports

    How Do I Generate a Quick Access Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportAccess Report.2. Select Quick Report, then click Next.3. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.4. Select the type of report, then click Next. Refer to "Report Style Definitions" on

    page 35.5. Expand the list of Available Cards. Click on the card(s) you wish to report on,

    click the Add> button to move the card(s) into the right column, then click Next.Refer to "Available Cards Selection" on page 65.

    6. Click on the order in which the events are sorted from the database.7. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.8. Click on a Sort by item, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.9. Under Time Selection Options, select a range for the report, then click Next.

    Refer to "Time Selection Options" on page 75.

    10. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    Setting Up Pre-Defined Access Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Pre-Defined Access Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportAccess Report.2. Select Pre-Defined Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box, Page 33 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.

    4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Select the type of report, then click Next. Refer to "Report Style Definitions" on

    page 35.6. Expand the list of Available Cards. Click on the card(s) you wish to report on,

    click the Add> button to move the card(s) into the right column, then click Next.Refer to "Available Cards Selection" on page 65.

    7. Click on the order in which the events are sorted from the database.8. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.9. Click on a Sort by item, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.10. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "Output

    Formats" on page 71.11. To run this report, refer to "Generating a Pre-Defined Report" on page 20.

    Setting Up Scheduled Access Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Scheduled Access Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportAccess Report.2. Select Scheduled Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Select the type of report, then click Next. Refer to "Report Style Definitions" on

    page 35.6. Expand the list of Available Cards. Click on the card(s) you wish to report on,

    click the Add> button to move the card(s) into the right column, then click Next.

    Refer to "Available Cards Selection" on page 65.7. Click on the order in which the events are sorted from the database.8. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.9. Click on a Sort by item, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.10. UnderSelect days, select the check boxes corresponding to the days you want

    the report generated. Under Time to generate report, type a value or use thespin box, then click Next. Refer to "Times and Dates for Scheduled Reports" onpage 69.

    11. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "Output

    Formats" on page 71.

    The report will be generated at the time specified in step 10. Pro-Report must be

    running at the specified day(s) and time. Refer to "Scheduled Reports" on page20. Page 34 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Report Style DefinitionsThe Report Wizard prompts you to choose the style of report you would like to set upor generate. Report styles include First access only,Last access only,Cardtracking (all access events), andLate in only.

    First Access Only Reports

    According to the parameters set in the Report Wizard, the First Access Only Reportlists the first Access Granted event received by the selected cardholders. Each entryin the report contains the cardholders first and last names, the cards family numberand card number, the doors name, the floors name (the Floor Name column willremain blank unless events pertaining to floor access have occurred), and the eventstime.

    Last Access Only Reports

    According to the parameters set in the Report Wizard, the Last Access Only Reportlists the last Access Granted event received by the selected cardholders. Each entry

    in the report contains the cardholders first and last names, the cards family numberand card number, the doors name, the floors name (the Floor Name column willremain blank unless events pertaining to floor access have occurred), and the events


    Card Tracking (All Access Events) Reports

    According to the parameters set in the Report Wizard, the Card Tracking Report listsall the Access Granted and Access Denied events received by the selectedcardholders during the time period programmed, except Card Traced and AccessDenied - Card Number Unknown.

    Late in Only Reports

    According to the parameters set in the Report Wizard, the Late in Only Report lists

    all the selected cardholders that have accessed the system after the programmedlate-in time. Only the selected cardholders that are late will be listed in the report. Page 35 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is an Input Counting Report? Input Counting Report Options. Using the Input Counting Report Wizard.

    An Input Counting Report provides a tool to calculate andanalyse the number of alarms that occur on a specific input.The report will record the number and rates of alarms thatoccurred in one site during a specific time period. This

    chapter details how to generate Input CountingReports usingthe Quick Report format and how to set up templates using

    the Pre-Defined and Scheduled Report formats. Page 36 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is an Input Counting Report?An Input Counting Report is a list of the number of alarms that occur on one input in

    a site during a specific period of time. Pro-Report is ideal for pedestrian counting or ina production line to calculate productivity levels and output rates.

    Figure 6-1:Example of a production line

    Input Counting Report OptionsThe report is divided into Time Periods. The number of alarms that occur on theselected input or inputs are recorded during the intervals programmed in the TimePeriod. Each selected inputs count and average are calculated for each Time Period.Then the information is grouped by page according to the group options and each

    group is sorted by the sort option.

    Generating Quick Input Counting Reports

    How Do I Generate a Quick Input Counting Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportInput Counting.2. Select Quick Report, then click Next.3. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.4. Expand the list of Available inputs. Click on the input(s), then click the Add>

    button to move the input(s) into the right column, then click Next. Refer to"Available Inputs Selection" on page 39.

    5. Type the Number per Count, then click Next. Refer to "Count" on page 40.6. Select a range for the time period, then set the minutes/days with the spin-box.

    Refer to "Report Range" on page 40.7. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.8. Click on a Sort byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.9. For a short range report: Under Time Selection Options, select a range for the Page 37 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    report, then click Next. Refer to "Time Selection Options" on page 75.10. For a long range report: Under Please select the range for this report, use

    the spin-boxes to set the range for the report. Refer to "Month" on page 41.

    11. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    Setting Up Pre-Defined Input Counting Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Pre-Defined Input Counting Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportInput Counting.2. Select Pre-Defined Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.

    5. Expand the list of Available inputs. Click on the input(s), then click the Add>button to move the input(s) into the right column, then click Next. Refer to"Available Inputs Selection" on page 39.

    6. Type the Number per Count, then click Next. Refer to "Count" on page 40.7. Select a range for the time period, then set the minutes/days with the spin-box.

    Refer to "Report Range" on page 40.8. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.9. Click on a Sort byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.

    10. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    11. To run this report, refer to "Generating a Pre-Defined Report" on page 20.

    Setting Up Scheduled Input Counting ReportsHow Do I Set Up a Scheduled Input Counting Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportInput Counting.2. Select Scheduled Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Expand the list of Available inputs. Click on the input(s), then click the Add>

    button to move the input(s) into the right column, then click Next. Refer to"Available Inputs Selection" on page 39.

    6. Type the Number per Count, then click Next. Refer to "Count" on page 40.7. Select a range for the time period, then set the minutes/days with the spin-box.

    Refer to "Report Range" on page 40.8. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.9. Click on a Sort byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.

    10. For a short range report: UnderSelect days, select the check boxescorresponding to the days you want the report generated. Under Time to Page 38 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    generate report, type a value or use the spin box, then click Next. Refer to"Times and Dates for Scheduled Reports" on page 69.

    11. For a long range report: UnderSelect days, type a value or use the spin box to

    select how often you want the report generated. Under Time to generatereport, type a value or use the spin box, then click Next.

    12. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    The report will be generated at the time specified in step 10 or 11 (depending onthe report range you have selected). Pro-Report must be running at the specifiedday(s) and time. Refer to "Scheduled Reports" on page 20.

    Available Inputs SelectionUse this option to specify which inputs to include in the report. These inputs areextracted from the Centaur database when you set up a report with the Report

    Wizard (figure 6-2).

    The available inputs are displayed in the left pane. Click the plus sign (+)to expandthe list of Available Inputs. Double-click the input(s) or click the Add>button toplace the input(s) in the report list. Only inputs that appear in the right pane will becompiled into a report. To remove a selection from the report list, select the input inthe right pane and click the

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    Show Only CurrentInformation

    During the Report Wizards

    instructions, you can choose toselect an inputs currentinformation (active devices) byselecting the Show onlycurrent informationcheckbox. If the Show only currentinformationcheck box iscleared, the Report Wizard willdisplay alldevices, even thosethat may have been renamed ordeleted in Centaur.

    CountA Count is a number of alarms grouped together as one unit (figure 6-4 on page 41).The Count column in the report represents the number of Counts (alarms groupedtogether) that occurred during one Time Period on the selected input. In the ReportWizard, under Number per Count, type a number from 1 to 255 to represent the

    number of alarms in one Count.

    Report RangeThe Report Range determines the general focus of the report. In the Report Wizard,under Report Range, select Short Range Reportor Long Range Report.

    Short Range Report

    The Short Range Report records the quantity of alarms on an input during a periodof minutes calculated over a number of hours or days. Depending on the volume of

    alarms, the Time Period chosen and the Time Selection Option selected, the reportmay take several minutes up to several hours to generate (figure 6-4 on page 41).

    Long Range Report

    The Long Range Report records the quantity of alarms on an input during a period ofdays calculated over a number of months. Depending on the size of the database,the report may take several minutes to several hours to generate (figure 6-5 onpage 42).

    Time Period

    The Time Period divides the Report Range into specific periods of time for analysis.In a Short Range Report, the Time Period is in minutes. In a Long Range Report, the

    Time Period is in days. Under Time Period, click the arrows to select the period(figure 6-4 on page 41).

    Figure 6-3:Show Only Current Information Page 40 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    AverageIn a Short Range Report, the Average column displays the average number of alarmsthat occurred on the input in one minute during the Time Period. In a Long RangeReport, the Average column displays the average number of alarms that occurred on

    the input in one hour during the Time Period. This calculation does not take intoconsideration the Count (figure 6-4).

    Figure 6-4:Reading an Input Counting Report (Short Range Report)

    MonthThe Month Selection option, offered only in the Long Range Report, determines whenthe report begins and ends. In the Startand Endboxes under Month Selection in the

    Report Wizard or when setting up a Pre-Defined Report, type the first letter of themonth or click the arrows until the month is displayed. The report will includeinformation from the beginning of the month set in the Start box until the end of the

    month set in the End box (figure 6-5 on page 42). Page 41 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Figure 6-5:Reading an Input Counting Report (Long Range Report)

    Month Selection

    Time Perioddivided by days Page 42 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is a Custom Card Report? Custom Card Report Options. Using the Custom Card Report Wizard.

    A Custom Card Report displays a list of predeterminedinformation about a card and its cardholder. This chapterdetails how to generate Custom Card Reports using the QuickReport format and how to set up templates using thePre-Defined and Scheduled Report formats. Page 43 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is a Custom Card Report?A Custom Card Report is a list that details information about a card and its cardholder

    such as card family number or card name.

    Generating Quick Custom Card Reports

    How Do I Generate a Quick Custom Card Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportCustom Card.2. Select Quick Report, then click Next.3. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.

    4. Expand the list of Available Cards. Click on the card(s) you wish to report on,click the Add> button to move the card(s) into the right column, then click Next.Refer to "Available Cards Selection" on page 65.

    5. Expand the list ofAvailable Fields. Click on the field(s), then click the Add>

    button to move the field(s) into the right column, then click Next. Refer to"Available Fields Selection" on page 45.6. Select the cards location, then click Next. Refer to "Card Location Selection" on

    page 46.7. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.8. Click on a Sort byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.9. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "Output

    Formats" on page 71.

    Setting Up Pre-Defined Custom Card Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Pre-Defined Custom Card Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportCustom Card.2. Select Pre-Defined Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.

    4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Expand the list of Available Cards. Click on the card(s) you wish to report on,

    click the Add> button to move the card(s) into the right column, then click Next.Refer to "Available Cards Selection" on page 65.

    6. Expand the list ofAvailable Fields. Click on the field(s), then click the Add>button to move the field(s) into the right column, then click Next. Refer to"Available Fields Selection" on page 45.

    7. Select the cards location, then click Next. Refer to "Card Location Selection" onpage 46.

    8. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.9. Click on a Sort byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.10. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "Output

    Formats" on page 71.11. To run this report, refer to "Generating a Pre-Defined Report" on page 20. Page 44 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Setting Up Scheduled Custom Card Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Scheduled Custom Card Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportCustom Card.2. Select Scheduled Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Expand the list of Available Cards. Click on the card(s) you wish to report on,

    click the Add> button to move the card(s) into the right column, then click Next.Refer to "Available Cards Selection" on page 65.

    6. Expand the list ofAvailable Fields. Click on the field(s), then click the Add>button to move the field(s) into the right column, then click Next. Refer to"Available Fields Selection" on page 45.

    7. Select the cards location, then click Next. Refer to "Card Location Selection" on

    page 46.8. Click on a Group byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Grouping" on page 67.9. Click on a Sort byitem, then click Next. Refer to "Sorting" on page 68.

    10. UnderSelect days, select the check boxes corresponding to the days you wantthe report generated. Under Time to generate report, type a value or use thespin box, then click Next. Refer to "Times and Dates for Scheduled Reports" on

    page 69.11. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "Output

    Formats" on page 71.

    The report will be generated at the time specified in step 10. Pro-Report must berunning at the specified day(s) and time. Refer to "Scheduled Reports" on page20.

    Available Fields SelectionUse this option to specify which card fields to include in the report. These card fieldsare extracted from the Centaur database when you set up a report with the ReportWizard (figure 7-1 on page 46).

    The available card fields are displayed in the left pane. Click the plus sign (+)toexpand the list of Available Fields. Double-click the card field(s) or click the Add>button to place the card field(s) in the report list. Only card fields that appear in theright pane will be compiled into a report. To remove a selection from the report list,select the card field in the right pane and click the

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    Figure 7-1:Available Fields Selection

    Card Location SelectionUse this option to limit the report to cards with a specific Anti-passback status.

    To display any card regardless of its Anti-passback status, select Cards in alllocation. If the Global Anti-passback feature is not being used, select Cards in all

    location. For more information on Anti-passback, refer to the Centaur 3.0Reference Manual.

    To display only cards that have been labeled with an unknown Anti-passbackstatus, select Cards of unknown location only.

    To display only cards that have been labeled with an in Anti-passback status,select Cards considered in only.

    To display only cards that have been labeled with an out Anti-passback status,

    click Cards considered out only.

    Select and then add or remove Available Fieldswith the Report Wizard Page 46 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is a Time and Attendance Report? Time and Attendance Report Options. Using the Time and Attendance Report Wizard.

    A Time and Attendance Report displays punch times,accumulated working hours, overtime, and regularattendance of personnel. This chapter details how to generateTime and Attendance Reports using the Quick Report formatand how to set up templates using the Pre-Defined andScheduled Report formats. Page 47 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is a Time and Attendance Report?Pro-Report uses events generated in Centaur to produce Time and Attendance

    reports. Before setting up or generating reports, you must set the TrackerPreferences in Pro-Report (refer to "Tracker Preferences" on page 80). You must also

    set up your readers as punch clocks in Centaur. The reader door must be configuredwith the access, entry, or exit door type and must have the Time and Attendancefeature enabled. Detailed explanations of Centaurs features, including those used byTracker, can be found in Centaurs Reference Manual.

    Generating Quick Time and Attendance Reports

    How Do I Generate a Quick Time and Attendance Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportTime and Attendance.2. Select Quick Report,then click Next.

    3. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.4. Expand the list of Available Cards/Groups. Click on the card(s)/group(s) youwish to report on, click the Add> button to move the selection(s) into the rightcolumn, then click Next. Refer to "Available Cards and Groups Selection" on page66.

    5. Choose whether you wish to edit punch entries. Refer to "Punch EntryManagement" on page 49.

    6. Under Time Selection Options, select a range for the report, then click Next.

    Refer to "Time Selection Options" on page 75.7. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "Output

    Formats" on page 71.

    8. If you selected Yes, I would like to edit punch entries in step 5, the punchmanagement dialog box will appear. Refer to "Punch Entry Management" on page49. ClickFinish Report.

    Setting Up Pre-Defined Time and Attendance Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Pre-Defined Time and Attendance Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportTime and Attendance.2. Select Pre-Defined Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Expand the list of Available Cards/Groups. Click on the card(s)/group(s) you

    wish to report on, click the Add> button to move the selection(s) into the right

    column, then click Next. Refer to "Available Cards and Groups Selection" on page66.6. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "Output

    Formats" on page 71.7. To run this report, refer to "Generating a Pre-Defined Report" on page 20. Page 48 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    8. To edit punch entries before generating the report, refer to "Punch EntryManagement" on page 49.

    Setting Up Scheduled Time and Attendance Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Scheduled Time and Attendance Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportTime and Attendance.2. Select Scheduled Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Expand the list of Available Cards/Groups. Click on the card(s)/group(s) you

    wish to report on, click the Add> button to move the selection(s) into the rightcolumn, then click Next. Refer to "Available Cards and Groups Selection" on page

    66.6. UnderSelect days, select the check boxes corresponding to the days you want

    the report generated. Under Time to generate report, type a value or use thespin box, then click Next. Refer to "Times and Dates for Scheduled Reports" onpage 69.

    7. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    The report will be generated at the time specified in step 6. Pro-Report must berunning at the specified day(s) and time. Refer to "Scheduled Reports" on page20.

    Punch Entry ManagementIf you have chosen to edit punch entries, Pro-Report will display a dialog box whichcontains the names of the cardholders you had selected in the Report Wizard. You canaccess the dialog box in one of two ways; either through the Generation Option dialogbox or through the Report Wizard (figure 8-1 on page 50). Within this dialog box you


    Modify punch entries. Include additional punch entries. Show the punch entry history of a cardholder. Delete punch entries. Show punches that have been removed and who performed the deletion. Page 49 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Figure 8-1:Accessing the Punch Management Dialog Box

    You cannot edit punch entries when using the Scheduled Report.

    Modifying Punch Entries

    1. From the Punch Management dialog box, double-click on the desired cardholder.The cardholders corresponding punch entries will appear in the Punch Entriespane.

    2. Right-click on the desired punch entry and click Modify Punches. This willdisplay the Add Punch dialog box.

    3. Use the pop-up calendars and spin boxes to modify the information.4. Click OK.

    Accessed through the

    Generation Options dialog box(for Pre-Defined Reports)

    Accessed through the Report

    Wizard (for Quick Reports)

    Punch Management dialog box Page 50 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    Adding Punch Entries

    1. From the Punch Management dialog box, double-click on the desired cardholder.The cardholders corresponding punch entries will appear in the Punch Entriespane.

    2. Right-click in the punch entries pane and click Add Punches. This will displaythe Add Punch dialog box.

    3. Use the pop-up calendars and spin boxes to add the information.

    4. Click OK.

    Displaying Punch Entry History

    1. From the Punch Management dialog box, double-click on the desired cardholder.The cardholders corresponding punch entries will appear in the Punch Entriespane.

    2. Right-click on the desired punch entry and click Show History. This will displaythe Punch History dialog box. All modifications to punches and additions ofpunches are detailed.

    3. Click OK.

    Displaying Deleted Punch Entries

    1. From the Punch Management dialog box, double-click on the desired cardholder.The cardholders corresponding punch entries will appear in the Punch Entriespane.

    2. Right-click on the desired punch entry and click Show Deleted Punches. Thiswill display the Punch History dialog box. All deletions of punches are detailed.

    3. Click OK.

    Deleting Punch Entries

    1. From the Punch Management dialog box, double-click on the desired cardholder.The cardholders corresponding punch entries will appear in the Punch Entriespane.

    2. Right-click on the desired punch entry and click Delete Punches. You will be

    asked to confirm the action.3. Click OK. Page 51 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is an Absence Report? Using the Absence Report Wizard.

    An Absence Report displays a list of days on which personnelhave not worked. This chapter details how to generateAbsence Reports using the Quick Report format and how toset up templates using the Pre-Defined and Scheduled Report

    formats. Page 52 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is an Absence Report?An Absence Report is a list of all missing punch entries during a specified time period.

    This absence can be due to holidays, sick days, or a result of forgotten punch ins/outsover an accumulated period of days.

    Generating Quick Absence Reports

    How Do I Generate a Quick Absence Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportAbsence Report.2. Select Quick Report, then click Next.

    3. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.4. Expand the list of Available Cards/Groups. Click on the card(s)/group(s) you

    wish to report on, click the Add> button to move the selection(s) into the rightcolumn, then click Next. Refer to "Available Cards and Groups Selection" on page

    66.5. Under Time Selection Options, select a range for the report, then click Next.Refer to "Time Selection Options" on page 75.

    6. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    Setting Up Pre-Defined Absence Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Pre-Defined Absence Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportAbsence Report.2. Select Pre-Defined Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box,

    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Expand the list of Available Cards/Groups. Click on the card(s)/group(s) you

    wish to report on, click the Add> button to move the selection(s) into the rightcolumn, then click Next. Refer to "Available Cards and Groups Selection" on page66.

    6. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    7. To run this report, refer to "Generating a Pre-Defined Report" on page 20.

    Setting Up Scheduled Absence Reports

    How Do I Set Up a Scheduled Absence Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportAbsence Report.2. Select Scheduled Report. Type the name of the report in the Name:text box, Page 53 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    then click Next.3. Select who can generate the report, then click Next. Refer to "Who Can Generate

    a Report" on page 65.

    4. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.5. Expand the list of Available Cards/Groups. Click on the card(s)/group(s) you

    wish to report on, click the Add> button to move the selection(s) into the rightcolumn, then click Next. Refer to "Available Cards and Groups Selection" on page66.

    6. UnderSelect days, select the check boxes corresponding to the days you wantthe report generated. Under Time to generate report, type a value or use thespin box, then click Next. Refer to "Times and Dates for Scheduled Reports" onpage 69.

    7. Select the output format for the report, then click Finish. Refer to "OutputFormats" on page 71.

    Cardholders assigned to a rotating shift will not appear in the AbsenceReport. For more information on rotating shifts, refer to "Rotating

    Shifts" on page 82.

    The report will be generated at the time specified in step 6. Pro-Report must berunning at the specified day(s) and time. Refer to "Scheduled Reports" on page20. Page 54 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is an Operator Action Report?

    Operator Action Report Options. Using the Operator Action Report Wizard.

    An Operator Action Report displays a list of punch entries thathave been modified by active operators. This enables you tokeep track of who modified punch entries and the details ofthese modifications. This chapter details how to generateOperator Action Reports using the Quick Report format andhow to set up templates using the Pre-Defined and ScheduledReport formats. Page 55 Friday, February 13, 2004 11:34 AM

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    What is an Operator Action Report?The Operator Action Report displays a list of modified punch entries. It enables you to

    keep track of punch entries modified by active operators as well as the details ofthese modifications.

    Generating Quick Operator Action Reports

    How Do I Generate a Quick Operator Action Report?

    1. Click FileNew ReportOperator Action Report.2. Select Quick Report, then click Next.

    3. Select a site, then click Next. Refer to "Choosing a Site" on page 63.4. Expand the list of Available Operators. Click on the operator(s) you wish to

    report on, click the Add> button to move the operator(s) into the right colum

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