primary pe and sport premium report: evidencing of the ... · primary pe and sport premium report:...

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Updated November 2017

The funding has been provided to ensure

impact against the following OBJECTIVE:

To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of

PE and sport in primary schools. It is important to

emphasise that the focus of spending must lead to long

lasting impact against the vision (above) that will live on

well beyond the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding.

It is expected that schools will see an improvement against the

following 5 key indicators:

1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-

starting healthy active lifestyles

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool

for whole school improvement

3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching

PE and sport

4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all


5. increased participation in competitive sport

Vision for the Primary PE and Sport Premium at Bures School

ALL pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy,

active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport

Primary PE and Sport Premium Report:

Evidencing of the Impact April 2016 – March 2017 – Updated Autumn 1 2017

Updated November 2017

In this report we have included the following:

• how much PE and sport premium funding we received for this academic year

• a full breakdown of how we’ve spent or will spend the funding this year

• the effect of the premium on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment

• how we will make sure these improvements are sustainable

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. This means that we

have used the premium to:

• develop or add to the PE and sport activities that our school already offers

• made improvements now so that pupils will benefit joining the school in future years

In summary, we have used our funding to:

• lease the School’s first field for many years

• provide existing staff with training or resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively

• introduce new sports and activities and encourage more pupils to take up sport

• support and involve the least active children by running or extending the provision of sports clubs and the types of clubs available

• run sport competitions

• increase pupils’ participation through the Sainsbury’s School Games

• run sports activities with other schools

• established links with local sports clubs

• although not through this funding, we have improved storage facilities so that adequate resources for a single-form primary school can be purchased and stored

Updated November 2017

In previous years, have you completed a self-review of PE, physical activity and school sport? Yes

Have you completed a PE, physical activity and sport action plan/ plan for the Primary PE and Sport Premium spend? Yes

Is PE, physical activity and sport, reflective of your school development plan? Yes

Are your PE and sport premium spend and priorities included on your school website? Yes

At Bures School we believe that swimming is a life skill and can encourage a healthy and active lifestyle. All children in Y3 and Y4 attend a term

of swimming tuition at the local swimming facility. This facility offers further development of swimming instruction if the children wish to

pursue it.

The programme of study for PE sets out the expectation that pupils should be taught to:

• swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres

• use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]

• perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Swimming and Water Safety Please fill out all of the below:

• The percentage of Year 6 pupils who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres when they left Bures School.

88% (23/26) 2015/16 91% (21/23) 2016/17

• The percentage of Year 6 pupils who can use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] when they left Bures School.

88% (23/26) 2015/16 91% (21/23) 2016/17

• The percentage of Year 6 pupils who could perform a safe self-rescue in different water-based situations when Bures School.

88% (23/26) 2015/16 91% (21/23) 2016/17

Choose an item.



Updated November 2017

Below, we have identified our use of the Primary PE and Sport Premium to date, and priorities for the coming year:

TARGET IMPROVE PROVISION: Develop or add to the PE and sport activities that our school already offers Key priorities to date: Key achievements/What worked well: Key Learning/What will change next year:

The School has acquired a series of schemes of work for newly-introduced sports and PE programmes.

The new schemes develop skills before moving to applying these into a games-context. The PE leader has worked with teachers on an individual and group level in order to talk through these schemes, activities and planned sessions for staff.

PE monitoring by the PE Leader has identified the need for a consistent scheme to be adopted by the School and ensure it is implemented effectively across the School. There is a need to ensure a consistent high level of PE and sports delivery. The PE Leader has been looking at a series of schemes that can be used and £1000 has been given to the new budget to purchase this.

New resources (plans and physical resources) have been purchased for two new sports: Lacrosse and Handball. Additional resources have been purchased to assist with two year groups being taught PE and sports at the same time, especially in Tag Rugby (eg over one afternoon per week).

Lacrosse has been introduced in Key Stage 2 through a lunchtime club, which has been run by the Deputy Headteacher. 24 children (46% of Upper Key Stage 2) attended this club. Tag Rugby has been introduced to Years 5 and 6 through PE lessons.

Lacrosse will be introduced into Key Stage 2 lessons in the Summer Term 2017. Scatterball (a version of Lacrosse/Rounders), will be introduced to Key Stage 1. Tag Rugby will be taught in lower Key Stage 2 during the Autumn Term 2017. Handball staff training has been booked for 26th April 2017. It will be introduced after this.


Updated November 2017

Use of PE specialist to support staff development across the School.

Teachers’ confidence and competence was audited through a self-evaluation survey and this was then used to create a plan of support for teachers across the School – matched to the needs of the specific teachers. Teachers’ confidence has been raised as a result of this support from a Learning Support Assistant who is also a Sports Coach. In addition, in Summer Term 2016, a PE Coach was used to raise teachers’ understanding and knowledge of PE.

Continue to develop teachers’ knowledge and subject knowledge of outstanding practice in PE. Introduce a new PE curriculum which will help to ensure this provision happens.

The School has employed additional learning support assistants in Key Stage Two during PE sessions. This is in order to increase staff ratios, resulting in focus PE group sessions for those children requiring additional support, including those eligible for the Pupil Premium and those with Special Educational Needs. This has been at a cost of £2120 (£530 per LSA for x 4 LSAs).

Increased confidence in the children as their basic skills have been more targeted by the increased staff numbers. Additional lesson challenge and small- group support has been observed as a result of the additional staffing. This practice has been introduced and applied during for 2016/17 financial year.

Due to a high level of staff turnover for the new academic year (2016/17), as identified by the PE lead, new staff – both teachers and LSAs need further training in order to ensure PE and sports outcomes are maximised. The PE leader has implemented specific training for targeted staff members (see below). In addition, further training will be delivered in the new financial year (2017/18) through staff and LSA meetings.

Forest Schools has been introduced into the School in Nursery and Reception Class. This runs for six sessions in Nursery (Summer Term) and for six weeks in Reception (Autumn Term).

Having access to and being able to regularly utilise Daisy’s Wood has been a real asset for the School and has increased the provision that the School is able to now offer in regards to developing PE, Sports and fine motor skills. End of Reception outcomes for Moving and Handling with Physical

Other year groups have increasingly been using Daisy’s Wood, which has included Years 5 and 6 for orienteering. It would be excellent to develop its use further across the School.

Updated November 2017

Development in Summer 2016 was 92.6%, which reflects the impact that Forest Schools has had on developing fine and gross motor skills.

2014/15 – 2015/16 academic year PE and Sport Premium spending focused on raising teachers’ subject and pedagogical knowledge and understanding through the coaching of class teachers by PE specialists.

This period reflected a time of high teacher turnover, due to promotion and performance-related issues, resulting in only 1.2fte of staff being on roll in September 2016 who had also been on roll in 2014/15 (two part-time teachers). Due to this turnover, the sustainable outcomes of the PE and Sports PD has been lessened. The new PE and Sports Lead, who took up post in September 2017, surveyed all teachers’ PE and sports confidence and competence in teaching sports.

The results of the survey showed that: -With the exception of Years 5 and 6, staff have lower confidence in teaching PE and sports and would appreciate training. This has been actioned through the modelling of lessons and joint-planning with both the PE lead and the Learning Support Assistant Sports Coach – see below. -Teachers would find the use of a clear planning system / scheme of work, of use. This has now been budgeted and planned for September 2017 (Real PE programme – see below).

Updated November 2017

TARGET SUSTAINABILITY: Making improvements now so that pupils will benefit joining the school in future years

Key priorities to date: Key achievements/What worked well: Key Learning/What will change next year:

We have invested £27000 in the leasing of a new school field for the next 8 years. The School has not previously had a school field. Due to the positive impact having a field will have on the Sports and PE provision within the School, 25% of the total PE and Sport Grant of £8830 has been spent on the new field. Specifically, this money has been spent on the preparation of the field, including the fencing, ground preparation and security/access of/to the field. Additional funding was sought through a successful Section 106 bid.

Up to this point the School has been using the playground and a public recreation ground for outdoor PE and sports. This has limited the sports options available to the pupils, as well as posed a risk to the health, safety and welfare of the children in the school, due to it bordering a river and being a public space (issues with uncontrolled dogs, dog’s mess, litter, broken glass). As the recreation ground is owned by Bures Parish Council, the School has had only limited access to the recreation ground, which has resulted in inconsistency and reduced outdoor sports and PE provision. Since leasing the field, PE and sports has been able to take place regularly, consistently and safely. In addition, the school field is used at breaktimes and lunchtimes in order to provide pupils with a space to play games and sporting activities, which has not previously been able to happen due to the lack of space on the school playground.

Acquiring the school field has taken several years to make happen, due in part to the re-direction of a public right of way that needed to be diverted around the field. The School will continue to use and enhance its usage of the field by investigating resources that will extend PE and sports provision (eg football goals/ rugby posts/ low ropes course/orienteering course). The new field has ensured that the School’s outdoor PE and sports provision is regular, consistently happening, safe, of quality and sustainable for the next few years.

Updated November 2017

Although it has not been allocated to the PE and Sports Grant, the School has invested £3500 in order to improve the storage facilities in the school for PE and sports equipment. The previous small storage space was designed for use when the School was a lower school with a pupil roll number of 160. With the increase in pupil numbers as part of becoming a full primary school, new facilities were needed to ensure adequate resourcing and storage, to enable our 213 pupils to receive effective PE and Sports provision.

The PE Store has enabled the purchasing of both new stock for existing sports but also the purchase and storage of resources for new sports that have been introduced in the School (such as lacrosse and quicksticks hockey). It has also assisted in the new teaching approach to sports in which year groups pair up and teach PE and sports together. This has been achieved through additional resources that have been purchased which enable two classes to teach the same sport and PE focus at the same time for an afternoon, can be easily stored.

The PE store needs to be fitted with adequate shelving/storage devices in order to maximise storage for the increased PE and sports’ provision resources within the School. The PE Store has enabled the School to have a sustainable storage management system for PE and sports provision, so that it can be extended and widened and resources can be maintained safely and adequately.


PUPIL OUTCOMES: To increase provision across the School: both in lessons and out of them.

Increased engagement in inter-school competitions.

Autumn 2016 saw an increase of 67% of engagement in inter-school competitions in Years 5 and 6, compared to Autumn 2015. Spring 2017 saw an increase of 33% of engagement in inter-school competitions in across the School, compared to Spring 2016.

Summer 2017 forecast projects an increase of 75% of engagement in inter-school competitions in Key Stage 2, compared to Summer 2016.

A high level of pupils involved in inter-sports competitions.

In 2016/17, 43% of pupils in Key Stage 2 over this academic year up to the end of Spring

Investigate more inter-school opportunities for Key Stage 1. To increase intra-school

Updated November 2017

2017 have been involved in one or more inter-school competitions. When calculating the total number of pupils involved in inter-school competitions (where a child is counted for every attendance at an inter-school competition): In Autumn 2016, 42% KS2 pupils (44 pupils out of 104) were involved in inter-sport competition. In Spring, 26% (27 / 104) pupils in Key Stage 2 were involved in inter-sport competition. This represents 71 pupils (68%) in Key Stage 2 have taken part in an inter-school competition.

competitions to include more than just Sports’ Day.

A high level of pupils engaged in sports and PE extra-curricular activities.

In academic year 2016/17, participation in extra-curricular activities for sports and PE up to end of Spring 2017 is 80% of Key Stage 2 (83 pupils out of 104). From Years 1 to Year 6 participation is 67% (109/162) up to Spring 2017. This is a high level of participation and surpasses the criterion expectation to achieve the Gold level of the Sainsbury’s School Games.

Explore provision for Nursery and Reception extra-curricular activities.

Increased number of sports taught within the School through PE and sports curriculum learning and extra-curricular activities.

In 2015/16, 9 sports taught in the School. In 2016/17, 16 sports and PE activities taught in School. This shows an increase of 45% in the broadening of our PE and sports provision since the last academic year.

New curriculum to be introduced in the academic year 2016/17. The new scheme is a skills-based curriculum and consideration needs to be given in order to ensure a broad PE curriculum.

A high level of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium engaged in sports and PE extra-curricular activities.

Participation in extra-curricular activities for Key Stage 2 Pupil Premium pupils in sports and PE that have been in the School since

Engage new entrants to the School – those that have started since September 2016.

Updated November 2017

1.9.16 (start of academic year) is 75% (9 pupils out of 12). Participation for Pupil Premium pupils up to end of Spring 2017 for those including new entrants to the School is 56% for Key Stage 2 (9 pupils out of 16).

Financial Year (starting April): 2016/2017

Total fund allocated: £8830

A B C D E F G PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator

School Focus/ planned Impact on pupils

Actions to Achieve Planned Funding Actual Funding Evidence Actual Impact (following Review) on pupils and Sustainability/ Next Steps

4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

New resources for new sports purchased in order to introduce new sports.

Investigate, purchase, organise and store resources needed for Handball and Lacrosse – release time.

£400 15 x Handballs @ £74.85 Lacrosse set @£350.97

Introduced in clubs or in lessons.

See above.

5. increased participation in competitive sport

The purchase of school kits and outfits for representing the School in rugby.

Design, source, purchase and store new kit.

£350 Rugby shirts @ £187.50 Shell Jackets @ £179.18

Increased participation in sporting competitions.

See above.


Updated November 2017

1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles

The re-development of PE and Sport in the timetable (year groups doubling up).

Purchase additional resources to pay for new timetabling.

£150 Mitre size 4 balls@ £10.78 Folding goal@ £31.49 Tag Rugby belts@ £32.00 Rugby Balls@ £99.98 Back bags@ £2.20

Increased numbers of pupils able to access quality sporting and PE provision during PE sessions.

See above.

5. increased participation in competitive sport

Access to sporting fixtures for pupils.

Organise and pay for transport to competitions.

£150 Three C’s Coach to Ormiston @ £100.00 TGS Minibus to Tag Rugby @ £34.45 TGS Minibus to Athletics @ £15.00

Travel provided access to competitions.

See above.

3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

PE coaches used to teach staff how to play cricket.

PE coaches used for seminar term – both professional development and a club.

£125 Cricket coaching @ £125.00

Coaching provided professional development support for teachers.

Increased confidence in the teaching of PE for teachers Summer 2016 and who are still in School in 2016/17. This is 7 of the 10 teachers in total.

4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Forest Schools for Nursery and Reception pupils.

Nursery pupils received 6 sessions of Forest School instruction from Level 3 specialist and

£1200 Nursery Summer Term@ £600.00

Development of pupils’ gross motor skills in the Early Years.

See above.

Updated November 2017

Reception received it in Autumn Term for 6 sessions.

Reception Autumn Term @£600.00

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Lease of new School Field.

New School Field brokering discussions, planning permission, leasing agreement, legal costs for 8 year lease.

25% of £27000

New Field lease @ £6750

Private new field acquired for PE and sports during curriculum time and for competition.

See above.

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Additional staff in PE, to target those needing support (including Pupil Premium)

LSAs employed for PE and sports across the School when timetabled, in order to provide additional support for pupils needing it.


Additional staffing of PE lessons@ £2120

Increased and targeted support for pupils in PE, to develop their skills.

See above.

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Regular and sustained subject release time for PE lead.

Subject release and observations – one afternoon per month, in order to have organised and ensure delivery of all of above.

£700 PE lead subject time@ £705

See outcomes for above.

See above.

Totals: (White Box : Planned; Grey Box: Actual) £5075 + lease of field@£6750. Planned Total: £11825

£5268.40 + lease of field@£6750. Actual Total: £12016.40

Updated November 2017

Financial Year (starting April): 2017/2018

Total fund allocated: £8966

A B C D E F Autumn 17 Update Red – Not yet achieved Yellow – Partially achieved Green - Achieved

G Autumn 17 Update

PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator

School Focus/ planned Impact on pupils

Actions to Achieve

Planned Funding

Actual Funding

Impact / Evidence

Sustainability/ Next Steps

5. increased participation in competitive sport

Increased after-school provision of sports (new football club, potential: cheerleading, investigated street dance)

Additional pupils Nil

Nil New football club started Summer term – strong attendance Autumn term – numbers dropped significantly

Numbers have dropped this term – talk to pupils to determine why. Develop provision accordingly.

1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-

Daily mile for Year 5 Autumn 2017

Timetabling Nil Nil None Changes in staff made this difficult to implement

Look at how to develop the idea of a daily mile across the school – Jan 18


Updated November 2017

starting healthy active lifestyles

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Purchase new scheme of work – Create Development’s Real PE.

£2200 + 3 days out for PE lead + 1 day INSET (£750) (plus £240 overtime costs for support staff).

£2993 £240

Improved teacher confidence in PE teaching. Improved quality of lessons. Clear, consistent teaching of core PE skills across the school

Real Gym to be purchased following success of Real PE introduction. (Autumn 2)

5. increased participation in competitive sport

Inter-house competition – football, rugby, rounders.

Nil Nil Summer Term / Autumn Term - Inter-house competitions organised by Year 6 House Captains Whole school involvement in competitive sport. PSA support – parents came to watch. (See Newsletter entry)

Continue termly implementation of Inter-house competitions. Incorporate a range of sporting events.

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Intra-school competition – football. Head Boy and Girl and to organise and promote.

Nil Nil Head Boy and Girl position no longer in existence – Intra-school competition supported through links to TGS/Ormiston

PE Lead to explore involvement in local schools’ league. (Summer 2018)

Updated November 2017

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Board in the hall – promotion of sports and PE across the school.

Nil Board established and being developed to support Real PE skills development

Continue to develop – refresh as necessary

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Twitter account set up – results now posted on Twitter.

Nil Change in PE leadership – Regular tweets not yet established. Pupils publish sports reports on new style newsletter to parents

PE Lead to liaise with PE event leaders to Tweet following events. Continue to develop newsletter sport slot.

3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

SCS Coaching – alongside teachers – peer support / teacher development. KS1 (NQT and NQT+1).

Gratis Support provided to teachers. Improved confidence as a result.

3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

Matt Sports coaching of pupils.

£600 Summer Term – support for coaching provided. Autumn Term – Real PE drive to upskill teachers to teach PE LSA used to provide lunchtime support to Vulnerable groups.

Specific support for vulnerable groups during lunchtimes.

Updated November 2017

5. increased participation in competitive sport

Markings on the field and new goals.

£400 £400 Successful sports day held – field marked. Goals in constant use during play times and lunchtimes

Consider purchase of shed to make equipment easily accessible allowing children to become play leaders / staff to create more exciting sporting opportunities as equipment readily available.

1. two year groups

to achieve


proficiency in


Years 3 and 4 to partake in one half term’s swimming per class.

£1613 £1613 Children to be offered extended swimming sessions to consolidate skills beyond basic national curriculum requirements. Specialist Swimming Coaches to work alongside staff members to teach swimming more effectively. (Planned)

To take place Spring 2018

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Subject release and observations – one afternoon per month.

£706 £706 Summer term – monitoring activities to determine CPD needs

Autumn Term – Training Day for all staff in Real PE – New PE Lead to monitor implementation of new scheme – Autumn 2 / Spring 1 £2250

Updated November 2017

Completed by (name and school position):

Ruth Slater, Headteacher & Fiona Appleby, PE Leader

Date: 23/03/2017

Interim Review Date: Autumn 17

3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

LSA PE Support for Summer Term

£2243 £2243 LSA involvement in Summer Term allowed teachers to direct support at pupils with individual needs. Teachers able to build confidence in managing whole class PE sessions.

Totals: (White Box : Planned; Grey Box : Actual) Planned Total: £8,752

Actual Total: £8,795

Developed by

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