preventative health and screening in general practice: the 4 step guide to memorising

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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How to remember.

By Sam Ognenis (UWA medical student)



Find it here from the RACGP website:

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Prevention. Doing it wrong.

Source: Randy Glasbergen, “How to Eat Healthy”:


Risk factor screening

Cancer screening

Sexual health stuff


How do we prevent?

“I’ll have an ounce of prevention”, by Dana Fradon in the New Yorker, 1987:

How to remember?


2. Major Diseases – screening algorithms

3. Cancer screening programmes

4. Head to toe

How to remember?

1. SNAP: Smoking, Nutrition, Alcohol, Physical activity2. Major diseases – screening algorithms

Diabetes – AUSDRISK is first (every 3 years from 40, or ATSI 18) CV – BMI, waist circumference, BP, lipids, BGL – all CV risk factors; and the Absolute CV risk

assessment once 45 (35 ATSI) Renal disease: high risk patients; smoking >40, HT, obesity, FHx, diabetes, ATSI>30 (basically most

patients) – BP, ACR, eGFR every 1-2 years Osteoporosis – fracture risk >45 (F); >50 (M) Falls – falls risk assessment tool – there are many!

3. Cancer screening programmes: CRC: FOBT from 50years Breast: Mammography from 50years Skin: Skin cancer advice Cervical: Pap smear from 18years, 2 years post first intercourse

4. Then, head to toe: Oral health (lift the lip) Immunisation CV, Renal, Osteopororsis Genitalia – contraception, pap, STI screening5. At the end, or IF YOU GET STUCK! Do a quick head to toe Ask about family history – they probably need more/earlier screening for that disease!

How to remember?

Prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, depression, VA,

suicide, glaucoma, incontinence, vitD, wide genetic screening etc.

but be alert in all of these – may need to evaluate if high-risk

What don’t we do?


Mammography – Discuss the pros and cons (2012

exam), and then conduct appropriate screening for this 54yo woman (2011)

Case 1

Case 1

Health screening – 45 year old man with some

cardiovascular risk factors (2010, 2006)

Case 2

41yo female patient with 3 first-degree relatives with

breast cancer, and motivational interviewing smoking cessation (2009, 2008)

Case 3

38yo Aboriginal woman for ‘check up’

Case 4

62yo woman for routine pap smear and general

health check

Case 5

55yo man general health check

Case 6

16yo male for checkup

Case 7

75yo woman who lives alone

Case 8

4yo boy for routine immunisation – overweight

Case 9

4 yo boy with immunisation

Why bother?

Sourced from:


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