preston rezaee - ways to help save environment

Post on 19-Mar-2017






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Ways to Help Protect the Environment

Reduce Your Waste

His is the first out of the tips how to protect the environment that I actually would prefer to introduce in this entire article and want both you and my other readers to learn and make use forever!In daily life, we waste several things such as plastics, paper, and many others. You can recycle these wastes rather than throwing these questions trash can. You can categorize them into non-recyclable and recyclable products and send recyclable products to a recycling company.


This includes sulfur dioxide gas released from coal and oil refineries. Some of these chemicals take part in reactions in the atmosphere, and can bring about acid rainwater.

Employ our vehicles less

We all can take public vehicles, ride a bike, or walk whenever possible. This kind of will reduce the number of impurities emitted into the air.

Factories can use control devices

For example, industries can use "scrubbers" on smoke stacks to snare particles and force away chemical p rain. These control devices remove pollution in their source.

Plant More Trees

This is the previous but very important out of the best tips how to protect the environment from pollution that I would like to reveal in this whole Video and want you and my other viewers to follow it.Woods play a natural part in our lives. Aside from providing us beauty and shade, trees make a lot of other benefits. Trees can help us relax and calm as well as help we exposure to the characteristics.

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