press the boohihower ·...

Post on 19-Mar-2020






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2 n »ffiiTnrii

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Pimmmm PRESS ' ;'' '••T,t*fi 'nAT-. MARCH 17. 1914

PtiDllsJiwl Dally, exept Sunday, by ;SSb> Sentinel PubHehlng Co., Platts-:;,SW3|Spl»'Nil''"*. ''\r'~-

• -w*i*mtptti*r%fWj

^ ftsfe ***-* *•* .*

* i , 5 « •••"••)* SM<BS*W««»i««*<^«te^M*'W«lllt|


; »at«r«d at tit* Plattsburgh,**. r„ Post Office as Second d e a l Mall. lubscrlptioja Payable ik Advanea

ftJUIUb, • • 4 • • • * r4*r»« i l n i i M n ' '•- _

A&fertUOtxs Rfttet o p o s Bequest

MRS. T. P. MANNEK.......President i t M. MJNI%T.ftMa«taTy*^e»«»Mr

, W. % LYNCH - . . . . . . . . . . . . .Manager

.frtrora circulation Itngir than that of any newspaper published ha. Clto-



The United PsMiahere A M M * . Ji8*©f»ew Vof* etty hat tovestJ. gatea*6nd ecrtWit h* M dres* JttJoa of this pub'^tfeo. facts have been estabtiahod, ajd tturaBteed to advertiaare.

The BooHihower Grocery £& Seeding Season is At Hand

With a large stock of new Seeds carefully selected for highest PRODUCTIVENESS ' and PURITY, we are ready to

make immediate shipments

We find it neeessary to announce so out readers once more, that tw* .ff-tf-^^^AJM-w-dK „ Adfeaaaaiau^a*aBMa feafeaHB)enr eassi'Mr f^si-

jtadtcat at tfUil (Kfffoe titoiess ftctxmtpftti-ittt Br «•»** It will be useless to

1 ^ German war minister in reply­ing .to ^o tojerpeUatidti regai-aing a recent fatal duel ^between army ojffl-$ c<ui.dtry-:&itoiig!y dVfends: duelling as art ihs£itutfpn. He thinks it Is necessary W the military eaaie that th* CO*B he maintained ..."and wo«M regard"-'it- $» a misfortune should flae eoflcepiicm of personal honor ua which the wa^tste* of duel­ling 1* based *»e eradi^efl. t^ts f» babbling rioia^iiits.; A . ^ a n afoay officer's honor is no xdeatierto/Mm' than la the' nunc* of Any Other maaf to him, A plenty chaos would soon be introduced in..etui woria if every time a man's honor was impugned he were permitted to issue a challenge to the person offending and this latter were compelled to accept ihe dial-l«ngeor tn» cwteacised* *£hwe are ioifc-•r-'wtys in which aftnan can vaually via««*»te hl» hoaoi- wi thout iMurder-

lof Mint nm.ttt belo* m«»a*p«d him* mtt hut it will prefeably l>e a Ion* time before that Idea mifficiently pen­etrates th« |ic«id ot the ar^raife Gef* mala military «Hlcer to- fihd perma« neat lodging therein. ' . . ' ••;

•ff «o bwak tbfa rale and ndrertlse-, 4 . , ^ •Mnts «ntt not be*aoc«H«d « t « tftel**r*e n , a l n b a r n w l t h c o w s t a b l e a t*


FOR lUT,|>~>M>tl DOSM H centi at thePr«»Omofc

1 ' " I — W ^ — M H W M M i l w l i i l i l ^ l n in. u

*OB W*X*t~;.Printed «i«n. *«f« J»fiif» **or Sale" « ^ r at the Pre* OffiO*.

Wfiwii imim»im mm

£'09 8A&&—140 oord* of drjr 4 foot peekd poplar pulp wood, on the bank at Irooa aad Altona Station on the Rutland railroad. Ahw to cord* of 4 foot drjr peeled poplar pu^p wood, on the bank at Dannimora Station on tht X>. eV R, railroad. Both of these Iota are A**. «ualltjr, and will he gold to tha hlgheet bidder. Sealed pro-poMla for the same will be opened at tha Warden'* Offloe, at Clinton Pttaon. March 10th, 1814, at 11 a. in. Fropaaala ahould be addriNMed to the wardeh and inajrked "Pulp Wood Ftevoeala.'' John B. ttrohtbr/. Ageat;; and WatvtBt Danninora,. N. ~ T.;'.:- •

tojim moim FARM FOR SALIS-I |—«4 acras adibtainlr Clinton Patit Addre^lJL B. Chieholm. N*o«h Brook field, H « M * or H. A, Thoanaa * Co.,

#OB SAfcSJ—The own%r. wja«wn« to retire, ha* ]put hia entire f » m »ro-pertlef Ittto twr haiida ^ar dlipoirtl at a, great aacrttlce. «ne -farm ee*ataU of *»# *er«*i *b«at «« a«re« In ttttage, l ^ i r t ipft*M«* and fift in wtwrf land. WAI carry from 40 to ISO cowe. 1 »l le to Bchool, $ mileii to Tillage, creamery and raiiroaa •tation, *U mwadaci road, ifln* old two-awry n*»e of H town* itk good'condition, aiao a new tenement houae. The farm ha« oae

Oar prices ire as low, and quality equal to offering! of any Wholesale Se€d ktlie«niatry»

If our Salesmen do not call on you-Inquire by Phoiie or Mail.

%*e friendjr of Stfce S6*W»Hoft bill pending te this legislature je".-iprosrjp*! ingJhard.tais*fflpe"fiiot|>a^iage of-thej, meaaur*. It r^^tt-iste th© rigSit t» prattle© aa a* ftttrse or rsfjstered nur*? to gratoirte^ or schoote approved by the rejeeati. It to lirgcd ia behalf of the} ttut^R fliftl they aro entitjed to th ia :^* ft^3»t »»* Wt «*U«fm«»i to dronl

; l » i - i 3 ^ ^ • i r .

protectifln*.haying gone to .the tronbl^ afed *x|etjse of fitting themselves tp ^eaciic©"|helr prbfesSlbn. We should find tio fault with thle conclunion ex­cept for one fact and tnat is thai there a m ma&kf more families tn every com­munity wh# are not able to employ a graduate nurae at 125 or ISO a week than there are who can afford i t But f$^4&&':fffiba£ i&v* care and in cases

»Where" peraone cannot afford to em-ploy » «radtiate nurSe they should be permitted to engage someone else ex-jp«rleiic«d in the eiek room hut per-•ft^l. * Jlitte teea skilled. The grad­uate nurses are planning to create a traat and we are not all miUionaires.

Wilaon has been handling .the Mexican problem for more than &-year.'sow but if he wera required to make an honest confession he would pjobabJy admit that be has no more idea today where he is at than he bad twelve'months ago. The rest of the country eertainly hasn't. True. when. h e refused to extend recognit ion to Huerta because of the way In which he obtained power most Americans applauded. They did not, however, look ahead with a view to perceiving w h a t effect the administration's method of deal ing with the seriou? problem in hand would have in the end. But it is the business of a states­man to perceive what the multitude does not and shape h is policies ac­cordingly and this in what the presi­dent in this instance has> 'ailed to do He h a s not measured np. to the emer­gency.

the w«riL|* an eloquent comment in the condition of affair* in that office since U w»» «ete«t tor polWoal pur*| poses. :' "f

TbMt t w drag; buainaaa eota aoiaa ice in this country may ba lnfarrad from the feet th*t tha w*altadfa in that line do » voiuma of bufttneaa «xeee4-Jng ISOO OflO.OOO, «oata Uke tb« dew» to. keep the Amerloaft »a«ple iuppliit with medicine.

• wiiwaw igw#p*l>»>*a wmm*

curing Job* on _fairm» to^idj*-""!* W. W. agitators is going tor naught. Thay { promptly told him to "«o hoe hUnL-f self.


l ^ ^ a i W a ] J ^ ^ ™ , aj^^Pj^lf^* ^^^^^^

GOWlJO|r IsH&pmSg' fcfJflMlll*Ma»- tft 'QfcllZ r'3tk~~r '~Z"TZ^I"Zw«."ST"** r — ~ •J^~»-.-a-..--.-- * .>-».a.- *. tiiiii-":-Trri .r'': . "ifr' .1iVi'fl

•^ ^Hpa<fiisiaia flRShAkt£ -'(UftRAft. ^M^MMSbaM^k v'taJK ^ a M ^ | -

m_mtmm who «»** •»»•#»/drawn hr

ir Mr*» -«• IStrandl Jurors ahd Aurora a t aaid uonrt^to aas i ir

to^mmmfet « ^ % e

S-'^^p^at ^w~r^^nw ^^^^K1 ~jjWPH^HjFt|^P?^B %w*^Eg* *^w*PftJp

This is the day that honor is done t h e memory of St. Patrick, one of the most zealous Christians the world j ever knew. Tradition tells us that h< ] used to pray a hundred t imes a day %t he did this he practically fulfilled the apostolic injunction to "pra> without ceasing." i iut whether he ac­tually prayed that ma ay t imes In e day or not, we know he had a burning sseal to preach the Christian rellglor and that he did it with gTeat success AH the world honors his memory, and deservedly so, for according to all the records he was a most pious and gen­tle, but withal a fearless soul who was wil l ing to brave any danger in the namfl of the God he worshipped.

Along about this t ime Secretary of State Bryan and Speaker Champ <'lark must have their suspicions fulb aroused as to Mr. Wilson's intention.1

toward the s ingle-term plank in th» D e m < >crat ic platform.

Scyni'.ur Vau Suntnood saya tha T.nor t > his appointment as chairma of the public servico commiss ion ther w a s no head to it and everything wa at loose ends. Martin S. Decker whon Mr. Van Santvoord succeeds ays be i Very g lad to be relieved et the job a*

e. business w a s piling up at a trouble-; , * n m e rate. Mr. Decscer a lways har

" Jjeen regarded as a m a n of experience

W save the* food a m in aiding

tffied that« . was stored ttom t o bwtithf

ttltty f l p « mature grum was- a&ttt v* which dev#fl»e* Pebruars. fSU^ Texas. aeSjiatttb After heiuir tbe» eisa iaforeied me i less. Tiu-ee wcelA ! iter weighiog 1.03 pounds

• ^ f t !J«ly t*.l»J5 > idetfuT «K

id «?eii aadcaTdoTW*»»« . mt a»y g&du *}«vat«* fL„n

sen reatM*" Eefemati'a A!t(»aUTO b*s heen-W

natuy years,' te»* to be jwoat t.f for severe! 'I Isiott and IxBtig A Bronchitis. Bruaeli^al Astunin. Colds and bi wpVuildlng the C niahj§ BP aae«mcs, w p s , foHJaoK dtafisr Aak f<»r umvu of »-cer«i3eb -ami wrlt^^to Laboratory PhilndelpUift. JP% «. deuee. Fur 4.1k bj all l e v

Ltffldavltl tAfeove aobrei lat-od

DISTRICT ATTOtUnSPB JPfKEOERT to the name of tha people of tlw

•tat* «f Haw Tortt, To the Bherlft of the County W |

dHafiHty '

P N « M Court and Jail deliwry w to b* h^4 in and for the County of Clinton

Wattaburgh, on tha Itth day at Apri

SHMUB MtUMttft.lUbtta4Jfe ^ BW bs -j tflrtVMMCfe'flk4K9' fl^b aHUfea »

"* BWwp^P ^WKp «flyC^(jt. j pFgpM^PIp -JPflMwa^jf sWww^w , T ^ ^

them in your

3%at ybu 'MiUi ' iwotslam**

p7^»-ftP ;

j p ^ | % » K td return' 'iu^^'t««jfnii-1-IglSpoJiiWfii M^BlJ1 — « - *

-• ' • i


. Of villagt raaldent proparty' and

_ ??,„ v^^Ws^^^fl^a^ ^W^ ^ f Q^F ,*Tfffr^aj a%wpFjp*t,. •ftPi Ba - p i f w * , .

•.ijjP ^WWP^%=^^K jpfj SWB^WpFj4waalfl»™HP%Rwfty^m§''StS%^p^fc^ 'V**^*

« ^ ^ * S " i a * ^•*;^'*a'^Pfl(fc • .-4Sv^wPlw^wHs 1JNRP*n^ ' ' f f^*m ^ff^PiP^

ialf m»«i aaat ef Cfcaar ViUaga t*w-arda ffftia y.ifiifllini aft tht macaflaTfy rnftjfl,'! littiifftf ny-.; typf; .my't'jfffHt - aarea of lan4 of whl«h ona hundra* fifty

aame Ume and plaoe the"lCing«burT Homo-«t»*d'Mn the \Tilag* of Chasy. m&

^RB^^aP:Pll '^yF-iP^wv 3^^^^^^^'""* Tla'ft, ",'fl'ff^^JlH^Mf^r'p^^*'^^** - * * * ^ j

ingt, aU in exoellent re

a ^ ^ ^ ^ « ^ cfc

^ j ^ ^ ^ i r l & e i i j ;

- FOB . QAL.B—-Deairf ng' to - changa my reaklance, I offer for aale tha fol­lowing property; the old Breaajay Homaatead of eighty aarea juat aouth of m City Umita on ih» taka Shore Road, divided by the naw aute high­way oyerlooklng and bordering on LaM CbAmplalh withia i&- mlnufaa walk of Catholic Summer School and; Hotel ^wmplftlp I*Mro in bigfi aftjate bl WiUv»tlon, houaa atid pftrna oom-modiona and comf rtabie, city water, talaphoaa and trolley aerrica and would make mri Idem) aummer houae for tha adcommodation of automo-blla tourlata. Tha rarm mm b* di­vided aad tub-divided into four parta. One division haa fine clay bed*,valu­able for moulding or briok making. Farm implemenu and atock included If dealred. Tenna arranged for. Ateo )n city, one modern ten room houae, Sna home and suitable t<f take room-era, being attuated near Normal School, haa electric light* furaaca and gaa, large garden 'and. chicken houae. Ttrma right Aiao av cottage and one acre of land adjoining farm, amallf earn, thirty fruit t « e ^ adapted to | raising earh/ vegetables and poultry, for further isformaUon ' apply to Mru. K. B. Curran, tkUo Shore Road, Plattsburgh, H, 'ltH Plioue 49t*»»

tached, new fcoree barn, pig aty, % hen houses, oorn ertb and ahed, alio a new Kilo-. Haa nice running watar at both house and barn. Nice orchard of io

j trees, sugar* bush or 400 trees. Ilie following personal property i« now on the* farm and will be sold with it: X pair of horeea, SO cows, 1 bull, 1 awine, 20 fowb, mowing ma«hiner hot*se rake, hay tedder, % plows, corn harvester, corn planter, wheal harrow smoothing harrow, cukivator, horse hoe, weeder, roller, hurae power, aaw rig, ensilage cutters, a targe supply of small tools, 2 heavy wagons, milk wagon, traverse sleds, sleigh, bob sled, pair of heavy harneeses, light harness, cream separator, and from 1800 to 2000 cords of wood and plsnty of wood and lumber lift for farm use. Price for entire outfit with nothing reserved JHO.ftvO. 1*000 cash will secure it. Balance in moderate yearly payments, ^tla property must bi sold. The price and terms will do it. Photographs upon app&catlon. Win be -' pleaaed to ahew U a«r«k|y KOd every day until sold. BATCH£Jt2>SH & BROWN, 176 College 8t, Borilng-t o n , v t , - . ; . • / •••..


FOB SALS—Freah cows _ and springers. |8fhUhdala Farm, liaei-mantownvN. T. • J | ; ; . ' - ' ij . . ' . " " ' i[-4:--'t^:% •," •'•'*-.'&'•' S*(~i

WOR SALE—A btaefc horse, S yaftrs old. Weigh* 1000 l is . To he s*an at the sublas of J. ». TroyUle, U o Oak St. -:- . * -...;, >•.-;'

'»•«< • « ' i" )' •< ' i i iVn . i i • ' • • M i l i . i ' i i I N * I ' A ' :t

fMA&CH .17. tin'. -- jH^>_.- ^ - k .

T f i ' Sl i£piT--i- l-Jr0om. fcduse. -; 93 Srinkerhoff St. Bath, electric LKhti.. h o t a i r . XL«0t SITU ..-JPOlseSgiOn ..May la*. Inquire C. A. ^lelefidort.


Money to loiiff m »fs«l fest&te.

« 5 S5SS

DElAWARE S IBBON TltiM «aSto in nrfect S«i»t. is; 1 B 13. ~

• J O a i l y . ' . ; •'"''•';;S'. T^ae_^^^^j|^ 4taUa^^4ttHg ***

Arrivs from > Hodtreai -

Leave tor i Albany \ 8 : 1 6 A-M;

I t : 15 A.M; -4:60 P.M..; 9|80 p . i t .

ltj»:25 P.M.

FOR SALE—Eeatdence property, how* and barn including all the land attached facing three atreeta, Court, William and Cornelia. S20 feet by 100 . .»

FOB SyUMB—Nina ream - house, n| | modern tmprovemasts. *t 10 Coucli St. Inquire on praiplssa.

FOft 8Al^—Two # t a Ko. I&itfk Located ; Orient Park. J$rookha.v«h Township, Suffolk: Co., Long island. 3 lota 2**1120, Barton Ave„ BellerieW. ScheneciAdy. 2 loU Archibald St. and Shelburno 8t , Burlington, Vt. l small cottage on Grand Isle with about one-half acres land'. Completely furnish­ed. 1 large cottage on Grand Isle with ice house, boat itou*« witn boats, etc., bowling alley. Completely furojshedf ahd equipped, suitable for clubbouae. Complete equipment concrete blocks, burial vault. Pate»t rights, etc 4 liota, *0xl20 Johnson Ave., Plattaburgh map K*. S*4-*2«48. 1 lot on Bttgar

Kcmpton..- Franklin Co.,.' Kew -Tork, SAW mW with- about *• acres Rolling Bank, Kempton, if, r» C editions '*&$&!' fo* .buji*B«;>«(«!tery.. -iThejabOTe w^ll bo f olii ieheup wJtft terins t05r»att purchaser:.'«p *xchianged for ^Platta* bur^h pw»p«fr% at itair euuity. .House a id'ljBt U&iMBtf&iifafiiH Bt.';!Cbn«; Crete -fee house .suitable for gansge. ^fousf and lot No. 98 Bainkerhoff St., with ham, 125x125. One of most 4e*

•11:10A.M. - , i - ,*• *4;4BF.|f. - •*.%'•-•" s § i 4 l F . i f * ' %. * "»- *

•10:20 P.M.... - •-.»•.'.--'_':-.WorthBkmnd. ,.-',•-,

Arrive flroih „ Leave for Albany.-" •••>- :.,' "••.'Mdntreal-'

•4:65A.M.- i '-» * *''";a:05'A^;

*tetf AM. _•>'••. •" •••>'-''M.fli-A::M:/ -"*"'» * .*, XioOp.M. •6:S»P.M. - - - - - *MVM. 10:10 P.M. - . - -

CHATKACGAY DIVISION. Arrive from " ' Leave to

Lake Placid Lake Placid -' •" * • * »* 8l40 itLtit.

10:11A.M. '»'.-' - - - . '• 4:10 P.M. - - - - - liuaPiM.

ATiSABLE DITttlOlf. Arrive fr»m . . . l*iu»br Auaable Fork* Auaable Porkg

4:26 PJi. - - - - - 4 : 4 0 AM. ; . . » > . . . . . i:**p%.-

. ''Sff?^^^'^""^^^^' W » w SSS^e>w#T*w

A«riw»;..I^Bt\ . Leave for



>LAW» f t pumtsmm no. m. uoNvr to


- JBfljl * ^ ^ y # . ^B^VswViHB^eWM

Court $W ^hons 4v5«M*

i^*i;|wij|«»f, room',' Jiouu© :witu; Bathroom; and BaM, also '.hut wate*:

and gag attachment* hard tyood ftoort also vacjtnt *ot';aBd barn, adjoinint. In ft sf-> of ipflfc. f||R|serg - "<»,: f§t^mi at H;".l»*rft. Sl^:<3iilfei'»f•"£|^:j(ii*i Sarawu: St„ i « | a ^ ! ^ ^ * K * ^ J^"f

Xo. »7-98 Srinkerhoff St., Six 125-Cas uhd electric lights, Steam heatj and hot air. Rouse and bam Ho. $ ^&mm street, l^rtTart**. House and tot No. 17 William St. Lot Kli I 6 V . 4-faiwHy tenament i*j*t«$ Brlnkerhoff S t Lot Sjxll*. The

Jatbove for sale cheap. Sarma e**y. Inquire C. A* Ulefendorf. Plattaburgh.

feggiv' •I^|j»o|albl^-^iEO^d'''is«|p|^^ John J^4ud^e> I f CUhtott | N ^ i a $ y

-Residence property at [J"*|, < |o#r St;.. corn©! ' ^ - - ^ - ^ « - * '

known ,«i-m#>-Sobert 1|ee:# plfos; ''siluited in Weilb. Bfe|^ii»tow«t#,^olintajUM -f5-i

| ^ » ! S 9 h ^ 4 | ^ % : - : . ^ , a4 *.,

\|,->»|^l?«vJBdd r

„_ M 'f«c^fifth


ou the

%ouse €*«, € ^ e * i » * eat^ ©ftaieh at. .modejte iffi asteejJsetiaMU- *J «" fur-1

: ^ s r l p r i l a % « f y f i & Io ?&£<JL Eftgeca1

to iTttfttaaSt trMjr-

at Law «

P^ttatwu^h, X. t . •

. 9cats M. ooj fin At&MBsSr "aahl OoaaakHlcw ' at IAW .

Offloa Corner af 8treets, Plattstmntw K. f .

mm; .. . . . . . . Offloe Dock * Coal Co, Building Ql&B* ton Strert, Flattsbw»ft, JT. T.

4 .

Attoraey nad Couoaallor at Law 41 Clinton Street, Plattasmrgh, N. T. Mnasf In loan OB Iteai:

..'J>A>- ALKaB FAIUQBB fiS^aVUV' Begistered Oateops4h, I Omk S&eet

Corner Coaoh St: Offts* laoism, » to 10 a. Xb, aftd 3 I* f fw ta> aves-iegsf and Ssjadaya? isf <x>pjoliiiiiieiii

i^sp*^"5^ftflP»^" ^^a^^e'Sp^s^eTW" &*& jj^^^w^^^^sswah^SJ

ftp-spaelaly. Over Wswrasrli book store Pfc0»»4t»W, _

i ,.r«n.rm i rii ii m n

Itanetisl $ireac«« ftaJT JBsoliaimer Lady 4 "J^W* r&&&& *» Brtd*'' Street. SothPhea .*

i II i '!) i i j . f i mi "HI'i nmi inmi iOi

ijir^igi gtmiiffinia mn fu'tfni

JJouaehold Furniture for i>afe eau U 'Xo. U Mlfter m. * * - 1

ie f .'St, AH^xas»deitt ija -iepremefcta, V

; FOB' &k£flu-3£go$sr *rt* haih' at S^-' fsnteer^naS aSre. w££h or,<wahout

IntM fBjt, AM^lhJot^hepuiJohgsea: fof further ^^m^mikpL J&^m^ on »re4aiae& ** x

j ^ _* .^---iLT^SrliMff t L ^^.i- Commence Hoa of •-»ioefe-^^ri ;on^Ja|'

my^sptomejr^gstlegjs^m'.the sUfte ^ i ^ - ^ i i ^ fpeh'4hjtt«^'.4e|4 ti^g'-'df j t oy:' 5,00 per Jmndrea.f

w.m< , «V SC3fc3*ON

>0<5oe> a»d. I(«stda]»oa> *$ Cornelia Ssrsftt. Offloa feoum J-t *ndf 7-3 pan amd by ftjtipoihaaenl. S l p i a j a i

m ' " ' J — . ! • • i^.> i N i i j | > n i i i « • • •

JOBKH. BOOTH Attorney/ ftnd CouhseBetf1 at Law

Special -attenttea to pr«4U6e in Sur­rogate's Cdurt, IfirCliitltcm Street, Plattsburgh* Kk IT,' -^ "f ,

' ?» /'4.rj' ' ^ ; " V i"J 1 * ^ . ^ Of. BBSafJfAfl

Surgeon IJenHst. Bv^yflhng per­taining -to modem de&fisjrjr perform­ed in tfco%toai akHKiHipa^er. Gas or Ether.-stftgll&tetiipf' ^&eh deatre . Dfi&tal "pWelltf .ipT"la||#0W Block over Plattaburgh National Bank, Plattshu^fe^SC.^'" ^ ***-'

ver ^ ^ t a l n ^ ^ t w e n ^ l J ^ : ^ -

,.. FOa-SAia^Far^«weJ| . .^' . , .^^ fipe -twiiWings- att4 lft#%mh|ik^ " ^ partteuldrs apply"**211" We^tmelp-^ iup-statrsv> .., -,'--- ^„-%Lrfrf^,

II in j • . mi it isnjaa.^ i ,n II ii[i,u f ii i i ^ i j j X i t y a f i l ^ ^ ^ ^ i a & i

, BU81NEfS.FO« ^ """ }^n.,B^w£|t/'l«

ISgllViBi'lUJIilfiijMl'l" • K " ^ ^ Ji'MtT 1[J." *1j'liil.'Tii1ii.aui'l,aiU'j!

:#«jtf Mbi i t©% ^ : i i j | ^ | n r S 4

m&}^:dM%^Lt ^

' * .

. s ^ ;

Write I j^ lpfa ' Bepair

0 # miJf fores - lap-jw^ f*r»i J ^ « 5 a ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ W ^ : ^ c e «

ftoeh'e iighjt ^ua^^da th^ lalie i p o i e ; , . _

Sluionds. . .;**-.*•>:>.,". .-.. .v4.^'«f{-r?=§^

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60} Court •1 to 8 p. m. P h o n e 221.

' W A ^ B i ^ ^ f t l H J i l R i r , M. D.

Office faolel^p'-.feT'slft. m.. l to 2 p. m. tmm$ffij$ifa&&L

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•BEMa^irj|.-m F I E N B E R G Attorneei' «hd -C?o»aaeUor at Law 8»

Margaret S t r ^ ^ ^ g p t t s ^ i h , N. Y.

i y Disordered Kidneys Cause Much Mis-

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With paht a|^|«p^fjp b,y day, sleei disturbing bl%dfe%yae%e» at r..*h tired, u*n-uulR^^%»n*m«n and u men aje.gladV^j kiiow that F>e Jf dney Pais ree^r^ health and stre---th. apd the ve^ulaje «»sUon at kidnevs and bladder,;1prf|.#Jiia gbirnes. bo«-

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