presidents and wars sol review. who set the following precedents: creating the cabinet, serving for...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Presidents and Wars SOL Review

Who set the following precedents:Creating the Cabinet, serving for two terms, and enforcing the Constitution

by putting down the Whiskey Rebellion?

George Washington

This president had made the unpopular decision of

the Alien and Sedition Acts and avoided a war with


John Adams

This President went against his beliefs of strict construction when he bought the Louisiana Purchase and he also passed the Embargo Act which was a failure

Thomas Jefferson

These two men were war hawks (wanted America to go to war with the British in the War of 1812)

John C. Calhoun

Henry Clay

Who was President during the War of 1812?

James Madison

What future president was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

This President presided over the Era of Good Feelings and passed the Missouri Compromise

James Monroe

This document warned European nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere and was the basis of American foreign policy from 1823 until after World War II

Monroe Doctrine

This president introduced the spoils system, was first Common Man President and killed the the Bank of the United States

Andrew Jackson

Under Andrew Jackson’s presidency, what was the forced removal of the Cherokee Indians called?

The Trail of Tears

Andrew Jackson’s destruction of the Bank of the United States caused what event?

Panic of 1837 (Martin Van Buren was President)

Who was the President of Manifest Destiny and President during the Mexican War (1846-1848)?

James K. Polk

Who was President during the Civil War, wrote the Emancipation Proclamation and gave the Gettysburg Address?

Abraham Lincoln

Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth

This President took over after Lincoln and later became the 1st

President to be impeached

Andrew Johnson

This President had many scandals and was a former Union general during the American Civil War

Ulysses S. Grant

Who was President during the Spanish American War, the Open Door Policy and was assassinated in 1901?

William McKinley

What was the name of Theodore Roosevelt’s domestic policy?

Square Deal

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair encouraged the government to pass this consumer protection act

Meat Inspection Act

This President built the Panama Canal and used the foreign policy“Speak softly and carry a big stick”

Theodore Roosevelt

This President loaned foreign governments money for investment in Latin America (Dollar Diplomacy)?

William Howard Taft

This President led America during World War I, passed the 16th and 17th Amendments, and developed the 14 Points Peace Plan?

Woodrow Wilson

In 1929, who was President when the Stock Market Crashed?

Herbert Hoover

What President led America through the Great Depression and World War II?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

What was the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s domestic program?

The New Deal

What President dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, developed the post World War II policy of containment, and sent troops to Korea?

Harry S. Truman

What was the name of President Truman’s domestic policy that included the desegregation of the military and Federal government?

The Fair Deal

This President passed the Interstate Highway Act, brought federal troops to integrate Little Rock and ended the Korean War

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Who was President during the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis?

John F. Kennedy

What was the name of John F. Kennedy’s domestic program?

The New Frontier

Who assassinated John F. Kennedy?

Lee Harvey Oswald

This President passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965

Lyndon B. Johnson

What was the name of Lyndon B. Johnson’s domestic program that unleashed a War on Poverty and passed numerous Civil Rights bills?

The Great Society

During Lyndon B. Johnson, where did the U.S. deploy troops to fight communism?


This President was the 1st and only President to resign from office

Richard M. Nixon

What was the name of the scandal that ended Nixon’sPresidency?


Nixon’s visit to China and the SALT treaty with the Soviets are examples of what foreign policy plan?


This President was never elected and pardoned Richard Nixon

Gerald Ford

This President dealt with a harsh economy, negotiated the Camp David Accords and dealt with the Iranian Hostage Crisis

Jimmy Carter

This President of the 1980’s cut taxes, deregulated business and increased military spending (Trickle down or supply side economics)

Ronald Reagan

In 1987, what scandal rocked the Reagan administration that dealt with illegal arms sales?

Iran Contra Scandal

What Soviet leader did Ronald Reagan work closely with to help end the Cold War?

Mikhail Gorbachev

Who was President when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and led America in the Persian Gulf War or Operation Desert Storm of the early 1990’s?

George HW Bush

This President balanced the budget, tried toget national health care passed and was the 2nd President to be impeached

Bill Clinton

This was passed by Bill Clinton to increase trade betweenThe U.S., Canada, and Mexico


This President won the controversial election of 2000 and was President during 9/11 and has led the U.S. in the War Against Terrorism and the War in Iraq

George W. Bush

American Wars

What leader gained valuable experience in the French and Indian War?

George Washington

After the French and Indian War, this stated that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains

Proclamation of 1763

Prior to the American Revolution, 5 colonists were killed including Crispus Attucks at this event

Boston Massacre

Who wrote Common Sense?

Thomas Paine

The Sons of Liberty dressed as American Indians destroyed British property in this event leading to the American Revolution

Boston Tea Party

In response to the Boston Tea Party, the British passed these acts

Intolerable or Coercive Acts

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

This was the first battle of the Revolutionary War

Lexington and Concord (Shot Heard ‘Round the World)

This battle was the turning point of the American Revolution because France gave its support to the American colonies


This battle of the American Revolution decided the outcome of the war and defeated General Cornwallis


What treaty ended the American Revolution and gave America its independence?

Treaty of Paris (1783)

During this war, Washington D.C. was burned by the British

War of 1812

Who wrote the Star-Spangled Banner?

Francis Scott Key

What was the name of the treaty that ended the War of 1812?

Treaty of Ghent (1814)

After the Treaty of Ghent was signed, what battle made Andrew Jackson a national hero?

Battle of New Orleans

Who was President during the Mexican War (1846-1848)?

James K. Polk

The U.S. gained the Mexican Cession in this treaty that ended the Mexican War

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

In the Civil War, what was the first state to secede from the Union?

South Carolina

During the Civil War, who was President of the United States?

Abraham Lincoln

Who was President of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis

What Union general led his troops in Vicksburg and became the lead general during the war?

Ulysses S. Grant

Who was the leader of the Army of Northern Virginia?

Robert E. Lee

Where were shots first fired in the Civil War?

Fort Sumter

At the First Battle of Manassas, this Confederate general became a hero

Stonewall Jackson

This battle was the turning point of Civil War and known as the “high tide of the Confederacy”

Battle of Gettysburg

During the Civil War, Robert E. Lee surrendered at this place

Appomattox Court House

This amendment gave African American males the right to vote

15th Amendment

This amendment abolished slavery

13th Amendment

This amendment gave due process of law to all and African Americans citizenship

14th Amendment

During the Spanish American War, who was President?

William McKinley

What was the term used for the exaggerated stories produced that caused the Spanish American War?

Yellow journalism

What territories did the U.S. gain from the Spanish American War?

Cuba, Guam, Philippines, and Puerto Rico

Who was President during World War I?

Woodrow Wilson

This treaty ended World War I and punished Germany severely

Treaty of Versailles

This organization created by Woodrow Wilson never had the U.S. become a member

League of Nations

Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II?

Joseph Stalin

Who was the leader of Great Britain during World War II?

Winston Churchill

What two U.S. Presidents led America thru World War II?

FDR and Harry S. Truman

Who was the leader of Germany during World War II?

Adolph Hitler

The U.S. was attacked by Japan at this Place and this caused the U.S. to declare war

December 7, 1941- Pearl Harbor

This battle was the turning point in Western Europe and was the Allied invasion of Normandy

June 6, 1944- D-Day

This battle was the turning point of the Pacific

Battle of Midway

The dropping of atomic bombs at these locations caused the Japanese to surrender

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

This was the systematic genocide of the Nazis murder of six million Jews

The Holocaust

German officials were punished for crimes against humanity that they committed during the Holocaust

Nuremberg Trials

This organization was created to have countries meet in order to preserve global peace

The United Nations

This convention defined the rules for treatment of prisoners of war.

Geneva Convention

This major conflict was between the democratic United States and the communist Soviet Union

The Cold War (1945-1989)

These democratic nations formed acollective security agreement during the Cold War

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

The Soviet Union and Eastern bloc nations formed this collective security agreement during the Cold War

Warsaw Pact

What historical moment symbolizes the end of the Cold War?

The Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)

What was the reason the U.S. went to war in Korea?

Policy of Containment

This general was fired by Truman because he wanted to extend the Korean War into China and use nuclear weapons

Douglas MacArthur

Who was the Communist leader of North Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh

This act gave the President authority to deploy troops in Vietnam

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

This U.S. policy in Vietnam believed that if one country in Southeast Asia fell to communism the rest would follow

Domino theory

This President escalated the war in Vietnam faced the most criticism for his actions

Lyndon B. Johnson

This President introduced the policy of Vietnamization and ended the war in Vietnam

Richard M. Nixon

After the Vietnam War, this amendment was passed that gave 18 year olds the right to vote

26th Amendment

After the Vietnam War, the president has tohave congressional approval for deployment of troops with this resolution

War Powers Act (1973)

In 1990, this leader of Iraq led an invasion into Kuwait

Saddam Hussein

Who was President during the Persian Gulf War of 1991?

George HW Bush

Bill Clinton led America in a NATO operation to stop ethnic cleansing in this area

Bosnia (Former Yugoslavia)

Who led the coordinated attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001?

Osama Bin Laden

Who was President during the attacks on September 11th?

George W. Bush

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