presenter: liagalani, lecturer in kapodistrian university athens, … · students through inform...

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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Presenter: Lia Galani, Lecturer in KapodistrianUniversity Athens, Greece, email:

K. Theodorakopoulou , A. Skedos , G. Kritikos, K. Pavlopoulos,

Harokopio University of Athens, Department of Geography

About the Research Project…

� Funding from General Secretariat for Research and Technology

� Started in 2011 – September 2013� Started in 2011 – September 2013

� The team:

Cooperation of : Harokopio University of Athens –Talent S.A. – Kastaniotis Editions

Where Geography and History meet…

School Geography

School History

Choro-Chronos = space and time (in Greek)

Choro -ChronosGeography History


The study of geographical features at periods in the geological past. geological past.

� Study of physical landscapes / landforms

� Study of human / cultural environments

Goals of the project…

� To create an interactive platform which allows for a joint critical analysis of history and geography through a spatio-temporal lens.

� To encourage generation of deep learning in school � To encourage generation of deep learning in school students through information and interrogation.

� To help students understand that space and time need to be ‘thought together’, in order students to develop spatial thinking.

� To demonstrate proof of concept in using a restricted case study approach to demonstrate the utility of the technology and associated educational gains.


� Divide the historical time in 12 Periods

� Define the Criteria to select the geo - archaeological sites.

1) Palaeogeography-natural geomorphic processes

2) Economic, social space (coins, everyday objects, etc.)

3) Sacred places-places of worship


5) Writing

6) Networks-communication

7) Residence

� Calibrate sites according to the criteria

� Create the database

� Create the platform of the project




� Conduct Research in the field of education

� Correct the platform / Enrich the data base

Google Map


� A good Geography and History lesson focuses on getting students think geographically and historically.

� How “thinking Geographically and Historically” can be effectuated in the classroom using the “Digital Palaeogeography platform”?

� A sample of 50 5th/6th grade primary school children were selected.

Children's views about Earth’s


� Two sheets of paper each showing a historical event were then presented to them.

� Students were asked to answer the questions using the maps of their history or geography book.


� Do you think that the surface of the Earth changes over time?

(If yes, can you name the “force of change”?)

1st Question:


� 90% : The surface does not change

� 2% : The surface changes. As a “force of change” they name the eathquakes.

� 3%: I suppose so, but I am not sure how it changes.

� Can you find Phalasarna on the map? If you were a pirate (in ancient Greece) and owned a ship, would you choose this place as your den?


2nd Question:

43% : Yes, because it is a passage.

22% : I don’t know. I’d rather chose another place….

31% : Did pirates really exist in ancient Greece?

4% : Does not seem a good area...


� Can you find Thermopylae on the map? Why do you think (in the Persian Wars) Leonidas faced the Persian army at a mountainous pass instead of the field?

3rd Question:


59%:Because he was smart and brave.5% : I don’t know25%: It is very difficult to guess!!11% : Because it was the only narrow pass. I don’t know why he didn’t choose the field. It was Xerxes mistake.

First Results…

�Children have difficulty applying scientific explanations to processes the natural world that they don’t personally observe.that they don’t personally observe.

�Children demonstrate a “naturalinability to conceive vast scales of time and distance and of rates of process of phenomena which are outside immediate experience.” (Trend et al. 2000)

Piracy in ancient Greece

Geographical questions to excite students’ curiosity are:

� “Do you think that piracy has existed in Greece from ancient time?”

� “If yes, where did pirates live?” (location)� “How did they choose a place to keep safe their treasure?” � “How did they choose a place to keep safe their treasure?”

(place)� “What was it like in this place?” (conditions)� “If you were a pirate, which place in Greece would you

choose to settle? (region)� “How is this place linked to other places?” (connections,

links)� “How are the places you choose similar or different?”


Finding the pirates’ dens….

Phalasarna now and then….


Shoreline before the earthquake

New shoreline

Another case study…

Why do you think in the Persian Wars

Leonidas faced the Persian army

at a mountainous pass instead of the


Thermopylae shoreline changes map


Shoreline 480 BC


Other Rivers:RoustanitisVistritsaMavroneriGorgopotamos(Fthiotikos)Asopos

High ground

narrow pass

Students’ opinion…

� It is an amassing project!� It is an amassing project!

� I’ve learned that Greece's landscape has changed over time. Does it still change?

� I can “read” the landscape now….

� Changes (in nature) happen slowly, but they are constant.

Implications about the tool

� It is an alternative but very important “tool” for the Geography lesson, that allows students to explore the earth and to participate in the learning with an amusing and simultaneously communication way.communication way.

�Shapes more complete intellectual picture of space (as it provides the possibility of analysis and composition of space).

�Contributes in the disengagement from the school book or in the different use of it.

�Promotes the spatial thinking through processes and activities that were reported.

�Knowledge colligation.

�Helps students to understand that earth's �Helps students to understand that earth's surface has changed in significant ways over long periods of time and continues to change in more subtle ways in the present.


Thank you Thank you

for your


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