presentación bullying lista 1

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Trabajo de alumnos del INSTITUTO SUMMA en la materia INGLÉS.


BULLYINGInstitutional Bullying

Julián Soste, Ezequiel Lezcano, Malena Verdeja, Rocío

Uncal, Pilar Viganó, Florencia Pucci, Luz Arce y Julieta


Bullying Proyect

What Is Bullying?

Bullying is any form of physical psychological abuse, verbal or produced

at school repeatedly over a given time in the classroom, as long through

social networks, with the specific name of Cyber Bullying. Statistically,

the dominant type of violence is the emotional and mostly occurs in the

classroom and playground schools. The protagonists of cases of bullying

are often children in the process of entry into adolescence, being slightly

higher percentage of girls in the profile of victims. Bullying is an extreme

form of property and school violence.

This type of school violence is characterized by a reiteration designed to

get the intimidation of the victim, involving an abuse of power. The

subject is to abuse physically and emotionally ,generating as a result a

number of psychological effects. it is common for the victim to feel

terrified with the idea of going to school. He will feel very nervous, sad

and lonely in his daily life. In some cases, the severity of the situation

can lead to thoughts of suicide. The victims who tend to be more prone

to bullying are children who are differently able, among whom there are

those who have Down syndrome, autism, Asperger syndrome, etc.

Consequences of Bullying

There are many consequences of Bullying. The victim will probably be a passive person who will have low self-esteem, emotional disorders, psychosomatic problems, depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts. He or she may experience loss of interest at school, which may trigger a situation of school failure and some phobic disorders that are difficult to solve.

They are polite and kind people

most of the times. They tend to

avoid arguing with others, in

other words, they tend to avoid

confrontations. When they are

bullied, not many people get

involved to defend them for fear

they might be the next target

later on. Victims are most times

solitary kids who prefer to be

alone. They are shy, and

repressed and have difficulty

talking about their problems.

The Victim

The Bullier

The bullies harass their victims because they consider them "different", because they like to see the suffering in others, and because they like to exercise the power and the force on each other. There is no doubt that the roots of bullying are a reflection of what is happening in our society and, in particular, in our families, since this is the first reference of behavior that infants have.

Why They Do

Bullying?There are a lot of things in life that we learn by experience, bullying is one of them. We usually believe that our behavior is learnt at home but there are a lot of different factors that can push a kid into bullying. Let´s see some of them:

Lack of limits:

When a child or a teenager doesn´t get scolded, they can think that their acts have no consequences and finally get used to believing they can do anything they want, because they will not be punished.

Bullied turned into a bullier:

The fear of being attacked can convert many kids into bulliers, the number of aggressors has increased for this reason.

Domestic violence:

Living in a hostile familiar context can lead a child to become aggressive and he will probably express his anger and resentment at school bullying his classmates

We Need to Stop Bullying!

Stay strong

and stop

the bullying

When the bullying starts

you have to tell your

parents and your

teachers. If you don´t tell

them about this problem,

bullying becomes more

dangerous. You need

help to stop this.

Get adult help. Don’t

ignore it and make time

to talk about this.

Case of Bullying

She is Rocío and she was bullied in fourth

grade, she recourse the grade and she stayed

in the same school. She was bullied for this.

They called her stupid and repeater, Every day

she was called by those nicknames. In the

blackboard they wrote lousy. She lose interest in

schoolwork and she didn´t want to go to school.

Finally she told her mom and teachers about

this problem. The teachers said that they would

talk with her classmates, but they didn’t. Then

she changed school.

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