present perfect tense online class

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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online class about Tecnology in Education


Present Perfect Tense

Teacher Frank Pascual Staff


Class Objetives - Identify the importance of the use present tenses in

English Language.

Determine The process in how students acquire this tense with succeful in online class

Complete online practice

Steps to follow

First, check this imformation and practice about present Perfect

Tense,you need to know the past tense of verbs also past participe

of verbs in orden to be clear in use of this tense.

Second , Read becarefully and analyze the information about

Present perfect tense and your function in the English Language,

Third, watching the video and complete online quizes.

Finally, Solve the final evaluation activity

Present Perfect Tenses

It is used to expressed an action which happened or completed in past but usually the action

which happened or completed at a short time before now (near past) not a very long time

before now. Specific time such as two years ago, last week or that day is usually not used in

the sentences of in this tense. It means that this tense expresses the action whose time

when it happened, is not exactly specified but it sounds to refer to some action that

happened or completed in near past.

Rules: Auxiliary verb “has or have” is used in sentence. 3rd form of verb (past participle) is

used as main verb in sentence.

Structures of Sentences and Examples

• Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (past participle) + Subject Positive way Subject + has/have + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subject

Negative way Subject + Auxiliary verb + NOT + main verb (past participle) + Subjet

Interrogative Sentences Auxiliary verb + Subject + main verb (past participle) + Subject Has/have + Subject + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subjec

Mind map focus in functions of Present Perfect Tenses

Time Expresion with Present Perfect Tenses

When we use the Present Perfect it means that something has happened at some point in our lives before now. Remember, the exact time the action happened is not important.


Have you been to Mexico in the last year?

I have seen that movie six times in the last month.

They have had three tests in the last week.

Examples aplying the Present pefect Tenses with adverd Frencuency

Have you ever been to the USA?

I have never seen a kangaroo.

I have seen her before.

They have already arrived.

She has not received the parcel yet.

Let´s Practice

Written Grammar part

Click on buttom to acess an online practice

Listening Grammar Part Click on buttom to

acess an online practice

Evaluation activity

Make a oral speech using Power point presentation for explain about Present Perfect tenses

write some examples using adverd with time expressions Examples : i have gone to Panamá last week

Included one illustration or draw related to the topic

After, you finished this assigment save it in a document word.

Finally send me

Evaluation rubic Criteria 1point 3 point 5 point Below expected level At expected level Above expected level

Pronunciation it is occasionally correct but often pronunciation and intonation pronunciation and intonation

hesitant and inaccurate is usually correct is correct and confident

Grammar the presentation contents was the presentation content was presentation content was

Structures occasionally grammatically correct usually grammatically correct grammatically correct

Use visual it was occasionally appropriate and visual aids supported the the aids added impact and

AIDs related to the spoke message presentation effectively interests to the presentation

Development points are usually developed with good understanding of topic Points were well-organised

Topic minimum detail. shown and developed with

sufficient and appropriate details

Conclusion An attempt was made to conclude The presentation was summed the presentation was summed

of topic the presentation up clearly clearly and effectively, with key

point emphasized.

Webiography (2010), Present Perfect Tense .Recuperado 8 de Agosto del 2014


Learn American English Online(2012).The listening Lab.Recuperado 8 de Agosto del 2014 Time adverbs used with the present perfect tense, Recuperado el 8 de Agosto del


Holmwood's Online Learning ( 7 de Diciembre del 2012) English Grammar Lesson: Present Perfect Description.

Recuperado 8 de Agosto del 2014,

English Present Perfect Tense , Recuperado Agosto de 2014

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