prequalification of medicines programme bioequivalence assessment update · pdf...

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Prequalification of Medicines Programme

Bioequivalence Assessment Update

Dr. John Gordon

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 2 |


Bioequivalence (BE) guidelines

In vivo bioequivalence study designs

Biowaivers • BCS-based biowaivers • Additional strength biowaivers

Zinc sulfate

Bioanalytical methods

Comparator products

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 3 |

Primary BE Guidance

“Multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products: guidelines on registration requirements to establish interchangeability". In: Fortieth report of the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations. Geneva, World Health Organization. WHO Technical Report Series, No. 937, 2006, Annex 7

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 4 |

Under revision

Annex 7 – under revision – National regulatory authorities (NRAs) – Manufacturers / Contract Research Organizations – WHO Prequalification Programme (PQP)

Guidance on the selection of comparator pharmaceutical products for equivalence assessment of interchangeable multisource (generic) products – under revision

– National regulatory authorities (NRAs) – Manufacturers / Contract Research Organizations – PQP provides lists of PQP Comparator products on website

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Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 5 |

Additional PQP BE-related guidances on PQP website

General notes on Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS)-based biowaiver applications (October 2012)

BCS-based biowaiver applications for Reproductive Health (RH) products (January 2013)

Guidance on Bioequivalence studies for reproductive health medicines (April 2013)

Questions & Answers on zinc applications (August 2013)

Questions & Answers on magnesium sulfate injection applications (September 2013)

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 6 |

Typical in vivo BE Design Single-dose administration

Cross-over (within-subject) comparison

Healthy volunteers

Administration with or without food – Fasted study is the norm

Thoroughly validated bioanalytical method

Data from parent compound used for BE decision

Analysis should be carried out on the logarithmically transformed AUCT and Cmax data

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 7 |

In vivo BE Study Design

Administration of products under fasted or fed conditions?

Fasted conditions – Study conducted under fasted conditions the norm – Comparator product labeling (SPC)

• Specifies fasted conditions • Does not specify fasted/fed for administration • States that either fasted or fed administration

Fed conditions – If specified in comparator product labeling (SPC)

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 8 |

In vivo BE Study Design

Administration of products under fasted or fed conditions?

Fed conditions – If specified in comparator product labeling (SPC) – Type of meal to be consumed

• high-fat, high-calorie meal • “standard” or typical breakfast

Administration under both fasted and fed conditions – Not generally necessary for immediate-release products – Required for modified-release products

• e.g., didanosine enteric coated tablets

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 9 |

In vivo BE Study Design

Crossover Design – Each subject administered both test and comparator – Within-subject comparison – Preferred

Parallel Design – Each subject administered test or comparator – Between-subject comparison – Only recommended for extremely long half-life drugs – Consult WHO – e.g., medroxyprogesterone depot injection

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 10 |

Alternative in vivo BE Study Designs

Unknown variability – Estimates of intra-subject CV not available – Pilot Study – Two-stage group sequential two-way crossover design

• Details of statistical plan in protocol • Overall Type 1 error must be preserved

– Adjusted level of significance resulting in CIs higher than 90%

Studies of this type submitted in 2012-2013 – Malaria, Tuberculosis, Neglected Tropical Diseases

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 11 |

Alternative in vivo BE Study Designs

High variability in Cmax – Intra-subject ANOVA-CV of ≥ 30% – Replicate design

• Estimation of variability based on replicate administration of comparator product

• Widening of acceptance criteria for Cmax based on estimated variability

– “scaled” acceptance criteria

Studies of this type submitted in 2012-2013 – HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Reproductive Health

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 12 |


Surrogate approaches for demonstrating safety and efficacy of products in lieu of conducting in vivo bioequivalence studies

Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) – based biowaivers

– Suitable for products containing eligible APIs

Additional strengths biowaivers – Suitable for additional strengths in a product line when one of

the strengths has been proven bioequivalent to the comparator

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 13 |

BCS-based Biowaivers eligible APIs

Medicines for HIV/AIDS and related diseases

– Abacavir sulfate (Class III) – Emtricitabine (Class I) – Lamivudine (Class III) – Stavudine (Class I) – Zidovudine (Class I)

Three (3) products pre-qualified based on biowaiver in 2012-2013

Anti-tuberculosis medicines – Ethambutol (Class III) – Isoniazid (Class III) – Levofloxacin (Class I) – Moxifloxacin HCl (Class I) – Ofloxacin (Class I) – Pyrazinamide (Class III)

Five (5) products pre-qualified based on biowaiver in 2012-2013

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 14 |

BCS-based biowaiver for RH products

BCS-based biowaiver applications for Reproductive Health (RH) products (January 2013)

– Data available on the RH APIs is not sufficient to allow for accurate classification

– PQP has invited interested manufacturers to submit the data necessary to accurately classify an API(s) as a part of a BCS-based biowaiver application for a finished pharmaceutical product (FPP) containing that API(s)

• Solubility data across pH range (1.2-6.8) • Data on absorption / permeability

– Class I and III APIs are eligible

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 15 |

BCS-based biowaivers for paediatric strengths

BCS-based biowaivers are meant to compare two products of equivalent strength

For many pediatric strengths of e.g., HIV/AIDS medicines, there are no equivalent strength comparator products

PQP, in consultation with experts in the area, is exploring the scientific basis for accepting biowaivers for pediatric strengths of products whose adult strengths are eligible for a BCS-based biowaiver.

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 16 |

BCS-based biowaivers for paediatric strengths

The principles involved for the API – Only applicable for eligible APIs on PQP list – Additional solubility criterion to account for smaller fluid volume

in pediatric stomach e.g., 50 mL

The requirements for the FPP – Excipient comparisons conducted on a proportional scale – Comparative dissolution studies in media of at least 3 pHs

• Single and multiple unit comparisons

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 17 |

BCS-based Biowaivers

Guidance documents – General notes on Biopharmaceutics Classification System

(BCS)-based biowaiver applications • October 2012

– Annex 7 • 2006

Application form – Biowaiver Application Form: Biopharmaceutics Classification

System (BCS) • 2008

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 18 |

Additional Strengths Biowaiver

Guidance – Annex 7 – Annex 1 of PQP Quality Guideline

Application form – Biowaiver Application Form: Additional Strengths

• May 2012 • Comparative in vitro dissolution: Studies comparing different strengths

of the test product – Reference strength: Strength with demonstrated in vivo


Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 19 |

Zinc Sulfate Tablets

Questions & Answers on zinc applications (August 2013) – The absorption of zinc is sensitive to many factors that affect

either GI status or the availability of the zinc through interactions such as complexation

Biowaiver – Primary pathway to approval for safety & efficacy

Acceptability study

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 20 |

Zn biowaiver requirements

Evidence demonstrating excipients do not negatively impact zinc absorption

– Typical tablet diluents and disintegrants not expected to impact • e.g., microcrystalline cellulose or colloidal anhydrous silica

– Sweeteners & flavours problematic – Evidence from

• Literature • In vitro studies (comparative absorption data)

Zinc from the proposed product is proven to be completely in solution after one (1) minute using the solubility test described in Q&A

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 21 |

Analytical Method Validation

Complete validation is necessary to produce confidence in the data set

All procedures including handling and storage should be validated

EMA guidance ‘Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation’ (2011)

New USFDA and Japanese guidelines

Note: Incurred sample reanalysis (ISR) expected

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 22 |

Comparator (Reference) Products

Comparator products should be obtained from a well regulated market with stringent regulatory authority i.e., from countries participating in the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH)

Countries officially participating in ICH – ICH members: European Union, Japan and USA – ICH observers: Canada and EFTA as represented by

Switzerland – Other countries associated with ICH (through legally binding

mutual recognition agreements) include Australia, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 23 |

Comparator Products

If WHO comparator product cannot be located from ICH-associated markets, consult PQP

– Assistance identifying pharmaceutical distributors – Identification of alternate markets for sourcing particular


There are instances when a comparator is not available in the ICH region

– e.g., Terizidone 300mg • Terivalidin 250 mg (Sanofi-Aventis, South Africa)

– e.g., Artesunate + Amodiaquine 100 mg + 270 mg FDC • Coarsucam (Sanofi-Aventis)

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 24 |

Comparator Products

Complete documentation required as per website – Purchase – Shipping – Storage & handling

Check website regularly for updated lists as change is sometimes necessary

– For example: pyrazinamide • Previously: Pyrazinamide <Lederle> by Riemser Arzneimittel

– Withdrawn from market • Current: Pyrafat by Fatol

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 25 |


Prequalification Programme constantly evolving

Check website regularly for updates – Guidance

• Including advice on the design of bioequivalence studies for specific APIs

– Application forms – Comparator information

Consultation with programme – Scientific advice

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 26 |




Dr Matthias Stahl Medical Officer, Head of Assessments Telephone: +41-22-791-3717 Email:

Joint UNICEF / UNFPA / WHO Meeting with Manufacturers

Copenhagen, September 23-25, 2013 27 |

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