preliminary task research and analysis

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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The target audience of my school magazine is 11-16 year olds as this is the age of people that would be pupils at school so most likely to buy my magazine.

So I need to base my magazine around this age range and what they are into and like most in magazines. I will have to do research into this and find out first hand what pupils will like to ensure that my magazine is popular and sells

I asked a few students at Archbishop Ilsley their opinions and ideas on a school magazine and what would make them buy it.

Here are the responses I got. . .

“If I was going to buy a school magazine on a regular basis it would have to have information about up coming events the school is having and any information about the school’s different achievements it has made. It would have to stand out and have bright colours so that it caught my eye and make me want to read and buy the magazine. I would be willing to pay £1 - £2 for the magazine”

Danielle 16

“if there was a school magazine I would like it to not only be about school life in it but maybe some celebrity gossip or fashion advice in it as well as music but something for all music types liked by pupils, and be something that looks interesting to read and is roughly about a £1”

Shannon, 13

The magazine is trying to target the students by putting the two students talking to engage them to have a say in their school.

Bright colours to make it more attractive and catch the eye and stand out.

Large font and its close to the middle so it draws the eye and it keeps students informed of what is happening in their school.

Name of the magazine in black to stand out to the audience so they know what they are reading and 'on top of the talk' implies that this magazine is what students want the most so you should join everyone and also they have everything you need to know.


All the information is laid out around the girl which shows the magazine is student focused and is full of information to help students.

Colourful text to grab the readers attention as its bright and that it is showing the brighter side of school life.

Title is bold and bright to stand out to the reader

Tells you what is inside the magazine before you open it so you know what to expect inside so it gets more interest.

There is a quiz inside to keep people more entertained reading and it is for parents to get involved to.

Advice for pupils so they can have a better first day at school or maybe in exams

Eye contact made with the reader so it addresses the audience

She is wearing uniform and has her school equipment. This shows that it is realistic and relevant to students.

School magazine questionnaire

School magazine questionnaire

I asked 9 questions to 30 male and female students aged 11-16+ to see what is popular amongst my target audience and these are the results I got. . .

From the results of my questionnaires I can see that a school magazine would be liked by students and would need a range of articles in it so both male and female pupils would be interested in it. The majority of students don't by magazines on a regular basis so I have decided my magazine will be published monthly. The magazine will have to be brightly coloured and have interesting images as this is what students most look for in a magazine and it will catch their eye. From the results too I have chosen not to make my magazine just about school only and have a feature column where it maybe about celebrities, gossip or fashion so it makes it more of an interesting read for the audience as they would like gossip etc in the magazine.

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