pregnancy week by week guide

Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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Pregnancy Week by Week guides women through each of the 40 weeks of pregnancy, giving details on developmental milestones in both Mom and Baby, practical advice and words of encouragement.


The average length of full term pregnancy in women is counted as 40 weeks (280 days). But the period an

unborn baby spends in its mother’s womb is 38 weeks. This difference is because conception generally

occurs after two weeks from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period (LMP).

That is, when you are actually thinking of that lovely baby growing inside you for the first time, you are

already two weeks pregnant.

Pregnancy or the gestation period in women is divided into three trimesters:

First trimester – From conception week 12

Second Trimester – Week 12 to week 24

Third trimester – Week 24 to week 40

Forward, find out what is happening with you and the baby in these stages, week by week.

Symptoms in 1 Week Pregnant Women

A full term pregnancy that lasts for 40 weeks is divided into

13-week trimesters that typically start from day one of your last

menstrual period. That is, when the physician says that you are

10 weeks pregnant, then the period of conception is

approximately 8 weeks ago. Most women are

unaware of the fact that the first week is mostly confined to

ovulation and fertilization.

1 week pregnant

You don’t notice much of the changes

as there is no releasing of the egg in

week one. In the first week, the

menstrual cycle stops and the uterine

lining starts building and thickening

to receive the egg that is ready for

The first day of your pregnancy is the first day of your last

menstrual cycle. As ovulation generally occurs two weeks after

that, most women conceive during this time. Just keep in mind

that when you are actually thinking of that lovely baby growing

Many women experience very few or no symptoms at all during

the first week of pregnancy as most of this time is consumed by

ovulation and fertilization. But mild cramping and increased

amounts of clear discharge are considered the most common

symptoms experienced by women. Increased

fatigue, tenderness in the breasts and some sort of metallic taste

1 week pregnant

fertilization. And the actual development of the fetus starts from

week 3 onwards.

inside your mind for the first time, you are already two weeks


in the mouth are also the signs of carrying.

Start living healthy, adopt healthy lifestyle habits and start taking

prenatal vitamins and other essential vitamin supplements to give

a good start to thenew life.

The due date for the baby’s arrival can be estimated based on

the woman’s LMP during her first prenatal visit to the healthcare

provider. However, charting could be a little difficult as not all

women have the same cycles. But an ultra sound can give you the

exact arrival day as well as an exact picture of the little one.

Week 2 of Your Pregnancy and the Changes in You

But as your pregnancy begins when your egg was fertilized

about 14-18 days ago, you are actually 2 weeks pregnant. This

is because ovulation occurs around 14-18 of a woman’s cycle.

The first day of the menstrual period is the first cycle day. The

cycle may last about 5-7 days. Then, after a week, the ovaries

prepare to release the egg. But the ovulation occurs between

day 14 and day 18 of that cycle if the sperm is waiting for the

egg at the top of the fallopian tube. As the sperm can survive

up to 5 days, the fertilization could start as soon as the egg is


Women’s cycle varies greatly from the average. To know the

approximate length of your cycle is necessary to know the time

frame of your pregnancy. For example, a woman of a normal

cycle of 4 weeks is actually when the doctor

informs her that she is 4 weeks pregnant. But with a woman

whose cycle is typically 5 weeks, then you would say that she is

4 weeks pregnant.

2 weeks pregnant

Counting the pregnancy weeks also depends on how long you

waited after the missing period. However, what is most important

is to enjoy your pregnancy and have a good diet that will help the

development of the baby.

A woman’s uterine lining starts to thicken when she is

. It is also the time when the uterus begins preparing a

tissue to house the embryo. Measuring how long you have been

pregnant depends on how you keep track of the menstruation

cycle. The usual count of the pregnancy from the first day of

your last menstrual cycle makes you about 4-5 weeks pregnant

by the time your next period is missed.

2 weeks


Week 3 of Pregnancy – The Beginning of Fertilization

When you are , the sperm comes into contact

with the egg inside the fallopian tube and the fertilization occurs.

But you are not even aware that you have conceived as you

didn’t miss a period. Week 3 is the actual beginning of

pregnancy and also the time when the gender of the baby is


3 weeks pregnant

During this week, the amniotic fluid starts collecting around

the cells that comprise the embryo. It helps in cushioning your

baby during the entire nine months of pregnancy.

Week 3 of pregnancy is the time when doctors usually prescribe

folic acid tablets as it helps in preventing the baby from defects.

During this t ime your baby is growing remarkably fast but is

st i l l too small to detect with the naked eye. But i t wi l l change

rapidly in the weeks that come. I t starts developing i ts head,

spinal chord and the gastrointest inal tract.

You wil l even notice that your waist l ine is expanding but you

shouldn’t fear the weight gain that is inevitable at this t ime.

In fact, i t is very natural and healthy to gain weight during

pregnancy as much of i t is due to the growing placenta,

amniot ic f luid, and the f luid col lect ing in the t issue and the

baby. The weight gain is also because of the accumulat ion of

the maternal fat that helps in support ing the breastfeeding.

The third week of pregnancy is the t ime when a lot of changes

are about to occur in your body. Appreciate these changes

and remember that they help in support ing you and the baby

throughout your pregnancy

Some women experience slight

spotting and bleeding because

of the fertilized egg moving into

the uterus. They may even

experience nausea but there is

nothing to worry about.

Your Baby’s Growth and Development in Week 4 of Pregnancy

When you are your baby is about ½ to 1 mm

long. Quite an accomplishment for the little one! It will now start

imbedding itself deeper into the uterus lining as the amniotic

cavity and the placenta is beginning to form.

4 weeks pregnant,

The week 4 which marks 1 month of pregnancy is actually very

crucial for the woman and her baby as this is the time when the

fetus is prone to different kinds of abnormalities.

I t is thus very important that the mother takes utmost care of

herself by start ing to take a healthy and well-balanced diet.

The placenta helps in transporting the oxygen and nutrients to

the baby from vascular networks and blood from your body.

is the time when your baby starts

developing its organs as different layers of cells develop in

your body.

Week 4 of pregnancy

Pregnancy symptoms are greater in the fourth week. Morning

sickness, dizziness, and tender or sore breasts are some of

the common symptoms during the fourth week. Other

symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, and mood swings may

also occur during this t ime.Week 4 of pregnancy is the t ime when, along with placenta,

the umbil ical cord develops which helps in supplying oxygen

and other nourishments to the fetus. That warns you to be

extra careful about your nutr i t ion during pregnancy.

This is the t ime when she

needs a lot of rest and

should give up smoking and

d r i n k i n g . I t i s e v e n

r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t y o u

schedule an appointment

with your obstetr ician.

Prenatal care is very important during the ini t ial weeks of

pregnancy that are crucial for your baby’s development.

Complications to Avoid in Week 5 of Pregnancy

Rapid changes occur in both the mother and her baby when she

is . The embryo now starts forming its limbs

and ears. The eyes begin to appear and the head starts forming

mouth and nostrils. Your baby’s tiny heart has formed and has

begun to beat and pump blood. This week, the baby will also

have the first of the many growth spurts.

5 weeks pregnant

Symptoms such as morning sickness, nausea, dizziness and

soreness in the breasts are all continued even in the fifth week

and some women may also experience mood swings. The

need to urinate more frequently is also one of the symptoms

and this is caused due to the growing size of the uterus.

This is the time when early pregnancy complications such as

ectopic pregnancy occur. It happens mostly when the fertilized

egg implants outside the uterus instead of imbedding itself into

the uterus. Measuring the levels of HCG is the best way to

diagnose an ectopic pregnancy. Other complications such as a

blighted ovum or a molar pregnancy lead to miscarriage.

I t i s impor tan t to adapt a hea l thy l i fes ty le to avo id a l l these

po ten t ia l compl ica t ions . However, i f you exper ience any

abnormal symptoms even a f te r sw i tch ing to a hea l thy d ie t

and a good nu t r i t ious food, make sure tha t you contac t your

obs te t r i c ian or your hea l thcare prov ider immedia te ly.

The baby also begins forming its

skeleton by the end of the fifth week

of pregnancy. On the whole, the

baby will have a distinct shape by the

end of this week.

Fact of being 5 weeks pregnant

Instead of consuming coffee, better make a habit of drinking

steamed milk. Taking a soothing drink will help you avoid nausea

and continue with your morning rituals. Also drinking milk is

beneficial for your baby as your baby will get enough calcium for

proper growth of its bones, nails and teeth, especially now that you

are 5 weeks pregnant.

Pregnancy Week 6 – Changes in You and the Baby

The main thing that your healthcare provider wants to discuss

with you when you are is your diet. Your baby

has begun to develop all its vital organs in its fifth week and it is

now time to provide all the nourishment it needs to grow up


6 weeks pregnant

In this week, your baby’s brain starts to develop and divides

itself into its 3 regions. Other physical features also develop

and are completely surrounded by the amniotic sac. The heart

starts beating at the rate of 100-150 beats per minute and you

can even feel it.

Experts say that your baby starts making its first movement

during week 6 but they are so light that a mother is unable to

feel the movements. As all the organs are developing rapidly,

this is the time – as is the entire time of your pregnancy – that

you take utmost care of your diet.

Fol ic acid intake should be cont inued unt i l the f i rst t r imester

of your pregnancy as i t helps in the development of al l the

organs of your baby.

You will have some weight gain in the sixth week of your

pregnancy and the uterus will start growing.

The sixth week is also the time when most miscarriages occur.

So, if you do notice any abnormal spotting or bleeding, your

healthcare provider should be contacted immediately.

Breakfast cereals, k idney beans, broccol i , and whole wheat

breads and pastas are al l r ich in fol ic acid and are especial ly

important for pregnant woman. However, a 400 mcg tablet is

seen as a subst i tute by many carrying women.

Increased Symptoms in Week 7 of Pregnancy

As you are now, your baby is visible through an

ultrasound scan as it has quadrupled its size since conception.

Of course, sometimes embryos can be seen from as early as

six weeks. The baby’s nerves start functioning in the seventh

week and it is even able to open its mouth.

7 weeks pregnant

Another important factor in week 7 is that your baby develops

its muscle systems and is producing its own blood. This is

because the baby’s liver is working to produce red blood cells.

Symptoms l ike mood swings, d izz iness, nausea, morning

s ickness, and f requent ur inat ion may st i l l cont inue and the

tenderness in the breasts pers ists. Const ipat ion is a lso a

problem in many women dur ing th is t ime and hence they are

advised to dr ink a lot of water.

Vomit ing becomes severe and there might a lso be chances

of weight loss which is due to the hormonal changes in the

body. Whi le you can’ t avoid these changes occurr ing ins ide

your body, you can re l ieve them to some extent by doing

some s imple th ings.

As the baby starts developing major organs, it is essential that

you manage the cravings that occur during this time and avoid

substances that might prove harmful for you or the baby.

Wh i le the pa in can be subs ided a l i t t l e by tak ing Ty leno l ,

med i ta t ion and yoga a re cons idered bene f i c ia l du r ing the

en t i re p regnancy.

Eating food rich in nutrients

and green leafy vegetable

is good to make up for the

lost nutrients in your body.

It is also good for the

development of the baby as

the food you consume

during the entire pregnancy

will have a lot of effect on

the development of your


Baby’s Development of Organs in Week 8 of Pregnancy

Your baby is starting to look a little bit more human as you are

now Its upper lip, ears, eyelids and nose are

forming rapidly. It will also start developing its toes and fingers

this week. The baby stretches and causes some sort of

discomfort for you.

8 weeks pregnant.

Though you are and your uterus is continuo-

-usly growing to accommodate the little one, it is likely that

you are not showing much on the outside. It is hard to believe

but your baby is now the size of a grape fruit even though it has

developed all the vital organs that we all have.

8 weeks pregnant

The chances of showing out are more if you are carrying twins

or triplets as your babies will take more room in the uterus.

You might have even noticed that your breasts are slightly

enlarged. Breast growth continues throughout the pregnancy

as the breasts prepare to make breast milk for the baby.

Back pain is also a common discomfort during this time as the

growing uterus is putting pressure on your lower back.

Although pregnancy presents various challenges, it’s a

wonderful journey for you and the little one. And it is very

important to let your doctor know how you are doing to help

you make your pregnancy more relaxing.

The brain development is rapid

th i s week mak ing the head

appear slightly big. The nerve

cells are beginning to connect

with one another. The heart is

now divided into 4 chambers and

is pumping blood throughout the

body. The umbilical is completely

formed connecting you both through the placenta. Facts about being 8 weeks pregnant

Good prenatal care is very much essential for the health

and safe delivery of your baby. So, make sure that the

prenatal appointments are your top priority

Pregnancy Week 9 – Can You Hear the Heartbeat?

You are reaching at the end of the f irst tr imester when you are

. And of course there are notable changes

inside both of you. Breast soreness and tenderness increase

along with the increase in the breast size. Chances are that

they wil l grow even more as the breast t issue wil l grow during

pregnancy probably to let the milk come in later.

9 weeks pregnant

Your baby too is having a lot of physical changes and is growing

rapidly. Its fingers are well formed now, and the toes are taking

shape. It now even has its own unique fingerprints, and the

ankle and wrist joints are developing.

The most remarkable change that your baby undergoes during

your ninth week of pregnancy is the growth of sexual organs.

Your baby now resembles a human more closely. At this stage

your l i t t le one’s head is half the size of i ts body.

Your blood volume also increases and adds up to 4-5 ponds

of weight. Changes in the maternal fat and the amniot ic f lu id

volume wi l l further increase your weight dur ing pregnancy

which is qui te normal.

You need to take utmost care dur ing th is t ime and consume

enough prote in foods. In addi t ion to tak ing nut r i t ious d ie t ,

avo id smoking and dr ink ing complete ly as they increase the

r isk o f miscarr iage when you are n ine weeks pregnant .

You may also hear your baby’s heartbeat in week 9 of pregnancy

with the help of a Doppler. And its not a big issue if you really

cant hear the heartbeat as it is just 1 inch in length and weighs

mere 2 grams!

Week 10 of Pregnancy – Time for CVS

Your baby has completely developed into a fetus from the

embryo when you are You wi l l even f ind

rel ief f rom some of your pregnancy symptoms such as the

morning sickness. You are st i l l in your f i rst t r imester of your

pregnancy and are st i l l not safe from the chances of a

miscarr iage. I t is therefore very important to make your

movements slow and steady.

10 weeks pregnant.

I t a l s o s t a r t s s w a l l o w i n g t h e a m n i o t i c f l u i d a r o u n d i t w h i c h

p r o v i d e s t h e n o u r i s h m e n t i t n e e d s .

The end of is considered the best t ime

for having the chronic vi l lus sampling test which identif ies any

chromosome abnormalit ies and detects any other genetic

condit ions.

week 10 of pregnancy

In addit ion to taking a balanced diet and taking good care of

your health, you need to avoid exposure even to second-hand

smoke to give birth to a healthy and lovely baby.

Avoid dieting during pregnancy as

it might be harmful to the baby.

Eat sensibly and have nutrit ious

foods in suff icient quantit ies. Do

not forget that the quality of food

you eat during this period wil l have

a great effect on your baby’s


M o s t h o r m o n a l c h a n g e s o c c u r d u r i n g t h i s t i m e a n d t h e

b l o o d v o l u m e i n c r e a s e s t o a b o u t 4 0 - 5 0 % . H o r m o n a l

c h a n g e s o c c u r d u e t o r a p i d g r o w t h o f t h e p l a c e n t a w h i c h

i s a l s o r e s p o n s i b l e f o r h o r m o n e c h a n g e s i n y o u r b a b y ’s

b o d y t o o . Yo u w i l l s l o w l y s t a r t n o t i c i n g c h a n g e s i n y o u

b u t y o u r b o d y d o e s n ’ t s h o w o u t t o o m u c h .

Ex te rna l gen i ta l o rgans beg in to appear in your baby tha t

were un t i l now deve lop ing in te rna l l y. Your baby doub les

i t s g rowth in and a l l the essent ia l

o rgans beg in func t ion ing .

week 10 of pregnancy

Week 11 of Pregnancy and the Growing Hormone Production

Now that you are you have approached the

end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Your morning sickness

has reduced completely. If not, it will reduce by the end of week

11. This is because even the hormone production has reduced

due to your baby’s growing pituitary gland.

11 weeks pregnant,

Your stomach now begins to grow slowly and you might have

gained weight. There is nothing to worry even if you have not

yet gained any weight as you will in the second trimester. Most

of the women who have experienced more morning sickness

do not gain weight in the first trimester.

All the vital organs of the baby have been formed and are

functioning. The risks of defects decrease as the baby is now

less prone to outside influences. Your baby starts moving

frequently but you may not notice this. Your baby is now

2 inches long and weighs one third of an ounce.

Eat healthy and always be in good spirits as much as possible

throughout your pregnancy. Include more nutritious and vitamin

-rich food in your diet which helps both you and the baby.


you begin to notice that your

fingernails and hair are starting

to grow rapidly. And as the

uterus is growing and expan

-ding, it will be very difficult for

you to get more comfortable

during nights.

week 11 of your pregnancy,

Your baby is able to open and close its fists, and there are little

buds forming inside its mouth that will eventually develop into


Changes in You and the Baby in Week 12 of Pregnancy

Major changes occur in both the baby and you when you are

You might be noticing some skin changes

during this week along with relief from nausea and morning

sickness. Your uterus is gradually growing along with the baby

and your tummy starts to show.

12 weeks pregnant.

You wil l also produce large amounts of progesterone by now

and might experience some heartburn.

Semi -cooked meat and s teaks inc rease the chances o f

toxop lasmos is – an in fec t ion tha t m igh t p rove dangerous

fo r your g row ing baby.

As you have reached the end of your first trimester and your

baby is growing rapidly, its time for you to take more calcium-rich

foods as they help your baby in growing healthy bones, teeth and


In some women form a dark vertical line

along their abdomen which is quite natural. Avoid smoking and

even second hand smoke completely as research suggests that

you can reduce the chances of asthma development from 5-15%

if you stay away from smoking during pregnancy.

week 12 of pregnancy,

By now, your little one’s placenta starts

producing hormones and his nerve cells

start growing rapidly. It will also start to

practice breathing inside the amniotic fluid.

Tooth buds too begin to appear and there is

a need for you to boost your calcium intake.

Avoid excessive intake of vitamin A as this

might damage the liver and cause jaundice.

Pregnancy week 12 is the t ime to regain your appet i te that

was lost due to nausea and the morning sickness and al l the

other symptoms that bothered you. Eat healthy and nutr i -

- t ious food, and at the same t ime, make sure that you are

not eat ing any food that is not cooked thoroughly.

Week 13 of Pregnancy – The Beginning of the Second Trimester

You have entered the second trimester of your pregnancy as

you are now You’ll also feel relieved a lot

as the risk of miscarriage has now dropped dramatically.

Even if your baby is still tiny, your tummy tells the world that

you are expecting. If you see through your stomach through a

scan, you would see a completely formed baby with unique

finger prints even if it is now half the size of a banana.

13 weeks pregnant.

By this time, your baby will start producing insulin with its tiny

liver and this will help the baby regulate its blood-sugar levels

as it develops day by day. The baby’s eyes too will start to move

to the front of its face.

Apart from your growing belly, you will notice the formation of

bumps in your breasts. Yet, they do not pose any threats for

your health and are quite natural; they help the breasts in

making colostrums – the first milk that nourishes your little

one after his birth.

By now, you might have regained your appetite and are far

from all the dreadful symptoms that bothered in your initial

weeks. You will also look more radiant and energetic because

of the improved blood flow. Improve your eating and exercise

habits as this will help you both in the long run.

Abdominal aches in

are common as

t h e u t e r u s i s g r a d u a l l y

expanding. In addit ion to

tak ing necessary supple-

-ments, you should also take

n e c e s s a r y m i n e r a l s a n d

itamins that are essential for

the baby to grow healthy.

week 13

of pregnancy

Improve Your Energy Levels as You Enter Week 14 of Pregnancy

It can be very hard to find relief from the lower back pain when

you are and this pain is much more in

working mothers. But the good news is that you have gained

back all your energy level and are in your glory days. Simple

exercises are recommended now to fight with the backache.

14 weeks pregnantStill keep away from raw and uncooked meat and be aware of

your food intake to match the required calories. Generally during

this period, your caloric needs will rise by 300 calories a day.

This is actually because your baby must receive all the essential

nutrition needed to grow healthy.

Constipation is a common problem faced by many during this

period and this might be reduced with drinking lot of water. It

is also suggested that you include more fiber foods in your

diet to keep your bowels moving. You will be too hungry during

this time because of the growing need for more calories for

both you and the baby.

By now, your baby’s ears will start to move to their place at the

sides of the head and the eyes are now almost near the front

of your baby’s face. Even the baby’s chin starts forming as the

neck is slowly getting longer.

I t is also the t ime to relax when you are ,

as i t is important to l ighten the muscles and joints in your body

for more comfort.

14 weeks pregnant

Adopt a heal thy l i fes ty le as any

th ing you eat or dr ink wi l l have a

lo t o f e ffect on your baby who is

growing increas ing ly propor t ional .

Pregnancy Week 15 and the Developments in You Both

You need more rest as you are now Getting

a lot of rest helps you in boosting your immune system and also

in promoting your health. The hormonal production has

increased along with increased blood flow for the past few

weeks and you are expecting sudden side effects such as

excessive salivation.

15 weeks pregnant. Your abdomen will start looking more bloated and you might

have gained 5-10 pounds by now. The uterus slowly starts rising

and moves past the hip bones. Relax a lot during this time as

it helps you from increased stress levels due to lack of


The swelling of the mucus

membranes in the nose too

cause some inconvenience

such as stuffy nose in many


Most of the essential organ systems

of your baby will grow a lot during this week

of pregnancy. Your baby is growing rapidly and its bones are

getting harder and stronger. By this time your baby is spending

most of its time in practicing how to breathe. The taste buds

will also start to form during this time.

Most of the women fall victim to infections of the urinary tract

during this period because of increased levels of progesterone.

Take all necessary measures to prevent the bacteria from

entering you and if you face such problems, consult your health

care provider, who will likely prescribe antibiotics to help you out.

Take good care of your health and eat well. Exercise whenever

possible to promote both your and your baby’s health and well


Pregnancy Week 16 – How’s Your Baby Growing?

Increased blood volume and the altered levels of hormones make

your heart work harder when you are The

nasal congestion that started last week will continue even in this

week as it will throughout your pregnancy. This is probably

because of the softening of the tissues and due to the deficiency

of vitamin C. All this conditions will be resolved once the baby is


16 weeks pregnant.For the first time in your pregnancy period, you might fell a little

fluttering in your belly. is the time when

most mothers report that their babies move inside. Some first-

time-mothers take a week or more to feel such movements

inside them. So, there is no need to panic as this is very natural.

Week 16 of pregnancy

Your baby is now strong enough to hold its head straight and

the ears and eyes are moving to their final positions. The baby

is now mainly focusing on its circulation system and its tiny

heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood every day.

Thin f ine hair starts growing on the baby’s head and the l imbs

are beginning to lengthen. Your baby is now a l i t t le more than

4 inches and weighs around 3 ounces and has some facial

expressions too.

Continue taking a balanced diet and

the required nutritious foods and

vitamin supplements as

is the time when your

baby is more prone to neural tube

d e f e c t s a n d c h r o m o s o m a l

abnormalities. Consult your health

care provider to undergo tests

including the AFP test that indicates

if the baby is at the risk of developing

some central nervous system or

spinal chord problems.

week 16 of


17 Weeks Pregnant – Feel Your Baby’s Movements

When you are your uterus should be about

2 inches below your belly button. You will gain more weight

gradually. The uterus starts to change its shape and occupies

more space thus putting more pressure on your intestines and

pressing them to the sides.

17 weeks pregnant, In this there will be vaginal discharge

which is normal in pregnant women. This is due to the increased

estrogen production in the mother and a greater blood flow in the

genital region. It is normally fine if the discharge is clear or milky

and is odorless.

week 17 of pregnancy,

As your l i t t le one is growing rapid ly, the uterus wi l l soon

occupy your abdomen and pelv is but th is wi l l not cause any

d is t ress to you.

However if you doubt that the

vaginal discharge is amniotic

fluid you should consult your

h e a l t h c a r e p r o v i d e r

immediately. This might also

be sometimes due to pre-term

labor. Take necessary steps to

avoid stress and exercise

lightly and also maintain a

healthy diet.

Your baby can now hear even though the ears are not

completely functional. This is because the brain is developing

its parts that aid hearing and other senses. The baby is now

capable of moving all its body parts and is also able to swallow

and digest the amniotic fluid.

The baby also starts stor ing the fat f rom the amniot ic f lu id

that wi l l help in keeping i t warm after the bir th. Your baby

now weighs about 5 ounces and is a l i t t le over 5 inches long.

18 Weeks Pregnant – Time to Increase Your Appetite

You are and in the middle of your second

trimester of pregnancy. Most health care providers suggest that

you undergo ultrasound scanning in this week to detect abnor-

-malities, if any, in the baby. This will also help you in planning

ahead for any interventions that may be necessary for the baby

after its birth.

18 weeks pregnant To overcome this, lie on your left side while you are sleeping as

this will provide you more comfort and helps in preventing your

veins form compression. Buying a pregnancy pillow is also

suggestible as it supports your growing belly and the uterus.

By now, your baby’s genitals are clearly distinguishable. The

baby has also started producing Myelin – a substance essen-

-tial for the proper functioning of the nervous system. This will

be produced until the ninth month. Your little one now weighs a

little more than five ounces and may be between 5 and 6 inches


You can now probably feel the uterus just near the navel. I t is

now the size of a small melon and you can even feel i t below

your tummy. You might have gained around 15 pounds by

now which is just normal. You may start gett ing a l i t t le bi t

uncomfortable because of the growing bel ly and f ind i t

di ff icult to get a good night sleep.

You will be feeling hungrier because of the growing need of good

nutrition. Make sure that your diet is nutritious and balanced as

our baby will take all it needs from your reserves.

Week 19 of Pregnancy – More Noticeable Changes

You are about halfway through your pregnancy when you are

and your baby is getting bigger every day.

If you already had your ultrasound, you might probably know

what you are having inside you.

19 weeks pregnant

This is the time to start doing some exercises if you haven’t

already. Regular exercises help you in increasing the flexibility

of your body which will further help you relieving the tension and

pain during the labor.

Whether it is a boy or a girl, your baby’s genitals are now in

place. Your baby’s nervous is busy this week and the brain too

is working hard as the special areas that help in your baby’s

senses are fast developing.

More noticeable changes occur in the baby in this week 19 of

pregnancy and there are more movements. The baby’s legs

are developed and the baby is now measured from head to

toe – which could be around 6.5 inches. The sensory

development is also very fast and some research suggests

that the baby may be able to hear your voice now.

The baby also develops a protective layer called vernix over

his body. This white sticky substance protects the baby’s skin

in the amniotic fluid.

A slight increase in discomfort is notice in this week due to

increased heartburn. This is because the uterus is still pushing

up against your tummy so that all the essential nutrients reach

the fetus more efficiently.

There is a substantial demand for

iron in the body when you are

pregnant. So, iron intake is very

essential for both you and the baby.

Eat iron-rich foods such as red me

at, nuts, legumes, and iron-fortified

breakfast cereals and bread.

Week 20 of Pregnancy – The Halfway Mark

Your pregnancy signifies the halfway mark when you are

Your baby is now practicing breathing and

swallowing in the amniotic fluid. It weighs a little over 10 ounces

and measures approximately 6.5 inches.


weeks pregnant.

Other changes in the baby include the formation of teeth buds

which are hidden under the gums for now. The baby’s bones

are getting stronger and his skin is gathering more layers

Another major change in the baby is the development of sleep

patterns. Most of the babies fall into noticeable cycles of sleep

during this time. The immunities also begin to develop during

this week as your body transfers antibodies into your little one.

You might feel a little breathless at this stage as the uterus is

pushing upwards at your belly button. Be careful with your

posture so as not to stress your spine. This can lead to back

problems in the future. Using a pregnancy pillow is suggested

as this will help you from straining your spine and also in

alleviating the back pain.

You wil l be gaining about 1 pound a week from now and eating

a balanced diet wil l help you and the flourishing baby inside.

Your belly too wil l be growing regular form this point of t ime

and you can observe regular changes. Constipation and

heartburn seem to persist sti l l and you might also start feeling

a l i t t le clumsier from this week 20 of pregnancy.

Get good nutri t ion as it helps in giving you the required

strength and stamina to make it through pregnancy with

good health.

Pregnancy Week 21 – You Have a Miniature Baby!

When you are you will be gaining more

weight and fat along with your growing baby. You might face

some swelling problems due to increased weight and the

pressure put on the legs. These problems will subside naturally

and can be even tackled with the help of maternity support belts

and hoses. They help you in avoiding the discomfort in the

ankles throughout your pregnancy.

21 weeks pregnant,

The uterus continues its growth and is now pressing against

your rectum. Due to increased blood flow and increased levels

of pregnancy hormones, you may experience sensitive gums

which may even bleed in some women. Despite all these

changes, you will be comfortable and in full swing pregnancy

mode. However, regular exercises and stretching are

suggested to alleviate these discomforts.

The baby’s digestive system too develops as much that the tiny

intestines will contract and expand as your little one absorbs

small amounts of amniotic fluid. Your baby’s eye brows and

the eye lids are also completely grown now.

Inside, the baby’s organ systems continue to develop preparing

for the life outside. The umbilical cord starts thickening and

growing as more blood travels through it from you to the baby.

Your baby's growth will slow a little now as more concentration

is developing the organs and the central nervous system. Your

baby can now hear you if you speak and sing.

Maintain your physical well being

by doing regular but light exercises

that help in better circulation both

for you and to your baby.

Week 22 of Pregnancy – Time for Itchy Belly

Your uterus is continuously growing and is a little above your

navel when you are While the baby presents

high paced changes, this is the time when you will notice some

skin changes in you. The continuously pushing uterus leaves

some stretch marks on your belly which cause itchiness.

22 weeks pregnant.

There are a variety of lotions that help you in limiting these

stretch marks. Even though you cannot completely prevent

these stretch marks, you should consider using r ich

moisturizers to keep your skin subtle, smooth and glowing after

the delivery.

The baby will now be able to touch and grab and feel the senses.

The brain is still continuing its growth as it will until your little

one is 5 years old.

Foot and leg cramps, mild swelling on the ankles and feet, and

a slight increase in the heart rate are some common conditions

seen in this week of pregnancy. These are quite normal and only

indicate that your body is working a little harder.

Pregnancy week 22 also marks for significant changes in your

baby too. The hands have grown stronger and bigger and the

nerve ending have developed the sense of touch.

The growth of the taste buds helps the baby in detecting the

strong flavors in the amniotic fluid. Your baby now almost weighs

a pound and measure about 11 inches.

Concentrate more on your diet and

see to it that the food you eat is

balanced and nutritious. Poor diet

can have severe consequences on

the physical and mental health of

your baby.

Sleep Discomforts in Week 23 of Pregnancy

Your body undergoes various other changes along with the

growing stretch marks when you are And due

to the stretching stomach muscles, your navel will pop out a little

but will return to its natural position once you deliver the baby.

23 weeks pregnant.

You might have approximately gained 15 pounds by now and

might experience some muscle cramps in the legs. You will also

find it very difficult to sleep in a comfortable position because

of the belly that has now acquired the clear round shape.

The baby’s pancreas is developing inside the baby and the baby

has also started producing insulin. Now the baby can hear your

noise and your heart beat as well.

The baby’s tiny bones continue to ossify and the veins are now

clearly visible through the translucent skin. The baby is still

developing those fat deposits that will be padded under the

wrinkly skin after the delivery.

This discomfort in s leep may be dealt wi th using pregnancy

pi l lows that give you a better chance to sleep comfortably

throughout the night. The increase in the blood volume in

lower parts of the body forces you to make frequent t r ips to

the bathroom.

Changes i n you r b l ood chem is t r y may cause some wa te r

r e ten t i on wh i ch may resu l t i n swe l l i ng known as edema .

Howeve r, t h i s cou ld be avo ided by keep ing you r body

movemen ts f r equen t and avo id s i t t i ng f o r l onge r hou rs .

Continue taking the recommended

daily intake of essential nutrients

that are necessary for the strength

and stamina of your developing


Pregnancy Week 24 and the Physical Changes in the Baby

Your uterus is now on top of your belly button and is of the size

of a soccer ball. As a result, you will be having trouble bending

and sitting comfortably. You will be gaining more weight which

is just normal in all the mothers-to-be. You will also observe a

lot of changes in your and the bay when you are 24 weeks


By now, the baby weighs about 2 lbs and measures 14 inches

long. The skin is still wrinkled and will be normal once the fat is

deposited and the muscles are formed. The little ones fingernails

and the ears are now completely developed.

Take smal l f requent meals as your baby is in need of more

nutr ients now. I t is suggested that you have s ix smal l meals

a day instead of three so as to cope wi th your baby’s

developmental needs.

By the time you are you can feel the

movements of your baby completely. The need for frequent

urination, heartburn, anxiety and the growing discomfort lead

to loss of sleep. The amniotic fluid begins to increase in

volume and will continue until the delivery.

24 weeks pregnant,

The baby is gaining more bone

mass and the rapid eye movement

has already begun. And as the baby

is growing in size, the space inside

the uterus is filled up and becomes

more crowded.

Continue doing moderate exercises to fell better throughout the

pregnancy and to have more stamina during labor. And be sure

that your diet is adequate as pregnancy is more complicated in

undernourished women.

Pregnancy Week 25 and the Growing Back Pain

By the time you are the growing uterus

may put some pressure on your back. Most of the women

experience severe pain in their lower back region and the

legs because of this mounting pressure.

25 weeks pregnant

The baby’s breathing movements also increase as a result

of the well-developed lungs. By now, the baby weighs about

1.5 pounds and is probably 14 inches longer.

The baby’s spine starts to mature and the brain and nerve

endings are so developed that the baby can sense the touch.

You need to take enough care at this stage to deal with the

growing needs of the baby and to keep yourself fit.

Increase the calcium intake as this helps you in reducing the

cramps in the legs and also in relieving the back pain.

Moreover it is quite essential for the baby’s developing spine

and his bones.

Avoid activities that worsen your pain and always support

your body with cushions and body pillows. Pregnancy pillows

help you a lot during this time in getting a better sleep and

providing comfort.

Consider some light exercises that your health care provider

recommends and always have a balanced and well-planned

diet to avoid unnecessary complications.

Along with some growing back

pain and leg cramps, week 25 is

the time when many women come

across pregnancy complications

s u c h a s p r e t e r m l a b o r a n d

premature pregnancy.

Meanwhile, the baby’s going

through the remaining major

improvements such as gaining weight and

development of the central nervous system. The nostrils begin

to open and the respiratory system gets stronger in this week.

Pregnancy Week 26 Marks the End of Second Trimester

Being means that you are now at the

end of the second trimester and almost gone through two-

thirds of your pregnancy. Instead of complaining over

problems like back ache and leg cramps, jus have a look at

all those positive bits such as the neatly grown belly,

renewed energy, and the healthy hair and skin. And all this

because of the growing little one!

26 weeks pregnant

However, these contractions are very common and are


Other discomforts such as leg cramps, back pain, headache

and pressure in the pelvis continue and there might also be a

condition known as restless leg syndrome where you’ll

experience restless and jittery legs. Do simple exercises that

slowly stretch the muscles and keep you physically active.

Movements also increase inside your belly as the bay is more

active betweens weeks 24 and 28. The brain activities inside

the bay have developed and help in sight and hearing. This is

the time when the baby will have the first moments of sight.

Air sacs called alveoli start to develop inside the baby’s lungs

and they will continue growing for the next 9 years. By now,

the baby is 14 inches long and weighs about one-and-a- half


Vitamin intake needs to be boosted and it is suggested to

take small and frequent meals rich in fiber. This will further

help in reducing the constipation.

You will feel more discomfort

because of the growing belly and

this will continue in the coming

weeks. Most women experience

some sudden tightening and

relaxing of the uterus which is by

now two-and-a-half inches above

the belly button.

Pregnancy Week 27 – Beginning of the Third Trimester

Various major changes occur in you and the baby when you

are Increased sleep deprivation and

weight cause shortness of breath and increase the levels

of fatigue in you. The growing uterus further compresses

the bladder resulting in frequent urination.

27 weeks pregnant.

This is the time when the milk glands start developing due to

which, you will experience breast tenderness.

The baby’s brain tissue and the neurons are developing

rapidly and his brain is working as that of a newborn. If the

baby is male, the testes will have completely descended by

this point of time.

As the network of nerves around the ears has now completely

developed, the baby is able to hear you and might also

recognize your voice. The retinas start forming and the baby

is able to see the light through your abdomen.

By now, the baby will have regular patterns of movements

and sleep and is also sensitive to outside touch. At this point,

the baby weighs a little over 2 pounds and is approximately

15 inches long.

Take at least 15 minutes of rest or a catnap to feel

energetic and recharged during the day. Continue taking

a well-balanced and nutritious diet and practice some light

exercises to strengthen your pelvis muscles and support

the bladder to overcome urinary incontinence.

Shortness of breath is

experienced because of the

increased size of the bay. At

week 27 of pregnancy, most of

the women experience what is

called as Braxton hicks contractions

– pre-labor contraction that help your

body prepare for labor. And the good news is

that they are not painful.

Pregnancy Week 28 and the Symptoms

The baby is growing and developing at an astonishing rate

when you are and the space is getting

a little tight. The eyes are completely formed along with the

eyebrows and the eye lashes, the muscle tone is gradually

improving, lungs are capable of breathing and the baby is

even able to open and close the eyes.

28 weeks pregnant

The first few weeks of the third trimester is the period of

varicose veins, hemorrhoids, aches and pains, and leg

cramps. All this is because the uterus is still growing in

size to accommodate the growing baby and because you

have even gained a weigh of around 24 pounds at this point.

Even the baby will make you tense by kicking more and stronger

during this week. However, the kicks will become significantly

less as the space in the womb becomesinadequate in the coming


Pregnancy week 28 is the time to be aware of the potential risks

of pre-term labor. Drink enough water to keep the contractions

of the uterus smooth and consult your health care provider

immediately if you experience any menstrual type cramping or

severe back pain.

You’ll need to get a shot of RhoGAM, or Rh immunoglobulin, this

week if your blood showed that you are Rh negative. This will

prevent you from becoming sensitized to your baby's blood

should it mix with yours during the time of pregnancy.

Overall, the baby’s features are well developed and at this

time, the little one looks almost exactly what he or she is

going to look after the delivery.

Pregnancy Week 29 – Monitor the Baby’s Movements

Pay attention to your baby’s movements when you are

For any reason, if you observe that the

baby’s movements are less or abnormal, contact your

health care provider for proper guidance.


weeks pregnant.

The baby’s sucking abilities are improving and the baby can

even cough and cry. The lungs too start maturing and the

baby’s skin is now less wrinkled because of the packed


More so than ever, this is the right time to eat right and enough

every day as your baby will start absorbing plenty of nutrients

from you to gain weight and prepare for the delivery. By this time,

the baby is around 16 inches long and weight about 2.5 pounds

By this time, the baby's brain is forming billions and billions

of neurons each day and can control the breathing and the

temperature of the body as it continues to mature.

By this week you might have gained an overall weight of

20-24 pounds and your uterus is now approximately four

inches above your navel. Sometimes, you will be plagued

by the heartburn because of the belly growing more and

more substantial each day.

Pregnancy constipation is also another problem faced by

may pregnant women in week 29. Consume lots of liquids

and eat a fiber-rich diet. Pregnancy week 29 is also the

time when you experience various other symptoms

including rapid weight gain.

Perform light exercises that help you to

strengthening your abdominal muscles

and take enough iron supplements as

iron deficiency is considered the most

common problem during pregnancy.

However, iron supplements cause


30 Weeks Pregnant – Pay Attention to Your Weight

Pay close attention to your weight gain and the swell ing

you're experiencing when you are

Extreme swell ing may be the sign of Preeclampsia –

a condit ion that occurs in very small percentage of

pregnant women.

30 weeks pregnant.

The decrease in the amniotic fluid is because your little one

continuing the growth and is taking up most of the space in

the uterus. By now, your uterus might have reached about

4 inches above your belly button.

Inside, the baby’s toe nails are growing and the eyelids open and

close. The early lanugo is disappearing and the bone marrow is

now producing the red blood cells. Even the movements will be

very frequent and you may even recognize the body parts.

The amount of amniotic fluid starts decreasing inside your

belly and the production of progesterone in your body


Preeclampsia is a potential ly dangerous condit ion that

can include sudden weight gain, extreme swell ing and

severe headache. But, when properly treated, i t can be


Week 30 of pregnancy is a lso the t ime when you are

l ike ly to develop var icose veins. They appear as f ine

b lu ish or reddish l ines under your sk in and are caused

due to weakness in the smal l ve ins.

Week 30 of pregnancy is the hard time

shifting from one position to another

and you will be having more trouble

sleeping comfortably at nights as the

belly expands. Using a pregnancy pillow

may bring you some comfort.

Week 31 of Pregnancy – Less Movements Inside the Tummy

Being you wil l probably have some

trouble catching the breath. But be careful to prevent

excessive fat igue and dizziness. The movements inside

your tummy become less frequent has the baby has less

room to swim about in the amniot ic f luid.

31 weeks pregnant, By this week, your baby is about 17 inches long and weighs

about 4 pounds. During this and the weeks to come, the baby

will be accumulating layers under the skin that will help the

baby in keeping safe and warm after the delivery.

The baby’s immune system is gett ing stronger and the nerve

connections begin to function. By now, al l the important body

organs of the baby have almost completely developed except

for the lungs.

At this time, you might experience some pains and aches

along with numbness in your hands. All this conditions are

normal in most of the pregnant women because of the

continuous weight gain and changing hormone levels.

There is no need to panic as all these symptoms will

disappear after the delivery.

The uterus now measures about 4.5 inches above your

navel and the breasts start leaking colostrums or pre-

mi lk that forms in the breasts to nourish the baby after

i ts bir th. Use good breast pads to prevent the leaks from

being known to others.

Continue taking small and frequent meals to avoid heartburn

and take necessary precautions to stay away from the aching


Iron intake is very important in the

third tr imester of pregnancy as there

is a large shift of iron in the baby.

What’s Happening at Pregnancy Week 32?

Now that you are almost you wil l

probably be feel ing contractions in the bel ly on a regular

basis. From now on, you should be very careful with

everything happening within you as indication of any

severe pain can be labor pain.

32 weeks pregnant, This increase in the blood volume is necessary to support

the baby’s growth.

As the baby is slowly dropping into pelvis in preparation for

birth, the blood tends to pool in the mother ’s lower l imbs

which results in low cranial blood pressure that may lead to

faint ing or dizziness. In order to avoid this, take a small walk

when you r ise from a prolonged sit t ing posit ion.

Pain in the lower back and the buttocks around week 32 can

also happen as a woman’s center of gravity continues to

shift. You should be very careful while moving to avoid

unnecessary slips or falls.

A lo t o f phys ica l changes

continue occurring in you and

the baby. Your estrogen levels

and the blood volume continue

increasing as a result of which

the leg cramps and the back

aches may continue.

When you are your blood volume will be

around 50% more than it was before pregnancy.

32 weeks pregnant,

There are even chances for the leakage of the amniotic f luid

during this period. It is very essential to call your doctor if you

experience any of these condit ions.

By this t ime, the baby’s lungs have completely matured and

all the senses are working properly. Continue eating well and

exercise moderately and stay as relaxed as possible by

all means.

Facts to Know When You Are 33 Weeks Pregnant

You are probably getting more and more excited about

your upcoming birth now that you are

The uterus now just fills up most of the abdominal region

and now measure about 5 inches above the belly button.

You may have gained around 28 pounds by this week.

33 weeks pregnant.

This week, the leg cramps become serious and you will still

experience the difficulties such as troubled sleep and back

ache. Gentle exercises might relieve you from these


These conditions might be due to

p r e - e c l a m p s i a – a c o n d i t i o n

characterized by increase in blood

pressure, swell ing and loss of

protein in the urine. It is considered


Rapid growth of the brain has increased its size in proportion

to the rest of the body and fat continues to settle under the

baby’s skin, making it pink from red

The growing baby makes a pretty tight fit in the uterus. Due

to this, you may notice that the movements of the baby have

slow down a little.

This is the t ime you may want to consider pre-registering

at the hospital. I t wi l l help you in speeding the admission

process while you are in the throws of labor.

Abdomina l reg ion a long w i th

nausea, it is better that you contact

y o u r h e a l t h c a r e p r o v i d e r


Even though the baby’s body is completely formed, he or she

is still going through rapid growth. However there are very few

changes remaining.You wil l be gaining a pound a week from now. If you notice

any sudden swell ing in face and severe pain in the

a serious complication during pregnancy

Pregnancy Week 34 – The Baby Moves into the Pelvis

Breathing becomes easier when you are

as your baby is now situated in your pelvis and is

not compressing your lungs. However, the problem of

frequent urination persists due to this position.

34 weeks


You may also notice some numbness and tingling sensation

in the pelvic region as the baby is putting pressure on the

nerves. This condition is likely to persist until your delivery

and it is suggested that you try to be in relaxed positions

all the time.

During this t ime, you wil l not ice sudden contract ions in

the bel ly – a sign that your body is gett ing ready for the

del ivery. The shape of your bel ly changes as i t drops due

to the baby turning in a downward posit ion to get ready

for bir th.

Lungs are completely developed and functional and the liver

too is capable of processing certain amounts of waste. The

baby’s weight is now about 5 pounds and measures

approximately 17 inches long.

The navel pops out due to the expanding abdomen and

you may also observe some itchy red bumps on your belly.

The baby will now move into your

pelvis and the baby’s head is on the

pelvic bone. The baby has the

immunity to fight on its own, against

the infections, and antibodies are

transferred from your blood into

the baby.

Stop feel ing uncomfor table and anxious and t ry to be as

re laxed as possib le dur ing these weeks. Stress dur ing

pregnancy causes the re lease of catecholamines –

hormones re leased by the adrenal g lands in response to

s t ress. These hormones delay the labor and make the

del ivery d i f f icu l t .

Pregnancy Week 35 and the Signs of Labor

You baby is around 5 and-a-half pounds when you are

Due to the accumulation of fat under

the skin, the baby’s arms and legs plump up. By now, the

baby is big enough to occupy almost all the place in the

uterus and there is very little room to make any movements.

35 weeks pregnant.

During this last month of the pregnancy, most of the babies

gain around half pound a week. The baby now weights up

to 5.5 pounds and is about 20 inches long.

Some women may experience low levels of hemoglobin as

the baby has utilized the iron levels in your body. Now is

the time to elevate the hemoglobin levels back to normal

so that you stay healthy and fit even after the delivery.

Week 35 of pregnancy is the time when most of the women

experience extreme mood swings. Even though the mood

swings persisted all the time of the pregnancy, they are

particularly a bit dramatic now.

If you are experiencing discomfort,

swelling and fatigue, a careful body

massage can be extremely helpful

in relieving the pain and also helps

you become stress-free.

As you might be feeling more and

more anxious because of the nearing

delivery, it is suggested that you take

some time to relax. Taking proper rest

is also necessary as the last few weeks of pregnancy are very

stressful and exhausting.

Take frequent walks as it will help you in easing the labor pains

and also continue taking a well balanced diet that is rich in iron

and calcium.

Pregnancy Week 36 – More Energy, More Fatigue

You are in the last month of your pregnancy when you are

and it is very difficult for you getting a

comfortable position. By now, you have gained about 25-30

pounds and your energy levels keep fluctuating.

36 weeks pregnant

Mood swings are very common in this last month of

pregnancy. You will experience rapid swings between

fatigue and energy and could find yourself getting anxious,

irritable and moody at times. Heartburn, constipation and

discomfort are some common experiences.

The colostrums and milk further help in boost ing your

baby’s immature immune system after he or she is born.

As you are coming to the end of your pregnancy, hormones

secreted from the placenta trigger the milk production for

feeding the baby. Because of this you may experience

swelling of the breasts are they are filled with milk.

The baby is gradually loosing the lanugo hair covering the body.

The skin gets pinker and is less wrinkly because of the

deposition of fat.

Continue having healthy balanced diets that give all the

nutrition that the baby needs and take regular tests that

evaluate the well being of both you and the baby.Meanwhile, the baby is also working hard on the final stages of

its lung development while the kidneys are fully developed now.

Vernix caseosa, the protective waxy

covering around the baby’s skin, starts

wearing off the skin and the baby is now

dropped into heads down position by now.

In this week, the baby also practices

breathing, swallowing and sucking.

The baby’s bones are now hardened

completely and the muscle tone is also

improved. The baby now weighs about 5 and a half pounds

and is approximately 17 inches in length

Signs of Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy Week 37

You may have gained a weight of about 35 pounds by the

time you are In most women, the uterus

stops growing and this is perfectly normal as the uterus

stays roughly the same size between pregnancy week 37

and the delivery.

37 weeks pregnant.

You will also notice more vaginal discharge this week as

your body is preparing for the labor. In some women who

are overdue or who are having conditions like gestational

diabetes, bleeding or pre eclampsia, the health care

provider decides to induce the labor using a pitochin drip

which stimulates the contractions.

The uterus has stopped growing now and will remain the same

until delivery. Due to this, the movements of the baby become

less during this week and if you give birth now, your baby is

considered as full term.

Most of the pregnant women find that the pitochin drips leads to

stronger contractions. However, the contractions are steady with

this medication and also minimize the complications.

The labor pains are quite normal during this time and it is

very essential that you have regular prenatal checkups as

you are now at a stage where you can get into labor at

any time.

The internal organs of the baby are

now completely developed and the

baby is now preparing for the l i fe

outside with regularly practicing

breathing, sucking ad swallowing.

By this time, the baby has even acquired

enough coordination to grasp thing with the

little fingers. The baby now weighs around 6.5 pounds and

measures about 21 inches long.

Take good care of your health and keep eating healthy as

you continue the pregnancy from this point.

Pregnancy Week 38 and the Signs of Labor

At you may start worrying a little about

the labor as your belly is sitting probably a little lower. You

may experience pelvic pressure because the baby is settling

into the pelvic region.

38 weeks pregnant

As the cervix begins to di late, you may lose your mucus

plug which seals the cervix and prevents the infect ion

dur ing pregnancy. This occurs in the last month of

pregnancy in most of the women and is not a predictor

of labor contrary to what many people say.

Your baby continues to put on some weight even in this week

and weighs about 6 ½ pounds and is around 19 to 20 inches


Frequent urination is another problem you will experience at this

stage because of the pressure on the bladder and the thighs.

As the baby is hitting at your nerves while pressing, you

may experience unusual stings in your legs and inside the

vagina. In order to overcome this, lift your legs up while

you are sitting down in a comfortable position.

All the internal organs of the baby are

well developed now and the baby is

ready for the outside world.

By now, the baby’s intestines have accumulated a considerable

amount of meconium – a mass of cells and waste products from

the pancreas, liver and the gall bladder – that will be eliminated

shortly after the birth.

Increase your iron intake and continue taking your prenatal

vitamins as the baby experiences rapid growth during final

weeks. Increasing your water intake is also very important

at this stage as it will help in preventing dehydration during labor.

Pregnancy Week 39 – Multiple Mood Swings

You will probably experience multiple mood swings when you

are as you are quite ready for the delivery.39 weeks pregnant

You wi l l cont inue making the amniot ic f lu id even in th is

f ina l s tages but the rate of absorpt ion is a l i t t le low. So

the levels wi l l s tar t decreasing a b i t . There might even

be leak ing of the f lu id which should be repor ted

immediate ly to your heal th care prov ider.

Monitoring the baby’s heart rate is done during this time using

internal or external monitoring systems. The internal monitoring

systems give a more accurate reading while the external

monitoring systems detect the baby’s heart rate similar to a

Doppler ultrasound.

Sometimes, it is a little difficult to tell the difference between the

leaking of urine and the amniotic fluid. The best way to find out

is to go to bed after probably an hour after emptying the bladder.

Constipation and heartburn are the two common complaints

during this time. Drinking enough water and eating something

at short intervals will relieve you from both the problems.

The uterus starts contracting thus slowing down the flow of

oxygenated blood to the placenta. This is a natural process

and should cause no worry.

The movements of the baby are far less now as there is no

enough room inside your belly. The baby now weighs about

7 pounds and is around 20.5 inches long.

Nutrit ion becomes more important than ever during these

final weeks as you wil l need more strength and stamina to

make it through the delivery with good health.

By pregnancy week 39, there are many signs

that your baby is full term. There is no longer

any lanugo hair on the baby’s body and the

finger nails are now extended beyond the

finger tips.

40 Weeks Pregnant – Being Full Term

You are means that you are full term or in

the last official week of pregnancy – hopefully. Some women

give birth in week 41 or week 42 of pregnancy. Only 4 % of

women give birth on their due date.

40 weeks pregnant Generally these contractions occur in a frequency of 3-4 times

every ten minutes and might probably last a minute.

As you are very anxious during this time, discuss with your

health care provider as what to eat and drink in early labor as

when to call or come to the birthing center.

The weight gain will slow down considerably in the last week

of pregnancy and most women feel a bit clumsy and tired.

During this time of pregnancy, most of the women start

thinking about natural induction if they don’t experience labor.

This decision should be carefully discussed and considered

with your partner and the health care provider as research

indicates that induction may lead to fetal distress and to a

higher incidence of cesarean section.

At this time, you will probably experience real labor

contractions that are more intense and painful.

Other than this, you will experience phase II of labor which is

called active labor, where the cervix is dilated up to 10 cms

which leads to descending your baby into the pelvic region.

The contractions then push the baby to move through the birth

canal. The baby will be descended more slowly in first time


In phase III, the placenta will expel within 20 to 30 minutes after

the delivery. This organ must come out completely to avoid and

bleeding or infections later. However, your health care provider

will examine the placenta after it is expelled to be sure that no

fragments are left.

The baby is now ready for the world as it enters the pelvic

region. Its head is downwards and the back is facing against the

abdomen. A full-term baby weighs around 7 to 8 pounds and is

about 22 inches.

40 Weeks Pregnant – Being Full Term

Preserving health after pregnancy is as important as during

pregnancy because the infections of uterus, urinary tract and

breasts are common after delivery.

In addition to best diet after pregnancy, increase your water

intake as much as possible as it helps to clean the body from

harmful substances. Healthcare after pregnancy is both

important for the mother and her growing baby.Powered by


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