
Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Pregnancy. The Miracle of Life. The 3 Stages of Pregnancy. 3 rd trimester Months 7-9. 1 st trimester Months 1-3 . 2 nd trimester Months 4-6. Home. The First Trimester (months 1-3). Conception occurs when a male sperm and female egg meet in the fallopian tube to create a zygote. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PregnancyThe Miracle of Life

The 3 Stages of Pregnancy1st trimesterMonths 1-3

2nd trimesterMonths 4-6

3rd trimesterMonths 7-9


The First Trimester(months 1-3)

Conceptionoccurs when a male sperm and female egg meet in the fallopian tube to create a zygote.

The zygote has inherited 23 chromosomes from mom and 23 chromosomes from dad and has all the equipment needed to begin human development.

Week 5The zygote has now made its way to the uterus and has implanted into the uterine wall.

The fifth week marks the beginning of the baby’s embryonic period and has begun to form a brain, spinal cord, major organs and a heart.

3rd MonthBy the end of the end of the third month or week 12, the embryo’s form has increased its development and is now a fetus. The profile, finger nails and genitals are now developed. The fetus is approximately 3 inches long and weighs ½ ounce.

The Second Trimester(months 4-6)

Week 16Facial expressions begin to form and are more distinct. The fetus can make sucking motions with its mouth and the ears are nearing their final position. Eye movement has begun as well as the baby’s overall bodily movement. The fetus is now about 5 inches long and nearing 4 ounces in weight.

5 monthsOr week 20 marks the halfway point of the pregnancy. The baby may now be big enough for movements to be felt by the mother.The baby’s skin is protected by a thick greasy substance called vernix caseosa. The baby is now approximately 6 inches long and weighs about 11 ounces or more.


6 MonthsOr at 24 weeks in development, the baby has formed a regular sleeping routine and has begun to grow hair on its head. The baby is a bit longer than 8 inches and weighs more than 1.3 lbs.With intensive medical care, some babies born at this point may be able to survive.

The Third Trimester(months 7-9)

Week 28The pregnancy is almost over!

Weight gain in the baby has smoothed out many of the wrinkles in the baby’s skin. The baby’s eyelashes have also formed and the eyelids appear partially opened.

The baby is now nearly 10 inches long and weighs about 2.5 lbs.

Babies born this week have a 90% chance of survival.

Week 33The baby’s eye pupil can now dilate, constrict and detect light entering into his or her eyes.

Week 38The baby is now considered full-term.

The organs can now function on their own and the baby prepares for birth in the head down position.

Week 40Due date!The baby now has enough fat and antibodies from the placenta to maintain temperature and fight infection.At about 14 inches long and 8.5 lbs the baby is ready for arrival!Don’t be alarmed if the baby arrives a week or two early or late according to your due date. Its normal.

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