pre menstral syndrome

Post on 14-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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Pre Menstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome refers to a wide range of physical or emotional symptoms that typically occur about 5 to 7 days before a woman starts her monthly menstrual cycle. The symptoms usually stop when menstruation begins, or shortly thereafter.

According to Ayurveda main cause of menstrual problems are imbalances of Vata dosha and the treatment modalities also aim at the pacification of this dosha rather than just treating the symptoms.

The most common symptoms are

Abdominal cramps Headache Less tolerance for noises and lights Confusion Difficulty in concentrating Fatigue Feelings of tension, anxiety Irritability Loss of sex drive Mood swings Poor judgment Sleep problems


Ayurvedic therapies

These therapies should ideally be undertaken by the woman when not in her menses.

Basti – these will pacify the vata dosha and ultimately relieve pain and discomfort.

Snehan and swedan – will relieve spasmodic pain and de-stress the body. Medicated oil massage followed by a steam provides a deeply soothing effect for the entire body.

Shriodhara – this is beneficial for psychological symptoms like mood swing, depression, anxiety etc.

Ayurvedic herbs for premenstrual syndrome

Shatavari - Shatavari is a climbing plant which grows in low forest areas throughout India. Commonly known as asparagus in English this herb has a rejuvenative effect upon the female reproductive organs. It is used internally for infertility, loss of libido, menstrual and menopausal problems. It both nourishes and cleanses the blood and the female reproductive organs. It is used for relieving pain and controlling blood loss during menstruation

Ashwagandha - This herb known as winter cherry in English is found mostly in regions of temperate climate. This herb is known to pacify the vata dosha and hence used as a health tonic for women. In ayurvedic texts it is mentioned to be as rasayana for vata dosha and hence indicated to be taken regularly by vata prakruti persons. It is also indicated in various disorders like stress, loss of sleep, paralysis, loss of sexual drive, impotence and other such.

Ashoka – it is the rain forest tree distributed in the western coastal zone of Indian subcontinent. It is widely used in menstrual disorders like abdominal pian, excessive bleeding, headache etc. Ashoka literally means something which destroys sorrow and menstrual disturbances are indeed greatest sorrow for women.

Ayurveda has advised certain rules to be followed by the women having menses

Avoid stressful situation because this aggravates PMS. Avoid salty, oily, or sugary foods, especially junk food that is too hot and

spicy. Don’t smoke. Avoid any alcoholic drinks during menses. Avoid any sort of vigorous exercise.

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