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    Your Personal Success Inventory

    Discover Where You Are So You Can Go

    Where You Want To Go and Become Who You Want to Be

    By Michael Angier


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    Personal Achievement Assessment

    Copyright 2012 Success Networks, International, Inc. Discover other titles by Michael and Dawn Angier:


    Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty While the authors have used their best efforts in preparing this tool, they make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaim any implied warranties. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. The authors shall not be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


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    Why You Should Use this Assessment

    Hi, I’m Michael Angier, and I created this tool to help you take a close and in-depth look at where you are now in terms of achievement and satisfaction. Let's say you decided to visit my home but had never been to the Tampa Bay area of Florida. If you were to call me and ask for driving directions to where I live, what's the first thing I would ask you? Of course, I would need to know where you are now. I couldn't begin to provide directions unless I first knew your starting point. In order to get anywhere we intend to go, we must determine and accept where we are. The absolute first step in getting anywhere we intend to go is to honestly know where we are. One of the reasons this is not done is that many people don't want to face the reality of their circumstances. They think it's worse than it is. And that might be so. But the way out of any place is an honest and accurate assessment of our present situation. My experience is that it's always better to face reality, however dark it might be. It takes courage, but the reward is well worth facing your fears. I was counseling someone once on their finances and recommended that she do a balance sheet—a thorough list of everything owned and everything owed. She was visibly upset and didn't want to do it. It was too painful for her to face her debts. She was ashamed and even angry for owing what she thought was too much money. Leaving her finances nebulous and untallied was preferable to getting them down on paper. The good news is this person did document the amounts of her debt—and they were substantial. The great news is that today she has no debt except her home mortgage—none.

    What Gets Measured Gets Done

    You can't manage what you don't measure. Conversely, what isn't measured doesn't get attention. Out of sight is out of mind, but the emotions, however painful, attached to the circumstances are always there. This important step is often missed by many people looking to be successful. They might know where they want to go—although I find far too many who don't—but they aren't willing to take the time to find out where they are now. Something which seems so basic is often ignored. I believe what's needed is a personal inventory—a checkup from the neck up—an honest analysis of where you are at this point in time.

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    By completing this assessment, you’ll have a better understanding of where you stand and which areas of your life may need improvement. You’ll likely identify some things that you may not have been aware of and discover some gaps that need filling in. There is a danger in doing an in-depth self-evaluation, however. That danger is in judging yourself for not being where you want to be. It’s important to take an objective viewpoint. Act like your own therapist—seeing what there is to see without judgment—discerning the truth without invalidating yourself in the process. You are where you are and that's all. It doesn't mean anything. It's just where you are. It matters not what the score is at half-time, it only matters when the clock runs down. This assessment is not the be-all and end-all for getting a fix on your present position. But it will get you started and help you to set goals and determine your priorities for projects which are important to you.

    There are No Right or Wrong Answers This assessment will provide you with information that you may have been missing. Some parts of it will be more critical than others depending on your stage of growth—but all areas are important. The process is designed to help you take a detailed snapshot of yourself at this particular point in time. By using it, you’ll be able to see where you want to set new objectives, shore up areas that are lacking and get yourself operating at peak performance. Your answers aren’t meant to be a judgment—but rather to help you observe the important areas of your life from a new vantage point. The knowledge, perspective and insight this exercise will provide you will help you to establish clearer priorities, make better decisions and save you considerable time, money and aggravation. If you are unfamiliar with some of the terminology, let us know and we can direct you toward helpful resources that explain more about what we’re talking about. You will emerge from the process with a much clearer and more complete picture or your life and a more comprehensive understanding of how all the pieces fit together. Going through this assessment will make you think. It will challenge you. It might even make you mad.

    But you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge and measure. I believe that clarity leads to power and that the more you understand, the sharper your focus, the more successful you will be—and the more satisfaction it will bring to you.

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    And then, in six months or a year, you can do this assessment again. You can use each one as a benchmark and, eventually, a roadmap to getting what you truly want. I know you will gain great benefit from working through each section, evaluating and looking for ways to make your company better.

    How to Use this Assessment I suggest you go through this process in a place where you are unlikely to be disturbed or distracted. It doesn’t have to be completed all at once. Take your time, be honest with your answers, and don’t rush the process. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. Simply be straight with yourself as to the truth of each statement. You may want to consult with trusted friends or family members to get their perspective, but for the most part you should be able to do this on your own. Your assessment is confidential. You need not share it with anyone. However, if you should decide to have me review it and we schedule a consultation, rest assured that I will hold this information in the strictest of confidence. Before you begin, remember what international speaker and consultant, Nido Qubein says, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you go; they merely determine where you start.” This exercise is a chance for you to see where you are now. Once you know where you are, you can chart your course to any place you decide. And you can count on my willingness to help you with your chart and your navigation. I invite you to look at the “Want More Help?” section, which follows the assessment to learn more.

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    Read each statement and choose the rating that best indicates your level of agreement:



    Needs Work


    I. General

    1. I am exceptionally clear on my top three life goals and make consistent progress on them. They are specific, measurable and time-bound.

    2. I am clear about the reasons why I have these goals (my ‘why’).

    3. I have a good plan for achieving each of them.

    4. I know and have a plan in place for my top three goals for each month.

    5. I am aware of, and focus, on my MVPs (Most Valuable Priorities) every day.

    6. I know and can articulate my core values.

    7. I have a clear and written personal mission statement.

    8. I have discovered my true passion and I am experiencing that passion.

    9. I have a support team of people to assist me in being my highest and best.

    10. I take sufficient time off on a regular basis to recharge.

    11. I feel successful—that I’m in the process of achieving what I want.

    12. I know how to have fun—and I do so on a regular basis.

    13. I maintain a Tolerations List and consistently work to eliminate any tolerations.

    14. I maintain a Win List, add to it regularly, and celebrate my wins.

    15. I regularly review and update my SWOT—Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (regarding my personal life).

    16. I have a coach and/or mentor who provides valuable and trusted advice and counsel.


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    Needs Work


    II. Physical & Health

    1. I am at my ideal weight for my age and good health.

    2. My cholesterol is at appropriate levels.

    3. I eat healthy foods and in proper quantities.

    4. I do not drink alcohol excessively.

    5. I do not take/use illegal drugs.

    6. I exercise on a consistent basis and in sufficient quantity.

    7. I am current on all recommended physical exams and tests.

    8. I sleep well and sufficiently.

    9. I consider myself extremely healthy.

    10. I have a detailed written vision of the life I am creating.

    III. Financial & Career

    1. My expenses are handled within my income.

    2. My income adequately supports my lifestyle, personal objectives and personal values.

    3. My net worth is more than adequate for my current situation.

    4. I have an excellent credit score (above 740).

    5. My financial records are orderly and up to date.

    6. My work is meaningful, fulfilling and enjoyable.

    7. I have no unsecured debt (or I am actively working my plan to get there).

    8. My bills are paid on time, every time.

    9. All tax returns and estimated payments are filed on time every time.

    10. My retirement account is properly funded.

    11. My work environment is supportive, comfortable and effective.

    12. I have an up-to-date will.

    13. I have an up-to-date and complete living trust.

    14. I have adequate insurance (liability, casualty, etc.).

    15. I have and follow a solid financial plan/budget.


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    Needs Work


    IV. Social & Cultural

    1. I am active and supportive of my community.

    2. I have a network of meaningful, supportive friends to whom I’m also supportive.

    3. My wardrobe is adequate and satisfying to me. It represents me well.

    4. I feel good about my level of philanthropy.

    V. Mental & Educational

    1. I have an adequate and appropriate level of formal education.

    2. I am on a lifelong quest for knowledge.

    3. I invest in myself and participate regularly in my continuing education.

    4. I read, and study regularly, to increase my knowledge.

    5. I have ongoing plans to enhance my skills.

    6. My attitude is viewed as positive and optimistic.

    7. My vocabulary is accomplished and improving.

    8. I communicate very effectively.

    9. I surround myself with people from whom I learn and stimulate me on a regular basis.

    VI. Family & Home

    1. My relationship with my spouse/significant other is excellent.

    2. My relationship with my children is excellent.

    3. My relationship with my parents is excellent.

    4. My relationship with my siblings is excellent.

    5. My relationship with my neighbors and friends are excellent.

    6. I love where I live.

    7. I love my home.

    8. My home is clean and well organized.

    9. My car is dependable, and represents me well.

    10. My workspace is clean and organized.

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    Needs Work


    VII. Spiritual & Ethical

    1. I live and operate in integrity in all areas of my life.

    2. I keep my agreements.

    3. My relationship with my Higher Power is extremely close.

    4. I pray and/or meditate regularly.

    5. I am supportive, dependable and responsible to others.

    6. I have no activities that have any likelihood of being illegal.

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    We hope you’ve found this process helpful and enlightening. Now we recommend that you identify three rankings that are below adequate that you would like to target for improvement. Then, plan the strategies and projects that will allow you to rank these areas as excellent the next time you use this assessment.

    Want More Help? If you decide you would like to have my perspective and recommendations, I would be happy to help you. We can meet by phone and I’ll ask a few more questions and give you my recommendations. I usually charge over $500 an hour for personal consultations, but because I really want to help you to your next level of achievement, I'm offering a special price—only $100. This is for my personal review and telephone consultation. I’m so confident in the value I can provide for you that I’m willing to give you a unique guarantee. If after we’ve met on the phone, you don’t think this process, the consultation and my suggestions were worth at least $500 to you, I will gladly refund you the $100. It doesn’t get much better than that.

    Note: Because of Time Constraints, this Offer May Be Withdrawn at Any Time AND . . . If you qualify, and you decide to become part of my Inner-Circle or Diamond Club program, the consultation fee is transferable—you can use it as your first month’s membership. www.SuccessNetDiamonds.com All I require is that you fully complete the assessment and the short profile we’ll send you before we speak. I promise to give you my best observation and insight to help you achieve your personal and professional best. Whether you choose to keep this instrument a self assessment or we spend some time together finding ways to achieve your full and unique potential, I wish you the best of success. To order your review, evaluation and consult, eMail me at skipper@SuccessNet.org


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    Personal Achievement Assessment

    SuccessNet Resources

    The Achievement Code Master the 3Cs to Getting What You Truly Want http://AchievementCode.com

    Your Core Values™ eCourse Discover, define and begin living in accordance with your true values. Decisions, work and life become easier. http://YourCoreValues.com How to Write a Motivating Mission Statement We’ve developed a special report to guide you through a series of helpful steps to create your own impassioned mission statement. http://SuccessNet.org/mission-report.htm How to Write an Inspiring Vision Statement This special shows you exactly how to get clear on and craft a grand and inspiring vision. www.SuccessNet.org/vision.htm Small Business Assessment http://SmallBusinessAssessment.com Diamond Club MasterMind Team Reach your goals with training from SuccessNet and the support of your very own MasterMind Team http://SuccessNetDiamonds.com Professional Presentations Package—Full of Resources Improve your presentations skills and create a WOW! audience experience http://SuccessNetPresentations.com 101 Best Ways to Get Ahead & 101 Best Ways to Be Your Best The most successful people in the world give their best advice to help you achieve. http://101BestWays.com SuccessMark™ Cards Inspirational and motivational online greeting cards—free! http://SuccessMarkCards.com Automate Your Online Business http://SuccessNetSystems.com


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    About SuccessNet

    SuccessNet is a support network of people committed to operating at their personal and professional best—to creating excellence in their lives and throughout their respective organizations. We support people in developing the skills, knowledge, belief and passion to achieve their objectives.

    Our Mission: To help you discover your purpose, live your passion and create prosperity.

    SuccessNet is dedicated to helping you become more knowledgeable, prosperous and effective. In addition to our publications, we provide a complete membership package dedicated to making your road to success easier and more fun. Since 1995, over 200,000 people from all around the globe have benefited from the SuccessNet experience. People from all walks of life become members: small-business owners, managers and people who want to get ahead in their careers. Our members want to maximize their potential, improve the quality of their lives and make a lasting difference in the world. SuccessNet is for good people and good companies who want to become even better.

    Free Access (and free reports)

    Join at www.SuccessNet.org Visit our web site at www.SuccessNet.org

    Success Networks International, Inc. 5468 Firethorn Point Spring Hill, Florida 34609-9509 USA BeYourBest@SuccessNet.org 352.470.0812 voice


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    About Michael Angier

    Michael Angier is the founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) of SuccessNet, the popular web-based community dedicated to helping people and companies grow and prosper.

    Michael is a father, husband, mentor, author, speaker, entrepreneur, coach and student. Michael’s passion is human potential, develop and fulfill their dreams

    is his purpose, which is clearly reflected in SuccessNet. Michael is one of those individuals who has found his purpose in life and aligns all his endeavors with it. Intrigued by the science of individual achievement early in his life, Michael has devoted himself to advancing his experience and expertise in personal and professional development for more than 40 years. In his youth, already an ardent student of the principles of success, Michael began reading biographies of successful individuals and was fascinated by their lives and the contributions they made to the world. Michael is married to Dawn Angier—his partner, best friend, mentor, teacher, student and confidant. They live in the Tampa Bay area of Florida and have six children and two grandchildren. Michael enjoys tennis, traveling, reading and helping people realize their dreams.

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    Connect with Michael Online:









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