powepoint presentation on classification

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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Powepoint presentation on classification


Grouping of different types of organisms based on similarities

Branch of biology that deals with classification of living things

Carl Linnaeus classified the living world as plant kingdom and animal kingdom

Carl Linnaeus suggested different levels of classification on the basis of similarities and differences and devised the system of naming each organism scientifically .

Hence he is considered the father of scientific classification


All plants are included in the Kingdom Plantae

Plants vary greatly in form and size. The body is usually asymmetrical. In higher forms of plants structures like leaves and plants have a definite form and shape

Multicellular organisms which do not have the power the locomotion

Nutrition in plants is usually autotrophic.

The body of the plant is composed of cells. All the cells of the plant body have a distinct cell wall and nucleus

Plants have reserve food as starch

Plants grow throughout their life span

All animals are included in this kingdom

Body of animals exhibits a definite symmetry , form and shape.

Animals can move from one place to another.

Animal body is also made up of cells, the cells, the cells do not have the cell wall.

Animals cannot prepare food by themselves hence they are heterotrophic

Carl Linnaeus[1700’s]

All organisms are divided into seven levels of classification

These are the seven levels in the classification of plants and animals

Each kingdom is classified in to many phylum's and each phylum is classified in to many classes

In Animal kingdom each class is divided in to many series

But in plant kingdom each class is divided in to many series

The order of each animal kingdom series of each plant kingdom is divided in to many families

Each family is divided in to many Genus and each genus is divided in to many species

The basic unit of classification is species.

One kind of organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring.

The members of organisms of two different species cannot interbreed.

The off spring produced in interspecific breeding may be fertile.

Eg; tiger-a species named tigris

Closely related species are united to

form genus

EG:- Panthera [ lion , tiger , cheetah ]

Group of similar genera constitute a family

EG:- Felidae [ cheetah ,lion , tiger ]

Similar families are grouped into order

Eg:- Carnivore [ flesh eating animals in mammalian]

Similar orders are grouped in to


Eg:-Mammalia [ those who give birth to young ones and feed them with milk ]

Similar classes are grouped under next category called phylum

Eg:- chordata [ animals having vertebral column ]

Kingdom represents the highest category in which all similar phyla are grouped in to order

EG : - Animalia , plantae

Living organism are numerous and highly diversified in their character.

These organisms are classified into different groups for better approach and understanding

Carolus Linnaeus classified the living organism in systematic manner.

This kingdom of classification laid the base for modern classification and was quite a reasonable at that period of time ,plants and animals could be quite easily distinguished.

Dr.B.B.Arora and A.K Sabharwal [2010]: a text book of biology std : XII , Modem publication

Dr.E.Valsala kumar [2004] : A text book of botany and zoology , Trivandrum publications

Kumar Pushkar and Dr. A.P Singh[2011]: A textbook of CSIR –UGC Life science , Upakarpublications.

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