post reconstruction industrialization 1877-1900

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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POST RECONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIALIZATION 1877-1900. Conclusion of Civil war. Division of the United States North v. South Industrial advancement Railroad / Internal Combustion Engine United States Reconstruction ends. What is a Democrat. Also known as a “Liberal” Strong States include…… - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



POST RECONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIALIZATION 1877-1900Conclusion of Civil warDivision of the United StatesNorth v. South

Industrial advancementRailroad / Internal Combustion Engine

United States Reconstruction ends

What is a DemocratAlso known as a Liberal

Strong States includeCalifornia Massachusetts

Democrats Favor Minimum wage and progressive taxation (higher tax for wealthy)Decreased spending on military

What is a RepublicanAlso known as a Conservative

Strong States includeOklahoma Texas

Republicans FavorTaxes staying the same (no matter your income)Increased spending on military

New Industries emergeNew TechnologiesElectrical power replaced steam and water powerLarger factories produced more and more goodsFaster transportation moved people and goods more cheaply

Dramatic industrial growthPeriod sometimes called the Second Industrial Revolution

Railroads ExpandMore tracks

Union Pacific

Between 1865 and 1890, the number of miles of railroad track increased nearly fivefold. Aiding the growth, the federal government gave thousands of acres of land to railroad companies

Laid tracks westward from Omaha, NebraskaPrairie lands and gently rolling hills made for quick progressRailroads ExpandCentral PacificTracks were laid eastward from Sacramento, CaliforniaChinese workers laid tracks through tougher terrain, crossing deserts and blasting through mountainsUniting the country physically and economically, the two rail lines met on May 18, 1869Important effectsCreation of the rail network promoted trade and provided jobs. Demand for rails and railcars boosted steel industry & train manufacturers.

Settlement of the West was easier, and sparsely populated areas began to fill with residents. With railroads, new towns were founded and existing ones expanded

Important effectsRailroads led to the adoption of standard time. Before, each area had its own local time based on the position of the sun. Accurate timekeeping was needed for trains to keep to their schedule.

C.F. Dowd proposed dividing the earth into time zones, setting the clocks alike in each zone. Railroad officials used this idea in 1883, and by 1918 standard time was adopted for the nation as a whole. starterWhat is a current event that you heard about this weekend in the news? Summarize the story for me and tell me why it is relevant today.

Favorable climate for businessThe American ideal was one of self-reliant individualism. A strong work ethic made one successful, and entrepreneurs risked their money and talents in new venturesFree MarketsWith capitalism, competition determines prices and wages, and most industries are run by private businesses.

In the 1800s, business leaders believed in laissez-faire capitalism with no government intervention.

They believed government regulation would destroy self-reliance, reduce profits, and harm the economy.

Charles DarwinFavorable climate for businessSocial DarwinismMany thinkers believed that inequalities were part of the natural order.

Charles Darwin believed that members of a species compete for survival in a natural selection process.

Applied to society, stronger people, businesses, and nations would prosper, and weaker ones would fail in a survival of the fittest.Business structures changeProprietorships & PartnershipsSmall businesses were run by individual proprietors or had more than one owner in a partnership. The owners are personally responsible for all business debts & obligations

CorporationsAs industries grew, the structure of ownership changed. Businesses were owned by stockholders; decisions made by a board of directors, with day-today operations run by corporate officers. Investment money was raised by selling stock, and investors were bound only by the amount of their investmentBusiness structures changeTrusts & MonopoliesSome companies merged and turned their stocks over to a board of trustees who ran the group of companies as a single entity. Sometimes a trust gained a monopoly, having compete control of an industryWith no competition, prices could be raised or lowered at will.Key PeopleKey PeopleInformationAndrew CarnegieCornelius VanderbiltGeorge PullmanJohn D. RockefellerC.F. DowdCharles DarwinTerence V. Powderly

Background Info

What they are known for

Why was it important

Industrial TycoonsRockefeller & Oil

Used both vertical and horizontal integration to capture 90% of the U.S. oil refinery business by 1879.

Rockefeller gave away over half of his fortune to charity. He donated millions to education and good works through his Rockefeller Foundation.

Industrial tycoonsCarnegie & SteelAndrew Carnegie rose from an immigrant child to steel magnate. He used profits from various business investments to found his own company.

By end of the century, the Carnegie Steel Company dominated the U.S. steel industry.

After retiring, Carnegie devoted his time to charity, supporting education and building public libraries

Industrial tycoonsCornelius VanderbiltBegan investing in railroads during the Civil War. By 1872, he owned the New York Central Railroad.

At the height of his career he controlled 4,500 miles of track

Supported few charities, but gave money to what would come to be Vanderbilt University. Died leaving an estate of $100 million.

Industrial tycoonsGeorge PullmanMade his fortune designing and building sleeper cars that made long-distance travel more comfortable.

Built a town south of Chicago to house workers in relative comfort, believing happy workers were more productive.

The Pullman Company controlled aspects of life in the town, and criticism was not tolerated.

Charles DarwinStudied plants and animals and believed that species compete for survival Social Darwinism: members of a species compete for survival in a natural selection process Inequalities are apart of the natural order of lifeApplied to people, society, business, etc.

Charles F. DowdBelieved accurate time keeping was important to keep trains on schedule

Proposed dividing the earth into time zones

Railroad officials used this idea in 1883, and by 1918 it was adopted throughout the world.

Terence v. powderlyLeader of the Knights of Labor

By 1880s, they began to accept unskilled workers, women, and African Americans as members

He campaigned for reforms such as 8 hour workdays & end to child labor through boycotts and negotiations.

StarterPick up an article off the front tableRead it and answer these questions on the back..

What was Rezwan Ferdaus attempting to do to the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol building?

How did the FBI catch him?

What is the United States doing to catch these terrorists before they can succeed in their plot? What else could they do to stop these events from happening?A Mixed legacyCritics:Business tycoons were robber barons who profited unfairly by squeezing out competitors. They lived in lavish lifestyles from their ill-gotten rewards

Proponents:Business tycoons were captains of industry who used their business skills to make the American economy more productive. They made the American economy stronger.Mass marketingRetailers looked for new ways to maximize their profits

Mass marketing

What are ways we mass market today?GOVERNMENT & BusinessHands-off policyGovernment didnt interfere with business in the late 1800s, but as corporations expanded and gained power, that policy began to change

Controlling the giantsSherman Antitrust Act passed in 1890, making it illegal to form trusts that interfered with free trade. Also prohibited monopolies and activities hindering competitionGOVERNMENT & BusinessWorkersThe government paid less attention to workers, who scraped by on small wages.

By 1890, 10% of the population controlled 75% of the nations wealth

The rich, and many industrial workers made less than $500 per yearIndustrial WorkersThe WorkforceFactory workers were immigrants or rural Americans moving to cities for jobsBest jobs went to native-born whites or European immigrantsLess well-paying jobs were open to African Americans, as household help or laborersBy 1900, 1 in 6 children (ages 10-15) held factory jobsWorking ConditionsMost unskilled laborers worked 10-hour days, six days a weekNo paid vacation / sick leaveSpeed of production led to terrible accidents. Injured workers were replacedSweatshops were common and were cramped workshops set up in shabby tenement buildings were common in the garment industryWorkers seek changeEarly organizing

Haymarket Riot (1886)

In 1794, Philadelphia shoemakers formed a trade union. Over decades, unions formed for skilled trade workers, but they remained small and local

In Haymarket Square in Chicago, crowds gathered to protest violent police action at the strike the day before. Someone threw a bomb into the crowed , causing people to panic, and gunfire rang out. After the situation calmed, 11 people were dead, and another 100 suffered injuries.

Workers seek changeThe Great Railroad Strike

American Federation of Labor (AFL)After wage cuts, the first railroad strike occurred in 1877. Initial strikes quickly spread, and the state militias were called out. Violence ensued, lives were lost, and costly damage was done. The arrival of U.S. Army troops put an end to the strike.

Formed by Samuel Gompers, it was a group of union members that formed and using strikes and other tactics, the AFL won wage increases and shorter work weeks

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