polycystic ovary syndrome

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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gynaecological disease


Polycystic ovary syndrome (say "pah-lee-SIS-tik OH-vuh-ree SIN-drohm") is a problem in which a womans hormones are out o! balance" It can cause problems with your periods and make it di!!icult to #et pre#nant" P$OS also may cause unwanted chan#es in the way you look" I! it isnt treated% over time it can lead to serious health problems% such as diabetes and heart disease"&ost women with P$OS #row many small cysts on their ovaries" 'hat is why it is called polycystic ovary syndrome" 'he cysts are not harm!ul but lead to hormone imbalances"(arly dia#nosis and treatment can help control the symptoms and prevent lon#-term problems"Hormones are chemical messen#ers that tri##er many di!!erent processes% includin# #rowth and ener#y production" O!ten% the )ob o! one hormone is to si#nal the release o! another hormone"*or reasons that are not well understood% in P$OS the hormones #et out o! balance" One hormone chan#e tri##ers another% which chan#es another" *or e+ample, 'he se+ hormones #et out o! balance" Normally% the ovaries make a tiny amount o! male se+ hormones (andro#ens)" In P$OS% they start makin# sli#htly more andro#ens" 'his may cause you to stop ovulatin#% #et acne% and #row e+tra !acial and body hair" 'he body may have a problem usin# insulin% called insulin resistance" -hen the body doesnt use insulin well% blood su#ar levels #o up" Over time% this increases your chance o! #ettin# diabetes"'he cause o! P$OS is not !ully understood% but #enetics may be a !actor" P$OS seems to run in !amilies% so your chance o! havin# it is hi#her i! other women in your !amily have it or have irre#ular periods or diabetes" P$OS can be passed down !rom either your mothers or !athers side"Symptoms tend to be mild at !irst" .ou may have only a !ew symptoms or a lot o! them" 'he most common symptoms are, /cne" -ei#ht #ain and trouble losin# wei#ht" (+tra hair on the !ace and body" O!ten women #et thicker and darker !acial hair and more hair on the chest% belly% and back" 'hinnin# hair on the scalp" Irre#ular periods" O!ten women with P$OS have !ewer than nine periods a year" Some women have no periods" Others have very heavy bleedin#" *ertility problems" &any women who have P$OS have trouble #ettin# pre#nant (in!ertility)" 0epression"'o dia#nose P$OS% the doctor will, /sk 1uestions about your past health% symptoms% and menstrual cycles" 0o a physical e+am to look !or si#ns o! P$OS% such as e+tra body hair and hi#h blood pressure" 'he doctor will also check your hei#ht and wei#ht to see i! you have a healthy body mass inde+ (2&I)" 0o a number o! lab tests to check your blood su#ar% insulin% and other hormone levels" Hormone tests can help rule out thyroid or other #land problems that could causesimilar symptoms".ou may also have a pelvic ultrasound to look !or cysts on your ovaries" .our doctor may be able to tell you that you have P$OS without an ultrasound% but this test will help him or her rule out other problems"3e#ular e+ercise% healthy !oods% and wei#ht control are the key treatments !or P$OS" 'reatment can reduce unpleasant symptoms and help prevent lon#-term health problems" 'ry to !it in moderate activity and4or vi#orous activity o!ten" -alkin# is a #reat e+ercise that most people can do" (at heart-healthy !oods" 'his includes lots o! ve#etables% !ruits% nuts% beans% and whole #rains" It limits !oods that are hi#h in saturated !at% such as meats% cheeses% and !ried !oods" &ost women who have P$OS can bene!it !rom losin# wei#ht" (ven losin# 56 lb (7"8 k#) may help #et your hormones in balance and re#ulate your menstrual cycle" I! you smoke% consider 1uittin#" -omen who smoke have hi#her andro#en levels that may contribute to P$OS symptoms"5.our doctor also may prescribe birth control pills to reduce symptoms% met!ormin to helpyou have re#ular menstrual cycles% or !ertility medicines i! you are havin# trouble #ettin#pre#nant"It is important to see your doctor !or !ollow-up to make sure that treatment is workin# and to ad)ust it i! needed" .ou may also need re#ular tests to check !or diabetes% hi#h blood pressure% and other possible problems"It may take a while !or treatments to help with symptoms such as !acial hair or acne" .ou can use over-the-counter or prescription medicines !or acne"It can be hard to deal with havin# P$OS" I! you are !eelin# sad or depressed% it may help to talk to a counselor or to other women who have P$OS"

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