political science part 2

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  • 8/8/2019 political science part 2


    Dar al Uloom-i-Deoband


    Dr. Abdul Rauf


    The role of the ulama in the war of independence 1857

    Mawlana Rashid Ahmad Ganguhi (1828-1905) acted as commander

    and Qazi of the fighting force at Shamili and Mawlana Qasim Nanwtvi

    (1833-1877) also fought against the British.

    Foundation of the Madrassah: May 30, 1866 (first class started under a tree).

    On December 1867 a dar ul Uloom was established at Deoband in Saharnpur

    district UP.

    Principles at the time of establishment

    No funds from the government

    No funds from the people who can influence its policies.

    Decisions on the basis of consultation

    Similarities of thinking among the Teachers

    Performance of the Deoband

    Establishment of schools in other parts of British India.

    This institution developed into a great seat of learning only second to Azhar

    in Egypt

    Till 2004 produced 32,806 graduates, 6% from outside India

    Between 1911 and 1976 issued 439336 fatwas

    Emerged as a movement

    Jamiat al Ulam-i-Hind in British India

    Tablighi Jamaat

    Political role in Pakistan

    Political role in Afghanistan-Taliban Government

    Performance of Deuband

  • 8/8/2019 political science part 2


    Religious institutions survived-EIC enacted to end the Muslim Waqf attached

    to Madrasah.

    Created a self confidence among the Muslim community for the promotion of

    Islam against all odds

    Produced thousands of religious experts who lead the community in

    performing religious rituals

    Economic aspect of the Muslims was ignored

    Less successful in responding to the intellectual challenges of the British


    Role in Freedom Struggle

    1857 war of independence Hajji Imdadullah mahjir makki- migrated to


    Supported the Mujahidin movement in north west part of India, Chamarkand,

    Asmast, Tahkot, Tirah, Makin

    Jamiat ul Ulama-i-Hind (1919/20)

    First demand of independence was made by JUH in 1926?

    Mawlana Husain Ahmad Madani,

    Maulana Mufti Kifayatullah Dehlavi,

    Maulana Sayyid Fakhrud-Deen Ahmad, and later on, Maulana Hifzur-


    Maulana Mufti Ateequr-Rahman Usmani,

    Maulana Minnatullah Rahmani,

    Maulana Habibur-Rahman Ludhyanvi,

    Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Miyan Deobandi

    Collaborated with the I.N.C.

    Deuband and Pakistan

    Did not supported Pakistan

    However some ulama supported Pakistan

    Mawlana Ashraf Ali thanwi

  • 8/8/2019 political science part 2


    Mawlana Mufti Mohammad Shafi

    Mawlana Shabir Ahmad Usmani

    Reason for the success and survival of the Institution despite

    Government opposition

    1. Piety of the leadership

    2. Commitment and devotion of the leaders to their cause

    3. Integrity and credibility of the leadership.

    4. Division of work.

    1. Madrassah: Wafaq al Madaris

    2. Preaching: Tablighi Jamaat

    3. Politics: Jamiat al Ulama-i-Islam

    Maslik(Track) of Deuband

    The established religious order had made too many compromises with its

    foreign environment and therefore Islam needed to be purified of these

    foreign elements.

    To live out the pure Islamic tradition they hold close Taqlid(acceptance of the

    old interpretations) and rejected ijitehador reinterpretation of Islamic

    precepts to accommodate the changing times.

    It should also be noted that they are strict adherents to the Hanafi school of


    Adherence to the outlook (mashrab) of its founders Mawalana Mohammad

    Qasim Nanutavi and Mawlana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi.

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