polish folklore prezentacje uczniÓw. krakowiak is the most popular dance, which became a polish...

Post on 10-Dec-2015






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Krakowiak is the most popular dance, which became a Polish folk dance icons.

One of the traditional elements of culture are Krakow Christmas cribs.

One of the cards is Lajkonik Krakow. Lajkonik tradition, is very interesting and unique, not only in Polish, but also the world.

Krakowiacy are two types of folk costumes. Krakowiak costumes East and West.


Folklor góralski jest kultywowany na co dzień. W Polsce Górali dzieli się na kilka grup, różnice pomiędzy tymi grupami możemy dostrzec w strojach ludowych oraz w gwarze. Największym centrum folkloru góralskiego jest Zakopane.  Odwiedzając to miasto, na każdym kroku możemy spotkać takie elementy folkloru jak: stroje, gwara i kuchnia.

Mountain folklore is practiced every day. In Poland, the Highlanders are divided into several groups, the differences between groups, we can see the costumes and local dialect. The largest city is the Zakopane mountain folklore. When visiting this city, at every step we can to meet the elements of folklore as costumes, dialects and cuisine.

Every group of highlannders can boast their own folk costumes. Currently, the most famous outfit is a costumes region of Podhale. It is a multitude of highland dress, best reflects the diversity of mountain folklore.

Każda grupa górali może poszczycić się własnym strojem ludowym. Obecnie najbardziej znanym strojem góralskim jest strój. To właśnie mnogość strojów góralskich, najlepiej odzwierciedla bogactwo folkloru góralskiego.

Highland dance traditions are derived largely from habits Wallachian shepherds, so dancing is mainly highland dancing for men, which are designed to show the strength and agility. Specifications highland dances, has made that the role of women in dance is often a small decorative. The main dancers are men.

Tradycje tańców góralskich wywodzą się w dużej mierze ze zwyczajów pasterzy wołoskich, dlatego tańce góralskie to przede wszystkim tańce męskie, które mają na celu pokazanie siły i zręczności. Specyfikacja tańców góralskich, sprawiła, że rola kobiety w tańcach jest niewielka często dekoracyjna. Głównymi tancerzami są mężczyźni.

Traditional cuisine is primarily a highland unique taste. The mountainous cuisine is based mainly on potatoes, sour cabbage, bundz and sheep cheese. An important tradition that has survived in the region of Zakopane is ensiling cabbage, which is placed in barrels lined with leaves of and then kneaded her bare feet.

Tradycyjna kuchnia góralska to przede wszystkim niepowtarzalny smak. W kuchni góralskiej bazuje się głownie na ziemniakach, kwaszonej kapuście, bundzu i sheep cheese. Istotną tradycją, która przetrwała w regionie Zakopanego jest kiszenie kapusty, którą układa się w beczkach, wyłożonych liśćmi a następnie ugniata się ją boso.

Folklor Kujawski

Kujawa is a small region located between Wielkopolska, Mazovia and the Kashubian region.One of the most famous elements of folklore Kujawski , a dance melody, which received national status. Also the kitchen Kujawy developed its own waters, which to some extent is related to the kitchen

Wielkopolska. Kujawski dress was sewn with good species of cloth and silk, which were often imported from abroad. For this reason, the clothes Kujawskie were very expensive clothing and one of the more expensive in Poland. Additionally, these outfits were characterized by resemblance to the noble costumes, which gave them dignity. Kujawa the region were varied, some came under Prussian rule, and the second part under Russian.



Chodkowska Joanna Class VI C


Folklore Łowicki is know throughout the world thanks to the unique character. Łowicz costumes are called „pasiaki”. They have evolved over the years. Dance created in Łowicz is oberek. The dancing is also Łowicz: „ Kujon”, „Chodzony” and „Walczyk”. In the Corpus Christi procession organized Łowicz. Assistance is wear in clothes Łowicz. Łowicz handicrafts are known cutouts. They are divided into: kordy, gwiozdy and tasiemki. Cutouts like the people over the world.



Clothes Łowicki


Cutouts Proces


Kurpie l

Location in Poland

Information about Kurpie

• Kurpie is a name of space in nothern part of Poland. In this area is Puszcza Kurpiowska – big and protected forest. Kurpie have got rivers all around their area – Pisy, Orzyc and Narwia. It’s about 2000 km². It’s divided for three voivodeships – mazowieckie, podlaskie and warmińsko-mazurskie. The bigest city in this area is village called Kadzidło (incense). Recognized capital city of Kurpie is Myszyniec.

People in Kurpie

• In Kurpie live about 65 000 people. They have many traditions, celebrations and rites. For example young guys are going and singing all around village with star and cross.

• In Kurpie is folkloristic music band called ,,Carniacy’’. The band was founded in 1935. They were performed on many festivals and they gained recognition.

Characteristic elements in Kurpie:

• Costumes:


Amber ornaments


Flowers of crepe paper

Palms on Palm Sunday

Greater Poland


By: Aleksandra Tananis

What is Greater Poland Folk?Wielkopolska is one of the oldest Polish historical regions. This is place where began the process of building the Polish State. The whole history of the Piast Dynasty is associated with the Wielkopolska, so it is not surprising that the Wielkopolska was the mainstay of Polish during the occupation and forced Germanization. Dances from Grater Poland unlike to spontaneous dances from other regions, characterized by dignity and seriousness. To the typical dances Grater belongs cheers, fore, chilled. Nowoczesność these dances can be seen only in the performance of folk bands on some kinds of celebrations and folk festivals.Greater characterized by only one of its kind musical instruments. The most popular in this region are bagpipes, goat and siesianki. It is wort to stress that except for the Greater, bagpipes can be found only in the Podhale and Żywiec. Learn to play the instruments of this type starts from the ,,siesianek” that were manufactured specifically for this purpose. After finishing the study it could be possibly to reach the bagpipes or goat. These two instruments are differ in construction and sound issued. Pipe located in the driver's seat has eight holes, which is one more than the bagpipes and is much longer. But the most important difference lies in sackcloth, which in the case of the goat is made exclusively from goat skin, keeping hair.How many ethnic groups, that many types of costumes. For our time survived some costumes including costume biskupiański, dress szamotulski, dress dąbrowski (from Dąbrówka Wielkopolska) and costume lubuski. Characteristic for all types of costumes is color of it. They are mostly shades of red and navy blue with black elements. Definitly smaller importance was attached to ornaments.


Thanks for watching :3

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