pointer definitions, usage, operations, arrays of pointers, function pointers referencing addresses,...

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1
  • Pointer definitions, usage, operations, arrays of pointers, function pointers Referencing addresses, Pointers
  • Slide 2
  • The Pointer Concept and Usage in C Concept of Pointer as memory address Pointer definitions Usage of pointers Operations on pointers Function arguments: Call by Value/Reference Arrays of pointers and Pointer types of Functions The const qualifier Pointers to Functions
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  • Concept of Pointer as memory address All programs exist in RAM when executing Data and Code Variables and data structures (eg. arrays) are allocated memory locations (addresses) In static blocks, in stack frames, on the heap It is often useful to exploit knowledge of data structures along with location, or address, data It is the ability to define a variable that stores address values, coupled with the ability to indirectly access meaningful data values, that makes pointers useful.
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  • Concept of Pointer as memory address For program codes produced by a compiler, RAM is partitioned into blocks of memory according to what kind of data is placed in the blocks Executable instructions (code) Data Stacks Heaps Buffers For programmer defined variables, names are used int intVarname = 64 ; float fltVarName = 3.14159 ; Although we usually think of the value stored in a variable, the variable name actually refers to a RAM address (at which the value is stored) However, the names of scalar variables do not correspond directly to their address location values intVarname does not have a value ! CODE DATA BUFFERS STACKS HEAP Code Block Address Data Block Address Heap Block Address Stack Block Address Buffer Block Address intVarname fltVarname 64 3.14159
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  • Pointer definitions C defines two pointer related operators * - dereferencing (asterisk) & - address_of (ampersand) Examples: // Variable name for an integer storage with value 5 int Varname = 5 ; /* Variable name for a pointer-to-integer storage with value set to the RAM address of Varname */ int * ptrVarname = &Varname ; The strongly typed nature of the C language dictates that all pointers must be type-specific. Each pointer variable is said to point to a RAM address where it is expected that data of a compatible type is stored. Any type incompatibility will be reported as a compiler error.
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  • Usage of pointers Declarations int N, *ptrN ; // N is an int variable, ptrN is pointer double * X, * Y ; // Must always use * for each pointer Assigning values ptrN = &N ; // Use the address-of operator to get the RAM address X = Y ; // Can assign type compatible pointers *X = 24.53 ; /* Use dereferencing to assign compatible values that will be stored at the RAM location X is pointing to */ *Y = *X ; /* Copy the value stored where X is pointing to where Y is pointing */ WARNING! Be careful to separate the notion of data value from memory address Variables that hold meaningful data provide direct access to RAM Pointers that hold address data provide indirect access to RAM when dereferencing them to get at meaningful data
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  • Usage of pointers There is a special constant that deserves emphasis NULL If a pointer variable is not assigned a value then it cannot referenced. It is useful to have a value that can be referenced, but which indicates no particular value of the address int * ptr = NULL ; This provides advantages in programming logic because one can test the value of a pointer if ( ptr != NULL ) { /* perform logic */ } We will see much more use of NULL pointers in future discussion of dynamic linked lists and other advanced data structures
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  • Operations on pointers The following operations are meaningful for pointers and define pointer arithmetic Assume the declarations: int aN [100] ; char aC [256] ; double aD [ 1000 ] ; int * pN ; char * pC ; double * pD ; The following are valid statements: pN = aN ; pC = aC ; pD = aD ; // Array names are pointers !! pN = &aN[0] ; pC = &aC[0] ; pD = &aD[0] ; // Equivalent to above pN = pN + 1 ; // Points to aN[1] pN++ ; ++pN ; // . and then to aN[2], then aN[3] pN -= 3 ; // . and now back to aN[0] Note above that we have used +, -=, and ++ All arithmetic operations on pointers must involve integer addition or subtraction only !
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  • Operations on pointers Pointers are often used with arrays. Assume the following: float A[1000], * ptrA = &A[0], * ptrB = &A[49] ; Consider the following equivalent statements A[5] = 6.73 ; ptrA[5] = 6.73 ; *(ptrA+5) = 6.73 ; Now consider a problem. Using pointer arithmetic only, determine the array subscript corresponding to the position of the pointer relative to the beginning of the array: Assume: int Subscript ; Answer: Subscript = ( ptrB ptrA ) / sizeof( float ) ; // the value above is 49 Note that pointers can be subtracted from each other, but not added! If A, B, C and D are compatible pointers, then consider the expressions: A B OKA + B ERR A B + COKA + B CERR A B + C D OKA + (B - C) OK (A B) + (C D) OK A B D + C ERR
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  • Arrays of pointers Problem: Sort a 2D array in ascending order on first column: double X[1000][50000] ; Note that the size of the rows is immense so exchanging rows will take a lot of processing time Answer: Use an array of pointers: double * pX[1000], * tptr ; Initialize each element to point to the beginning of each row for( k=0; k
  • The const qualifier When both the pointer, and the data to which it points, are intended to be modified non-const pointer to non-const data Example: Assume: int N = 5, A[5] = {1,2,3,4,5} ; Function: void Add1 ( int * B, int n ) { for( ; n>0 ; n--, B++ ) (*B)++ ; return ; } Note that both the pointer B, and the array values (in A) are modified during the call: Add1( A, N ) ;
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  • The const qualifier When the pointer to data is intended to be modified, but the data to which it points must not be modified non-const pointer to const data Example Assume: int N; const char A[5] = {M,e,s,s,a,g,e,\0} ; Function: int StrLen ( const char * S ) { int n = 0 ; for( ; *S != \0 ; S++ ) n++ ; return n ; } Note that the pointer S is modified, but the values in the string A are not modified in the call: N = StrLen( A ) ; Any attempt to modify data in A results in a compiler error.
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  • The const qualifier When the pointer to data must not be modified, but the data to which it points may be modified const pointer to non-const data Example Assume: float Pi = 3.14159, * const ptrPi = &Pi ; Function: void ChangePi ( float * const P ) { const float Q = 3.14 ; *P = 3.1415 ; P = &Q ; // Compiler error ! return ; } Note that the value of Pi may change, but the pointer P may not be modified to point at Q in the call: ChangePi( ptrPi ) ; Also note that all array names represent const pointers.
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  • The const qualifier When neither the pointer to data, or the data to which it points, may be modified const pointer to const data This technique is used to promote maximum protection over data and references to data Example: int main ( ) { int N = 3, * ptrN = &N ; const int X = 5, * const ptrX = &X ; *ptrX = 3 ; // Compiler error ptrX = &N ; // Compiler error ptrX = ptrN ; // Compiler error } Always think about data protection when using const.
  • Slide 19
  • Pointers to Functions Since function codes and data occupy memory during program execution, it makes sense that we could refer to the locations of the code, or data. When referring to data we may use and possibly modify the data When referring to code, however, one must never modify the code data (unpredictable side effects) This leads to the notion of a pointer to a function Example prototypes: void Bubble( int A[ ], const int N, int (*compare)( int x, int y ) ) ; or void Bubble( int [ ], const int, int (*)( int, int ) ) ;
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  • Pointers to Functions Example function definitions: void Bubble( int A[ ], const int N, int (*compare)( int x, int y ) ) { int p, q ; for( p=1 ; p

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