plotinus (204-270 c.e.). neoplatonism the term was intended to indicate that plotinus initiated a...

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Plotinus (204-270 C.E.)

Neoplatonism The term was

intended to indicate that Plotinus initiated a new phase in the development of the Platonic tradition.

Alexandria Plotinus studied with

Ammonius in Alexandria for 11 years.

Aristotle Studying both

Aristotle’s own philosophy as explained by commentators and his explicit objections to Plato was a powerful aid in understanding the master’s philosophy.

Ancient Roman Empire The One is the

absolutely simple first principle of all. It is both “self-caused” and the cause of being for everything else in the universe.

Emanation Thus, all of creation

emanates from the One in succeeding stages of lesser and lesser perfection.

Neoplatonic Map It is by the Good or

through Beauty that we recognize the One, in material things and then in the Ideas.

Contemplation “The true human is

an incorporeal contemplative capacity of the soul, and superior to all things corporeal.”

Pentecost Icon Apophatic theology

runs strong in many mystical writings and especially in the theology of the Eastern orthodox Church.

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