plans to extend to all raw data for whole improve network!

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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CATT (Comparative Aerosol Trajectory Tool) CAPITA Web-based Tool for Ensemble Trajectory Analysis, MANE-VU & MW RPO funding support, Currently functional for evaluating 15 PMF & UNMIX Sources at 16 Sites. Plans to extend to all raw data for whole IMPROVE network! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


CATT (Comparative Aerosol Trajectory Tool) CAPITA Web-based Tool for Ensemble Trajectory Analysis, MANE-VU & MW RPO funding support,

Currently functional for evaluating 15 PMF & UNMIX Sources at 16 Sites

Plans to extend to all raw data for whole IMPROVE network!

Guess What PMF Source C3 at Acadia is (Hint: Composition is 42% Na)?

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Residual Oil Sources are found Primarily at Northeastern sites and

show Upwind Probability Fields which are “Local” and Strongly Convergent

(“Greater NYC” area)

Wood Smoke Sources are Found in All Regions and show Upwind Probability

Fields which are Both Local and more Distant

and Strongly Divergent (Likely

Combinations of RWC & Forest Fires?)

Northern New England Wood Smoke Sources are primarily Local New England and Eastern Canada

NE Wood Smoke influence is primarily

Local in Winter (wood stoves) and is more

Regional (& Canadian) in Summer (wild fires)

Wood Smoke has different regional origins in NE, MA, SW

Secondary SO4 has common regional origins in NE, MA, SW


3 Toronto Coal Sources: Primary Coal (no secondaries), (NH4)2SO4 (and little else), Acidic SO4 & Secondary OC

While These 3 “Virtual Source Components” are uncorrelated, they all come predominantly from the same Upwind Region

High Incremental Probability Contours for Secondary Sulfate Sources: Toronto, Ont. (VT DEC UNMIX sources, HY-SPLIT trajectories)

Washington DC (Battelle PMF source, extracted from CATT, ArcView)

Upwind Probability Fields, P > 0.001, 9 Sites, extracted from CATT

SO2 Emissions & 9-Site Mean Probability for “2ndary Sulfate Sources”

Ammonium Nitrate at a wide range of Eastern Sites

appears to be associated with

transport from areas of high agricultural

NH3 emissions

From Donna Kenski’s 14-site

traj. Analysis

From NADP Precip. Chem.

Toronto Mobile Source influence is predominantly “Local” & Northerly, Coal Sources are predominantly “US Midwest” & Southerly, NH4NO3 is predominantly Westerly, Mixed Near/Far Emissions

However, despite the apparent important influence of agricultural NH3 emissions for highest concentrations of NH4NO3, note that

there is also a moderately strong weekday increase in Toronto NO3, suggesting importance of local urban NOx or (I think) local NH3.

Highest Levels of “Crustal or Dust” Sources at several Eastern US sites

are consistent with Sahara Dust

influences, but…

5-day Trajectories (and limited grid coverage) are not

sufficient for identifying Dust origins and only

indicate latter part of transport route.

CATT (Comparative Aerosol Trajectory Tool): Future Plans

1. Develop “On-the Fly” Trajectory Gridder to process raw ATAD (& other) Trajectories.

2. Expand Coverage of Aerosol Variables to include all raw Species Data at these sites.

3. Expand Coverage of Measurement Sites to include entire IMPROVE Network.

4. Link to Views

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