plan de Área: idioma extranjero -...

Post on 11-Aug-2020






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Esp. María de Jesús Segura Joven Mag. Martha Patricia Díaz Suárez

Lic. Mary del Pilar Mongua Rodríguez Mag. Olga Lucia Arias Garzón


Mag. Carlos Fernando Manchola Reyes

Coordinadora Académica:

Mag. Karen Lorena Gonzalez

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA NACIONAL SANTA LIBRADA “Patrimonio Histórico y Cultural de la Nación” “Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Nation”

Neiva, 2020



Pág. Introducción………………………… 2. Justificación………………………… 3. Definición del Área………………… 4. Objetivos Generales del Área…… 5. Metas del Área……………………… 6. Panorama de la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés en Colombia……. 7. Panorama de la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés en Neiva…….. 8. Panorama de la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés en la I.E. Nacional Santa Librada 9. Análisis de Necesidades…………… 10. Fundamentos del Currículo Sugerido……. 10.1. Concepto de Currículo….. 10.2. Enfoque Curricular Adoptado…. 10.3. Ejes Curriculares…. 10.3.1. Educación Ambiental / Sostenibilidad 10.3.2. Educación para la sexualidad / Salud 10.3.3. Construcción de Ciudadanía / Democracia y Paz 10.3.4. Globalización 10.4. El Enfoque Sociocultural en el Proceso de Enseñanza – Aprendizaje… 10.5. Características del Currículo Sugerido… 10.6. Objetivos del Currículo Sugerido.. 11. Orientaciones sobre la Estructura o Malla Curricular y sus componentes.. 11.1. Alcance y Secuencia… 11.2. Rutas Metodológicas Sugeridas… 11.3. Ruta de Tareas 11.4. Ruta de Proyectos 11.5. Ruta de Problemas 11.6. Rutas Evaluativas Sugeridas…. 12. Anexos 12.1. Formato Rutas Metodológicas y Evaluativas Sugeridas (Ejemplo 6°) 12.2. Formato Rutas Metodológicas y Evaluativas Sugeridas (Ejemplo 9°) 12.3. Formato Rutas Metodológicas y Evaluativas Sugeridas (Ejemplo 11°) 13. Estructura del Programa Media Técnica de Ingles 13.1. Objetivo general 13.2. Módulos de Formación 13.3. Módulos Grado 10 13.3.1. Modulo I Ingles Básico I 13.3.2. Módulo II Cultura I 13.3.3. Módulo III Áreas del Currículo I 13.3.4. Módulo IV Literatura I 13.3.5. Modulo V Aprender a Aprender I 13.4. Módulos Grado 11 13.4.1. Modulo I Ingles Básico II 13.4.2. Módulo II Cultura II 13.4.3. Módulo III Áreas del Currículo II 13.4.4. Módulo IV Literatura II 13.4.5. Modulo V Aprender a Aprender I



La educación es un eje esencial para el desarrollo de la sociedad. Es responsabilidad de

cada ciudadano pensar que ésta debe ayudar a redefinir su presente y futuro. En este

contexto, el currículo y su planeación se constituyen en aspectos claves para construir la

sociedad que se quiere y, a través de ella, ofrecer oportunidades de aprendizaje para

todos los niños y jóvenes de una nación.

El presente documento busca brindar a la comunidad educativa y a los actores de

diversos sectores de la sociedad, una propuesta de currículo flexible que sirva de insumo

para la planeación, implementación, evaluación y seguimiento del currículo de inglés en

las Instituciones Educativas del territorio nacional.

El currículo sugerido para el área de inglés se enfoca en todos los grados Transición a

11º del sistema educativo público colombiano y representa una base común, para el logro

articulado de las metas establecidas por el programa Colombia Bilingüe y como guía, para

la toma de decisiones conducentes a afinar las condiciones en que se da la enseñanza y

el aprendizaje del inglés, incluyendo la realización de proyectos en el área que sean

pertinentes con las realidades presentes y deseadas de las instituciones educativas del

país. De manera más específica, apoya a los directivos docentes y a los docentes de

inglés en la definición de lo que aprenden los niños y jóvenes, en relación con el inglés en

cada uno de los grados; cómo lo aprenden, y cómo se evalúan estos aprendizajes.

A los estudiantes y padres de familia les brinda la oportunidad de participar activamente

en la construcción y seguimiento de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje de la lengua

extranjera, en la institución y fuera de ella.



Los procesos de globalización, la comunicación intercultural y el avance científico y

tecnológico demandan el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en Inglés ya que es

reconocida como la “lengua universal”, la “lengua franca” que nos facilita el acceso al

conocimiento a través de diferentes medios como el Internet entre otros, abre caminos

hacia el desempeño de nuevas profesiones y oficios alternativos, afianza el compromiso

de construcción de una identidad cultural en un mundo más internacionalizado pues

posibilita la comunicación y la integración social y cultural del hombre en el siglo XXI.

La Ley 115 de 1994 determina como uno de los fines de la Educación “el estudio y la

comprensión crítica de la cultura nacional y de la diversidad étnica y cultural del país,

como fundamento de la unidad nacional y de su identidad”. Así mismo, resalta la

necesidad de promover la adquisición de por lo menos una lengua extranjera desde el

ciclo de primaria, mediante la formulación del Plan Nacional de Bilingüismo planteado

desde el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, con repercusión en todos los ámbitos

educativos del país.

La coyuntura mundial en su desarrollo económico, político y cultural exige el conocimiento

del idioma inglés, y atendiendo a las políticas gubernamentales de nuestra región con los

programas “Huila habla Inglés” y “Neiva speaks English, a step towards the future”, el

departamento y el municipio sienten la necesidad de impulsar la enseñanza del idioma

extranjero para fortalecer las competencias ciudadanas de los huilenses y su


La Institución Educativa Nacional Santa Librada, basada en un diagnóstico del área

realizado en el año 2009 y en los Artículos 32, 33 y 34 de la Ley General de Educación,

resuelve diseñar el proyecto Media Técnica de Inglés con el propósito de presentar una

oferta educativa novedosa a la comunidad Libraduna y Neivana para desarrollar mejores

niveles de competencia comunicativa en Inglés de estudiantes y profesores. El proyecto

es revisado por la Universidad Surcolombiana y socializado con la Secretaría de

Educación Municipal para su debido estudio y aprobación. Una vez culminados estos

procesos, se da vía libre para su implementación a partir del año 2010.



El idioma extranjero - Inglés, es un área que contribuye a la construcción del

conocimiento, a la adquisición de nuevos aprendizajes, al manejo de nuevas tecnologías y

al acercamiento e integración social y cultural del individuo.

Se constituye en una de las áreas fundamentales del Plan de Estudios de las

instituciones educativas del país, según la Ley General de Educación y la Resolución


El idioma Inglés es una lengua que posee como característica primordial el haberse

convertido en idioma de carácter universal, por ser hablada en gran parte del mundo,

circunstancia que le asigna importancia en el campo de las relaciones internacionales

socioculturales, por lo que en Colombia ha sido adoptada en el currículo mediante la

formulación del Plan Nacional de Bilingüismo del Ministerio de Educación Nacional.

Se considera que el estudio de una lengua extranjera permite al estudiante entrar en

contacto con culturas diferentes a la suya, disponer de un instrumento de estudio e

investigación, que le será útil en la vida ocupacional y académica futura, si se tiene en

cuenta que el 70% de la lectura técnica, tecnológica, científica y literaria del mundo está

escrita en inglés; esta es la lengua del comercio, el turismo y el deporte.



1. Propiciar un ambiente armónico que favorezca la práctica de valores

fundamentales para la convivencia cotidiana.

2. Valorar el idioma Inglés como medio de comunicación e instrumento de

acercamiento cultural, científico y tecnológico.

3. Facilitar el desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades comunicativas, permitiendo la

práctica de las competencias exigidas en las pruebas SABER.

4. Introducir a los estudiantes en el manejo de los medios tecnológicos en el

Laboratorio de inglés (English Lab) y en la Sala de inglés (English Room), como

herramientas didácticas que complementen el aprendizaje del idioma Inglés.

5. Fortalecer el Programa de la Media Técnica de Inglés (MTI) en la Institución

Educativa como paso fundamental para lograr ciudadanos capaces de acceder a

mejores oportunidades en el mundo globalizado.

6. Organizar el proceso de certificación, como “Bachiller Técnico en Inglés”, de los

estudiantes que finalizan exitosamente el ciclo del programa MTI.

(Según el Decreto Municipal 00248 de 2008 y demás requisitos de Ley.)



Una de las metas del área de inglés en la Institución Educativa Nacional Santa Librada es

tener para el año 2020 un grupo significativo de estudiantes que utilicen el inglés con

mayor fluidez, con adecuadas estructuras gramaticales y con buen nivel de competencia

comunicativa, según los propuestos por el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para

Lenguas Extranjeras. Este grupo de estudiantes se convertirá en referente motivacional

para los grados que inician el ciclo de la media técnica. De esta manera, se irá

preparando a los niños y jóvenes para asumir los retos que el mundo les plantea, tanto

en el campo personal como profesional, tal como lo establece la Misión y la Visión


Otra meta del área, es seguir contribuyendo de manera significativa a posicionar la

Institución educativa en los niveles más altos de calidad, según resultados de las pruebas

SABER certificados por el ICFES y el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.

Para el logro de estas metas se ha diseñado un plan de mejoramiento que se anexa al

presente documento. (ver anexos)



Este apartado inicia con un breve recorrido por las acciones y políticas en torno al

fortalecimiento de la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en Colombia,

particularmente desde el programa Colombia Bilingüe, con el fin de brindar al lector una

contextualización del panorama y las bases que sustentan esta propuesta curricular. Se

sugiere que la información, aquí presentada, sea complementada con la lectura de

publicaciones que serán referenciadas a lo largo de este documento, especialmente la

“Guía 22: Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Lengua Extranjera: Inglés” (Ministerio

de Educación [MEN], 2006a) y “Orientaciones para la implementación de proyectos de

fortalecimiento del inglés en las entidades territoriales” (MEN, 2014b).

A través del tiempo, el idioma inglés se ha convertido en una de las lenguas más

habladas en el mundo, lo que le ha dado el estatus de idioma global. Debido al avance de

la tecnología, las innovaciones científicas y la necesidad de estrechar relaciones entre los

países del mundo, el inglés ha ganado importancia al constituirse en el idioma común y

oficial, tanto de los negocios como de las organizaciones internacionales que propenden

por el desarrollo de la humanidad tales como la ONU y la UNESCO.

Colombia no ha sido la excepción a este impacto y, como evidencia de ello, se encuentran

los proyectos creados por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional tales como el programa

Colombia Bilingüe, con el que se busca incentivar el uso y el fortalecimiento del inglés en

todas las instituciones educativas del país. Lo anterior, parte de las políticas de

enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras establecidas en la Ley General de Educación de 1994

y, más recientemente, con el lanzamiento de la Ley 1651 del 12 de julio de 2013, y se

complementa con la emisión e implementación de los Estándares Básicos de

Competencias en Lengua Extranjera: Inglés, plasmados en la Guía N° 22 (MEN, 2006a),

con los que se logró tener una visión clara de lo que debía enseñarse a los niños y

jóvenes de las instituciones educativas colombianas.


En el marco de esta propuesta, es importante acordar la definición del concepto de

bilingüismo, el cual se relaciona con un sinnúmero de discusiones sobre su concepción,

así como a la diferenciación de términos relacionados tales como segunda lengua y

lengua extranjera. En primera instancia, se entiende por segunda lengua aquella que

posee “[…] reconocimiento oficial o una función reconocida dentro de un país” (Stern,

1983, p.16), como lo es el caso del castellano para las personas de las comunidades

indígenas en Colombia. Por otro lado, como lengua extranjera es entendida aquella que

no tiene un uso oficial ni regular dentro de un país (Stern, 1983), tal es el caso del inglés,

el francés, el portugués o el alemán, entre otras, para este país. Aunque el número de

lenguas extranjeras influyentes en Colombia es considerable, debido a todas las razones

anteriormente expuestas, el inglés es la lengua extranjera por la que el gobierno nacional

se ha comprometido en la consecución de un país bilingüe y competitivo a nivel


Ahora bien, el término bilingüismo ha venido sufriendo cambios en su definición y

concepción. En primera instancia, se entendía por bilingüe a la persona que dominaba

una segunda lengua con la misma habilidad que lo hacía en su lengua materna. El

Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) ha actualizado su concepción de este término y

lo define como “los diferentes grados de dominio con los que un individuo logra

comunicarse en más de una lengua y una cultura. Estos diversos grados dependen del

contexto en el cual se desenvuelve cada persona” (MEN, 2006b, p. 5). Los grados a los

que nos referimos son las competencias que un individuo tiene en función de las cuatro

habilidades lingüísticas: leer, escribir, escuchar y hablar.

Es importante promover el bilingüismo como una estrategia para lograr que Colombia sea

un país competitivo internacionalmente. El MEN, por medio de todos sus programas en

pro del bilingüismo, apuesta por una Colombia en la que todos los niños y jóvenes de las

instituciones educativas tengan la posibilidad de manejar esta lengua extranjera en un

nivel que los haga competentes y con la probabilidad de mayor éxito en los campos

académico y laboral en un futuro.



El prorama Nacional de Billinguismo comienza a desarrollarse a partir del 2015, con el

prorama “ Huila One Way” asignados por Teaching and Tutoring T&T College de

Colombia S.A.S., el cual desarrollo con éxito el programa , los mejores municipios en

pruebas fueron: Municipios como Aipe, Algeciras, Altamira, Baraya, Campoalegre,

Colombia, El Agrado, Elías, Garzón, Gigante, Iquira, Isnos, La Argentina, La Plata,

Oporapa, Pailcol, Palermo, Palestina, Rivera, San Agustín, Santa María, Tesalia, Timaná

y Yaguará; los cuales contaron con la representación de estudiantes con los mejores 100

puntajes de las pruebas SABER 11. Se finaliza el año con una inmersion a los mejores

estudiantes, a la ciudad de Bogotá, donde visitan lugares de interes cultural para nuestras

nuevas generaciones.

Otra de las oportunidades de mejoramiento para el departamento se dio cuando los 35

docentes representantes de los municipios no certificados participaron en la elaboración

del curriculo teniendo en cuenta los lineamientos, contextos y aportes de cada uno de los

docentes participantes, las reuniones se dieron en Neiva, Garzón, Pitalito y la plata, todo

esto se dio gracias al apoyo de la secretaria de educación departamental; se elaboró el

curriculo desde transicion hasta el grado once.

En el 2017 el prorama cambia su nombre “Huila Habla Inglés “cuyo objetivo fundamental

fue lograr que los docentes y estudiantes de Preescolar, Básica Y Media se comuniquen

mejor en inglés y de esta manera facilitar su acceso a nuevas oportunidades

profesionales, laborales y culturale, se tienen encuenta los diferentes materiales

brindados por el MEN tales como: Derechos Básicos de Aprendizaje, way to go, english

please, and english for Colombia en las Instituciones rurales.

El MEN entregó 28.704 libros de inglés de las colecciones Way To go! y English Please!

durante el segundo semestre del 2019, a las Instituciones focalizadas en el departamento,

teniendo en cuenta las acciones realizadas por el MEN el departameto del Huila arroja la

siguiente estadistica:


Como se puede observar:

en el nivel A- se desmejoro el 8% referente al año 2017 , 0 % al 2017 y se desmejoro e 8

% al 2016en el nivel A1 se mejoró el 5% referente al año 2018 ,se desmejoro 1 % al 2017,

y se mejoró e 2 % al 2016en el nivel A2 se mejoró en un 2% referente al año 2018 , 0% al

2017 y 4% al 2016en el nivel B1 es el 3 % para los años 2019, 2018- 2017, 4% para el

año 2016 en el nivel B+ es el 1 % para los años 2019 2018- 2017, 2016.



En esta sección se realiza un breve recorrido de las acciones que se tomaron como base

para el diseño de esta propuesta curricular. Entre otras actividades, se llevó a cabo un

estudio de antecedentes y documentos de la realidad nacional e internacional que

permitiera ubicar la situación de la enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés en Colombia dentro

de un contexto macro. Además, se estudiaron documentos académicos y propuestas

regionales y locales existentes que sirvieron como referentes así como las necesidades

de los docentes y estudiantes.

En el análisis documental, se tomaron varias decisiones a partir de la lectura y análisis de

documentos como la Ley 115 del 1994, el Plan Nacional Decenal de Educación, las Metas

Educativas de las OEI, y el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo (2014 – 2018). Esta revisión

permitió definir algunas nociones de valores y temas a trabajar en el currículo, a decir:

• Desarrollo humano, convivencia y participación ciudadana (fines 1, 2,3, 9, 10,12);

• Construcción de la identidad nacional e integración con el mundo (fines: 4, 6, 8,10);

• Fomento del conocimiento (fines 5, 7, 13);

• Preparación para el trabajo (fines 11,13);

• Desarrollo de competencias académicas básicas (lectura, escritura matemáticas y

básicas esenciales).

De igual manera, dieron pie a la comprensión de que los currículos han de estar

orientados hacia la formación integral y apuntar al “desarrollo de las dimensiones del ser,

a la construcción de la identidad nacional, la democracia y el acceso al conocimiento y la

cultura, mediante programas que incentiven la calidad del aprendizaje, la investigación y

la permanencia en el sistema” (Chamorro, 2015, p.2).

En el año 2005, el gobierno colombiano estableció que el país necesitaba “desarrollar la

capacidad de sus ciudadanos para manejar al menos una lengua extranjera” (MEN, 2005)

para insertarlo en la economía global.


En varios sectores claves en el desarrollo nacional, se identificó “un potencial de ~200 a

~300 mil empleados adicionales” que requerían el inglés, mientras que la oferta anual de

graduados con este perfil era de tan solo ~12 mil (Nivel B2+) (MEN, 2014a, p. 35). Esto

dio pie a que el Ministerio de Educación trazara un plan para implementar acciones

conducentes al mejoramiento del nivel de inglés en el sistema educativo colombiano. Al

analizar los resultados de este plan, se evidencia que las acciones implementadas no han

tenido un impacto real y a largo plazo ya que al revisar los resultados de las pruebas

SABER 11 en su aplicación en el 2014, estos indican que un 51% de los estudiantes

tenían un nivel – A1, un 35 % estaba en A1, un 7 % estaba en A2 y un 7% estaba en B1 y

B+” (ICFES, 2015). Esto muestra que los avances en materia de dominio del inglés en el

grado 11 no han sido significativos en el porcentaje de bachilleres en nivel B1 o superior

en el período entre el 2008 al 2013, ya que este sólo ha pasado de 5% a 6%, resultados

muy por debajo de la meta esperada del 40%. Sin embargo, se deben reconocer algunos

logros significativos que han permitido consolidar proyectos en el área de enseñanza -

aprendizaje del inglés en el país.

El documento de socialización del Programa Colombia Bilingüe 2015- 2025 reporta que,

en el nivel de acción correspondiente a las entidades territoriales, los esquemas de

fortalecimiento institucional apoyados por el MEN han permitido la construcción de:

“capacidades en el sector, tanto en las secretarías de educación y escuelas normales

superiores, como en las licenciaturas de idiomas y en las instituciones de educación

superior a través de sus centros de idiomas. Este esfuerzo se ve reflejado en el creciente

interés por parte de las instituciones en implementar planes de mejoramiento, y en las

apuestas que se han consolidado en los últimos años para mejorar competencias de

inglés a nivel regional” (MEN, 2014a, p. 3)”.

Para el logro de las metas de fortalecimiento del inglés, hay áreas en las que se debe

seguir trabajando y que se relacionan con: gestión escolar, nivel de inglés de los docentes

y sus pedagogías de enseñanza, la relación de la lengua extranjera y la materna, la

articulación del inglés a la vida de la escuela y la comunidad, los materiales disponibles,

las condiciones de infraestructura para la enseñanza del inglés (salones, laboratorios,

bibliotecas, salas de internet, etc.), entre otros.


En suma, se hace evidente “la necesidad de un mejoramiento de las condiciones en las

que la enseñanza y el aprendizaje ocurren en Colombia, y la revisión profunda del

currículo de primaria y bachillerato en los colegios públicos” (Fandiño, Bermúdez & Lugo,

2012, p. 368).

Es así que para transformar la realidad del aprendizaje y la enseñanza del inglés en

Colombia, se requieren acciones más contundentes como la implementación de un

“modelo integral sistémico que garantice una transformación estructural efectiva” (MEN,

2014a, p. 35), que fomente el reconocimiento de lo regional, lo local e institucional para

favorecer la diversidad colombiana. Esto beneficiaría la configuración de proyectos de

fortalecimiento del inglés, pertinentes a las realidades presentes y deseadas de nuestras

instituciones educativas, desde lo local pero dentro de una unidad o sistema nacional.

En esta línea se resalta el trabajo de “la Secretaría de Educación de Neiva, donde

además de contar con una estrategia de formación docente, existe una construcción

curricular continua a través de un ejercicio de unificación de criterios para la apropiación

de los estándares” (MEN, 2013, p.32).

A nivel internacional, también se deben mencionar experiencias de países como Brasil,

México y Costa Rica, que han mostrado que es posible aspirar a lograr la meta de B1,

igual a la establecida para Colombia. Todos estos países han trabajado no solo en una

propuesta curricular unificada, sino que han establecido políticas coherentes que lleven al

logro de la meta, involucrando a los demás actores del proceso.

Las necesidades particulares de los docentes de inglés y los estudiantes también fueron

consultadas a través de un proceso de recolección y análisis de datos que dio información

valiosa sobre las prácticas de aula en metodología, evaluación, uso de estándares, entre

otras, que sirvieron de insumo para el diseño de esta propuesta. De este análisis se

desprende que se necesita contar no sólo con estructuras curriculares y programas de

estudio sólidos, sino también con docentes con niveles de inglés de B2 en adelante, que

demuestren estrategias metodológicas y pedagógicas apropiadas, y con materiales

didácticos pertinentes y accesibles para todos. De igual manera, se requiere tener líderes

de bilingüismo en las Secretarías de Educación, con visión clara de lo que se espera

lograr, capacidad de convocatoria y manejo apropiado del presupuesto.


Todo este análisis dio pie a la creación de una propuesta de currículo sugerido para los

grados Transición a 11º del sistema educativo colombiano. Se espera que así se dé un

paso más hacia el mejoramiento de la calidad de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje

en el país y, específicamente, en el aula. La creación de esta nueva herramienta permitirá

concretar orientaciones y acciones precisas que transformen las prácticas dentro y fuera

del salón de clase y, por ende, el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en inglés.



10.1. Concepto de currículo:

Para entender las bases de esta propuesta, es necesario definir el concepto de currículo,

término que ha tenido muchas interpretaciones, las cuales revelan desde qué posición

ideológica se está asumiendo (Kuhn, 1962). Esta propuesta define el currículo como un

“todo en sí mismo”, un sistema, con componentes que se relacionan entre sí y con el

contexto mayor en que se implementa de manera simultánea y abierta (Bertalanffy, 1968;

Morín, 2004) (ver Figura 1).

Esta definición reconoce como partes o componentes del currículo a todo aquello que

permite su movimiento y su dinamismo. Tradicionalmente, estos componentes se alinean

con cuatro preguntas cuyas respuestas están íntimamente relacionadas entre sí y con el


1. ¿Qué incluir en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del inglés?

2. ¿Cuándo abordar esta enseñanza-aprendizaje?

3. ¿Cómo abordar esta enseñanza-aprendizaje?

4. ¿Qué, cómo y cuándo evaluar el aprendizaje?

Dichos componentes organizan un entramado curricular que da cuenta de relaciones

macro, meso y micro.


Principios curriculares, metodológicos, pedagógicos y didácticos en el marco de la

enseñanza de inglés y el marco de la política educativa actual.

PEI - Relaciones con el contexto local, regional y nacional


Guía 22, MCER. Alcance y Secuencia de la progresión didáctica general del

proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés por niveles de lengua, grados,

número de horas y macro competencias que han de asegurarse a todos los

estudiantes en su tránsito por la Institución Educativa.


Plan de área - Relaciones con otras áreas, entorno.


Estructuras curriculares y alternativas de implementación. Se compone de

módulos que se desarrollarán en cada grado, la meta general, los derechos

básicos de aprendizaje, los estándares básicos de competencias implicados, los

indicadores de desempeño y los aspectos lingüísticos y discursivos relacionados.

Práctica pedagógica – evaluación - Interacciones en el aula.

10.2. Enfoque curricular adoptado:

En el campo de la educación, en el último siglo, se han establecido tres paradigmas

relacionados con el enfoque curricular, a saber, el conductual, el cognitivo y el contextual

o ecológico. De cada uno se deriva una manera diferente de aproximarse al currículo.

El enfoque curricular de esta propuesta responde a una postura contextual o ecológica

(Bronfenbrenner, 1979) en la cual las relaciones de los actores y el entorno se configuran

mutuamente durante la interacción. La realidad se entiende como algo cambiante y

dinámico. En este modelo subyace la idea de que el aprendizaje se logra y profundiza

socialmente, es decir, a través de la interacción que se propicia en el contexto y a partir

de experiencias individuales (Vygotsky, 1979; Coll, 1987). Un currículo derivado de este

modelo (Freire, 1979; Grundy, 1998; Kemmis, 1988) es incluyente y abierto, privilegiando

la socialización horizontal y equitativa en el aula y en la vida por fuera del aula.

Este enfoque reconoce la diversidad de las relaciones que se dan entre el currículo y el

contexto, así como entre él y sus partes, conlleva asumir como ejes curriculares

fundamentales a la transversalidad, el enfoque sociocultural, la diversidad y la equidad.

10.3. Ejes curriculares:

La transversalidad se concibe como la construcción de diálogos entre las disciplinas, que

se concreta en las diversas asignaturas de una manera holística. Al propiciar la

transversalidad, se fomenta un abordaje multidisciplinar de problemas sociales, éticos y

morales presentes en el entorno, y se vincula de manera dinámica el contexto escolar,

familiar y socio cultural a la comprensión de estos dilemas (MEN, 2014b).


En esta propuesta curricular, se propone un puente entre lo académico, lo científico y lo

cotidiano a través de unos temas fundamentales que orientan el trabajo y que están

establecidos en el Art. 14 de la Ley 115 de 1994. Para ello, se han seleccionado

subtemas o tópicos que corresponden a los siguientes temas transversales:

10.3.1. Educación Ambiental / Sostenibilidad: Se abordará este tema en relación con el

desarrollo de tareas, proyectos y situaciones problémicas, que generen una conciencia

ética sobre la preservación del medio ambiente con la intención de fomentar

comportamientos responsables. En el marco de este punto, se encuentran tópicos

relacionados con la conservación, protección y recuperación del medio ambiente;

prevención y disminución del impacto de los seres humanos en el medio ambiente;

respeto por todas las formas de vida; desarrollo humano sostenible, etc.

10.3.2. Educación para la Sexualidad / Salud: Se enfoca en la realización de actividades

que promuevan el cuidado del cuerpo en todas sus dimensiones, la prevención como

camino a una salud duradera, el reconocimiento de la dignidad de todo ser humano, el

valor de diferentes formas de vida y la vivencia y construcción de relaciones pacíficas,

equitativas y democráticas. En este sentido, se pueden trabajar, por ejemplo, tópicos

relacionados con la sexualidad y el ciclo de vida, sexo y género, autoestima, entre otros.

10.3.3. Construcción de Ciudadanía / Democracia y paz: Este tema facilitará el uso de la

lengua para lograr consensos y reflexionar sobre el papel de los aprendices en el

favorecimiento de la convivencia pacífica, promoviendo valores éticos y su capacidad de

conciliación. Es decir se abordarán tópicos relacionados con los derechos humanos, la

constitución política, el marco judicial y legal, código de la niñez y la adolescencia,

sistema democrático colombiano, participación estudiantil, órganos de participación

ciudadana, entre otros.

10.3.4. Globalización: Este tema busca promover la comprensión del lugar de cada

persona en el mundo actual, el valor de la cultura propia, su papel en el desarrollo de la

identidad de los estudiantes y su capacidad de comprensión de culturas externas. Se

trabajarán temas relacionados con el impacto de la cultura local, regional y mundial en las

prácticas y actividades personales y sociales.


El uso de estos temas transversales como ejes de conocimiento favorecerá el desarrollo

de la formación integral de los aprendices, a través del desarrollo de la competencia

comunicativa en lengua extranjera. En cada grado, se proponen módulos con énfasis en

los tópicos derivados de estos macro temas, de manera que el estudiante use la lengua

para transmitir un mensaje real en un contexto dado. El abordaje de este tipo de

temáticas ayuda a la formación holística de los estudiantes y potencializa su capacidad de

establecer relaciones entre diferentes temas, hacer un análisis de los mismos y proponer

nuevas ideas resultantes de sus aprendizajes, usando el inglés como vehículo para


10.4. El enfoque sociocultural en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje:

El aprendizaje del inglés en esta propuesta está orientado desde las siguientes


• La lengua como medio de comunicación y construcción de significado.

• La lengua como sistema semiótico que favorece la construcción discursiva y de diversos

tipos de géneros textuales.

• El aprendizaje de las lenguas como un fenómeno social que incluye procesos cognitivos,

afectivos y de interacción. (Bandura, 1992; Halliday & Hassan, 1989; Hymes, 1972;

Vygotsky, 1978).

Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, la visión de esta propuesta curricular con respecto al

aprendizaje de las lenguas se concentra en la teoría sociocultural, cuyo máximo

exponente es Vygotsky. Este autor sugiere que el aprendizaje se origina en medio de

actividades sociales que se desarrollan en un plano externo al individual y que se

promueve en ambientes colaborativos (Vygotsky, 1978). En coherencia con esta visión, el

aprendizaje del inglés debe enfocarse a través de prácticas que privilegien la interacción.

El aprendizaje, a nivel general y en particular el de la lengua extranjera, se lleva a cabo

cuando los individuos interactúan entre sí y cuando cooperan con los otros. Por medio de

esta interacción, las personas reconocen modelos existentes en la cultura,

específicamente en la cultura de la lengua extranjera objeto de estudio, como una forma

de acercamiento al otro. Por lo tanto, tal como lo plantea Johnson (2009), el desarrollo


cognitivo de los individuos no puede separarse del contexto social, histórico y cultural,

ámbitos desde los cuales surge el aprendizaje.

Siguiendo la misma línea de Vygotsky (1978), Bandura (1992) establece que el

aprendizaje es social. Según este autor, los individuos adquieren nuevas conductas al

observar e intentar replicar lo que los otros realizan. De ahí que, en esta propuesta, se

espera que los aprendices puedan “notar”, con la mediación del docente, ciertos aspectos

de la lengua para intentar integrarlos a su aprendizaje durante la interacción que le da

sentido. Estos enfoques privilegian la construcción de significado por parte de los

estudiantes a través de la mediación explicita y estructuradora del docente. Esta

construcción se logra cuando los docentes crean escenarios interactivos en los cuales los

aprendices utilizan la lengua en situaciones de intercambio comunicativo, enmarcadas

dentro de un contexto que resulte lo más auténtico posible; es decir, el uso de la lengua

se lleva a cabo de manera funcional en escenarios que asemejan la vida cotidiana.

Ejemplo de Alineación Horizontal:

EL MUNDO: Discutir sobre las características de las culturas a nivel mundial.

LA COMUNIDAD: Establecer estrategias para la conservación del medio ambiente.

EL AULA: Diseñar un plan de resolución de conflictos en el aula.

EL INDIVIDUO: Establecer una rutina saludable para cuidado personal.

Teniendo en cuenta esta visión, la presente propuesta curricular está orientada hacia el

desarrollo de la comunicación en situaciones de uso significativo de la lengua, al

promover la utilización de los patrones de la lengua que están aprendiendo. Esto se

materializa a través de la creación de zonas de construcción alrededor de los ejes

temáticos definidos, que se concretan en tópicos cercanos a la realidad de los estudiantes

y sobre los cuales tienen ideas que compartir al completar tareas, proyectos o al resolver

problemas con la mediación explicita del docente.

10.5. Características del Currículo Sugerido:

Esta propuesta curricular se ha concebido desde la perspectiva que debe dar cuenta de

las necesidades particulares de las Instituciones Educativas (IE) colombianas que por

naturaleza son muy variadas. De ahí que se hayan definido unas cualidades específicas


que le auguren la oportunidad de poder ser integrado a la vida escolar en diferentes

contextos, pero con el mismo norte común en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del


La primera característica a resaltar es la flexibilidad. Esta se entiende como la posibilidad

que tienen las IE de construir el conocimiento que alimenta al currículo, concretándolo en

aprendizajes relevantes a los contextos reales, dinámicos y cambiantes de cada una

(Lemke, 1978; Magendzo, 1991, 1996). Como se ha mencionado, este currículo, aunque

tiene unos fundamentos establecidos, se puede materializar de diferentes maneras

teniendo en cuenta las particularidades contextuales de cada IE.

La segunda cualidad es la adaptabilidad. Esta se relaciona íntimamente con la flexibilidad

y se concibe como la capacidad que tienen las IE para apropiarse de esta propuesta de

currículo y mantenerla vigente y pertinente, acoplándola a su entorno y su realidad

(Lemke, 1978; Magendzo, 1991,1996). Para implementar esta propuesta, se deben tener

en cuenta las condiciones de cada IE en relación con proyectos internos de bilingüismo,

intensidad horaria semanal de la clase, profesores, estudiantes, entre otros.

Otro rasgo distintivo es el que apunta al desarrollo de habilidades del siglo XXI. Pues se

pretende brindar oportunidades a los aprendices de desarrollar competencias necesarias

para vivir en el siglo XXI tales como las que Trilling y Fadel (2009) proponen:

Aprendizaje e innovación, que incluye pensamiento crítico y soluciones de

problemas, comunicación y colaboración; y creatividad e innovación;

Alfabetización digital, que incluye información, los medios y las TIC;

Habilidades para el trabajo y la vida, que incluyen flexibilidad y adaptabilidad,

iniciativa y autodirección, productividad y responsabilidad;

Liderazgo y responsabilidades personales.

Estas habilidades se integran en los temas tratados, en las actividades de clase, en las

tareas, proyectos y problemas que se desarrollan con la intención de que las adopten en

su vida cotidiana como ciudadanos.


En coherencia con las posturas definidas, otra de las características de este currículo

sugerido se relaciona con las decisiones sobre cómo organizar y secuenciar la estructura

curricular. En consonancia, los temas de enseñanza y aprendizaje se derivan de las

tareas, proyectos y problemas. Dichos temas se organizan en una estructura en espiral y

cíclica. Esto garantiza que se vayan desplegando y retomando en varias ocasiones, cada

vez con mayor profundidad y en conexión con los nuevos temas, proyectos y problemas

(Moss, en prensa p.71). Algunas ventajas de esta organización son:

Ayuda al estudiante a desarrollar una base de conocimiento más orgánica,

estableciendo relaciones entre diversos aspectos de su conocimiento.

Permite a los estudiantes que tienen dificultad con un tema particular hacer nuevos

intentos de comprender y asimilar el punto (Moss, en prensa, p.71, traducción de

los autores).

Los ejes temáticos transversales se concretan en temas puntuales para cada uno de los

períodos académicos. Esto permite el reciclaje de las habilidades, el vocabulario y la

gramática en una progresión lógica que se observa en cada grado. La espiralidad también

está presente a nivel temático pues, como ya se indicó en los ejes transversales, estos se

retoman en cada uno de los grados permitiendo una aproximación más profunda a los


Por último, esta propuesta curricular tiene una organización proporcional de las

habilidades que va en concordancia con las necesidades cambiantes de los estudiantes y

su desarrollo intelectual, su nivel de autonomía y las competencias que han desarrollado.

En cada grado, las tareas, proyectos y problemas promueven todas las habilidades

receptivas y productivas, pero haciendo mayor énfasis en las competencias orales

(escucha y habla) en los grados iniciales y, en una progresión escalonada, se van

integrando y complejizando la lectura y la escritura en los grados medios y avanzados.


10.6. Objetivos del currículo sugerido:

Este currículo persigue varios objetivos:

Proponer un puente, un documento abierto que sirva de insumo para la discusión

de las comunidades educativas en torno a los aspectos comunes que deben guiar

el desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas en inglés en las regiones,

ciudades y municipios.

Visibilizar los componentes curriculares y los contenidos básicos o enseñanzas

mínimas comunes a los que tienen derechos los niños y jóvenes colombianos. La

intención es estimular la discusión sobre las posibilidades de reorganizarlos y

acoplarlos al contexto.

Sugerir una estructura de progresión general por niveles de lengua, grados,

número de horas y macro competencias que han de asegurarse a todos los

alumnos en su tránsito por la IE.

Generar conciencia en los coordinadores de calidad, líderes de bilingüismo,

directivos docentes, docentes, estudiantes y padres de familia sobre la necesidad

de abordar el aprendizaje del inglés como un proceso dinámico, continuo,

progresivo y planeado que requiere del aseguramiento de recursos y del

compromiso de cada uno.

Plantear una estructura curricular y unas sugerencias de puesta en escena en el

aula con el ánimo de mostrar maneras coherentes de aterrizar la teoría a la


Estimular la creatividad y el posicionamiento reflexivo y crítico de la IE y del

docente como diseñadores y mediadores de escenarios de aprendizajes

significativos, pertinentes y cambiantes.

Generar procesos de retroalimentación en los cuales las comprensiones, éxitos y

dificultades alimenten la propuesta para reconfigurarla y adecuarla de manera


En resumen, este currículo como documento orientador, sugerente, abierto y flexible

pone en manos de las instituciones educativas, los directivos docentes y los docentes, la

responsabilidad de tomar las decisiones curriculares particulares que la condicionen a la

realidad educativa propia.




11.1. Alcance y secuencia.

Este componente de la malla curricular presenta una estructura tipo matriz que contempla

los diferentes elementos que componen la progresión didáctica, lingüística y

comunicativa. Esta matriz le da al docente una visión general en la que se identifican el

nivel al que se apunta, las metas de aprendizaje, los objetivos generales y las funciones

de la lengua.

El primero de ellos son los ejes temáticos sobre los que se desarrollan las tareas,

proyectos y problemas:


Democracia y paz



Estos temas se derivaron de documentos oficiales que sugieren unas áreas sobre las

cuales los niños y jóvenes deben aprender en el colegio y se trabajan de manera

transversal en todos los grados. En cada grado, se desarrollan cuatro módulos

relacionados con dichos ejes temáticos.

El segundo elemento son los Derechos Básicos de Aprendizaje (BLR) que son saberes

claves que indican lo que los estudiantes deben aprender en cada grado escolar desde

Transición hasta 11º para el área de inglés.

El tercero son las metas propuestas, las funciones de la lengua y los objetivos generales

de cada módulo por grado.


Esta estructura materializa cada uno de los principios de este plan de área, a través de la

articulación de metas, objetivos, estándares, funciones de la lengua y contenidos

discursivos y lingüísticos e indicadores.

Como se ha mencionado anteriormente, los temas generales para el desarrollo de cada

módulo son salud, sostenibilidad, democracia y paz y globalización, con lo que se

concreta esta malla curricular basada en la transversalidad. Estos temas se desarrollan

en todos los grados y de cada uno se deriva un tópico más específico que puede ser

adaptado o cambiado por el docente de acuerdo con las necesidades de su contexto.

11.2. Rutas metodológicas sugeridas.

En esta sección se proponen unas posibles rutas metodológicas y evaluativas, con el

ánimo de ilustrar una de las múltiples maneras de llevar a la práctica esta malla curricular.

En estas rutas se integran de manera práctica elementos fundamentales que cimientan y

estructuran la malla como son la visión compleja y sistémica de la lengua, el aprendizaje

sociocultural, y las metodologías basadas en tareas, proyectos y problemas. Las rutas

metodológicas y evaluativas aquí propuestas, apuntan a concretar a manera de ejemplo

estos principios.

Las rutas metodológicas sugieren una progresión que empieza con una metodología

basada en tareas en los primeros grados (sexto y séptimo) para luego gradualmente

incursionar en una metodología basada en proyectos en los grados medios (octavo y

noveno) y finalizar con una metodología apoyada en problemas en los últimos (décimo y


11.3. Ruta de tareas.

Para trabajar esta metodología, en primer lugar, se sugiere que el docente proponga

escenarios para que el estudiante active su conocimiento del tema y lo personalice. Luego

se debe privilegiar actividades de interacción. Estos indicadores permiten al docente

seleccionar el vocabulario y las expresiones necesarias para desarrollar la tarea.


Podemos ver así, como la tarea determina los aspectos lingüísticos, sociolingüísticos y


Por otro lado, se muestra claramente el enfoque sociocultural del aprendizaje en el que se

promueve la interacción de los estudiantes para llegar a acuerdos sobre una temática

concreta, actividad que será estructurada y mediada por el docente.

11.4. Ruta de proyectos.

Con respecto a la enseñanza- aprendizaje basado en proyectos, se propone que los

estudiantes participen activamente en la planeación, desarrollo y evaluación de un

proyecto que esté acorde con las necesidades del mundo actual. Por lo tanto, en esta

malla se sugieren actividades enmarcadas dentro de situaciones que asemejen la realidad

y que resulten significativas para los estudiantes. El esquema sugerido para el trabajo por

proyectos está representado en la metodología KWL (Know, Want, Learn), en la que se

muestra lo que el estudiante sabe sobre el tema principal del proyecto (Know), lo que

desea saber al respecto (Want) y lo que aprendió al finalizar el mismo (Learn).

11.5. Ruta de problemas.

La metodología basada en problemas sugiere la participación activa de los estudiantes en

la resolución de un problema que afecte a la comunidad educativa o a la sociedad en

general. Se espera que los estudiantes hayan alcanzado cierta madurez y capacidad de

análisis necesarias que los haga competentes para la proposición de soluciones a

diferentes conflictos.

Las acciones del profesor deben estar encaminadas a orientar a los estudiantes en la

búsqueda de las posibles soluciones a los problemas planteados. Para ello, se sugiere

que el maestro provea el input y modelaje necesario para que sus estudiantes tengan un

conocimiento inicial del problema planteado. De igual forma, se recomienda que el

docente propicie los espacios necesarios y juegue un papel de mediador y facilitador que

se ocupa de mostrar a los estudiantes las ventajas y desventajas de sus decisiones. Por

su parte, se espera que los estudiantes sean propositivos y desarrollen toda su

creatividad a la hora de mostrar soluciones al problema.


Por otra parte, en esta metodología sigue siendo la lengua la que determina lo que el

estudiante hace y la que sirve como el medio a través del cual el estudiante muestra su

propuesta de resolución del problema. A su vez, se tienen como base las actividades

grupales y que promueven la interacción para que de esta manera sea posible el

aprendizaje en y a través de la interacción.

Ante el planteamiento del problema, se sugiere que el docente realice actividades que

lleven al estudiante a mostrar su conocimiento previo al respecto. Así mismo, al igual que

en la metodología por proyectos, es conveniente que el profesor le suministre a sus

estudiantes, según los niveles de conocimiento mostrado, el insumo y mediación que

estos requieren para lograr un mejor conocimiento del problema y así empezar a pensar

en estrategias de solución del mismo. Los estudiantes por su lado, elaboran un plan de

acción, y a través del trabajo colaborativo estructurado por el docente, indagan, planean y

proponen posibles soluciones al problema planteado.

11.6. Rutas evaluativas sugeridas.

En cuanto a la ruta de evaluación de manera general, esta se representa en todos los

niveles a través de dos columnas identificadas como para el aprendizaje y del

aprendizaje. La primera es de carácter formativo y está relacionada con el seguimiento o

monitoreo que el docente realiza a los estudiantes lo que le permite comprender el

progreso de éstos en el aprendizaje. Mientras tanto, la segunda hace referencia a los

procedimientos por medio de los cuales el docente puede valorar el desempeño de sus


En la evaluación del aprendizaje, por otro lado, se sugiere aplicar diversos métodos que

den cuenta del desempeño del estudiante. Una sugerencia innovadora en esta propuesta

es la utilización de rúbricas en las que se les haga conocer a los educandos los criterios

que el docente tendrá en cuenta para valorar su desempeño. Las rúbricas son un

complemento de procesos evaluativos más tradicionales que los “quizes” o los exámenes,

y de otros más creativos como los portafolios. Por medio de la rúbrica nos aseguramos


que el estudiante tenga claro lo que se espera de él y lo que el maestro le exigirá a la hora

de presentar sus compromisos.

Independientemente del instrumento escogido para evaluar, se recomienda que estos

apunten siempre a develar si el estudiante alcanzó o no la meta propuesta. Para ello, se

sugiere que al igual que los contenidos y las metas, la evaluación también responda a los

estándares básicos para la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras, planteados en la Guía

22, en la que se muestran claramente los descriptores de las habilidades que se espera

que los estudiantes desarrollen por grado.



12.1. Formato - Rutas Metodológicas y Evaluativas Sugeridas.

Ejemplo: Grado 6 (Módulo 1)


Reconocerse como individuo y como miembro de la clase.

(Recognize self as an individual and a member of the class.)


1. Dibujar un árbol genealógico.

2. Redactar textos cortos descriptivos sobre la familia.

3. Jugar bingo.

4. Jugar lotería.

5. Escribir un texto descriptivo sobre su rutina diaria.

6. Realizar una encuesta entre sus compañeros sobre la rutina diaria.

7. Realizar diálogos cortos para obtener información.


Para el aprendizaje Del aprendizaje

• Evalúo la creatividad y el ingenio para


• Realizo borradores de texto escrito como

parte del proceso de escritura.

• Analizo el uso de vocabulario y estructuras

estudiadas en la redacción de textos


• Reflexiono sobre la cooperación del trabajo

en grupo.

• Examen modular.

• Rúbrica de redacción.


12.2. Formato - Rutas Metodológicas y Evaluativas Sugeridas

Ejemplo: Grado 9 (Módulo 3)


Establecer prácticas de prevención de enfermedades en la región.

(Establish illness prevention practices in the region.)


Activar el conocimiento previo de los estudiantes sobre sobre el tema de la

prevención de enfermedades más comunes en su entorno.

Copiar las ideas que sugieren en el tablero. Cuando hayan compartido sus

conocimientos previos del tema, se les explica que van a realizar un proyecto para

crear una campaña de prevención de una enfermedad común en su comunidad.

Explíqueles claramente que en la campaña tienen que incluir actividades de

escucha, de lectura, orales y de escritura. Sugiera a los estudiantes rutas como las


• Investigar sobre las características, síntomas y modos de prevención de una

enfermedad asignada.

• Representar en forma gráfica la información de los síntomas y el plan de

prevención de la enfermedad asignada.

• Hacer un reporte escrito sobre la enfermedad asignada siguiendo un modelo

provisto por el docente y practicado en clase.

• Seleccionar y organizar la información pertinente para crear un plan de

prevención de la enfermedad siguiendo un modelo provisto.

• Hacer un poster y una presentación oral describiendo la enfermedad, los

síntomas y las formas de prevención.

• Interactuar con la clase para evaluar los planes de prevención presentados.

Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en sus campañas, monitoree su trabajo para

tomar notas sobre las áreas emergentes para repasar como grupo en talleres o

mini-lecciones de gramática, vocabulario y funciones. Estos talleres pueden incluir:

1. Modelar el proceso de escritura del texto proveyendo las diferentes etapas

desde lluvia de ideas, borrador inicial y la revisión.

2. Ayudar a definir los listados de características y conductas sociales.


¿Qué sabe o


¿Qué quiere saber o entender? ¿Qué aprendió?

De los resultados /



anteriormente, los


trabajan en grupos

para resumir lo que

ya saben del tema

y decidir los pasos

a seguir.

• Los estudiantes deben planear

el desarrollo del proyecto en

etapas, dándole a cada etapa un

objetivo sobre qué hacer y como

lo van a hacer.

• Deben identificar qué

vocabulario, estructuras o

expresiones deben usar para

hacer la actividad.

• Deben asignarse roles dentro

del grupo para realizar la tarea de

la mejor manera.

• Los estudiantes

presentan sus proyectos

a la clase.

• El estudiante escribe

individualmente una

reflexión en un formato

pre-establecido sobre lo

que ha aprendido sobre

el tema y recibe

retroalimentación del


Para el aprendizaje Del aprendizaje

• Analizo la pertinencia de las fuentes e

información consultadas.

• Tomo notas de preparación para preparar

la campaña.

• Evalúo la validez de las recomendaciones

que voy a presentar.

• Evalúo la metodología de trabajo en grupo

y mi papel dentro del mismo.

• Elaboro borradores de texto escrito como

parte del proceso de escritura.

• Rúbrica para evaluar la campaña.

• Rúbrica de evaluación de

presentación de la campaña.

• Rúbrica de texto escrito.

• Examen modular.


12.3. Formato - Rutas Metodológicas y Evaluativas Sugeridas

Ejemplo: Grado 11 (Módulo 2)


Plantear rutas para la obtención de servicios de salud en mi comunidad.

(Pose routes for obtaining health services in my community.)


Para el Docente Problema

• Explique a los estudiantes que van a

trabajar de manera bastante

autónoma en este módulo. En este

ellos tienen que decidir y tomar todas

las decisiones hasta el plan del


• Proveer y modelar textos orales y

escritos sobre la presentación de las

rutas a seguir para obtener servicio de

salud en su comunidad.

• Después, los estudiantes hacen sus

planes para abordar la situación

problemática presentada: tipos de

textos, fuentes, actividades y

productos que les permitirán buscar


a la misma.

En grupos de 3 o 4 estudiantes, trabajan


• Indagar sobre los problemas más

comunes del servicio de salud en su

comunidad y crear un listado sobre ellos


• Proponer posibles alternativas de

solución a dichos problemas.

• Proponer rutas para la obtención de

servicios de salud en su comunidad.

• Sustentar opiniones en una mesa


• Producir un texto escrito en el que

plantee las conclusiones a las que ha

llegado sobre este tema.

Para el aprendizaje Del aprendizaje

• Realizo ejercicios de familiarización,

práctica y consolidación a partir de textos

escritos y orales.

• Monitoreo que siga el plan establecido para

resolver el problema.

• Sigo unas etapas de escritura guiada y

preparación de textos orales tales como

planeación, borrador, revisión según el


• Rúbrica para evaluar las etapas y

productos de la propuesta; y el

trabajo en equipo.

• Examen modular.


• Reflexiono sobre mi aprendizaje del

contenido y de desarrollo de lengua.

• Establezco relaciones armoniosas en las

actividades de trabajo colaborativo.



13.1. Objetivo general.

El currículo de la Media Técnica de inglés pretende que los estudiantes alcancen como mínimo nivel B1 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL).

Conscientes de que el aprendizaje del inglés, conlleva el desarrollo de competencias comunicativas sociales, que debe constituir un factor de enriquecimiento cultural y vehículo de conocimientos generales y académicos, el Currículo de la Media Técnica de inglés se desarrolla a través de cinco Módulos:

Módulo 1: Inglés Básico:

Desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en sus componentes lingüístico, pragmático y sociolingüístico. Los estudiantes demuestran conocimientos del inglés comunicándose, obteniendo e interpretando información.

Módulo 2: Culturas:

La familiaridad con otras culturas permite no solo apreciar la propia, sino también el entendimiento y la tolerancia de otras culturas. El conocimiento de otras culturas permite la posibilidad de ver el mundo desde una perspectiva más amplia, libre de una visión limitada dada por un solo sistema lingüístico.

Módulo 3: Conexiones con las áreas del Currículo:

La relación del inglés con otras materias del currículo escolar permitiendo ampliar y reforzar los conocimientos por medio del inglés.

Módulo 4: Literatura:

Permite el disfrute y el conocimiento de obras literarias que amplían el conocimiento cross cultural.

Módulo 5: Aprender a Aprender:

Los estudiantes adquieren herramientas para comprender los procesos de aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera proveyéndoles estrategias de aprendizaje y convirtiéndolos en aprendices autónomos.






(40 semanas)

Inglés Básico I

Ingles Básico II




Cultura I: Historia universal, geografía, economía, folklor, arte.

Cultura II Historia universal, geografía, economía, folklor, arte.



Otras áreas del currículo I

Otras áreas del currículo II



Literatura I

Literatura II



Aprender a Aprender I

Aprender a Aprender II










- Expresa gustos y disgustos, justificando sus razones.

- Describe celebraciones típicas de su región.

- Infiere información implícita en diferentes textos y/ esquemas.

- Diseña una propaganda para un restaurante o cualquier evento que necesite ser promocionada.

- Describe y compara ciudades, países y personas.

- Justifica su opinión y da razones sobre temas específicos.

- Habla sobre las características de los animales y las mascotas.

- Da órdenes y hace solicitudes

- Habla sobre temas relacionados con el medio ambiente.

- Pide, da o acepta consejos.

- Describe detalladamente lugares, monumentos y sitios de interés.

- Habla sobre el material con que están hechos diferentes objetos.

- Escribe un artículo descriptivo sobre un sitio de interés o un evento.

- Pide y pregunta por dinero

- Extrapola información

- Countable / uncountable nouns: some, any, a, an, few, a little, plurals.

-ing form/ to –inf; too/ enough; linkers. Phrasal verbs: LOOK, GIVE

- Comparatives, superlatives; 0 and 1stconditional; you had better/ would rather. Phrasal verb: BREAK, BRING

- The imperative; have to/ don’t have to; must/mustn’t; can / can’t; can / could I…? Should/ shouldn’t. Phrasal verb: GET

- The passive voice (present simple- past simple); definite article. Phrasal verb: TURN

- Exposiciones orales - Tareas - Proyectos - Presentaciones - Discusiones - Debates - Mesa redonda - Talleres - Ensayos - Utilización de la tecnología

- Corrección de la pronunciación y la escritura lingüística de los textos orales y escritos.

- Uso del lenguaje adecuado al contenido y al público.

- Utilización del vocabulario acorde con la situación y al contexto.

- Presentación de evaluaciones internas y externas en forma oral y escrita.

- Expresión no verbal para lograr comunicación efectiva.





- Los estudiantes demuestran comprensión y aprecio por las diferentes manifestaciones culturales de otros países: tradiciones, ideas, instituciones, historia, manifestaciones artísticas.

- Los estudiantes fortalecen su propia identidad a través del conocimiento y comparaciones de su propia cultura con otras.

- Los estudiantes estudian los conflictos analizando diversos puntos de vista y sus posibles soluciones.

- Hechos que han marcado la historia universal contemporánea

- El fenómeno de la globalización

- Folklor:

festividades, celebraciones, leyendas.

- Manifestaciones artísticas: cine, pintura, escultura, danzas

- Exposiciones orales - Tareas - Proyectos - Presentaciones - Discusiones - Debates - Mesa redonda - Talleres - Ensayos - Utilización de la tecnología

- Corrección de la pronunciación y la estructura lingüística de los textos orales y escritos.

- Uso del lenguaje adecuado al contenido y al público.

- Utilización del vocabulario acorde con la situación y al contexto.

- Presentación de evaluaciones internas y externas en forma oral y escrita.

- Expresión no verbal para lograr comunicación efectiva.





- Los estudiantes utilizan el inglés para afianzar y ampliar los conocimientos provenientes de las áreas del currículo escolar.

- Los estudiantes usan la lengua extranjera como vehículo de aprendizaje y apropiación de nuevos conocimientos.

- Los estudiantes usan la lengua extranjera para desarrollar habilidades cognitivas y acciones interpretativas, argumentativas y propositivas.

- Inteligencias múltiples

- Biodiversidad local y mundial

- Normatividad dad ambiental

- Anatomía, fisiología del ejercicio y vida saludable

- Necesidades humanas Fundamentales

- Tecnología de la

informática y la comunicación

- La edad de las revoluciones

- Cambios políticos debido a revoluciones

- Exposiciones orales - Tareas - Proyectos - Presentaciones - Discusiones - Debates - Mesa redonda - Talleres - Ensayos - Utilización de la tecnología

- Corrección de la pronunciación y la estructura lingüística de los textos orales y escritos.

- Uso del lenguaje adecuado al contenido y al público.

- Utilización del vocabulario acorde con la situación y al contexto.

- Presentación de evaluaciones internas y externas en forma oral y escrita.

- Expresión no verbal para lograr comunicación efectiva.





- Los estudiantes experimentar la literatura en lengua extranjera con una percepción estética, de disfrute y entretenimiento.

- Los estudiantes enriquecer el conocimiento lingüístico de la lengua extranjera mediante obras literarias.

- Los estudiantes enriquecer el conocimiento cultural mediante la lectura y producción de obras literarias y afianzan el conocimiento cross cultural.

- Obras de la literatura universal

- Fabulas, cuentos infantiles.

- Poesías

- Obras de teatro

- Exposiciones orales - Tareas - Proyectos - Presentaciones - Discusiones - Debates - Mesa redonda - Talleres - Ensayos - Utilización de la tecnología

- Corrección de la pronunciación y la estructura lingüística de los textos orales y escritos.

- Uso del lenguaje adecuado al contenido y al público.

- Utilización del vocabulario acorde con la situación y al contexto.

- Presentación de evaluaciones internas y externas en forma oral y escrita.

- Expresión no verbal para lograr comunicación efectiva.





- Los estudiantes identifican sus fortalezas y debilidades en el desarrollo de su competencia.

- Identificar sus propios estilos de aprendizaje en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en sus cuatro habilidades lingüísticas.

- Los estudiantes se convierten en aprendices autónomos que puedan direccionar su aprendizaje del inglés.

- Identificar sus actitudes y concepciones sobre el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera y aclarar mitos que impidan un mayor aprendizaje.

- Estilos de aprendizaje

- Aprender a asumir riesgos

- La influencia de la lengua materna

- Uso

de estrategias individuales y grupales

- Auto-evaluación y desarrollo del aprendizaje autónomo

- Desarrollo de autoconfianza y manejo de la ansiedad

- Exposiciones orales - Tareas - Proyectos - Presentaciones - Discusiones - Debates - Mesa redonda - Talleres - Ensayos - Utilización de la tecnología

Implementación de estrategias aprendidas






- Habla sobre personas famosas. Hace comentarios y expresa opiniones sobre películas, música libros, pinturas.

- Persuade a alguien para que compre algo o haga cualquier actividad.

- Expresa sentimientos de pesar. Manifiesta sus ambiciones en forma oral y escrita.

- Hace sugerencias para mejorar el medio ambiente.

- Da y recibe consejos.

- Describe un proceso.

- Hace ofertas y peticiones.

- Pide y da información sobre diferentes temas.

- Diligencian diferentes formatos de aplicación.

- Pide y da información acerca de horarios.

- Escribe ensayos expresando su punto de vista.

- Da y acata órdenes.

- Escucha y extracta información requerida.

- Extrapola información

- Infinitive; -ing form, modal verbs: must (n’t); (don’t) have to; can (‘t); May; might; conditional type 2 and 3; wishes. - Phrasal verbs: SET, COME, RUN.

- The passive; shall (offers/suggestion), will/ would (requests). Phrasal verbs: CARRY, HOLD.

- Question tags; short questions; reported speech (statements); could/ was able to; used to. Phrasal verbs: MAKE, PUT.

- Reported questions; reported orders; too- enough, exclamation (what-what a/an-how). Phrasal verb: TAKE.

- Exposiciones orales - Tareas - Proyectos - Presentaciones - Discusiones - Debates - Mesa redonda - Talleres - Ensayos - Utilización de la tecnología

- Corrección de la pronunciación y la estructura lingüística de los textos orales y escritos.

- Uso del lenguaje adecuado al contenido y al público.

- Utilización del vocabulario acorde con la situación y al contexto.

- Presentación de evaluaciones internas y externas en forma oral y escrita.

- Expresión no verbal para lograr comunicación efectiva.





- Los estudiantes demuestran comprensión y aprecio por las diferentes manifestaciones culturales de otros países: tradiciones, ideas, instituciones, historia, manifestaciones artísticas.

- Los estudiantes fortalecen su propia identidad a través del conocimiento y comparaciones de su propia cultura con otras.

- Los estudiantes analizan los conflictos analizando diversos puntos de vista y sus posibles soluciones.

- Hechos que han marcado la historia universal contemporánea

- El fenómeno de

la globalización

- Folklor: festividades, celebraciones, leyendas.

- Manifestaciones artísticas: cine, pintura, escultura, danzas

- Exposiciones orales - Tareas - Proyectos - Presentaciones - Discusiones - Debates - Mesa redonda - Talleres - Ensayos - Utilización de la tecnología

- Corrección de la pronunciación y la estructura lingüística de los textos orales y escritos.

- Uso del lenguaje adecuado al contenido y al público.

- Utilización del vocabulario acorde con la situación y al contexto.

- Presentación de evaluaciones internas y externas en forma oral y escrita.

- Expresión no verbal para lograr comunicación efectiva.





- Los estudiantes utilizan el inglés para afianzar y ampliar los conocimientos provenientes de las áreas del currículo escolar.

- Los estudiantes usan la lengua extranjera como vehículo de aprendizaje y apropiación de nuevos conocimientos.

- Los estudiantes usan la lengua extranjera para desarrollar habilidades cognitivas y acciones interpretativas, argumentativas y propositivas.

- Guerras civiles y consecuencias

- Clasificación de los seres vivos

- Clasificación y taxonomía

- Métodos anticonceptivos

- Embarazo de adolescentes

- Desplazamiento forzado en Colombia

- Los ecosistemas de la tierra

- La edad Media

- Geografía de África

- Europa Moderna

- Exposiciones orales - Tareas - Proyectos - Presentaciones - Discusiones - Debates - Mesa redonda - Talleres - Ensayos - Utilización de la tecnología

- Corrección de la pronunciación y la estructura lingüística de los textos orales y escritos.

- Uso del lenguaje adecuado al contenido y al público.

- Utilización del vocabulario acorde con la situación y al contexto.

- Presentación de evaluaciones internas y externas en forma oral y escrita.

- Expresión no verbal para lograr comunicación efectiva.





- Los estudiantes experimentar la literatura en lengua extranjera con una percepción estética, de disfrute y entretenimiento.

- Los estudiantes enriquecer el conocimiento lingüístico de la lengua extranjera mediante obras literarias.

- Los estudiantes enriquecer el conocimiento cultural mediante la lectura y producción de obras literarias y afianzan el conocimiento cross cultural

- Obras de la

literatura universal - Fabulas, cuentos infantiles. - Poesías - Obras de teatro

- Exposiciones orales - Tareas - Proyectos - Presentaciones - Discusiones - Debates - Mesa redonda - Talleres - Ensayos - Utilización de la tecnología

- Corrección de la pronunciación y la estructura lingüística de los textos orales y escritos.

- Uso del lenguaje adecuado al contenido y al público.

- Utilización del vocabulario acorde con la situación y al contexto.

- Presentación de evaluaciones internas y externas en forma oral y escrita.

- Expresión no verbal para lograr comunicación efectiva.





- Los estudiantes identifican sus fortalezas y debilidades en el desarrollo de su competencia comunicativa.

- Los estudiantes se convierten en aprendices autónomos que puedan direccionar su aprendizaje del inglés.

- Los estudiantes identifican sus actitudes y concepciones sobre el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera y aclaran mitos que impidan un mayor aprendizaje.

- Desarrollo de las habilidades lingüísticas: Estrategias propias del desarrollo de la producción oral

- Estrategias para desarrollar habilidades de comprensión auditiva

- Estrategias para desarrollar habilidades lectoras.

- Estrategias para desarrollar habilidades escriturales

- Aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera y la interculturalidad.

- Estrategias para la presentación de exámenes

- Exposiciones orales - Tareas - Proyectos - Presentaciones - Discusiones - Debates - Mesa redonda - Talleres - Ensayos - Utilización de la tecnología

Implementación de estrategias aprendidas



Goal: Follow norms in English for their own and others’ care, when participating in individual and group games. CEFR LEVEL: Preparatory (Pre- A1) BASIC LEARNING RIGHTS: Recognizes simple commands related to his/her immediate environment, and responds to them nonverbally.









KNOW: - Recognizes the main parts of the body. Recognizes his or her gender. - Recognizes and pronounces vocabulary related to games, toys, and recreational activities. - Identifies phrases to express preference. DO: - Names the parts of their body. - Associates words that they hear to images related to parts of the body and games. - Follows simple instructions when told slowly with clear pronunciation. - Mentions his or her favorite game or toy. BE: - Values the importance of taking care of their body while playing. - Respects and takes care of their own and their classmates’ bodies. - Follows the established norms of conduct. LEARN: 21st Century Skills - Adapts to different roles in a group game Learning strategies - Exemplifies words or phrases with corporal movements to remember their meaning.

Vocabulary: Parts of the body: Face: eyes, mouth, nose Body: head, shoulders, knees, toes. Shapes: Circle, triangle, square Adjectives: Big- small - round - square Numbers: 1 – 3 Toys: Ball, doll, bike, car, action figure Colors: Yellow, blue, red Actions: Push, Pull, Jump, Play, Run Games: Playground, field, swings, seesaw Expressions: Let’s play…Touch your… Be careful Expressions to say hello and introduce themselves: Hello - Good morning / good afternoon, My name is… Grammar: My name is…I am a boy/girl. My favorite toy is…My favorite game is... English in practice My favorite toy is a doll. My favorite game is the see-saw. Jump three (3) times. Touch your nose! My ball is blue. My ball is big and round. Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Respect for norms and responsibilities Respect for others and themselves, and appreciation for differences

In this term, the

learning situation

involves children

in the knowledge

of their bodies, as

well as their own

and others’ care

during their

participation in

games, while they

learn to express

actions for care in


Besides, the


situation allows

the development

of intra and

interpersonal skills

for better relations

in the classroom.

GAME (DIMENSIONS: Corporal, Socio emotional, Cognitive, Communicative): • Simon says: teacher gives instructions for body movements (e.g. Simon says: touch your nose!), students follow them only when introduced with the phrase Simon says. ART (DIMENSIONS: Corporal, Aesthetic, Cognitive, Communicative): • Make handcrafts with the vocabulary from the module. • Make a mural, with poster paper and a variety of materials. • Use music, for example, the songs suggested in the previous section and movement to learn and practice the vocabulary. • Use drama to represent

possible situations that can

happen in group games,

which can put their physical

integrity at risks.

- Decorate the classroom with images of students playing games that are familiar to the class. - Hang images or puppets of students with the names of the parts of the body in English. - Display posters with students with different physical characteristics. - Find songs

related to the

topic of the

body and


1. Tag the parts of the body on a big human figure. 2. Create puppets to identify their parts in English. 3. Jump on the different games studied, which may be distributed on the classroom’s floor. 4. Participate in corporal games where students show management of their body and laterality. 5. Order a

sequence of

events in a story,

using visual aids.



GOAL: Express emotions and mood, and associate them with family situations CEFR LEVEL: Preparatory Pre- A1 BASIC LEARNING RIGHTS: Associates images with sounds of words related to his/her home and classroom.










KNOW: - Identifies vocabulary and very simple phrases used to talk about emotions and mood. - Recognizes vocabulary related to living together situations. DO: - Expresses their mood with previously studied phrases. - Follows simple instructions related to classroom relationships. - Answers simple questions about their feelings, previously studied. BE: - Recognizes that their mood can influence their behavior. - Respects others’ space. LEARN: 21st Century Skills Knows when it is appropriate to talk and to listen. Learning strategies Uses gestures to represent

words in English when they

don’t remember them.

Vocabulary Adjectives to express emotions: Happy, excited, surprised, sad, scared, tired Colors Review: yellow, blue, red Introduce: Green, orange, purple Position: Up-down Materials: Playdough, clay, paint, paper. Numbers: 4 and 5 Expressions I am… (happy) I feel… (sad) Grammar Are you… ? Yes, I am / No, I’m not How are you? How do you feel? Imperatives: Stand up / sit down / color, etc.) English in Practice How do you feel today? I feel happy How are you today? I am happy Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural - Recognizing their own and others’ emotions

to explore

and recognize their emotions and mood, which can be associated to daily life situations.

GAMES (DIMENSIONS: Corporal, Socio emotional, Cognitive, Communicative): Create a starting routine for students, which involves the expression of emotions. For this, you can use games such as: • Emotion bingo • Emotions dominoes • Cards: Students sit in small groups, around a pile of cards with emotions. Each child takes a card and names the emotion. These and other games can be used to introduce and practice vocabulary related to emotions, their causes and consequences. ART (DIMENSIONS: Corporal, Aesthetic, Cognitive, Communicative): • Make handcrafts with the vocabulary from the module, using different materials such as clay, play dough, paint, different types of paper, wood dust, etc. • Make a mural, with poster paper and a variety of materials, which represents student’s emotions. Once they display them on the walls, students can use labels to tag them. • Use music, for example, the songs suggested in the previous section to learn and practice the vocabulary. LITERATURE (DIMENSIONS: Aesthetic, Cognitive, Communicative): Literature offers infinite resources to awaken student’s interest and imagination. As preparation for the task, you can: • Tell them stories in Spanish (or English, if appropriate) about different situations that cause different emotions in people. • Create a reading corner with books in English. EXPLORATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT (DIMENSIONES: Corporal, Socioemotional, Cognitive): • Take students to walk around school and play detective to discover emotions that people around them are showing. Students can keep a detective journal or notebook, drawing the emotions they see, or using stickers of emotions or pictures given by the teacher.

- Decorate the classroom with images of students showing different emotions, with their corresponding label. - Display posters with students with different physical characteristics. You can include images of students with special needs (visually impaired, on a wheelchair, etc.), as well as from different ethnic and social groups, and geographical contexts, to raise awareness of diversity. Bunny Bonita Poster and Flashcards How do you feel? - Find songs related to the topic of emotions.

1. Tag different emotions on big human figures. 2. Jump on faces showing different emotions, 3. Do different fine motor skills activities related to the topic of the module . Make special emphasis on listening tasks and repetition of the vocabulary. 4. Order a sequence of events in a simple story.



TERM / MODULE: THREE “I can take care of my world! GOAL: Recognize, visually and orally, simple actions for taking care of the environment in their house and classroom. CEFR LEVEL: Pre- A1 BASIC LEARNING RIGHTS: Identifies, repeats, and uses words related to their immediate environment (house and classroom).





KNOW: - Recognizes vocabulary related to domestic and wild animals. - Identify expressions to talk about what they can or cannot do. - Recognizes vocabulary related to elements of the natural landscape. - Identifies orally words and short phrases to describe body actions. DO: - Expresses what they can or cannot do. - Names elements of their immediate environment. - Understands short simple sentences about the environment, supported by images. - Answers simple, previously studied, questions about the topic of the module. BE: - Performs actions to take care of their environment, like throwing garbage in the garbage can or recycling. - Works with others to take care of the environment. LEARN: 21st Century Skills: Listens attentively to understand the meaning of what they hear. Learning strategies: Relates new information in the foreign language with previous notions.

Vocabulary Animal classification: Wild – Domestic Animals: Dog, cat, rabbit, fish, turtle, cow, bull, goat, donkey, Jaguar, snake, pink dolphin, monkey, parrot, bird Note: Use the animals that are known in children’s context, or the ones they like the most. Numbers: 6 – 8 Natural landscape: Tree, stem, leaf, flower, fruits, sea, sea life Parts of the house: Living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom School places: Classroom, patio, office, playground Position: Left – right Actions: Jump, fly, crawl, eat, swim, grow, stomp, Pick up the trash, Throw garbage in the can litter, Put away Expressions: I like…I don’t like I see (I see two dogs; I see 4 chairs; I see 2 trees on the right) Grammar: Can , can’t Birds can fly, I can’t swim What’s that? Imperatives (class instructions) English in practice: A snake can crawl, A bird can fly An elephant can stomp, I see 2 trees on the right, The living room is on the left Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural - Making decisions and personal actions for environmental care. - Knowing the difference between right and wrong.

To promote the recognition of the environment that surrounds children and encourage them to think about and express actions for its care and preservation. They also

allow children

to engage in

actions they

can take even

at home or


Through these


that stimulate



scientific spirit,



GAMES (DIMENSIONS: Corporal, Socio emotional, Cognitive, Communicative): Create a starting routine for students, around the module’s

topic.• Old McDonald had a farm: Students imitate animal

sounds and learn the vocabulary about animals. • Animal and

plant lottery. Children cover the images the teacher shows

while she/he mentions the name in English

ART (DIMENSIONS: Corporal, Aesthetic, Cognitive,

Communicative):• Make handcrafts with the vocabulary from

the module, using different materials.• Make a mural, with

poster paper and a variety of materials, which represents the

different elements of nature studied in the module.• Once they

display them on the walls, students can use labels to tag

them.• Use music, for example, the songs suggested in the

previous section, and movement to learn and practice the

module’s vocabulary. • Do face paintings with different animals

or nature elements. • Design animal masks or head bands in

the form of animals.

LITERATURE (DIMENSIONS: Aesthetic, Cognitive,

Communicative):• Tell them fables in Spanish (or English, if

appropriate) or stories about the importance of keeping their

environment clean. These stories should always be

accompanied by images and gestures.


Corporal, Socioemotional, Cognitive):

• Take students for a walk around school and keep records with drawings of interesting things about the environment that surrounds them (plants, animals, etc.).

1. Tag the names of nature elements, parts of the house, or places in the schools on big pictures. 2. Create tags for their house and places in the schools. 3. Create a board of duties to complete at home.



TERM / MODULE: FOURTH “I see myself as a member of a community” GOAL: Mention their current and future role within a community, recognizing their cultural identity. CEFR LEVEL: Pre- A1 BASIC LEARNING RIGHTS: Understands and answers very simple questions about his/her personal information, such as name, age, and family.




KNOW: - Identifies vocabulary related to family traditions. - Recognizes lexical elements about cultural representations in their community: music, language, traditions. - Recognizes orally vocabulary about roles and jobs in the community. DO: - Describes family traditions, using models given by the teacher. - Exchanges basic and simple information about family traditions and customs. - Understands simple and short descriptive texts about roles and jobs in the community. - Answers simple questions about personal information. BE: - Recognizes their cultural identity as a member of a family. - Appreciates cultural differences in their class. - Values lessons from their grandparents. - Projects themselves as an important member of their community. LEARN: 21st Century Skills: Starts to understand the interconnection of self to community and society Learning strategies: Uses flashcards to remember words they are learning in English.

Vocabulary related to culture: Music, Holidays: Christmas, regional holidays, Celebrations, Trip, Dinner, Birthday, celebration, angels’ day, holy week / Easter Note: Focus on regional celebrations, from the children’s context. Jobs: Teacher, farmer, manager, driver, salesman/saleswoman, housewife, maid, secretary, doctor, security guard, police officer, student. Note: Focus on professions and jobs that are familiar to the context of students, and the ones they feel attracted to. Family members: Grandfather, grandmother, dad, mom, children, sister, brother Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Numbers: 9 and 10 Expressions: I want to be a …. (doctor) I am a student Grammar: Like / doesn’t like My family likes/doesn’t like parties. How old are you / is he/she? I/he/she am/is __ years old Imperativos (classroom instructions) English in practice: I like Vallenato music; My family likes Christmas. We celebrate with a big dinner; My birthday is in November; How old are you?-I am 5 years old; We celebrate holy week in March

Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural - Similarities and differences between family cultures. - Differences in the way adults and the elderly communicate.

Module 4 seeks to engage children in their recognition as an important member of a community (family, school, and friends) and in expressing it in English. The purpose of the suggested experiences is that they can connect with each other to foster children’s self-esteem, as they allow them to dream and project themselves as visible actors in a future community; to start building their life project. Through role plays and

some other suggestions

that involve children

actively, this module

aims at developing their

interpersonal skills, their

imagination and

creativity, and promoting

personal and social



- Decorate the classroom with images of cultural representations (music, holidays, traditions), and their names in English. - Display

posters with








with their

family in





GAMES (DIMENSIONS: Corporal, Socio emotional, Cognitive, Communicative): • GUESS WHO! Using images on their head, students guess the member of the family • ROLE PLAY with members of the family. This game can be used to question and reflect about the role that each member of the family has at home. ART (DIMENSIONS: Corporal, Aesthetic, Cognitive, Communicative): • Make handcrafts using different materials such as clay, play dough, paint, different types of paper, wood dust, etc. • Make a mural, with poster paper and a variety of materials, which represents different types of families and their culture around the world. LITERATURE (DIMENSIONS: Aesthetic, Cognitive, Communicative): • Create big books, together with children EXPLORATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT (DIMENSIONES: Corporal, Socioemotional, Cognitive): • Find out the types of families that are in their community and

classroom, and bring pictures to the class.

1. Tag the names of members of the family and jobs on big pictures. 2. Do different fine motor skills activities related to the topic of the module. targets. 3. Order a sequence of events in a story related to the topic of the module, using visual aids.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – FIRST GRADE (1°) First Term: HEALTH AND LIFE – “I take care of my body”

Goal: Identify, visually and orally, in English, some activities for body care and personal hygiene. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Understands and follows instructions related to basic school tasks, verbally and nonverbally. Understands and makes simple statements, using rehearsed expressions about his/her immediate environment (house and school).









- Express his/her preferences about certain food that contributes with the health care. - Describe his/her personal hygiene routine.

- Identify, orally, words and short instructions, related to body care and personal hygiene. - Mention, in a simple way, actions he/she practices for his/her personal hygiene.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

KNOW: - Identifies vocabulary related to body parts. - Recognizes words and expressions related to routines of body care and personal hygiene. - Identifies words that help him/her follow a sequence in a story or a process. - Identifies the words what/who/how old to answer basic questions related to personal information. DO: - Answers simple questions that require basic personal information. - Organizes images to represent a sequence in his/her daily routine and retells it in English . - Makes a list of activities required to take care of the body. BE: - Recognizes his/her responsibility to practice daily routines to take care of the body as an important way to be healthy. - Becomes concerned about his/her hygiene and body care. LEARN: - 21st Century Skills Shows commitment with regard to his / her learning as a process for lifetime. - Learning strategies Establishes relationships between the things he / she already knows and the new things to learn.

Vocabulary to review: Body parts Family members Numbers: 1-10 Vocabulary to offer personal information Name, from, years old Words that indicate sequence/ Sequence words: first, then, next, last Question words: what/who/how old Numbers:1-20 Expressions: Take a shower, brush teeth, have breakfast, get dressed. In the morning, at night, before bedtime. Grammar Personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, they Possessives: my, your Verb To Be: I am / you are / she is/ my mother is … / this is my mother... English in practice: - I take a shower in the morning. - I brush my teeth before bedtime. - My sister is 8 years old. - This is my father. - My name is …. I am 6 years old Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Worrying about being healthy through personal hygiene and body care.

Science: Revise actions important for body care. Spanish: Use the words that indicate sequence and are important when telling stories or describing processes.

Preparation for the task: Students

monitor their

acquisition of



activities in

class and with

peers, and the


provides extra

activities to

those students

who need


Suggested tasks: Students can


second and

even third

drafts with

checklists and


Post – Tasks: Self-


Preparation for the task:


quizzes and


Suggested tasks: - Check final

drafts of:

posters and



scripts with


- Administer


and content

task quizzes.

Post – Tasks: Rubric to

assess their




Preparation for the task: 1. Bring a poster of a boy and a girl. It is suggested to use one big enough to be seen by all of them. Use those characters to give students their personal information, in English. For example: They are Carlos and Lucia. Carlos is from Magangué and Lucia is from Curumaní. Carlos is 6-yearsold and Lucia is 7-years-old. They are in first grade. They are friends, they are very happy learners. 2. Starting from the introduction of the two last characters, model the personal presentation (name, age, place of birth, etc.) in English. Through this example, motivate the learners to Introduce themselves giving personal information in English. (Note: It is important to set fixed statements for students to complement their personal information) Bunny Bonita: Capsule 9 3. Bring pictures that represent personal hygiene routines and body care (wake up, take a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, etc.). Ask students to organize the events following the appropriate order. Once organized, introduce, orally, the vocabulary, in English, related to sequence. 4. Show videos to reinforce the vocabulary related to routines. Some options might be: The morning routines song: SXc&index=2&list=RDajg1ebnm3lo Morning routines song: 5. Introduce didactic materials to practice the new vocabulary in English; such as, worksheets in which students can match, fill in the blank, draw pictures, or use the vocabulary related to actions for personal hygiene and body care. Suggested tasks: This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: 1. Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow. Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. Students may make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy such as their names, age, etc. They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself/herself to replace the picture. Help the students to make posters, in English, that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First- then - after- finally) Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same tme the words that indicate sequence in a story. Example: My dad: shortstories/my-dad • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then. next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strenghts Post – Tasks: This stage is for the students and the teacher to assess what they have learned: 1. Self- evaluation: Place students into small groups to assess what they have learned in the tasks. Some questions may be: a. What did you like about this term? b. Which were your favorite tasks? c. What difficulties did you have while doing the tasks? • Students discuss the questions with the help of the teacher and they summarize their answers which they may attach to their portfolio. 2. Organize a campaign to promote personal hygiene and body care as an important strategy for health in the community.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – FIRST GRADE (1°) Second Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): • Orders the sequence of main events in a simple short story, by using pictures, after reading or listening to it.









- Describe in a simple way, physical characteristics about his/ her classmates. - Express, with simple words, basic rules of behavior and respect towards the others.

- Identify, orally, words and short phrases, related to physical characteristics about himself/ herself and his/her classmates. - Mention with simple phrases, physical characteristics about himself/ herself and his/her classmates.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: - Identifies phrases such as I like/ I don’t like. - Recognizes the possessives my, your, his, her. - Understands the meaning of phrases expressed through the use of imperative Don’t. Do: - Expresses his/her likes and preferences through phrases such as I like/ I don’t like. - Introduces him/herself, using vocabulary learned. - Introduces, with vocabulary learned, his / her classmates by using the possessives his/her. - Responds to stimulus given through the use of imperatives. Be: - Respects himself / herself and the others. - Appreciates and respects those who are around without regarding physical or gender differences. Learn: - 21st Century Skills Recognizes when it is appropriate to speak and when to listen. - Learning strategies Checks frequently the new learned words

Vocabulary to review: Body parts, Emotions Adjectives for physical description: Blonde, red hair, black, tall, short, thin, fat, etc. Verbs related to the unit: Respect, Laugh, Behave, Be kind Numbers: 20-30 Expressions related to respect: Respect others Give love Don’t laugh at... Behave We are all the same I like/ I don’t like... Grammar Possessives: his / her Imperative: do / don’t Grammar to review: verb to be English in practice: Don’t laugh at your friends She’s a girl. Her hair is curly. I like her hair. We are different, but we respect others. Be kind to your friends. Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Respecting gender and physical differences

Social studies: Revise physical differences between people considering their origin. Values: Reflect about respecting people with regarding gender or physical particularities.

Preparation for the task: Students monitor their acquisition of vocabulary through activities in class and with peers, and the teacher provides extra activities to those students who need more. Suggested tasks: - Students check their drafts of the different tasks proposed with checklists or peer feedback. - Allow students to do second and even third drafts. Post – Tasks: Self- evaluation

Preparation for the task: Vocabulary quizzes and worksheets. Suggested tasks: Check final drafts of: posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Post – Tasks: Rubric to assess their portfolio



Preparation for the task: The objective of this stage is to motivate students to participate in tasks related to the topic proposed, but also to let them state what they already know about the topic. 1. Bring big pictures of boys and girls with physical differences. Use those characters to give the students their personal information, in English. For example: They are Sergio, José, Laura and Sofia. Sergio is from Chía. He is white and he has blond hair. José is from Quibdó. He is black with curly hair. Laura is from Zapatoca. She is white and has red hair. And Sofía is from Leticia. She has straight black hair. She comes from a native family. They are in first grade. They are friends, they are very happy learners. 2. Recycle the English vocabulary related to body parts. You can use songs and videos such as: Body parts song for kids: Show the video about respecting differences: For the birds: • Allow the kids to express in Spanish their ideas about respect and reinforce the importance of respecting everybody without focusing on physical characteristics. Take advantage of the moment of reflection to introduce the imperative Don’t (Don’t laugh at others. Respect everybody) 3. Starting with the presentation of the previous characters, introduce the English vocabulary that let us do physical descriptions of people. This video might help: Adjective words for kids: 4. Model physical description of some students. By using this example, motivate boys and girls to follow the activity describing their classmates in English. (It is important to set some fixed stems for the students only complement with the word that show the characteristics of the others). Example: This is __ (name). She is _ (tall / short) __. She has ___long/short/curly/straight hair) 5. Bring images that represent physical differences. Ask students to describe them in English. 6. Introduce didactic materials to practice the new vocabulary; such as, worksheets in which students can match, fill in the blank, draw pictures, or use the vocabulary related to physical descriptions. 7. Bring images or real objects related to the last module (Toys) to introduce the phrase I like/ I don´t like Inclusion: For visually- impaired students, use authentic material, and realia. Suggested tasks: 1. Students may work on oral activities in which they complete sentences referred to their physical description. It is important that they have an example on the board and a word bank to see the options as well as the model of the teacher. 2. Students can bring pictures of any member of their family to describe, in English, in front of their classmates while they use the vocabulary studied. 3. Create with students sentences, in English, related to respect towards the others. It is recommended to use imperatives. For example: Respect your friends. We are the same. 4. Watch a video, this time in English, about Little Red Riding Hood. Through this story, aspects like physical descriptions, emotions and respect towards the others, might be studied. For example: Little red riding hood: short-stories/little-red-riding-hood • Pre-listening (before listening): as a way to prepare students to watch the video, bring some flashcards with pictures related to the vocabulary studied in relation to physical descriptions. The students can practice the module vocabulary that appears in the video (eyes, nose, mouth, etc). Write the words on the board and the students match the pictures with the words. • While listening (during the listening): The video is watched once for the kids to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and might be stopped some other time to ask a few comprehension questions in English related to the story. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. 5. Help the learners when making posters in English with pictures that represent important actions to respect the others. You can add words or phrases in English that students can repeat and then paste them around the school. 6. Motivate students to bring their favorite toy. Expose them all and they may mention in English, the ones they like or the ones they don’t.



Goal: Recognize, visually and orally, in English, and put in practice strategies to take care of the environment in the school. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): • Answers simple questions about basic personal information such as name, age, family and classmates.










Describe known classroom objects. Mention what they should or shouldn’t do to take care of the school.

Recognize words and short phrases related to how to take care of the school. Mention school objects and some actions to take care of them using simple phrases.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: - Identifies phrases such as I like/ I don’t like. - Recognizes the possessives my, your, his, her. - Understands the meaning of phrases expressed through the use of imperative Don’t. Do: - Expresses his/her likes and preferences through phrases such as I like/ I don’t like. - Introduces him/herself, using vocabulary learned. - Introduces, with vocabulary learned, his / her classmates by using the possessives his/her. - Responds to stimulus given through the use of imperatives. Be: - Respects himself / herself and the others. - Appreciates and respects those who are around without regarding physical or gender differences. Learn: - 21st Century Skills Recognizes when it is appropriate to speak and when to listen. - Learning strategies Checks frequently the new learned words

School objects desk, chair, table, board, etc. School places classroom, office, library, patio, hall, etc. School supplies notebook, book, pencil, color pencil, paint, pencil case, pen, etc. Vocabulary to take care of the environment garbage, garbage can, litter, throw, paper, pick up Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Numbers 30-50 Expressions Don’t throw garbage on the floor Keep your classroom clean Expressions to ask for location (yes- no questions) Is the book under the chair? Yes, it is / No, it’s not. Is the pencil on the table? Yes, it is / No, it’s not. Grammar There is/ There are Prepositions of place in, on, at Imperatives to give instructions Do / don’t Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Worrying about and respecting school environment.

SOCIAL SCIENCES: Review the concept of the school and the places inside SPANISH: Review the concept of singular and plural.

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



PREPARATION FOR THE TASK: The objective of this stage is to motivate students to participate in tasks related to the topic proposed, but also to let them state what they already know about the topic. 1. Bring a picture of a school (It would be best if it is a real picture of the institution). Use Spanish to check with students the places of the school. Then introduce that vocabulary in English. ABC: Poster 9 My classroom 2. Verify the vocabulary, in English, recently learned, and have students make a simple description of the school emphasizing on the expressions there is/ there are. (Emphasize on the fact that we use there is for singular and there are for plural). Inclusion: Use lists of vocabulary and memorization techniques for those students with special learning needs 3. Bring a picture of the classroom and revise in English, the objects that are inside the room. Introduce the vocabulary of those objects. Make simple descriptions of the classroom through the use of there is and there are. 4. Review, in English, the vocabulary of the classroom objects and describe where they are placed through the use of the prepositions in, on, at. Use the question suggested to ask for clarification as in the example that follows: Is there a book under the table? Elicit answers from students. 5. Present a visual story about the three R’s and taking care of the environment. Through this video you can introduce the concepts Reduce, Recycle and Reuse as strategies to take care of the environment. Focus their attention towards the images and the comprehension of what is happening in the video, even if the children do not understand the written language. For example: The three R’s for kids: 6. Through the revision of the imperatives, check the rules of the classroom using body language when needed. Example: Don’t eat in class, Keep the classroom clean, Raise your hand, and Don’t speak when the teacher is giving the lesson. 7. Introduce didactic materials, in English, to practice the new vocabulary; such as, worksheets in which students can match, fill in the blank, draw pictures, or use the vocabulary related to the school and classroom objects. SPANISH: Review the concept of singular and plural. SUGGESTED TASKS: This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: 1. Students may work on written activities where they practice the vocabulary learned, in English, through matching or drawing pictures. It is important to have an example and a word bank on the board for students to see the options. 2. Students may draw pictures about the objects of the classroom or places around the school. Then, they might practice simple oral descriptions in English, about them. 3. With the students, make a list in English, of the actions recommended to have a clean school. Example: Don’t throw papers on the floor, Keep your classroom clean. Inclusion: in this task you can emphasize on the nature of the school: rural, semi- rural, urban area, and make emphasis on how to take care of it. 4. Help the learners make posters in English, about important actions to take care of the school. POST – TASK: This stage is for the students and the teacher to assess what they have learned: 1. Organize a campaign in English, to clean the school and take care of the objects and places within. 2. Self- evaluation: Place students into small groups to assess what they have learned in the tasks. Some questions may be: a. What did you like about this module? SOCIAL SCIENCES: Review the concept of the school and the places inside. SPANISH: Review the concept of singular and plural.



Goal: Express and promote, in English, collaboration in their family. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Describes some physical characteristics of self and others, through the use of rehearsed words or phrases.









Ask and give information about the family. Describe in a simple way the objects in the house and their location.

Identify words and simple phrases, related to ways to help at home. Answer very simple questions about habits among the members of the family.

This stage is for the students and the teacher to assess what they have learned: 1. Organize a

campaign, in English to promote sustainable consumption habits at home.

2. Self- evaluation: Place students into small groups to assess what they have learned in the tasks.

3. Students discuss the questions with the help of the teacher and they sum- marize their answers which they may attach to their portfolios.

KNOW 1. Identifies simple words and phrases referred to saving habits. 2. Recognizes some actions that can optimize conservative habits at home and mentions them in English. . DO 1. Describes with simple words and phrases the objects that are in the house. 2. Makes a list of actions that optimize conservation at home. BE 1. Promotes sustainable conservation of resources habits among the members of the family. 2. Appreciates the importance of conservation habits. LEARN 21st Century Skills Uses information to make decisions according to his/ her age. Learning strategies Reinforces the learning of new things when he/ she identifies where it is located (on the board, a page number, on a street sign).

Vocabulary to review - Transition Module 3: Parts of the house House objects lights, tap, TV, radio, fridge, fan, iron, lamp. Bed, table, shower, night table, chair, sofa, etc. Verbs switch plug / unplug connect / disconnect save waste Numbers 1-50 50-70 Expressions Turn on /off Disconnect the... Close the tap... Don’t leave the...on It is on / It is off Save water / save energy Grammar First grade Module 3 Imperatives (do/don’t), There is/ there are Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Raising awareness about sustainable consumption habits. Doing actions to improve consumption habits at home.

SOCIAL SCIENCES: Review the concept of the house, the places inside and the objects there. As well as sustainable consumption habits at home. SPANISH: 5 Review the concept of singular and plural.

Students monitor their acquisition of voca- bulary through activities in class and with peers, and the teacher provides extra activi- ties to those students who need more.

Vocabulary quizzes and worksheets.



ECO: Student’s booklet The house: Unit 3 lesson 1. ECO: Unit 17 lesson 2. The objective of this stage is to motivate students to participate in tasks related to the topic proposed, but also to let them sta- te what they already know about the topic.

Bring pictures of a house and the elements found in it. Through the use of those pictures, introduce the basic vocabulary in English, of the house and the objects found inside.

By using the picture of the interior of a house, model the description of the house and the objects located within. It is recommen- ded to do the description through the use of the vocabulary recently learned in English, the expressions there is/ there are and the prepositions in/ on/ at. For example: There is a T.V. in the living room/ There are two beds in the bedroom. Motivate students to help you with this description in English.

Review with the students the elements they have at home and ask them to describe the position of those objects by using the already learned expressions: There is/ there are.

• Show to the students a video about saving energy at home. For example, Energy, let’s save it shows images in which boys and girls can recognize actions that waste energy:

While reviewing the imperatives, check the possible ways to save energy and water at home. For example: Turn off the TV when you are not watching it. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.

Introduce didactic materials to practice the new vocabulary in English with worksheets in which students can match, complete, draw pictures, etc. using the vocabulary related to the house and consumption practices at home.

This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do:

Students may work on oral activities whe- re they practice the vocabulary learned in English through matching, drawing pictures. It is important that the teacher gives enough examples and a word bank on the board that help the children to do the activities by themselves through the known pictures.

Students may draw pictures about the objects they have at home or even better if they can bring real pictures of their house. Then, they can do simple oral des- criptions by using the vocabulary studied.

Help students to make a list of the actions that should be practiced at home in order to be responsible with the consumption at home and make a sustainable contri- bution to the environment. You can give them some phrases in English and they match them after hearing the action. For example: Don’t leave the tap open, Turn the lights off.

Watch a video in English about how to take care of the environment. Por ejemplo: Planet Earth: en/short-stories/planet-earth • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, bring some flashcards with pictures related to the vocabulary studied about sustainable consumption habits. The students can practice the module vocabulary that will appear in the video (home, hot, ocean, lights etc). Write the words on the board and the children have to match the word with the corresponding image. • While listening (during the listening): Watch the video once for kids to enjoy the story. Play it once again and stop it every certain time to ask compre- hension questions in English about the story. • Post-listening (after listening): After 2 watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activi- ties based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others.

Help the students to make posters in English, that represent important actions for sustainable consumption at home and with the members of the family.



First Term: Health and life – “I HAVE HEALTHY HABITS” Goal: Identify and express in a simple way in English some of the benefits of exercising and having a balanced diet in his/her holistic growth. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Expresses simple ideas about topics he/she already knows, using simple words or phrases.










- Ask and give simple information About their favorite foods. - Describe actions that help us to have a healthy life. - Describe his/her diet in using simple vocabulary.

- Identify simple words and phrases related to food and food habits. - Exchange, in a simple way, information about their preferences in food habits. - Describe, orally and in written, using visual aids, healthy eating habits.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: 1. Identifies the vocabulary related to common food in his/her context. 2. Recognizes words and expressions that indicate habits to be healthy 3. Identifies vocabulary and expressions about possible reasons that may develop health problems. Do: 1. Classifies and mentions healthy and unhealthy food and drinks in his/her immediate context. 2. Classifies the activities that foster a good health and mentions them. 3. Participates in a short conversation about food and habits to have a healthy life. 4. Makes a list of food and habits to have a healthy life, supported by images. Be: 1. Promotes important actions regarding the practice of good eating habits to have a healthy life. Learn: 21st Century Skills Listens respectfully the ideas exposed by the others. Learning strategies Practices the pronunciation of the new words.

Vocabulary to review: Body parts Healthy food: Fruits: apple, pear, grapes, mango, plum, guava, banana, passion fruit, blackberry, etc. Vegetables: tomato, onion, pepper, beans, cucumber, beet, lettuce, cabbage, etc. Rice, Soup, Meat, Chicken, Fish, Juice, Water Sports: soccer, swim, basketball, volleyball, cycling, athletics, etc. Outdoor activities: jogging, walking, working out, etc. Numbers: Review 1-70; 71-100 Expressions: We have to eat … We need to practice… Do you practice any sport? What is your favorite food? Do you like… (walking, jogging, etc.) Do you like … (to walk, to jog, etc.) Grammar Simple present English in practice: We have to eat healthy food. We need to eat fruits and vegetables. I like bananas and mangoes. I don’t like lettuce. I drink passion fruit juice. I eat chicken soup. I like playing soccer. I don’t like to walk. Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural:Worrying about those around him/her in the immediate context.

SCIENCE Food pyramid. MATH Presenting the results of a questionnaire

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



PREPARATION FOR THE TASK: 1. Ask questions to students about common food products in his/her region. Write the answers on the board in English even when the students mention them in Spanish (soup, rice, etc.) ABC: Flashcards - Food. • To introduce the topic, show a video related to the topic. It can be in Spanish but it is better if the video is in English. Basic vocabulary about healthy food: , Do you like broccoli ice cream: , Food vocabulary: , Fruits: 2. Bring pictures of food as well as images of activities that foster a healthy life. Show them to the learners and ask them questions about the topic to activate prior knowledge: • What do you see in the pictures? • What is your favorite food? • What is the food you don’t like? • What is your favorite sport? • What is the sport you don’t like? Inclusion: For visually- impaired students, use authentic material, and realia. • Students may answer in Spanish. Meanwhile they answer, you can write in English the keywords on the board (fruits, tomato, chicken, soup, apple, etc.). ECO: Unit 17 lesson 2 3. Use flashcards with the vocabulary in English of the module. 4. Introduce didactic materials to practice the new vocabulary worksheets in which students can: a) Color different food products and practice the pronunciation in English: apple, pear, mango, chicken, soup. b) Match the picture of the food and mention it in English. c) Classify fruits, vegetables, drinks and meat in a chart. about habits that show how to have a healthy life. 5. Organize simple oral presentations in English in which the students may present their favorite fruit. They can tell the color of the fruit, its flavor, the region in which they can find it, all in English. Before finishing the class, the teacher may mix all the fruits to prepare a big salad to be shared among the students. They can also learn about the food pyramid. Ex: My favorite fruit is the Apple. It is red and sweet. 6. Watch a video, this time in English, about different types of food. For example: The hungry dragon: Didactic idea: you can organize the children in groups, combining their talents in order to complement their work during the presentations. Inclusion: talk to the students (in Spanish) about the life of Colombian players that emerged from poor conditions and inequity and how they have overcome that situation through effort, dedication and discipline. • Pre-listening (before listening): as a preparation to watch the video, bring some flashcards with the pictures of the vocabulary studied about food. The students can practice the module vocabulary that will appear in the video (chicken, fish, beans, rice, etc). Write the words on the board and the children have to match the word with the corresponding image. • While listening (during listening): Watch the video once for kids to enjoy the story. Play it once again and stop it every certain time to ask comprehension questions in English about the story. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. The worksheet can be downloaded and printed from 7. Organize simple oral presentations in English in which students can present their favorite sport. Say the name and, if possible, a player they admire, with some information about him or her. It is important that you model the activity first for them to have a guide to follow. Example: My favorite sport is soccer. It is a popular sport in Colombia. My favorite soccer player is James Rodriguez, he is from… and he is really good. POST – TASK: This stage is for the students and the teacher to assess what they have learned: 1. Self- evaluation (To be done in Spanish): Place students into small groups to assess what they have learned in the tasks. Some questions may be: a. What did you like about this module? b. Which were your favorite tasks? c. What difficulties did you have while doing the tasks? 2. Write, in English, an action plan to do at home with their families to establish habits to have a healthy life. SCIENCE: studying fruits and vegetables MATH: presenting the results of a questionnaire



Goal: Identify and mention in English the most important rights of boys and girls in their families and school. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Understands the sequence of a simple short story about familiar topics and retells it using pictures and previously studied words










- Ask and give simple information about their rights. - Give and follow simple instructions. - Exchange information about what they can or can’t do regarding their rights.

- Recognize simple words or phrases related to the rights of boys and girls. - Number actions to respect the rights of boys and girls through simple phrases previously practiced. - Understand simple phrases in short oral or written texts, such as tales with images.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

KNOW 1. Identifies the words what/who/where to ask questions. 2. Identifies simple words of the vocabulary related to the rights of boys and girls. DO 1. Answers simple questions with what/who/where with a single word. 2. Makes a simple list about the things students can do in their immediate context. 3. Gives instructions getting along with others, about good coexistence habits through the use of imperatives. 4. Introduces himself/ herself and his/her classmates through the use of simple expressions. 5. Identifies the general idea of a story with images related to the rights of boys and girls. BE 1. Respects his/her classmates. 2. Celebrates the knowledge he/she has about his/her rights and the rights of other members of the community. LEARN 21st Century Skills Adapts easily to change and assumes responsibility. Learning strategies Asks for repetition when something is difficult to understand in English.

Vocabulary to review: Body parts, Emotions Numbers: 1-10 Vocabulary to offer personal information Name, from, years old Words that indicate sequence/ Sequence words: first, then, next, last Question words: what/who/how old Numbers:1-20 Expressions: Take a shower, brush teeth, have breakfast, get dressed. In the morning, at night, before bedtime. Grammar Personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, they Possessives: my, your Verb To Be: I am / you are / she is/ my mother is … / this is my mother... English in practice: - I take a shower in the morning. - I brush my teeth before bedtime. - My sister is 8 years old. - This is my father. - My name is …. I am 6 years old Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Worrying about being healthy through personal hygiene and body care.

SOCIAL SCIENCES: Review the rights of the students

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.



Goal: Distinguish and describe in English some characteristics and the importance of other living things in their context. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Exchanges personal information such as name, age, and where he/she comes from with classmates and teachers, using short simple sentences.










- Describe other living things and the place where they can be found. Ask and give basic information about other living things. - Give instructions in English in the classroom.

- Identify simple phrases and words about other living things around him/her. Mention some physical characteristics of some other living things. - Understand simple phrases in short oral or written texts, by using images related to other living things.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: 1. Identifies the characteristics and needs of the living things in his/her context. 2. Identifies the vocabulary, words related to the characteristics of living things. Do: 1. Describes the characteristics of living things. 2. Asks and answers questions about the presence of other living things in his/her context by using simple vocabulary. 3. Classifies and names living things according to their characteristics. 4. Participates in short conversations using vocabulary related to living things and their basic characteristics. Be: 1. Appreciates the presence of other living things in his/her context. 2. Shares with people close to him/ her basic rules to preserve other living things in his/her context. Learn: 21st Century Skills Assumes responsibility for others and his/her environment. Learning strategies Prioritizes and completes his/her activities without permanent monitoring.

Vocabulary to review - 1o Module 2/ 2° Module 2: Adjectives Animals cat, dog, birds, parrot, iguana, bees, fish, cow, bat, insects, tiger, lion, giraffe Vocabulary related to the module environment, habitats, animal characteristics Animal classification wild - domestic water - land Habitats forest, sea, house, savannah, river Verbs fly, jump, hunt, protect, run, etc. Adjetivos / Adjectives fast, slow, big, small, endangered, tall, Expressions Stop hunting animals Take care of animals Questions Can a dog fly? No, it can’t. Can a fish swim? Yes, it can. Do you see cows in your neighborhood. Grammar to review - Transition Module 3: can/ can’t, Imperatives - 2° Module 1: Present simple Should Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Worrying about and becoming interested in how to preserve the environment.

SCIENCE: Studying animals, their characteristics, the habitat in which they live and their contribution to the environment.

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.



Goal: Describe with simple vocabulary in English some cultural differences among several communities and show respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Describes cultural aspects of his/her immediate environment, using known words and expression.











- Express likes about cultural activities. - Describe what others are doing at the moment of speaking. - Mention basic customs of his/her region.

- Identify simple words and phrases related to cultural traditions in a community. - Describe with simple phrases the elements in his/her own community or another community. - Understand a sequence of events in a short oral or written text, supported by images.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: 1. Identifies words related to cultural activities, celebrations, race and traditions. 2. Identifies words that allow him/her to describe physical particularities among different communities. DO: 1. Makes a list based on traditions of different cultural groups. 2. Expresses what he/ she likes or does not like about the groups studied. 3. Describes pictures, through simple words, stating what is happening. Be: 1. Respects and appreciates the cultural expressions of different groups he/she knows. 2. Promotes the preservation of traditions of the different cultural groups studied. Learn: 21st Century Skills Respects cultural differences and works easily with his/her classmates even if they belong to a different culture. Learning strategies Looks for words that are similar in his/her native language with the English language.

Vocabulary to review - Transition Module 4: culture and celebrations - Months of the year Vocabulary related to celebrations candles, kite, cake, food, Sun, Moon, music, dance, parade, costume, music festival. Visit religious monuments,etc. Question word when Celebrations or festivals in Colombia Christmas, New Year, Easter / holy week, Flowers Festival, Barranquilla’s Carnival. Adjectives happy, excited, sad, etc. Months and dates January - December My birthday is in November My birthday is on November 30th. Expressions I like/ I don’t like/ I prefer Let’s celebrate Enjoy! Expressions to review Transition Module 3: I like/ I don’t like Grammar Present continuous tense Example: They are celebrating Christmas. Questions in English in Simple present (do/does) Example: Do you/they fly kites in August? Yes, they do / No, they don’t Does she celebrate holy week? Prepositions of time in - on

SOCIAL SCIENCES - GEOGRAPHY: Set similarities and differences between the physical features of the different communities, their ways to celebrate and their traditions.

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – THIRD GRADE (3°) First Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): texts related to familiar topics, based on images and known phrases.










Give and ask for informa- tion about symptoms of diseases in their commu- nity. Give simple instructions. Describe in simple sen- tences, the symptoms of common diseases in their community.

Understand phrases in short, simple written texts, supported by images, related to health problems. Identify words and phrases related to common health problems in their community. Exchange information about symp- toms and ways to prevent health problems in their community.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: 1. Recognizes the vocabulary to name the body parts. 2. Identifies the vocabulary of common diseases in his /her context. 3. Recognizes words and expressions of the rules to prevent health problems. 4. Identifies vocabulary and expressions about the causes and symptoms of common diseases in the community. Do: 1. Describes the symptoms of common diseases, using body parts vocabulary and simple language. 2. Classifies the causes and symptoms of common viral diseases in the context, using pictures. 3. Participates in a short conversation about common diseases. 4. Makes a simple list of rules to prevent common diseases and makes an illustration of it. Be: 1. Recognizes his /her responsibility in the prevention of diseases in their community. 2. Promotes actions for the prevention of these diseases at home. Learn: 21st Century Skills Interprets information and draws simple conclusions. Learning strategies Connects the sound of a word or phrase with a picture as an aid in remembering.

Common diseases and symptoms Zika, dengue, common cold, flu, fever, headache, stomachache, sore throat Numbers and percentages 100 - 1000 % (per cent) Expressions I have a... The symptoms are... How do you feel? Grammar Should / shouldn’t A / An Grammar to review - Second grade module 4: Simple present tense. English in practice I have a cold. I think it’s zika. Remember, you should wash your hands. I’m sick. I have a headache and fever. Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Worrying and showing interest for others.

MATH: Graph analysis of survey results.

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – THIRD GRADE (3°) Second Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Answers simple questions about descriptive short texts, in written or oral form, related to familiar and classroom topics.










Express with simple phra- ses their duties at home, school and community. Give and ask for simple information about everyday actions related to their responsibilities in the community. Give simple instructions to take care of their commu- nity.

Identify words and phrases about the duties of students. Understand short and simple senten- ces in written texts, supported by ima- ges, related to the duties of students. Present simple ideas orally about the duties and rights of students.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: 1. Identifies words and basic expressions related to their duties at home, school, and community. 2. Identifies the words what/where to ask questions. 3. Recognizes possessives our, their. Do: 1. Follows and gives basic classroom instructions. 2. Writes and says simple phrases with familiar vocabulary. 3. Makes a list of commitments as citizen. 4. Asks and answers questions about their everyday actions. 5. Illustrates or represents their duties as citizens in different ways (drawings, drama, etc.). 6. Recognizes some specific details in written and oral texts related to their duties. Be: 1. Shows a respectful attitude toward their peers and the environment. 2. Behaves appropriately in school. Learn: 21st Century Skills Reflects critically about a situation or experience. Learning strategies Starts reading short and illustrated stories (with few words) in English for pleasure

Vocabulary to review: Body parts, Emotions Numbers: 1-10 Vocabulary to offer personal information Name, from, years old Words that indicate sequence/ Sequence words: first, then, next, last Question words: what/who/how old Numbers:1-20 Expressions: Take a shower, brush teeth, have breakfast, get dressed. In the morning, at night, before bedtime. Grammar Personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, they Possessives: my, your Verb To Be: I am / you are / she is/ my mother is … / this is my mother... English in practice: - I take a shower in the morning. - I brush my teeth before bedtime. - My sister is 8 years old. - This is my father. - My name is …. I am 6 years old Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Worrying about being healthy through personal hygiene and body care.

SOCIAL Rights and SCIENCES: responsibilities VALUES Respect SCIENCE: Environmental care

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – THIRD GRADE (3°) Third Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Exchanges ideas and simple opinions with classma- tes and teachers, following models or using images.










Mention the causes and consequences of a given situation with the support of images. Describe everyday actions related to the environment. Give simple warnings, previously rehearsed, about the environment.

Identify causes and consequences about the environment in short, simple oral and written texts . Exchange information about the effects of humans on the environment through previously rehearsed phrases. Produce simple sentences about causes and consequences of human actions on the environment.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: 1. Identifies simple vocabulary related to elements of the environment in their context. 2. Recognizes expressions related to human actions against the environment. 3. Identifies phrases and expressions to talk about causes and effects. Do: 1. Classifies causes and effects within an environmental situation, using images. 2. Expresses, using phrases previously rehearsed, the causes and consequences of an environment-related situation. 3. Understands specific details about the environment, in a short text, if the language is familiar. 4. Describes environmental problems in their immediate community, using previously studied phrases. Be: 1. Works in a team to make their school community a better place to be. 2. Recognizes that their decisions and personal actions have consequences for others and the environment. Learn: 21st Century Skills Takes a shared responsibility and values contributions of every member of the team. Learning strategies Takes advantage of every opportunity to learn English (e.g. learn songs in English)

Human actions Negative Logging / deforestation Littering / Polluting Using plastic Destroying animal habitats Mining Positive Recycling Reusing Cleaning oceans Reforestation Expressions for cause-consequence Logging causes habitat destruction Animals die because they eat plastic Grammar to review - Third grade module 1:should in simple sentences / Present simple tense - Second grade module 4: Present simple tense Gram tica Presente simple People litter Imperatives for warning: advertencias: Don’t use plastic Modals for expressing obligation Have to / must Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Values of respect for the environment. Effective group work.

SCIENCE Animal classification. Environmental care.

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – THIRD GRADE (3°) Fourth Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Describes things, places, people, and communities, in oral or written form, using simple phrases.










Give and ask for simple information about the use of technology. Describe routines related to the use of technology. Name elements of tech- nology and their use.

Understand phrases in written and oral descriptive texts, about technolo- gical objects and their function. Exchange information about the use of technology, through previously rehearsed phrases. Present simple ideas, orally about good practices of the use of technology.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: 1. Identifies vocabulary and expressions related to technology. 2. Recognizes frequency adverbs such as always, sometimes, never. 3. Uses the word to (+ infinitive) to talk about the use of an object. 4. Recognizes the question how often do you...? to ask about the frequency of an action. 5. Uses might to express possibility Do: 1. Asks and answers questions about habits related to the use of technology. 2. Describes technological elements they regularly use. 3. Talks about the use of an object using rehearsed phrases. 4. Compares the use of technology among the people in their community. Be: 1. Recognizes and respects similarities and differences among people regarding their age and the use of technology. 2. Identifies some possible risks of using technology. 3. Recognizes that access and use of technology is not equal for everyone. Learn: 21st Century Skills Recognizes technology as an instrument for searching for information and communication. Learning strategies Practices English with their classmates.

Activities related to technology Do homework Watch tv Listen to music Play Search for information Do research Time expressions Twice a day one/two/three hours every day Every day Two days a week Expressions Questions about the frequency of an action How often do you... (use a computer)? I use a computer three hours a day. Grammar To + infinitive I use a computer to do my homework. Can (for possibility) Computers can be bad for you Simple comparisons: I use a computer every day, but Juan uses a computer once a week. I use a computer more than Juan. Frequency adverbs. never, often, sometimes, always Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Respect for the technological limitations of older adults. Differences between communities to access and use technology.

MATH: Numbers, percentages, and graphs. TECHNOLOGY: Uses of the computer.

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – FOURTH GRADE (4°) First Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Understands the main idea and supporting details in a short, simple, informative text about topics that are familiar or of personal interest.











Give and ask for personal information about eating habits. Express moods. Give suggestions and recommendations on the use of certain substances. Expressing causes and effects of eating habits through simple sentences.

Make simple sentences to describe the consequences of certain substances to humans. Identify words phrases related to harmful substances and the consequences for human health. Suggest or give recommendations on the harmful effects of certain substance, in a simple conversation. Understand specific information in written and oral descriptive texts on the use and abuse of harmful substances.

Identify and introduce in English the effects of certain substances for your health (sugars, caffeine, salt, fat).

Know: 1. Identifies the uses of Wh- questions to get specific information. 2. Recognizes the vocabulary related to the main substances harmful to health, in short written texts. 3. Identifies the main effects of certain substances to his/her DO 1. Asks for information using Wh-questions. 2. Understands and associates the harmful substances and their effects in short written texts. 3. Gives recommendations about the consumption of certain substances. 4. Exchanges information about the harmful effects of certain substances to health. 5. Makes a list of products containing substances harmful to health. BE 1. Values taking care of his/her body. 2. Promotes actions to prevent consumption of harmful substances to health. LEARN 21st Century Skills Predicts the content of a text based on its title, subtitles or images. Learning strategie Synthesizes relevant information from a text. health in short written texts. 4. Recognizes words and expressions to make recommendations or suggestions regarding the use of substances to health.

Harmful effects Headache, obesity, diabetes, hyperactivity, heart problems The alphabet / spelling how do you spell___ ? English in practice Caffeine produces hyperactivity. Fast food can cause heart problems. You must not drink too many sodas because they can cause diabetes. Expressions for cause and consequencesa Harmful subtances and food sugar, caffeine, salt, fat, candy, fast food, lunch meat (embutido) / sausage soda, butter, fried foods Grammar Modal verbs Compound sentences Must / should / have to Connectors and, but, because Expressions Sugar is bad for your health Salt can cause many health problems. Caffeine produces... It can cause... Sugar is dangerous because... ... it is bad because... Eat more fruits/vegetables Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Showing interest for others

NATURAL SCIENCES Effect of substances harmful to health.

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – FOURTH GRADE (4°) Second Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Asks and answers questions related to who, when and where, in written or oral form, after reading or listening to a short and simple text.










Express agree- ments and disagreements in very simple conversations in English, showing respect for the opinion of others.

Identify the vocabulary and expres- sions to ask for and give apologies to others. Describe his/her qualities using appropriate vocabulary and expres- sions. Express agreements, disagreements and apologies with simple sentences in a simple conversation. Understand specific information in narrative texts on common conflicts between colleagues.

Express agree- ments and disagreements in very simple conversations in English, showing respect for the opinion of others.

Know: 1. Identifies words and expressions to apologize. 2. Identifies structures to express other people’s qualities. 3. Recognizes some vocabulary and expressions to describe themselves and others Do: 1. Asks for and gives apologies when a mistake has been made. 2. Describes his /her qualities and those of others using simple structures. 3. Expresses his/her opinions by not offending or embarrassing their peers. Be: 1. Respects the opinions and positions of his/her colleagues in issues of common interest. 2. Represents his/her views respectfully. Learn: 21st Century Skills Listens carefully in order to clearly identify the meaning and position of the speaker. Learning strategies Presents a study schedule with his / her peers and he/she finishes it.

Expressions to state his / her opinions I think that... In my opinion! I think he/she/it is________ he is really nice... I agree / I disagree - I don’t agree Expressions to ask and offer apologies Sorry! Please, don’t be disrespectful... My name is...please do not call me like that. Sorry, I think this is mine, not yours. Please don’t be mad at me. Expressions of courtesy Thank you, Excuse me, Please May I have... Grammar Simple questions to ask for someone’s opinion or appearance What do you think about ________? What is your opinion about______? What is he/she like? English in practice Luis is really nice and clever. He is short and slim. What do you think about Yenis? I think she is a very good friend. I am a tall boy. Carlos is a good friend. Sara is a shy girl. I agree with you / I disagree with you. Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Concern for the others.

ETHICS: Respect LANGUAGE: Importance of language in conflict management

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



Suggested Project: Let’s talk ! The purpose of this project is to have stu- dents demonstrate the value of dialogue as the main strategy to manage conflicts. Suggested product: Create an exhibition of short videos showing examples of dialo- gue as a conflict management strategy. 1 Group students according to their affinities (favorite color, animal, etc.). All students must belong to a group. 3 Review the vocabulary and structures to describe someone in English; Teacher: Is this Luisa? Students: Yes, she is luisa. Teacher: is she tall or short? 4 In groups, students review and make corrections to their short texts, the teacher monitors the process. BUNNY BONITA: Capsules 2 and 8 5 Divide students into two groups. One student stands up and starts describing someone in English. The opposite team must guess who is being described. Stu- dents take turns to finish the activity. - 181 - ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Students monitor their acquisition of vocabulary through activities in class and with peers, and the teacher provides extra activities to those students who need more. OF LEARNING Vocabulary quizzes and worksheets. • The objective of this stage is to mo- tivate students to participate in tasks related to the topic proposed, but also to let them state what they already know about the topic. Inclusion: If you have children with hearing or oral language disabilities, you can use this activity to use sign language or body language. It is an opportunity to make them participate! 2 ECO: Unit 4 Lessons 1 - 4 Unit 9 Lessons 3 & 4 Each child chooses a classmate to describe in English using simple language E.g.This is Luisa, she is short and slim. . You can also bring pictures or posters with students from different races or differently abled so that students become aware of the need to accept everyone. This can be done in Spanish.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – FOURTH GRADE (4°) Third Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Exchanges opinions about a topic of interest based on situations related to his/her immediate environ- ment, using simple and familiar sentence.









Make simple compari- sons about actions to take care of the environ- ment. Describe the characte- ristics of their environ- ment. Give and ask for infor- mation on daily activities related to the environ- ment. .

Produce short oral and written texts related to environmental issues, based on an established model. Exchange information about the cha- racteristics of their immediate environ- ment. Identify relevant information on environ- mental degradation in short descriptive texts. Understand the general idea and specific information in narrative and descriptive short, simple texts based on environmental issues.

Compare in a simple way in English the ac- tions that have a positive and a negative impact on the environ- ment.

Know: 1. Understands concepts and processes related to the conservation of the environment. 2. Establishes practices that may favor or harm the environment. Do: 1. Raises his/her own solutions to environmental problems in their community. 2. Compares human actions that affect positively or negatively the environment. 3. Designs a campaign to take care of the environment in their school and community. Be: 1.Recognizes the importance of the environment. 2. Promotes actions to preserve the environment. Learn: 21st Century Skills Analyzes a specific problem or situation and proposes solutions for it. Learning strategies Asks his/her classmates for help to perform a task.

Vocabulary related with the environment Habitat, creatures, ecosystem clouds, plants, animals Ozone layer, gas emissions, pollution, smog Adjectives worried, scared, disappointed, optimistic Expressions to promote actions I want to help to reduce pollution. Let’s reuse old boxes and plastic bottles. I propose to... Expressions for solutions I think we shouldn’t waste too much water. we should turn off the lights when we have natural light. Grammar Wash (your hands), empty (water cans). Reduce / Recycle / Reuse Plant a garden... Don’t litter... Compound Sentences When We should close the tap when we brush our teeth. Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Concern and interest for the environment.


Envaironmental care

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths. Suggested Project: Save the environment! The purpose of this project is to raise awareness around environmental issues through considering specific actions to make. Suggested Product: Design an ecological wall. The objective of this stage is to motivate students to participate in tasks related to the topic proposed, but also to let them state what they already know about the topic. BUNNY BONITA: Capsule 13 Watch the following video “Environment: ecosystem around us” which covers some aspects related to the environment and how to take care of it. Ask the children to take careful note of the concepts introdu- ced: “Environment: ecosystem around us”: Invite the children to write in their notebook the concepts (Creatures, habitat, observe, ecosystem, fertilize, compost, etc.) and represent them through drawings. • In case you do not have the techno- logical resources suggested, you can design a lottery with the concepts and drawings, you can even do it in the com- pany of the children and then use it to learn the suggested vocabulary. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Students monitor their acquisition of vocabulary through activities in class and with peers, and the tea- cher provides extra activities to those students who need more. OF LEARNING Vocabulary quizzes and worksheets. SUGGESTED CURRICULUM STRUCTURE SUGGESTED CURRICULUM STRUCTURE METHODOLOGICAL AND ASSESSMENT SUGGESTIONS FOR MODULE 3 They are having fun! Make a list in English of the main ele- ments and processes that are part and influence the environment. Establish the importance of taking care and protecting the environment. With the help of a projector and / or a computer, invite your children to play “Clean and Green” which will help them learn ways to recycle. “Clean and green” games/clean-and-green Initially, motivate children to describe what they see in the picture: This is a bedroom. There is a bed, a table and some dustbins to collect or to recycle the trash.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – FOURTH GRADE (4°) Fourth Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Compares basic characteristics of people, objects and places in his/her school and community, using simple sentences.









Describe the activities he or she performs every day. Express his/her opinion about some actions ob- served in his/her peers. Give and ask for infor- mation about daily activities in their environment and community. Mention the causes and possible effects human actions have on the lives of others.

Identify specific information about the effects of their actions in narrative and descriptive, short texts. Recognize causes and effects of glo- balization in oral and written texts. Describe everyday activities and their consequences for other human beings in the world. Exchange information on the rela- tionships between different com- munities in the world, using simple sentences.

Describe in sim- ple language how their actions and those of their community affect our world

Know: 1. Identifies vocabulary related to the global community. 2. Recognizes the structure of the present continuous. 3. Identifies phrases and expressions to talk about causes and effects. Do: 1. Classifies causes and effects of a situation related to the global community. 2. Expresses how their actions affect the global community. 3. Describes the actions of their community and how they affect the global community. Be: 1. Considers his/her role as a member of a global community. 2. Recognizes that his/her actions have consequences for everyone. Learn: 21st Century Skills Values teamwork and the contributions made by each of their peers. Learning strategies Represents what he/ she learns through drawings

Frequently used actions Sweep, clean, dig, dust throw garbage study pass the exam Vocabulary related to global village global village, interdependency, connection, cause, consequence affect, relationships Expressions for cause and consequences The cause of caused by... due to ... Thanks to ... Grammar Present continuous affirmative, negative and interrogative form The man is sweeping the floor We are not thinking about other communities in the world. Are you recycling? Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Interest for the consequences of their actions..

ETHICS.: Responsibility Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – FIFTH GRADE (5°) First Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Understands general and specific information in a short narrative text about topics that are familiar or of personal interest.










Expresses his/her likes and dislikes. Describes his/her daily routine and hobbies. Gives guidelines to their peers, using simple language to establish harmonious relationships . Gives and asks for information about their relationships with others.

Makes simple sentences about routines in oral and written form. Identifies words and phrases about routines and his/her relationships with others in simple oral and written texts. Exchanges personal information about their hobbies and personal relationships. Understands the main idea and specific information in short narrative texts on familiar topics.

Propose in English, through simple language, actions to take care of his/her body and his/her relationships with others.

Know: 1. Identifies words and expressions to talk about hygiene. 2. Identifies the structure of a simple question with what, who, and where. 3. Recognizes the structures I like / I do not like to talk about what he/she likes and does not like. 4. Recognizes the vocabulary and structures to talk about his likes and dislikes. daily activities and hobbies. 5. Identifies the imperative form of known verbs. Do: 1. Describes his/her daily routine and hobbies. 2. Asks and answers questions about daily routines and hobbies. 3. Expresses his likes and dislikes.. 4. Interacts with peers on topics of interest, related to body care and his/her relationships with others. Be: 1. Shows with his/her actions respect towards himself and his fellows. 2. Respects decisions and opinions from others. Learn: 21st Century Skills Proposes meaningful questions that leading to better options or solutions. Learning strategies Practices monologues with peers.

Daily activities and hobbies . Wake up, have a bath, have breakfast, brush my teeth, go to school, do the homework Tidy the room, clean the room go to the park, play soccer, play video games Relationships brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, best friend, etc. Telling the time half past / and a half / thirty 7:30 - It’s half past seven / It’s seven and a half / It’s seven thirty a quarter past 8:15 - It’s a quarter past eight a quarter to 9:45 - It’s a quarter to ten. Expressions for apology or rejection Do not / I don’t like it Stop it! / I do not want to I’m sorry / Excuse-me I can not Grammar Possessive pronouns mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers Information questions What do you do in the morning? (Wh-questions)Where / what / who Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Expressions for rejection or apology




of a graph






for good



Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – FIFTH GRADE (5°) Second Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Produces a short, simple, oral or written narrative text that responds to the what, who, when and where of an event or anecdote.










- Describe in a simple way, physical characteristics about his/ her classmates. Express, with simple words, basic rules of behavior and respect towards the others.

- Identify, orally, words and short phrases, related to physical characteristics about himself/ herself and his/her classmates. Mention with simple phrases, physical characteristics about himself/ herself and his/ her classmates.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: 1. Identifies words and expressions that reflect some type of discrimination in their context. 2. Recognizes the vocabulary and structures to describe the qualities of other people. Do: 1. Talks to their peers and community members without words or expressions that might denote some kind of gender, socioeconomic or status discrimination, etc. 2. Produces small oral and written texts in which he/she describes the role of men and women in their local context. 3. Compares in some detail the physical characteristics and qualities of others. 4. Expresses opinions and supports them with arguments. 5. Recognizes relevant information in a short text. Be: 1. Shows with his/her words that he/she respect himself/ herself and his peers. 2. Values the role of each gender in society. Learn: 21st Century Skills Expresses ideas orally or in written form, acknowledging his interlocutor and context. Learning strategies Groups words considering their root or family.

Adjectives - synonyms and opposites Pretty = beautiful Fat = heavy / thin = slim Short / tall Kind / rude polite / impolite Intelligent = clever = smart Rich / poor Catholic,Protestant,Baptist,Mormon Expressions for rejection Stop it! Cut it out Not cool That was not funny That’s bullying Expressions for apology It was not my intention You are right, sorry Sorry if I offended you Grammar Plural forms Man / Men Woman / women Child / children English in practice Juan’s eyes are brown. In my community men work as bricklayers. In my opinion, That was not funny. You are right, sorry. Hey Marcela, that’s not funny. Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Recognition of his / her mistakes.

ETHICS.: Respect

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – FIFTH GRADE (5°) Third Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Exchanges information about habits, likes and pre- ferences related to familiar topics, following models provided by the teacher.










- Describe in a simple way, physical characteristics about his/ her classmates. Express, with simple words, basic rules of behavior and respect towards the others.

- Identify, orally, words and short phrases, related to physical characteristics about himself/ herself and his/her classmates. Mention with simple phrases, physical characteristics about himself/ herself and his/ her classmates.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: 1. Identifies words and expressions related to everyday activities. 2. Recognizes the structure of the comparative form. 3. Recognizes the vocabulary and structures to talk about the characteristics of the people and communities he/ she interacts with. Do: 1. Makes simple comparisons based on the characteristics of their peers. 2. Answers simple questions about their daily activities and hobbies. 3. Interacts with peers to talk about places and/or people in their local context. 4. Prepares short oral or written texts based on a given model, related to a community of their city or municipality. Be: 1. Accepts and values their fellows regardless of gender, age, socioeconomic status, or marginalized groups. Learn: 21st Century Skills Collaborates actively in projects and group tasks, assuming their role in them. Learning strategies Prepares lists of vocabulary and expressions they use the most in classes and school.

Adjectives Big / small Clean / dirty Old / modern Quiet / Noisy Tourist Urban / Rural Expressions to talk about his / her hobbies What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time? I play soccer... I read a book... I watch tv... Expressions to compare physical characteristics with his / her peers I am taller. She is the tallest. They are richer than us. Grammar Comparatives and superlatives - One syllable comparatives This country is bigger than The city is noisier than the country. - Two or more syllables comparatives and superlatives and irregulars It is the best/worst Medellín is the most modern city in Colombia. Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Respect for the differences and social contexts.

ETHICS.: Respect

Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – FIFTH GRADE (5°) Fourth Term: PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER – “I appreciate our differences”

Goal: Describe, in English, his/ her own physical differences and the ones from his/ her classmates and shows respect towards them. CEFR Level: Preparatory (Pre- A1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Explains in oral or written form, cause and effect related to topics of most immediate relevance, using simple sentences and following a model.










- Describe in a simple way, physical characteristics about his/ her classmates. Express, with simple words, basic rules of behavior and respect towards the others.

- Identify, orally, words and short phrases, related to physical characteristics about himself/ herself and his/her classmates. Mention with simple phrases, physical characteristics about himself/ herself and his/ her classmates.

At this level: - I understand short stories narrated in a simple language. - I develop strategies that help me understand some words, expressions and sentences that I read. - I understand the basic language about my family, friends, games and familiar places, if they speak to me slowly and with clear pronunciation.

Know: 1. Identifies words and expressions related to tell stories or anecdotes in his/ her context. 2. Recognizes the structure of the past tense of verbs he/ she often uses. 3. Recognizes the vocabulary of the media and information he/she has contact with. 4. Identifies the interrogative form to get information about current events. Do: 1. Tells his/her anecdotes using simple language. 2. Answers simple questions about current events. 3. Prepares simple questions related to the facts presented by the media. 4. Expresses his/her favorite media source. Be: 1. Appreciates his/her experiences and those of his/her companions. 2. Considers the effectiveness of information received through mass media. Learn: 21st Century Skills Explores different media and considers its effectiveness. Learning strategies Reorganizes the information collected from different mass media in a table.

Mass media vocabulary Television network, radio, newspapers, reality shows soap opera, documentary local news, news programmes music programmes, articles Expressions to tell stories one day... When I was younger... then... finally... Expressions for preferences I prefer to... I prefer Expressions to talk about past actions I used to play soccer but now I... My grandparents did not have computers to be informed... Grammar Past tense (regular verbs) Used to Questions in the past: Did you...? Did he...? What did you do last Saturday? I walked around the park. Sociolinguistic/ Intercultural Assessment of information received by different means.




: Data through


Students can monitor second and even third drafts with checklists and peers.

Check final drafts of: Posters and oral presentation scripts with rubric. Administer vocabulary and content task quizzes.



This stage is centered on the activities for the student. Here are some possible tasks that students can do: - Students can work on oral activities where they complete sentences in English, related to their personal information. (The teacher should always model the activity for kids to have an example to follow.) - Through body language, learners can mimic words and phrases referring to body care and the rest of the class could guess and say in English, what they are doing. Meanwhile, they use the vocabulary recently learned. - Students can make, in English, a sample of the ID using poster paper. It is important to have an example on the board with the information the students have to fill in with their personal information. This needs to be made in advance for the kids to fill in the blanks only with the information they already know and that is easy, such as their names, age, etc. - They can bring a picture ID size to complement this activity or draw a picture of himself / herself to replace the picture. (Help the students to make posters, in English that represent important actions related to their daily routine and body care actions. Help them present orally their own routine while they use the sequence words in English. (First-then-after-finally) - Watch a video, this time in English, about a father who tells his routine. This is an opportunity to review that topic and at the same time the words that indicate sequence in a story. e.g.: My dad: • Pre-listening (before listening): As preparation to watch the video, you may bring to the class some flashcards with the images related to the vocabulary about physical descriptions. Students might practice the vocabulary of the module that appears in the video (take a shower, make breakfast, as well as, first, second, then, next, etc). You may write the words on the board and the kids have to paste the picture next to the word that belongs to it. • While listening (during listening): the video is watched once for the children to enjoy what is happening in the story. Then, it is played again and may be stopped to ask a few simple comprehension questions in English. • Post-listening (after listening): After watching the video, you can give to the students a piece of paper with activities based on the video for them to do. These, may include drawing pictures about the story, imagining another end for it, choosing their favorite character, among others. Inclusion: for those kids with special learning needs, it is recommended to let total freedom for the development of their creativity and encourage them from their interests and strengths.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – SIXTH GRADE (6°) First Term: DEMOCRACY AND PEACE – “COEXISTENCE IN THE CLASSROOM” CEFR Level: Basic 2 (A2) Goal: Recognize self as an individual and a member of the class. (Reconocerse como individuo y como miembro de la clase.) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Participates in a very short conversation. Requests and provide clarification on how names and unknown words are spelled.











• Give and ask for personal information. • Describe persons and daily activities. • Present self and others. • Give instructions. • Spell out names. • Give and request information on phone numbers and the time.

• Identify words and phrases related to personal information and daily activities in simple oral and written texts. • Exchange personal information and daily activities through simple role-playing. • Make simple sentences on personal information and daily activities orally and in writing.

In addition to what I achieved in the previous level, at this level I will strive more to: • Understand short texts of some difficulty about daily activities, of my interest, about other subjects and my social environment. • Listen to an oral text and, if I am familiar with it, understand the most important information. • Hold routine conversations to say hello, say goodbye, talk about the weather or how I feel. Listening: (1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9) Reading: (1, 2, 4) (1) I understand written instructions to carry out daily, personal and academic activities. • I also hold monologues where I make brief presentations and explain in a simple way my preferences, activities and other topics related to my environment and interests. • I write short texts that tell stories and describe people and places that I imagine or know. Writing: (3, 4)(3) I complete basic personal information in simple formats and documents. Monologue: (2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9)(2) I give simple oral instructions in school, familiar and surroundings situations. Conversation: (1,2,3,4,5, 6)(1) I answer with short sentences to simple questions about topics that are familiar to me.

Knowing: • Identifies words and expressions on personal information, moods and personal feelings. • Identifies personal information through Yes/ No questions. Doing: • Uses greetings appropriately in short conversations. • Completes a form with personal information. • Writes a personal profile and another person’s profile. • Exchanges information related to daily situations in the classroom. Being: • Values his personal characteristics and those of his peers.

Lexical: Family Members • Mother/ mom/ma, • Father/dad/ pop • Grandmother/gramma, • Cousins Routines: Brush teeth, Comb hair, Exercise, Eat healthy, Drink water, Sleep well Numbers 1 to 100 Objects in the classroom, The time Expressions to say hello: • How are you?... I am… • How are you doing?... I am… Expressions to describe interests • I like…, He doesn’t like…, She can…, She can’t… Expressions to ask questions • So, are you…?, Do you like…?, Can you …?, Do you have any brothers or sisters? Classroom expressions • Open your notebook., Be quiet!, Expressions on routines • I eat dinner at 6., Before going to bed, Grammar • Present simple tense • Yes/No questions • Adjectives • Singular and plural nouns • Adverbs of frequency Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Formal and informal use of greetings • Learning through interaction

“EDUPAZ” Objective: To work on the Integrative Competence: constructive management of the conflict (anger management, active listening, perspective taking, creative generation of options, consideration of consequences and assertiveness)

Task: 1. Draw a genealogical tree. 2. Draft short descriptive texts about family... 3. Play bingo. 4. Play lottery board game. 5. Write a descriptive text about a daily routine. 6. Conduct a survey among classmates about the daily routine. 7. Prepare short dialogues to obtain information.

Evaluate creativity and ingenuity to draw. Prepare drafts of the written text as part of the writing process. • Analyze the use of vocabulary and structures studied in the drafting of simple texts. • Reflect on the cooperation of teamwork.

• Middle Term Test. • Final Term Test. • Writing rubric. • Oral rubric.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – SIXTH GRADE (6°) Second Term: HEALTH – “HEALTHY PHYSICAL ROUTINE” CEFR Level: Basic 2 (A2) Goal: Establish a physical care routine. (Establecer una rutina de cuidado físico personal.) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Understands instructions and expresses them orally and written form. Describes the basic characteristics of people, things and places.










• Describes personal care habits and routines. • Gives and requests personal information and daily activities. • Express likes and interests. • Describes parts of the body.

• Makes simple sentences about routines, likes and interests orally and in writing. • Identifies words and phrases about routines, likes and interests in simple oral and written texts. • Exchanges information about routines, likes and interests in a simple conversation.

In addition to what I achieved in the previous level, at this level I will strive more to: • Understand short texts of some difficulty about daily activities, of my interest, about other subjects and my social environment. Listening: (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9,11) (3) I understand short and simple messages related to my environment and my personal and academic interests. Reading: (1, 2, 3) • I also hold monologues where I make brief presentations and explain in a simple way my preferences, activities and other topics related to my environment and interests. • I write short texts that tell stories and describe people and places that I imagine or know. Writing: (2, 3, 4) (2) I write short messages and with different purposes related to situations, objects or people from my immediate surroundings. Monologue: (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) (3) I establish comparisons between characters, places and objects. Conversation: (2,3,4,5, 6) (3) I participate in everyday communicative situations such as asking for favors, apologizing and thanking.

Knowing: • Identifies essential information related to daily personal care routines in short written texts with simple language. • Recognizes vocabulary related to daily routines and personal care. • Identifies the structure of Yes/No questions. Doing: • Formulates questions related to personal care routines. • Answers with short phrases the questions on personal care routines based on vocabulary and expressions studied. • Writes down in a pre-established forms short expressions and words related to personal care routines from a short and simple oral presentation. • Makes a list of the healthiest daily personal care activities based on the notes taken. Being: • Assumes a responsible position before personal care. • Respects taking turns.

Lexical Parts of the body :Arm, Legs,Chest, Brain. Expressions of time related to Routines: • I eat dinner at 6, Before going to bed, I wake up at, Everyday, First, second, then…, In the morning…, In the evening…, In the afternoon…, At night… Expressions for personal care • In the morning... I brush my teeth. • I visit the doctor… Take a shower • Brush teeth, Comb hair, Exercise Eat healthy, Drink water, Sleep well Grammar • Present tense • Yes/No questions (Do you…? Yes, I do...; No, I don´t.) • Adverbs of frequency Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Taking turns • Learning through interaction

“Estilos de vida saludable” Objective: Encourage the development of competences in students that enable them to make assertive decisions about their life project and, specifically, about health, in order to guide that project towards integral well-being: physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual.

Task: 1. Do word searches. 2. Make a brochure or poster about paths for personal care. 3. Conduct a survey with classmates about the frequency with which they carry out certain activities. 4. Make a list of actions that contribute to personal care.

• Contrast list of actions with those of my classmates. • Carry out guided exercises of specific knowledge of words related to the subject. • Integrate in my drafts feedback received from peers and the teacher to the text on recommendations for personal care actions. • Perform practice exercises of vocabulary and grammar use in context. • Make drafts of the written text

• Middle Term Test. • Final Term Test. • Writing rubric. • Oral rubric.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – SIXTH GRADE (6°) Third Term: SUSTAINABILITY – “ENVIRONMENT” CEFR Level: Basic 2 (A2) Goal: Specify actions to save energy in the community. Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Answers questions related to “what, who and when” after reading or listening to a short and simple text. Writes basic personal information.













• Describes actions in a simple and logical sequence. • Gives and requests information on a subject. • Clarifies information.

• Exchanges information about daily activities through questions and sentences. • Identifies phrases and expressions on daily activities in short oral and written texts. • Makes simple sentences about daily activities in an oral and written way.

In addition to what I achieved in the previous level, at this level I will strive more to: • Understand short texts of some difficulty about daily activities, of my interest, about other subjects and my social environment. • Listen to an oral text and, if I am familiar with it, understand the most important information. Listening: (3, 5, 6, 9) I identify the general topic and the relevant details in conversations, radio information or oral presentations. Reading: (1, 2, 6) I identify the appropriate meaning of the words in the dictionary according to the context. • I also hold monologues where I make brief presentations and explain in a simple way my preferences, activities and other topics related to my environment and interests. • I write short texts that tell stories and describe people and places that I imagine or know. My spelling is acceptable although I make mistakes in words I do not use frequently. • The language I use allows me to deal with everyday issues, but it is normal that I make some basic mistakes. Writing: (2, 3) (2) I write short messages with different purposes related to situations, objects or people from my surrounding. Monologue: (3, 6, 7, 9) (3) I make comparisons between people, places and objects. Conversation: (3,4,5, 6)( ) I participate in everyday communicative situations such as asking for favors, apologizing and thanking.

Knowing: • Recognizes vocabulary regarding saving energy. • Identifies Wh questions structure • Distinguishes sequences in an oral or written text. Doing: • Formulates previously prepared questions about daily activities related to topics of interest. • Takes notes about words and expressions related to energy saving activities reported by peers. • Proposes simple actions to save energy. Being: • Values the importance of saving energy. • Respects the environment.

Lexical: Conectors • And, First, Second, later Electrical devices • Light bulb, Appliances, Fridge, refrigerator Stove, Air conditioning, Heater Expressions to describe energy saving actions • Turn off the lights • Cook with gas • Close the refrigerator door • Turn off the fan/air Expressions to report results and trends • Most people say that televisions consume a lot of energy. One way to save energy is…. • There are many ways to save energy. • Marcos tells me that he unplugs the appliances when he is not home. • When do you shut down your computer? Grammar • Wh- questions • Present tense Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Taking turns • Valuation of cultural diversity • Self-critical reflection

“PRAES Libraduno” Objetivo: Recobrar el entorno como escenario de aprendizaje que nos lleve a una profunda reflexión sobre la vital relación del ser humano con el medio ambiente.

Task: 1. Identify energy saving strategies in a text related to the subject. 2. Interview classmates on energy saving actions. 3. Make a filmed interview based on the questionnaire designed. 4. Identify the energy saving strategies mostly used in the community. 5. Report through a narrative written text the results obtained from the questionnaire using adequate bibliographical sources. 6. Prepare a graph to report the results of the interview.

• Analyze reading comprehension. • Take notes and assign responsibilities to plan and carry out the stand of the assigned country. • Evaluate creativity and ingenuity of classmates.

• Middle Term Test. • Final Term Test. • Writing rubric. • Oral rubric. • Teamwork rubric.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – SIXTH GRADE (6°) Fourth Term: GLOBALIZATION – “VALUE OF LOCAL CULTURES” CEFR Level: Basic 2 (A2) Goal: Define own traits of national Colombian identity. Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Understands the topic and general information of a short and simple text.











• Describes characteristics of a culture. • Establishes compare-sons between countries. • Asks and gives information. • Describes persons, places and customs.

• Identifies phrases and expressions related to characteristics of persons, celebrations and places in short oral and written texts. • Produces simple sentences about characteris-tics of persons, celebrations and places orally and in writing. • Exchanges information about characteris-tics of persons and places through questions and sentences.

In addition to what I achieved in the previous level, at this level I will strive more to: • Understand short texts of some difficulty about daily activities, of my interest, about other subjects and my social environment. Listening: (3, 5, 6) (6) I identify the general topic and the relevant details in conversations, radio information or oral presentations. Reading: (1, 6, 8) (8) I identify in simple texts, cultural elements such as customs and celebrations. • I also hold monologues where I make brief presentations. • I write short texts that tell stories and describe people and places that I imagine or know. My spelling is acceptable although I make mistakes in words I do not use frequently. Writing: (3, 4, 6) (6) I use properly vocabulary to give coherence to my writings. Monologue: (3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9) (7) I describe mine and others people daily routine with simple sentences. Conversation: (1,4,5, 6) (6) I make proposals to my colleagues about what to do, where, when or how.

Knowing: • Identifies information related to particular characteristics of some countries such as food, clothing and celebrations. • Recognizes vocabulary related to food, clothing, celebrations, countries and nationalities. Doing: • Provides, orally and in writing, information about countries, celebrations and customs. • Uses simple sentences to express information. • Formulates questions to obtain specific information about the countries presented. Being: • Values own cultural identity.

Lexical: Countries and Nationalities • Colombia/ Colombian • United States of America/ American • Japan/ Japanese Food Celebrations Clothing Adjectives • Sweet, sour, delicious,… • Exciting, boring, interesting, etc. • Beautiful, old fashioned, modern, ugly, etc. • Tall, small, short, big, intelligent, etc. Expressions for likes and dislikes • I love to eat pizza. • I do not like vegetables. Expressions to describe persons • She is tall. • He is really funny. • They do not look happy. • They use… Grammar • Present tense • Wh- questions Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Taking turns • Valuation of cultural diversity.

“PESCC: Reestructurando proyectos de vida para ser ciudadanos asertivos y exitosos” Objective: Guide my life towards my wellbeing and that of others, making decisions that allow me the free development of my personality, from my own projects and those that I build with others.

(Path 1) Task: 1. Identify in a written text the most outstanding characteristics of the population of each continent. 2. Classify information considering the division of the five continents. 3. Prepare and apply a “trivia”game after reading. 4. Present through presentations the different ethnicities, cultures and customs each continent has. 5. Organize stands to present a sample of the different cultures considering the readings, research and presentations made in class. (PATH 2) Project: “WORLD CULTURES DAY Write down the answers given on the board. When they have summarized the main ideas of the reading, they are explained how to organize the stands to present a sample of the different cultures considering the readings and research. Suggest to the students paths such as the following: • Make a poster and an oral presentation about the country. While the students work on their presentation. Finally, socialize in a community meeting (Diversity Day) including artistic, gastronomical and cultural representations.

• Analyze reading comprehension. • Take notes and assign responsibilities to plan and carry out the stand of the assigned country. • Evaluate creativity and ingenuity of classmates.

• Middle Term Test. • Final Term Test. • Writing rubric. • Oral rubric. • Socialization assessment rubric (stand)


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – SEVENTH GRADE (7°) First Term: HEALTH “INTEGRAL PERSONAL CARE” CEFR Level: Básico (A2) Goal: Define activities for integral personal care at the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual level. Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Participates in short conversations providing information about him or herself as well as about familiar people, places, and events.













• Gives and requests personal information and about daily activities. •Expresses likes , hobbies and interests. •Expresses future plans. •Describes habits and routines about personal care, nutrition and physical activity. •Expresses physical and mental ability. •Describes beliefs and emotions.

• Identifies expressions about daily topics using short descriptive oral and written texts. • Makes a simple oral description and previously rehearsed about daily topics. • Exchanges information about daily topics through questions and answers. • Makes a series of descriptive sentences about daily topics.

In addition to what I achieved in the previous level, at this level I will strive more to: • Understand short texts of some difficulty about daily activities, of my interest, about other subjects and my social environment. • Listen to an oral text and understand the most important information. • Listening: (1,3,5,6,8,9) Reading: (1,2,4) • I also hold monologues where I make brief presentations and explain in a simple way my preferences, activities and other topics related to my environment and interests. • I write short texts that tell stories and describe people and places that I imagine or know. My spelling is acceptable although I make mistakes in words I do not use frequently. • The language I use allows me to deal with everyday issues, but it is normal that I make some basic mistakes. Writing: (3,4) Monologue: (2,3,6,7,8,9) Conversation: (1,2,3,4,5,6)

Knowing: • Distinguishes personal care levels (physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual). • Recognizes expressions of daily routines, hobbies and future plans. Doing: • Completes a form with information related to personal care activities and their corresponding levels (physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual) based on a simple written text and on the vocabulary and expressions studied. • Prepares a list of simple sentences about personal care • Expresses recreational activities through simple sentences based on a template and with the support of photos and images. Being: • Interiorizes the importance of integral personal care. • Values and respects the opinions of classmates.

Lexical: Hobbies, Play sports, dance, listen to music, go to the movies, watch TV, ride a bike… Relations of Time Every day, Once/ twice a week/month, year, Every two weeks, Always, Never, Recently… Personal care level: Physical,intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual activities • Meditation, Pray, Workout, Camping,… Expressions to describe habits • I exercise once a week. • I always go to church on Sunday. Expressions to show interests and tastes • My favorite activity is…, I like to dance. • I really like swimming., When do you ….? • I am going to…., I have always…. • Do you like to bike ride? • Do you enjoy swimming? Expressions to explain • Exercising is physical because it is good for my body and my health. Expressions to show reflection • I think I have good social self-care habits. Grammar • Present and future tense • Present of “like” • Wh- questions • Modals: can • Adverbs of frequency • Yes/No questions Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Ability to listen and observe

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

Identify personal care levels: physical , intellectual emotional, social and spiritual. Keep a record of the personal care habits during a week in each level. Present action plan to improve personal care habits. Describe the activities carried out in each level, advantages and disadvantages of the plan. Prepare an assessment report of the activities presented in class.

• Verify the pertinence of habit recording. • Practice the description with a classmate. • Evaluate the action plan with the help of his classmates. • Compare the information obtained with a classmate.

• Action plan assessment rubric. • Oral presentation rubric. • Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – SEVENTH GRADE (7°) Second Term: DEMOCRACY AND PEACE – “BULLYING AND CONFLICTS” CEFR Level: Básico (A2) Goal: Propose actions for getting along and inclusion in the classroom. Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Writes short and simple texts about familiar actions, experiences and plans. Understands the main idea and some details related to activities, places and people












•Describes past experiences. •Expresses moods. • Gives and requests information. • Asks for and gives apologies. • Gives suggestions and recommendations.

• Makes a short narration of daily activities in the classroom and in the immediate environment orally and in writing. • Identifies phrases and expressions related to daily activities in the immediate environment in simple oral and written texts. • Exchanges information about daily activities in the classroom and in the immediate environment based on questions and answers.

In addition to what I achieved in the previous level, at this level I will strive more to: • Understand short texts of some difficulty about daily activities, of my interest, about other subjects. Listening: (1, 3, 5, 6, 8, Listen to an oral text and, if I am familiar with it, understand the most important information. Reading: (1, 2, 4) • I also hold monologues where I make brief presentations and explain in a simple way my preferences. • I write short texts that tell stories and describe people and places that I imagine or know. My spelling is acceptable although I make mistakes in words I do not use frequently. • The language I use allows me to deal with everyday issues. Writing: (3,4) Monologue: (2, 3, 6, 7, 8, Conversation: (1,2,3,4,5, 6)

Knowing: • Identifies words and expressions related to handling emotions in short descriptive written texts with simple language. • Recognizes expressions related to feelings, emotions, values, qualities, • Distinguishes expressions used to make suggestions. Doing: • Briefly and simply narrates a personal situation of coexistence based on a given template. • Jointly builds the basic standards to maintain healthy coexistence in the classroom. • Produces short descriptive texts describing values and qualities. • Exchanges suggestions and recommendations. Being: • Accepts suggestions and recommendations of others. • Collaborates in achieving a nice atmosphere in the classroom. • Respects differences.

Lexical: Feelings and Emotions • Anger: angry, happiness: happy, sadness: sad, depressions: depressed, motivation: motivated. Ethical values • Respect, honesty, humility, responsibility, Personal qualities. • Quiet, talkative, tolerant, humble, polite, Connectors • Because, since, as, as a result of, therefore, for this reason. Expressions about emotions • I am really angry. • He is just exciting. • Some of Sara’s frustration is from depression. • Tomas is happy. • He should not have so much rage. • All of us get tired sometimes. Expressions to recommend • My recommendation is • We should…. • As a consequence, you have to/ need to • Why don´t you…? • Let’s think about…? Grammar • Imperatives to give recommendations and suggestions. • Modals: must, have to, should, could. • Present and past tense. Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Self-critical reflection. • Acceptance of differences.

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

Make a list of actions that contribute to healthy coexistence Identify the way in which different persons handle their emotions in programs of different sources: television, etc. Observe short videos about recommendations to maintain healthy coexistence Give recommendations and suggestions about handling actions of coexistence

• Evaluation rubric for written and oral texts on recommendations to maintain healthy coexistence. • Modular test. • Carry out guided exercises of specific recognition of words related to the subject. • IIntegrate feedback received from peers and the teacher to the text of recommendations on handling healthy coexistence actions, and my drafts.

• Evaluation rubric for written and oral texts on recommendations to maintain healthy coexistence • Modular test. • Carry out guided exercises of specific recognition of words related to the subject. • IIntegrate feedback received from peers and the teacher to the text of recommendations on handling healthy coexistence actions, and my drafts.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – SEVENTH GRADE (7°) Third Term: SUSTAINABILITY – “CONSERVATION” CEFR Level: Básico (A2) Goal: Specify activities for environmental conservation in the community. Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Recognizes specific information related to objects, people, and actions in written and oral texts, Gives and follows instructions and recommendations.









• Gives and receives information. • Gives and receives recommendations and suggestions. • Describes situations and events. • Proposes improvement actions.

• Exchanges information on daily activities based on questions and answers. • Identifies words and expressions about daily activities in short oral and written texts. • Makes a simple description of daily activities orally and in writing.

In addition to what I achieved in the previous level, at this level I will strive more to: • Understand short texts of some difficulty about daily activities, of my interest, about other subjects and my social environment. • Listen to an oral text and, if I am familiar with it, understand the most important information. Listening: (1,3,5,6,8,9) Reading: (1, 2, 4) • I also hold monologues where I make brief presentations and explain in a simple way my preferences, activities and other topics related to my environment and interests. • I express my ideas and feelings with short and clear sentences. • I write short texts that tell stories and describe people and places that I imagine or know. My spelling is acceptable although I make mistakes in words I do not use frequently. • The language I use allows me to deal with everyday issues, but it is normal that I make some basic mistakes. Writing: (3,4) Monologue: (2,3,6,7,8,9) Conversation: (1,2,3,4,5,6)

Knowing: • Understands the general idea of a short oral or written text about an academic subject. • Identifies Wh-questions in questions to obtain specific information. • Identifies basic structures of present and past tense, and present perfect tense. • Recognizes expressions related to the environment. Doing: Exchanges information related to academic subjects. • Produces oral or written texts providing information about a topic of interest. • Proposes simple actions for environmental conservation. Being: • Respects the environment. • Values the opinions of his peers.

Lexical: Conservation • Protect, preserve, avoid, save • Animals, oceans/land, plants. • Natural resources • Global warming Expressions related to environmental conservation • He recycles paper and plastic. • Please turn off the light. • The water is shut off. • What do you do to protect/save/preserve the environment? • The weather is heating up. • Antarctica ice is melting. • What do you do to protect the environment? • In order to protect the environment, I … Grammar • “Wh-questions” • Present and past tense • Present perfect tense • Imperative • Modals Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Learning through interaction. • Self-critical reflection.

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

1. Identify strategies for environmental conservation in a text related to the subject. 2. Design a questionnaire to inquire about environmental conservation strategies used in the educational community. 3. Perform a filmed interview based on a questionnaire previously designed. 4. Identify the environmental conservation strategies mostly used in the community. 5. Report through a descriptive written text the results obtained from the questionnaire using adequate bibliographical sources.

• Perform exercises of familiarization, practice and consolidation guided by the teacher using written and oral texts. • Supervise that the questions of the questionnaire have the structure and vocabulary studied. • Follow guided writing stages such as planning, draft, review.

• Dramatization rubric. • Modular test.



Fourth Term: GLOBALIZATION – “INTERNATIONAL CULTURES” Goal: Recognize cultural characteristics in some countries. (Reconocer características culturales de algunos países.) CEFR Level: Básico (A2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Describes actions related to a subject in his/her family or school environment.













• Gives and requests information. • Describes habits, persons and places. • Establishes comparisons and contrasts. • Expresses points of view.

• Produces a short descriptive text about the characteristics of people and places orally and in writing. • Exchanges information about characteristics of persons and places based on questions and answers. • Identifies phrases and expressions related to particular characteristics of people and places in short descriptive texts.

• Understand short texts of some difficulty about daily activities, of my interest, about other subjects and my social environment. • Listen to an oral text and understand the most important information. • Hold routine conversations to say hello, say goodbye, talk about the weather or how I feel. Listening: (1,3,5,6,8,9) Reading: (1,2,4) • I also hold monologues where I make brief presentations and explain in a simple way my preferences, activities and other topics related to my environment and interests. • I express my ideas and feelings with short and clear sentences. • My spelling is acceptable although I make mistakes in words I do not use frequently. • The language I use allows me to deal with everyday issues, but it is normal that I make some basic mistakes

Knowing: • Identifies information related to subjects of general interest. • Identifies similarities and differences between persons, places, animals and things. • Recognizes expressions related to biodiversity, sports, weather, seasons, etc. Doing: • Prepares a comparative chart of different cultural characteristics of some previously assigned countries. • Exchanges information related to cultural characteristics Being: • Respects cultural differences. • Values the contributions of his classmates.

Lexical: Countries and Nationalities • Colombia/ Colombian Biodiversity • Animals and plants • Oceans, rivers, mountains, valleys, etc. Sports: • Soccer, football,• Chess, Pool, Billiard, Weather: • Sunny, cloudy, snowy, windy.. Seasons: Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall. Cardinal points: • North, South, East, West. Qualities: Fast, slow, big, small, old, new, etc Expressions to compare and contrast: • This country has a larger population than... • It is bigger than… Expressions to give reasons • This country has better education because... Grammar • Comparative and superlative • Connectors of sequence • Present and past tense and continuous verb tense. • Present perfect tense Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Ability to listen and observe • Skills to analyze, interpret and relate information • Valuation of cultural diversity

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertivida

• Identify, compare and evaluate characteristic traits of a culture. • Prepare an oral presentation comparing the characteristic traits of a culture. • Produce oral and written texts arguing your points of view on the importance of cultural diversity.

• Analyze the pertinence and accuracy of the information obtained from bibliographical sources and my classmates. • Confirm the pertinence and validity of the bibliographical sources used. • Make drafts of a written text as part of the writing process. • Take notes to give my opinion on the comparisons presented by my classmates.

• Written report

rubric• Oral presentation rubric • Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – EIGHTH GRADE (8°) First Term: SUSTAINABILITY – “HUMAN ACTIONS” Goal: Evaluate the impact of human actions on the environment in the country. (Evaluar el impacto de las acciones humanas en el medio ambiente en el país.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Requests and provides information about experiences and plans in a clear and brief manner.

Explains in written form different situations and facts in a coherent and simple manner. Recognizes specific information in short oral and written texts on topics of general interest. LANGUAG














• Presents self to a group • Describes human actions • Requests information about human actions • Gives suggestions to improve practices • Expresses opinions about actions • Discusses good and bad practices

• Describes situations related to daily topics of general interest orally and in writing. • Prepares a simple narrative written text about daily topics of general interest. • Exchanges information about daily topics of general interest through dialogue. • Identifies information about daily topics of general interest in short narrative oral and written texts.

Listening: (3,6,7) Reading: (1,2,3,7) • I read and understand narrative and descriptive texts or narrations and descriptions from different sources about familiar topics, and I understand short and simple argumentative texts. • When people talk to me about what I do at school or in my free time, I understand the general ideas if the language is clear. Writing: (1,3,6) Monologue: (1,5,6) Conversation: (1,5,7) • I make brief presentations to describe, narrate, justify and briefly explain facts and processes, as well as my dreams, hopes and ambitions. • My pronunciation is clear but I still make mistakes and I have a foreign accent. • I write expository texts on topics of my environment and my interests, with acceptable spelling and punctuation

Knowing: • Recognizes vocabulary related to the environment. • Identifies the structure of information questions. • Recognizes expressions of opinion Doing: • Presents, orally and rehearsed, the impact of diverse human actions in the environment with pertinent vocabulary. • Requests information from classmates about human actions in the environment through information questions previously rehearsed. • Expresses opinions or gives information orally, spontaneously and with simple vocabulary. Being: • Shows respect for the environment through the promotion of responsible practices. • Recognizes his own environmental practices and those of others.

Lexical: Human Actions: • Plant trees • Throw garbage • Mining • Agriculture Environmental practices • Reducing carbon print, • Recycle • Waste Expressions to describe human actions in the environment • Save the whales. • Recycling paper saves the trees in forest. • Using plastic bottles as planters is a good idea. Expressions to give an opinion • I (really) think that … • I believe (that) … • I’m sure that … • In my opinion / My opinion is … Expressions to quote in a text: • According to … Grammar • Adverbs of frequency and sequence • Possessive adjectives: her, his, my, their, your • Wh-questions, • Present tense • Infinitive/gerund Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Skills to analyze, interpret and relate information • Cognitive flexibility • Learning through interaction

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

Complete a work sheet using an audiovisual text that describes a community, the persons that comprise it, their activities and their impact on the environment. Design an outline of what information is necessary to learn about a community, their actions; how it will be obtained and

organized. Investigate about the activities of persons, business, industries of the community assigned and their impact or footprint in the



graphically the information obtained on the


• Provide respectful and objective feedback of my peers’

poster.• Receive feedback from peers in a thoughtfu

l way.• Confirm that the poster has the necessary outline and information. • Evaluate that the sources used are pertinent and


• Assessment rubrics for poster presentation. • Writing a summar

y text.• Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – EIGHTH GRADE (8°) Second Term: HEALTH – “EATING DESORDERS” Goal: Formulate initiative for the prevention of eating disorders. (Formular iniciativas para la prevención de desórdenes alimenticios.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Exchanges information about academic and general interest topics, through simple conversations, dialogues, and role-plays.

Makes recommendations to people in his/her community about what to do, when, and how. LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS











• Gives suggestions, recommendations. • Gives and requests information. • Expresses conditions. • Describes past experiences. • Describes diseases, symptoms, parts of the body, treatments. • Describes eating routines.

• Prepares oral and written texts on recommendations regarding topics of general interest. • Exchanges information on topics of general interest through conversation. • Identifies information on topics of general interest in short descriptive oral and written texts.

Listening: (1,2,5,6) Reading: (2,3,6,8) • I read and understand narrative and descriptive texts or narrations and descriptions from different sources about familiar topics, and I understand short and simple argumentative texts. • When people talk to me about what I do at school or in my free time, I understand the general ideas if the language is clear. Writing: (1,3,5,6) Monologue: (2,6) Conversation: (1,3,4,5) • I make brief presentations to describe, narrate, justify and briefly explain facts and processes, as well as my dreams, hopes and ambitions. • My pronunciation is clear but I still make mistakes and I have a foreign accent. • I write expository texts on topics of my environment and my interests, with acceptable spelling and punctuation.

Knowing: • Identifies symptoms, parts of the body, and treatments in a brief and simple written text. • Identifies relevant facts, specific details and references. • Recognizes the structure of information questions. • Recognizes expressions of opinion, recommendation. Doing: • Makes previously prepared questions on eating disorders based on a defined format. • Explains and expresses opinions on eating disorders briefly and simply based on a given sample and with clear pronunciation. • Presents an eating disorder prevention plan assigned with clear and simple language. Being: • Recognizes his role in the prevention of diseases. • Recognizes negative health practices.

Lexical: Parts of the body: Head, Stomach… Symptoms and medication: Flu, Headache, Stomachache,… Diseases/ eating disorders; Bulimia, Overweight, Obese/ obesity, Transitions: Next, In addition to, Then Expressions to describe symptoms • My arm itches. • My doctor gave me a shot. Expressions to conclude and quote orally: In sum, In conclusion, According to …(1994) Expressions to introduce a subject: • Today I will talk about. • Good morning. My purpose… Expressions to develop content: • Moving on to my next point, • Now, let me move to … Expressions to conclude: In sum, I tried to, To conclude…, In conclusion, Now, to sum up..., Grammar • Adverbs of frequency and sequence. • Possessive adjectives: her, his, my, • Wh-questions • Adverbs of frequency and sequence • Imperatives--Take…, drink…; • Present perfect tense Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Valuation of cultural diversity. • Learning through interaction.

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

Read a brief text provided by the teacher related to eating disorders . Complete a form summarizing the information obtained. Research with my peers about the most frequent eating disorders in the following aspects definition, origin, symptoms ,treatment

• Prepare drafts of the

survey.• Evaluate the clarity of

questions.• Evaluate the teamwork methodology and my role in the same. • Prepare drafts of the written text as part of the writing process. • Rehearse my presentation considering the given rubrics.

• Campaign assessment

rubric.• Campaign oral presentation assessment rubric. • Written text

rubric.• Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – EIGHTH GRADE (8°) Third Term: DEMOCRACY AND PEACE – “LANGUAGE IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF PEACE” Goal: Recognize the role of language – positive and negative – in the construction of peace in the community. (Reconocer el papel del lenguaje – positivo y negativo – en la construcción de paz en la comunidad.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Makes brief presentations on academic topics related to his/her school environment or community. Expresses emotions and feelings about a situation or specific topic related to his/her family or school and presents supporting reasons in a clear and simple manner.











• Justifies points of view. • Expresses facts and opinions. • Expresses conditions. • Describes past experiences • Expresses dreams, future plans.

• Describes orally and in writing situations related to topics of general interest. • Identifies facts and opinions in medium length simple oral and written texts related to topics of general interest. • Exchanges information on topics of general interest through role-playing.

Listening: (2,4,5,7) Reading: (2,3,7) • I read and understand narrative and descriptive texts or narrations and descriptions from different sources about familiar topics, • When people talk to me about what I do at school or in my free time, I understand the general ideas if the language is clear. • I participate in conversations in which I express opinions and exchange information about personal topics or my daily life. Writing: (1,3,5,6) Monologue: (1, 3,5,6) Conversation: (2,3,5,6) • I make brief presentations to describe, narrate, justify and briefly explain facts and processes. • My pronunciation is clear but I still make mistakes and I have a foreign accent. • I write expository texts on topics of my environment. • In my essays I use the vocabulary and grammar that I know with some precision, but when I deal with topics that I do not know or express complex ideas, I make mistakes.

Knowing: • Recognizes positive and negative language. • Identifies basic narrative structures. • Recognizes expressions of opinion, points of view Doing: • Shows comprehension of general and specific ideas in oral and written texts. • Narrates a case of positive/negative language use based on a provided template. • Presents opinions on the use of positive/negative language. • Produces, in writing and following the writing process, a personal plan for constructive use of the language. Being: • Shows respect for opinions expressed • Recognizes his responsibility in the construction of peace in his community.

Lexical: Positive and negative vocabulary • Like, Dislike, Bad taste, Fat, Ugly, Super skinny Expressions to narrate • One day I went for a walk. • My mother used to say mean things. Expressions to argue and support points of view • I agree, I disagree, I …. in my opinion, I’m sorry, I can’t agree with …Jorge • Exactly! I couldn’t agree more. Grammar • Present perfect/ past tense • First conditional • Modals: should, can, ought to, must Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Ability to listen and observe • Valuation of cultural diversity • Knowledge of the impact of culture and situational, social and historical contexts • Learning through interaction

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

• Identification of words that heal or hurt in the classroom, the school, the community. • Language (positive/negative) in the community’

s media.• Language (positive/negative) in the family.

• Analyze the pertinence of the sources andinformation reviewed. • Prepare drafts of the

survey• Evaluate the clarity of the

questions• Evaluate the teamwork methodology and my role in the same.

• Campaign assessment

rubric.• Campaign oral presentation assessment rubric. • Written text

rubric.• Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – EIGHTH GRADE (8°) Fourth Term: GLOBALIZATION – “CONSUMERISM” Goal: Determine the impact of consumerism in adolescents. (Determinar el impacto del consumismo en los jóvenes.) CEFR Level: Básico (A2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Briefly narrates current facts, daily situations or personal experiences orally and in written form.









• Expresses opinions. • Justifies points of view. • Formulates and answers questions on a subject. • Expresses conditions. • Describes past experiences. • Expresses future plans.

• Identifies relevant information on academic subjects in medium length narrative oral and written texts. • Prepares narrative oral and written texts on academic subjects. • Exchanges information through questions and expressions.

Listening: (2,4,6,7) Reading: (3,5,6,7) • I read and understand narrative and descriptive texts or narrations and descriptions from different sources • When people talk to me about what I do at school or in my free time, I understand the general ideas if the language is clear. • I participate in conversations in which I express opinions and exchange information about personal topics or my daily life. Writing: (3,4,5,6) Monologue: (3,5) Conversation: (2,3,4,5) • I make brief presentations to describe, narrate, justify and briefly explain facts and processes, as well as my dreams, hopes and ambitions. • My pronunciation is clear but I still make mistakes and I have a foreign accent. • I write expository texts on topics of my environment and my interests, with acceptable spelling and punctuation. • know or express complex ideas, I make mistakes.

Knowing: • Recognizes vocabulary on consumption and consumerism, fashion,.. • Identifies the structure of a survey. • Recognizes expressions of opinion, points of view. Doing: • Prepares a classification chart with the consumption needs of adolescents through a previously established format. • Prepares, with help, a survey related to consumption through information questions (Wh-questions). • Produces a simple and structured argumentative text based on previously consulted bibliographical references. Being: • Shows respect for the opinions expressed by his peers. • Recognizes characteristics of responsible consumption. • Actively participates in planned activities.

Lexical: Consumerism • Buy and sell, • Over packaging, • Disposable income, • Fashion, • Technology Words in favor and against • Like, similar as, same, in the same way, the same as, similarly • As well as • Although, yet, while, instead, unless, unlike, on the contrary, contrary to… Expressions to propose/present a solution • If …then • Whether or not….. • I have a proposal (to make) • I would like to put forward a Grammar • Present perfect, present perfect continuous tense • Modals of possibility • Future perfect tense • Adjectives • Adverbs of manner, sequence, place • Imperatives • Third conditional Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Learning through interaction • Valuation of cultural diversity

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

• Identify, compare and assess the real and created consumption needs. • Prepare an oral presentation comparing and assessing the needs discussed and identifying sources where needs

are created.

Analyze the pertinence and accuracy of the information obtained from bibliographical sources and from my classmates. Analyze the quality of my

justificationon the list of suggested actions for the adequate exercise of the right to choose. Prepare drafts of the written text as part of the writing

process. Take notes to give my opinion on the actions presented by my classmates.

• Oral presentation

rubric.• Argumentative text rubric. • Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – NINETH GRADE (9°) First Term: GLOBALIZATION – “SOCIAL PHENOMENA” Goal: Value the impact of ICT in daily life. (Valorar el impacto de las TIC en la vida diaria.) CEFR Level: Preintermedio (B1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Explains reasons behind plans and actions related to his/her personal, school and community environment. Recognizes cause and effect relationships in short written texts on academic topics. Summarizes information s/he has read or listened to on academic and school related topics through a structured written text.












• Gives opinions on current social phenomena. • Justifies points of view on current social phenomena. • Gives and requests information related to current social phenomena. • Describes past experiences and future plans related to current social phenomena. • Expresses conditions related to current social phenomena.

Exchanges information on academic subjects through roleplaying. • Produces medium length narrative oral and written texts related to academic subjects. • Identifies relations of cause and effect in medium length narrative oral and written texts related to academic subjects.

Listening: (2,3,7,8) Reading: (4,6,8,9,10) • I read and understand narrative and descriptive texts or narrations and descriptions. • When people talk to me about what I do at school or in my free time, • I participate in conversations in which I express opinions and exchange information about personal topics or my daily life. Writing: (4,5,6,7,10) Monologue: (3,4, 6,7) Conversation: (1,2,4) • I make brief presentations to describe, narrate, justify and briefly explain facts and processes, as well as my dreams, hopes and ambitions. • My pronunciation is clear but I still make mistakes and I have a foreign accent. • I write expository texts on topics of my environment and my interests, with acceptable spelling and punctuation.

Knowing: • Recognizes opinions and points of view. • Recognizes vocabulary related to current social phenomena. • Identifies the chronological order of past and future actions. Doing: • Identifies ideas related to the effects of ICT in daily life in narrative oral and written texts used in class. • Requests information on daily activities related to the use of ICT through previously prepared information questions (Wh-questions). • Gives information on daily activities related to the use of ICT through adequate vocabulary and structures. • Presents the effect of ICT on daily life in an oral and rehearsed way. • Requests justification of the information orally presented by peers. Being: • Respects the points of view of others. • Recognizes advantages and disadvantages of ICT on daily life

Lexical: Information technologies Social network, Application (Apps), Blogs, Download / upload,… Connectors of cause and effect: Consequently, As a result, Therefore,… Expressions to suggest • If I were you, I would… • Have you thought about…? • Why don't you…? Expressions to give an opinion • I (really) think that … • I believe (that) … • I’m sure that … • In my opinion / My opinion… • I’m pretty sure that • Some people may disagree… Grammar • Conditionals. • Modals of obligation: Should, ought to, had better. • Comparative and superlative. • Present perfect tense. • Future perfect tense. Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Valuation of diversity of opinions • Learning through interaction • Curiosity and discovery • Knowledge of own culture and the culture of others

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

Identify daily activities related to the use of ICT by classmates through a survey. Investigate the effects of ICT in daily life using narrative written texts

reviewed. 3. Prepare an analysis chart of the similarities and differences on the impact of ICT on daily life identified in the survey and in the investigation. 4. Hold a debate on the impact of ICT on daily life.

• Evaluate the quality of the information obtained in the survey • Analyze the information obtained on the defined topic. • Confirm the pertinence and validity of bibliographical sources used. • Prepare drafts of the written text as part of the writing process.

• Debate participation rubric. • Descriptive text

rubric.• Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – NINETH GRADE (9°) Second Term: SUSTAINABILITY – “REDUCTION OF INEQUITIES” Goal: Propose actions to reduce inequities – gender, access to education – in the community. (Proponer acciones de reducción de inequidades – género, acceso a educación – en la comunidad.) CEFR Level: Preintermedio (B1) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Makes short presentations on academic topics of interest. Expresses his/her opinion on an academic topic discussed in class.











Expresses agreements and disagreements on topics related to the social environment Justifies points of view on topics related to the social environment • Gives opinions on topics related to the social environment Expresses future plans and conditions on topics related to the social environment

• Produces medium length narrative oral and written texts on topics related to the social environment. •Exchanges information on topics related to the social environment through conversation. • Identifies relations of contrast and addition in medium length oral and written texts on topics related to the social environment.

Listening: (2,7,8) Reading: (6,8,9) • I read and understand narrative and descriptive texts or narrations and descriptions from different sources. • When people talk to me about what I do at school or in my free time, I understand the general ideas if the language is clear. • I participate in conversations in which I express opinions and exchange information. Writing: (5,7,10) Monologue: (3,6,7) Conversation: (1,2,4) • I make brief presentations to describe, narrate, justify and briefly explain facts and processes. • My pronunciation is clear but I still make mistakes and I have a foreign accent. • I write expository texts on topics of my environment and my interests, with acceptable spelling and punctuation.

Knowing: • Recognizes situations of inequity in subjects such as access to education and gender. • Distinguishes relations of contrast and addition. • Identifies basic structures of past, future and conditional tenses. Doing: • Identifies ideas related to situations of lack of equity in society in oral and written descriptive texts. • Formulates clarification questions about the descriptions of situations of inequity reported by classmates. • Identifies, with help, similarities and differences in the stories told about situations of inequity in the social environment. Being: • Values and respects differences. • Recognizes the importance of equity in society. • Assumes a critical position.

Lexical: Opposites • Woman – women Expressions of contrast and addition Compared to…, In addition to…, Nevertheless…, Expressions to request clarification • Could you expand a little bit on what you said about …? • Could you be more specific about…? Expressions to make an oral presentation • Today, we would like to present... • Good afternoon, our purpose today is… Expressions to summarize ideas • On the whole… • Basically he/she is sayin Grammar • Present, past and future tense • Present, past and future perfect tense • Conditionals • Modals • Reported speech Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Respect for cultural differences and for situational, social and historical contexts.

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertivida

1. Investigate and summarize texts addressed to adolescents on social inequity issues (gender, access to education, health). 2. Share situations of social inequity in their environment.

3. In groups,

identify similarities and differences in situations of inequity described.

• Reflect on the quality of

teamwork• Evaluate the written text with a

peer• Prepare drafts of the written text as part of the writing process.

• Teamwork

rubric.• Descriptive text rubric. • Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – NINETH GRADE (9°) Third Term: HEALTH – “DISEASE PREVENTION” Goal: Establish illness prevention practices in the region. (Establecer prácticas de prevención de enfermedades en la región.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Identifies the type, purpose, and parts of a short written or oral text and shares ideas with classmates. Exchanges information about academic and general interest topics in a conversation.












• Give recommendations on subjects of general interest. • Express opinions on subjects of general interest. • Express agreements and disagreements related to subjects of general interest. • Describe past experiences and future plans. • Give and request information on subjects of general interest.

• Prepare oral and written texts on recommendations of subjects of interest. • Exchange information on subjects of interest through forums. • Identify information on subjects of interest in short descriptive oral and written texts.

Listening: (1,5,7,10) Reading: (4,7,8,11) • I read and understand narrative and descriptive texts or narrations and descriptions from different sources. • When people talk to me about what I do at school or in my free time, • I participate in conversations in which I express opinions and exchange information. Writing: (6,7,8) Monologue: (3,5,6) Conversation: (1,4,6) • I make brief presentations to describe, narrate, justify and briefly explain facts and processes, as well as my dreams, hopes and ambitions. • My pronunciation is clear but I still make mistakes and I have a foreign accent. • I write expository texts on topics of my environment and my interests, with acceptable spelling and punctuation.

Knowing: • Identifies preventable diseases in their environment. • Recognizes vocabulary and expressions related to common preventable diseases. • Selects pertinent bibliographical sources for his work. • Chooses appropriate information to support points of view. Doing: • Identifies information related to preventable diseases in medium length oral and written texts. • Orally presents the methods of disease prevention. • Presents a prevention plan of a disease assigned based on relevant facts, specific details and references. • Expresses, orally, opinions on prevention plans presented by classmates. Being: • Recognizes the active role in disease prevention. • Respects the points of view of others.

Lexical: Parts of the body • Heart, Back, Kidney Diseases and symptoms • Influenza (Flu), Mosquito bite Transition words • Therefore, Consequently • Accordingly, Thus, Hence,… Expressions to describe symptoms • Germs can spread diseases such as… • The flu is a contagious disease. Expressions to quote • According to …(2000) • The author states . . . Expressions to introduce a subject: • Today's topic is... • What I want to do today is. • Expressions to conclude: • I tried to demonstrate… • In conclusion Grammar Adverbs of frequency and sequence • Imperatives • Modals: should, would, ought to, had better • Present perfect tense • Past tense Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Skills to analyze, interpret and relate • Cognitive flexibility • Learning through interaction.

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

1. Modeling the writing process of the text going through the different stages from brainstorming, initial draft and review. 2. Help define the lists of characteristics and social behaviors.

Analyze the pertinence of sources and information reviewe Take notes to prepare the campaign

• Evaluate the validity of recommendations to

present.Evaluate the teamwork methodology and my role in the

same.• Prepare drafts of the written text as a part of the writing process.

Campaign assessment

rubric.• Campaign presentation assessment rubric. • Written text

rubric.• Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – NINETH GRADE (9°) Fourth Term: DEMOCRACY AND PEACE – “CITIZENS’ RIGHTS” Goal: Generate awareness about citizens’ rights. (Generar conciencia sobre los derechos de los ciudadanos.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Produces texts making recommendations or suggestions related to situations of academic, social, or personal interest.










• Expresses opinions about social topics. • Expresses agreements and disagreements related to social topics. • Describes past experiences and future plans. • Gives and requests information on social topics. • Expresses actions following a logical sequence.

Identifies points in favor and against oral and written texts related to social topics. • Produces medium length argumentative oral and written texts about social topics. • Exchanges information about social topics in a debate.

Listening: (1,5,7,10) Reading: (4,7,8,11) • I read and understand narrative and descriptive texts or narrations and descriptions from different sources about familiar topics, and I understand short and simple argumentative texts. • When people talk to me about what I do at school or in my free time. • I participate in conversations in which I express opinions and exchange information about personal topics or my daily life. Writing: (6,7,8) Monologue: (3,5,6) Conversation: (1,4,6) • I make brief presentations to describe, narrate, justify and briefly explain facts and processes, as well as my dreams, hopes and ambitions. • I write expository texts on topics of my environment and my interests, with acceptable spelling and punctuation. • In my essays I use the vocabulary and grammar that I know with some precision, but when I deal with topics that I do not know.

Knowing: • Identifies information related to citizens' rights. • Recognizes vocabulary and expressions related to citizens' rights. • Selects relevant Bibliographical sources. Doing: • Identifies specific information related to citizens' rights in oral and written texts. • Requested information on citizens' rights exercised by their families. • Presents actions of generation of awareness of citizens' rights. • Expresses orally and with solid arguments, opinions on the actions suggested by the classmates of the class. Being: • Recognizes own civil rights as a citizen. • Identifies its role as a citizen in the community.

Lexical: Rights • Right to vote freely • Right to receive health, and basic services • Dignity and identity Expressions of advantages and disadvantages • One advantage could be... • The main disadvantage of this is… Expressions to present a project • Today, we would like to present... • Good afternoon, our purpose today is… Expressions to explain policies • In the past, women could not vote…. • The Government planned.. Grammar • Past tense • Past perfect tense • Present tense • Conditionals Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Curiosity and discovery • Learning through interaction • Knowledge of the impact of culture and situational, social and historical contexts.

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

Identify, compare and assess real citizens’ rights and those exercised by the members of their community. • Prepare an oral presentation comparing and assessing the exercise of citizens’

rights.• Produce oral and written texts proposing actions for the adequate exercise of citizens’ rights: Do s & Don ts.

Analyze the pertinence and accuracy of the information obtained from bibliographical sources and those of my classmates. • Confirm the pertinence and validity of the bibliographical sources

used.• Analyze the quality of my justification on the list of actions.

• Oral presentation

rubric.• Argumentative text rubric. • Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – TENTH GRADE (10°) First Term: DEMOCRACY AND PEACE – “DUTIES” Goal: Promote ethical behaviors regarding citizenship and living together competences in school. (Impulsar el uso de prácticas éticas y de convivencia ciudadana en el entorno escolar.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Recognizes general and specific information in written and oral opinion texts and discussions on familiar topics. Explains ideas presented in an oral or written text about topics of interest or that are familiar through the use of previous knowledge, inferences or interpretations.












• Describes local social activities. • Requests information on social practices and activities. • Expresses agreements and disagreements • Justifies points of view • Expresses conditions. • Reports ideas presented about the point of view discussed. • Requests clarification about information presented by peers. • Supports opinions with valid arguments.

• Distinguishes main information of oral texts related to subjects of academic interest. • Identifies general and specific information in narrative and descriptive oral and written texts. • Prepares a written text with recommendations. • Makes an oral presentation on subjects of academic interest. • Exchanges opinions in a round table on subjects of academic interest.

• I participate in conversations in which I can explain my opinions and ideas on general, personal and abstract topics. • I can also initiate a topic of conversation and keep the attention of my interlocutors; • Although my accent is foreign, my pronunciation is clear and adequate. Listening (2,5,6,7,9) Reading (3,6,7,10) • I write texts that explain my preferences, decisions and actions. • With my vocabulary I deal with general topics • with some interference from my mother tongue. • I understand texts of different types and sources on subjects of general and academic interest. • I select and apply appropriate reading strategies for the text and the task.

Knowing: • Recognizes general and specific information in narrative and descriptive oral and written texts related to subjects of academic interest. • Distinguishes expressions related to: cause/effect, summary, clarification, etc. • Identifies basic structures of present, past and future tense and perfect tense. Doing: • Makes an oral presentation on subjects of academic interest. • Exchanges opinions in a round table on subjects of academic interest. • Summarizes, with the help of classmates, information about causes and solutions to a conflicts. • Asks questions and requests clarifications in a survey addressed to students and teachers on possible school conflicts. Being: • Values and respects the opinion of others. • Recognizes the importance of language in conflict resolution.

Lexical: School problems and how to handle them: Cheating • Using electronic devices in class, • Plagiarism Expressions to request clarification • Could you expand a little bit on what you said about …? • Could you be more specific about…? Expressions to make an oral presentation • Today, we would like to present... • Good afternoon, our purpose today is… Expressions of cause and effect • Because of...then • In spite of, it was… Expressions to summarize ideas • On the whole… Grammar • Present, past and future tense and perfect tense • Conditionals • Modals • Reported speech Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Respect for cultural differences and situational, social and historical contexts.

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad

• Students present their projects to the class and the educational community. • The student individually writes a reflection on the importance of ethical and citizen coexistence practices in the school environment and receives feedback from the teacher.

• Analyze the pertinence of the sources and information reviewed. • Take notes to prepare the

campaign.• Evaluate the validity of recommendations to

present.• Evaluate the teamwork methodology and my role in the same. • Prepare drafts of written texts as part of the writing process.

• Advertisement campaign assessment rubric. • Campaign presentation assessment rubric. • Written text

rubric.• Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – TENTH GRADE (10°) Second Term: HEALTH – “CULTURAL AND SOCIAL PRACTICES” Goal: Evaluate the impact of cultural and social practices on health. (Evaluar el impacto en la salud de prácticas culturales y sociales.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Writes narrative, descriptive and explanatory texts related to topics of interest or that are familiar to him/her.

Composes clear and well-structured oral or written messages taking into consideration the context in which they are produced. LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS












• Expresses agreements and disagreements based on valid reasons. Recognizes different points of view. • Requests clarification about information presented by peers. • Expresses agreements and disagreements through different points of view. • Justifies a point of view. • Defends a point of view with valid arguments.

• Recognizes implicit information in argumentative oral and written texts related to subjects of interest. • Produces simple argumentative oral and written texts on subjects of interest. • Exchanges opinions in spontaneous conversations.

• I participate in conversations in which I can explain my opinions and ideas on general. • I can also initiate a topic of conversation and keep the attention of my interlocutors; when I speak, my speech is simple and coherent. • Although my accent is foreign, my pronunciation is clear and adequate. Listen • I write texts that explain my preferences, decisions and actions. • With my vocabulary I deal with general topic. • I handle acceptable linguistic standards, with some interference from my mother tongue. • I understand texts of different types and sources on subjects of general and academic interest. • I select and apply appropriate reading strategies for the text and the task.

Knowing: • Recognizes words and expressions about certain cultural and social practices in readings and oral texts. • Identifies information about the most common cultural and social practices. • Recognizes general and specific information in narrative and descriptive oral and written texts. • Distinguishes expressions related to: cause/effect, summary, etc. • Identifies basic structures of present, past and future tense and perfect tense. Doing: • Produces advertising texts on cultural and social practices causing health problems for people. • Orally and respectfully justifies his point of view on the most effective campaign based on vocabulary, expressions and structures studied. • Makes an oral presentation of an advertisement campaign clearly and with confidence. Being: • Respects personal and cultural differences. • Recognizes consequences of certain cultural and social health practices of people.

Lexical: Extreme sports: Skateboarding, Windsurfing, Eating disorders: Anorexia, Bulimia Health in general: Body image, Nutrition, Binge Expressions to present a project: • Today, we would like to present... • Good afternoon, our purpose today.. Expression to describe conditions • Given these conditions, we will… • Whether or not… Expressions to talk about customs: • They normally use/ dress … • They pierce their ears with spacers. Expressions to talk about consequences • If that happened to me, I could live with it. • I would be scared, if I got an infection. • He got sick because his pierced his ear himself. Grammar • Present, past and future tense and perfect tense • Conditionals • Modals Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Valuation of cultural diversity • Learning through interaction • Knowledge of the impact of culture and society on health

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

• Students present their projects to the class and the educational community. • The student individually writes a reflection on the importance of ethical and citizen coexistence practices in the school environment and receives feedback from the teacher.

Analyze the pertinence of the sources and information reviewed • Take notes to prepare the campaig

n.• Evaluate the validity of recommendations to

present.Evaluate the teamwork methodology and my role in the same.

Advertisement campaign assessment rubric. • Campaign presentation assessment rubric. • Written text

rubric.• Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – TENTH GRADE (10°) Third Term: SUSTAINABILITY – “FAST FASHION” Goal: Analyze the fast fashion phenomenon. (Analizar el fenómeno de la moda desechable.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Exchanges opinions on topics of personal, social, or academic interest. Holds spontaneous and simple conversations on topics of personal or academic interest or that are familiar to him/her.












• Asks questions and gives opinions and points of view. • Justifies points of view. • Identifies and describes objects. • Talks about preferences.

• Identifies the point of view of the author in argumentative oral and written texts related to academic subjects. • Participates in conversations on academic subjects. • Expresses points of view in simple argumentative written and oral texts on academic subjects.

• I participate in conversations in which I can explain my opinions and ideas on general, personal and abstract topics. • I can also initiate a topic of conversation and keep the attention of my interlocutors; when I speak, my speech is simple and coherent. • Although my accent is foreign, my pronunciation is clear and adequate. • I write texts that explain my preferences, decisions and actions. • With my vocabulary I deal with general topics, although I resort to strategies to talk about facts and objects whose name I do not know. • I handle acceptable linguistic standards, with some interference from my mother tongue. • I understand texts of different types and sources on subjects of general and academic interest. • I select and apply appropriate reading strategies.

Knowing: • Summarizes relevant information in texts related to the fashion phenomenon, using strategies to prepare summaries. • Recognizes general and specific information in narrative and descriptive oral and written texts. • Distinguishes expressions related to fashion. Doing: Formulates questions about fast fashion and its effects on the community using defined expressions. • Shares his position about the subject of interest orally • Supports in writing a position about the subject of interest using structured reasons following a defined sample. Being: • Values and respects the opinion of others.

Lexical: Clothing, accessories and fashion: Jeans, T-shirt, shoes, blouse, popular trends, bag etc. • Long/short sleeves /sleeveless - V-neck/ Round neck - Low neckline – Hooded Tight/lose • Striped, checked, plaid/tartan, patterned,… • Cotton, leather, silk, fur, denim, wool , suede • Model/supermodel/male model, designer, hairdresser, tailor, Fashion victim, Street market clothes Expressions about fashion • To be trendy/cool/fashionable/ unfashionable. • To wear designer labels. • To follow the latest fashion. • To spend money on clothes/buying clothes. Expressions of opinion • In my opinion, that one would be better. • If you ask me, that one's better. Grammar • Present and past tense • Present perfect tense • Future tense • Questions with which • Conditionals • This/These, that/those, one/ones • Too + adjectives Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Valuation for cultural diversity • Knowledge of the impact of culture and situational, social and historical contexts.

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

Students must plan the development of the project in stages, giving each stage an objective about what to do and how to do They must identify vocabulary, structures orexpressions they must use in the activity. They must assign roles within the group to carry out the task in the best way possible.

• Analyze the pertinence of sources and information reviewed

.• Take notes to prepare and analyze the results of the

survey.• Evaluate the validity of the argument to present.

• Written text rubric. • Modular test


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – TENTH GRADE (10°) Fourth Term: GLOBALIZATION – “EVERYDAY GLOBALIZATION” Goal: Value the role of globalization in the use of everyday products. (Valorar el papel de la globalización en los productos de uso cotidiano.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Responds to questions and inquiries after an oral presentation on general or academic topics of interest.











Expresses agreements and disagreements Requests clarifications. • Justifies points of view. Expresses conditions and opinions. • Predicts future actions as a result of certain conditions. • Makes hypotheses about advantages and disadvantages of a subject discussed.

Recognizes general and specific ideas in short argumentative written texts on academic and scientific subjects. • Structures argumentative oral and written texts about academic and scientific subjects. • Expresses opinions about academic and scientific subjects in spontaneous interactions.

• I participate in conversations in which I can explain my opinions and ideas on general, personal and abstract topics. • I can also initiate a topic of conversation and keep the attention of my interlocutors; when I speak, my speech is simple and coherent. • Although my accent is foreign, my pronunciation is clear and adequate. • I write texts that explain my preferences, decisions and actions. • With my vocabulary I deal with general topics, although I resort to strategies to talk about facts and objects whose name I do not know. • I handle acceptable linguistic standards, with some interference from my mother tongue. • I understand texts of different types and sources on subjects of general and academic interest. • I select and apply appropriate reading strategies for the text and the task. • In interactions with native English speakers I recognize elements of their culture.

Knowing: • Summarizes relevant information in texts related to the globalization phenomenon. • Recognizes general and specific information in narrative and descriptive oral and written texts. • Distinguishes vocabulary and expressions related to globalization. • Identifies basic structures of present, past and future tense. Doing: • Formulates questions about globalization and its effects on the community using expressions defined. • Shares a position about subjects of interest orally. • Supports in writing a position about the subject of interest using structured reasons following a defined sample. Being: Values and respects the opinion of others. • Assumes a critical position about academic and social subjects of interest.

Lexical: Globalization: Affluence, Manufacturing, Technology, Outsource, Dominate, Emerge,.. Expressions to predict and give a hypothesis • I predict / imagine that… • Given…I hypothesize that… • Based on past results,…. Expressions to infer • Based on …I infer that … • I anticipate that… Expressions to justify • I believe this because… • My primary reason for thinking so is… Expressions to persuade • Based on the evidence presented so far, I believe that… • Although some people claim… Grammar • Present tense and continuous verb tense • Past tense and continuous verb tense • Infinitives of purpose It’s + adjective+ infinitive • Gerunds • Modals • Reported Speech Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Skills to analyze, interpret and relate • Adaptability to different forms of communication and learning

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad

• Students must plan the development of the project in stages, giving each stage an objective on what to do and how to

do it.• They must identify what vocabulary, structures or expressions they must use for the activity. • They must prepare with good arguments to defend or attack during the debate.

• Students must plan the development of the project in stages, giving each stage an objective on what to do and how to do

it.• They must identify what vocabulary, structures or expressions they must use for the activity. • They must prepare with good arguments to defend or attack.

Debate participation assessment rubric. • Written text

rubric.• Modular text.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – ELEVENTH GRADE (11°) First Term: SUSTAINABILITY – “SUSTAINABILITY ACTIONS” Goal: Propose sustainable actions based on the 17 proposed UN objectives. (Proponer acciones de sostenibilidad a partir de los 17 objetivos propuestos por la ONU.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Identifies the purpose of medium length oral and written texts related to topics of general and academic interest and shares it with others. Explains orally and in written forms the causes and effects as well as the problem and the solution of a given situation.

Identifies and contrasts opinions of the author(s) in oral and written texts related to his/her school environment. LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS













• Describes characteristics of defined topics. • Makes presentations about assigned topics. • Justifies opinions based on quotes and references. • Expresses opinions and points of view. • Requests clarification.

Expresses points of view in simple argumentative written and oral texts about academic subjects. • Identifies explicit and implicit information in different types of texts about subjects of general interest. • Structures different types of texts related to general and personal topics of interest. • Exchanges oral information about topics of general and personal interest in debates.

• I participate in conversations in which I can explain my opinions and ideas on general, personal and abstract topics. • I can also initiate a topic of conversation and keep the attention of my interlocutors; when I speak, my speech is simple and coherent. • Although my accent is foreign, my pronunciation is clear and adequate. • I write texts that explain my preferences, decisions and actions. • I handle acceptable linguistic standards, with some interference from my mother tongue. • I understand texts of different types and sources on subjects of general and academic interest. • I select and apply appropriate reading strategies for the text and the task. • In interactions with native English speakers I recognize elements of their culture.

Knowing: • Identifies specific information about a topic of interest in oral and written texts. • Defines the causes and effects of a topic of general interest. Doing: • Expresses orally points of view about topics of interest. • Supports points of view orally and in writing, about topics of general interest. • Identifies the characteristics and key aspects of a topic of general interest. Being: • Values and respects the opinion of others. • Assumes a critical position about academic and social subjects of interest. • Is interested in the common good.

Lexical: Words related to the 17 objectives of the UN • Poverty, hunger, health, education. • Equality, gender, inequality. • Environment, climate, oceans, seas, marine resources, ecosystems, Expressions to request clarification, further information • Would you please repeat? • Can I ask a question? • Sorry, I am not sure what you mean Expressions of cause and effect • Because of...then • In spite of, it was… • Therefore, because of A, B happened. Expressions to propose actions • I suggest we… • If we did… we could make the world a better place. • I propose… Grammar Future tense, perfect tense • Conditionals • Present and past tense • Reported Speech • Connectors of cause and effect Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Learning through interaction • Skills to analyze, interpret and relate • Respect for other.

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

• Students must plan the development of the project in stages, giving each stage an objective on what to do and how to do it. • They must identify what vocabulary, structures or expressions they must use for the activity.

Perform exercises of familiarization, practice and consolidation using oral and written texts. • Follow stages of guided writing and preparation of oral texts such as planning, draft, review.

• Rubric to assess the project’s stages and products and teamwork. • Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – ELEVENTH GRADE (11°) Second Term: HEALTH – “HEALTH SERVICES” Goal: Pose routes for obtaining health services in my community. (Plantear rutas para la obtencion de servicios de salud en mi comunidad) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Writes opinion texts about academic topics using a clear and simple structure. Expresses his/her position on a familiar topic in written and oral form, taking into consideration his/her audience.












• Expresses opinions on subjects defined. • Justifies points of view. • Expresses agreements and disagreements • Describes experiences, events, and feelings. • Establishes comparisons between defined subjects. • Gives accurate information.

• Produces simple oral and written argumentative texts about subjects of other disciplines. • Identifies specific information in long written argumentative texts related to subjects of other disciplines. • Exchanges, orally, opinions and ideas in spontaneous interactions about subjects of other disciplines.

• I participate in conversations in which I can explain my opinions and ideas on general, personal and abstract topics. • I can also initiate a topic of conversation and keep the attention of my interlocutors; when I speak, my speech is simple and coherent. • Although my accent is foreign, my pronunciation is clear and adequate. • I write texts that explain my preferences, decisions and actions. • With my vocabulary I deal with general topics, although I resort to strategies to talk about facts and objects whose name I do not know. • I handle acceptable linguistic standards, with some interference from my mother tongue. • I understand texts of different types and sources on subjects of general and academic interest. • I select and apply appropriate reading strategies for the text and the task.

Knowing: • Identifies specific information about a topic of interest in oral and written texts. • Distinguishes points of view and expressions that indicate advantage and disadvantage about topics of interest. Doing: • Classifies information of different types of texts about health services based on defined categories and a provided format. • Prepares a simple written text about community health services. • Expresses orally points of view on subjects of interest. Being: • Respects the opinions of others. • Shows interest for the common good.

Lexical: Health Services: X-rays, Doctor appointments, Laboratory, Dentist, Expressions to express comparison • They both show/have/etc. • This system shows/has… but the other system is… Expressions to summarize information • In conclusion… • To sum up… Expressions to present advantages and disadvantages • On the other hand… • One advantage/disadvantage is Expressions to complain: • I have a complaint to make. • Sorry to bother you but... Expressions to answer complaints: Positive response to complaints: • I'm so sorry, but this will never occur / happen again. Negative response to complaints: • Sorry there is nothing we can do about that. Grammar • Reported speech • Present, past and future simple tense • Present and past continuous • Past perfect tense Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Skills to analyze, interpret and relate • Respect for others

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

• Investigate the most common health care problems in their community and create a list. • Propose possible alternatives of solution to such

problems.• Propose paths to obtain health services in their

community.• Support opinions in a round

table.• Produce a written text proposing conclusions reached on this subject.

Perform exercises of familiarization, practice and consolidation using written and oral

texts. Supervise that the plan established to resolve the problem is

followed. Follow the stages of guided writing and preparation of oral


• Rubric to assess the stages and products of the proposal and teamwork. • Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – ELEVENTH GRADE (11°) Third Term: DEMOCRACY AND PEACE – “RECONCILIATION” Goal: Evaluate daily reconciliation actions for the construction of peace. (Evaluar acciones cotidianas de reconciliación para la construcción de paz.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Expresses orally his/her point of view about a controversial topic previously studied.

Maintains previously prepared formal discussions about academic topics. LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS










• Expresses opinions on defined subjects. • Justifies points of view. • Expresses agreements and disagreements • Describes experiences, events, and feelings. • Defends a proposal with valid arguments.

• Identifies main points and specific information in different written and oral texts about personal and academic topics of interest. • Expresses points of view about personal and academic topics of interest. • Exchanges information orally about personal and academic topics of interest.

• I participate in conversations in which I can explain my opinions and ideas on general, personal and abstract topics. • I can also initiate a topic of conversation and keep the attention of my interlocutors; when I speak, my speech is simple and coherent. • Although my accent is foreign, my pronunciation is clear and adequate. • I write texts that explain my preferences, decisions and actions. • With my vocabulary I deal with general topics, although I resort to strategies to talk about facts and objects whose name I do not know. • I handle acceptable linguistic standards, with some interference from my mother tongue. • I understand texts of different types and sources on subjects of general and academic interest. • I select and apply appropriate reading strategies for the text and the task.

Knowing: • Identifies relevant information in a text of general interest. • Recognizes the mechanisms for citizen participation. • Distinguishes expressions related to social values. • Differentiates the structures of real and unreal conditionals. Doing: • Expresses orally and clearly the rights as citizens. • Participates in a prepared discussion on the role of the community as driver of change. • Evaluates orally and in writing the existing channels of citizen participation. Being: • Respects differences. • Shows interest for the common good.

Lexical: Social Value • Peace, cooperation, collaboration,.. Citizen participation • Election, Vote for, Democracy, Opinions, Civil protection, Human rights Expressions to present a topic • Today, we would like to discuss… • On today’s agenda, we want to express… • The major theme today is… Expressions to defend points of view and opinions • My opinion/view is that… • I hold the opinion that… Expressions to summarize sources • Also, according to … and … the idea is… Expressing similarities and differences • Holmes and Watson agree that… • Differing viewpoints demonstrate that… Grammar • Third conditional • Adverbs and intensifiers Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Learning through interaction • Skills to analyze, interpret and relate information

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

• Inquire about situations that generate conflict among family members, the Educational Institution and the community in

general.• Present possible alternatives of solution to these conflict situations. • Analyze the information

obtained.• Support opinions in debate.

Perform exercises of familiarization, practice and consolidation using written and oral

texts. Supervise the plan established for the project is followed. Incorporate the feedback received in each of the stages of presentati

on of oral

and written texts.

• Rubric to assess the stages and products of the projects, and teamwork. • Modular test.


CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – ELEVENTH GRADE (11°) Fourth Term: GLOBALIZATION – “TECHNOLOGY AND PRIVACY” Goal: Promote the responsible use of technology to protect privacy. (Promover el uso responsable de la tecnología para la protección de la privacidad.) CEFR Level: Básico 2 (A 2.2) Basic Learning Rights (BLR): Narrates personal experiences or familiar stories in oral or written form.











• Expresses opinions. • Justifies points of view. • Expresses agreements and disagreements • Describes experiences, events, and feelings.

• Identifies explicit and implicit information in argumentative texts related to academic topics. • Structure medium length argumentative written texts about academic topics. • Exchange information orally about a subject of general interest. • Support orally personal points of view about an established academic subject.

In addition to what I achieved in the previous level, in this level: • I participate in conversations in which I can explain my opinions and ideas on general, personal and abstract topics. • I can also initiate a topic of conversation and keep the attention of my interlocutors; when I speak, my speech is simple and coherent. • Although my accent is foreign, my pronunciation is clear and adequate. • I write texts that explain my preferences, decisions and actions. • With my vocabulary I deal with general topics, although I resort to strategies to talk about facts and objects whose name I do not know. • I handle acceptable linguistic standards, with some interference from my mother tongue. • I understand texts of different types and sources on subjects of general and academic interest. • I select and apply appropriate reading strategies for the text and the task. • In interactions with native English speakers I recognize elements of their culture and I can explain them to my classmates.

Knowing: • Identifies essential information in an oral or written text. • Defines causes and effects in a topic of general interest. • Recognizes expressions related to social networks, mass media, rules of etiquette, etc. • Differentiates the structure of real and unreal conditionals. Doing: • Classifies key information of different sources about topics of general interest. • Proposes orally and in writing strategies that contribute to the respect for privacy through the use of technology. • Prepares a narrative written text about topics of general interest. Being: • Is interested in standards of common courtesy. • Tolerates differences.

Lexical: Social networks • Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Google +, Badoo, Linkedin, Reddit, Instagram Expressions for rules on etiquette • Remember the Human. • Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. • Know where you are in cyberspace. • Respect other people's time and bandwidth. • Make yourself look good online. • Share expert knowledge. • Respect other people's privacy. • Do not abuse your power. • Be forgiving of other people's mistakes. Expressions related to opinions • I think that … • I consider …. • I agree … • I disagree … • Bearing in mind… • I believe… Grammar • Third conditional Sociolinguistic/Intercultural • Self-critical reflection • Adaptability to the different forms of communication and learning • Curiosity and discovery

“EDUPAZ” Objetivo: Trabajar la Competencia integradora: manejo constructivo del conflicto (Manejo de la ira, escucha activa, toma de perspectiva, generación creativa de opciones, consideración de consecuencias y asertividad)

• Propose actions that promote the responsible use of technology to protect

privacy.• Inquire about problems and create a list of the

same.• Analyze the information

obtained.• Prepare solution alternatives, following the writing stages. • Hand in a final essay.

• Perform exercises of familiarization, practice and consolidation using written and oral texts. • Incorporate feedback of my classmates and teachers on drafts of my essay.

• Rubric to assess the stages and products of the project, self-evaluation • Essay rubric. • Modular test.



8th Grade lesson plan example


Teacher: Grade: 8th Term:

Task: I am interest in my health


• I understand basic information about subjects related to my daily activities and my


• I can extract general and specific information from a short and written text in simple language.

• I use adequate vocabulary to give coherence to my writing.

• I write short texts expressing the contrast, addition and cause and effect between ideas.

• I answer simple questions about familiar subjects with short phrases.


• Prepare oral and written texts on recommendations related to subjects of general interest.

• Identify information on subjects of general interest in short descriptive oral and written texts.

Language Functions:

• Give suggestions, recommendations.

• Give and request information

• Express conditions.

• Describe diseases, symptoms, parts of the body, treatments.

• Describe eating routines.



• Identify symptoms, parts of the body, and treatments in a short and simple written text.

• Identify relevant facts, specific details and references.

• Recognize the structure of information questions.

• Identify description basic structures.

• Identify the stages of the writing process.


• Ask previously prepared questions on eating disorders using a defined format.

• Prepare a written report with clear and simple language using notes taken and an established




• Recognize his role in disease prevention

• Recognize negative health practices.


Natural Sciences: I make nutritional decisions and exercise favoring my health.


• Parts of the body.

• Symptoms and medication (Flu, headache, etc.).

• Diseases/ eating disorders (Bulimia, overweight, obese/ obesity, anorexia). Transitions (Next,

in addition to, then).

• Expressions to describe symptoms (I have a headache).

• Adverbs of frequency and sequence.

• Possessive adjectives: her, his, my, their, your

• Wh-questions

• Imperatives--Take..., drink...; Don ´t.....

• Present perfect tense

• Past tense



Orientaciones y Principios Pedagógicos - Currículo sugerido de inglés

Currículo Unificado de Inglés – Propuesta

English ICFES Course through reading.


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Universidad Surcolombiana.



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CONSEJO DE EUROPA (2001). Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas:

aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación (capítulo 2.1.). Madrid: Instituto Cervantes - Ministerio de

Educación Cultura y Deporte, Anaya, 2002.

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Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras – Inglés.

JOHNSON, K. y Morrow, K. (eds.) (1981). Communication in the Classroom. Londres: Longman.

MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN NACIONAL. Lineamientos Curriculares Ministerio de Educación


MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN NACIONAL. Estándares Básicos para Lenguas Extranjeras: Inglés


Proyecto Educativo Institucional (PEI) SANTA LIBRADA. Neiva.


RICO, T. Carlos. Reflexiones del Quehacer Evaluativo del ICFES en los últimos años. Evaluación por competencias. Santa Fe de Bogotá, ICFES-MAGISTERIO: 2004 P. 132.

ZÚÑIGA Gilma, Bernal Lilia Stella. Evaluación, Estándares y currículo de Inglés. Una propuesta

de maestros. Editorial Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva 2005. Colombia Bilingüe. El reto. PROGRAMA NACIONAL DE BILINGÜISMO. /neivaspeaksenglish. Programa de Bilingüismo. La Preparatoria Mexicana. La Escuela Preparatoria en México.

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