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Advertising History Planbook: Skyy Vodka in the 1960's


Table of Contents

Executive Summary………………………………………………………….2

Industry Overview……………………………………………………………5


Situation Analysis…………………………………………………………….7

Historical Overview………………………………………………………….9

Consumer Research…………………………………………………………11

Market Segmentation……………………………………………………..12

Advertising Strategy………………………………………………………..15

Creative Strategy……………………………………………………………..18

Media Plan………………………………………………………………………20

Promotions and Public Relations……………………………………..21

Radio Ad………………………………………………………………………….22

Print Ad 1………………………………………………………………………..24

Print Ad 2………………………………………………………………………..25

Print Ad 3………………………………………………………………………..26


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Executive Summary

1963 marks a new beginning for the Skyy Vodka Company. With vodka’s popularity on the rise,

we decided to bring a “classier” vodka into the marketing mix of 1963. The continuing effects of

post WWII prosperity leave people with an excess of disposable income to spend on more

luxury items, such as quality alcoholic beverages.

Industry Overview

History, Trends, and Outlook

Continuing prosperity from post WWII lead to the rise of consumption of luxury goods.

Vodka sales were low in the United States and vodka was not in high demand outside of

Europe until the 1950s.

The introduction of vodka cocktails helped boost popularity.


Our primary competition is Smirnoff Vodka.

The secondary competition is all other hard liquors, specifically whiskey, bourbon, gin,

and other liquors used for mixing cocktails.

Situation Analysis

Skyy Vodka is a premium vodka product specifically aimed at martini drinkers for its lack of

impurities due to its distillation process.

Current Market Situation

Traditionally, Skyy has used simplistic design advertisements incorporating the unique

bottle. Currently, Skyy operates an interactive website targeting the young urban

demographic, specifically bartenders and film makers. A line of print ads has also been

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published, each in a highly stylized format incorporating the Skyy product and their

traditional cobalt blue colors.

Skyy supports film and through promotions has been named the official vodka of the

Tribeca Film Festival and the San Francisco International Film Festival.

Historical Overview

History of Skyy Vodka Company

Skyy Vodka was first engineered by Maurice Kanbar in 1993.

Today, Skyy is the second highest selling vodka known for its thorough distillation and

filtering process, which removes most of the impurities.

Today, the Skyy Vodka Company has spread to Europe and has begun selling a whiskey


History of Product Category

Vodka originated from Russia and Poland in the early middle ages. It was originally

brought to the US by the French brand Smirnoff. Not until recently has the beverage

gained much popularity. Skyy has recently emerged in the market as the vodka with the

fewest impurities.

Consumer Research

Primary Market: Upper-class men and women ages 21-30.

Secondary Market: Middle-class men ages 21-30.

Advertising Strategy and Objectives

Our advertising goal is to introduce a new brand of an existing product to an upper-class target

market of women and men. We want to establish brand awareness through an advertising

campaign encompassing television, print and radio media.

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Marketing Objectives:

Introduce a new brand into the market.

Build brand identity.

Creative Strategy


We will stress a soft sell message of association through visual effects. We want to employ the popular culture icon, James Bond featured in Dr. No (1962)

and From Russia, With Love (1963) as a high-class special agent. Copy will stress the sophistication, mystery, and sex appeal of James Bond and his

female counterparts and associates.

Art Elements

Advertisements will depict women accompanied by a Bond figure portrayed by Sean Connery.

Bond movie quotes, large pictures incorporating Skyy colors, and a short ad copy at the bottom, as a description of their product.

Media Plan

Our media plan will consist of nationally broadcasted television and radio, as well as

print advertisements in popular prominent magazines.

We will obtain magazine subscribers from magazines where print ads will appear, and

send direct invitations to promotional events in major subscription areas.

Promotions and Public Relations

We will sponsor Bond promotional events such as movie premiers.

Free samples and discounted products at participating bars.

Skyy Vodka sponsor nights at select bars in major cities.

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Industry Overview


Vodka originated in the late 8th century in Eastern Europe. The process of distillation produced

higher alcohol content than previous alcoholic beverages. Vodka was first used in the 11th

century as medicine. Vodka did not gain popularity in the West until the late 1950’s and early

1960’s. Cultural revolutions of the 1960’s focused on the more relaxed and adventurous

lifestyles of the younger generation which led to the rise of vodkas popularity though its diverse

use in the liquor industry.


The women’s feminism movement is growing. After WWII, women realized that they, too, can

handle the same responsibilities as men. They are beginning to see themselves as equal to men

and therefore, want to be treated equally.


Continuing prosperity from the end of WWII lead to an increase in interest for luxury goods.

Women as well as men are taking the time to enjoy their prosperity and life. To celebrate, it is

common to hold cocktail parties to socialize with friends and family.

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Primary Competition:

Smirnoff is the most prestigious brands at this time because it has been around for 30 years and has developed brand loyalty. Smirnoff which comes in a long, tall bottle provide a fresh look and crisp, smooth taste.


Smirnoff has been around since the 1860’s where it was founded in Moscow. Smirnoff introduced itself in the United States in the 1930’s. Sales skyrocketed with the introduction of vodka cocktails. Smirnoff was first to use charcoal for vodka filtration and introduced a continuous distillation for consistent in quality.


Although Smirnoff has developed customer loyalty it has only been in America for 30 years and had struggled in business for a while until vodka cocktails came about.

Secondary Competition:

Bourbon whiskey such as Jim Beam and Jack Daniel’s were the drinks of choice in the 1960’s. In 1964 Congress declared bourbon to be the “official native spirit” of the United States. Jim Beam and Jack Daniels were the two main competitors at this time.


Bourbon was the choice of liquor for years so it is hard to persuade a loyal customer. Jack Daniels and Jim Beam were both invented in the United States so they were able to develop brand loyalty. Jack Daniels comes in a distinctive square bottle and has a sweet and mellow taste. Jim Beam is distilled corn whiskey which is aged in charred oak barrels to give it a rich, smoky flavor and distinctive amber color.


With the feminist movement that has been going on during this time and vodkas new arrival to

the United States, vodka advertisers can aim towards women as a “new consumer” where

Bourbon can not do that.

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Situation Analysis

Skyy is a newer brand that uses more technological distillation processes to remove imparities

that make for a better martini drink.

Product Analysis:

Skyy Vodka is a premium vodka product noted for having the fewest impurities due to is unique process of distillation.

Skyy is a vodka used primarily for martinis.

Using Skyy Vodka in martinis and other vodka-mixed cocktail beverages will ultimately taste smoother and enhance the flavor.

Description of Product:

Skyy Vodka is an alcoholic beverage produced in California It is 80 Proof The 3-part distillation process is what sets Skyy ahead of its competitors by creating

smoother vodka.

These features give Skyy a competitive edge in the vodka market.

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Historical Overview

History of the Company:

1993: Skyy Vodka was created by Maurice Kanbar, inspired by an after-party

hangover caused by vodka cocktails and had great success due to the reintroduction

of the cocktail and wine spritzers introduced in the 1980s.

1994: Skyy Vodka was recognized at the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers Convention in

New Orleans, having sold 190,000 cases that year.

1998: Kanbar’s interest in film led the company to launch the Skyy Cinema Campaign

which sponsored independent film festivals, including The Blair Witch Project. In this

same year, Skyy also made a business proposition with Italy’s Campari Group and

began distributing the product overseas.

2000: Skyy launched a line of new flavored vodkas, including Skyy Citrus.

2002: The Campari Group gains control of Skyy Vodka. The Campari Group ran a

joint venture of Skyy Blue malt beverage with the Miller Company to compete with

other malt beverages on the market.

2004: Skyy gains control of Cutty Black Whiskey and begins distributing in the United


2005: Skyy introduced a 90 Proof premium vodka product called Skyy90. Skyy

currently estimates a $74 million dollar profit per year.

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Technological Advances:

Skyy Vodka pioneered the multiple distillation and filtration process in 1992, which uses

a four column distillation process that uses specific temperatures to regulate impurities.

The vodka is then sent through three charcoal filters, rough cellulose and fine cellulose

to remove any further impurities.

Scope of Business:

Skyy Vodka

Skyy Citrus

Skyy Blue Malt Beverage

Cutty Black Whiskey

Skyy 90

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Consumer Research

Target Market

Our target market is composed of men and women between the ages of 21 and 45. They enjoy

the finer luxuries in life because of their hard work and attention to detail. The quality of their

vodka also depicts this attention because they do not want impurities and do not have time for

hangovers. Showing off to their neighbors is a constant theme in their lives and they only want

to show them that they drink the best quality vodka.


Upper class men and women between the ages of 21-30.

Middle class men between the ages of 21-30, and 31-45.

Live in the suburbs of major cities.

The younger ones are single and looking, while the older ones are married with children.

Prospective Buying Influences





Appealing to our Target Audience



Upward mobility

Use of celebrity

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Prioritization of Target Audiences




Market Segments Identified

Primary Market

Our primary market consists of upper class women and men ages 21-30 who are working for a

living and making a lot of money doing so. Some of them are single and dating while others

have recently married and don’t plan to have children quite yet. They like having fun at parties

and on occasion throw some of their own. We chose this particular segment because they are

the people that we believe would most benefit from a high-end vodka such as Skyy. We have

both genders in this market because both women and men enjoy drinking martinis. This group

has a disposable income and because of this they can afford a better quality vodka. They want

to impress their neighbors at parties and only want to serve the top shelf alcohol. Also, this

group attends ritzy night clubs on the weekends and want to impress the opposite sex buy

choosing the vodka that stands for the best.

The women and men in the primary market will purchase Skyy Vodka because they believe in

standards of alcohol. They want to know that their money isn’t being spent on low-grade

alcohol but rather on the purist vodka money can buy. They will be impressed with the taste

that Skyy brings because when mixed, the martinis taste clean and pure. Additionally, the

women of the group will enjoy the fact that Skyy contains no carbohydrates and fat, just

seventy calories for every one ounce of vodka.

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Secondary Market

Our secondary market consists of middle class men ages 21-30 who are working hard for a

living, but are making less money than our primary market. They aspire to be in the upper class

but can’t afford all the glitz and glamour products. They too enjoy fine tasting alcohol and

prefer no impurities in their vodka. The majority of these men are single, the rest have become

recently married and are also holding off having children. After seeing the Skyy ads done for the

primary market, they will associate the product with a higher standard of alcohol and therefore

want to purchase it because they want to associate themselves with the higher class.

Undeveloped/Potential Markets

Our potential market consists of middle class men ages 31-45 who have settle down and have

children yet they still want to have martinis in the house or go to a casual dining restaurant and

order one. They too believe in having only the purist vodka around. This group has more

disposable income than the secondary market because they have worked a longer period of

time and have saved more. Now they want to enjoy the fruits of their labor and try to show

everyone that they can live like the rich.


Upper class women and men ages 21-30.

Single, but some have recently married. Have no children.

Go out to parties and clubs and like to throw their own cocktail parties at home.


Middle class men ages 21-30.

Single, but some have recently married. Have no children.

Enjoy fine tasting vodka and going out and having fun.


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Middle class men ages 31-45.

Married with children who are growing older.

Enjoy fine tasting vodka and want to have it around the house for martinis.

Enjoy going to fine dining establishments where they order high-end martinis.

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Advertising Strategy


Advertising Objectives

Introduce a new brand to the market Generate initial usage Develop brand awareness and identity through promotions Create brand loyalty


0 – 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years

Product introduction 75% of our target market Increase in production

Generate initial usage recognizes Skyy and/or 25% of market share

uses it.

6 Months 2 Years

Create recognizability Established in the

and brand image Vodka market, recognized

for achievements in quality

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Product Concept

Marketing Position

Skyy Vodka will be available in all liquor stores and establishments that hold liquor licenses. This will include bars, restaurants and casinos.

Product Differentiation

Skyy Vodka was the first to implement the use of a three-part distillation and filtration process, allowing it to be the vodka with the fewest impurities.

When you taste lower-end vodkas, you can taste the impurities in it. Since Skyy uses a technologically advanced process, the impurities are fewer and therefore the vodka tastes smoother and cleaner.

This also allows for the flavors of the mixed drinks to be more substantial, instead of being overwhelmed by the taste of impure vodka.

Life Cycle

Skyy Vodka is a new brand in an emerging product category in the United States. Smirnoff, our main competitor, holds the main market share, but have only fairly recently become popular with the rise of vodka cocktails.

In addition to promoting our product, we would also like to increase the use of vodka in mixed drinks.

Classification, Packaging, Branding

Skyy Vodka will come in a distinctive cobalt blue bottle with simple silver lettering displaying the brand name. This will allow the product to stand out among other vodkas and alcohols. This simplified style is very bold and attracts attention, while looking sophisticated and smooth, implying the smooth taste of the vodka itself.

It will be distributed in .750 L or 1.75 L bottles and displayed at arms-reach level in liquor stores. Skyy will fund contracts with liquor store owners for highly stylized in-store displays.

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Target Audience

Our target audience is composed of men and women of the ages 21-45 who are working for a living. Some are married, yet some are single. Both are looking for finer things in life and enjoy high-class vodka. They enjoy throwing cocktail parties, showing off to their neighbors and being part of the social scene.

Marketing Objectives:

Short Term

In the first twelve months, we want to establish brand awareness.

We will increase usage through an extensive advertising campaign, supporting film

nights and sponsoring martini parties in popular night-time destinations in major cities

across the United States.

Long Term

In the first two years, we will create a brand loyalty through association of upper-class


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Creative Strategy

Advertising Message

We would like to promote Skyy Vodka as the purest vodka, and therefore the smoothest

tasting. We will emphasize how this enhances the flavors in mixed drinks. We will develop our

brand image by implementing a soft-sell technique that will depict strong, simplistic imagery

that associates sexual appeal and sophistication with the product. We will use the popular icon,

James Bond, to illustrate these qualities.

Copy Elements

Our soft-sell campaign will suggest that Skyy vodka should be chosen over all other

vodkas for utmost smoothness and sophistication.

Our copy platform will be based off of James Bond’s Dr. No (1962) and From Russia With Love (1963). This will add appeal and sophistication to our product, as well as a sense of adventure. In addition, it will be associating our product with the movie industry and Hollywood glamour.

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This soft-sell campaign will associate the sophistication and mystique of James Bond with the

Skyy Vodka product. If Skyy can continue to be connected with the James Bond franchise, the

popularity of the product will correlate with the sales of the movie.

Art Elements

Visual Appeals

The main ideal behind our product is a sleek sophistication, which can be seen throughout the

production and packaging of the Skyy Vodka product. The bottle itself will become a

recognizable feature and we will use this to our advantage by including it as a primary element

in our ad picture and copies.


Three main print ads will run in our initial campaign. Each will display a tagline or catchphrase in

the ad picture, which will comprise the majority of the ad space. The copy will detail the

benefits of the product. The Skyy bottle will be displayed in all three advertisements.


Skyy Vodka will come in a distinctive cobalt blue glass bottle with silver lettering. This will set

the product apart from its clear-bottle competitors.

Point of Purchase

Our product will be placed in stylized, sophisticated displays in the middle of liquor and grocery

stores at the end of isles. Another aspect will be the accompanying cocktail recipe booklet that

will be included with purchase for the first year of production. When placed on shelves, Skyy

will be placed at arm level to ensure a more focal distinction between other competitors.

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Media Plan

To reach our target market, we will concentrate our advertisements in a series of media forums

that will be accessible to our demographic. Our strategy will include print, radio and television

commercials during prime time and popular publications.

Traditional Mass Media-

Print, radio and television will receive national coverage accessible to our target market.

Television- 50%

Major networks during prime time

During popular television programming

This will help generate product awareness and usage.

Magazines- 25%

Time Magazine

Life Magazine

Vogue Magazine

- We chose these magazines due to their circulation through all of our demographic targets,

namely both men and women of a broad range of age. These magazines are all associated

with trendy sophistication, especially Vogue which concentrates on fashion and style.

Radio- 15%

Our radio spot will air during the night on Top 40 Stations. In addition, we will have

actor sponsorships on radio shows to endorse the product.

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Other- 10%

We would like to remain within the James Bond franchise by contracting product

placement in future Bond movies

Sponsor nights at local bars will be a way to get the product name out to the target

audience. Skyy Vodka representatives will go into the bars and clubs to promote the

product and hand out free giveaways. Also, at Skyy Vodka sponsor nights, there will be

specials on Skyy vodka drinks. Representatives will use games to promote the different

uses of Skyy vodka in different cocktails.

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Promotions and Public Relations


Our strategy is to gain awareness of our product through celebrities at film festivals and by

sponsoring events at bars and clubs in major cities. We feel that the best way to spread the

word about our product is to start with major film stars. Once our product gains popularity in

Hollywood, buzz will start spreading and people will become interested in Skyy Vodka. By

moving our product to major cities, word will continue to spread and hopefully consumers will

begin to develop brand loyalty.

Dealer Promotions

We will distribute our product to bars and liquor stores. For about the first six months to one

year of production, we will distribute Skyy Vodka cocktail recipe books. These will explain how

to make a variety of different drinks with Skyy Vodka. This will help our consumers find a drink

that suits them best using the most purified vodka in the market.

Film Festivals and Movie Premiers

We will sponsor a variety of film festivals and movie premiers to spread the word about the

product. This will also help consumers associate our Vodka with movies and Hollywood

glamour. Having this association will target our upper-class target market as well as those that

aspire to be in that target audience. This will allow us to get our product name out to the

secondary and potential markets as well.

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Radio Commercial


DOORMAN:  Come in Mr. Bond, we haven’t seen you in a long time.


BARTENDER:   James old boy, how have you been?

BOND:             Exhausted Jimmy. It’s been a rough week. Let me have a martini. Shaken, not stirred.

BARTENDER:   Of course James, the usual.

BOND:             Actually, use Skyy Vodka this time. I tried it last week and it’s unbelievable.

BARTENDER:   Skyy? Why Skyy of all brands? You usually drink Smirnoff.

BOND:             Well last week as I was in Russia, doing my thing, and the bar only had Skyy, so I gave it a chance. Lucky I did.

BARTENDER:   What’s so great about it?

BOND:             Well, Jimmy, it is the purist vodka money can buy. Tastes clean going down and mixes better than Smirnoff in martinis.

BARTENDER:   Oh, well then. We just got it in; you’ll be the first one to try it at this bar.

BOND:         That’s because they are a new brand. It just came out this year.

BARTENDER:   They seem good.

BOND:             Trust me they are. I mean of all things, I was in Russia and they served me Californian vodka instead of their own brand, it must be good.

BARTENDER:   Ok, one martini with Skyy Vodka coming up.

BOND:             Great. Thanks. Oh, I will be right back I see an old friend. Tanya, Tanya!


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ANNCR:           Skyy Vodka is part of the Skyy LLC Company, San Francisco. It contains the lowest number of impurities in vodka and only seventy calories per one ounces of liquid. Drink responsibly. 

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"1960s an Introduction." 19 Apr. 2007 <>.

"About Absolut." 11 Apr. 2007 <>.

"History of Vodka." Vodka Museum. 10 Mar. 2007 <>.

"I Love the 60s." 19 Apr. 2007 <>.

"Kingwood College Library." 19 Apr. 2007


"Skyy Spirits LLC." Answers.Com. 07 Apr. 2007 <


"Skyy Vodka." 11 Apr. 2007 <>.

"Vodka and Birth of Smirnoff." Smirnoff. 2006. The Smirnoff Company. 15 Mar. 2007 <>.

"Vodka." Taste of Texas. 10 Apr. 2007 <>.

"Vodka." 19 Apr. 2007 <>.

"Vodka Rocks!" Forbes. 11 Apr. 2007


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