pillar apps review & detailed case study

Post on 26-Aug-2014



Self Improvement



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Learn how to use Pillar Apps online app builder to make beautiful Android apps and monetize them with Google Admob. The included case study shows that you can easily earn $100 a month per simple app, build in 30 minutes.


Free Case Study !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How I made $343.95 in 3 months on auto-pilot with 30 minutes of

one-time work !!

by Nick Golden !!!!!!

Copyright © Nick Golden 2013. All rights reserved. !!!

Thank you for downloading this short case study.

!My name is Nick Golden and I’ll be your guide for the next hour.

!It was a beautiful summer afternoon.

!I sat in my home office, checking stats and thinking that my online profits

sank the last month.

!A half of my niche sites were penalized by Google. My CPA campaigns made

me minus $300 or so, because of decreased payouts and higher bid prices.

!I decided that I urgently need to diversify.

!I looked around, and found that my friend making boatloads of money with

mobile apps banner advertising. Making iPhone and Android apps and

monetizing them with Google Admob and other advertising networks.

!But there was a problem.

!I didn’t have a dedicated team of programmers and designers, nor the funds

to hire one.

!His team made really nice games and I had no chance with my modest tech


!Also I don’t like programming. I can’t focus on things for a long periods of time

and it’s no fun to me.


© 2013 by Nick Golden�2Mobile Apps Case Study

After researching for a day I found that I can make simple apps with almost

no tech skills.

!Without further waffling, here is an app that I made that earned the mentioned

$343.95 in 3 months:

The app was created in 30 minutes with a special app builder and no

programming at all!

!You can download this app here, if you have an Android device:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rubicon21.freestuffbymail

!© 2013 by Nick Golden�3Mobile Apps Case Study

Now let’s check the Admob ad network stats:

!As you can see this app made $343.95 from Jun, 1st to Aug, 31th.

It also made about $130 in September, but I don’t know exactly, because I

switched to Admob 2.0 in September and too lazy to combine stats from 2

interfaces :-)

!This month (October 2013) there was a dip in profits, probably because of the

new Admob haven’t fully adapted by advertisers:

The app made just $87.52 as of October, 24

!© 2013 by Nick Golden�4Mobile Apps Case Study

But anyway, it’s free money!

!And a nice passive income without any maintenance.

!And I know

what pain in the ass the maintenance is.

!Sites constantly drop out of top spots in Google and require new backlinks,

social signals and etc.

!Mobile apps almost don’t require any maintenance and promotion.

!Maybe 10 minutes a month. And that’s all.

!You can see other apps in my Google Play Market account.

!I programmed almost all those apps myself, but that’s another story. And they

make me money too!

!So, you’re probably wondering how I made this app and how you can too?


!I used a Pillar Apps online app builder: http://goo.gl/0XvnPE

!It isn’t free, but I don’t know a free builder that allows you to insert your own

banners in apps and do it in a minute or less.

!The price is $35 a month for unlimited apps and unlimited push notifications.

!© 2013 by Nick Golden�5Mobile Apps Case Study


I like to mention another thing. The content in my app is from an RSS feed.

!This feed is from a site that my friend owns, and he allowed me to use it.

!You can always find a feed to use. And you can always mashup feeds in

Yahoo Pipes or other RSS service. I’ll show you some cool tricks later.

!Think unlimited content here :-)

And no problems with duplicate content.

!Now I like to show you the builder and how easy is to create apps.

!First, I selected a suitable app template (Pillar Apps has about 50 of them):


Second, I customized app tabs:

!© 2013 by Nick Golden�6Mobile Apps Case Study

Everything is customizable. The style and look of tabs, number of tabs, show

ads or not. I played with customizations for 15 minutes.

!Third, I inserted an URL of the RSS feed:

As you can see there is a live preview. Also you can paste feeds from

Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and others.

!Fourth, I added the app to Admob, got an adblock id and pasted it into the


© 2013 by Nick Golden�7Mobile Apps Case Study

Fifth, I created the app icon. I use Pixelmator with templates on Mac, but you

can use any other software, or free icon maker from Google: http://android-ui-utils.googlecode.com/hg/asset-studio/dist/icons-launcher.html

!Don’t overthink it too much, make an icon in 5-10 minutes.

You can always replace it later.

!I uploaded the icon to builder and created a support ticket to approve my app.

!Generally they approve apps once a day. It doesn’t matter if you created an 1

app or 10. But to approve your app faster just submit a ticket to Pillar Apps

support: http://goo.gl/0XvnPE

!Sixth, I created app screenshots.

!As I showed earlier Pillar Apps has a live app preview.

Just use any screen capturing tool to make a screenshot, or read this:


!Seventh, after the app was approved, I downloaded an .apk file (by clicking

Publish and following instructions) and uploaded it to my Google Play


!To signup for a Google Play Developer account visit this link:


There is a $25 one-time fee for unlimited apps submission.

!Eighth, I wrote a short app description and submitted it to Google Play. Also I

uploaded the app icon and screenshots.


© 2013 by Nick Golden�8Mobile Apps Case Study

And that’s it!

!It can take a few hours before your app will be visible and searchable in

Google Play Market.

!For app promotion I purchased 2 gigs from Fiverr. Social bookmarks and app

ratings. It was enough to see increasing app installs and money started

coming in.

!You can skip social bookmarks, but don’t skip app ratings!

!It’s very important.

!In the same niche, if the first app has a beautiful icon, and the second app

has a 20 five-star ratings, but a so-so icon, people will download the second


!Because of a social proof thingy. My own behavior is exactly the same.

And I think yours is the same too.

!Now I’ll show you a few cool tricks to get fresh ideas for your apps.

!You can build your apps around popular products.

!For example let’s take a product niche: coffee makers

!Name you app Coffee Maker Deals and use Amazon to generate an RSS

feed for your app.

!Amazon official RSS page: http://www.amazon.com/gp/tagging/rss-help.html

© 2013 by Nick Golden�9Mobile Apps Case Study

And our feed will be: http://www.amazon.com/rss/tag/coffeemaker/popular/

!I don’t sure if Amazon allows to use their feeds in apps, but you can use a

feed converter from Skimlinks (http://skimlinks.me/Hh0ahL) and not only earn

money from Admob ads, but also get paid if someone will buy products from

your app.

!Amazon looks great on mobile devices and people trust them.

!For example my other app: Ray Ban Fanatic, provides a list of Ray Ban

sunglasses and I’ve got 2 sales in 90 days ($26 in commissions).

!Register for Skimlinks (http://skimlinks.me/Hh0ahL) and to convert your RSS

feed visit: https://hub.skimlinks.com/settings/tools/skim-rss

paste your feed and click Generate.

!You’ll get a feed to use in your app.

!And finally I like to discuss trends.

!For example I found that Chili’s is gaining steam the last 30 days (using

google trends).

!You can find a Chili’s coupon feed, for example:


!and use Skimlinks (http://skimlinks.me/Hh0ahL) RSS converter to make a

feed for your app.


© 2013 by Nick Golden�10Mobile Apps Case Study

People always look for deals and coupons, so you can name your app Chili’s Coupons, or The Latest Chili’s Coupons. Use your imagination!

!I like this profit source and plan to make at least 50 apps before the next year.

Do you? !You’ll receive more cool tips and tricks in the next few days if you subscribed

to my list here: https://nickgolden.leadpages.net/mobile-profits/

!Signup for Pillar Apps today and earn some money! http://goo.gl/0XvnPE !If you have any questions, shoot me a message: support@rubicontwentyone.com

© 2013 by Nick Golden�11Mobile Apps Case Study

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