physical examination

Post on 25-May-2015



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PhysicalPhysical ExaminationExamination

Grzegorz Chodkowski (MD)Grzegorz Chodkowski (MD)

Riga, Radisson SAS


• Stethoscope

• Pen-torch

• Measuring tape

• Ophthalmoscope

• Sphygmomanometer

• Tendon hammer

• Tuning fork

• Cotton wool

• Disposable Neurotips

• Wooden spatula

• Magnifying glass

• Disposable gloves, lubricant jelly and a proctoscope may also be required

• Facilities for obtaining blood samples, urinalysis and faecal occult blood testingshould be available

• Accurate weighing scales and a height-measuring device(preferably a Harpenden stadiometer)

Equipment required Equipment required

The sequence of examination is:

• Inspection

• Palpation

• Percussion

• Auscultation


• Handshake and introduction

• Note general appearances while talking:

- does the patient look well?

- any immediate and obvious clues, e.g. obesity, plethora, breathlessness

- complexion

• Hands and radial pulse

• Face

• Mouth

• Neck

• Thorax:

- breasts

- heart

- lungs

• Abdomen

• Lower limbs:

- oedema

- circulation

- locomotor function and neurology

• Upper limbs:

- movement and neurology

• Cranial nerves, including fundoscopy

• Blood pressure

• Height and weight

• Urinalysis

How to?How to?

Dupuytren's contracture

Rheumatoid arthritis

Deformed hands/fingers

Myotonic dystrophyDelayed relaxation of grip

Regular water exposure

Manual occupation


Dry, coarse skin

AcromegalyLarge, fleshy, sweaty hands

HyperthyroidismHot, sweaty hands

Raynaud's phenomenonCold, dry hands

AnxietyCold, sweaty hands


Information from a HandshakeInformation from a Handshake

• Level of consciousness, signs of distress, apparent state of health

• Facial expression

• Height, build, and weight

• Posture, gait, and motor activity

• Dress, grooming, and personal hygiene

GeneralGeneral AppearanceAppearance

• blood pressure,

• heart rate (radial and apical)

• respiratory rate

• and temperature

ObtainingObtaining VitalsVitals


D: Ok. Mr. Sampson now I would like to do a physicalexamination on you. For that I need to untie your gown. Is that ok. with you?

P: Yes, it’s ok.

D: Thank you

If the patient resists , then you have to explain theimportance of this:

Mr. Sampson. I can understand your feelings but to be ableto identify the problem I have to do this examination. It won’t take more than a minute (long). Don’t worry. I amhere to assist you. I will tell you whatever I am going to do.

Respiratory Examination

Ideally the patient should be sitting on the end of the

axamination couch.

D: Now I would like to examine your chest, is that

Ok. with you?

D: I would like to palpate your chest. Let me know if it hurts.

D: Now I am going to tap on your lungs to look for any fluid or

excess air.

D: Now I would like to listen to your lungs. Can you take some

nice big breaths for me, please?

D: Can you please say „ninety-nine” repeatedly for me?

Cardiovascular System

Always examine the patient’s right side

D: Ok. Mr Sampson, now I would like to examine your heart. First, in a sitting position, then lying down and finally in a sitting position again.

D: I need to check your pulse

D: I need to check your heart. Could youplease lie down for me, please?I will pull out the leg extension to make it a littlemore comfortable for you

D: Now I would like to listen to your heart.

Abdominal Examination

The patient should be lying supine on the examination couchand be appropriately draped.

D: I am now looking at your belly for anygross abnormalities.

D: Now I would like to listen to your bowelsounds.

D: Now I would like to tap on your belly.

D: Now I would like to press on your belly firstlightly and then deeply (firmly). Please let me know if it hurts ( you get any pain / becomespainful)

Rebound tenderness

• This is a test for peritoneal irritation

• Tell the patient what you are about to do:„No I would like to press in and release. Please let me know if it hurts when I pressin or let go”

• Press deeply on the abdomen with your hand. Aftera moment quickly release the pressure.

• If it hurts more when you release, the patient has gotrebound tenderness

Neurologic Examination

Always consider left to right symmetry

Organize your thinking into 7 categories:

1. Mental Status

2. Cranial Nerves

3. Motor System

4. Coordination and Gait

5. Reflexes

6. Sensory System

7. Special Tests

Sample Questions

D: Hello Mr. Sampson. Can you hear me?

If you hear me. Can you smile for me?

D: Can you please frown for me?

D: Can you please raise your eyebrows for me?

D: I will try to open your eyes. Don’t let me open.

D: Now I need to examine your eyes.

Can you please count my fingers?

D: Can you please show me your teeth

D: I would like to check your muscle strength/power


D: Can you please pull in (elbow) and pull


D: Can you pull your thighs together?

D: Can you please push down?

D: Can you please walk a few steps for me,


ThankThank YouYou!!

AnyAny QuestionsQuestions??

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