photoshop projects cassie paulsen. atreyu i first found a picture of the band atreyu. i started by...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Photoshop Projects

Cassie Paulsen


I first found a picture of the band Atreyu. I started by lightening the whole image using the dodge tool. I then used the burn tool to darken the edge of the

photo. I then found the band’s logo and added some effects to it to make it a bit more interesting. I then added it to the image of the band and took the opacity down so it was translucent. I also found the albums that the band has made and incorporated them into the image. I also

took their opacity a little.

Hot Topic

I first found the logo for Hot Topic and deleted the back ground. I added it to larger

white background. I then found images of products

they sell and added them to the blank white background. I

also deleted their backgrounds so that the lines I made with the paint brush

would show through.

Born For This

I found a picture of Hayley Williams and started by deleting the background of

the image. I then changed the image to black and white. I found lyrics to the

song Born for This by Paramore – then band she is the lead singer of. I copied them into word and deleted the spaces

and punctuation. I then pasted them into a text box I added over the entire image.

I made the text white so that it would show up only where the black was and so that it would blend into the white


Theme Photos

For the theme photos we were to use Picnik. We had to use three images and have a theme for

them. I chose love as my theme. I found the images and then added

the quotes.

In The End

I used Picnik on this photo. I first found the image of a

couple holding hands. I then edited the image to put the

hands in focus and everything else out of focus. I also

brightened the image. I then added the text. I faded the

text to make it blend into the background a little more.

Blow a Kiss

Using Picnik I put the focus around the dandelion and the hand. I also kept the color on them while making the rest gray. I added the text and

made it fade a little bit into the background. I used red because red and green are

contrasting colors so it helps the text to stand out.

Trust Them Not To

With this image I used Picnik. I changed the hue and

saturation to make it more interesting. I changed the

background to blue and gave everything a blue hit to it. I then added the text. This

image completes my theme photos


I found several pictures of pitbulls and cropped them from their

original backgrounds. I lightened the larger puppy by using the

dodge tool. I then used the gradient tool to make the red background. I added plain text for the “Give us a Fighting Chance” and “Judge the

Dog Not the Breed!” I used a different text for the word pitbull. I

also added several effects to it.

Cabbage Patch Kid

I found an image of lettuce and edited it using the burn and dodge tool. I lightened the center while

darkening the outer edges. I found and image of a baby and changed its eyes to green. I also darkened

the baby’s face using the burn tool. I then deleted the center of the

lettuce and added the baby behind the layer so its face would come

through the hole I created.

Blue Eyes

I first started by blocking the iris from the rest of the image to keep it from

turning to grayscale. I then focused on the iris taking it from a hazel color to

blue. I then focused on the white of the eye. Using the dodge tool I lightened it

to better make it stand out. I then erased the original background and

added the blue gradient to match the eye. I then used the rectangle marquee to make the border of the image. I did it

twice so it would have one black and one white border.

Stop the Bleeding

I chose self harm as the topic for my social issue. I first took the image of the arm and

knife and edited it. I darkened the edge with the burn tool and lightened the inside with the dodge tool. I added the text and gave it a drop shadow. I cropped the hands away from boy’s face. I added a gradient around the girl in the corner. I put all of the images

together and arranged them. I used the smudge tool to make the edges of each

image fade into the others. I then added the blue text with a couple of effects to make

them stand out a little bit more.

Sunset of Love

I found an image of the lake at the camp I used to go to. I then used the burn tool to darken the

edge of the image. I used the smudge tool to make the edge of

the burned area softer. I then added the text to it. I added a couple of effects to the text to make it stand out a little more and to blend better with the

softness of the image.

I Love You

I started with just the outline of a heart. I gave it a black border and made it a translucent red by

adjusting the opacity. I also had an image of a rose. I cut away the background, stem and leaves. I then made the background black and added the I Love Yous to the background. I added effects to the text to make it just a little more fun. I then added the

rose to the image. I enlarged it and took the opacity down to make it translucent. I then added the hearts in the corner. I tilted the heart and then

copied and flipped it horizontally and vertically so that it would be at the same angle in each corner. I then carefully placed each heart so it had the same amount of it showing in each corner. I added the big I Love You and gave it some effects to make it pop out. After that I added the black border to give it a

little extra kick.

The End

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