philosophers who influenced the development of early liberalism

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Philosophers Who Influenced the

Development of Early Liberalism

By: Sydney GansonSeptember 26, 2010


1.Human nature is characterized by fear, violence and dangerous

self-interest. Thomas Hobbes believed in extreme individualism where people are only looking out for themselves and hurting anyone who gets in the way.

2.Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher who lived during the English Civil War. After he saw the horrors of the Civil War, he saw people to be naturally selfish.

3.He believed that selfishness would result in chaos and harm to everyone. Thomas Hobbes did not believe it was possible to have both freedom and security. He thought that if people gave up their sovereignty and power was handed over everyone would be secure.

4.I think that if this type of society were followed through with people would start to rebel because they would have no choice or freedom. The people would not want a dictator to control their lives.

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)


1. John Locke believed that people are intelligent, rational, and

reasonable. He thought that individuals had the right to use their reason and logic to make their own decisions.

2. Most people believed that God and The King (who was chosen by God) had the power. Locke believed that the power came from came from the people themselves.

3. He believed that people had the ability to make decisions that were reasonable. He also thought that government action had to be justified by the people. John Locke believed in democracy; the government should be directly accountable to the people.

4. John Locke's ideas were carried out about 100 years later by the American Revolutionaries. Democracy is used in many countries today and is the main form of government used in the world.

John Locke (1632-1704)


1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed in the common good. He thought that

people are naturally good and have been corrupted by civilization and society. Rousseau believed that humans are born free and are equal.

2. When Rousseau was living in France people were either extremely rich or in extreme poverty. He believed that that private property and ownership of land has led to jealousy and corruption. He saw people to have based their happiness on the opinions of others, they had become selfish.

3. Rousseau’s ideal state was one which the general will of the people was the absolute authority. He thought that citizens themselves should the laws. If this were achieved Rousseau thought that people would have the same level of freedom that they were born with.

4. I believe that this form of living would not work very well because some people are selfish and would not think about the group as a whole. I think that their has to be some form of leadership and structure to gather the thoughts of the people.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

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