philippine collegian tomo 90 issue 21

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Issue 21 | Thursday, 17 January 2012 | 12 pages | C O N T E N T S: Editorial: False pretenses | News: "Econ progress not felt by the poor" – IBON | Online, offline protests greet start of Cybercrime Law oral arguments | GASC adopts CRSRS without amendments | UP Booters fail to break Ateneo winning streak, 1-0 | Non-UP contractuals push for 13th month pay benefit | APB-Masig ruckus ends in SDT charges | More than 2 years after UP botanist's death, DOJ yet to resolve Leonard Co case | Features: Walang takas | Zoned out | Kultura: Ibalik ang suwerte | Cinema Paradiso* | Opinion: Lakas tama: Ang kuwento ng pag-ibig ay kamusta at paalam | Bagong taon, bagong buhay | Nang maging tao ang tula | Editor's Note | Eksenang Peyups


Opisyal na lingguhang pahayagan ng mga mag-aaral ng Unibersidad ng Pilipinas - Diliman

Tomo 90, Blg. 21Enero 17, 2013




Huwebes17 Enero


families, and would spell adverse consequences to those engaged in export industries.

Indeed, such economic situation becomes favorable only to the country’s elite and their cohorts—a hard truth that shatters any pretense of inclusive development. As the rich exchange champagne toasts, poor peasants continue to till lands that do not own, and workers continue to toil under unjust working conditions.

Ushering inclusive and peo-ple-centered development does not end with positive economic indicators. Real progress re-quires sweeping and radical reform, which should include genuine agrarian reform that will stimulate the ailing agriculture sector, and renewed efforts towards national industrialization that could provide decent and stable jobs for more people.

In the end, the worsening economic disparity among different brackets of society does not imply growth or development. Rather, it only fuels further discontent among the people who have long suffered in an economic setup that favors the few.

Punong Patnugot


Patnugot sa Lathalain

Patnugot sa Grapix

Mga Kawani

Tagapamahala ng Sirkulasyon


Ang kasalatan sa kabuhayan ng sambayanan ang tunay na krisis ng demokraysa.


Mga Katuwang na Kawani


Editor’s Note

As the Philippine Collegian celebrates its 90th year, we revisit lines from prized editorials that defined the publication’s tradition of critical and fearless journalism.

Pamuhatan Silid 401 Bulwagang Vinzons, Unibersidad ng Pilipinas Diliman, Lungsod QuezonTelefax 981-8500 lokal 4522Email kule1213@gmail.comWebsite philippinecollegian.orgKasapi Solidaridad: UP System-wide Alliance of Student Publica-tions and Writers’ Organizations, College Editors Guild of the Philippines

Ukol sa Pabalat Dibuho ni Ysa Calinawan

Patnugot sa Balita

UP AND THE CRISISOF DEMOCRACYOn genuine democracy as the advancement of the livelihood and welfare of the peopleFrancis Ronald Perez March 15, 1990

WHEN THE PHILIPPINE economy achieved record- breaking performance last year, the Aquino government was quick to take credit, announcing with much hubris that finally, the Filipino people have a reason to celebrate.

The year 2012 left significant achievements for the Philippine economy— record-high stock exchange rates, the peso gaining the highest value against the US dollar in four years, and an unprecedented 7.1 percent growth of the gross domestic product (GDP) or the total amount of goods and services the country produces. Financial experts have also expressed their optimism for 2013, predicting an intensified influx of capital and even possible promotion of the Philippines to the coveted investment grade status.

Yet, outside the marbled halls of the Stock Exchange and elegant interiors of corporate board rooms, growth remains elusive for most Filipinos who struggle to put food on the table every day. Indeed, instances of “economic prosperity” manufacture at least two realities: a country on the road to progress or one bound to further destitution.

For instance, there is little reason to rejoice on the recent GDP growth, especially when it was largely facilitated by government spending and public construction—a recur-ring trend whenever national elections loom—and not increased consumer consumption. Clearly, the economic boom was caused by the government’s infusion of huge sums of money in the economy, and not because Filipinos were able to spend more.

Economic prosperity is not trickling down the greater population. While large corpo-rations listed at the Philippine Stock Exchange reported an 18- percent rise in net income to P377.12 from P319.97 from January 2012 to September 2012, around 102 small establish-ments closed primarily for its inability to compete, according to independent research institution IBON Foundation.

No matter how the government insists, no illusion of progress could conceal the grim truth that poverty continues to enslave majority of Filipinos. Based on the latest Social Weather Stations self-rated poverty survey, the number of families

considering their selves poor swelled to 54 percent or 10.9 million households, from the 47 percent or 9.5 million last August.

The country’s employment situation also worsened, as the number of jobless Filipinos surged to 6.8 percent in October 2012 from 6.4 percent in October 2011, according to the National Statistics Office. IBON estimates even a higher unemployment rate at 10.5 percent or 4.42 million Filipinos. With little improvement, the number of underemployed Filipinos has remained staggeringly high at 7.16 million in October 2012.

Not even the prospects of a credit rating upgrade hold significant meaning, especially when decades of reliance to foreign investments have not translated to long-lasting benefits such as creation of stable and high-paying jobs, and development of basic industries needed to accelerate and sustain economic growth.

As the peso’s value continues to rise, the vulnerability of the Philippine economy is further exposed for its dependence on external and volatile sources. An increase in peso’s value inevitably affects the income of Overseas Filipino Workers and their


Huwebes 17 Enero 2013

Continued to page 4

‘Econ progress not felt by poor’ – IBON Despite reports of economic progress and political reform, president Benigno Aquino iii has failed to institute genuine reforms that will lead to inclusive development and democratic governance, according to in-dependent think tank iBon foundation in its year-end Birdtalk, a bi-annual forum on the country’s economic and political situation.

“two-and-a-half years of profits without prosperity, persistence of undemocratic politics, and a lack of fundamental pro-people reforms have reaffirmed the country’s duality, a philippines for the rich and another for the poor,” iBon stated in its report.

‘Faulty economics’While the third quarter of 2012

posted a 7.1-percent increase in gross domestic product (GDp), iBon reported that “growth” was accomplished at the expense of small businesses and the filipino working class.

“Amid higher unemployment and bankruptcy for smaller estab-lishments, big businesses posted increase in profits,” iBon said.

of the 102 establishments which reported closure in 2012, 97 had below 100 employees. in contrast, big corporations listed at the philippine stock exchange posted an 18-percent increase in net income, from p319.97 billion in January 2012 to p377.12 billion in september 2012.

in terms of industries, sectors credited for growth are those that are driven by foreign capital and debt, iBon reported. Agriculture accounted only for 10.7 percent of the GDp, its smallest contribution in history, while manufacturing is at 21.8 percent, which is as low as its share in the 1950s.

meanwhile, iBon explained that the economic “boom” in the

past year was largely driven by government spending. During the same period, private house-holds spent less on food and non-alcoholic beverages and spent more on basic services, such as water and electricity, iBon reported.

in the past year, the government also further advanced privatiza-tion schemes through public-private partnerships (ppps), citing higher electricity rates, higher service rates in public hospi-tals, and impending hikes in water and mass railway transport this year.

meanwhile, at the end of 2012, land distribution under the comprehensive Agrarian reform program extension with reforms (cArper) was five years behind schedule. “from July 2010 to

september 2012, [the Aquino administration] distributed only 14,942 hectares of land per month… 65 percent of [which] was owned by government… and not by big landlords,” according to iBon.

labor woessupposed economic growth also

did not translate to job creation, iBon noted. Data from the national statistics office instead show that even growing sectors posted high numbers of layoffs, such as in the wholesale and retail trade industry which grew seven percent in the third quarter but recorded 728,000 job losses as of october 2012.

Government data reveal that general unemployment slightly increased from 6.4 percent in october 2011 to 6.8 percent in

october 2012, while underem-ployment improved nominally but remained high at 7.16 million or 19 percent as of october 2012.

currently, government com-putations for unemployment exclude discouraged job hunters. According to iBon data, the real unemployment rate is currently at 10.5 percent, which translates to 4.42 million jobless filipinos.

meanwhile, for those employed, wages remain below decent living costs, with the p456 minimum wage in national capital region (ncr) being eroded by inflation to a real value of p363.64, based on 2006 prices.

According to iBon estimates, a family of six in the ncr needed of p1,038 every day in november 2012 to have decent food, shelter,

clothing, and a small amount of savings and money for leisure.

However, instead of adjusting wages to meet decent living costs, Aquino is implementing a wage system which gives private companies the prerogative to determine how much workers are entitled to receive, iBon said.

Under the two-tier wage system (2tWs), workers will receive a lower floor wage set by the regional wage boards and allows companies to determine an additional “productivity allow-ance” based on an “agreement” between the management and the employees.

“overall, economic growth affected only a minority of the population namely the business sectors. the government must ensure that this growth translates to job creation and should boost the manufacturing and agriculture sectors,” said iBon executive Director Jazminda Lumang.

‘malFunctioning democracy’the country’s political land-

scape in 2012 was characterized by the Aquino administration’s consolidation of its political power through building a demo-cratic and pro-poor façade while advancing foreign and domestic elite interests, iBon reported.

While the administration bolstered its image through its banner anti-corruption cam-paign and its multi-billion short-term conditional cash transfer program, far-reaching bureaucratic reforms remain absent, iBon said.

Aside from fostering favourable conditions for foreign investors and domestic big business to gain profits, the Aquino

online, offline protests greet start of cybercrime law oral argumentsHUnDreDs of protesters from various sectors flocked outside the supreme court on January 15, the day of the high tribunal’s four-hour hearing on the oral ar-guments of the petitioners against republic Act no. 10175 or the cybercrime prevention Act (cpA).

the protesters called for the indefinite extension of the tem-porary restraining order (tro) on the cpA until the sc repeals the said law. issued a month af-ter president Benigno Aquino iii signed the cpA into the law, the 120-day tro is set to expire on february 6.

Various youth and student groups also held a vigil the pre-

vious night, while netizens launched a simultaneous cam-paign under the unified hashtag #notocybercrimeLaw. “We have been fighting the cybercrime Law since the beginning, and we are determined to vanquish it no matter what,” said Kabataan par-tylist president terry ridon.

meanwhile, five lawyers repre-sented the 16 petitioners against cpA and laid out arguments be-fore the sc on why the dubbed “e-martial Law” infringes upon the constitutional rights to freedom of speech and due process.

Lawyer Harry roque argued that several provisions of the cpA are “too broad” and “too vague,”

explaining that such infirmity in the law can result to the infringe-ment to certain civil liberties.

meanwhile, Bayan muna rep-resentative neri colmenares explained why prosecution and penalties under sections 6 and 7 are unconstitutional. section 6 and 7 of the cpA effectively imposes higher penalties for all crimes listed in the revised penal code when committed with the use of information and commu-nication technologies.

technology law expert Jesus Disini Jr. discussed how section 12 authorizes the government to col-lect the traffic data from service providers in real-time, while philip-

Blackout. Nagdaos ang #NotoCyber CrimeLaw coalition ng isang presscon sa UP Law Center noong Enero 12, ilang linggo bago mawalan ng bisa ang temporary restraining order na ipinatupad ng Supreme Court sa Republic Act 10175.

pine Bar Association legal counsel rodel cruz spoke against section 19, which authorizes the Depart-ment of Justice to shut down web-sites with “harmful content.”

Human rights lawyer Julius matibag addressed section 5(a) and (b) which penalizes people who attempt to commit or wil-fully aid any cybercrime offense.

“the protest action today is [only] the beginning of a protract-ed battle against Aquino’s e-mar-tial Law. on January 22, the office of the solicitor General will be defending the government’s posi-tion on the matter, and we will be back here to express our utmost disgust,” ridon said.

Jelor Gallego

GASC adopts CRSRS without amendmentsThe 31sT sTudenT RegenT (sR) will be chosen in April using the 16 year-old Codified Rules for sR selection (CRsRs) which was adopted without amendments by the general Assembly of student Councils (gAsC) on december 23 at uP Los Baños (LB).

The CRsRs is a student-drafted set of rules which govern the annual process of selecting the next sR, the sole student repre-sentative in the Board of Regents (BOR), the university’s highest decision-making body.

Of the total 37 local and uni-versity student councils (sCs) across the uP system in attend-ance, 21 voted “yes” to uphold the CRsRs, six voted “no,” while 10 abstained from voting.

The uP Baguio university stu-dent Council (usC) and the uP diliman (uPd) College of social sciences and Philosophy (CssP) sC initially proposed two key amendments to the CRsRs: the inclusion of a minimum academ-ic requirement for sR nominees and a new “one-council, one-vote” system. Both councils how-ever withdrew all their respec-tive proposed amendments.

The said councils questioned the integrity of the gAsC after the uP Manila (uPM) usC pointed out “automatic” revisions in the 2011 CRsRs which reflect the updated provisions on the new voting powers of uP Cebu (uPC), uP Manila (uPM) school of health sciences (shs) in Koronadal and uPM shs in Baler, Aurora.

“[The] CRsRs document we handed out to our constituents was no longer the applicable document being discussed in the gAsC, since it was… automati-cally being amended without our knowledge,” said uPd CssP sC Chair Carlo Brolagda.

uPC previously had one vote in the sR selection but now wields two votes after being declared an

autonomous unit in 2010, while the said uPM shs campuses, which previously had no voting powers, were given a vote each in the CRsRs.

delegates of the CssP sC and the uPB usC said they were not

UP Booters fail to break Ateneo winning streak, 1-0 The uP BOOTeRs’ iMPRessive offense and defense play fell short of breaking the Ateneo de Manila university Blue Booters’ winning streak so far this season, as At-eneo managed to goal towards the end of the match, 1-0, in the men’s football division of the university Athletic Association of the Philip-pines (uAAP) held at the erenchun Field at Ateneo on January 13.

The first half of the game kicked off to an aggressive start with an

attempt by the Maroons at the Ateneo goalpost within the first minute. An early attempt by At-eneo almost got through at the seventh minute with a goal that hit the upright, while Ateneo’s goalie Yu Murayama parried an almost sure goal by the Maroons at the 35th minute.

The second half saw Ateneo switching to a more aggressive strategy, while the Maroons re-sponded with a tighter defense.

Maroon Booter and 2nd year sports science (ss) major gabriel Mendoza led a frenzied offense at the 60th minute and went one-on-one with Murayama but failed to score a goal.

Maroon Booter and 5th year ss major deo segunial later attempt-ed another goal with a header that was blocked by Ateneo.

The stalemate was almost bro-ken when Blue Booter emman Paredes managed to bypass the

state u defense but his kick went straight to uP’s keeper. The stale-mate finally ended at the 85th minute when Blue Booters rookie Carlo Liay was able to turn around the offense and score a goal. The Blue Booters were able to main-tain their lead despite uP’s last-minute attempts to score.

“We thought we were domi-nating, just not scoring but they were able to pierce through [our defense]. We just have to prac-

against the new votes accorded to the said units but maintained that these “revisions” should have been first approved by the gAsC.

sR Cleve Kevin Robert Arguelles ruled that such necessary revisions

are not considered as amendments and thus do not need prior approv-al of the body. The gAsC junked an appeal from the uPM usC, with 18 councils in favour of Arguelles’s ruling, eight in favour of the appeal, and six in abstention.

CRsRs amendments have been proposed before the gAsC throughout the years but have been defeated by the majority vote, with the exception of the proposed amendments before the 2005 gAsC, which was approved but re-pealed in the succeeding year.

in a 2008 systemwide referen-dum, following the passage of the uP Charter, 19,068 uP students, or 73 percent of the total 26,118 students who participated, rati-fied the CRsRs.

tice some more and gain back our confidence,” said uP football coach Andres Crisanto gonzales.

Three points are allotted for a win in football, two points for a draw, and zero for a loss. The re-sult of this match keeps Ateneo in the first place with 16 points after 5 wins and one draw. The defend-ing champion from last season, uP still remains within the top four with seven points after two wins and one loss.

administration also sought to get full support from the united states. iBOn noted the series of high-level visits and exchanges between the two governments and the Aquino administration’s con-cession to a wider and virtually permanent us military presence in the country.

“The Aquino administration will be distinguished for ushering in a new era of a greater us military presence in the country and of more formal mechanisms for us intervention in domestic economic and political matters,” iBOn said.

Meanwhile, state-sponsored human rights violations still persist, with 132 extrajudicial killings, 12 disappearances, 298 political prisoners, 72 torture cases, and 46 illegal arrests recorded from July to december 2012, according to iBOn estimates.

“[Aquino] is approaching [his] midterm with little to show in terms of remedying the country’s malfunctioning de-mocracy, instituting far-reaching reform, and realizing a more pro-gressive vision of the country,” iBOn concluded.

SmaSh. Lady Maroon Medelene Ramos jump smashes the ball in a doubles match with Joanna Peña against the Lady Eagles at the Rizal Memorial Sports Complex in Manila on January 13. UP aced ADMU with a score of 4-1 in its first outing in the UAAP Women’s Lawn Tennis Tournament.

‘Econ progress not felt by poor’ - IBON

Jelor Gallego

Continued from page 3


Huwebes17 Enero


INUTILE. Progressive groups hold a protest outside the Department of Justice on January 8 during the first meeting of the government’s human rights “superbody” against extrajudicial killings. The protesters insisted that the Inter-agency Committee on Extra-Legal Killings, Enforced Disappearances, Torture and Other Grave Violations of the Right to Life, Liberty and Security of Persons is unnecessary in solving human rights cases especially when the counter insurgency program of the administration is still in effect because it will not prevent violations done by the state agencies.


Huwebes 17 Enero 2013

Non-UP contractuals push for 13th month pay benefitThe All-UP Workers Union (AUPWU) will submit a letter this week to UP Diliman (UPD) Chancellor Caesar saloma to push for the inclusion of 13th month pay benefits in the em-ployment contracts of over 300 UPD contractual workers who are not considered official employees of the university.

While the UPD administration grants Christmas bonuses of around P2,500 to P5,000 to non-UP con-tractuals every year, these amounts are not specified in the said workers’ contracts and are subject to the avail-ability of funds and discretion of ad-ministrative officials, said AUPWU – Diliman President noel Marquina.

non-UP contractuals are employees whose contracts do not stipulate an employee-employer relationship with UP and thus are not legally entitled to benefits such as the 13th month pay. such an arrangement however is unfair, as non-UP contractu-als perform jobs similar to regular UP employees, such as research support, facilities maintenance, and clerical services, said UP staff regent Jossel ebesate.

like many government units and agencies, the university hires employees as non-UP contractual workers to keep costs at a minimum and offset the effects of insufficient state subsidy, ebesate explained.

To jumpstart the negotiations with the administration, the AUPWU plans to call a meeting with the Union Management Consultancy Body, a committee composed of union and admin-istration representatives who discuss employee-related issues and concerns.

The union hopes the negotiations would result in the form of new provisions on 13th month pay and other benefits in the contracts, the insertion of an employee-employer relation-ship clause, or salary adjust-

ments to reflect monetary benefits, said Marquina.

Ultimately, however, the AUPWU is advocating for the regularization of non-UP contractual workers, which would best ensure rights and benefits are properly accorded to UPD employees. “[hopefully,] this action may [also] serve as a precedent for other UP units,” Marquina added.

According to Maurine Ann Victorino, a non-UP contractual working as an emergency research assistant at the office of the student housing for four years, an employer-employee relationship clause in her contract would also entitle her to benefits she currently does not enjoy, such as health and social security insurance.

At the minimum, however, the inclusion of a mandatory 13th month pay in her con-tract would help in augmenting her daily salary of P792, especially since she does not re-ceive any salary on non-working days during the Christmas season other than the non-compulsary Christmas bonus, Victorino added.

APB-Masig ruckus ends in SDT chargesMeMBers of The AlPhA Phi Beta (APB) and Alpha sigma (Masig) fraternities face charges of actionable misconduct before the student Disciplinary Tribunal (sDT), after members of the said fraternities were involved in a brawl at the Masig tambayan near the east Wing gate of Palma hall on December 11.

in a joint complaint filed at the sDT on December 18, College of social sciences and Philosophy (CssP) Dean Michael Tan and CssP student Council Chair Carlo Broglada said the frat men violated section 1 of rule 1 of the UP revised rules and regula-

tions Governing fraternities, so-rorities, and student organizations.

Under the said rule, “participating in any rumble, engaging in fisticuffs with, or physically attacking a member of other fraternities, sororities or student organizations” are punisha-ble by expulsion from the university.

According to UP Diliman Police (UPDP) reports, six to seven APB members allegedly attacked the Masig tambayan, where about 10 Masig members were staying, at around 1:20 PM. security guard Amor Badjao said she attempted to stop the ensuing clash, while security guard ferdinand Marcos

places details of case records under confidentiality.

The filing of the cases is a welcome “exercise of [following] due process” and an opportunity to prove that Masig members “took no part” in the incident, said Paris. APB, on the other hand, decried the publicity of the filing of charges as “sensationalism.” Both fraternities said any punish-ment must come after exhaustive investigation.

“We would prefer to [discuss incidental facts] in a proper forum, following the proper process,” said an APB spokesman who requested anonymity.

Within a few hours after the incident, leaders of both fraternities contacted each other through UP Barkada, an alliance of 17 fraternities and student group student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic rights in UP, said Paris.

Both parties agreed to a truce through a one-page document signed by APB lord Chancellor Dino regalario and Masig lord Chancellor Anton sison.

Truces, however are only “interim arrangements” and are necessary because of the absence of an administrative body which can me-diate between fraternities.

fraternity-related violence forms part of a greater culture of violence, UPD University student Council Councilor Aryanna Canacan said. she cautioned against sensationalizing the incident and said student councils and organi-zations themselves must initiate projects to reform relations between fraternities.

DOJ yet to resolve Leonard Co caseUnTil The DePArTMenT of Justice (DoJ) finally reaches a resolution on the case of botanist leonard Co, who was allegedly killed by army men two years ago, the family of the former UP professor still cannot file any formal charges against the suspects.

on December 18, the Commission on human rights (Chr) recom-mended the filing of administrative and criminal charges against two commanding officers and eight soldiers of the 19th infantry Battalion of the Armed forces of the Philippines (AfP).

According to the Chr’s own investigations, Co and his two research assistants were conducting an inventory of native tree species

More than 2 years after UP botanist’s death

in the forests of kananga, leyte in november 2010, when they were killed by soldiers who mistook them for insurgents. The Chr refuted earlier claims by the AfP that there was a crossfire between the military and alleged “communist rebels” when the incident happened.

in 2010, an independent investi- gation by scientist group Advocates of science and Technology for the People also revealed that bullet marks left on the trees imply that the trajectory came from only one direction and that the soldiers aimed directly at the victims.

“This was a tragedy that [would] not have happened if the [military] had been more diligent in observ-

ing international humanitarian law in protecting the lives and safety of civilians,” the Chr said in a statement.

The DoJ, however, has yet to determine the appropriate charges against the suspects, even if 60 days have passed since Co’s lawyer Atty. evalyn Ursua filed a motion for resolution in november 2012, said UP professor and Justice for leonard Co Movement convenor Giovanni Tapang.

The DoJ’s inaction could only be explained either by the govern-ment’s lack of political will to deliver justice to human rights victims or by the military’s pressure on the DoJ, said Ursua.

“[President Benigno Aquino iii], in his inaugural speech, enjoined the

whole bureaucracy to serve in [his] ‘Tuwid na Daan.’ i [am] not demanding [anything] less than that. i am just expecting that the death of my husband and his companions be given a fair, just, and speedy trial,” said Co’s wife Glenda.

DoJ secretary leila De lima must also be held accountable for the long delay in justice for the victims, which runs contrary to her ear-lier promise to expedite the release of the preliminary investigation results, Ursua added.

“if we leave the DoJ to its own devices, the case will take a long time to be resolved. We should continue pushing for justice,” said Justice for leonard Co Movement Coordinator niel Caidic.

Jul Mar Esteban

George Mitchell Guerrero

Jul Mar EstEban

radioed the UPDP and prevented one fraternity member from beat-ing an opponent.

The involved frat men dispersed before UPDP officers arrived, said Badjao in her report.

The confrontation stemmed from a “misunderstanding” between two members of the opposing fraternities, said Masig Political Com-mittee head Garret Paris. Both parties however refused to elaborate further.

The sDT, the complainants, and both fraternities refused to divulge the identities of those involved in the case, citing section 7 of the 2009 Code of student Conduct which


Huwebes17 Enero



ang isang mahabang prusisyon. Sa paglapit,

mapapansin ang 50-metrong lubid na nakatali sa isang karosang

lulan ang rebulto ng itim na Kristo —ang bida ng pista sa araw na iyon.

May 20 nakadilaw na lalaki ang nakaangkas sa karosa; sinasalo’t ipinupunas nila sa rebulto ang nagliliparang mga tuwalya at panyo bago itapon ang mga ito pabalik sa dagat ng mga deboto na nag-uunahang makaakyat at makahalik sa itim na Kristo.

Ganito ang eksena sa prusisyon ng pista ng Poong Itim na Nazareno tuwing Enero 9. Unang sinimulan ang prusisyong ito noong ika-17 siglo bilang paggunita sa Traslación o ang paglipat sa rebulto ng Nazareno mula sa Intramuros papuntang Quiapo Church.

Noong nakaraang linggo, unang beses kong sumama sa prusisyon na dati ay sa telebisyon ko lamang napapanood. Hindi pa man bumubukang liwayway, sinimulan ko nang maglakbay patungong Quiapo.

Napansin ko sa paglalakad na may pagkakatulad ang hitsura ng mga deboto. Lahat sila, may dalang maliliit na rebulto ng Nazareno, mga banner na nakatahi ang katagang “Hijos del Señor Nazareno” o “Mga Anak ng Poong Nazareno,” may mga hawak na mga bulaklak at kandila, o kaya nama’y nakasuot ng mga dilaw at maroon na t-shirt kung saan nakaimprenta ang mukha ng Nazareno.

Katulad ni Kristo nang siya’y umakyat sa bundok ng Golgotha, wala ring saplot sa paa ang mga deboto sa prusisyon. Tila ba sinisimbolo nito ang kanilang pagiging malapit sa realidad ng kahirapang naranasan din ni Kristo noon.

































































Ayon sa mga deboto, nakagagaling ng sakit at nagdadala ng suwerte ang mga tuwalyang naipahid sa istatwa. Kuwento ni Mang Philip, isa sa mga nakasalubong kong deboto na tatlumpung taon nang dumadalo sa pista, ang biyaya ng Nazareno ang dahilan ng pagkakaroon niya ng trabaho at paggaling ng anak niyang may sakit. Kaya habang papunta sa Luneta, naisipan kong bumili na rin ng maliit na tuwalyang may print ng mukha ni Nazareno.

Patapos na ang misa nang makarating ako sa Quirino Grandstand. Natanaw ko ang Nazareno sa tabi ng entablado. Nakarating ako sa gitna ng dagat ng mga deboto, at nang matapos ang misa, ipinawagayway ng pari ang mga tuwalya’t panyo—senyas na gagalaw na ang karosa ng Nazareno. Sumabog ang malakas na hiyawan ng mga tao. “Magkakatrabaho na kayo! Magkaka-asawa na kayo! Makakapag-abroad na kayo!” sigaw ng pari sa mikropono habang tumutugtog ang “Nuestra Padre Jesus Nazareno.”

Pamilyar ang mga katagang iyon ng pari—iyon din kasi ang mga propesiya ng tagumpay na naririnig ko sa mga manghuhula sa Quiapo. Kahit saan ako lumingon, bentang-benta ang kasiyahang dulot ng milagrosong Nazareno, na tila ba nalalapit na ang pagsibol ng masaganang buhay kapalit ng walang maliw na pananalig ng mga tao.

Ako man, hindi na rin nakapagpigil at nakisabay na rin sa pagtalon, nakiwagayway ng tuwalya at humiling na magkaroon ng nobyo, makapagtapos sa kolehiyo, at maging suwerte sa buong taon.

Sa harapan ko, may debotong biglang sumigaw ng “Ayan na! Ayan na!” nang magsimulang gumalaw ang karosa. Nagkagitgitan ang mga tao, at sa isang iglap, naipit ako sa

gitna ng nagsisiksikang

kalalakihan. Dito na ako nagsimulang manlamig at matakot na baka magkaroon ng stampede. Kaya naman kahit natatangay na ako palapit sa lubid na humihila sa karosa, kinalaban ko ang bugso ng mga deboto’t hinanap ko ang bakal na humaharang sa mga nanonood.

Nang makaabot sa harang, nagpatulong ako sa isang deboto na sumampa palabas dito. Mula sa likod ng harang ko na lamang sinundan ang parada ng poon. Tinangka kong ibato ang binili kong tuwalya sa mga tagapunas, ngunit nahulog lamang ito sa gitna ng naggigitgitang mga deboto. Bumili ulit ako ng dalawang tuwalya at iwinagayway ang mga ito sa ere.

Kahit sa gilid ng kalsada, mamamasid ang mga debotong may kanya-kanyang pangangailangan: mga walang trabaho o walang asawa, mga magulang na gustong tumaas ang grado ng kanilang mga anak, mga propesyunal na gustong mag-abroad, mga estudyanteng gustong makapasa, at pati mga dayuhang photographer na naakit sa magulong palabas.

Isa pa si Reggie, 18, sa mga debotong nakausap ko noong araw na iyon. Katulad ko, unang beses din niyang dumalo sa pista ng Nazareno. Hiling niyang magkatrabaho, maging maayos ang alitan nila ng kanyang ina, at na hindi siya magkasakit sa buong taon. Gusto niyang makasampa ng tatlong beses sa karosa—isa para sa bawat hiling. Kuwento niya, ibang klase raw ang ligaya sa pagsampa, lalo’t mahirap at masakit makipaggitgitan sa mga tao. Tiwala siyang matutupad ang mga hiling niya kapalit ng hirap na kanyang tinitiis para mapatunayan ang debosyon niya sa poon.

Pitong tao ang nakita kong nahimatay at isinugod sa medic. Gayunman, hindi alintana at bagkus ay hinihikayat pa ng

simbahan ang t a u n a n g histeryang ito ng m i l y u n - m i l y o n g deboto. Naalala ko tuloy ang pagkahayok kong abangan ang mga horoscope ni Zenaida Seva sa telebisyon noong high school, ang pagpapagulong ng prutas ng aking ina tuwing Bagong Taon, at ang paniniwala ng aking lola sa kumakating palad tuwing tataya siya sa lotto. Para bang sa mga pangyayaring ito, nauuna lagi ang bias sa mga pamahiin at metapisikal na paniniwala. Kahit walang malinaw na kaugnayan sa realidad, laging naitatali ang mga panata’t paniniwalang ito bilang ugat ng maraming kaganapan sa mundo.

Sa natunghayan kong prusisyon, ang simbahan mismo ang nagtakda sa ritwal na dapat sinusunod ng mga deboto. Sa Kristiyanismo, kinikilala ang pagsasabuhay sa simple, hindi makasarili, at matulunging karakter ni Kristo. Kaiba ito sa kasalukuyang paniniwalang ipinalalaganap ng simbahan na magpakasakit at manalig upang matugunan ang kanilang mga kahilingang umasenso sa buhay. Kahit sa panahon ng Mahal na Araw, makikita ang mga taong pinapalo at sinusugatan ang mga sarili bilang penitensiya sa kanilang mga kasalanan. Kahit pa sabihing isinasabuhay nila ang sakit na naranasan ni Kristo, malayo ito sa aral ng Bibliya na alagaan umano ang sariling katawan.

Nang napagod na ang mga mata ko sa kapapanood ng parada, umuwi na akong bitbit ang mga

biniling t u w a lya . Hindi ako u m a a s a n g matutupad ang mga hiling ko dahil lamang isa ako sa 9 na milyon kataong tumalon at humiyaw noong araw na iyon. Ngunit para sa mga kasama kong deboto, hindi magtatagal at masusuklian din ang kanilang paniniwala’t pagsamba.

Sa tuwing binabalikan ko ang hitsura ng mga deboto, lalo kong naisip na malayong-malayo sila sa mapagpalayang karakter ng itim na Kristo—ang santong kawangis ng mga Pilipinong sunog ang balat, ang santong naiiba dahil hindi ito kulay porselana. Dulot ng bulag na paniniwala at ritwal ng panatisismong pinalalaganap ng simbahan, tila nakakaligtaan na ang pangunahing katangian ng Poong Nazareno na tumataliwas sa kumbensyon ng ordinaryong relihiyosong rebulto.

Kung babalik man ako sa susunod na taon, ihihiling ko na lang na magising na sa katotohanan ang mga Pilipino.

*pasintabi kay Maryo J. de los Reyes


Huwebes 17 Enero 2013

THE BEAUTEOUS WATERY landscape of Tawi-Tawi was not enough to keep the movie afloat. Even the hallowed presence of a Superstar did not merit it due consideration. When the scales have been tipped, it is always the highest grossing fare that gets a longer run in the cinemas.

“I was saddened by this unfortunate turnout of events in the festival. I had to speak up through the media and during the awards night not to pull out ‘Thy Womb’ from the theatres and give it a chance to be seen by the movie going public,” said director Brillante Ma Mendoza.

More than an issue of art versus commerce, what remains is the lack of avenues for independent filmmakers to thrive. As with other art forms, cinema needs its own space, one where it can showcase its virtuosity and foster a passionate audience.

T H E A L L U R E O F C I N E M A H A S S M I T T E N P E O P L E F O R D E C A D E S. I N A N A G E G O N E D I G I TA L , T H E I M P O R TA N C E O F D E D I C AT E D S P A C E S F O R T H E H I G H E R A P P R E C I AT I O N O F C I N E M A S TA N D S C O N T E S T E D. Y E T A L L O V E R T H E W O R L D , P E O P L E S T I L L S E E M T O F L O C K T H E C I N E M AT H E Q U E S , P E R H A P S T O A D D A T I N G E O F O Z U O R AT L E A S T A D A S H O F B A Z I N T O T H E I R E V E N I N G S.


































































Movies and a MemoryThe Metro Manila Film Festival

(MMFF) has dramatically changed since it was first envisioned by Antonio Villegas, then Mayor of Metro Manila, to be an avenue to showcase the finest works of Filipino filmmakers back in the early 70’s. Perhaps, this is no longer the same festival that introduced Filipino viewers to the profundity of Ishmael Bernal’s “Himala,” to the harshness of Lino Brocka’s “Insiang,” or to the depraved ecstasy of Celso Ad Castillo’s “Burlesk Queen.”

Since the early 2000s, when the MMFF has started awarding the best picture trophies to the top-grossing films in competition, it seemed like its whole paradigm shifted—this no longer served as a festival for filmmakers but a festival for producers.

This still proved to be beneficial for the local film industry, for the heightened sense of competition propelled major studios to produce more palatable films for the public. A decade hence, there has been an onslaught of films with wise-cracking fairies,

amulet-bearing macho men, and child-centered fanfare that graced the festival.

Yet, this shift ultimately displaced the independent filmmakers whose basic intention was to showcase their films. “I just want a fair share of the opportunity to be one of the films that will be allowed to be shown without the fear of being pulled [out] at least within the duration of the festival,” Mendoza adds.

By comparison, national cinemas of other countries try to accommodate both mainstream releases and arthouse films. Not only are dedicated venues for cinema state-sponsored, but also the actual film making itself.

In the Philippines, there remains a sizeable audience for arthouse cinema yet the dedicated venues where they can foster this passion remain limited. Even though film appreciation is slowly gaining ground in the country, the idea of local cinematheques still seem rather foreign, perhaps as foreign as its French predecessor.

An Old Man and His Projector“An art form requires

genius. People of genius are

*With apologies to Giuseppe Tornatore

always troublemakers, meaning they start from scratch, demolish accepted norms and rebuild a new world.” It is from this method of madness that Henri Langlois gave birth to the first cinematheque in France, a testament to the French people’s insatiable love for cinema.

The cinematheque is a cinephile’s paradise. Langlois, being a voracious cinephile himself, knew that a dedicated venue is needed for the perpetuation and higher appreciation of cinema. At once a screening house for classic and contemporary films, the cinematheque also serves as a film repository and a breeding ground for film enthusiasts and aspiring auteurs. The likes of Truffaut, Godard, Chabrol and Resnais were once called “children of the cinematheque,” always at the front row of packed screenings at the Cinematheque Francaise.

“The very concept of cinematheques is different from [that of a cineplex]. In order for cinematheques to work, it must be run like a church. It must be a church, where people flock religiously to experience cinema. Cinema needs a church, and that essentially is the cinematheque,” says Lav Diaz, a prolific Filipino film director.

Truly, for the most passionate of film collectors and viewers,

cinema is already a religion, one imbued with its

own valuable artifacts, sacred rituals,

infallible doctrines, and sites of

pilgrimage. Perhaps it

is every

cinephiles dream to traverse the aisles of the Cinematheque Francaise, in the same vein that they might want to possess the entire Criterion Collection for their personal stash.

This higher appreciation for cinema is yet to be cultivated in the country. As it stands, the Philippines is the last country to have its own national film archive. Through the efforts of the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP), local cinematheques have recently been established in Baguio, Davao, Iloilo, and Marawi. In two years’ time, it will have grown to 16 cinematheques in 16 regions in the Philippines.

By showing a wide range of selections, from classics to contemporary mainstream releases, arthouse to animation, the cinematheque tries to move beyond its elitist stigma to create a venue-centered activity that fosters film viewing as a communal experience. Rather than seeing movie going as a luxury afforded by a select few, it should be seen as a shared experience that helps define and strengthen our culture.

Beyond NostalgiaMore than an object or a

commodity, cinema is an event and an experience. The cinematheque reduces cinema to its bare essentials of having a set time and space, projection equipment and, most importantly, an audience. As with churches, cinematheques also desire to be a common fixture in our communities. The lack of dedicated venues for the experience of cinema addresses not a gap in the local film industry, but a gap in culture.

“This system needs visionary leadership, one that fully understands the importance of cinema in our culture. If there is no great love for culture there, then that would be problematic. It would just be a patched-up project,” Diaz adds.

Perhaps it is a leadership as mad as Langlois’, who collected, restored and showcased every kind of film regardless of taste. As he famously stated, “to love cinema is to love life, to really look at this window on the universe.”

At this point of having a global, virtual cinematheque, where films are easily accessible online and through portable digital devices, the relevance of the cinematheque as a dedicated venue stands contested. The potency of the cinematheque to foster communal and cultural awareness in the Philippines is still not fully explored.

The cinematheque, at its core, holds the connection between the past and the future of cinema. The archiving and showcasing of films gone by and films to be are never for its own sake, but for the sake of the imagination. More than collecting traces of the past and textures of the present, the cinematheque can ultimately shape the future of cinema, one rife with artistic potential and revolutionary aspirations.


Miyerkules27 Hunyo



Huwebes17 Enero


NABUBUHAYAN ANG MALUNGKOT na mga mata ni Mildred Abiya kapag napag-uusapan ang love story nila ng kanyang asawa. Nakangiti siya habang ikinikuwento kung gaano katorpe si Rene Boy “RB” Abiya noong magkasintahan pa lamang sila. Sobrang kabado raw si RB nang minsang mag-date sila sa Sunken Garden kaya hindi nito naiabot sa kanya nang maayos ang regalong singsing. “Sayang ng moment,” aniya.

Palabiro man at palangiti, mahirap kaligtaan ang bigat at lungkot sa boses at postura ni Mildred. Ngunit kahit na hindi ako ang unang reporter na hinarap niya noong araw na iyon, walang pagod at tuloy-tuloy pa rin niyang inilalahad ang kuwento ng kanyang asawa na kasalukuyang nakakulong para sa kasalanang hindi naman nito ginawa.

Palibhasa bihirang maibalita sa mga pahayaga’t telebisyon ang tungkol sa mga insidente ng human rights violation (HRVs) – lalo na sa mga probinsya – hindi pamilyar ang pangalan ng asawa ni Mildred, na ngayon ay kabilang na sa 176 na naitalang bilanggong pulitikal sa bansa noong 2012. Kaya naman pansamantalang iniwan ni Mildred ang kanyang trabaho bilang guro sa Cagayan Valley (CV) upang lumuwas tun-gong Maynila upang maipaalam sa mga tao ang kuwento ng asawa niyang human rights worker.

Paunang imbestigasyonHindi makapaniwala si Mildred

na darating ang panahon na ang asawa niya mismo ang magiging biktima ng mga kaso ng HRVs. Noon pa man kasi, ang parehong dedikasyon nila ni RB sa pagta-tanggol sa karapatang pantao na ang naging pandayan ng kanilang pag-iibigan.

Kapwa miyembro ng mag-kaibang human rights group

sina Mildred at RB. Nagkakilala sila noong taong 2008 nang magkaroon ng pulong sa UP Diliman ang grupong Karapatan-CV, na kinabibilangan ni Mildred, at grupong Lakas ng Kabataan Para sa Bayan-CV, na kinabibilangan naman ni RB. Pinaplano nila noon ang pagbisita sa mga bilanggong pulitikal sa CV, na kalauna’y napalaya dahil sa paglabang isinagawa ng kanilang mga grupo.

Nag-aaral si RB sa Polytechnic University of the Philippines noon, samantalang sa CV naman nakabase si Mildred. “We would meet in UP every time na nasa Manila ako. [Kumakain kami] sa SC, tapos tatambay sa Vinzons, sa ilalim ng mga puno, sa harap ng mga dorm,” kuwento niya.

Bukod sa pagiging human rights worker, pareho ring pangarap na makapagturo nina Mildred at RB, na miyembro rin ng Alliance of Concerned Teachers, isang grupong nag-susulong sa karapatan ng mga titser. Bago hinuli si RB, kapwa silang nag-aaral ng post-gradu-ate sa isang pamantasan sa CV. Kasabay nito, nagtatrabaho rin si RB bilang municipal coordinator ng Department of Social Work and Development (DSWD) sa Baggao, Tuguegarao.

Magtatatlong taon nang kasal sina Mildred at RB, ngunit magkahiwalay nilang sinalubong ang bagong taon. Nasira ang mga plano nila para sa media noche nang dakpin si RB ng mga pulis noong Disyem-bre 28, 2012, at sapilitang ipi-niit sa Ifugao Provincial Jail.

Sinumpaang salaysayNaglalakad si RB pabalik sa

kanilang bahay mula sa palengke nang harangin siya ng isang grupo ng mga pulis. Mahigpit na hinawakan ng isang pulis ang kanyang kaliwang braso, at saka idineklara ang kanyang pagkaaresto “sa salang pagpaslang.” Ipinakita rin kay RB ang kopya ng warrant of arrest na tumutukoy sa isang taong nakatira sa Meycauayan, Bulacan.

“Wala kaming ni isang kamag-anak doon,” ani Mildred. Noong araw na iyon, hindi pumayag si RB na sumama sa mga pulis hangga’t hindi niya nakakausap si Mildred. Bilang human rights worker, pamilyar sa kanya ang mga kaso ng sapilitang pagdakip, at alam niya ang posibleng kasapitan ng kanyang pagkaaresto.

Nang makausap na ni Mildred ang mga awtoridad, hindi niya sila napigilan na ikulong si RB. Hindi pa rin nila matiyak kung ano ang tunay na sala ni RB, hanggang sa sinabi sa kanila ng mga pulis kinabukasan na may nag- aakusang kasama daw si RB sa mga miyembro ng New People’s Army (NPA) na sumalakay sa mga sundalo noong Abril 25, 2012. Isa raw umano si RB sa mga pumatay sa 11 sundalo sa nasabing engkwentro.

Agad namang pinatunayan ng amo ni RB na si DSWD Chief of Human Resources Fely Labugen na legal na empleyado ng

gobyerno si RB mula Nobyem-bre 2011. Batay din sa daily time record niya sa trabaho, nasa opisina si RB nang maganap ang insidente.

Sa kabila ng malinaw na ebidensya, kasalukuyan pa ring nakapiit si RB. Ngunit hindi lamang si RB ang biktima ng HRV na nananatiling nakakulong sa kabila ng kawalan ng malakas na ebidensya laban sa kanila.

Isa ang security guard na si Roland Panesa sa mga hinula ng pulisya sa Quezon City. Kahawig daw kasi niya si Benjamin Mendoza, isang mataas na opisyal ng NPA-Southern Taga-log, na may pabuyang higit P5 milyon sa oras na mahuli. Bukod sa pagkakahawig, wala nang iba pang ebidensya ang nagtuturo na iisa lamang sina Roland at Benjamin.

Kung tutuusin, mapalad pa sina RB at Roland dahil nananatili silang buhay sa mga kulungan, samantalang may 12 na kaso ng sapilitang pagkawala at 72 na kaso ng torture ang naitala ng Karapatan sa ilalim ng termino ni Pangulong Noynoy Aquino.

Taliwas ang mga talang ito sa deklarasyon ng Malacanang na pinahahalagahan nila ang karapatang pantao ng mga Pilipino. Habang ibinabalandra nila ang pagtutuon ng pansin ng militar sa karapatang pantao sa mga palisiyang gaya ng Oplan Bayanihan, nananatili pa rin ang mga katulad ni RB at Roland na mga biktima ng HRV.

Pagbaba ng hatol “To our knowledge, we have

no political prisoners. We frown on ex-

tralegal killings,” ani Presiden-tial Spokesman Edwin Lacierda noong anibersaryo ng Martial Law noong nakaraang taon.

“Kahit kalian naman, sinungaling at mapanlinlang ang Malacanang,” ani Mildred. Noong nakaraang taon din mismo, umabot sa 166 ang kaso ng arbitraryong pagpa-slang, at pumalo sa 158 ang bilang ng mga bilanggong pulitikal, ayon sa Karapatan.

Maging ang empleyado ng gobyerno gaya ni RB ay hindi nakaligtas sa mga nasabing paglabag sa karapatang pantao, na labis na ikinalulungkot at ikinagagalit ni Mildred. “Sinira ng mga pangyayaring ito ang aming mga plano sa buhay,” aniya.

Napilitan si Mildred na tumigil sa pag-aaral para maibuhos ang kanyang oras sa pagpapalaya kay RB. “Wala kami tuloy pagkukunan ng pinansya ngayon para tustusan ang aming mga pangangailangan at nasaid pa ang kakarampot naming ipon,” aniya.

Mukhang matagal na panahon din ang hihintayin bago matupad ang plano nilang mag-asawa na magkaanak. Kuwento ni Mildred, nagkasakit siya noong unang taon ng kanilang pagsasama kaya hindi agad sila nagkaanak. Ngayong taon sana nila balak na bumuo ng pamilya. “Sinira ng gobyernong ito ang buhay namin pero hindi ako papayag na magtagumpay sila.”

Patunay sina Mildred at RB na walang katotohanan ang mga pahayag ng gobyerno ukol sa kalagayan ng karapatang pantao sa bansa. Maging mga human rights advocate kagaya ni RB ay nagiging biktima mismo ng mga HRV—at walang puwang upang hayaan na lamang natin na mas dumami pa ang pamilyang masira

dahil sa mga paglabag na ito.


Huwebes17 Enero 2013

“Sa pagdating ng

mga mananakop ay unti-unti kam-

ing naitaboy sa kagu-batan at kabundukan. Sa pagpasok ng mga proyektong [tulad ng APECO], muling nanganganib na kami ay mapalayas sa aming mga lupain,” says Kalipunan ng mga Katutubong Mamamayan ng Pilipinas in a press statement.

Presently, constructions of a 198-meter seaport, extension of Casiguran airport runway to 1.5- kilometer, and rehabilitation of the Nagtipon-Madala Road are in full swing. Recently, 28 families were displaced as a result of the Casigu-ran airport runway extension alone. IBON estimates around 1,086 farm-ing and fishing families and indigenous people’s communities or 5,430 individuals will be displaced on the full implementation and operation of APECO.

INEVITABLE BARGAINSAs early as 2010, various contentions

against APECO such as land ownership and rural displacement have been raised to government, however, to no avail. This prompted the 125 Casiguran farmers to bring their concerns to Malacanang, at the doorstep of the seat of power.

APECO’s expansion has resulted to legalize grabbing of lands owned by

farmers despite owning Certificates of Land Ownership Awards and Forest Stewardship Certificates, says Salvador France, convenor of Resist APECO! Defend the Aurora Movement (Resist APECO).

Aside from the issue of land grabbing, stable employment is threatened as the APECO will convert agricultural lands into industrial and commercial complexes. “APECO offers jobs for the Casiguran

[farmers] in planting natural ingredients, high-valued crops and medicinal herbs among many other job opportunities,” says Avestruz.

Critics however, doubt the sustainability of such jobs. “Sa offer ng APECO na trabaho, mga

college graduate ang kanilang mga hahanapin, so [wala pa ring kasiguraduhang trabaho] para sa mga magsasaka at mangingisda,” says France. Indeed, if APECO’s planned industries are any indication, prospects of employment seem dim for the people of Casiguran.

Also, rice supply in Aurora is threatened as productive rice lands will be converted to non- agricultural land use: the province will lose 961 to 1,281 metric tons of rice feeding 4,336 families, according to IBON.

At the guise of paving the road to development in the provinces, ecozones like APECO have promised to alleviate poverty and improve people’s living conditions. Yet, the country’s experience with ecozones significantly highlights who truly benefit to such setups.

LOPSIDED GAINSTo date, there are 273 operating ecozones nationwide and 104

ecozones currently being developed like APECO, according to Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA).

RA 7916, legislated under the Ramos administration, provided the legal framework in the creation and operation of ecozones aiming to speed up economic growth through exports, according to IBON.

Ecozones seek to provide an attractive climate for foreign investors to engage business in ecozones by giving them incentives such as ex-

emptions from Corporate Income Tax for 5 years, and export taxes.

HUNDREDS OF S P E C T A T O R S FLOCKED TO UP Diliman to witness the annual Lantern Parade that showcased creatures and objects brought to life through art, the various displays illuminating the usually dark Academic Oval.

Amidst the seemingly endless sea of lanterns, a group of participants wearing white shirts and straw hats looked out-of-place in the festive event. They weren’t embodying some obscure concept, nor playing out some role. They were real farmers who endured and marched the 370-kilometer distance from Casiguran, Aurora to inform the UP community of the

threat they face with the construction of the Aurora Pacific Economic Zone and

Freeport (APECO). APECO is a special economic zone

(ecozone) or an area developed and funded by the national government to

usher development in selected areas by promoting commercial and agro-based

industries. “Access ng tao sa opportunities ang main

thrust ng APECO…income opportunities for local farmers can reach to P30,000 from

harvests. The market solely on agricultural industries such as high-valued crops is already around US$500 million,” says APECO Deputy Administrator Ken Avestruz.

As a consequence however, APECO’s development entails the displacement of locals in Casiguran and the possible loss of livelihood due to change in land usage and employment oppourtunities.

As far as APECO’s proponents are concerned, development comes with a cost—a price unwillingly paid by the people of Aurora.

UNDER CONSTRUCTIONAPECO is an expansion of the

Aurora Special Economic Zone (ASEZA), a 497-hectare ecozone covering two agricultural barangays in Casiguran. ASEZA was created through Republic Act (RA) 9490 passed into law in 2007, and sponsored by Senator Edgardo Angara, an established politician in Aurora.

During ASEZA’s operation, various infrastructures such as the Casiguran airport with a 1.2-kilometer runway, and the 120-kilometer Baler-Casiguran highway were constructed.

In 2009, Angara authored RA 10083 that renamed ASEZA to APECO and expanded its area to 12,923 hectares. Such expansion annexed three more barangays, which geographically form a peninsula including 11,900-hectare ancestral domain of the indigenous peoples Dumagats and Agtas.

According to Avestruz, APECO intended to preserve the peninsula from illegal loggers as the land mass serves as a natural barrier to protect the seaport planned to be constructed.

However, APECO authorities violated the rights of the indigenous peoples when the ecozone expanded the area without consulting them, says Jennifer Guste, independent think-tank IBON researcher.

In October 2012, investments in eco-zones rose to P128.2 billion or 5.4 percent from P121.6 billion the previous year, according to PEZA.

However, promises of economic progress in provinces with ecozones are hardly assured, especially when there is no significant improvement in poverty alleviation. For instance, poverty incidence in Pampanga, where Clark

Special Economic Zone is located, increased to 6.7 percent from 4.9 percent from 2003 to 2009.

For the same time span, poverty incidence also rose in Batan-gas where First Philippine Industrial Park is located to 14 percent from 13.8 percent, according to National Sta-tistics Coordination Board. Despite the surge in investments, the living conditions of peoples in the provinces remain significantly unchanged.

Since APECO’s creation in 2 0 0 7 , the national government has spent almost P2 billion, and has allocated P353

million for 2013, says

Senator Sergio Osmeña III.

Finance Assis-tant Secretary Ma. Teresa Habitan also points out that the national government loses money, estimated at P3 billion annually, from the incentives it gives to foreign investors.

Ecozones transform rural provinces into urbanized business parks, but development is not reflective of the living condi-tions of the local residents. Yet, the government seems keen to push through development of ecozones such as APECO— fitting to the Aquino government’s thrust of public-private partnerships.

In the end, APECO becomes the latest manifestation of the government’s skewed development paradigm — reliance of our economy

to foreign investors, instead of support-

ing local industries hinged on improv-ing the welfare of

the people.

MARAMING KAHILINGAN, PANGARAP at pag-asa ang nabubuo sa isipan natin sa pagpasok ng bagong taon. Mula radyo, TV, hanggang Facebook, maririnig natin ang iba’t ibang angas ng halos lahat ng taong gusto ng pagbabago sa mga buhay nila. At siyempre, pansin na pansin din sa mga kalsada, sa mga nakapaskil na tarpaulin, at maging sa mga tulay o creek ang iba’t ibang deklarasyon ng pangako’t pangarap na may kaakibat na naglalakihang mukha at pangalan ng mga taong tatakbo ngayong eleksyon.

Nitong nakaraang Pasko at bagong taon, kaliwa’t kanan ang mga pagbati ng “Maligayang Pasko at Bagong taon” sa tapat ng bahay namin. Nakakabadtrip nga kasi pare-parehong mga mukha lang ang bumabati nang paulit-ulit sa lahat ng sulok at kanto sa barangay.

Todo ngiti ‘yung mga ate na nag-aabot ng pagkain sa bawat bahay. At kapag napansin nila sa mukha mo ang pagdududa, sasabihin nilang “Galing po ito kay Ma’am Chururu, magpasalamat ka na lang.” Kaloka, obligado pa akong magpasalamat? Pero sige, salamat na rin sa libreng pagkain.

Kahit ‘yung maayos na kalsada na binubungkal na naman, may nakasulat sa gilid na “Pasasalamat kay Chururu.” Kahit sa loob ng tricycle, mananalamin ka na nga lang, kukunin pa ‘yung espasyo para sa buong mukha mo ng sticker ng isang pulitiko—kasama ang


Huwebes17 Enero


mong binti na kakapiranggot ang tumutubong buhok. Dahan-dahang dadausdos ang aking mga daliri papunta sa iyong paa na singhaba ng iyong braso, at maglalaro sa mga daliri mong sinlambot ng balat ng sanggol.

Kung ibabaligtad kita, bubungad sa akin ang likod mong tila binuhusan ng pulot at gata. Isa kang malaking manikin na tinalupan ng matamis at maputing balat. Madulas ang likod mo galing sa pawis na tumutulo papunta sa matatambok mong puwitan, tila mga hinating mansanas na idinikit lamang sa iyong likuran.

Ibabalik ko ang aking mga daliri paakyat sa ubod ng iyong kabuuan. Madulas ang tangkay na siyang nagbibigay-buhay sa nakadikit ditong mga kayumangging ubas. Lahat ay dumadaloy papunta sa pinakatinatago mong sulok. Mahihimlay ako nang sandal sa iyong kaibuturan at ipipikit ang aking mga mata sa nakakaantok na amoy ng iyong katawan.

UNA, HUHULMAHIN KO ANG IYONG mukha. Ang buhok mong maikli, ang noo mong malapad, ang matangos mong ilong, ang itim mong mga mata na mabibilog, ang hiwa sa iyong kaliwang kilay, ang makapal mong labi, ang malalaki mong tenga, ang mahaba mong mukha na hugis oval, ang makinis mong pisngi, ang leeg mong simputi ng niyebe, at ang nunal mo sa batok. Lahat nakakapanghina, lahat nakaka-turn on.

Pagkatapos, maglalakbay ang aking mga kamay sa iyong balikat, sa matitigas mong buto sa dibdib, sa malalaman mong mga tinapay sa dibdib, sa maliliit mong suso na kulay kayumanggi, sa buto ng iyong tadyang na bakat sa balat, sa mga braso mong sintigas ng iyong dibdib, at sa mga kamay mong mauugat na naglalakbay din sa iyong tiyan na pinalilibutan ng anim na hanay ng malaman na kalamnan pababa sa iyong maputing pusod. Hinuhulma kitang matipuno, matikas, at matigas habang unti-unting nabubuo ang kabuuan mo.

Madulas ang pababa mula sa iyong pusod, walang harang sa maiitim na talahib papunta sa kaibuturan ng iyong kabuuan. Bumubuhos ang iyong tagiliran patungo sa balakang hanggang sa malahamon mong mga hita na nang-aakit na kurutin, kagatin—ubusin.

Aagos ang aking kamay pababa sa nakakakiliti mong tuhod at sa makikinis



LAKAS TAMAAng kuwento ng pag-ibig ay kamusta at paalam*

Ang katawan mo ang salitang matagal ko nang gustong sabihin sa madla

Sa ganoong paraan kita bubuuin —mabusisi, mapayapa. Isa kang Adonis na perpekto ang hubog. Hindi nakakaumay, hindi nakasasawa. Sa tuwing titikman ko ang bawat sulok mo, laging sumisipa ang lasa mong matamis, mapait, maasim, maalat.

Ihihiga kita sa sahig at pagmamasdan. Malaya ang iyong katawan. Wala kang itinatagong dapat ikahiya. Ang katawan mo ang salitang matagal ko nang gustong sabihin sa madla. Ganun siguro ang isang manlilikha, sa paglao’y nawawaglit din ang hiya.

Nakapako sa kisame ang blangko mong mga titig, nakaratay sa sahig ang walang buhay mong katawan. Hihiga ako sa tabi mo at hahagurin ang iyong buhok. Paano nga ba binubuhay ang isang tuod?

Madiin kong idinampi ang aking palad sa iyong dibdib. Unti-unti kong susuyuin ang iyong katawan hanggang sa maramdaman ko ang iyong init. May tila isang balani na aakit sa aking labi patungo sa iyong labi. At sa sandali ng pagdampi, susuklian mo rin ang aking halik.

Matagal tayong magkakadikit sa sahig na iyon. Hihilingin kong hindi na tayo magkahiwalay pa. Sapagkat ikaw ang tulang nagkatawang-tao, nabuhay upang samahan akong maglakbay sa mundo ng mga ‘di magkakaugnay na salita.

“POGI E,” SABI NG NANAY KO nang tanungin ko kung bakit niya nagustuhan ang absentee kong tatay. “Tsaka malinis ang kuko sa paa.”

Nasa Pilipinas pa si Mama nang mapag-usapan namin ang love story nila ng tatay ko. Kuwento niya, nakita raw niya ang tatay ko sa isang bar sa Katipunan. Sinabi raw niya sa mga kaibigan niya na pogi “’yung lalaking may balbas” sa kabilang table, at bigla raw silang naghiyawang parang mga biik. Napansin ng kabilang mesa ang huntahan nila. Long story short, natapos ang gabi nang may ka-holding hands na si Mama.

Ayaw niyang sabihin kung paano nagtapos ang kanilang love story, o kung paano niya nalamang palalakihin niya ako nang mag-isa. “Basta alam ko lang. Gago ‘yun e.”

“Pero nagustuhan mo?”“Pogi ang mga gago e,” sabi niya, sabay tawa, na

nasundan ng pangaral na huwag na huwag daw akong magpapabuntis, gago man o hindi ang lalaki.

Maaga namang nagpakasal ang lolo’t lola ko, pero kahit si Mama, walang ideya kung paano sila nagkakilala. “Hindi ko sila tinatanong ng mga ganyan,” sabi niya.

Bata pa ako nang lumipat si Lolo sa bahay namin matapos mamatay si Lola. Noong mga panahong ‘yun, halos hindi gumagalaw si Lolo mula sa pagkakaupo niya sa sala, hawak-hawak ang maliit na jar kung saan nakalagay ang abo ni Lola. Hindi siya nagsasalita, hindi siya sumasabay sa amin kumain. Tinanong ko si Mama kung ganoon ba kamahal ni Lolo si Lola at ayaw niyang maghiwalay sila. Oo daw, sabi ni Mama. “Pero nambabae din ‘yan. Nagsisigawan din sila dati, akala lang nila walang nakakarinig.”

Masyado nga sigurong cynical ang nanay ko sa pag-ibig. At sa kasamaang palad, siya ang tangi kong role model pagdating sa mga ganitong bagay.

Hayskul pa lang, naiinis na ako sa mga kaklase kong nag-uusap tungkol sa mga crush nila. Lalo pang kumukunot ang noo kapag naririnig kong nagbibigay sila ng code name sa mga gusto nilang lalaki. May Eugene at Lee Shauran para sa mga pogi, at Majin Buu para sa mga medyo malaman.

Hindi naman sa pagiging ageist, pero dahil mga bata pa kami noon, nagpapanting din ang tenga ko sa mga magkarelasyon na magkaiba ang year level. Nakakatayo kaya ng balahibo kapag makarinig ka ng “I love you po.” Parang may mali. At kahit pa walang “po,” hindi ako naniniwala na posible ang tunay na pag-ibig sa pagitan ng mga babaeng nagsisimula pa lang tubuan ng suso, at sa mga lalaking pumipiyok pa ang boses.

Pero hindi ibig sabihin noon na wala akong mga nagugustuhan. Kahit galit ako sa mundo, hindi rin ako bato.

‘Yun nga lang, mahirap para sa akin na lunukin ang konsepto ng habangbuhay. Wala pa kasing kuwento ng pag-ibig ang nasaksikhan kong nagtagumpay sa totoong buhay. Para sa akin, may katapusan ang lahat—ang mga umagang iisang tao lang ang motibasyon mo para bumangon sa kama, ang mga gabing pakiramdam mo tungkol sa ‘yo ang lahat ng masasayang kanta.

“Kahit nga si Summer, umibig din bago natapos ang pelikula,” sabi sa akin ng isang kaklase, na naging ka-text, at ngayo’y constant na kasama sa mga lakad.

Siguro nga tama siya. Ngayong taon, sige, susubukan kong hindi matakot na magbakasakali.

*mula sa kantang Slo Mo ng Eraserheads

Hindi naman ako kontra sa mga diskarte nila para makilala sila ng publiko, pero minsan talaga, OA na.

pamilya niya sa litrato, ultimo apo sa tahod. Kulang na lang, palitan na rin nila ang mukha ni Rizal sa piso.

Akala mo naman, walang nakakaalam na sa bawat project na ini-sponsor nila sa kalye, may kanya-kanyang porsyento sila ng pera na naibubulsa. At ang iba, wala nang pagpapanggap kung ibalandra ang mga mukha nila sa TV. Kanya-kanyang komersyal ‘yan o isyu para lang mapag-usapan.

Kahit nga walang kinalaman sa kampanya nila, makalabas lang sa TV, solb na.

Sana ipinambili na lang nila ng grocery at ipinamigay sa mga pamilya ‘yung ipinambayad nila sa printing ng poster, ‘di ba? Hindi naman ako kontra sa mga diskarte nila para makilala sila ng publiko, pero minsan talaga, OA na.

May mga kamag-anak din ako sa probinsya na tatakbo sa darating na eleksyon. Minsan, iniisip ko, bakit pa nila kailangang tumakbo

para lang makatulong sa kapwa? Pero siyempre, sino ba naman ako para makipagtalo sa kanila. May sarili din siguro silang dahilan kung bakit gusto nilang umupo sa isang posisyon sa gobyerno—hindi ko lang alam kung ano ‘yun, o kung tiyak nga bang mabuti ang kanilang intensyon.

Tuwing parating na kasi ang eleksyon, mahirap nang mahalata kung sino ‘yung mga sinsero at sino ang mga nagpapanggap lang. Paano, ang daming bumabait at kulang na lang pag-alayan ang bawat botante ng pansit gabi-gabi na parang santo. Aamuhin nila tayo ng matatamis na mga salita, papangakuan ng mga bagay na matagal na namang dapat nasa atin. At kahit alam nating wala rin namang malaking pagbabagong naganap noong mga nakaraang taon, hindi pa rin natin matanggihan ang mga regalong ibinigay nila tuwing panahon ng kampanya.

Masyado na nga siguro tayong nasanay sa ganitong gawi. Sabi nga nila, bahagi na ng kultura natin itong kultura ng pasikatan, sulutan ng boto, at pakikinig sa mga pangakong tiyak naman tayong hindi matutugunan ng pagkapanalo ng kahit sinong kandidato. Pero kahit naman ang kultura, maaari ding magbago. Darating din sa puntong hindi na tayo makakapagpigil at magsasawa rin tayo.

AwkwArd moments At

the GrAnd AssemblAGe

of sisterAkAs y ChAkAsI know this is so 2012, but

these juicy tidbits are so classic it’s a shame to just keep it to ourselves. Chos.

Awkward moment #1: It’s almost midnight and the debates are so not done yet. Meanwhile, kailangan nang lumipat ng venue, so the Grand Mameshka was suggesting this amphitheatre just a few kilometres away. Naloka na lang ang madla when an ateh raised her very legiti-mate conzern. “But what about the beggars? They’re gonna pester us to death!”

Awkward moment #2: So there were couples everywhere, but maybe none as showbiz as this two blue delegates who are lovey-dovey for all the world to see. Everyone was probably thinking how disgusting the spectacle is, but this red delegate finally couldn’t take it anymore and finally made a statement directed at the couple: “Wow, magtabi na lang nga kasi kayo para mas malaya kayong maka-paglandian.” Mas winner though ang retort ni Koyah who is rumoured to have been rejected as the next blue bet for USC Chair in favour of a prettier gurlaloo: “Sana masaya ka sa ginagawa mo ha. Kasi ako masayang masaya sa buhay ko!” Flips hair ang walks out of the room.

Awkward moment #3: And speaking of this “prettier” gurlaloo who is being pegged as the successor of the current grand mameshka, super funny lang ang mga dumb blone moments ni atey. At one point, there’s a motion to move the venue and continue the debates, and then si ate, clueless lang forever on how to cast her vote according to her party’s interests. So sobrang kinabahan lang si ate during caucus when she was asked to be the first to cast her vote. With rivers of sweat running down her face, she finally said “yes” cluelessly. Imagine grand mameshka’s face as if to say, “Humanda ka mamaya sa aking shungaers ka.”




Huwebes17 Enero 2013

kunG ikAw si Jinkee, AnonG mAiPAPAyo mo kAy PACquiAo mAtAPos AnG kAnyAnG PAGkAtAlo?

kung ako si jinkee,sasabihin ko kay manny “it’s ok manny u did ur best but ur best is not enough” 201259139 jaob bsstat

first of all, i’d never want to be jinkee. second, i’m going to advise pacquiao, as an avid patron of phil-ippine boxing, that he should still fight at least one more match next year. hopefully a mayweather fight, because i believe the filipino spirit never retires until there’s the last but ultimate victory. its just his 5th loss. boxing greats lose some time, like flash elorde who had 27 losses. 2012-21271 BA Hist

manny, tayo nlang magsakitan, ibang lalaki pa hanap m eh. Tampo ako nyan. 201128846 bs chemistry.

Ang mapapayo ko kay pacquiao kung ak0 si jinkee eh tama na yung laban. he already made hist0ry and a lasting legacy. that is en0ugh. pero kung that’s his passion, nka-suporta lang kaming family niya at ang buong Pilipinas. :D 2012-00756 Ram0n, BS ECE

manny, wag kang hapit! kasi ang hapit, naaano,..nakakatulog..dapat laging tama ang timing.. anyways, nalaman kong may karibal ako kay ate SA sa mainlib..haha..kaya heto na..ate SA..mahal na mahal kita! hahaha..

nam uten15521 geodenggMagretire na siya kasi baka sign

na ni God yun since nagsimula siyang matalo simula ng naging christian siya. :) 201008810

hindi mabubura ng isang pag-katalo ang mga panalo at karan-galang ibinigay mo para sa bayan. tuloy ang laban Pacman! 08-24039 Badz BSEE

manny, life isn’t about winning. it’s about the kaching kaching! 2005-72540 jers ma.awol

Jinkee to Manny: okay lang yan babe. Yung mga taumbayan na lang i-KO natin para atin ang buwis nila. Haha. May pambili pa din ako ng Hermes. Ayoko kaya ng ecobag ‘no!? 1260592 mac bschem

bukod sA bumbilyA, Ano sA tinGin mo AnG kumukuti-kutitAP At bumubusi-busilAk tuwinG PAsko?

ung mga ngiti ng mga taong in love. 201128846

Syempre! maliban sa mga xmas lights tuwing pask0, yung ngiti ng pinakamamahal k0 yung pinakaku-mukutitap! Hehe. :D Iloveyoubeeik! *powerhug* 2012-00756 Ram0nk-0k0k, BS ECE

Ang iba pang kumukutitap ay ang mga mata at pakiramdam ng mga may love life ngayong pasko dahil sa SPARKS. :””> Balang araw, mafifeel din namin yan. Haha! 2012-6XXXX RMB :)

tuwing Pasko, sinasalubong ng kumukuti-kutitap kong mga mata ang bumubusi-busilak na kalooban ng aking mga ninong/ninang. pam-bayad na rin yan ng utang. XD 08-24039 Badz BSEE

One-sided sparks ng emotional lives ng mga tao. Kislap. . . Kislap. 201231449

kumukuti-kutitap at bumubusi-busilak ang ngiti ng long time crush ko tuwing nakikita ko siya. she always looks so radiant. di lang ngayong Pasko, kundi buong taon. :”> 08-**046

mga mata ng mga kapitalistang sadyang nakaabang sa makakamal na kita sa komersyalisidong diwa ng kapaskuhan! 0854326

CommentsRC Guerrero, i always read your

column. You’re also one of the rea-sons why I grab collegian. May pagka- NEGA ang persona ng mga sinusulat mo pero in a ‘hot’ way. -2008-58**2*

Grabe. Sobrang nakarelate ako sa CHRISTMAS BONUS ni Marjo-hara Tucay. Mabuhay ang mga nag iibigan! 201265036 Maskom

Kumukutikutitap ang mga morn-ing glory as in muta at mga laway. an-sarap matulooog! 05-72540 ma.awol

sAGutAnfor 2012-21271: how did the mus-

lims become aggressors? and why were the muslims pushed towards extremism? also why the american interference in the region? and what are the palestinian muslims but semites, the same race as jews,only converted into islam. does this qualify them as aggressors too? and why only choose between muslim extremists and americans? do the extremists represent all arabs and muslims in the middle east?

PAbAtiPabati naman kay SA sa main lib.

Computer room. Na art studies ma-jor. Nakaduty noong december 12, 2012. Mga 11 am. Crush kita. 2008-05315.

hi kay rose na b-day sa dec. 21, 2012. pati na rin sa barkada ko sa laguna! SUPER CUTE ng pasko po ng isko po comics.swak na swak this season. Mayk,12-48782 super c0ol ng kule! :)

Merry Christmas to my girl friends Gill, HG, and Ate Aloha. To clingyness and beyond! Hahaha. 10-*97** Shami BS App Phys

AnG PAGsusuri: PAGkilAtis sA mGA susunod nA linGkod bAyAn

Mga Iskong Tatak Botante, simulan na natin Ang Pagsusuri sa ika-17 ng Enero, 1:00-5:00 ng hapon sa UP Diliman Law Theater.

Makilahok sa talakayan ng mga kakandidatong Senador sa mga isyu tungkol sa “Electoral and Party-List System” tulad ng Campaign Finance, Political Dynasties, Party-List Sys-tem, at “Economic and Foreign Affairs Issues” tulad ng Oil-Deregulation, Visiting Forces Agreement, Scar-borough Shoal, Foreign Ownership, OFWs.

Para sa iba pang mga detalye, bisi-tahin lamang ang o makipag-ugnayan sa numerong 0905-4502488.

Matalino. Matalas. Malayas. Tatak botante!nAtionAl ConGress on Good GovernAnCe 2013

The UP National College of Public Administration and Governance Stu-dent (NCPAG) Government, in part-nership with the NCPAG League of Organizations, proudly presents the National Congress on Good Govern-ance (NCGG) 2013.

NCGG is an annual and nationwide gathering of Public Administration student for a 3 day congress aimed to empower and train leaders of tomor-row. NCGG will conduct seminars and workshops focusing on application of PA theories into real outputs, with the theme “Applying Public Administration Theories of Planning and Budgeting in Program and Project Development for Education, Employment, and the Envi-ronment.

The event will be from January 18 – 20, 8:00am-7:00pm at the NCPAG Assembly Hall, UP Diliman. For more information, like our Facebook page ( philip pines), contact Chess at 09168403333 or through e-wAste ProJeCt: e-wAste mo, e-dukAsyon ko !!!

UP Circuit invites you to be part of The E-waste Project, a series of e-waste drives in different schools for the rehabilitation of Sta. Lucia High School Computer Laboratory. It is also a campaign to raise awareness on the issue of e-waste management, which currently lacks attention here in the Philippines.

Just donate your defective comput-ers and computer parts, batteries, ca-bles, appliances, and other gadgets to The E-waste Project on January 15-18, 2013 located at the Engineering Lawn or any other drop-off points found at the website. See posters and print ads for more details or like us on facebook @ or visit us @ .

deliCious sPAnish week setOn its 48th year, The UP Círculo

Hispánico presents ¡Saborífico! La Gastronomía del Mundo Hispano-hablante, the Spanish Week that will showcase the Spanish and Hispano-American gastronomy.

Join in our Food Eating Contest, Quiz Bee, and La Tomatina. Witness our exhibit at Gal 2 Faculty Cent-er from January 22-26, 2013. Win cash prizes in Manilakbay III: The UPCH Amazing Race around Ma-nila on January 26! For more details, contact Nice at 09163656867 and

Ralph at 09279642146 or visit ¡Nos vemos!

next week’s questions:1. Kung miyembro ka ng Anonymous Phils, anong website ang ihahack mo at ano ang ilalagay mo rito? 2. Sino ang gusto mong ahasin ngayong year of the snake at bakit?

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Non-UP students must indicate any school, organizational or sectorial affiliation.


Get free publicity! Send us your press release, invitations, etc. DON’T TYPE IN ALL CAPS. And go easy on the…punctua-tions?! dOn’t uSe tXt LanGuage pLs. Pro-vide a short title. 100 words max. Email us at

CONTACT US! Write to us via snail mail or submit a soft copy to Rm. 401, Vinzons Hall, UP Diliman, Quezon City. Email us Save Word attach-ments in Rich Text Format, with INBOX, NEWSCAN or CONTRIB in the subject. Always include your full name, address and contact details.

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