
Post on 02-Dec-2015






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Phenomena that we encounter in everyday life


The Baader Meinhof Phenomenon is when you hear or see something or are introduced to it, and it seems to occur more and more in your life the next few days. Such as hearing a new name and then hearing it the next day somewhere completely different. This happens because you don't really notice it when you aren't aware of it, but once you become aware of it, you notice it more. Someone might've talked about this phenomenon before and you didn't notice, but if you hear it tomorrow, you'll notice it. Pretty neat.

A Hypnagogic Jerk is what happens when you are about to fall asleep and suddenly feel like you are falling. This occurs because your voluntary muscles are about to fall asleep, so your involuntary muscles send a "pulse" to those muscles, waking them up, and your brain sends out a violent image to your visual cortex which it know will instantly wake someone up, most people instantly respond when falling, which is why the brain flashes an image of you falling into your eyes.

Presque Vu (Tip of the Tongue Syndrome) is when you know the word you're looking for, it's on the Tip of Your Tongue, but you can't say it. This is actually a problem to blame the brain. Your brain is trying to help you figure out the word by blocking out similar words to the word you're looking for, but it also blocks out the word you're looking for. But then, when the conversation has changed, you all of a sudden remember the word you were looking for because your brain isn't blocking it out anymore!

Hyper Perception is when you go to a place you've never been, but yet you feel so familiar there, like you've almost lived there your whole life. There is little known about Hyper Perception because there is no reliable data, but as a guess from me, I would have to say that it is caused by maybe seeing it in a movie, or a very close reference. Or also, when people read a book with strong imagery, they usually create places in their head, the place they imagine may be similar to the place they're confusing it for.

Time Slips are what Albert Einstein calls, the overlapping of recent time and ancient time, and it is a very rare occurrence. It happens when someone sees something that isn't there, but was once there. Such instances are responded to,"Did you just see that", or,"I could've sworn I just saw something there" and happens when a human has a "flashback" to what might've been in that exact area, who knows how earlier before though. Such as, for example, you look at a house and see old Victorian styling on it, you look away, and look back and the house is Modern. Or you look at a parking lot, and you see tons of old cars and a Drive in Movie, look away, look back, and see no movie screen or old cars. It's a little sad if you think about it.

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