peter hall cities of tomorrow susan buck morss the dialectis of seeing: walter benjamin and the...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Peter HallCities of Tomorrow

Susan Buck MorssThe Dialectis of Seeing:Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project

Jane JacobsThe Death and Life of Great American Cities: The Failure of Town Planning

Jonny Aspen (red.) By og byliv i endring. Studier av byrom og handlingsrom i Oslo (2005)

Walker Evans

Graveyard, Houses, and Steel Mill, Bethlehem, Pennylvania (1935)

Houses and Billborads in Atlanta (1936)

Zoe LeonardAnalogue (1998-2007)

"The work begins with images taken as Leonard walked the streets of her native New York City. Closed storefronts, shutters drawn down tight, the city is asleep, empty, but also, we realize, slowly fading. In this opening chapter we see the city in a state of transistion, as the small shops of traditionally working-class and immigrant neighborhoods -- the Lower Eastside prime among them -- were slowly forced out of business in the 1990s due to the increasing gentrification of Manhattan. With this initial gesture we begin to glean that the leitmotif of this magnum opus will be the disappearing face and texture of twenthieth-century urban life.Yet things never disappear all at once: cities retain, against all odds and the urban planners, an organic dimension. So the second chapter of Analogue begins with images of open storefronts, many of them serving dwindling immigrant communities..."

-- Helen Molesworth(I: Terry Smith m.fl. (red.). Antinomies of Art and Culture. Duke University Press 2008.)

Fra utstillingen New Topographics (kuratert av William Jenkins)(1975)

Robert AdamsColorado Springs, Colorado (1969)

Dan GrahamHomes for America (1964)

Thomas StruthSommerstrasse, Düsseldorf (1980)

Stephen Willats

Martha RoslerThe Bowery in Two Inadequate Description Systems (1974-75)

Martha RoslerIf You Lived Here (1989)

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