peru report

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Trip Report:

Peru (Summer 2014)

Report Prepared by:

David Guenaga

Effective Date: March 24, 2015

T r i p R e p o r t : P e r u ( S u m m e r 2 0 1 4 ) P a g e | 1

Table of Contents

1.0 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................ 2 1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Travel Information .............................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Field Tools/Equipment ........................................................................................................................ 2 1.4 Methods/Techniques ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 Geology ............................................................................................................................................... 2 1.6 Social Relations .................................................................................................................................. 3 1.7 PIMA .................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.8 SGS ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.9 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 4 4.0 GENERAL TRAVEL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 4

4.1 Flight to Peru....................................................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Pucará Field Work .............................................................................................................................. 5 4.3 Lima .................................................................................................................................................... 5 4.4 IAMGOLD Field Work and Flight ..................................................................................................... 5 4.5 (Return) Flight to the US .................................................................................................................... 5

5.0 GEOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................................ 5 5.1 General Peru Geography ..................................................................................................................... 5 5.2 Location of Places Traveled ................................................................................................................ 6

6.0 FIELD TOOLS/EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................... 7 7.0 METHODS/TECHNIQUES ................................................................................................................... 8

7.1 Field Interpretation .............................................................................................................................. 8 7.2 Collecting Rock Samples .................................................................................................................... 9 7.3 Inspecting Rocks ................................................................................................................................. 9 7.4 Map Reading ....................................................................................................................................... 9 7.5 Obtaining Strike and Slip (Using a Compass) .................................................................................. 10

8.0 GEOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................... 11 8.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 11 8.2 Mesa Pata .......................................................................................................................................... 12 8.3 Santo Tomas...................................................................................................................................... 13 8.4 San Juan ............................................................................................................................................ 14 8.5 Curshuro ............................................................................................................................................ 15

9.0 SOCIAL RELATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 16 9.1 Language ........................................................................................................................................... 16 9.2 Culture............................................................................................................................................... 17 9.3 Common Customs (in the Field) ....................................................................................................... 17 9.4 Local Relationships ........................................................................................................................... 18 9.5 Business Meeting .............................................................................................................................. 18

10.0 PIMA .................................................................................................................................................. 18 10.1 PIMA General Information ............................................................................................................. 18 10.2 PIMA Hardware/Software .............................................................................................................. 19 10.3 How to use PIMA ........................................................................................................................... 19

11.0 SGS ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 12.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 20 13.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 21

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1.1 Introduction

The main purpose of this report is to offer a brief but complete description on what I

learned, accomplished and experienced during my trip to Peru. The opportunity to go to Peru

from the United States was offered to me by Steve Zuker, the owner of Pucará Resources Corp. a

mineral exploration company. During the time with Pucará’s team, various properties were

regularly visited and worked on. These properties included Santo Tomas, Mesa Pata and San

Juan. While in Lima, Peru I was also able to visit a Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS)

laboratory where various materials (e.g. rocks, foods, ect.) are inspected, verified and tested.

Although SGS has a wide business I was there in behalf of Pucará and thus I was exposed to the

geochemical aspect of their laboratories. During my later part of my stay, Alex Aquino from

IAMGOLD, another mineral exploration company, also allowed me to accompany his geologists

to Cajamarca, Peru where they took me out to the field in a property called Curshuro to do some

field work. During the entirety of my trip I was exposed to various aspects of the gold

exploration industry.

1.2 Travel Information

The date of departure from the United States to Peru was on July 10, 2014. The total

duration of the trip was about a month. During this time I travel to various places in Peru

including Lima, Ica, Ayacucho, and Cajamarca region. While I was there most of my travel was

by automobile with the exception of the trip from Lima to Cajamarca and back in which a plane

was taken. On August 15, 2014 I returned back to the United States concluding my trip.

1.3 Field Tools/Equipment

Various tools and equipment were used by Pucará Resources, IAMGOLD and myself

while in the field. These included but were not limited to burnton compasses, maps, Global

Positioning Systems (GPS), rock hammers, loupes (hand lens), and field note books.

1.4 Methods/Techniques

During my field time with the geologists and their team, I was taught and refreshed on

various methods and techniques used in the field. I was occasionally handed a map with a GPS to

determine our current location. During my time with IAMGOLD a GPS was entrusted to me and

I was expected to help them obtain strikes and dips of various geologic features. Various “rock

breaking” tools (e.g. rock hammer, sledgehammer, ect.) were handed to me to help with

obtaining rock samples. With these tools I was taught how to more effectively break rocks and

obtain samples that are ideal for interpretation and lab work. I was also allowed to examine as

well as informed about various rocks and minerals important for gold/silver/copper exploration.

1.5 Geology

The geology that I was exposed to in Peru was mostly gold related geology as the

companies’ main focus is in the exploration of gold, silver and/or copper deposits. With Pucará, I

was taken to three sites of interest; Mesa Pata, Santo Tomas, and San Juan. In Mesa Pata the

main focus was on evaluating the geology to determine the amount of copper likely in the area.

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In general the geology in Mesa Pata was entirely igneous based, with a majority of it being

exposed as intrusive igneous outcrops. Relatively small amounts of lead and copper veins were

notably found in the area. In Santo Tomas the main focus was on the exploration of gold related

geology. The geology was dominated by volcanic (extrusive igneous) rock, and the area had the

presence of sulfuric hydrothermal minerals such as alunite. San Juan’s geology was also igneous

dominated but there was a clear and active presence of hydrothermal activity. There was a large

alabaster structure and hot springs in the area. However, due to bad weather and limited time this

area was not as well surveyed as the others. In Curshuro, IAMGOLD was interested in

evaluating and remapping the geology in the area. The geology was dominated by igneous rocks,

both extrusive and intrusive and had various areas with quartz veins. A mine with a collection of

gangue minerals (i.e. quartz and pyrite crystals) dumped outside of it was also found. Once the

area was mapped it was concluded that the previous geologic map had inaccuracies.

1.6 Social Relations

While I was with Pucará and IAMGOLD, working with locals in the area was a very

important part of the job. The teams in both companies would explain common courtesies and

the politics involved when talking to locals whether it be in a planned meeting or while

encountering a local out in the field. As a tourist, I learn various cultural practices and some

Peruvian history.

1.7 PIMA

While at Pucará Resources’ office, I was given the opportunity to use a Portable Infrared

Mineral Analyzer (PIMA). This machine is able to emit and measure the electromagnetic

wavelengths, specifically in the infrared spectrum, reflected back from a rock/mineral sample to

determine what mineral was most likely present. I also had the pleasure of translating the

directions from English to Spanish for the use of PIMA and the software that is used in

conjunction with it.

1.8 SGS

Pucará Resources gave me the privilege of going to a SGS laboratory on their behalf.

Although I was informed that SGS does inspection and verification on a large variety of

materials and products, I was mostly exposed on the geochemical aspect of the company. There I

was introduced to various machines and techniques used to determine the quantity of various

elements in rock samples supplied by various exploration companies.

1.9 Conclusion

Throughout my trip in Peru I learned, experienced and practiced various tasks that will

benefit me both in my academics and my (future) profession. In general as a student and future

geoscientist, I was exposed to the real world process of mineral exploration both in and out of the

field. As a tourist, I was introduced to culturally rich and proud country and met people that have

left a lasting impression on me. This report briefly accounts for my entire summer of 2014 trip to


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I would like to thank the following people for positively influencing, preparing and/or giving

me the ability to undertake and complete my trip to Peru. The owner of Pucará Resources, Steve

Zuker for offering me the opportunity to go to Peru, covering the vast majority of my costs

during my stay there, and for supporting me academically and professionally. My uncle, Lewis

Guenaga, for making this trip possible by offering financial support (paying for my flight as well

as other expenses), introducing me to Steve Zuker and for supporting my academics. The staff of

Pucará Resources, Aristides Chavez, Jhon Pulcha, Beltran Ccahau, Arturo Ccahau, and Melissa

Rios for having the willingness of allowing me to visit their office and accompany them in their

field work to observe their daily operations. The people of IAMGOLD, Alex Aquino, Edgar Jara,

and Jose Valderrama for also having the willingness of allowing me to accompany them to the

field, allowing me to observe their daily operations, and for paying for my flight (to and back)

and stay during my time in Cajamarca, Peru. Without the effort of all these people, the

completion of my trip would not have been possible nor as informative and enjoyable as it was.


The main purpose of this report is to offer a brief but complete description on what I learned,

accomplished and experienced during my trip to Peru in the summer of 2014. I flew to Lima,

Peru on July 10, 2014 then stay until August 15, 2014 the day on which I flew back to California,

United States. The purpose of the trip was to obtain viable experience outside of academics in

the field (or related field) that I am currently studying, geophysics. This opportunity was offered

to me by Steve Zuker the owner of Pucará. The majority of my time in Peru was spent working

with Pucará’s staff and on their properties of intrest. These properties included Santo Tomas,

Mesa Pata, and San Juan. In these properties the geologists (Steve Zuker, Aristides Chavez, and

Jhon Pulcha) were mapping, interpreting and/or obtaining rock samples in order to determine the

abundance and location of gold, silver or copper in the area. While I was in the city, Steve Zuker

allowed me to stay in Pucará’s office in Lima, Miralflores were I did some work with computers,

printing maps and using a PIMA. During the latter part of my stay in Peru, IAMGOLD flew me

to Cajamarca, Peru and took me out to the field in a property called Curshuro. The Geologist

there (Edgar Jara and Jose Valderrama) were mapping out the geology to survey the area and

correct for any inconsistencies of a previous geological map. During the trip I was exposed to

various aspects of the gold exploration, including but not limited to field interpretation and

exploration, chemical analysis (via SGS laboratory) and social relations involved with locals.


4.1 Flight to Peru

Avianca was the airline company used for my international flights. The time of departure

from Los Angles (LA), California USA to Lima, Peru was at 1:30 am (PST) on July 10, 2014.

The flight to Lima was not direct and consisted of three stops. The first stop was at Guatemala

City, Guatemala. The second stop was at San José, Costa Rica. The third and final stop was at

Lima, Peru. I arrived at my destination at 8:25 pm (PET) on July 10, 2014.

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(Note: Pacific Standard Time (PST) is 3 hour behind Peru Time (PET). Also note that a direct flight from USA, California to

Peru, Lima is about an 8 hour flight. However, due stops involved in the indirect flight caused my flight to take almost 16 hours.)

4.2 Pucará Field Work

Upon arrival a private taxi, provided by Steve Zuker, took me to the hotel Miraflores Suit

Central located in Miraflores district of Lima. On July 12, I was taken to Nazca city by Beltran

Ccahau and accompanied by Jhon Pultcha. The drive from Lima to Nazca consisted of ~6 hour

drive, passing through Chicha, Pichu, and Ica. The next day consisted on a drive from Nazca to

Puquio, a ~3 hour drive. Then every day from July 14-16, Beltran, Jhon and I went out to the

field at Mesa Pata, about ~3 hour drive from Puquio. On the 16 of July after going to Mesa Pata,

we returned to the City of Nazca. Every day from July 17-19 and 21-22, Beltran, Jhon, Arturo

Ccahau, Aristides Chavez, Steve Zuker and I when out to the field at Santo Thomas. Santo

Thomas is about 144 km from Nazca, a ~3 hour drive. On July 20, we went to San Juan, a 98 km

(~2 hr) drive from Nazca. On July 23, we went to talk to the locals at Santisidro Totora, a 147

km (~3.5 hr) drive from Nazca. On July 25, Beltran and I returned to Lima.

4.3 Lima

From the 26-29 of July I remained in Pucará Resources' office in Miraflores Lima, Peru.

On July 30, I was driven by a private taxi to Surco Salud, a medical center for a physical

examination and then to a SGS laboratory. Then on August 1, I was taken to IAMGOLD office

in order to arrange for a trip to Cajamarca and to meet the staff there. Afterwards I remained in

Pucará Resources' office in Miraflores Lima, Peru until August 3.

4.4 IAMGOLD Field Work and Flight

On August 3, Edgar Jara, Jose Valderrama and I took a direct flight from Lima, Peru to

Cajamarca, Peru a ~1.5 hour flight. Departure was at 3:00 pm (PET) and arrival was at 4:25 pm

(PET). Every day from August 4-6 the geologists, their driver and I stayed at a hotel in the city

of Cajamarca and did field work in Curshuro. The drive from Cajamarca to Cushuro was about a

114 km (~3 hr) drive. I returned to Lima on August 7, the departure of the flight was at 7:05 am

(PET) and arrival was at 8:35 am (PET). After this trip I stayed in the city of Lima during the

rest of my time in Peru.

4.5 (Return) Flight to the US

On August 15, I flew back to the US. My flight departed at 4:10 am (PET) and the flight

consisted of two stops. The first stop was at San Salvador, El Salvador and the final stop was at

Los Angeles, California. I arrived at my destination at 12:50 pm (PST) concluding my trip. In

total it was around an 11 hour flight.


5.1 General Peru Geography

In the most general sense, Peru is located on the northwestern edge of South America.

Peru shares borders with Ecuador in the North, Colombia in the Northeast, Brazil in the East,

Bolivia in the Southeast and Chile in the South. Its local-geography if you will, consists of

coastal land along the pacific, the mountains located east of the coast and the jungles located east

of the mountains, as can be seen in Map 5.1.

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5.2 Location of Places Traveled

During my trip most of my time was spent in Peru’s coast and mountains. Note that all

the field work done was in the mountains. With Pucará, my field work was entirely located in the

mountains of Ayacucho located in the southern part of Peru. The elevation of where the field

work took place was around 3-4 km (1.9-2.5 mi) above sea level. For IAMGOLD, the field work

took place in the mountains of Cajamarca located on the northern part of Peru. The elevation

there was also around 3-4 km (1.9-2.5 mi) above sea level.






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Rock Hammer: Used for breaking, freeing, and obtaining rocks

of interest. Also regularly used as a scale for pictures taken.

Used by both Pucará and IAMGOLD in the field.

Sledgehammer: Used for breaking, freeing, and obtaining rocks

of interest. On difficult (to break or free) rocks, it is usually used

in combination with the pointed chisel.

Used by both Pucará and IAMGOLD in the field.

Pointed Chisel: Used to free or break rocks of interest usually in

combination with sledgehammer.

Used by both Pucará and IAMGOLD in the field.

Pointed Digging Bar: Used to move large rocks apart by using it

as a wedge. This was also used to break large rocks.

Used by Pucará in the field.

Loupe: Used to examine rocks and minerals in the field by

magnifying the surface and allowing for a better interpretation.

Note: 10x or 20x magnification were used by both Pucará and

IAMGOLD in the field.

Burnton Compass: Used for obtaining general location as well as

directions. Mostly for mapping geologic features such as the

strike and dip of veins, faults and other geologic structures.

Used by both Pucará and IAMGOLD in the field.



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GPS (Global Positioning System): Used to obtain a precise

current location, including altitude.

Used by both Pucará and IAMGOLD in the field.

Field Book: Used to take notes while out in the field as well as

used as scale for photos taken.

Used by both Pucará and IAMGOLD in the field.

iPad 2: Used to take pictures out in the field. This was used in

both trips with Pucará and IAMGOLD in the field, by me.

Note: Both Pucará and IAMGOLD used digital cameras instead.

Maps: Used to locate current position, locations of geology and

other features. UTM topographic and geologic maps where used

by both Pucará and IAMGOLD in the field.

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Photo 7.1

Photo showing

Pucará’s team

performing various

fieldwork tasks.

7.1 Field Interpretation

When out in the field the geology is inspected to determine whether it has favorable

geology to support growth for the mineral veins of interest (i.e. gold, silver, copper). During my

field time, the geology was already determined to be of high sulfidation based on geophysical

data (Landsat imaging) as well as from geological information previously acquired. Thus the

high sulfidation model is applied to interpretation of the surface geology. Mapping the geology

on the surface then would help determine how far vertically and horizontally we were in the

system and where we could expect to see geologically by applying the model. This information

then allows the geologists to infer how far deposits may be from the surface, how “developed”

the geologic structure is and where further exploration should be focused on.

Figure 7.1

High-sulfidation epithermal gold model

showing the general geologies in the

structure. Note that there are ranges in parts

per million (ppm) of gold marked in the

figure. With laboratory results the ppm of

gold can be compared with the figures to

further determine the accuracy of

interpretations made in the field. A geologist

can also infer how well developed a system is

by comparing the geologic structures, its

composition and its abundance with the


Image from (Park), modified from (Sillitoe),

Mirasol Resources

( and (Ferrigno)

T r i p R e p o r t : P e r u ( S u m m e r 2 0 1 4 ) P a g e | 9

7.2 Collecting Rock Samples

When collecting rock samples it is important to collect samples that best represents the

geology around or at least an important characteristic of its surrounding. Parts of the rock near

the surface tend to be “bad” samples since the geology at and near the surface is usually

weathered or altered by the environment. These samples therefore (usually) look and can be

chemically and/or even physically different. Therefore using “bad” or weathered rocks can lead

to misinterpretation of the geology and also lead to inaccurate chemical results in respect to its

local geology. For this reason, samples that are taken and inspected are from rock pieces that are

broken while out in the field that demonstrate the interior rock. The best method for breaking

rocks is to find an area where there is some form of structural weakness and then hitting it with a

rock hammer, sledgehammer or pointed digging bar. However, it should be noted that pre-

existing cracks or faulting in the rock are prone to weathering and can also provide false or

inaccurate information about the area’s geology. It is important that the side being inspected and

samples taken be mostly free of weathering and other unwanted alteration. Generally speaking,

about a little less than one fourth of a cubic meter of rock fragments per sample are taken for

laboratory analysis. If a hand sample is sought after, a dual fist size or larger rock with

exemplary characteristics is taken, as these are usually used to serve as a visual representative of

the geology seen.

7.3 Inspecting Rocks

To determine the composition, alteration or even the identity of the rock sample various

characteristics have to be inspected. In general the first step is to look at it with the use of a loupe

(usually 10x, or 20x magnification) to see if there are any notable minerals, fabric or clear

composition in the rock. Then a quick hardness test to confirm any theories on the composition

or identity of the minerals present. This usually consists of scratching it with your finger nail or

metal object with a known hardness (e.g. pocket knife, metal scriber). The color of mineral

streak is also examined to assist in determining its identity, given that enough of the mineral can

be scratched into powder. The conclusion made by this process although effective can at times be

misleading and samples are usually taken to a laboratory for further analysis.

7.4 Map Reading

Although there are various types of maps, the maps used and seen during the field work were

geologic and topographic maps, using the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system. With

the use of a GPS the current location’s coordinates can be found. It should be noted that the GPS

needs to be set to the correct options to show the appropriate coordinates for the map in use (i.e.

set to UTM in this case). Once a coordinate is obtained the location on the map can be

established. First the map is rotated so that it is oriented in the correct direction by having north

on the map point north, this is done to maintain simplicity when applying coordinates. Then if

applicable, the zone must be located/matched with map’s zone. However, in field work this is

usually trivial and/or unnecessary as maps being worked on usually don’t span multiple zones.

Nevertheless and more relevantly, the measurements obtained in the easting and northing

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coordinate are measured in the map. With the two measurements an intersection can be obtained

indicating the current location. After this is done it is routine to do a “reality check” on the

coordinates by making sure that features present in the map are located correctly in the real

world (e.g. roads, hills, valleys, ect.).

7.5 Obtaining Strike and Slip (Using a Compass)

In creating geologic maps, obtaining a precise strike and slip for various geologic feature

is key for creating an accurate geologic map of the area. The strike is the attitude of the

horizontal linear plane that the geologic feature expresses. The dip is the perpendicular angle

from the horizontal plane of the strike in which the feature is angled at, see Diagram 7.2. Note

that the dip direction is the direction where there is maximum downward trend. With the use of a

burnton compass these measurements can be obtained. Following the right hand rule, the

compass is pointed to the direction that your thumb would be pointing at if you index finger is

pointing in the dip direction with your palm facing the ground. The compass must then be

balanced by centering the bubble in the circle of the bull’s eye level. The degree that the compass

needle is pointing at can then be recorded as the strike direction. The dip can then be measured

by placing the compass on its side pointing perpendicular to the strike on the feature being

measured. The dip is then measured by adjusting the clinometer level until the bubble is

centered. The value pointed by the clinometer level is the dip of the structure.

Diagram 7.2

Figure showing the dip and strike

direction of a geologic structure. The

hand outline demonstrates how to

correlate the right hand rule when

determining dip and strike.

Diagram 7.1

Illustration of all that parts of a Burnton compass.

Image from (




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8.1 General

Due to a focus on mineral exploration involving high sulfuric alteration areas in the search

for gold, silver and copper (or at least their presence) the areas were mostly geologically volcanic

in nature.

These were the most recurring rocks/minerals seen during my field time in Peru:

(Volcanic) Breccia: A rock that is made up of

smaller fragmented rocks (in this case volcanic

rocks) and/or minerals that have been cemented

together. The fragmented rocks cemented in this

rock are mostly jagged and randomly oriented.

Alunite: A relatively soft mineral formed by

acidic sulfate alteration of volcanic rocks. The

alunite found in the field during my trip was

generally soft, fine-grained (<mm) and had a

white color.

Its chemical formula is as such:


Vuggy silica: A spongy-like structured rock that

is formed by acidic sulfate alteration of volcanic

rocks. The rock is mostly silica based as exposure

to acids has dissolved the surrounding rock.

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8.2 Mesa Pata

Photo 8.1

View of Mesa Pata area.

In Mesa Pata the geology was composed of mainly intrusive igneous rocks with some

extrusive igneous rocks present. Most of the intrusive igneous rocks and outcrops seen had a

various minerals that were in the cm-mm range. Visible minerals in this rock included quartz

(transparent mineral), feldspar (white or very light colored), biotite (black, platy, and reflective),

and hornblende (black and opaque). The rocks are clearly intrusive, however ratio between

minerals was not constant in the area’s rocks causing it to vary between granite, granodiorite and

diorite. Small amounts of copper veins were found in the area and were visible at the surface as

green oxidized copper veins (1-6 cm thick, 1-5 m in length). Lead was also found in the form of

a small vein that could be seen on the surface a metallic silver vein (4-6 cm thick, ~3 m in

length). Also small amounts of copper are imbedded in parts of the lead vein. There was also a

noticeable fault scarps in the area that abruptly divided the two geologies, intrusive and

extrusive. Upon further inspection of the scarps, one side of the fault the geology was composed

of predominantly extrusive rocks and the other side darker colored intrusive rocks. The extrusive

rocks are, if not visually similar to, andesite. These rocks possess mostly (~mm) grained

minerals hornblende (black and opaque) and some form of pyroxene minerals (black). Upon

discussion with the geologist there, Jhon Pulcha, the area’s geology did not seem to favor the

presents of large copper veins. The claim was made due to the dominant presence of intrusive

rocks on the surface which is not ideal for large copper vein formation. Ideally older extrusive

geology is better for vein formation as it is more prone to cracking and allow mineral growth. It

should be noted that although some copper was clearly present in the form veins, it cannot

necessarily be assumed that the area is rich in large copper veins hidden from the surface.

Nevertheless, samples were taken for lab testing to confirm this conclusion.

Photo 8.2

View of one of the copper veins in Mesa

Pata. (Note that the copper is oxidized and is

present as green verdigris.)

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8.3 Santo Tomas

Photo 8.3

View of one section of Santo Tomas area.

In Santo Tomas the geology seems to be dominated by igneous volcanic rocks. Volcanic

breccia seems to be the most abundant rock here. Some of the rocks have small (3-6 mm) yellow

mineral growth, likely sulfur. The familiar smell of rotten eggs that usually accompanies sulfur is

also present (further evidence that sulfur is present). There is also a relatively an abundant

amount of vuggy silica present in certain areas. The presence of this rock is evidence that the

area has undergone some form of acidic sulfate alteration. Further evidence of sulfate alteration

is the presence of white relatively soft (can be scratched with finger nails) mineral, likely to be

alunite that is present in some of the rocks obtained. There is also some tuff present in the area,

although its quantity is relatively low in comparison to other volcanic rocks. Upon discussing

with the geologists there, the geology here does have characteristics that indicate the presence of

subterranean gold deposits that may be large and abundant enough for the company’s interest.

This evidence includes the presence of vuggy silica, sulfur and alunite implying that it has under

gone some form of high-sulfidation alteration. However as always, samples were obtained for

the lab to be certain that the geological claims while made in the field are correct. These samples

will also be used to measure the parts per million (ppm) of gold in the samples. With this

information the geologist can determine the amount of gold that is likely to be trapped at depth

and where resources needs to be applied.

Photo 8.4

View of a rock sample from Santo

Tomas with yellow sulfur mineral

(circled in red).

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8.4 San Juan

In San Juan there is some geothermal activity and the geology there seems to be

predominantly igneous. There are large alabaster structures that have been clearly built by the

hot springs present in the area. There is a distinct smell of sulfur emanating from the hot springs,

a clear sign that there is in fact sulfur present in the air, water and in its geology. Some vuggy

silica was also present in the area a few kilometers away from the hydrothermal structures. Due

to bad weather (thunderstorm) the area was only inspected for a few hours and not much was

concluded about the geology compared to the other areas survey in my trip. The geologist also at

the time did not come to a clear consensus on whether the area favor the presence of gold veins.

Samples were taken for the lab to further study the area in order to determine whether or not it is

in the company’s interest to continue surveying the area.

Photo 8.8

Image of an alabaster sample taken from

San Juan. The structure seen in Photo 8.7

was entirely build from this evaporate that

has been produced by the hot springs in the


Photo 8.5

View of the San Juan area and the

hydrothermal structure present.

Photo 8.7

View of myself standing in front of the largest

hydrothermal structure in the local area.

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8.5 Curshuro

Photo 8.9

View of Curshuro area.

In Curshuro there are a number of silica veins that are visible on the surface and is

dominated by igneous rocks, both intrusive and extrusive. There is an abundant amount of quartz

in the area, some in the form of (milky quartz) veins, and even some relatively small amounts as

quartz crystals (<cm in size). Naturally, this implies that the areas geology is high in silica

concentrations. There is also what seems to be pumice, tuff and volcanic breccia throughout the

area, supporting the areas volcanic geology. Alunite seems to also be present in various area of

the property. There is also an area with small amounts of what is likely hematite as it has a

distinctive reddish brown streak. A mine was also located in this area with large amounts of

pyrite and quartz crystals have been extracted and placed near the entrance. Upon examination

the geologist there believed that a small amount of silver was still present in these rocks. Some

samples were taken to confirm their claim as well as to obtain estimate on the amount of silver in

the area.

Photo 8.11

Image of a rock

composed of

relatively large (1-

1.5 cm) pyrite

crystals and quartz

crystals (<cm). This

specific sample was

found outside the

mine in Curshuro.

Photo 8.12

Image of


obtained from


Photo 8.10

View of an old mine found in Curshuro.

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Photo 9.1

Picture of myself (on the right) with some of the locals in Cajamarca who helped

IAMGOLD with field work.

9.1 Language

Peru’s dominant and official language is Spanish. The Peruvian Spanish dialect is spoken

very similarly to that of a Mexican Spanish dialect. However, it would be a mistake to assume

the two are the same with just a different accent. There are phrases and even words that carry

different meanings. In some cases these terms can convey an incoherent or even offensive

message. For this reason, one should always be mindful and careful not to assume that the

language learned from somewhere else is the same. Another prominent language in Peru that I

was exposed to was Quechua. This language is native to South America and is very different to

Spanish. Although I was not exposed to many people that only spoke Quechua, many could

speak/understand it, especially those met outside of the large cities.

Some Quechua words/phrases that I learn during my stay in Peru:


Ari – Yes

Manna – No

Manna yachanichu – don’t understand


Huk – One

Iskay – Two

Kinsa – Three

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Imata – What?

Imata munanqui – What do you want?

Unu – Water

Noqa – Me (first-person)

Pay – Him

Qan –You

Chiri – Cold

Wayra – Wind

Para – Rain

Puyu – Cloud

Jacu – Let’s go

Buriy – Walk

Machu – Elder/Ancient

Paya – (Elder) woman

Wayki – Brother

Qori – Gold

Puka – Red

Asno – Donkey

Rumi – Rock

Tawa – Four

Pisqa – Five

Soqta – Six

Qanchis - Seven

Posaq – Eight

Eskon – Nine

Chunka – Ten

(Disclaimer: There may be some error in Quechua spelling)

9.2 Culture

As a tourist, Peru has a very different culture to that of the US, from their ancestral

traditions to their pop culture. It is important to respect their culture, traditions and history as

they can find such lack of respect very offensive. Also like most countries, besides the US, they

celebrate “fútbol” (a.k.a. soccer) as their main sport. I was fortunate to have been in Peru during

the 2014 World Cup Final to witness how local Peruvians respond to such a loved event. They

are very invested in the sport and it is an easy way to start a conversation or a debate if you are

not careful. Their pop culture also commonly demonstrates their pride for their heritage. For

example one if not the most popular soft drinks in Peru is Inca Kola, notably named after the

Inca Empire that controlled the northwestern part of South America some time during the 1400 –

1500’s. Due to this pride in their heritage it is also important to be mindful of areas that are being

surveyed for potential ore mining, as any historical structures and areas with artifacts are

protected by the government and must be handled accordingly.

9.3 Common Customs (in the Field)

There are some practices that the locals living in the mountains area have seemed to have

become accustomed to when associating with “engineers,” as they would refer to us. First of all

it is important to greet them and not attempt to avoid them, as this can be seen as a sign of

disrespect and even danger to them. We are strangers on their homeland and it is important that

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they understand our purpose/motive of the work being done there. It is also customary to give

some form of consumable (e.g. a soda and/or an apple) to them upon greeting them. I was told

this is simply a form of showing them respect and as a form of bartering for their acceptance and

in some cases cooperation. It should also go without saying that all locals are to be treated with

the upmost respect and that we be as cooperative with them as possible.

9.4 Local Relationships

Due to the nature of geological exploration and mining, the company involved needs to

receive permission from the owner(s) of any of the properties involved. This can include the

approval of local villages/towns. I am told that it is common to offer the locals paid work

(usually as laborers) in the construction of a new road/path or even in any labor intensive work

related to the exploration or mining of the area. During my time in Cajamarca, IAMGOLD hired

various locals to help with obtaining rock samples of the area. This is a mutual relationship that

is created with mining/exploration companies and the locals. Since there are people, including

locals that see these mining/exploration corporations as harmful organizations driven by greed, it

is important that it remain clear that everything is done ethically and legally correct.

9.5 Business Meeting

During my time with Pucará, I had the privilege of sitting-in in two office meetings that

Steve Zuker had. Meetings started off by greeting the person(s) participating along with a

customary hand shake. The meeting seemed to be fairly direct, for instance usually begin the

conversation with the reason of why the meeting was arranged. Although it remained fairly focus

and professional discussion would sometimes consist of courteous remarks or small-talk. It was

also common to bring up connections to contacts relevant to the conversation. These meetings

would come to a conclusion lead to the exchange of information (i.e. their business cards),

shaking hands, saying a good bye and walking the person out.

10.0 PIMA

10.1 PIMA General Information

While in Pucará Resources’ office, I briefly learned to use a Portable Infrared Mineral

Analyzer (PIMA) as well as translated the directions for its use from English to Spanish. PIMA

obtains measurements by measuring the percent of infrared light reflected at various wavelengths

(nm range). These measurements (patterns) are unique to a mineral, thus revealing its identity.

The system that was used during my trip was the oreXpress™

Spectrometer by Spectral International Inc.

This was used in conjunction with a laptop provided to me by

Pucará Resources.

Note: Image from (

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10.2 PIMA Hardware/Software




Reference Sample

USB connection (Spectrometer to Computer)

Computer installed with,

- PIMA software (e.g. DARWinSP)

- Mineral Library

10.3 How to use PIMA

Obtaining data (using DARWinSP):

1. Start the computer.

2. Assemble and turn on the spectrometer.

3. Connect the spectrometer to the computer via USB cable.

4. Run DARWinSP executable on computer.

5. Configure the instrument.

6. Click “Inst. Control”

7. Click “Connect/Disconnect” the software should state COM# Opened (were # is

the number of the com) and click ok.

8. A new window will appear that will allow you to name the file in which the data

will be save in and let you choose the location of the file.

9. A reference scan should be performed before scanning samples. To do this aim

the probe on to the reference panel and click the “Ref” button in the program and

wait for the scan to complete.

10. Now the equipment is ready to be used. To obtain a spectral scan, aim the probe

on the area of interest. When set, click “Tgt” to obtain a spectral measurement.

Once the measurements were obtained they can be compare to a mineral library to determine its


11.0 SGS

Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS) is a company that specializes in inspecting, testing,

and verifying various physical and chemical characteristics to various materials. Maria Napanga,

the Service Head of Geochemistry in SGS (Peru) gave me a tour of the laboratories. In respect to

mineral exploration geology, SGS is used as a geochemical lab to measure the concentrations

and verify the presence of gold, silver, and/or copper. Companies (i.e. Pucará Resources,

IAMGOLD) will obtain samples in areas of interest, catalog the samples (i.e. assign sample

number, note location, ect.) then send them to a geochemical lab (e.g. SGS). In the case of SGS

they will start the process by recording the sample number given by the company. Then they will

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assign a new sample number for their process and records. Samples will then be dried by being

heated up at 100°C and then weighted. Samples then undergo through sample crushing which

turns the samples into ~2mm sized pieces. Then 250g of each sample gets taken for

pulverization. In sample pulverization, the sample is pulverized to a pulp (particles of <75μ

[Note: μ = microns]). This pulp is then used for analytical results. It should also be noted that

two blanks are used by SGS for quality control.

To measure for gold and silver, SGS begins by heating the sample to 1050°C in an

industrial oven. Up to 84 samples can be heated per oven at once. Samples are placed in a

chemical mix (high in lead) which acts as a sponge for molten gold. The samples are heated for

an hour. After this process, what is referred to as a "button" is obtained from every sample,

which contains the precious metal along with the lead used to trap it. (The lead absorbs the silver

and the gold in the material.) The button is then put onto a porous (semi-permutable) cup which

is then heated at about 950°C. The button melts and the lead is absorbed by the cup leaving the

precious metals behind. Chemicals are then used to separate the gold from the silver. Then

finally the metals are measured and compared. The total process usually takes around 8 hours.

Also since the samples are cataloged and track throughout the process any suspicious samples

can be back tracked and redone with the excess sample material.

SGS also has a chemical lab that are used for identifying and measuring amounts of various

other elements (including but not limited to copper, sulfur, and lead) with the use of acids and

other chemicals. The labs there have control of humidity and temperature, also blanks (one for

every 25 samples) are used to obtain reliable results. Depending on the test being conducted on

the samples, different acids are used which are located in separate container to prevent

contamination. There are various machines used to mix, shake and separate chemicals and/or

precipitates. It should also be noted that pH can also be measure in this lab.

Once the desired measurements are accurately obtained from the processes described above

from the rock samples provided, the information is linked back to the original catalog number

and the data is then sent back to the corresponding company. The company then can begin to

apply and interpret the newly acquired information to further evaluate the area being surveyed.


During my trip in Peru I learned, experienced and practiced various tasks that benefited

me both in my academics and my (future) profession. In general as a student and future

geoscientist, I was exposed to the industry of mineral (gold/silver/copper) exploration. Thanks to

the people of Pucará, IAMGOLD and everyone else that I had the pleasure of meeting during my

time in Peru, I now have some real world experience in a field that I have great interest in.

Although I went as mainly a student/intern, I was also inevitably and pleasantly a tourist. I was

introduced to culturally rich and proud country with people that have given me memories that

will stay with me through my life. In closing, this report completely but briefly accounts for my

2014 summer trip to Peru.

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Ferrigno, D. and et al. "Kirazli and Agi Dagi gold project, Canankkale Province, Biga Peninsula." NI 43-

101 technical report prepared for Alamos Gold Inc. by Kappes, Cassiday & Associates. 2012.

Miller, Scott; Traver, Elizabeth. Surface and Subsurface Hydrology Lab (SSHL): Support Equipment. n.d.

Web page. 1 September 2014. <


Montes, María Sánchez. Mapa Geográfico del Perú. n.d. Article. 1 September 2014.


Park, Steven L. Santo Tomas Gold Project. Technical Report. Lima, 2014. Document.

Sillitoe, R.H. "Porphyry Copper Systems: Economic Geology." 105 (2010): 403-417.

Note: Any photos used, unless specified with a reference, were taken during my trip (via iPad 2)

either by me or by someone that I was accompanied with. Also the majority of this report’s

information was obtained from notes taken throughout my trip. The content of these notes were

obtained from working, listening, and/or reading information provided by the people that I had

the privilege to meet and/or work with in Peru.

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