personality. qotd andrew, ghizzone, danielle onda do you: a. have your own personality b. copy...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Andrew, Ghizzone, Danielle Onda

Do you:

A. have your own personality

B. copy others who have persnailty traits you want

C. form a persona to fit in based on situation

Kaylene Gillis

Would you consider yourself to have high or low self-esteem?

A) High

B) Low

C) It depends on the situation

Nora Alnajjar

Are you the kind of person who care the most about what everyone else thinks ?

A) I always care and worry about what others think of me.

B) I rarely care about it.

C) Does what they think even matter?

Samantha Kerr, Abdullah Albader, Emma Shellenback, Jordan Fushimi, Austin Napier, Elyse


What do you think impacts your personality the most?

A. Family / parents

B. Environment / random events

C. Friends

D. School

E. Genes / Self

Zoe Golden, Lexi Shryack, Tamar Hedeshian, Spencer Conroy

Do you think you can actually change aspects of your personality on purpose?

A. Yes

B. No

Spencer Conroy

People with multiple personality disorders know they have multiple personalities.

A) True

B) False

C) No such thing as multiple personality disorder.

The Big Questions / Issues

What is stable and identifiable about you? Why is it the “big five” and not something else?? What’s the implication of different personalities?

The Big Five OCEAN

Openness imaginative, curious, intellectual, creative.. Vs: conventional and practical, enjoy routine, “down to earth”

Conscientiousness careful, thorough, well-organized, responsible Vs: careless, inefficient, disorganized, irresponsible

Extraversion Sociable, energetic, assertive, other-oriented Vs: Passive, reserved, quiet, self-oriented

Agreeableness Warm, kind, empathetic, compassionate, trusting Vs: Hostile suspicious, unkind, lacking in trust..

Neuroticism Easily upset, anxious, emotional, self-pitying, worriers.. Vs: Even-tempered, comfortable with selves, calm, stable.

Big Five Issues Seem clearly distinct in general desirability:

there is a “good” side and a “bad” side to each Why has evolution preserved all these “bad”

personalities? What is actually “good” about them? Strong social orientation: mostly about how we

interact with others Openness, Neuroticism about “cognitive /

affective” balance? Openness = approach vs. avoid bias Aren’t these really the same thing anyway?

Gender Differences

Women higher in neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness



Self Esteem, Humanism, and Your Castle

You are the sole regent of your own subjective world (the castle of your mind)

You cannot abdicate the throne! Threats to your rule are existential threats!

We are all defensive, narcissistic, etc..

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