personal update 1303

Post on 27-Apr-2015






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Nancy Missler

Dr. Steve Elwart




p.6 The Church in the End Times: Dr. Chuck Missler Let’s take stock of ourselves: Is the “Gospel” preached in your church? What is the sta-tus of Biblical literacy in your fellowship? Is our Christianity lukewarm?p.20 Epigenetics Part 2: Marc HodgesEpigenetics is one of the fastest-growing areas of bio-logical research worldwide. It is also upending long-held views about people, society, and life.

p.28 The Blood and the Lamb: Dr. Dan StolebargerAs Believers we need to see the patterns and then be able to “unpack” the ways in which Yeshua can be seen as the completion or the fulfillment of Passover.

p.35 Definition of an Overcomer: Nancy MisslerOvercomers are those who have learned how to master the flesh and prevail over the world and the devil through Christ.

Dr. Steve Elwart

p.12 THERE IS NO DOUBT that gun violence in the U.S. is a problem, but so is the progressive loss of freedoms. The Second Amendment is very short because when it was drafted, no explanation was needed. How it is interpreted today depends on your worldview.


As Proverbs 18:13 states, “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” As maturing Christians, we should find value in diverse views challenging us to further study and to be open to additional perspectives. While we may not agree with all the details in each article, we see great value in them. These articles are intended to stimulate discussion among the Koinonia Institute membership as well as our Personal Update subscribers. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - DR. CHUCK MISSLER, EXECUTIVE EDITOR - DR. GORDON MCDONALD, MANAGING EDITOR - TRACY MCDONALD, DIRECTOR OF PRINTING - DAVID HANSON, LAYOUT EDITOR - GARRETT MCDONALD EXECUTIVE RESEARCH ANALYST - STEVE ELWART Personal UPDATE is a registered trademark of Koinonia House, Inc.. Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Volume 23, Number 3. Personal UPDATE is published monthly for the supporters of the ministries of Koinonia Institute, Inc. Physical address: 4055 East 3rd Avenue, Post Falls, Idaho 83854. Mailing address: P.O. Box D, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0347. Phone Orders: 1-800-KHOUSE1 (1-800-546-8731). Office Phone: 1-208-773-6310. Fax: 1-208-773-6312. Koinonia House Website: Online Store: To Subscribe call: 1-800-546-8731. The Koinonia House mission is to create, develop and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Koinonia House, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 company. The Koinonia Institute mission is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian to sojourn in today’s world. President/Founder Dr. Chuck Missler COO Mark Gustafson Executive Director of Education Dr. Dan Stolebarger Executive Director of Research and Analysis Dr. Gordon McDonald KI Project Manager Mary Gehl Provost Clint Robertson Registrar Stan Honn Dean Pat Poole.




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REDESIGNING THE CHURCHis a charge to Christians to reignite their



commemora-tive, but are

also prophetic


A fundamental consitutent of the universe is information.



Dr. Gordon McDonaldExecutive Editor, Personal UPDATE

CHANGE. WE WERE PROMISED CHANGE. Change that would usher in a “new” era of peace and prosperity. This was the campaign promise. Four years later, enough voters in this last election believed that change still, in the face of four years of evidence to the contrary, had a chance to have a “positive” effect on our culture, our economy and our

way of life. Mysterious.

What we are left with is an ever-increasing encroachment by our federal authority on the most fundamental freedoms accorded us by our founding fathers. Clearly the framers of the Constitution, its amendments, and the Bill of Rights were concerned about this very situa-tion.

Now we have before us the arduous task of protecting, for our children’s sake, the heritage that so many have given their lives for in the past. History repeats itself over and over as unscrupulous and unlawful men try to curtail these “inalienable” and “God-given” rights of freedom of choice and self-determination.

We change this first in our own lives. We must remain clean before God if we are to prevail. Never has it been more important to think and act as we know we should. Our perspectives and our decisions are only as effective and pure as our hearts. Our dedication to the Word of God is absolutely essential. If we be found with hatred or malice, we will only produce the same. The end never justifies the means. The principles we dedicate and live our lives according to are the ones we will be judged by.

Our country needs prayer. We need repentance and grace. Our country needs the “sleeping giant” to wake up before what is left is taken away. It is time for a us.

Dr. Gordon McDonaldExecutive Editor


ARCHAEOLOGY >> ANCIENT SHILOH MAY HAVE BURNEDRecent archaeological findings in Samaria, Israel shed light on the incomplete story of the destruction of Shiloh, the ancient capital of Israel. An uncovered broken clay pitcher lying in a layer of reddish ashes was discovered near the ancient site where the Mishkan, the Tabernacle,

was placed during the Judges period. For more info: Read more.

AMERICA >> TEACHER FIRED FOR GIVING CURIOUS CHILD A BIBLEA Phillipsburg, N.J. substitute teacher has been terminated for the year after sharing a Bible verse with a student and subsequently giving the child a Bible. The school board’s decision follows an October incident in which Walter Tutka quoted the Bible saying, “So the last will be first, and the first will be last” to a student who was last in line to leave the classroom, WFMZ

reports. For more info: Read more.

INTERNATIONAL >> BRITAIN IN HARD SPOT TO BATTLE JIHADISTSBritain has vowed a tough response against militants in North Africa, but behind its tough language lies the ugly reality of a fast-shrinking army, deep budget cuts and little U.S. interest

in another costly war in a distant desert. For more info: Read more.

MIDDLE EAST>> EGYPT’S MORSI TO MEDIATE BETWEEN FATAH AND HAMASEgyptian President Mohammed Morsi is set to mediate talks in Cairo between the leaders of Fatah and Hamas to help implement a unity pact signed in 2011. Egypt helped broker the deal between Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who heads the Fatah party, and Hamas’s Khaled Meshaal. The Islamist movement ousted Fatah from Gaza in 2007 after winning Palestinian

elections the previous year. For more info: Read more.

ENTERTAINMENT >> RAPPER EMINEM MAY HAVE GIVEN LIFE TO THE LORDReports are surfacing about the rapper, Eminem, becoming a born again Christian and turning his life over to the hands of Christ. According to Gossip Cop, the rapper will no longer suc-cumb to the rigors and expectations performers in the industry are facing today. The Christian Post’s blog has further stated that Eminem is “building a relationship with God and using that to help him spiritually, and with his addiction problems.” Are these rumors or facts, though?

For more info: Read more.



John must have been puzzled. Exiled to the lonely island of Patmos, he has just begun to

receive what will become known as the most elevated vision of things to come given

to any person in the history of the planet earth. The vision begins with a resurrected,

immortal Jesus of Nazareth dictating seven letters for delivery to the pastors of seven

churches that existed during the latter half of the first century. With

eyes of flames like fire and feet like bronze that glows in a furnace, the

God-man—who once was dead and now is alive forevermore—is ill.

In fact, He is about to vomit!1

For those who recognize the role and perspective of the seven

letters of Revelation 2 and 3, it is clear that we are, indeed, in the La-

odicean Age. The focus and design of each of the letters have local,

admonitory, and personal application. However, they also profile—in

advance—the history of the church through two thousand years. (In

any other order, this wouldn’t be true.)

These seven letters constitute “report cards” of the performance

of each church, containing commendations and admonitions regarding

needed correction: “good news” as well as “bad news.” And, appar-

ently, each church is surprised. Those who thought they were doing

well, were not. Those who thought they weren’t doing so well were en-

couraged and doing better than they knew. (Each of these letters gives

us insight and food for introspection.)

However, two of them have no good news at all: Sardis and La-




Dr. Chuck Missler - Founder

BIODr. Chuck Missler President/Founder, Koinonia Institute After a distinguished military career and more than 30 very successful years in the corporate business environment, Chuck was led to pursue a life-long endeavor of teaching the Bible on a full-time basis. He founded Koinonia House, an organization devoted to encouraging people to study the Bible. He also founded Koinonia Institute to enable people to have a Kingdom effect on the world today.


Regarding Laodicea, Jesus is really sick of “lukewarm” Christianity. He is about to vomit: “...I will spue thee out of my mouth...”

odicea. Sardis is dead;

“Christian” in name only.2

Unfruitful denomination-

alism, apparently.

Regarding Laodicea,

Jesus is really sick of “luke-

warm” Christianity. He is

about to vomit:

“So then because thou art

lukewarm, and neither

cold nor hot, I will spue

thee out of my mouth.

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods,

and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor,

and blind, and naked:” 3

They think they are “rich and in need of nothing,” but are actually “miserable, poor,

blind, and naked.” That’s about as graphic and antithetical as you can get.

There are many who lay the blame for the astonishing and sinister years of the Holo-

caust in Germany in the 1940s at the feet of the silent

pulpits in Germany. Let’s take stock of ourselves: Why

is the divorce rate among Christians no better than

among unbelievers? Is the “Gospel” preached in your

church? Can you even define it? (1 Cor 15:1-4). What

is the status of Biblical literacy in your fellowship? Is

there an effective program underway to improve it? (We

could continue to explore the impending enslavement of

America, but that’s a topic for another article!)

We can’t help but notice the silent exodus of people

slipping out the back doors of many churches almost unnoticed: attracted but not retained;

interested but not inserted into fellowship; touched but not transformed. They looked in

briefly but were disappointed in what they saw. We also notice that many serious believers

John writing on Patmos


shun the label “Christian”; they meet during the week in study groups, but have not found a

Sunday fellowship they find fruitful or challenging.

It is relevant to recognize that our present concept of “church” is a product derived from

4th century politics. It ought to be obvious to even the casual observer of history that the

real story of the church is not the one recorded in secular history.4 Who were the Walden-

sians? The Lollards? The Stundists? The Anabaptists? The Priscillians? The Bogomilians?

Petrobusians? Patarenians?

These names were given by their enemies to those who

claimed only the name of Christ, and who were prepared to

suffer for His cause rather than submit to those man-made

traditions that they believed contradicted the Word of God.

The1se were independent fellowships that were outlawed and

persecuted. Those intrepid believers, “of whom the world

was not worthy,” were not only persecuted by civil authorities, they were denounced, de-

famed, and decimated by the professing church.

While many of us may have some awareness of the history of tensions between the Ro-

man Catholics and the Protestants, it may come as a shock to discover that Protestant lead-

ership also persecuted deviant groups who attempted to adhere to Biblical doctrines.5 And

some still do. As we approach the “end times,” our Lord admonished us:

“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the

door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will

sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne,

even as I also over-

came, and am set

down with my

Father in h i s

throne.” 6

Notice that

the Lord is outside

the Laodicean

door, knocking!

And His call is to

Notice that the Lord is outside the Laodicean door, knocking!


the individual. How insightful… The Lord’s displeasure to Laodicean “lukewarmness” is in

stark contrast to a note that was found in the room of an anonymous African martyr:7

I’m part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have Holy

Spirit power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over

the line. The decision has been made. I’m a disciple of His.

I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still.

My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I’m finished

with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colourless

dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap living, and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits,

or popularity.

I don’t have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or re-

warded. I now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift

by prayer, and labour by power. My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is

heaven, my road is narrow, my way rough, my companions few, my guide

reliable, my mission clear.

I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back,

deluded or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the

presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the

pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

I won’t give up, shut up, or let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed

up, paid up, and preached up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of

Jesus. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and

work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no

problems recognizing me—my banner will be clear!

Some further thoughts about specific challenges for the Church

in the End Times, and suggested remedies, are the subject of a featured

Briefing Pack this month. See page 10.

And His call is to the individual. How insightful...

NOTES1. Adapted from Dr.

Wil l iam Welty ’s foreword to The Kingdom, Power, and Glory – The Overcomer’s Hand-book, 2009.

2. Revelation 3:1-6.3. Revelation 3:16,17.4. We call your at-

te nt i o n to T h e Pilgrim Church by Edmund Hammer Broadbent, 1931. It was out of print for many years, but has been reprinted by Gospel Folio Press in 1999; PO Box 2031 Grand Rapids MI 49501.

5. W h y w e r e t h e Quartodecimens excommunicated? Check them out in any reliable ency-clopedia.

6. Revelation 3:19-21.7. Passed on by Dr.

Bob Moorehead, The Way of the Master.


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There are a few topics that are guaranteed to stir up fierce debate within the United

States: Abortion, the Freedom of Religion, and the Freedom of Speech, to name a few. The

“Right to Bear Arms” is another.

There are good and knowledgeable people on both sides of the issue and recent trag-

edies have brought this debate into sharp focus.

Some people question why, with so much crime and violence in the country, would

people want to keep the sale and possession of firearms legal. Others point out that far more

violent crimes are committed with other weapons, such as clubs and knives.

Many on Capitol Hill would like to ban all firearms outright, but there is one thing

preventing them from introducing such a law—the United States Constitution. The Sec-

ond Amendment to the Constitution states:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people

to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

by Dr. Steve ElwartExecutive Analyst,Koinonia Institute





The meaning of this amendment has been heatedly and vocifer-

ously debated over the last 50 years. As with most things in the law,

many court decisions have revolved around a single word or phrase.

In this case, what does the term “people” mean? Does “people” refer to

a group of people, such as a “militia”; if so, what is a militia?

Those who favor gun rights put forth the idea that the right to

keep and bear arms is an individual right just as are the freedoms

of speech and religion. Those who favor gun control stress that the

right applies only to collective groups, such as the military and police


How you interpret the text depends on your worldview. There are

those that believe that the Constitution is a “living, breathing docu-

ment”; they believe that the meaning of the Constitution changes over

time and that the implementation of this document needs to change as

well. They believe that any court decision, especially those of the U.S.

Supreme Court, can interpret the meaning of the document in the light

of the current culture and

laws set forth in other


There are also those

that believe that the mean-

ing of the Constitution

depends on the “original

intent” of the document;

that the interpretation of

the Constitution should

be made in light of the

original meaning of the text

at the time of its writing.

“Living and Breathing” vs. Original Intent

The Second Amendment is very short be-

by Steve Elwar t Executive Analyst Koinonia Institute

Steve Elwart i s the Executive Analyst for the Koinonia Institute and has been a member of the Institute since 2006. He has spent 40 years in the Oil Industry. In those 40 years, Steve has had the opportunity to work not only in private industry, but also as a consultant w i t h n u m e r o u s government agencies. As a Subject Matter Expert on energy, automation, a n d c y b e r s e c u r i t y, S t e v e h a s w o r k e d with two presidential administrations, several cabinet level departments, as well as numerous congressional staffs and state commissions. Steve has also served as interim pastor of his church.



The Second Amendment is very short because when it was drafted, no explanation was needed.

cause when it was drafted, no

explanation was needed. As

Chief Justice Taft said:

The language of the Constitu-

tion cannot be interpreted

safely except by reference to the

common law … as it was when

the instrument was framed and


To look at what the Eng-

lish Common Law was, one

can look to writings outside

the fledgling country by an

Englishman well versed in that law. In 1782 Granville Sharp (a strong supporter of Ameri-

can independence) said, “The laws of England always required the people to be armed, and

not only armed, but to be expert in arms.”1

To those that believe that the Constitution

is a “living” document subject to modern inter-

pretation must look past the men who wrote the

Constitution for the basis of their argument. The

term itself as it applies to the Constitution comes

from the title of the 1927 book The Living Constitution by Professor Howard McBain, while

later efforts to promote the concept were credited to such men as Oliver Wendell Holmes

Jr. and Woodrow Wilson.

Supporters of a strict interpretation of the Constitution go back much farther. As ex-

plained by Noah Webster (the Founder responsible for Article I, Section 8 of the Constitu-

tion), serious error can result when the original intent is erased or ignored:

[I]n the lapse of two or three centuries, changes have taken place which … obscure the sense

of the original languages.… The effect of these changes is that some words are … now used

in a sense different from that which they had … [and thus] present a wrong signification

Chief Justice William Howard Taft, 1925


or false ideas. Whenever words are understood in a sense different from that which they had

when introduced… mistakes may be very injurious.2

To avoid such mistakes, President Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to Supreme

Court Justice William Johnson:

On every question of construction, carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was

adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and

instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of

the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable

one in which it was passed.

Constitution signer James Madison agreed with

Jefferson, stating:

I entirely concur in the propriety of resorting to the sense

in which the Constitution was accepted and ratified by the nation. In that sense alone it is

the legitimate Constitution. And if that be not the guide in expounding it, there can be no

security for a consistent and stable, more than for a faithful exercise of its powers.… What

a metamorphosis would be produced in the code of law if all its ancient phraseology were to

be taken in its modern sense.

Our Founding Fathers had a very clear idea of what the meaning of the Constitution

was in general and the Second Amendment in particular:

[T]he said Constitution [should] be never construed … to prevent the people of the United

The argument that the Second Amend-ment only applies to hunting and target shooting misses the mark.

The Signing of the Constitution


States, who are peaceable citizens, from

keeping their own arms.

Samuel Adams

The right … of bearing arms … is de-

clared to be inherent in the people.

Fisher Ames3

The great object is that every man be

armed.… Every one who is able may

have a gun. But have we not learned by

experience that, necessary as it is to have

arms, … it is still far from being the case?

Patrick Henry

The argument that the Second

Amendment only applies to hunting and target shooting misses the mark. When the Sec-

ond Amendment was written, hunting was an activity people did to put food on the table

and target shooting was unheard of, given the cost of musket balls.

The Second Amendment was written

by a group of people who had just fought

a war against an oppressive government

bent on keeping the colonies under sub-

jugation. (The Battles of Lexington and

Concord, the first military engagements of

the Revolutionary War were fought because

700 British Regulars were given orders to

seize the arms that were being held by the

citizen militia in Concord, Massachusetts.)

The Bill of Rights

None of the items in the “Bill of Rights” (the first 10 amendments to the Constitu-

tion) gave people new rights; they were an affirmation of existing rights, some of the Found-

ers wanted to assure they kept. The Bill of Rights came about as a result of a compromise

to get the Constitution itself ratified. Some of the Framers would not sign the document

The Second Amendment was written by a group of people who had just fought a war against an oppressive government bent on keeping the colonies under subjugation.

Patrick Henry


unless they were assured these amendments were put to a vote by the new states. Others,

such as Thomas Jefferson, did not want to itemize the rights at all since he believed that by

itemizing the rights, future administrations could argue that these were the only rights the

people were guaranteed. (For more information on the framing of the Constitution, please

see “The American Constitution” in the October 2012 issue of Personal Update).

A Slippery Slope

There are many people that believe this strict interpretation is not valid. Elliot Minc-

berg, Vice President of the group People for the American Way has stated, “It was the fram-

ers that intended that the Constitution would adapt to changing circumstances.”

Using this argument for judicial and legislative activism is, in the mind of strict con-

structionists, a slippery slope.

Over the course of history, there have been a series of Supreme Court decisions that

have been very controversial and whether one believes that taking an activist stance in these

cases depends on their political philosophy.

People that applaud the decision in Roe vs. Wade legalizing abortion were horrified

with the Court’s decision in regard to the Florida Recount in the 2000 Presidential Elec-

tion, essentially stopping the recount in that state with George W. Bush in the lead. It was

Florida’s electoral vote that gave the election to Bush.

The Pathway to Change

The framers of the Constitution did realize that it would need to be revised and up-

dated over time. However, it is not reasonable to assume that natural, God-given rights can

be altered or abolished by nine people who

sit on the Supreme Court for a limited

period of time.

The framers (and the states that rati-

fied the Constitution) provided a method

for the people, not the courts or legislatures,

to change the document. Article Five of

the Constitution describes the method for

modifying the document.

United States Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.


Article Five of the Constitution states that amendments may be proposed by either:

• Two-thirds of both houses of the United States Congress; or

• Byanationalconventionassembledattherequestofthelegislaturesofat

least two-thirds of the states.

The proposed changes must then be ratified either by approval of:

• The legislatures of three-fourths of the states; or

• Stateratifyingconventions held in three-fourths of the states.

It is this method of updating the Constitution that must be followed. As Samuel

Adams compellingly declared:

[T]he people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute

government and to reform, alter, or totally change the same when their protection, safety,

prosperity, and happiness require it. And the federal Constitution, according to the mode

prescribed therein, has already undergone such amendments in several parts of it as from

experience has been judged necessary.4

This is a slow, cumbersome, tedious

process, as it should be. Even with this pro-

cess, the country has had second thoughts

about the few changes that were made. The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution

which prohibited the manufacturing, importing, and exporting of alcoholic beverages

took effect in 1920 and subsequently repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment in 1933.

Given that amendments passed under this

complicated process have been changed,

how many rulings made by an activist ju-

diciary need to be changed as well?

From the time the Constitution was

ratified, it has been under assault, by law-

makers and the courts. Under the guise

of “fairness” and “safety,” unjust bills have

been passed and unseen bureaucrats have

made pronouncements that carry the force

of law. People have had the use of their

From the time the Constitution was ratified, it has been under assault.

Teetotaling rally during Prohibition


property (and sometimes the property itself ) denied them “for

the common good” or to “preserve the environment.” They are

no longer protected from “unreasonable search and seizure” in

the name of public safety. They cannot practice their religion in

the name of tolerance. They are murdered in the womb in the

name of “privacy.”

This loss of freedom has not occurred under the presidential

administration of just one party. The Patriot Act signed into law

by G.W. Bush, then expanded and continued by Barack Obama,

is just one of many examples of American citizens being system-

atically stripped of their rights. Now, the Right to Keep and Bear

Arms is on the table, for “our safety.”

There is absolutely no doubt that gun violence in the Unit-

ed States is a problem, but so is the progressive loss of freedoms.

The current fight over gun control is not only a reflection of how

the United States, as a country, will address the issue of violence,

but also a debate over how far an activist court and federal leg-

islature can go in circumventing the basic law of the land that

protects the People’s God-given rights.

John Dickinson, a signer of the Constitution, Governor of

Pennsylvania, and devout Quaker, put it this way.

Kings or parliaments could not give the rights essential to happiness.…

We claim them from a higher source—from the King of kings, and

Lord of all the earth. They are not annexed to us by parchments

and seals. They are created in us by the decrees of Providence, which

establish the laws of our nature. They are born with us; exist with

us; and cannot be taken from us by any human power without tak-

ing our lives. In short, they are founded on the immutable maxims

of reason and justice. It would be an insult on the Divine Majesty

to say that he has given or allowed any man or body of men a right

to make me miserable.5

1. Sharp, G. (1782). Tracts, Concerning the Antient and Only True Legal Means of National De-fence by a Free Militia. London.

2. Webster, N. (1833). The Holy Bible … with Amendments of the Language, ppiii. New Haven: Durrie & Peck.

3. A framer of the second amendment in the first congress.

4. Independent Chronicle (Boston), January 21, 1796, Sam Adams to the legislature of Mas-sachusetts on January 19, 1796.

5. John Dickinson, The Po-litical Writings of John Dickinson (Wilmington: Bonsal and Niles, 1801), Vol. I, pp. 111–112.

Barton, D. (2000). The Second Amendment: Preserving the Inalien-able Right of Individual Self-Protection. Aledo, Tx: WallBuilder Press pp 4-6.

Winters, B. (2008). Excel-lence of the Common Law. Charleston, IL: Armstrong & Winters Foundation.




In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was

in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing

was made that was made... And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...

John 1:1-3, 14

In last month’s article on epigenetics, we discussed how scientists are

grappling with two inherent limitations in using science to dis-

cern truth: the flawed natures of the scientific method and of

people. In addition, science assumes that facts are neutral. How-

ever, the Bible tells us there is no neutral fact. There is singular truth

and malicious deception. These cautions must be kept in mind as we

continue exploring the new science of epigenetics.

Changing Views of Bio-Information

Bio-information is the biochemical instructions through which

living things grow, maintain, and reproduce themselves. DNA has

long been considered the library of bio-information and the control-

ler of systems in cells and creatures. Beginning largely in the 1990s,

scientists have been finding this view unsatisfactory. What we see in

the DNA of a cell or creature is not fully what we get in its body or

behavior. Something else is going on between the instructions con-

tained in DNA (the genotype) and the resultant product (the phenotype). This “something

else” has been dubbed “epigenetics,” meaning “above genetics” or “outside of genetics.”




Marc HodgesResearch Analyst, KI

by Ma rc Ho d g e sRe s e a r c h A n a l y s t Koinonia Inst itute

Marc Hodges is a former wildlife biologist and served as a police officer. He is now an entrepreneur, a successful developer of public safety data systems, and a car-penter. Marc seeks to help others put Scripture ahead of science in their lives.



And again, contrary to

a core belief of the DNA era

(the second half of the 20th

century), epigenetic research

reveals that significant bio-in-

formation can be acquired in

creatures’ lifetimes through

experiences and choices.

This information can then

affect their bodies and behav-

ior, and can also be inherited

by their descendants for at least

several generations. All this without changing the creatures’ underlying DNA. The existence

of these effects is being explored in humans with positive early results.

Thus far, epigenetics has been considered a

biochemical switching system that turns existing

bio-information in DNA on and off, or dialing it up

and down, depending on internal needs and/or cues

received from the environment. However, the view

of epigenetics as a bio-information language system

in its own right is emerging,1 and is casting doubt

on the view of DNA as the sole blueprint

for life.2

It appears DNA will be seen as the

creature’s consistent, slowly changing bio-

information baseline that is largely insu-

lated from the creature’s environment. In

contrast, epigenetics will be viewed as the

fast-changing, environmentally responsive

bio-information system that provides

rapid adaptability for the creature and

passes these adaptions to its descendants

in a resettable way.

Early results indicate people may experience certain health consequences from their choices...

Genetics Lab at University of California, Berkeley

Computer rendering of DNA double helix


Ripple Effects

Epigenetics is one of the fastest-growing areas of biological research worldwide. It is up-

ending long-held views about people, society and life.

Early results indicate people may experience certain health consequences from their

choices that affect not only themselves but their descendants (see last month’s article).

For example, diet, nurturing, smoking or abuse

by parents might affect the health of their children,

grandchildren and perhaps great grandchildren.

Health effects of sustained joy or exposure to a

toxin might last for generations. The way we treat

other people might cause epigenetic changes that impact them and their descendants. Our

descendants may interact with their descendants, perhaps experiencing the consequences of

the actions we, their progenitors, took.

This is a sobering responsibility. Encouragingly, some of these effects appear resettable

by making better choices.

As epigenetic discoveries penetrate the public mind, we should expect efforts to expand

the reach of law, government regulations, and the education lobby.3 Where a chemical man-

ufacturer is today liable for the effects of its product on one generation of exposed persons,

with epigenetics the injured parties span multiple generations. If the state has an interest in

removing children from parents based on current allegations, its leverage will be multiplied

when the effect is seen to impact generations of the unborn, regardless of how hypocritical

this may be in relation to abortion policy. If education can change behavior, affecting life

choices here and now, the funding justification is magnified when future generations are at


On the other hand,

epigenetics undercuts a

core justification for carbon

emissions control plans

and other environmental

regulations. It suggests that

some creatures can adapt

very quickly, within several

generations as opposed to

Computer rendering of a chromosome

...that affect not only themselves but their descendants.


supposed eons, to certain

effects of rapidly changing

environmental conditions.4

This adaptability may happen

as fast or faster than problems

posed by climate change or

gradual habitat loss.

Epigenetics raises ques-

tions about what a species

really is. And, at what level of

bio-information is conserva-

tion appropriate? The flexibility of epigenetics tends to support the species conservation

strategy of Noah’s Ark: it’s not necessary to save every species of creature, just every category

of creature.5 It also supports the creationist view of today’s creatures having diversified rap-

idly from God’s initially created creature kinds.

Prior to epigenetics, new bio-information was thought to arise only at a glacial pace

through the accumulated mistakes of DNA copying er-

rors. This is one reason many believe the earth is billions

of years old: it would take a very long time for this slow,

haphazard process confounded by occasional global catas-

trophes to create the vast complexity of bio-information

around us. But epigenetics says certain bio-information

can be created very rapidly,6 raising questions for scientists

about when life began.

Epigenetics Parallels the Bible

Scientific disciplines are converging on a central idea: a fundamental currency of the

physical universe appears to be information. Information assembles and directs the universe

and its inhabitants. This isn’t news to believers in Christ. The Bible anticipates and confirms

this discovery, and identifies both the information and its source: the Word.7

The Word both is and is from God. Man is made in His image and God made the

creatures.8 Given these linkages, we can expect that bio-information systems will exhibit

characteristics that parallel human language and God’s Word as we experience it both in and

Prior to epigenetics, new bio-information was thought to arise only at a glacial pace through the accumulated mistakes of DNA copying errors...

Armed Forces DNA Laboratory in Rockville, MD


through the Bible. This is precisely the case with epigenetics, which models the inheritable

yet resettable effects of sin presented in the Ten Commandments.9 Epigenetics, taken to-

gether with DNA, also parallels other Biblical types.

In the Bible the jot and tittle are crucial.10 These are small squiggles added to Hebrew

words which dramatically change the word’s meaning. For example, a jot added to the

Hebrew word “Lord” in Psalm 110 made the word into “My Lord.” This was the same jot

Jesus used to simultaneously silence the learned arguments of the Pharisees, bridge the Old

Testament with the New, and point to the divinity of the Christ.11

Similarly, in one of the first major epigenetic

biochemical mechanisms discovered, tiny methyl

tags comprised of a carbon atom with attendant

hydrogen atoms have been found to attach during

a creature’s lifetime to certain parts of the DNA

molecule as a result of the creature’s activities and

experiences. These tiny tags turn genes, which

are like words in the DNA, on and off or up and

down. They cause significant changes in the meaning of the DNA and significant changes

in the creature.

Like the jot Jesus used, discovering the existence and power of these bitty chemical tags

appended to the words of DNA has changed our view not only of DNA, but of ourselves

and our very origins. It will change us as well.

In another parallel, critics of the Bible point out that it’s full of contradictions: Old

Testament teachings vs. New; Jesus, fully man and fully God; grace vs. works, etc. Critics

say it means the Bible is

unreliable. But the late

Jewish political scientist

and expert on Biblical

covenant in American

governance, Daniel J.

Elazar, concluded these

apparent contradictions

are designed features, not


...but epigentics says certain bio-information can be created very rapidly, raising questions for scientists about when life began.

DNA Lab at Bowie State University


...the Biblical political teach-

ing must be discovered in the

same manner that all Biblical

knowledge must emerge, by care-

ful examination and analysis of

the text with careful attention to

recurring words and patterns and

the reconciliation of apparent con-

tradictions. 12 (emphasis added)

To that method we would

of course add prayer, the Holy

Spirit and the examination of

fruits. But we get the point.

Predestination vs. free will is one of these well-known apparent contradictions in the

Bible. The classic Nature vs. Nurture debate in biology flows from this Biblical contradic-

tion. In the Nature view, “You are your DNA” and

DNA, like predestination, controls you. In the

Nurture view, choices and free will matter.

With knowledge only of DNA, science built

a skewed worldview where DNA controls every-

thing in life. Epigenetics is DNA’s apparent contradiction and reintroduces free will. The

reconciliation between DNA and epigenetics, like the reconciliation of predestination and

free will, is correcting this skewed worldview and yielding new insight into life and therefore


Finally, the inter-responsibility between people that epigenetics emphasizes parallels yet

another major Biblical command:

...Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Matthew 22:39

Using the Bible to Direct Science

Patterns and types in nature often have a fractal-like quality. The pattern, type, or its

echo is seen again and again at differing scales of space, time and conceptual complexity.

Scientific disciplines are converging on a central idea...

DNA as viewed under an electron microscope


This same quality is seen in the Bible. As we have described with

epigenetics, the natural world echoes the patterns and types found in

the Bible.

This similarity might be taken as a sign that the Bible and

nature are both of natural origin. But the Bible predates modern

scientific discoveries about nature, and anticipates and then confirms

these discoveries in detail. This tells us that both the Bible and na-

ture are of supernatural origin.

The Bible does not just call attention to the existence of epi-

genetics, foreshadow the

basic principle of how it

operates, and model its

effects and management.

It flags epigenetics as an

example of one way to

use the Bible to drive scientific discovery: search out and reconcile

apparent contradictions in the Bible and seek out their parallels in

the physical world.

Scientists may, as Johannes Kepler once said, think God’s

thoughts after Him. But will science on its own lead to God? Appar-

ently not:

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man

cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 14:6

This Truth leads to the most amazing discovery of all:

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God,

and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

John 17:3

...that a fundamental currency of the physical universe appears to be information.

1. Hake, S.B., A Xiao and CD Allis. (2004). Linking the epigenetic “language” of cova-lent histone modi-fications to cancer. Br J Cancer. 90(4): 761–769.

2. Srinivasan, D.G. and J. A. Brisson. (2012). “Aphids: A Model for Polyphenism and Epi-genetics.” Genetics Research Internation-al. Vol. 2012, Article ID 431531.

3. Witherspoon, N. et al. (2012). The Pub-lic Health and Policy Implications of Epi-genetics and Pediatric Health Research. En-viron Health Perspect 120:a380–a381.

4. L lamas , B . et a l . (2012). High-Resolu-tion Analysis of Cy-tosine Methylation in Ancient DNA. PLoS ONE 7(1): e30226.

5. Genesis 6, 7.6. Llamas et al.7. John 1:1-3,14.8. Genesis 1.9. Exodus 20:5, 6.10. Matthew 5:18.11. Matthew 22:41-46.12. Elazar, D.J. (1998).

Covenant & Polity in Biblical Israel: Biblical Foundations & Jew-ish Expressions. p. 12. New Jersey: Transac-tion Publishers.




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The foundations of scientific materialism are in the process of crumbling. Philosopher of science Stephen C. Meyer shows how the digital code in DNA points powerfully to a designing intelli-gence behind the origin of life.

Unlike previous arguments for intelligent design, DNA By Design presents a radical and comprehensive new case, revealing the evidence not merely of individual features of biological complexity but rather of a fundamental constituent of the universe: informa-tion.

That evidence has been mounting exponentially in recent years, known to scientists in specialized fields but largely hidden from public view. A Cambridge University-trained theorist and research-er, director of the Discovery Institute Center for Science and Cul-ture, Dr. Meyer is the first to bring the relevant data together into a powerful demonstration of the intelligence that stands outside nature and directs the path life has taken.


WATCH IT!Learn more about this study in this special

video excerpt.


T he types in the Bible often provide the key to deeper understanding. As Westerners when

we hear the word prophecy our minds race to a kind of prediction/fulfillment motif

while Eastern thought looks for patterns and then fulfillment. So when it comes to

Pesach (Passover), as Believers we need to be able to see the

patterns and then be able to “unpack” the ways in which Yeshua can

be seen as the completion or the fulfillment of the most fundamen-

tal and foundational of all the Feasts.

As we look back at the first Passover, let’s look at the original in-

structions as found in the second book of the Torah.

On the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb,

according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household. And if the

household is too small for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next to

his house take it according to the number of the persons; according to

each man’s need you shall make your count for the lamb. Your lamb

shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You may take it from

the sheep or from the goats. Now you shall keep it until the fourteenth

day of the same month. Then the whole assembly of the congregation of

Israel shall kill it at twilight. And they shall take some of the blood and

put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they

eat it. Then they shall eat the flesh on that night; roasted in fire, with

unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. Do not eat it

raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted in fire—its head with its legs and its entrails.

You shall let none of it remain until morning, and what remains of it until morning you shall




Dr. Dan StolebargerExecutive Director, KI

D a n St o l e b a r g e r , E x e c u t i v e D i r e c -tor of Education, KI Dan was born and raised in San Diego, California. During his Senior year of high school, Dan came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Early on, Dan had a deep thirst for the Word of God, as well as a desire to be a sold-out man of God. Dan met Chuck Missler and traveled with him to the Mediterranean countries and Israel. Dan left San Diego and moved to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho to serve as the Executive Director of Koinonia Institute.



As we look back at the first Passover, let’s look at the original instructions as found in the second book of the Torah.

burn with fire. And thus you shall eat it: with a belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet,

and your staff in your hand. So you shall eat it in haste. It is the Lord’s Passover. For I will

pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of

Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am

the Lord. Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see

the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike

the land of Egypt. So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to

the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.

Exodus 12:3-14

I know the story is familiar but let’s take it one

step at a time. First things first: you need a lamb.

And not just any lamb but one without a blemish!

After sacrificing it you are to put its blood over the

doorposts and lintel of your dwelling place. This

will be a sign in which, when observed by the Angel

of Death, he will then “pass over” the home and all

who have the blood over them will be protected.

As we begin to unearth this treasure, let me call to your mind the following nuggets

that are like jigsaw pieces that will complete this picture.

• Leviticus 17:11: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon

the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for

the soul.”


• Hebrews 9:22: “And ac-

cording to the law almost all

things are purified with blood,

and without shedding of blood

there is no remission.”

• John 1:29, 35, 36: “The

next day John saw Jesus com-

ing toward him, and said,

‘Behold! The Lamb of God

who takes away the sin of the

world!’ Again, the next day,

John stood with two of his disciples. And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, ‘Behold

the Lamb of God!’”

• John 19:4: “Pilate then went out again, and said to them, ‘Behold, I am bringing Him out

to you, that you may know that I find no fault in Him.’”

• John 19:36: “For these things were done that the Scripture should be fulfilled, ‘Not one

of His bones shall be broken.’ And again another Scripture says, ‘They shall look on Him

whom they pierced.’”

• Hebrews 10:10: By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of

Jesus Christ once for all.

Next is the unleavened bread portion. I am always blessed to see the three matzohs

wrapped in a matzoh toff in the middle of the Seder. If you look carefully you will note that

the matzohs are striped and pierced.

• Isaiah 53:5: “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities;

The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.”

• Psalm 22:16-18: “For dogs have surrounded Me; The congregation of the wicked has en-

closed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet; I can count all My bones. They look and

stare at Me. They divide My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots.”

•Zechariah 12:10: “And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem

the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes,

they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves

for a firstborn.”


Hmm...why are there three and why is the middle one which has been broken in half

then hidden? Why is that one the afikomen? Do I detect a pattern?

Summary: The Patterns Continue!

What we see is that blood was shed in order for a people to be purchased. Then they

were “schooled” in the desert and gifted with the very Word of God. After this a land was

given, but in order to possess the Land they had to

drive out the occupiers.

His Purpose was to show Himself strong and cre-

ate a people that would not only be His prized pos-

session (His firstfruits) but also that they might be a

light to draw the nations unto the Lord!

With that as the type let’s look at a “pattern.” We have been bought with a price—the

precious blood of the Passover Lamb! We too are being schooled as we continue in the daily

process known as sanctification. Our guide also is the Word of God (John 1:1). And the

purposes are woven from the same cloth

as well because our God commissions us

to be a light that would shine for Him in

this rapidly increasing darkness.

The story continues as we look at the

gifts of God to the Israelis as seen in the

seven species. And guess what? With a

little sleuth work it is not hard to see Ye-

shua as a fulfillment of each one of these as

well. For more on these amazing discover-

ies check out my teaching, titled Revealing


May this Passover never be the same as

you see the entire spectrum of what God had

in mind! Next year in Jerusalem! Shalom!

For further study, see also the follow-

ing briefing Easter: What Really Happened?

and The Feasts of Israel, on page 32.

We have been bought with a price—the precious blood of the Passover Lamb!




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The Feasts of IsraelThe Feasts of Israel, set by God, are not only commemorative in a historical context, but are also prophetic. This briefing reveals the rich background of these feasts with many surprises for the Biblical believer, and yet only scratches the surface. The first half of this briefing pack is taught by Chuck Missler with the latter half taught by Dan Stolebarger.

The Easter Story: What Really Happened?Most reasonably informed Christians are well aware that many of the traditions that surround the Christmas holidays have pagan origins and very little correlation with the actual events as recorded in the Bible. However, most of us are surprised when we discover that some of what we have been taught about Easter is not only in error, but deliberately so!


WATCH IT!Learn more about this study in this special

video excerpt.



2013The Berean Tour

The Berean Tour Walk Through the Bible with Dan Stolebarger

May 5 - 13, 2013 (In-Israel dates)

Pre-Tour Extension - The Jesus Trail Hike the Jesus Trail with Dan Stolebarger

April 29 - May 5, 2013 (In-Israel dates)

Post-Tour Extension - Israel 2: The Return May 13 - 22, 2013 (In-Israel dates)

The pre- and post-tour extensions are separate components. Partic-ipants can choose one, the other, or both in addition to the Berean


For More Information:


Last month, since Valentine’s Day was coming, we diverted a little from our series and talked

about my favorite subject, the Love of God. God’s Love should be our passion, our

goal and our purpose as Christians. The Epistle of John tells us the whole Bible is

summed up in one word, (Agape) Love.

In order to love as God would have us, however, we must learn

not only how to be an open and clean vessel for Him to use, but also

how to “overcome” the world, the flesh and the devil in our personal

lives. This article, then, is the first in a new series about “overcom-

ing”—what overcoming is; how we overcome; and again, why over-

coming is so very important.

Being an overcomer (so we can love as God desires) is what the

Christian life is all about. It’s what we are called for, trained for and

the purpose of our sanctification. Overcomers are the ones who will

inherit the future kingdom, because they are able to produce “works

of the Spirit” (works of Love) in their lives here and now.

In other words, sanctification (becoming clean and open vessels

for God’s use) is what leads us to partaking (experiencing Christ’s

Life through us); and partaking is what leads us to overcoming (lov-

ing as God desires); and overcoming is what leads us to inheriting

(ruling and reigning in the coming kingdom).

Many of us have been taught that if we are true believers, we are

automatically “overcomers.”

The Scripture used as proof text is in 1 John:




Nancy Missler, Founder, KHW

N a n c y M i s s l e rD i r e c t o r / Fo u n d e r of King’s High Way Nancy Missler has published four studies: The Way of Agape, Be Ye Transformed, Faith in the Night Seasons, a n d h e r l a t e s t , T h e Kingdom, Power & Glory. In addition to these popular studies she also has published six Plain and Simple Series books, as well as two In His Likeness Series books. Nancy has been married for over 50 years to Chuck Missler. They are the parents of four grown children, one of whom has gone to be with the Lord, and eight grandchildren.



For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcometh

the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that

Jesus is the Son of God.

1 John 5:4

Positionally (because of Jesus’ death for us on the

Cross) it is absolutely true that we, as believers, are all over-

comers. At our justification (our new birth), God gives us

the power and the ability to overcome the world, the flesh

and the devil. The problem is that experientially (moment

by moment) many of us have no idea how to become over-

comers! In fact, “daily” overcoming the world, the flesh

and the devil is often very foreign to us.

If it’s true that all believers are overcomers

regardless of what they do here and now, then those living

carnal, ungodly life styles (drugs, sex, alcohol, “anything that is not of faith,” Romans 14:23)

Overcomers are those who willingly relinquish how they feel and what they think and, by faith, choose to trust God’s indwell-ing power to bring it about.


are right in saying, “Hey, I’m saved. It doesn’t matter what I do with my life here and now!”

And if that’s true, then why does 1 Corinthians 3:14-15

tell us: “If any man’s work [what we do here and now] abide

which he hath built upon it, he shall receive a reward; If any

man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself

shall be saved…” And also, 2 Corinthians 5:10, which says:

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,

that everyone may receive the things done in his body, accord-

ing to that he hath done [here and now], whether it be good

or bad.”

The Greek word for “overcome” is nikao which means

to conquer or “gain the victory over” something. It occurs 20 times in Revelation alone and

means to have victory over hostile powers.

Overcomers are those victorious ones who have learned how to master the flesh, pre-

vail over the world and conquer the devil only through Christ’s Life in them. They are the

genuine winners! (1 Corinthians 15:57; Romans 8:37) They have learned to set themselves

aside and depend upon His power and His authority to bring about His will. Overcomers

They have learned to set themselves aside and depend upon His power and His authority to bring about His will.


are those who willingly relinquish how they feel and

what they think and, by faith, choose to trust God’s

indwelling power to bring it about. (Galatians 2:20)

Overcomers have survived the furnace of affliction

and have come forth as pure gold. They have fol-

lowed in Christ’s footsteps. “If any man will come

after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross

daily, and follow Me.” (Luke 9:23)

Overcomers are not “perfect” by any means,

but they are always willing to choose God’s will over

their own, again and again and again. That’s why

they are called “overcomers.”

Yes, it’s true that we all are meant to be over-

comers because Christ, who is the real overcomer, lives in us.

However, not all of us choose day by day to lay our lives down so that

He can live His overcoming Life out through us. It would be like saying all those that have

God’s eternal Life in their hearts, always show forth that Life in their souls. Unfortunately, we

don’t! A personal choice is always involved. Just like some of us choose at times not to love

with God’s Love, nor use His wisdom nor rely upon His power. In the same way, we are

not overcomers automatically! Again, it all depends upon

our moment-by-moment choice to let Christ live His Life out

through us by the power of His Holy Spirit.

Let me again emphasize this does not mean “being per-

fect”! None of us are perfect nor can we be. Jesus is the only

“perfect One.” But, as we make “faith choices” (choices we

don’t necessarily feel or even want to make), Jesus’ Life can

come forth from our hearts and He will enable us to produce

“fruits of the Spirit.”

The Authority to Overcome

God has not only given us His resurrection power to

accomplish His will in our lives when we are unable to do so in our own natural strength,

He also has given us the authority to choose His will even when we don’t feel like it. After be-

We not only have God’s authority to make choices we don’t feel, but we also have His strength to imple-ment those choices in our lives.



ing a Christian for over 55 years, I can honestly say this is one of the most important prin-

ciples of our entire Christian walk. We don’t have to “feel” our choices to do God’s will; we

just have to be willing to make those choices.

The Greek word for this kind of authority is exousia, which means the right to exercise

power or the right of the person in charge. This authority originates with God because, if we

belong to Him, He is obviously the Person in charge. He is the ultimate source of all authority.

He, then, passed that authority on to Christ, and through Christ, to us. (Matthew 28:18-

20) Exousia belongs to God Himself, but He has commis-

sioned us as His representatives so we, too, can be bearers

of His authority. (Philippians 2:13)

The question so many ask is: Do we have the author-

ity to choose to do something we really don’t feel or even

want to do? Is this a legitimate choice? Can we override

our real feelings in order to do this? The answer is abso-


We not only have God’s authority (exousia) to make

choices we don’t feel, but also we have His strength (kratos) to implement those choices in

our lives. Otherwise, God’s power would be of no use to us. These are called “sonship”

rights.” John 1:12 confirms this: “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to be-

come the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name.”

The Dictionary of New Testament Theology says, “Our authority is founded in the rule of

Christ.” We exercise that power only by the authority or the dominion that God has given

us. The Word of God gives us the authority, and the Spirit of God gives us the power.

These phenomenal gifts are ours through our new birth and operational through sanc-

tification. Whether we use them or not is up to us.

Therefore, our constant prayer should be just as Jesus

prayed in Matthew 26:39: “Not as I will, but as Thou

wilt.” (Not my will, but Yours Lord.)

* * *

Next month’s article: “Faith Choices—The Key

to Overcoming.” See also all of the other Kings High

Way products on page 46.

It all depends upon our moment-by-moment choice to let Christ live His Life out through us by the power of His Holy Spirit.


Because of its emphasis on “the Love of God” and Jesus being the incarnation of that Love, many believe this Gospel is the most important for new and old Christians alike to take to heart. Written by the “disciple whom Jesus loved,” the book of John is organized around seven miracles, seven discourses and seven “I AM” state-ments. This study is so deep “an elephant can bathe in it, and yet an infant can wade in it.”

This study contains 20 hours of verse-by-verse teachings.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever-

lasting life.” - John 3:16

DVD or AUDIOCD$79.95 USD ea. M4a Download$ 34.95 USD ea.







Post Falls (Dan & Others) Mar 5, 12, 19, 26Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30May 7, 14, 21, 28Koinonia Institute Bible Study




Moorhead (Chuck—“live streamed” from New Zealand)Mar 14-17Red River Bible & Prophecy Conference


Various Cities (Dan Stolebarger) Apr 29 - May 5

The Jesus TrailMay 5-13

Berean TourMay 13-22

Israel 2: Returning to The Land800-546-8731

Mark Your Calendars!And Plan On Attending

• Dr. Chuck Missler • Tom Horn • Dr. Peter Flint • Joel Richardson ...and more!

Strategic Perspectives VIIIOctober 25 - 26, 2013

42 / UPDATE / MARCH 2013

To view briefing package descriptions or order, click on the product title.

Briefing Packages by Chuck Missler Briefing Packages by Chuck Missler Each briefing contains approximately two hours of audio or video Each briefing contains approximately two hours of audio or video

NEWEST RELEASE! AUDCD/DVD DWNLDChurch in the End Times 19.95 9.95


Angels Vol. 1: The Angelic Realm 19.95 9.95

Angels Vol. 2: The Invisible War 19.95 9.95

Footprints of the Messiah 19.95 9.95

Eternal Security 19.95 9.95

From Here to Eternity 19.95 9.95

Heaven & Hell 19.95 9.95

Inheritance & Rewards 19.95 9.95

Jonah - The Reluctant Prophet 19.95 9.95

Letters To Seven Churches 19.95 9.95

Manifesto of our King 19.95 9.95

Return of the Nephilim 19.95 9.95

Romance of Redemption 19.95 9.95

The Agony of Love 19.95 9.95

The Christmas Story 19.95 9.95

The Easter Story 19.95 9.95

The Feasts of Israel 19.95 9.95

The Flood of Noah 19.95 9.95

The Origin of Evil 19.95 9.95

The Prodigal Heirs 19.95 9.95

The Rapture 19.95 9.95

The Seventh Day 19.95 9.95

The Sovereignty of Man 19.95 9.95

The Spiritual Gifts 19.95 9.95

The Trinity 19.95 9.95

The Whole Counsel of God 19.95 9.95

This Generation 19.95 9.95

Thy Kingdom Come 19.95 9.95

What Is Truth? 19.95 9.95

43 / UPDATE / MARCH 2013

Briefing Packages by Chuck Missler Briefing Packages by Chuck Missler Each briefing contains approximately two hours of audio or video Each briefing contains approximately two hours of audio or video

To view briefing package descriptions or order, click on the product title.

PROPHETIC UPDATES AUDCD/DVD DWNLDA Legacy of Hate (Chuck & Avi) 19.95 9.95

Antichrist: Alternate Ending 19.95 9.95

Babylon: Alternate View 19.95 9.95

Betrayal of the Chosen 19.95 9.95

Daniel’s 70 Weeks 19.95 9.95

Europa Rising 19.95 9.95

Hosea, Can You See? 19.95 9.95

Jihad: America’s New War 19.95 9.95

Roots of War: Profiling MidEast 19.95 9.95

The E.T. Scenario 19.95 9.95

The Kingdom of Blood 19.95 9.95

The Kings of the East 19.95 9.95

The Magog Invasion: Alt. View 19.95 9.95

The New World Order 19.95 9.95

The Next Holocaust 19.95 9.95

The Sword of Allah 19.95 9.95

THE “BEYOND” SERIES AUDCD/DVD DWNLDBeyond Coincidence 19.95 9.95

Beyond Newton 19.95 9.95

Beyond Perception 19.95 9.95

Beyond Time & Space 19.95 9.95


How to Study the Bible 19.95 9.95

How We Got Our Bible 19.95 9.95

The Grand Adventure 19.95 9.95

THE “CREATOR” SERIES AUDCD/DVD DWNLDImmanuel:Deity of Messiah 19.95 9.95

Bible: An Extraterrestrial Message 19.95 9.95

The Creator Beyond Time and Space 19.95 9.95

The Divine Watchmaker 19.95 9.95

44 / UPDATE / MARCH 2013

Briefing Packages by Chuck Missler Briefing Packages by Chuck Missler Each briefing contains approximately two hours of audio or video Each briefing contains approximately two hours of audio or video

PERSONAL AUDCD/DVD DWNLDStorm Warning--Missler/McDonald 19.95 9.95

Armor For the Age of Deceit 19.95 9.95

Being Faithful in Faithless World 19.95 9.95

Halloween: Invitation to Occult? 19.95 9.95

Kabbalah 19.95 9.95

Striking Back 19.95 9.95

Thanksgiving 19.95 9.95

The Architecture of Man 19.95 9.95

The Da Vinci Deception 19.95 9.95

The Once & Future Church 19.95 9.95

The Vortex Strategy 19.95 9.95

Twilight’s Last Gleaming? 19.95 9.95

Weathering the Storm 19.95 9.95


Biotech: Update 19.95 9.95

Digging Up the Truth 19.95 9.95

DNA by Design -- Meyer 19.95

Genesis and the Big Bang 19.95 9.95

In the Beginning…was Information 19.95 9.95

Monuments: Sacred or Profane? 19.95 9.95

Seat of Mercy 19.95 9.95

Signs in the Heavens 19.95 9.95

Stretching the Heavens 19.95 9.95

Technology & the Bible 19.95 9.95

The Mysteries of Mars 19.95 9.95

To view briefing package descriptions or order, click on the product title.

45 / UPDATE / MARCH 2013

To view product descriptions or order, click on the product title.

COLLECTIONS BY CHUCK AUDCD/DVD DWNLDWeathering the Coming Storm 39.95 19.95

An Agape Weekend 49.95 24.95

Strategic Trends 2012 (NEW) 29.95 24.95

The End Times Scenario 49.95 24.95

The Beyond Collection 49.95 34.95

Cosmic Codes 49.95 24.95

The Five Horsemen of the Apocalype 49.95

The “Creator” Series Audio CD Set 49.95

Seasonal Favorites: MP3 on CD-ROM 39.95

The Legacy - Israel in Prophecy CD-ROM 39.95

Books - See also King’s High Way Series Price

The Founders’ Bible (NASB) -- Hardcover 55.00

Petrus Romanus -- Tom Horn & Cris Putnam 14.95

The Pilgrim’s Progress-- John Bunyan NEW! 15.95

Spurgeon on Prayer -- Charles H. Spurgeon NEW! 15.95

The Holy Spirit -- R.A. Torrey NEW! 13.95

The Amazing Works of John Newton -- NEW! 14.95

The Kingdom, Power & Glory -- C. & N. Missler -- NEW! 16.95

Prophecy 20/20 -- C. Missler 13.99

Cosmic Codes -- C. Missler: Revised & Expanded! 19.95

Alien Encounters -- C. Missler & M. Eastman 16.95

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours -- C. Missler 19.99

Hidden Treasures -- C. Missler 5.95

Foxe Voices of the Martyrs: Hardcover Book 19.95

Which None Can Shut -- Reema Goode 9.95

46 / UPDATE / MARCH 2013

To view product descriptions or order, click on the product title.

Other Studies Price

Foundations in Creation -- Jay Seegert (6 hr DVD set) 69.95

The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment -- Jonathan Cahn (2 hr DVD set) 19.95

The Privileged Planet -- 60-min. DVD 19.95

Inside the Revolution -- J. Rosenberg 90-min. DVD 9.95

Looking Up -- by Dan Stolebarger (5 hrs) - DVD 34.95

The Late Great U.S.A (2 hrs) by Dr. Jerome Corsi -- DVD 9.95

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Price

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours: DVD set 89.95

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours: Book 16.99

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours: Audio CD set 89.95

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours: MP3 on CD-ROM 44.95

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours: MP3 Download 39.95

Subscriptions & MembershipsPersonal UPDATE

Koinonia Institute


Redesigning the Church -- Stolebarger 19.95 9.95

Death of Discernment -- Matsen 19.95 9.95

Revealing Jesus--Stolebarger 19.95 9.95

Islamic Uprising -- Avi Lipkin 19.95 9.95

Broken America -- Coffman 19.95

The Dead Sea Scrolls -- Flint 19.95

Israel’s Bible Bloc (Avi Lipkin) 19.95 9.95

Shiite/Sunni (Avi Lipkin) 19.95 9.95

Sleeping in America (Avi Lipkin) 19.95 9.95

The Case for Mecca (Avi Lipkin) 19.95 9.95

The Coming Conflict (Avi Lipkin) 19.95

The New Crusades (Avi Lipkin) 19.95 9.95

Turkey: Turn Thee Back (Lipkin) 19.95 9.95

Through Hebrew Eyes 19.95 9.95

47 / UPDATE / MARCH 2013

King’s High Way Series BOOK DWNLD CDROM AUDCD DVDThe Kingdom, Power & Glory 16.95 19.95 34.95 59.95

The Way of Agape 14.95 19.95 19.95 29.95 49.95

Be Ye Transformed 14.95 19.95 19.95 29.95 49.95

Faith in the Night Seasons 13.95 19.95 19.95 29.95 49.95

To Walk in Love, Truth, Knowledge 15.95 19.95

A More Excellent Way 7.95 10.95 14.95

To view product descriptions or order, click on the product title.

Strategic Perspectives Conferences Price

2012 IDAHO Full Conference DVD Set (9 sessions) -- NEW! 59.95

2012 IDAHO Full Conference AudioCD Set (9 sessions) -- NEW! 59.95

Strategic Perspectives Israel DVD Set (6 sessions) 49.95

The King’s High Way Series Price

The Kingdom, Power & Glory Workbook 12.95

The Kingdom, Power & Glory Leader’s Guide -- Notebook 19.95

Re-Igniting the Passion -- DVD (4 hours) 34.95

Reflections of His Image: God’s Purpose for Your Life -- Book 12.95

Never Give Up! -- Book 6.95

Tomorrow May Be Too Late -- Book 6.95

The Key: How to Let Go and Let God -- Book 6.95

The Choice: Hypocrisy or Real Christianity? -- Book 6.95

Against the Tide: Getting Beyond Ourselves -- Book 5.95

Why Should I Be The First to Change -- Book (Introductory) 6.95

Private Worship: The Key to Joy -- Book 10.95

The Way of Agape Leader’s Guide -- Notebook 19.95

Be Ye Transformed Leader’s Guide -- Notebook 19.95

Faith in the Night Seasons Leaders Guide -- Notebook 19.95

48 / UPDATE / MARCH 2013

To view product descriptions or order, click on the product title.

Commentaries (plus notes) DWNLD CDROM AUDCD DVDGenesis (24 sessions) 39.95 44.95 89.95 89.95

Exodus (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95

Leviticus (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95

Numbers (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

Deuteronomy (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95

Joshua/12 Tribes (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95

Judges (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95

Ruth & Esther (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

I & II Samuel (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95

I & II Kings (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95

I & II Chronicles (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95 69.95 69.95

Ezra & Nehemiah (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95

Job (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95

Psalms (24 sessions) 39.95 44.95 89.95 89.95

Proverbs (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

Ecclesiastes (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95

Song of Songs (5 sessions) -- NEW! 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

Isaiah (24 sessions) 39.95 44.95

Jeremiah/Lamentations (24 sessions) 39.95 44.95

Ezekiel (24 sessions) 39.95 44.95 89.95 89.95

Daniel (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95 69.95 69.95

Prophets to the N. Kingdom (13 sess.) 29.95 34.95 59.95 59.95

Prophets to the Gentiles (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

Prophets to the S. Kingdom (13 sess.) 29.95 34.95 59.95 59.95

Prophets to the Post-Exile (22 sess.) 39.95 44.95

49 / UPDATE / MARCH 2013

To view product descriptions or order, click on the product title.

Commentaries (plus notes) DWNLD CDROM AUDCD DVDMatthew (24 sessions) 39.95 44.95 89.95 89.95

Mark (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95 69.95 69.95

Luke (24 sessions) 39.95 44.95 89.95 89.95

John (20 sessions) 34.95 39.95 79.95 79.95

Acts (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95 69.95 69.95

Romans (24 sessions) 39.95 44.95 89.95 89.95

I & II Corinthians (24 sessions) 39.95 44.95

Galatians (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

Ephesians (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

Philippians (6 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

Colossians (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

I & II Thessalonians (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

I & II Timothy/Titus/Philemon (8 sess) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

Hebrews (16 sessions) 34.95 39.95 69.95 69.95

James (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95

I & II Peter (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

I, II, & III John (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95 44.95

Jude (8 sessions) 24.95 29.95 44.95

Revelation (24 sessions) 39.95 44.95 89.95 89.95

Entire Old Testament on MP3 CD-ROM 499.00

Entire New Testament on MP3 CD-ROM 399.00

Minor Prophets Set - MP3 CD-ROM 99.95

50 / UPDATE / MARCH 2013

To view product descriptions or order, click on the product title.

Small Group Study Packs (1 DVD set + 6 Wkbks) Price

Additional Workbooks of ________ if buying Sm Grp Pack 9.95

Prophecy 101 Small Group Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 84.95

Learn the Bible/24 Hours Sm. Grp. Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 139.95

Genesis Commentary Small Group Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 139.95

Numbers Commentary Sm. Grp. Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 94.95

Proverbs Commentary Sm. Grp. Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 94.95

Daniel Commentary Small Group Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 119.95

Prophets N. Kingdom Sm. Grp. Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 109.95

Prophets S. Kingdom Sm. Grp. Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 109.95

Prophets to the Gentiles Sm. Grp. Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 94.95

Matthew Commentary Sm. Grp. Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 139.95

Luke Commentary Sm. Grp. Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 139.95

John Commentary Sm. Grp. Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 129.95

Acts Commentary Small Group Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 119.95

Revelation Commentary Sm. Grp. Pack (1 DVD + 6 Wkbks) 139.95

Comprehensive Study Workbooks PRINT DWNLD

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours 14.95 7.95

Genesis Commentary 14.95 7.95

Numbers Commentary 14.95 7.95

Proverbs Commentary 14.95 7.95

Daniel Commentary 14.95 7.95

Prophets to the N. Kingdom 14.95 7.95

Prophets to the S. Kingdom 14.95 7.95

Prophets to the Gentiles 14.95 7.95

Matthew Commentary 14.95 7.95

Luke Commentary 14.95 7.95

John Commentary 14.95 7.95

Acts Commentary 14.95 7.95

Revelation Commentary 14.95 7.95

Cosmic Codes 14.95 7.95

Hermeneutics 101 14.95 7.95

Prophecy 101 14.95 7.95

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