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  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012




    Conf.dr. Rdulescu Magdalena1,Universitatea din Piteti

    Conf.dr. Diana Pociovleanu2,Universitatea din Tg-Jiu

    Abstract Prezena bncilor strine a fost n mod tipic

    considerat o evoluie pozitiv pe pieele emergente. n regiunea CEE, de exemplu, multe bnci sunt deinute de bnci reputabile, bine-capitalizate din rile UE-15, care ar asigura un al doilea sprijin n plus fa de propria lor for mpotriva potenialelor ocuri. Oricum, aa cum o demonstreaz criza global financiar actual, chiar i bnci internaionale majore nu sunt imune la o schimbare brusc a ciclului creditrii i la cderea ateptat din cauza crizei de lichiditate care se generalizeaz.

    Achiziiile strine de bnci din anii 90 au alterat substanial peisajul financiar i guvernana bncilor n multe ri europene n tranziie. Prezena lor este n mod deosebit important pentru Europa CEntral i de Est, unde mai mult de 50 de procente din pieele bancare locale sunt controlate de investitori strini.

    Scopul principal al analizei noastre este de a compara bncile care au fost achiziionate de investitori strini cu bncile locale comparabile, care au rmas n proprietate naional n timpul perioadei analizate. Am comparat performana i vulnerabilitatea bncilor achiziionate cu cea a bncilor locale comparabile. Din moment ce aceast regiune a nregistrat cele mai nalte investiii strine directe n sectorul bancar din lume i noi putem identifica multe achiziii cross-border, credem c regiunea reprezint un laborator excellent de a desfura un astfel de studiu.

    Key words: capital strin, sector bancar,

    vulnerabilitatea bancar, performana bancar, rile CEE.

    1. Introducere Turbulena actual de pe pieele financiare

    globale a subliniat nevoia unor date relevante i detaliate pentru a monitoriza expunerea ntre ri ntr-un system financiar internaional din ce n ce mai integrat.



    Ph.D. Associate Professor Rdulescu Magdalena,

    University of PitestiPh.D. Associate Professor Diana

    Pociovleanu,Tg-Jiu University

    Abstract The presence of foreign banks has typically been

    considered a positive development in emerging market countries. In the CEE region, for instance, many banks are owned by reputable, well-capitalized banks from the EU-15 countries, which should provide banks with a second line of defenseafter own financial strengthagainst potential shocks. However, as the current global financial crisis demonstrates, even the major international banks are not immune to the sharp reversal in the credit cycle and the attendant fallout from the widespread liquidity crunch.

    Foreign acquisitions of banks since the 1990s have substantially altered the financial landscape and governance of banks in many European transition countries. Their presence is particularly important in Central and Eastern Europe, where more than 50 percent of local banking markets are controlled by foreign investors.

    The main purpose of our analysis is to compare banks that were acquired by foreign investors with comparable domestic banks that have stayed in domestic ownership during the analyzed period. We compare the performance and vulnerability of acquired bank with the matched domestic bank. Since this region recorded the highest inflow of foreign direct investment into the banking system in the world and we were able to identify many crossborder acquisitions, we believe it presents an excellent laboratory to perform such a study.

    Key words: foreign capital, banking sector, banking vulnerability, banking performance, CEE countries.

    1. Introduction The ongoing turbulence in global

    financial markets has highlighted the need for comprehensive and detailed data to monitor cross-country exposures in an increasingly integrated international financial system. The

    Lucrarea este finanat din proiectul POSDRU/89/1.5/S/62988 din 2010. 1 Rdulescu Magdalena, University of Piteti, Faculty of Economic Sciences, str. Hamangiu, nr.22, cod 110194, Piteti, Arge, tel. 0740093011, 2 Diana Pociovleanu, Tg-Jiu University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Tg-Jiu,

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    nsprirea condiiilor globale n privina lichiditii i revizuirea brusc a primei de risc a crescut posibilitatea unei stopri brute sau a unei inversri a mprumuturilor din strintate pentru unele piee emergente. n acest context, a devenit din ce n ce mai important ca decidenii de politic i supraveghetorii s dispun de suficiente informaii pentru a formula strategii adecvate de management al riscului i pentru a formula politici de prevenire i de gestionare a crizelor. n Europa Central i de Est (CEE), o cretere rapid a creditului n anii receni atribuit pe larg expansiunii activitilor grupurilor bancare internaionale i avnd o finanare substanial din strintate a crescut n mod cert vulnerabilitatea regiunii n faa riscurilor financiare.

    Prezena bncilor strine a fost, n mod tipic, considerat o evoluie pozitiv pe pieele emergente. n plus fa de promovarea unei alocri mai eficiente a capitalului, ele de asemenea au crescut concurena i au mbuntit calitatea serviciilor financiare. n regiunea CEE, de exemplu, multe bnci sunt deinute de bnci reputabile, bine-capitalizate din rile UE-15, care ar asigura un al doilea sprijin n plus fa de propria lor for mpotriva potenialelor ocuri. ntr-un cadru de pia care se deterioreaz, de exemplu, bncile care au sprijinul unor prini externi sntoi i bine-diversificai se pot poziiona mai bine fa de bncile locale n faa oricrei nrutiri. n plus, riscul reputaional al acestor bnci internaionale de asemenea mpiedic orice aciune duntoare ntr-o anumit ar sau grup de ri.

    Oricum, aa cum o demonstreaz criza global financiar actual, chiar i bnci internaionale majore nu sunt imune la o schimbare brusc a ciclului creditrii i la cderea ateptat din cauza crizei de lichiditate care se generalizeaz. n multe ri din vest, guvernele au trebuit s asigure pachete de sprijin care s creasc capitalizarea bncilor i s pstreze ncrederea n propriul lor sistem financiar. Sistemele bancare din rile CEE care au evitat pe larg creditele sub-prime i multe produse de creditare exotice, au putut s se

    tightness in global liquidity conditions and sharp revisions in the pricing of risk have increased the possibility of a sudden stop or reversal in foreign-based lending to some emerging market countries. In this environment, it has become increasingly crucial that policymakers and supervisors have sufficient information to adequately assess banks risk management strategies, and formulate crisis prevention and management policies. In Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), rapid credit growth in recent yearslargely attributable to the expansion activities of international banking groups and with substantial funding from abroadhas clearly increased the regions vulnerability to financial risks.

    The presence of foreign banks has typically been considered a positive development in emerging market countries. In addition to promulgating more efficient allocation of capital, they also increase competition and improve the quality of financial services. In the CEE region, for instance, many banks are owned by reputable, well-capitalized banks from the EU-15 countries, which should provide banks with a second line of defenseafter own financial strengthagainst potential shocks. In deteriorating market environment, for instance, banks with the support of healthy, well-diversified foreign parents may be better placed than local banks to weather the downturn. Additionally, the reputation risk to these international banks also deters against any damaging actions in a particular country or group of countries.

    However, as the current global financial crisis demonstrates, even the major international banks are not immune to the sharp reversal in the credit cycle and the attendant fallout from the widespread liquidity crunch. In many of the Western countries, governments have had to provide support packages to boost banks capitalization and retain confidence in their own financial systems. The banking systems in CEE, which had largely eschewed sub-prime loans and more exotic credit products, had been able to side-step the problems that

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    dea la o parte din calea problemelor cu care s-au confruntat surorile lor din vest pn de curnd. Oricum, s-au manifestat unele efecte de contagiune ale turbulenelor de pe pieele internaionale n ultimii ani, n condiiile nspririi accentuate a condiiilor lichiditii i creditrii i creterii riscului de credit.

    Concentrarea mprumuturilor luate de la cteva ri creditoare a crescut, de asemenea, vulnerabilitatea regiunii la ocurile provenite din aceste ri sau la deciziile de afaceri adoptate individual de bncile mam. Noi prezentm riscurile asociate cu fluxurile de creditare bancar n regiunea CEE. Am artat c rile gazd n regiunea CEE au devenit mai expuse la risc n faa unor retrageri brute de capital pe termen scurt, n timp ce rile de provenien a capitalului au semnificative expuneri agregate captive fa de aceast regiune n ansamblu.

    Lucrarea noastr completeaz pe cele ale lui Arvai, Driessen i Otker-Robe (2009) i cea a lui Andrea M. Maechler i Li Lian Ong (2009). Ei artau c inter-relaiile financiare din interiorul Europei sunt importante din punct de vedere economic i c, chiar atunci cnd expunerile sunt bine diversificate, poteniala contagiune economic i financiar crete n mod considerabil expunerea total. Vulnerabilitatea unei ri la orice oc depinde de fora variabilelor macroeconomice, soliditatea general a sistemului i instituiilor financiare i de capacitatea planurilor sale de contingen pentru a absorbi orice tensiune semnificativ i brusc.

    Achiziiile strine de bnci din anii 90 au alterat substanial peisajul financiar i guvernana bncilor n multe ri europene n tranziie i n curs de dezvoltare. La sfritul lui 2008, bncile strine deineau mai mult de 39 de procente din activele bancare totale n rile n curs de dezvoltare. Prezena lor este n mod deosebit important pentru Europa Central i de Est, America Latin i Africa Sub-Saharian unde mai mult de 50 de procente din pieele bancare locale sunt controlate de investitori strini. O asemenea transformare a generat o literatur ampl care analizeaz impactul capitalului strin i modului de intrare pe pia asupra

    befell their Western counterparts until recently. However, some spillovers from the turbulence in international markets have manifested in recent years, in the shape of increasing tightness in liquidity and credit conditions, and rising credit risk.

    The concentration of borrowing from a handful of creditor countries has also increased the regions vulnerability to shocks from these countries and/or business decisions by individual parent banks. We present the risks associated with bank credit flows in the CEE region. We find that host countries in CEE have become more at risk from a sudden withdrawal of short-term foreign claims, while home countries have significant aggregate captive exposures to the region as a whole.

    Our paper complements that of Arvai, Driessen, and Otker-Robe (2009) and Andrea M. Maechler and Li Lian Ong (2009). They show that financial inter-linkages within Europe are economically important, and that even where exposures are well-diversified, potential economic and financial spillovers increases the overall exposure quite considerably. The vulnerability of a country to any shock would depend on the strength of its macroeconomic fundamentals, the general soundness of its financial system and institutions, and the capacity of its contingency plans to absorb any sudden and significant stress.

    Foreign acquisitions of banks since the 1990s have substantially altered the financial landscape and governance of banks in many transition and developing countries. As of end 2008, foreign banks accounted for more than 39 percent of total banking assets in developing countries. Their presence is particularly important in Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa where more than 50 percent of local banking markets are controlled by foreign investors. Such a transformation has given rise to a large literature that analyzes the impact of foreign bank ownership and mode of entry on banks' performance, measured by net interest margin, lending rates, profitability, profit-efficiency, and loan

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    performanei bncilor, msurat prin dobnda net marginal, ratele de creditare, profitabilitate, profit-eficien i creterea creditului.

    n general, putem presupune n mod plauzibil c investitorii strini prefer s achiziioneze bnci mai profitabile i mai solide cu o cot mare de pia. Mai mult, unele autoriti prefer s recapitalizeze i s curee portofoliul bncilor vizate pentru a le face mai attractive pentru investitorii strini, aa cum a fost parial cazul privatizrilor bancare n China. Pe de alt parte, n multe ri autoritile au fost sceptice fa de investitorii strini i au permis achiziiile strine doar pentru instituiile care se prbueau, cum s-a ntmplat n Polonia. Foarte des, barierele de intrare au czut doar odat cu apariia crizei i aceasta a fost motivat de nevoia de recapitalizare i restabilire a unui system bancar funcional. Acesta a fost cazul rilor baltice i balcanice dup criza din Rusia, Argentinei dup criza de tequila din Mexic i a multor ri din estul Asiei dup crizele lor financiare din 1997-1998.

    Studiile existente deonstreaz c bncile strine sunt mai eficiente i mai profitabile dect instituiile interne i c ele s-au confruntat cu o cretere a creditului mai rapid i mai stabil (Bonin i alii, 2005). O examinare mai atent pune n eviden faptul c, dei modul de intrare a bncilor strine joac un rol important, noi putem observa doar performana superioar a instituiilor noi nfiinate. n acelai timp, nu exist nicio dovad cum c performana bncilor achiziionate de investitori strini este superioar celei a instituiilor locale (Havrylchyk and Jurzyk, 2010). n lipsa acestei dovez, rezultatele obinute pentru instituiile greenfield nu pot fi atribuite pe deplin beneficiilor capitalului strin dar duc cu gndul mai degrab la mixul de mprumuttori externi, cu o pondere mare de clieni mari i transpareni, n defavoarea IMM-urilor.

    Noi ne-am axat pe un posibil schimb ntre performa i puterea pe pia a bncilor. Capitalul strin merge mn n mn cu o

    growth. In general, we can plausibly assume that

    foreign investor would prefer to acquire more profitable and healthier banks with high market power. Moreover, some authorities preferred to recapitalize and clean up portfolios of target banks in order to make them more attractive for foreign investors, which was the case of partial bank privatization in China. On the other hand, in many countries the authorities were skeptical towards foreign investors and allowed foreign acquisition of only failing institutions, like in Poland. Very often entry barriers were loosened only in the wake of crises and this was motivated by the need to recapitalize and reestablish a functioning banking system. This was the case of Baltic and Balkan countries after the Russian crisis, Argentina after Mexico's tequila crisis, and many East Asian countries following their 199798 financial crises.

    Existing studies demonstrate that foreign banks are more efficient and profitable than domestic institutions, and they experience faster and more stable loan growth (Bonin and others, 2005). A closer examination reveals, though, that the mode of foreign bank entry plays an important role, as we only observe superior performance of institutions that have been newly established. At the same time, there is no evidence that the performance of banks that were acquired by foreign investors is superior to domestic ones (Havrylchyk and Jurzyk, 2010). Without this proof, the results obtained for greenfield institutions cannot be entirely attributed to benefits of foreign ownership but rather raise suspicion that they merely reflect a different borrower mix, with a higher share of large and transparent clients at the expense of small and medium enterprises.

    We focus on the possible trade-off between performance and market power of banks. Foreign bank ownership has gone hand in hand with higher market concentration. Moreover, foreign banks have contributed to this development directly by acquiring and merging domestic institutions, or by motivating smaller domestic banks to

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    concentrare mai mare a pieei. Mai mult, bncile strine au contribuit la aceast evoluie n mod direct achiziionnd sau fuzionnd cu instituii locale sau motivnd bncile locale mai mici s fuzioneze pentru a face fa unei concurene n cretere (Lanine and Vander Vennet, 2007). Dac bncile cu o putere pe pia mai mare pot stabili preuri care s fie mai puin favorabile pentru consumatori i s ctige astfel profituri anormale, aceasta ridic suspiciuni asupra competiiei de pe pia. Invers, dac puterea mai mare pe pia a bncilor strine rezult dintr-o performan a lor superioar i din achiziia unor bnci mai puin eficiente, acest lucru ar fi privit pozitiv de ctre supraveghetori.

    Seciunea 2 prezint rolul capitalului strin n rile CEE i vulnerabilitatea sectorului bancar n aceast regiune deoarece se bazeaz pe capitalul strin i pe expansiunea creditului, seciunea 3 analizeaz performana bncilor cu capital strin comparative cu a celor cu capital autohton i seciunea 4 concluzioneaz lucrarea.

    2. Bazarea rilor CEE gazd pe bncile

    strine Mrimea deinerilor de capital strin n

    rile CEE este semnificativ raportat la PIB-ul acestora (Tabelul 1). Mai mult, aceste ri tind s se bazeze pe finanarea bancar provenit de la un numr relative mic de ri creditoare. Pe total, puin mai mult de o duzin de ri dein mai mult de 90% din totalul capitalului strin n fiecare din rile CEE. Astfel:

    Austria este cel mai important creditor strin pentru aceast regiune. Ea deine cea mai mare pondere n capitalul strin bancar n 6 din totalul de 13 ri debitoare din eantionul nostrum (Croaia, Republica Ceh, Ungaria, Romnia, Republica Slovacia i Ucraina). n unele cazuri, Austria deine mai mult de 35 de procente din mprumuturile strine bancare ale acestor ri. Austria de asemenea este o figur proeminent n Bulgaria, dei este al treilea creditor pentru aceast ar, deinnd 16 procente din mprumuturile strine bancare ale acestei

    merge in the face of increased competition (Lanine and Vander Vennet, 2007). If banks with large market power can set prices that are less favorable to consumers and earn abnormal profits, this should raise concerns about the competition on the market. Alternatively, if higher market power of foreign banks results from their superior performance and acquisition of less efficient banks, this should be welcomed by the supervisors.

    Section 2 presents the role of the foreign capital in CEE countries and the vulnerability of the banking sectors in this region because of this reliance on foreign banks and the credit expansion, section 3 analyzes the performance of the foreign owned banks comparing to the domestic capital owned ones and section 4 concludes the paper.

    2. The reliance of CEE host countries on foreign banks

    The size of foreign bank claims on CEE countries are significant relative to their respective GDPs (Table 1). Moreover, these countries tend to rely on bank financing from a relatively small number of creditor countries. In all, fewer than a dozen countries account for more than 90 percent of total foreign claims on each CEE country. Specifically: Austria is the most important foreign creditor to the region. It accounts for the largest share of total foreign bank claims in 6 of the 13 host (debtor) countries in our sample (Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Ukraine). In some instances, Austria accounts for more than 35 percent of total foreign bank borrowing by these countries. Austria also figures prominently in Bulgaria, despite being the third largest foreign lender there, accounting for 16 percent of foreign claims on the country. Swedens lending to the CEE region is highly concentrated in the Baltic countries. Indeed, Swedish banks have provided over 90 percent of Estonias foreign bank funding and account for 78 percent of both Latvias and Lithuanias total foreign borrowings.

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    ri. mprumuturile Suediei ctre regiunea

    CEE sunt concentrate pe larg n rile baltice. ntr-adevr, bncile suedeze au asigurat mai mult de 90% din finanarea strin bancar n Estonia i dein 78 de procente n totalul mprumuturilor strine bancare att n Letonia, ct i n Lituania.

    Frana, Germania i Italia sunt creditori importani pentru majoritatea sistemelor bancare din rile CEE. Frana este creditor major pentru aproape toate rile CEE Estonia, Letonia i Republica Slovac, fiind excepiile deinnd de la 19 procente din mprumuturile strine n Ucraina i circa 1 procent n fiecare din statele baltice. Ponderea deinut de bncile germane variaz de la 24% pentru Ungaria, la aproape 2 procente n Estonia, n timp ce bncile italiene sunt creditori importani pentru numeroase ri CEE.

    Grecia este cel mai important creditor strin pentru Turcia i Bulgaria. Ea deine 28, respective 20 de procente din totalul mprumuturilor externe bancare n fiecare din aceste ri. De asemenea, este prezent n multe ri din regiune, dei acolo prezena este slab.

    n lumina rolului crucial al bncilor n funcionrea unei economii de pia, sistemul bancar reprezint o zon cheie n procesul de dezvoltare i modernizare a Romniei. Membru al Uniunii Europene din 2007, Romnia este acum n mijlocul deciziilor i transformrilor care vor configura viitoarea dezvoltare a sectorului bancar romnesc. Procesul de tranziie ctre un sistem bancar orientat spre pia a condus n anii 1990 la o semnificativ subcapitalizare a instituiilor de credit, credite neperformante numeroase, lips de disciplin din partea bncilor. Rezultatul a fost o criz bancar care s-a prelungit ani ntregi, cuplat cu colapsul a numeroase bnci. Cu toate acestea, dezvoltarea ultimilor ani este ncurajatoare, furniznd bazele speranei c stabilitatea economic a Romniei va fi nsoit de o consolidare accentuat a sectorului bancar (Stoica, O., Cpraru, B., Filipescu, D., 2007).

    Toate acestea au dus n anii 1990 la un

    France, Germany, and Italy are important creditors to most of the CEE banking systems. France is a major lender to almost all CEE countriesEstonia, Latvia, and the Slovak Republic being the exceptionsaccounting for between 19 percent of foreign claims on Ukraine and around 1 percent for each of the Baltic countries. The shares of German banks claims range from 24 percent of total foreign claims on Hungary, to around 2 percent on Estonia, while Italian banks are important creditors to numerous CEE countries. Greece is the most important foreign creditor for Turkey and Bulgaria. It accounts for 28 and 20 percent of total foreign claims on each country, respectively. It also has a presence in many countries in the region, albeit small. In the light of the crucial role of banks for the operation of a market economy, banking system is an key-area in the development and modernization process of Romania. An EU member since 2007, Romania is now in the middle of decisions and changes that will set the future development of the Romanian banking sector. The transition process to a market oriented banking system led in the 90s to a significant undercapitalization of the credit institutions, many bad loans, lack of bank discipline. The result was a banking crisis that lasted for years, corroborated with the collapse of many banks. However, the development of the few last years is encouraging, providing the basis for the hopes that the economic stability of Romania shall be accompanied by an emphasized consolidation of the banking sector (Stoica, O., Cpraru, B., Filipescu, D., 2007). All these led in the 90s to a severely undercapitalized banking sector, arrears, debts, lack of discipline on the part of certain banks, etc. The Romanian banking system has practically become a box of overdue debts, exhausting the savings stock in their attempts to support the low performance companies. Draining of the banking sector has been a long and costly process. A number of non-prudential practices emerged

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    sector bancar sever subcapitalizat, arierate, datorii, lips de disciplin din partea unor bnci etc. Sistemul bancar romnesc a devenit, practic, o cutie a datoriilor neachitate, epuiznd stocul de economii n ncercrile de susinere a ntreprinderilor cu performane slabe. Asanarea sectorului bancar a fost un proces ndelungat i costisitor. O serie de practici neprudeniale au ieit la iveal odat cu adoptarea de ctre BNR a unei atitudini mai hotrte n privina supravegherii bancare, prin impunerea unor cerine stricte i o abordare mai restrictiv a politicii monetare la sfritul anilor 1990.

    Ptrunderea acestor bnci s-a realizat pe fondul liberalizrii economice i politice de dup 1989 n Romnia i n contextul mai general al expansiunii bncilor strine n Europa Central i de Est.

    Motivele i interesele bncilor strine s-au modificat desigur n decursul timpului, ducnd treptat la o mai mare implicare local a acestor bnci, spre deosebire de intrrile iniiale de la mijlocul anilor 1990. Modalitatea de expansiune s-a schimbat i ea, n sensul c, dac marile investiii greenfield au fost realizate acum 10 ani, astzi expansiunea se realizeaz mai mult pe calea prelurii unor bnci existente, fie prin procesul de privatizare, fie prin preluarea unor bnci private mai mici. De altfel, aceasta este i calea pe care managerii bancilor au menionat-o pentru expansiunea viitoare.

    Revenind la situaia actual a pieei bancare din Romnia, s consemnm evoluia numrului bncilor strine i a numrului total de bnci; la sfritul anului 2009, sectorul bancar romnesc cuprindea 31 de bnci, la care se adugau 10 sucursale ale bncilor strine, n total deci 41 de bnci. Aceasta reflect un trend de reducere a numrului de bnci, care n 1998 ajunsese la 45.

    Pe acest fond de concentrare (manifestat prin reducerea numrului de bnci), dar i de concuren datorit numrului nc relativ mare de bnci, observm o cretere a numrului de bnci strine, fie c vorbim de sucursalele bncilor strine (persoane juridice strine), fie de subsidiarele bncilor strine n

    alongside with the adoption by the National Bank of Romania of a more determined attitude on banking supervision and by imposing of some strict requirements and a more restrictive approach of the monetary policy in the late 90s.

    The penetration of these banks was achieved given the political and economic liberalization since 1989 in Romania and under the broader context of the expansion of foreign banks in Central and Eastern Europe. The grounds and interests of foreign banks have certainly changed in the course of time, gradually leading to a greater local involvement of these banks, unlike the initial entries from the middle of the 90s. The expansion method also changed, in the meaning that, if large greenfield investments were made 10 years ago, today the expansion is done especially through the acquisition of some existing banks, either by the privatization process, or by acquiring smaller private banks . Moreover, this is the way which the bank managers have mentioned for future expansion. Returning to the current situation of the banking market in Romania, we shall record the evolution of the number of foreign banks and the total number of banks; at the end of 2009, the Romanian banking sector comprised 33 banks, to which were added 6 branches of foreign banks, so a total of 41 banks. This reflects a trend of reducing the number of banks, which reached the number of 45 in 1998. Against this concentration background (shown by reducing the number of banks), as well as competition due to the relatively large number of banks, we notice an increase in the number of foreign banks, either we speak about the branches of foreign banks (foreign legal entities), or the subsidiaries of foreign banks in Romania (Romanian legal entities). Thus, the number of majority private foreign-owned banks and of the foreign bank branches has been constantly increased since 1996. The importance of foreign banks which

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    Romnia (persoane juridice romne). Astfel, numrul bncilor cu capital privat majoritar strin i al sucursalelor bncilor strine a crescut constant dup 1996.

    Importana bncilor strine, care pot intra n Romnia fie nfiinnd o subsidiar n conformitate cu legea romn sau o sucursal dependent direct de banca - mam, fie achiziionnd o banc de stat scoas la privatizare, a crescut substanial n ultimii ani. Evoluia sectorului bancar n anii receni este evideniat n Tabelul 2.

    n timp ce numrul de bnci strine (toate categoriile) a depit numrul de bnci autohtone nc din 1998, n termeni de active aceasta s-a ntmplat n 2000, an n care i valoarea capitalului social/de dotare al bncilor strine (inclusiv sucursalele bncilor strine) a atins 54% din total. De atunci i pn n prezent, cota de pia a bncilor strine a crescut continuu, fie ca urmare a creterii rolului lor (creterea volumului de credite acordate) n cadrul economiei romneti.

    Cea mai semnificativ prezen n Romnia este cea a capitalului grecesc n capitalul total al bncilor (35%), acesta fiind reprezentat de bnci ca AlphaBank, Bancpost, Banca Romaneasca, Piraeus, Emporiki. Apoi urmeaz capitalul austriac (23%) (Raiffeisen, HVB-divizia austriac, Volksbank i, mai recent, de Erste) i apoi bncile olandeze, acestea din urm fiind investitori importani pe piaa romneasc (12%) (investiii greenfield).

    2.1. Expunerea rilor de origine fa de

    regiunea CEE n mod similar, expunerea rilor de

    origine a capitalului strin fa de CEE este semnificativ n totalul capitalului strin investit de ele i comparative cu PIB-ul lor. Pe total, rile de origine tind s fie mai expuse fa de rile mai dezvoltate din regiunea CEE (Tabelul 3).

    Austria are, de departe, cea mai mare expunere fa de regiune comparative cu mrimea propriei sale economii. Totalul capitalului investit n rile CEE deine 49% din capitalul total investit de ea n sectoarele

    can penetrate the Romanian market, either establishing a subsidiary according to the Romanian law, or a branch directly dependent on the parent- bank, or buying a state bank subject to privatization, has substantially increased in the past few years. The evolution of banking sector in the recent years is shown in the Table 2. While the number of foreign banks (all categories) has exceeded the number of domestic banks since 1998, in terms of assets, it happened in 2000, when the value of the share/ endowment capital of foreign banks (including the branches of foreign banks) reached 54% of the total. Since then, the market share of the foreign banks has continuously increased, either due to the increase of their role (increase in the volume of loans granted) within the Romanian economy. The most significant presence in Romania is that of the Greek capital (35%) in the total capital of the banks, these capital being represented by banks like Alphabank, Bancpost, Banca Romaneasca, Piraeus, Emporiki. Then the Austrian capital follows (23%) (Raiffeisen, HVB - Austrian division, Volksbank and, shortly, Erste) and the Dutch banks are also important investors on the Romanian market (12%) (greenfield investments).

    2.1. The exposures of home countries to CEE

    Correspondingly, the exposures of some home countries to CEE are very significant relative to their total foreign claims and GDP. Overall, home countries tend to be most exposed to the more developed countries in CEE (Table 3). Austria has, by far, the biggest exposure to the region relative to the size of its own economy. Total claims on CEE account for 49 percent of its total foreign claims, and some 70 percent of GDP. For Greece banks, the CEE countries account for almost 77 percent of their total foreign claims worldwide, or the equivalent of 22 percent of the countrys GDP. The exposures of Swedish and Belgian banks to the CEE region represent 12 and 9

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    bancare i circa 70% din PIB. Pentru bncile greceti, rile CEE dein circa 77% din capitalul investit pe total n afar i reprezint echivalentul a 22% din PIB-ul rii. Expunerea bncilor suedeze i belgiene fa de regiunea CEE reprezint 12%, respective 9% din capitalul investit de ele n total n afar i 19%, respective 26% din PIB-ul lor.

    Republica Ceh, Polonia i Rusia sunt printre cele mai populare destinaii pentru mprumuturile bncilor din strintate. Republica Ceh este cea mai important pia pentru Austria, Belgia i Frana, n timp ce bncile din Germania, Italia i Olanda sunt cei mai mari creditori pentru Polonia; Rusia este cea mai important pia pentru bncile elveiene i din SUA. Pentru alte ri creditoare, Ungaria reprezint, de asemenea, una din expunerile cele mai importante.

    Este o concentrare a capitalului din rile de origine. Pentru aproape toate rile creditoare, 50% sau chiar mai mult din capitalul investit n afar n regiunea CEE este atribuit pentru trei ri de origine (procentul crete la 80% n cazul Greciei, Japoniei i Suediei). Austria - cel mai important creditor pentru CEE are cel mai diversificat portofoliu de credite din majoritatea rilor de origine, iar primii si trei debitori din regiunea CEE dein cel puin jumtate din totalul capitalului investit n aceast regiune.

    2.2. Structura deinerilor de capital strin A avut loc o schimbare important n

    raportul dintre capitalul strin investit n sectorul privat i cel public, i chiar n cadrul sectorului privat n cele 13 principale ri gazd CEE.

    n perioada martie 2005 i decembrie 2007, capitalul strin investit n sectorul public n aceste ri a sczut ca procent n totalul capitalului investit n regiune (Tabelul 4). Aceast modificare observat a fost, n parte, datorat mbuntirilor poziiei fiscale n rile gazd i privatizrii ntreprinderilor cu capital de stat. Excepiile le-au constituit Republica Ceh, unde capitalul strin investit n sectorul public s-a majorat i Estonia i Republica Slovac unde ponderea s-a

    of their respective total global claims, and 19 and 26 percent respectively of their own GDP. The Czech Republic, Poland, and Russia are among the most popular destinations for foreign bank lending. The Czech Republic is the most important market for Austria, Belgium, and France, while banks from Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands are the biggest lenders to Poland; Russia is the most important market for Swiss and U.S. banks. For some of these lenders, Hungary also ranks among their largest exposures. There is a concentration of claims by individual home countries. For almost all creditor countries, 50 percent or more of their total claims on CEE are attributable to three host countries (this ratio rises to 80 percent in the case of Greece, Japan, and Sweden). Austriathe most prominent creditor to CEEhas the most diversified loan portfolio among the major home countries, with its three biggest CEE borrowers accounting for less than half of its total claims on the region.

    2.2. The sectoral structure of foreign bank claims

    There has been a marked shift in the balance of foreign banks claims between the public and private sectors, and even within the private sector in the 13 main CEE host countries.

    Between March 2005 and December 2007, foreign banks claims on the public sector across these countries fell as a percentage of their total claims on the region (Table 4). The observed shift was, in part, due to improvements in the fiscal position of host countries and the privatization of state-owned enterprises. The exceptions were the Czech Republic, where foreign banks claims on the public sector increased, and Estonia and the Slovak Republic, where the share was maintained. Foreign banks claims on the public sector are highest in Poland and the Slovak Republic, at 28 percent of their total claims; and lowest in Estonia (3 percent) and in Latvia and Russia (both 6 percent).

    In general, the proportion of claims on the private sector in CEE has increased. It has

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    meninut. Ponderea capitalului investit n sectorul public este cea mai mare n Polonia i Republica Slovac, 28% din totalul capitalului strin investit, iar cea mai mic n Estonia (3) i n Letonia i n Rusia (n amandou 6%).

    n general, proporia capitalului investit n sectorul privat n rile CEE a crescut. Ea a rmas constant n Estonia i n Republica Slovac i a descrescut uor n Republica Ceh. n cadrul sectorului privat, a avut loc o clar realocare a capitalului ntre sectorul privat nebancar i cel bancar proporia capitalului investit n primul, n total capital, a crescut n toate rile. Importana capitalului interbancar care s nu provin de la banca mam a sczut, cu excepia Lituaniei (de la 12 la 21%) i Rusiei (de la 27 la 30%); proporia s-a meninut n Polonia.

    Noi ne-am axat pe capitalul bancar investit n sectorul privat n rile CEE-13. Pe ansamblu, gsim diferene n structura capitalului investit n sectorul privat ntre sub-regiunile CEE-13 i, n cadrul fiecrei subregiuni, ntre ri luate individual:

    O msur tipic pentru msurarea gradului de intermediere financiar este creditul bancar total acordat sectorului nonbancar, ca procent n PIB. n rile CEE-13, acesta variaz n prezent de la aproximativ 120% n rile baltice, la aproape 60% n CEE i la 70% n sudul emergent al Europei (SEE), iar n alte ri emergente din Europa (OEE), doar peste 40%. n particular, capitalul bancar investit n sectorul nonbancar deine circa 162% din PIB n Estonia i 126% n Letonia, comparativ cu circa 46% n Rusia i 38% n Turcia. n Croaia, aceast pondere este, de asemenea, foarte mare, 119% din PIB.

    Sectorul privat non-bancar din rile CEE-13 este dince n ce mai dependent de finanarea bancar extern. Ponderea creditului acordat de bncile cu capital autohton n PIB a sczut progresiv n timp. De exemplu, creditul acordat de bncile cu capital strin n rile baltice a crescut brusc de la aproape 20 de procente din totalul creditului bancar la aproape 70 de procente (sau de la 10 procente la 80 de procente din

    remained the same in Estonia and the Slovak Republic, and declined slightly in the Czech Republic. Within the private sector, there has been a clear reallocation of claims between the nonbank private and banking sectorsthe proportion of claims on the former, relative to the total, has increased across all countries. The importance of nonparent inter-bank claims has declined, except in Lithuania (from 12 to 21 percent) and Russia (from 27 to 30 percent); the proportion has been maintained in Poland.

    We focus on banks claims on the private sector of the CEE-13. Overall, we find distinct differences in the composition of claims on the private sector across the CEE-13 sub-regions and within each sub-region, in individual countries:

    A typical measure of the depth of financial intermediation is total bank credit to the nonbank private sector in percent of GDP. In CEE-13, this metric currently ranges from around 120 percent in the Baltics, to about 60 percent in CEE and 70 percent in SEE, and in other emerging Europe (OEE), just over 40 percent. In particular, total bank claims on the nonbank private sector amount to 162 percent of GDP in Estonia and 126 percent in Latvia, compared to around 46 percent in Russia and 38 percent in Turkey. In Croatia, this figure is also very high, at 119 percent of GDP.

    The nonbank private sector in CEE-13 is increasingly dependent on foreign bank funding. The share of credit to GDP generated by domestic banks has fallen progressively over time. For example, foreign bank claims on the Baltic countries have increased sharply from about 20 percent of total bank claims to almost 70 percent (or from 10 percent to 80 percent of GDP) over the March 2005December 2007 period. Specifically, claims on Latvia have posted the steepest rise from 15 percent of total bank claims on the country (9 percent of GDP) in 2005 to 73 percent (92 percent of GDP) as at end-2007. In the Czech Republic, foreign bank claims are at around 80 percent of total bank claims on the country, as a result of the very high share of foreign bank ownership.

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    PIB) n perioada martie 2005-decembrie 2007. Mai exact, creditul n Letonia a cunoscut cea mai accentuat cretere de la 15 procente din totalul creditului bancar n aceast ar (9 procente din PIB) n 2005 la 73 de procente (92 de procente din PIB) la finele lui 2007. n Republica Ceh, creditele bncilor strine se ridic la circa 80 de procente din totalul creditului bancar din ar, ca rezultat al unei ponderi nalte a capitalului bancar strin. La cellalt capt al spectrului, bncile locale continu s domine n Rusia i Turcia, deinnd mai mult de dou treimi din creditul ctre sectorul privat nonbancar, dei creditele din exterior au crescut i ele.

    Creanele bncilor strine asupra sectorului privat non-bancar sunt din ce n ce mai mult exprimate n valut. n timp ce o mare proporie din creanele aggregate ale bncilor strine n rile CEE continu s fie exprimate n moneda naional, a avut loc o cretere brusc a creditului bancar n valut n rile SEE i n cele baltice. Aceast cretere este atribuit n ambele cazuri expansiunii creditului cross-border care este n mod normal exprimat n valut. Excepiile notabile sunt reprezentate de Republica Ceh, Lituania, Republica Slovac, i, ntr-o msur mai mic de Romnia, unde creditarea n moned local, realizat de filialele bncilor strine a cunoscut ratele cele mai mari de cretere pn la finele lui 2007.

    Finanarea bancar care nu vine de la banca mam variaz ca importan n sursele de finanare a sectoarelor bancare din rile CEE-13. Creanele strine interbancare de acest tip din sectoarele bancare ale rilor CEE-13 reprezint 10-30 de procente din PIB n medie; ele sunt mai mari n Estonia i Letonia (42 i 34 de procente, respectiv) i mai mici n Rusia i Turcia (mai puin de 5 procente din PIB).

    Majoritatea finanrii interbancare care nu provine de la banca mam tinde a fi sub forma creditelor directe cross-border sau creditelor n moned local provenind de la filialele bncilor strine. n majoritatea rilor, creditarea n valut a filialelor bncilor strine ctre sectorul bancar local are cea mai mic importan, excepie fcnd

    At the other end of the spectrum, domestic banks have continued to dominate in Russia and Turkey, accounting for more than two-thirds of total claims on the nonbank private sector, although crossborder claims have been increasing.

    Foreign bank claims on the nonbank private sector are increasingly denominated in foreign currency. While the larger portion of aggregate foreign bank claims on the CEE countries continues to be denominated in local currency, there has been a sharp increase in foreign currency bank lending in the SEE and Baltic countries. The rise is attributable to both a general expansion in cross-border lending, which is typically denominated in foreign currency. The notable exceptions are in the Czech Republic, Lithuania and the Slovak Republic, and to a lesser extent Romania, where local currency lending by local affiliates of foreign banks have recorded the highest growth rates, up to end-2007.

    Nonparent bank funding varies in importance as a source of financing for the CEE-13 banking sector. Foreign nonparent inter-bank claims on CEE-13 banking sectors are around 1030 percent of GDP on average; they are highest in Estonia and Latvia (42 and 34 percent of GDP, respectively) and lowest in Russia and Turkey (less than 5 percent of GDP).

    Most of the nonparent inter-bank funding tends to be in the form of direct crossborder credit or local currency credit from other LAFBs. In most countries, foreign currency lending by LAFBs to the local banking sector has been the least important, except in Latvia where it has been at least as much as the other components.

    It is to be noted that, in Romania, in the total number of granted loans (as well as in the net balance- sheet assets), the foreign corporate banks are due a greater share, compared to the share of the capital, namely 7.4% unlike 4.7%. We can even mention the case of Romanian branch of ING Bank NV, which owns 5.3% of the net balance-sheet assets of the banking system and only 1.3% of total equity of the system. This can have

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    Letonia unde a fost cel puin la nivelul celorlalte componente.

    De remarcat c, n totalul creditelor acordate (ca i n activul net bilanier), bncilor persoane juridice strine le revine o cot mai mare comparativ cu cota pe care o au n capital, respectiv 7,4% fa de 4,7%. Putem chiar meniona cazul sucursalei din Romnia a ING Bank NV, care deine 5,3% din activul net bilanieral sistemelui bancar i doar 1,3% din capitalurile totale ale sistemului. Acest lucru poate avea dou semnificaii. Pe de o parte, arat eficiena utilizrii capitalurilor proprii, n sensul c se obine o valorificare foarte bun a acestora; mai simplu spus, cu puine fonduri proprii realizeaz multe plasamente. Pe de alt parte, poare reflecta i sprijinul primit de la banca mam, precum i accesul facil i la preuri mici la fonduri n afara sistemului bancar romnesc, ceea ce le face s nu aib nevoie de prea multe fonduri proprii.

    Aceeai tendin de expansiune o ntlnim i la depozitele atrase. Se observ totui o cot uor mai sczut n ceea ce privete atragerea depozitelor comparativ cu creditele acordate, explicabil printr-o serie de factori:

    - instituiile de credit cu cea mai mare pondere n depozite, evident cu clientele cea mai numeroas, sunt nc (sau au fost pn de curnd) n proprietate de stat: CEC;

    - aceste uniti au i cea mai numeroas reea de colectare a resurselor, spre deosebire de bncile strine, caracterizate, cu excepia BRD i Raiffeisen Bank, de un numr redus de uniti. De alfel, privatizarea celor dou instituii duce la o cretere notabil, dup 2000, a ponderii bncilor strine i n cadrul resuselor;

    - nu n ultimul rnd, o preocupare mai mare a bncilor strine spre plasamente n dauna atragerii resurselor, n condiiile n care aceste bnci pot procura resurse n valut, mai ieftine i implicit preferate de ctre mprumutai;

    - n termeni de eficien, colectarea resurselor de la populaie are un randament inferior plasamentelor sau activitii de trezorerie (valutar).

    n ultima perioad de timp se constat

    two meanings. On the one hand, it shows the effectiveness of the use of shareholders equity, in the way that it can be obtained a very good capitalization of them; in simple words, with few own funds, it achieves many investments. Moreover, it can also reflects the support received from the parent-bank, as well as easy access and at low costs to funds outside the Romanian banking system, which makes them not need too much own funds.

    The same trend of expansion is also met at the obtained deposits. However, it is noted a slightly lower rate in terms of obtaining deposits compared to the loans granted, explainable by several factors:

    - credit institutions with the largest share of deposits, with the largest number of customers are still (or have been so far) owned by the state: Romanian Savings Bank;

    - these units also have the largest network for collection of resources, unlike foreign banks, characterized, except the Romanian Development Bank and Raiffeisen Bank, by a small number of units. Moreover, the privatization of the two institutions leads to a notable increase after 2000, of the share of foreign banks and within the resources;

    - not at least, a greater concern of the foreign banks towards investments to the detriment of obtaining resources, given that these banks can get foreign currency resources, cheaper and therefore preferred by the borrowers;

    - in terms of efficiency, the collection of resources from the population has a lower efficiency than investments or business cash (currency).

    However, in the last period of time, it is ascertained an increase in the involvement of foreign banks in obtaining resources, not just as a result of acquisitions of domestic banks, but also through a greater involvement in the retail business. This activity required both the revaluation of the retail sector, as well as small and medium- sized enterprises, as well as the expansion of territorial network, increasing in the number of customers, etc.

    3. Performance of the foreign banks in

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    totui o cretere a implicrii bncilor strine n atragerea de resurse, nu doar urmare a achiziiilor de bnci autohtone, ci i printr-o implicare mai mare n activitatea de retail. Aceast activitate a impus att reconsiderarea persoanelor fizice i a ntreprinderilor mici i mijlocii, ct i extinderea reelei teritoriale, creterea numrului de clieni etc.

    3. Performana bncilor strine n rile

    CEE Literatura arat c achiziiile strine nu au

    niciun impact asupra bncii n anul cumprrii, dar ncepnd din primul an, avem o cretere susinut a profiturilor fa de bncile locale care sunt n grupul controlat. La doi ani dup achiziie, cota de pia a bncilor aciziionate ncepe s creasc de asemenea. Bncile strine nu ncearc s-i creasc cota de pia cu costul micorrii profiturilor. Mai degrab, performana mai bun a bncilor strine le face pe acestea mai attractive pentru clieni i aceasta duce la creterea cotei de pia (Havrylchyk Olena i Jurzyk Emilia, 2010).

    Acest rezultat este contrar evidenelor de pe pieele dezvoltate cum ar fi cea a SUA sau a Australiei. Acolo, bncile strine nu au reuit s atrag deponenii locali i, de aceea, trebuie s se bazeze pe fonduri costisitoare atrase, ceea ce le scade profiturile. Situaia rilor n tranziie este diferit deoarece prin achiziia unei instituii locale deja existente, bncile strine deja motenesc reeaua de clieni i pot beneficia de ea. Mai mult, bncile strine care intr n rile n tranziie au avantajul unui acces mai bun pe pieele de capital internaionale ceea ce le asigur fonduri mai ieftine dect acelea atrase prin depozite.

    n general, aceste rezultate sunt n concordan cu cele ale celor care arat c restricionarea ntrrii pe piaa bancar i alte obstacole ce in de reglementare i care limiteaz libertatea bancherilor n conducerea afacerilor lor crete costul intermedierii. Eliminarea restriciilor privind capitalul strin bancar crete performana bncilor achiziionate.

    Investitorii strini aleg s achiziioneze

    CEE countries Literature shows that foreign acquisition

    has no impact on the bank in the year of the acquisition, but starting from the first year, there is a sustained increase in profits relative to domestic banks that are in the control group. Two years after the acquisition, market share of the acquired banks starts to increase as well. Foreign banks dont attempt to increase their market share at the expense of lower profits. It rather seems that good performance of foreign banks makes them more attractive to clients, which in turn increases their market share (Havrylchyk Olena and Jurzyk Emilia, 2010).

    This result is contrary to the evidence found for developed markets such as the U.S. and Australia. There, foreign banks did not succeed in tapping the pool of domestic depositors and therefore had to rely on expensive purchased funds, which decreased their profits. The situation in transition countries is different because by acquiring existing domestic institutions foreign banks already inherit the customer network and can benefit from it. Furthermore, foreign banks that enter transition countries have an advantage of better access to the international capital markets which provide cheaper funds than those raised through deposits.

    More generally, these results are in line with those who find that restriction on bank entry and other regulatory obstacles that inhibit the freedom of bankers to conduct their business increase costs of intermediation. Eliminating restrictions on foreign bank ownership boosts performance of acquired banks.

    Foreign investors choose to acquire large institutions in order to gain market power, and naturally such institutions cannot grow as fast as new small banks. Bank recapitalization is the only significant change that the acquired banks undergo in the year of the acquisition. Other changes need more time. The streamlining of costs is only possible two years after the acquisition. This two-year delay can be explained by the presence of agreements that foreign banks had to sign while acquiring a domestic

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    instituii mari n vederea obinerii de putere pe pia i, n mod natural, aceste instituii nu pot crete att de rapid ca noile bnci mici. Recapitalizarea bancar este singura schimbare semnificativ prin care trec bncile achiziionate n anul achiziiei. Alte schimbri cer mai mult timp. Reducerea costurilor este posibil doar la doi ani dup achiziie. Aceast ntrziere de doi ani se explic prin prezena nelegerilor pe care bncile strine trebuie s le semneze odat cu achiziionarea instituiei locale i care le mpiedic pe acestea s concedieze personalul care nu este necesar sau s nchid sucursale inutile direct dup achiziie. Costurile bancare pot crete deoarece noii proprietary ncep s monitorizeze clienii. Dac, n acelai timp, bancile reduce cheltuielile redundante cu personalul, costurile totale pot rmne constante, sau pot scdea numai dup un timp de la preluare.

    Provizionale pentru pierderile din credite ale bncilor achiziionate ncep s scad deja la un an dup preluare. Oricum, efectul cumulate al scderii provizionalelor de risc pare a fi semnificativ numai dup trei ani din cauza unei creteri accentuate a provizionalelor de risc n anul achiziiei. Acest rezultat indic mai degrab o reclasificare a creditelor fcut de noii proprietary, care aplic reguli de clasificare mai stricte pentru creditele neperformante. Scderea provizioanelor de risc reflect mai degrab tehnici mbuntite de gestiune a riscului care permit bncilor s analizeze mai bine potenialii debitori i astfel s scad creditele neperformante. Oricum, bncile strine se consider, de asemenea, a avea avantaje comparative n procesare informaiilor complexe, n timp ce bncile locale sunt mai bune n procesarea informaiilor mai uoare. De aceea, bncile strine pot majora creditarea companiilor mari transparente, n defavoarea ntreprinderilor mici. Degryse i alii (2008) arat c bncile strine care intr pe pia prin realizarea unor operaiuni greenfield acord credite n special multor companii private mari i foarte puin micilor ntreprinztori. Portofoliul bncilor strine care intr pe pia

    institution, and which prevented them from firing unnecessary personnel or closing superfluous branches directly after the acquisition. Bank costs can increase because new owners start monitoring the customers. If, in the same time, banks reduce redundant personnel expenses, total costs can stay constant, or start falling only some time after the takeover.

    Loan loss provisions of acquired banks start decreasing already one year after the takeover. However, the cumulative effect of lower loan loss provisions appears to be significant only after three years due to a sharp increase in loan loss provisions in the year of the acquisition. This result most likely indicates the reclassification of loans by new owners, who apply tighter classification rules for non-performing loans. Lower loan loss provisions are likely to reflect improved risk management techniques which allow banks to better screen their potential borrowers and thus lower non-performing loans. However, foreign banks are also considered to have comparative advantages at processing hard information, while domestic banks are better at handling soft information.9 Therefore, foreign banks might increase their lending to large transparent companies, at the expanse of small entrepreneurs. Degryse and others. (2008) show that foreign banks that enter via establishment of greenfield operations lend particularly a lot to large private companies and very little to entrepreneurs. The portfolios of foreign banks that entered the market via takeovers of domestic institutions are more similar to domestic banks, but they also tend to lend less to small enterprises. These changes in portfolio composition can also affect costs, since lending that is based on soft information is very labor-intensive.

    Higher profitability of foreign banks does not stem from higher interest margin, which turns out to be insignificant in our calculations. This is surprising, since one of the recognized advantages of foreign ownership is banks' improved access to the international capital markets either directly or via their parent banks, which should significantly lower their costs of funding.

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    prin preluarea instituiilor locale este similar celor al bncilor autohtone, dar i acestea tind s crediteze mai puin micile ntreprinderi. Aceste schimbri n structura portofoliului pot de asemenea afecta costurile, din moment ce creditarea bazat pe informaii simple cere munc intensiv.

    Profitabilitatea mai mare a bncilor strine nu vine din rate de dobnd mai nalte, acestea fiind nesemnificative n calculele noastre. Acest lucru este surprinztor, din moment ce unul din avantajele recunoscute ale capitalului strin este accesul bancar mbuntit pe pieele de capital internaionale fie direct sau prin banca lor mam, ceea ce ar trebui s scad semnificativ costurile lor de finanare. Debitorii beneficiaz n mod direct de scderea costurilor de finanare.

    4. Concluzii Retragerea creditelor ajunse la maturitate

    de ctre bncile mam ar putea lua forma realocrii creditelor cross-border sau, n rile unde finanarea este asigurat pe larg de depozitele locale, refuzul de a continua creditarea sectorului privat pe fondul creterii creditului i a riscurilor de contrapartid.

    n timp ce unele ri gazd au fost expuse mai clar riscului dat de o retragere brusc a finanrii externe pe termen scurt, bncile creditoare sunt de asemenea stimulate pe larg s adopte o viziune pe termen mai lung n privina activelor lor n rile CEE, dat fiind expunerea lor agregat fa de regiune.

    Orice decizie de meninere sau retragere brusc a creditelor pe termen scurt poate afecta negative activitatea economic n regiune, cu implicaii poteniale severe pentru calitatea activelor bncilor strine cu expuneri pe termen lung mai mari i care sunt mai captive, n special dac aceasta se transform ntr-o contagiune la nivel regional.

    Contra acestei cderi, decidenii politici trebuie s fie vigileni i pregtii adecvat s gestioneze riscurile care apar din cauza acestei inter-deenden dintre rile de provenien i cele gazd. Mai exact, supravegherea financiar trebuie s acorde o atenie sporit surselor de finanare a

    Borrowers directly benefit from lower cost of funding.

    4. Conclusions Withdrawals by foreign parents of

    maturing loans could take the form of a retrenchment of cross-border loans, or in countries where funding is largely through local deposits, refusal to roll over maturing loans to the private sector amid rising credit and counterparty risks.

    While some of the host countries have clearly become more at risk from a sudden withdrawal of short-term external funding, creditor banks also have significant incentives to adopt a longer-term view of their assets in CEE, given their aggregate exposures to the region.

    Any decision to withhold or quickly withdraw short-term lending could hurt economic activity in the region, with potentially severe implications for the asset quality of the foreign banks larger and more captive longer-term exposures, especially if it results in a regional contagion.

    Against this backdrop, policymakers need to be vigilant and adequately prepared to manage the risks arising from this inter-dependence between home and host countries. Specifically, financial surveillance needs to pay closer attention to the sources of financing of credit, the composition of that credit, its impact on a countrys external position, and the ability of banking systems to absorb shocks from any significant tightening in liquidity and possibly, a sharp reversal in the credit cycle.

    The aim of this paper is also to assess the impact of foreign acquisitions on the performance of banks operating in Central and Eastern Europe. We show that foreign banks preferred to acquire large banks in CEECs, because it was time-consuming and expensive to gain market power through a natural portfolio growth. As to the performance of target banks, we show that acquired banks were on average less profitable but better capitalized than institutions that remained in domestic hands. This reflects the situation that local regulatory

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    creditului, structurii creditului, impactului su asupra poziiei externe a rii i abilitii sistemului bancar de a absorbi ocurile aprute ca urmare a nspririi semnificative a condiiilor de lichiditate i posibilitii unei inversri rapide n ciclul creditului.

    Scopul acestei lucrri este, de asemenea, acela de a evidenia impactul achiziiilor strine asupra performanei bncilor care opereaz n Europa Central i de Est. Noi artm c bncile strine prefer s achiziioneze bnci mari din rile CEE, pentru c este costisitor i consum de timp s ctigi putere pe pia printr-o cretere natural a portofoliului. Ct privete performana bncilor int, noi artm c bncile achiziionate au fost, n medie, mai puin profitabile, dar mai bine capitalizate dect instituiile care au rmas n proprietate local. Aceasta reflect faptul c autoritile locale de reglementare au decis vnzarea bncilor ctre investitorii strini la declanarea crizei cnd profiturile erau sczute, dar, n unele cazuri, ele au recapitalizat bncile nainte s le ofere mai attractive investitorilor.

    Noi artm c n anul achiziiei, investitorii strini recapitalizeaz bncile achiziionate. Necesit ns mai mult de un an s obin o cretere a profiturilor, care deriv din reducerea costurilor i scderea provizioanelor de risc. n teorie, scderea provizioanelor de risc poate reflecta tehnici mai bune e gestionare a riscului sau, alternative, orientarea ctre clieni mari mai transpareni, n defavoarea ntreprinztorilor mici. Aceste schimbri n structura portofoliului pot de asemenea s duc la costuri mai mari pentru bncile autohtone, pentru c creditarea clienilor opaci este bazat pe informaii superficiale care necesit foarte mult munc intensiv.

    Alt avantaj al capitalului strn este acela al scderii costului de finanare, care deriv dintr-o mai bun reputaie i dintr-un acces superior pe pieele internaionale de capital fie direct, fie prin banca mam. Artm c scderea costului finanrii este transferat asupra debitorilor i, de aceea, nu observm o cretere a ratelor nete de dobnd la bncile

    authorities decided to sell banks to foreign investors in the wake of the crises when profits were low, but in some cases they recapitalized the banks beforehand to render them more attractive to investors.

    We show that in the year of the acquisition, foreign investors recapitalize the acquired bank. It takes one more year to achieve an increase of profits, which comes from cutting costs and lowering loan loss provisions. In theory, lower loan loss provisions can reflect better risk management techniques or, alternatively, shifting to more transparent large clients, at the expanse of small entrepreneurs. These changes in the portfolio composition can also lead to higher costs for domestic banks, because lending to opaque clients is based on soft information and is very labor intensive.

    Another advantage of foreign bank ownership is lower cost of funds, which stems from better reputation and superior access to international capital markets either directly or via the parent banks. We show that this lower cost of funds is passed on to borrowers and, therefore, we do not observe an increase in net interest margin of foreign banks in the post-acquisition period.

    Two years after the acquisition, the market share of foreign banks starts to grow. Since this happens after the improvements in banks' performance, we can argue that foreign banks succeeded to increase their market share due to their attractiveness to clients. These results are contrary to findings for developed countries, where foreign banks are more likely to sacrifice profits for growth.

    For Romania, we can assert that in a concentrated banking system, in which the top five banks hold 56.3% of assets and the first 10 ones hold about 80%, the ascension of foreign banks is not yet complete. In the top five banks there are only one Romanian private capital owned bank and CEC, the first three are foreign capital owned banks. Along with the draining of the banking system, the penetration or consolidation on the market of some famous foreign banks, the competition among the banks becomes more and more powerful, and implicitly the reposition of

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    strine n perioada de dup achiziie. La doi ani dup achiziie, cota de pia a

    bncilor strine ncepe s creasc. Din moment ce aceasta are loc dup mbuntirea performanei bncilor, putem afirma c bncile strine reuesc s-i majoreze cota de pia datorit atractivitii lor n faa clienilor. Aceste rezultate sunt contrare celor evideniate pentru pieele dezvoltate, unde bncile strine sacrific mai degrab profiturile pentru a obine o cretere.

    n concluzie, putem afirma c, n cadrul unui sistem bancar concentrat, n care primele cinci bnci din sistem dein 56,3% din active, iar primele 10 dein circa 80%, ascensiune bncilor strine nu este nc finalizat. n topul primelor cinci bnci, este doar o singur banc cu capital privat romnesc si CEC, primele trei sunt cu capital strin. Odat cu asanarea sistemului bancar, cu intrarea sau consolidarea pe pia a unor bnci strine de renume, concurena ntre bnci devine tot mai puternic, implicit i reaezarea cotelor de pia i a clasamentelor. n ciuda progreselor realizate n ultimii ani, piaa bancar romneasc poate fi considerat nc subdezvoltat, att comparativ cu media Uniunii Europene, ct i cu media rilor din Europa Central i de Est. Gradul de concentrare la noi este relativ stabil in ultimii ani ai deceniului actual, dar se inregistreaza o expansiune a bancilor mici si mijlocii in perioada de expansiune a creditului. Gradul de concentrare era moderat de 56% in 2007, in imediata vecinatate a mediei UE la acea data de 59%, insa mult sub Belgia, Olanda, Finlanda sau tarile baltice Letonia si Lituania. Gradul de penetrare bancar din Romnia este nc redus fa de cel nregistrat la nivel de Europa Central i de Est. Astfel, ponderea creditelor totale n PIB este n Romnia de 41%, comparativ cu un nivel de 55% in CEE.

    BIBLIOGRAFIE 1. Arvai, Z., Driessen, K., Otker-Robe, I., 2009,

    Regional Financial Interlinkages and Financial Contagion Within Europe, IMF Working Paper No. 09/6, p.21-34.

    2. BIS, International Financial Database, 2007. 3. Bonin, J., Hasan, I. and Wachtel, P., 2005,

    market shares and rankings. Despite the progress in the past years, the Romanian banking market can be still considered underdeveloped, both compared to the EU average and the average of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The degree of concentration is relatively stable in the last years of the current decade in our country, but there is a general expansion of small and medium banks in the period of credit expansion. The degree of concentration was moderate, 56% in 2007, very close to EU average at that time, 59%, but much below Belgium, Netherlands, Finland and Baltic countries Latvia and Lithuania. Banking penetration degree in Romania is still low comparing to the one in the CEE countries. So, the share of the total credit to GDP is 41% in Romania, against a level of 55% in CEE countries.

    REFERENCES 1. Arvai, Z., Driessen, K., Otker-Robe, I., 2009,

    Regional Financial Interlinkages and Financial Contagion Within Europe, IMF Working Paper No. 09/6, p.21-34.

    2. BIS, International Financial Database, 2007.

    3. Bonin, J., Hasan, I. and Wachtel, P., 2005, Bank Performance, Efficiency and Ownership in Transition Countries, Journal of Banking and Finance 29, 3153.

    4. Degryse, H., Havrylchhyk, O., Jurzyk, E. and Kozak, S., 2008, The Effect of Foreign Bank Entry on the Cost of Credit in Transition Economies. Which Borrowers Benefit Most? CEPII Working Paper No. 15, p.42-46.

    5. Havrylchyk O. and Jurzyk E., 2010, Inherited or Earned? Performance of Foreign Banks in Central and Eastern Europe, IMF, Working Paper no. 4, p. 23-50.

    6. Lanine, G. and Vander Vennet, R., 2007, Microeconomic Determinants of Acquisitions of Eastern European Banks by Western European banks, Economics of Transition 15(2), p. 285308.

    7. Maechler A. M. and Ong L. L., 2009, Foreign Banks in the CESE Countries: In for a Penny, in for a Pound?, Working Paper 54/2009, p.15-38.

    8. National Bank of Romania, Annual Reports 2000-2008, Monthly Bulletins 2009.

    9. Stoica, O., Cpraru, B., Filipescu, D., 2007, Efecte ale integrrii Europene asupra sistemului bancar romnesc, (Edit. Universitii Al.I.Cuza., Iasi).

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    Bank Performance, Efficiency and Ownership in Transition Countries, Journal of Banking and Finance 29, 3153.

    4. Degryse, H., Havrylchhyk, O., Jurzyk, E. and Kozak, S., 2008, The Effect of Foreign Bank Entry on the Cost of Credit in Transition Economies. Which Borrowers Benefit Most? CEPII Working Paper No. 15, p.42-46.

    5. Havrylchyk O. and Jurzyk E., 2010, Inherited or Earned? Performance of Foreign Banks in Central and Eastern Europe, IMF, Working Paper no. 4, p. 23-50.

    6. Lanine, G. and Vander Vennet, R., 2007, Microeconomic Determinants of Acquisitions of Eastern European Banks by Western European banks, Economics of Transition 15(2), p. 285308.

    7. Maechler A. M. and Ong L. L., 2009, Foreign Banks in the CESE Countries: In for a Penny, in for a Pound?, Working Paper 54/2009, p.15-38.

    8. National Bank of Romania, Annual Reports 2000-2008, Monthly Bulletins 2009.

    9. Stoica, O., Cpraru, B., Filipescu, D., 2007, Efecte ale integrrii Europene asupra sistemului bancar romnesc, (Edit. Universitii Al.I.Cuza., Iasi).

    Tablul nr. 1 CEE: Ponderea capitalului total strin bancar n rile gazd selecionate, la finalul lui 2007

    (n procente n totalul capitalului strin bancar investit n rile gazd)

    Sursa: Banca Reglementelor Internaionale, 2007.

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    Tabelul nr. 2. Sistemul bancar romnesc dup forma de proprietate (numr de bnci la sfritul perioadei)

    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

    I. Bnci, din care: 33 33 31 30 32 33 31 31 32 31 Bnci cu capital integral sau majoritar de stat, din care:

    4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

    - capital de stat integral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - majoritar cu capital de stat 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bnci cu capital majoritar privat, din care:

    29 30 28 27 30 31 29 29 30 29

    - majoritar capital privat intern 8 6 4 6 7 7 3 3 3 4 - majoritar capital privat extern 21 24 24 21 23 24 26 26 27 25 II. Filiale ale bncilor strine 8 8 8 8 7 6 7 10 10 10 Total sistem bancar (I+II) 41 41 39 38 39 39 38 41 42 41

    Sursa: BNR, Rapoarte Anuale 1996-2008, Buletin lunar decembrie 2009.

    Tabelul nr. 3. CEE: : Ponderea capitalului total strin bancar n rile de origine, la finalul lui 2007

    (procente n totalul capitalului investit de rile de origine n regiune)

    Sursa: Banca Reglementelor Internaionale, 2007.

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    Tabelul nr. 4. CEE: Schimbrile n structura capitalului total strin bancar n rile gazd selecionate

    (capitalul strin bancar n sectorul public i privat ca procent n total capital strin bancar investit)

    Sursa: Banca Reglementelor Internaionale, 2007.

    Table no. 1 CEE: Share of Total Foreign Bank Claims on Select Host Countries, as at End- 2007 (In percent of total foreign claims on host country)

    Table no. 2. Romanian banking system by ownership

    (banks number at the end of the period)

    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

    I. Banks, of which: 33 33 31 30 32 33 31 31 32 31 Banks with full state capital or major state capital, of which:

    4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

    - full state capital 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - major state capital 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Banks with major private capital, of which:

    29 30 28 27 30 31 29 29 30 29

    - major domestic private capital 8 6 4 6 7 7 3 3 3 4 - major foreign private capital 21 24 24 21 23 24 26 26 27 25

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiine Sociale, Nr. 3/2012


    II. Foreign banks branches 8 8 8 8 7 6 7 10 10 10 Total banking system (I+II) 41 41 39 38 39 39 38 41 42 41

    Source: NBR, Annual Reports 1996-2008, Monthly Bulletin December 2009.

    Table no. 3. CEE: Share of Total Foreign Bank Claims of Home Countries, as at End-2007 (In percent of

    total home country claims on region)

    Source: Bank for International Settlements, 2007.

    Table no. 4. CEE: Changes in the Sectoral Structure of Total Foreign Bank Claims on Select Host

    Countries (foreign bank claims on public and private sectors in percent of total foreign bank claims)

    Source: Bank for International Settlements, 2007.

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