per 03 11-14 questions - crawford's world

Post on 29-Jan-2022






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World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


Chapter 11 Questions

Renata Narvaez, Kaela Fennell-Chin, Emily Chancey 1. What caused the Incas to not leave anything behind?

a. Entire population wiped out due to human sacrifices

b. The legend of El Dorado led to invasion and conquest

c. Not enough human sacrifices led to angry gods

d. Invasion from the Aztecs

2. Why weren’t slaves sacrificed like women and conquered people?

a. They were the main labor source

b. The Gods didn’t see them as worthy sacrifices

c. They were of a different religion

d. Conquered people wanted to be sacrificed

3. The Aztec society accomplished all the following except:

a. Creating a strong military force

b. Creating a social hierarchy

c. Creating a wheel

d. Performing daily sacrifice to their gods

4. Why was human sacrifice important to the Aztecs? (Picture)

a. Without it the Gods would destroy them

b. It was their only form of communication

c. It unified them and their civilization

d. It was not important; politics played a prominent role in their civilization

5. How does Mexico City demonstrate the theme of permanence?

a. The Gods preserved it over time

b. Aztec culture remains

c. Aztec religion is still practiced

d. The capital Tenochtitlan stayed but changed names

6. The Aztecs and Incas shared the same all the following characteristics except:

a. Both based on preceding civilizations

b. Made ritual sacrifices

c. Polytheistic religions

d. Climate and environment


World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford

PERIOD 03 8. How was the Aztec civilization similar to the Middle Ages?

a. Social hierarchy based on power, land and the class born into

b. Everyone died of the plague

c. They were both based on monotheistic religions

d. All of the above

9. For the Aztecs, religion

a. Had little distinction between sacred and secular

b. Was monotheistic

c. Humans should live moral lives without sacrifices

d. Buddhism spread

10. In Incan society, where did political power and possessions go after death?

a. Both political power and possessions went to his successor

b. Both political power and possessions went to his male descendants

c. Political power went to his successor and possessions went to his male descendants

d. Political power went to his male descendants and possessions went to his successor

11. How did the Incas communicate and record information?

a. System of knotted strings called quipu

b. Temple Drawings with coal

c. Ancient Spanish Language

d. They did not communicate but connected culturally

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford



Jessica Dolberg, Leith VanSchalkwyk, Kristen Lemes 1. During this period, what was the most important contribution of Chinese writing?

a. It spread to other countries.

b. It helped unify other regions of the world.

c. It brought prosperity to China through the trade of books.

d. It helped advance legal systems.

2. What does the difference between the two feet in the picture above signify about women in the

Chinese culture?

a. The foot binding shows the different roles of women in different social classes.

b. The non-bound feet showed that the woman was powerful in society.

c. Foot binding was a form of punishment for women.

d. Tiny feet only showed a sign of beauty.

3. How did the junks help trade in china?

a. They could travel farther over water in order to trade as far away as Africa and the


b. They were able to travel on rivers.

c. They gave trade opportunities to peasants.

d. They were easy and fast to construct.

4. What class of people was attracted to Chan Buddhism (Zen)?

a. The educated classes

b. The peasants and low class

c. Those who could not read

d. The mercenaries of the Chinese army

5. How did people’s opinions of Buddhism change during this period?

a. It went from being widely accepted to being rejected.

b. More people gradually accepted Buddhism.

c. The opinions didn’t change at all.

d. Buddhism didn’t exist in China.

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford

PERIOD 03 6. Which of the following was not true about marriage in China in Period 3?

a. The groom had to purchase the bride

b. Woman’s family gave dowry

c. Bride and groom were usually about the same age because of Confucian beliefs

d. Allowed divorce with mutual consent

7. How could one obtain a political office?

a. By passing a test given by the Ministry of Rites

b. Through military conquest

c. Through family connections

d. Through bribery to the higher officials

8. What was the defining feature of these empires?

a. Cultural advancements

b. Military advancements

c. Disappearance of gender roles

d. Agricultural advancements near the great canal

9. Which of the following was NOT a theme of permanence in China?

a. Foot binding

b. Paper money

c. Using coal as fuel

d. Explosive powder

10. Which of the following was a benefit of the Grand Canal?

a. Promoted trade between China and Buddhists

b. Allowed more fish trade

c. Gave people more food from fishing

d. Allowed lateen sails to port

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


Chapter 13 Questions

Corin Osborn, Alexandra Bowling, Aku Acquaye, and Daniel Navon 11. Which religions and/or groups influenced Japan?

a. Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Arabic world

b. Confucianism, Christianity, and Buddhism

c. The Arabic world, Confucianism, and the Sufis

d. Buddhism, Mongols, and Daoism

12. What would #2 be in the Japanese hierarchy and what where they?

a. The samurai and they where religious leaders

b. The Silla and they were hated by all

c. The samurai and they were warriors

d. The Silla and they were respected by all

13. What would #3 be in the Japanese hierarchy and why are they on the bottom?

a. The serfs and the caste system prevented them from moving up

b. The peasants and they were born there and they cannot fight

c. The serfs and the emperor hated them so he put them on the bottom

d. The peasants and they had no way to move up

14. Who wouldn’t assimilate into Chinese culture and why?

a. The Vietnamese, who wanted to have their own culture and religion

b. The Koreans, who wanted to have their own culture and religion

c. The Japanese, who wanted to have their own culture and religion

d. The Arabs, who wanted to have their own culture and religion

15. Bushi was similar to which other core idea and why?

a. Manorialism; they are both military systems

b. Justinian’s Code; they are both official laws

c. Chivalry; they are both codes of conduct

d. Feudalism; they are both forms of hierarchy



Daimyo and #2



World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford

PERIOD 03 16. How did Japan conform with Buddhism?

a. It did not conform with Buddhism at all

b. It adopted feudalism into the system

c. It developed a strict social hierarchy similar to the caste system

d. Blended Buddhism with Japanese spirits

17. In Japan, what was the church not involved in?

a. The church was involved in everything

b. The church was not involved in earthly matters and the feudalistic system

c. The church was not involved in any spiritual matters

d. The church was not involved in the feudalistic system but was involved in earthly


18. Which position was disregarded in Japan but highly regarded in other core countries and

in what way?

a. The emperor because the Shogun and other warriors did not have any respect

for him, the people only listened to the requests of the Shogun

b. The priest because they did not believe in having any religious leaders

c. The merchants because they did not approve of trade

d. The warriors because they were a docile empire and did not fight

19. How was feudalism developed in Japan?

a. The Mongols brought the idea from Europe

b. They saw it in America while they were there for trade

c. It was an independent invention

d. They read about it in books from India

20. Who made up the warrior elites?

a. Koguryo, Silla, and Tang

b. Silla, Shogun, and Samurai

c. Daimyo, Huns, and Mongols

d. Shogun, Daimyo, and Samurai

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


Chapter 14

samantha, marco, emily 1. ______ killed off one third of civilized world's population

a. the sweeping Mongol hordes

b. the black death

c. the invention of gunpowder

d. in fighting and civil war

2. Before the Mongols swept through the civilized world, what where they?

a. nomadic herders

b. sedentary farming people

c. civilized member of Chinese Society

d. barbarian villagers settled on the Mongolian plain

3. What did the Mongols do due to conquering such a large area?

a. the persecuted non Mongolians in their populace

b. killed vast numbers of people

c. facilitated trade and commerce along the silk road

d. tamed horses to get around

4. How did the Mongols help Russia?

a. they developed a complex internal network of trading

b. they connected Russia to the rest of the world

c. they unified the Russian city-state

d. created a tax collecting system

5. What is something Chinggis Khan didn’t accomplish?

a. United the Mongolian Empire

b. Initiated the conquest of the civilized world

c. Develop the Mongol’s successful war tactics

d. Convert to Islam

6. What was one thing the Mongol social hierarchy had in common with civilized empires?

a. the priest was under the king

b. the soldiers were extremely high up

c. lawyers were very powerful

d. bankers were high up

7. What happened to the Mongolian empire that was similar to Western Europe?

a. it schismed

b. the empire collapsed

c. things were passed down through heredity

d. they elected a Kaghn

8. The Mongols were extremely susceptible to ____?

a. assimilation into culture

b. getting killed from disease

c. a need to go into battle

d. other barbarian attacks

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford

PERIOD 03 9. What did Kublai Kahn do?

a. he conquered India

b. conquered Russia

c. expanded the boarders of the Mongol empire west

d. he assimilated into Chinese culture and made an empire

10. Mongols did not____?

a. establish an extensive trading system

b. encouraged scholars

c. make their own weapons

d. conquer Western Europe

11. Where was Mongolia located?

a. Western Europe

b. Central Asia

c. The Yucatan

d. Southern Asia

12. What was unique about India at this time?

a. India was affected by the Black Plague

b. No one settled in India.

c. India was not conquered by the Mongols.

d. India was the center of all trade routes.

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


Chapter 15

1) Which of the following was NOT a symptom of decline in the Caliphate?

A) The decline of the influence of the mystical Sufis

B) The increasing emphasis of religion over literature, philosophy, and science

C) Internal rebellions and attacks from outside invaders like the Mongols

D) Landlords seizing power over peasants

2. Which of the following statements concerning Arabic trade after 1100 is most accurate?

a. The total collapse of the Islamic world is just like the fall of the Roman Empire.

b. Although Arabic trade was reduced, Muslims remained active in world markets.

c. Arabs did not trade with anyone, they withdrew to focus on internal development.

d. Arabs completely controlled the seas, and began exploring the Atlantic ocean.

3. Which of the following statements about the fragmentation of the Caliphate is most accurate?

a. Byzantium soon reclaimed the Holy lands, and established a new Empire.

b. After the fall of the Abbasids, the Ottoman Empire soon defeated Byzantium and

recaptured most of the lands of the old Caliphate.

c. The Mongol conquests eliminated any form of centralized government in the Middle East

for several centuries.

d. Following the fall of the Abbasid caliphate, the Middle East was conquered by the

nations of western Europe.

4. Which of the following statements concerning the Ottoman Empire is most accurate?

a. The Ottoman Turks converted to Christianity.

b. The Ottomans were descended from the Mongol hordes of Tamerlane.

c. The Ottomans never mastered the full territory of the old Caliphate.

d. Turkish rulers did not promote maritime trade as vigorously as the Arabs had.

5. Chinese dynasty succeeded the Mongol Yuan dynasty in China?

a. Chou

b. Ming

c. Tang

d. Qing

e. Han

6. Which of the following was NOT a reason used by the Ming dynasty to halt the trading


a. The traditional Chinese preference for focusing on internal development

b. The opposition of the scholar-gentry and bureaucracy

c. The expense of building the new capital in Beijing

d. The technological inferiority of Chinese ships and navigation

7. Which of the following was NOT a source of Western dynamism in the 14th and 15th centuries?

a. The wealth of merchants, and the growth of cities

b. Two centuries of peace among the European nations

c. A cultural reawakening which emphasized humanism and secular science

d. The strengthening of feudal monarchy

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


8. What does the map above show?

a. The Black Plague must have been brought to Europe by Viking invaders

b. The areas affected first by the plague were those closest to the Silk Road trading route

c. Russia was completely unaffected by the Bubonic Plague

d. The Plague spread from Northern Europe to Eastern Europe and then the Middle East


9. Which of the following statements concerning the end of state-sponsored trade by the Ming

dynasty is most accurate?

a. The decision to end the state-sponsored expeditions began a period of cultural decline.

b. The decision severely damaged the economy and produced a peasant rebellion that

overthrew the Ming dynasty.

c. The end of international trade was a result of the breakup of Ming China into feudal

kingdoms called Daimyos.

d. It was the brief emphasis on trading and commerce that was unusual in China, not the

fact it ended.

10. In comparison to medieval culture, Renaissance culture was

a. more concerned with things of the earthly world.

b. more concerned with philosophy and mystical religion.

c. Not interested in classical learning or science at all.

d. More concerned with the ideals of chivalry and jousting.

11. The key theme of Polynesian culture during the Middle Ages was

a. large-scale expeditions of discovery that brought back zebras and gold to the Emperor.

b. The development of a formal religion and written language.

c. Spurts of migration and conquest that spread beyond the initial home islands.

d. the adoption of Japanese feudal civilization in the island societies

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford

PERIOD 03 12. What was the Western response to the problems of international trade caused

by the withdrawal of the Ming and the fall of the Abassid?

a. Many nations sought to establish alliances with the Ottoman Empire in order to restore

the trade routes.

b. Western nations completely halted trade with Asia and India and became dependent on

goods produced in Europe.

c. Overland trade routes through northern Russia were established to the East by Viking


d. Western nations began to explore alternative routes to Asia that would bypass the

Middle East and Muslim realms.

13. Which of the following statements is most accurate?

a. Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, both the Inca and the Aztec empires had been

replaced by democratic governments.

b. Without European intervention, the Inca and Aztec empires would easily have survived

for several more centuries.

c. Before the arrival of the Europeans, both the Inca and Aztec populations were decimated

by the Black Plague

d. Because of internal weaknesses, both the Inca and the Aztec empires might not have

survived, even if the Europeans had not arrived.

14. Which of the following was NOT a result of the European contact with sub-Saharan Africa?

a. Successful navigation encouraged European explorers to sail further

b. Trade shifted in West Africa from Muslim to European merchants

c. Seizure of slaves for European use affected many regions deeply

d. The Trans-Sahara trade route was completely shut down.

Remember to look at the end of chapter questions for Chapter 15 too!

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