people:how good and lovely it is to live ... - fpcnc. web viewworld communion sundayoctober 1, 2017...

Post on 01-Feb-2018






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GATHERINGPlease prayerfully allow the silent, sacred space of the sanctuary

and the quiet stirrings of the Spirit to prepare your heart and mind for worship.

PRELUDE “Fantasy on Torah Song” Craig Phillips

* CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Paul E. GilmoreMinister: The world belongs to the Lord, the earth and all its people.People: How good and lovely it is to live together in unity.Minister: Love and faith come together, justice and peace join hands.People: With joyful hearts, we come to meet our Lord, gathered at his table.


LITANY OF CONFESSION Rev. Kathryn Kibbie Laird Minister: Because you made the world, intended it to be a good place, and called its people your children;

because when things seemed at their worst you came in Christ to bring out the best in us; so, gracious God, we gladly say:

People: Goodness is stronger than evil, truth is stronger than lies, light is stronger than darkness, love is stronger than hate.

Minister: Because confusion can reign inside us, despite our faith; because anger, tension, bitterness, envy distort our vision; because our minds sometimes worry small things all out of proportion; because we do not always get it right; we want to believe:

People: Goodness is stronger than evil, truth is stronger than lies, light is stronger than darkness, love is stronger than hate.

Minister: Because you have promised to hear us, and are able to change us, and are willing to make our hearts your home, we ask you to confront, control, forgive, and encourage us, as you know best. Then let us cherish in our hearts that which we proclaim with our lips:

People: Goodness is stronger than evil, truth is stronger than lies, light is stronger than darkness, love is stronger than hate.




* CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE “Halle, Halle, Halle”Halle, halle, hallelujah. Halle, halle, hallelujah. Halle, halle, hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTSPlease sign the card and pass it to your neighbor. As you pass it back to the center, take note of who is here so we can become better acquainted. Visitors, please give your address, telephone, and e-mail information.

CENTS-ABILITY COLLECTION – New Canaan Food Pantry & Presbyterian Hunger Program Children are invited to bring “a buck and a can” offerings and follow Rev. Kibbie to Sunday’s Cool


ANTHEM “Hiney Ma Tov” trad. Israeli Folk Song Hiney mah Tov umah naʿiym sheveth aḥiym gam yaḥadh

Transition: Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (unison) Dede Bartlett Revealing God, whether you whisper or shout, sing or preach, we ask that you make yourself heard in this place today. May we be eager students of your Word, and live the lessons we learn. Amen.

SCRIPTURE LESSON Matthew 21:28-32 (NT pages 23-24) Dede Bartlett (English), Spencer Reeves (Mandarin), Andrietta Weber (Swiss-German), Kate Otiwaa (Twi-Ghana)

Leader: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.People: Thanks be to God.

SERMON “The ‘Yes’ & ‘No’ Brothers” Rev. Gilmore


* HYMN No. 367 “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love” CHEREPONI

MISSION OF THE CHURCH: Stewardship The Gilbert Family


OFFERTORY “Jabula Jesu” Stephen Hatfield Sithi jabula, Jesu, jabula. Wake up in the moonlight singing.Sithi thandaza, Solly thandaza. Heaven is a waiting for you,The sun is retreating. My whole heart is beating. No Jesu jabul, no Jesu.The daylight is dying, My whole heart is crying. Weh Solly thandaza Solly. Lalela! Sithi jabula, Jesu, jabula, Heaven is a waiting for you,Sithi thandaza, Solly thandaza. Wake up in the moonlight singing!

English translation of Zulu words: We say, be joyful with Jesus. We say, play Solly, have a good time. Hey, Solly, have a good time. Listen!

* DOXOLOGY OLD HUNDREDTHPraise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen.



PRAYER OF GREAT THANKSGIVINGMinister: The Lord be with you.People: And also with you. Minister: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them to the Lord.Minister: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give our thanks and praise. Minister: It is truly right and our greatest joy...

The whole congregation sings:

LORD’S PRAYER (unison)Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


COMMUNION OF THE PEOPLECommunion will be served by intinction in which the bread is dipped into the cup. The wine is served in two chalices: the larger chalice contains wine, the smaller, grape juice. Gluten- free crackers are available on each plate. “Thanks be to God,” is a proper response to the receiving of communion. We will begin with people in the back rows and work our way to the front.

PRAYER AFTER COMMUNIONGracious God, you have made us one with all your people in heaven and on earth. You have fed us with the bread of life, and renewed us for your service. Help us who have shared Christ’s body and received his cup, to be his faithful disciples, so that our daily living may be part of the life of your kingdom, and our love be your love, reaching out into the life of the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


* HYMN No. 514 “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ” LINSTEAD

* CHARGE AND BLESSING (Please be seated for the Choral Response & the Ringing of the Church Bell)

CHORAL RESPONSE “There is a Spirit of Love in this Place” Mark Miller


* POSTLUDE “Afro-Cuban (In dir ist Freude)” Johannesburg Matthias Michel

TODAY AT FIRST PRESBYTERIANToday is World Communion Sunday. On the first Sunday of October, the faithful of all races and nations will gather to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. In this holy meal, the many are made one, united with Christ and with the church in every place. This unity, which God gives in the Sacrament, is a sign of the unity God wills for all creation – all races, all nations, all tongues, all classes. Thus made one at the table of our Lord, we offer ourselves anew in obedient service to God’s reign, as we await the fulfillment of the kingdom Christ proclaimed.

Welcome to the Service of Worship for the Lord’s Day. Parents of infants through age four are encouraged to take their children to the Nursery School classrooms during our services. Students in Pre-K-7th grade should follow their teachers to the Common Room.

Today in Sunday’s Cool we will have a special chapel dedicated to learning about the Lord’s Supper in honor of World Communion Sunday. We will ask all kinds of questions (like who prepares the bread? Why do we serve juice and wine? And where is Christ present in the meal? And everything else you have ever wanted to know.) Please bring your buck and a can and join us. Then we will partake of communion with the adults.

Teachers assisting with Chapel today (no rotations, because of the special chapel)—Traci Pascarella, Whitney Childs, Jess Dooley; 5-7th grade in the Barn for Feasting on the Word with Katrina Parkhill and Elizabeth Stuart

Youth News: What is happening at FPC for our ESYG (3th- 5th graders and their friends),MSYG (6th-8th graders and their friends), and HSYG (9th-12th graders and their friends). All are welcome!

ESYG (3rd - 5th) MSYG (6th-8th) HSYG (9th-12th)10/13 5-8pm Harvestfest-Pumpkin Carving-food truck

10/13 5-8pm Harvestfest-PumpkinCarving with food truck

10/1 11:30-12:30 Lunch at New Canaan Diner!

10/29 TBD Corn Maze & Hayride@Outhouse Orchards in N. Salem

10/13 5-8pm Harvestfest-Pumpkin Carving withfood truck10/29 TBD Corn Maze & Hayride@OuthouseOrchards in North Salem

Greeters: The Parkhill family; Worship Coordinator: Nancy Flournoy; Ushers: Paul Martin, Bob Spangler, Wendy Stahl, Caroline Turpin; Cross Bearer: Jim Bartlett; Lay Reader: Dede Bartlett; Communion Preparers: Linda Martin and Rose Scott Rothbart; Communion Officers: Mary Jane Bolin, Ruth Laird, Linda Martin; Musicians: The First Presbyterian Church Choir, Carol Choir.

Let us keep in our thoughts and prayers: New Concerns: for the family of Elaine Foster. Continued concerns: Neil Coakley; Ann Depuy; Anita Gilmore; Graham Harden; Spencer Hinds; Vince Lombardi; Doris Mierendorf; Marlene Powers; The Stricos family (friends of Joe and Diana Ruszkowski); John Voorhies. The Abo Noktah family (our Syrian refugees): Khaldoun (father), Khawla Alzob (mother), daughters Hanin and Zain, and sons Yaman and Ahmed.

Flower Memorials: If you wish to have flowers in the sanctuary to celebrate an anniversary, a baptism, a birthday, or to memorialize a loved family member or friend please call Barbara Wentzel, Flower Coordinator, at 203-966-5402 or email at

No Gift Too Small! The Bell Tower Society welcomes gifts and bequests of all sizes. Every dollar given makes a difference in serving the long-term welfare of our church. If you have questions about remembering the church in your estate plans, please contact Michelle Olsen in the church office.

“To Learn Continuously” Tuesday Morning Biblical Study ● September 19 - October 31 - 11:00am-12:30pm in the Common Room. Taught by the Rev. Paul E. Gilmore with an assist from the Rev. Adam Hamilton (via video & book). Credo is the first word of the Apostles’ Creed in Latin. It means “I believe.” This study will help us to examine what it is that we believe as Christians, why we believe it, and why it matters, making use of the Apostles’ Creed as a guide. Most likely, originally intended as a baptismal creed, the Apostles’ Creed will help us to explore the deeply held beliefs that have the power to motivate Christians to live out their baptismal vows in lives of action, sacrifice, and service.

Cents-ability: On September 3, we collected $57. Our total collection since we began Cents-ability at our church in November 2011 is $17,643. Thank you for your awareness and generous response to hunger. If you would like more information on Cents-ability or are in need of a Cents-ability cup, please see Robin Lewis. Remember to fill up your Cents-ability cup ‘til it runneth over! Our next collection is November 5.

New Canaan Food Pantry: Items in need now due to low/no stock are Brownie Mix, Mayonnaise, Canned chicken, Chicken broth, Pasta Sauce, Cookies, Crackers, Taco kits, Pancake Mix - add water only, Pasta Sides. No beans or soup are needed at this time. Please drop these items in the shopping cart at the back of the Sanctuary and Robin Lewis and Paul Hartley will make sure they are delivered to the New Canaan Food Pantry.

The First Presbyterian Church of New Canaan is privileged to have the opportunity to prepare and serve dinner on the first Saturday of each month at the New Covenant House of Hospitality in Stamford. This is a rewarding way to give your time and efforts. We are seeking volunteers for these upcoming dates: - October 7, November 4, December 2, February 3, March 3, April 7, May 5 and June 2 - to help prepare meals (2-4 pm) or serve meals (4-6 pm). To sign up, or if you have any questions, please contact Glenn Mierendorf at, or 203-564-3448. Also, if you are interested in being part of the soup kitchen shopper team, please let Tina in the church office know. Thank you!

Pastors’ Forum – October 15 – Following Worship with Michael Turpin Healthcare 2017: Beginning of the End or End of the Beginning?

With all the acrimony and bitter debate in Congress over the Affordable Care Act and its perceived shortcomings, there has been a universal cry for change in our private and public health systems. While everyone has an opinion on healthcare, it often breaks down beyond each person's ability to pay and personal experiences.

Most Americans don't understand the differences between Medicare, Medicaid, Public Exchanges and Employer Sponsored Healthcare. Heated debate is certain when we discuss whether healthcare is a right or a privilege, how we can rein in costs, who it might affect and what the cost is for remaining on our current course.

We've asked Michael Turpin, former CEO of Oxford Healthcare and United HealthCare Northeast to offer an explanation of the politics, social issues and opportunities we have to fix and improve healthcare. With so many dependent on Medicare and Medicaid as well as 30M uninsured Americans, the need is great. However, we have finite resources and infinite demand. Who plays Solomon to make some of the tougher choices to rein in costs in the next twenty years is of interest to everyone.

A self-professed, health executive in recovery, Michael Turpin relies on humor, candor and some private stories about his experience running a region generating over $2B in revenues. He brings an interesting and humanistic lens to an industry that is certain to change in our lifetimes. The more informed we are as a congregation and as consumers, the more influential we can be as the national debate drags on. Where we have information and understand the intended and unintended consequences of change, we can look past the rhetoric and dystopian predictions of what lays in store for healthcare and participate in helping shape the debate.

Mike is a frequent speaker and columnist on the subject of healthcare inside and outside the USA.

Concert and Autumn Harvest IceBreaker! EventJennifer Gliere, soprano ● Saturday, October 21, 2017 ● 4:00 p.m.

Join us for an evening of music and fellowship, featuring soprano, Jennifer Gliere. A descendent of Russian composer Reinhold Gliere, she has toured the world carrying on his legacy. “A sensitive artist who knows how to turn a phrase while giving urgent meaning to the text”, Ms. Gliere has appeared in recital and oratorio in Austria, Germany, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, and throughout the United States. Recent highlights include recital tours in Ukraine and France and performances in Washington, D.C. She will be presenting works by Bach, Debussy, Weill, and Gliere. Ms. Gliere will be accompanied by pianist, Christopher Fecteau. Admission is $20 for adults, and children 18 and under are free. Donations above the admission amount would be donated to Presbyterian Disaster Relief for assistance in Puerto Rico.

Following the concert will be our Autumn Harvest IceBreaker! event. Celebrate autumn with the artists and members of the First Presbyterian Church family with wine, food and bonfire. Come for the concert, stay for the fellowship. This is FPC at its best so come join us for this fantastic evening event!

The Peacemaking Offering was created in 1980 to support the efforts of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to live out a deeper commitment to peacemaking as part of our faithfulness to God. It is one of four special offerings designated by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly. It is traditionally received on World Communion Sunday. Each congregation is encouraged to retain 25 per cent of the offering it receives to use for local ministries of peacemaking within the church and community.

Calling all musicians! Do you play an instrument? Do you sing?

You are invited to share your talents all year round! We have many opportunities for you to share your talents throughout the year. We offer:

Chancel Choir (teens through adult)- Adults rehearse Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:30;- Teens (grades 8 and up) rehearse Sunday mornings from 11:15am-12:00pm

Carol Choir (grades 3-7): Rehearses Wednesdays from 5:00-6:30

Cherub Choir (grades preK-2)Rehearses Wednesdays from 5:00-5:45Rehearses Sundays from 11:15-12:00

Handbells (adults) Rehearses on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00

Instrumental ensemblesAny instruments in a solo or small group are rehearsed throughout the week and year

Please see Victoria or email her at if you are interested in participating. Let's give back to God and share the talents God has given us!


Tel.: 203-966-0002 // web page:

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1: World Wide Communion10:00 AM Worship; Rev. Paul Gilmore preaching 10:15 AM Sunday’s Cool Classes for Grades PreK-7 11:00 AM Blood Pressure Clinic11:15 AM Coffee Hour 11:15 AM Cherub Choir 11:15 AM Chrysalis Choir11:30 AM Membership Involvement Committee 11:30 AM HSYG Lunch at the New Canaan Diner 11:45 AM Worship, Music and Arts Committee

MONDAY, OCTOBER 22:00 PM Meditation Group6:30 PM Purple Heather Dancers

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 39:30 AM Leadership Team

11:00 AM Tuesday Morning Biblical Study11:30 AM Gentlemen Songsters

8:00 PM Men’s A.A.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 410:00 AM Music Librarians 5:00 PM Carol Choir5:00 PM Cherub Choir5:00 PM Confirmation Class

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 53:30 PM Special Church 7:30 PM FPC Choir

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 79:15 AM A.A. (closed discussion)

10:30 AM A.A. (open discussion)2:00 PM Preparing dinner at New Covenant House 4:00 PM Serving dinner at New Covenant House

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 810:00 AM Worship; Rev. Paul Gilmore preaching 10:15 AM Sunday’s Cool Classes for Grades PreK-7 11:15 AM Coffee Hour11:15 AM Cherub Choir 11:15 AM Chrysalis Choir


The Entire Congregation

O UR P ASTORS The Rev. Paul E. Gilmore, Pastor

The Rev. Kathryn Kibbie Laird, Associate Pastor for Children, Youth and Families

O UR S TAFF Victoria Shields, Director of Music / Sherry Tate, Cherub Choir director

Michelle Olsen, Church Administrator / Tina St. Armand, Office Manager Erika Hagan, Administrative Assistant to Children and Youth

MinistriesKuky and Andres Pereira, Operations/Security Managers / Edgar Torres, Day Sexton

T HE S ESSION Our Pastors

Scott Beyer, Clerk of Session

George Benington, Bell Tower SocietySue Benko, Communications

Laurel Carlson, Youth MinistriesCarole Clarkson, Worship, Music and Arts

Linda Ferguson, NominatingLisa Gifford, Congregational Life

Jennifer Gulden, PersonnelJulie Hoffman, Member-At-Large

Freia Mierendorf, Co-Youth Glenn Mierendorf, Outreach

Dede McEvoy, Strategic Planning Andy Petitjean, Finance

Lynn Quinn, Adult Education Julie Reeves, Membership Involvement Kevin Thomson, Advisory Committee

Spencer Reeves, Co-YouthJenny Volanakis, Children's Ministries

Barbara Wentzel, Stewardship

T HE D E ACONS Jen and Steve Van de Graaf, Co-Moderators

Carson Allsteadt, Co-YouthErica Bergmans, Member-At-

Large Mary Jane Bolin, Senior Lunch Peg Bull, Flock Program

William Dooley, Co-YouthCindy Hagopian, Inspirica

Karen Hanson, Memorial Services and ReceptionsBeth Hersam, Flowers and Cards Chris Kniffin, Member-At-Large

Nichole LaBadie, Co-YouthLinda Martin, Baptisms; Flock Program

Sarah Robinson, Pastoral Care Team Kristen Rodgers, Member-At-Large

Kathleen Servidea, Member-At-Large Elizabeth Stuart, Flowers and Cards

Ashley Walker, Co-Youth

Rev. T. Guthrie Speers, Jr., Pastor Emeritus - Mrs. Marilyn J. Ballantine, Minister of Music Emerita

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